Earth Odyssey Crew Manifest Fill in each crew position in numerical order. Please fax to us (850) 645-7784 at least 72 hours in advance. Mission _____________________________________ Mission Date ______________________ School ______________________________________ Teacher __________________________ Teams COM (2 people) SAT (2 – 4 people) BIO (2 – 4 people) Mars Control Crew Spacecraft Crew 1. 2. 3. 4. 19. 20 5. 6. 21. 22. 7. 8. 23. 24. 9. 10. 25. 26. 11. 12. 27. 28. 13. 14. 29. 30. 15. 16. 31. 32. 17. 18. (Analytical, good observation skills) ATMO (2-4 people)) (Strong analytical and observation skills) GEO (2-4 people) (Strong observation and monitoring skills) OCEAN (2-4 people) SPACE WEATHER (2-4 people) CRYO (2-4 people) ENERGY (2-4 people) CLC use only: Mission Commander ____________________Flight Director____________________ For additional information: Susan-850-645-7787; TEAM DESCRIPTION COM Provides communications support between astronauts and mission control and makes announcements SAT (Satellite) Builds and tests a remotely operated satellite to study Earth, installing critical equipment and components and retrieving data Monitors the Earth observation network of satellites BIO (Biosphere) Studies the impact of Earth’s vegetation and photosynthesis on carbon dioxide levels and climate change Observes population parameters and their environmental effects Monitors biological contamination ATMO (Atmosphere) Examines greenhouse gases, and global temperature Studies precipitation and cloud cover and atmospheric aerosols Monitors air quality on the space station GEO (Geosphere) Observes ways in which land use, biomass burning and volcanic eruptions affect the carbon cycle and the greenhouse effect Monitors the carbon levels in the Space Station life support system OCEAN Researches how changes in temperature and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect biological and physical properties of the ocean Monitors the plant chamber temperature levels Examines sun spot activity, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections and their effects on Earth Handles preparations for any solar flare or space debris emergencies and determines their location, severity and effects SPACE WEATHER CRYO (Cryosphere) ENERGY Examines Earth’s polar regions: snow and ice cover in the Northern Hemisphere, reflected sunlight, and temperature Monitors the water supply and water recovery system in space Study solar power, incoming and outgoing radiation from the Sun, and how solar radiation affects climate change For additional information: Susan-850-645-7787;