Differential Heating lab write-up State the problem Create a hypothesis Experiment Purpose Materials Data Tables Analysis Graphs colored cans substances Conclusion Questions for Differential Heating: 1. Please briefly describe the results of your experiments for the three cups of different colors and three cups of material. 2. How do we raise temperature? Where does the heat energy come from? 3. Why is it harder to raise temperatures in some things than in others? 4. What is a conductor? 5. What is an insulator? 6. Which of the 3 colored cans absorbs more heat and why? 7. The darker colors should have absorbed more heat, was this consistent with your findings, if NOT, why not? 8. How did the rate of heating sand and soil compare to water? 9. What do you think would happen if we were to continue taking temperature readings AFTER we turned off the heat source? 10. On a sunny day at the beach, the reason the sand gets hot and the water stays relatively cool is attributed to the difference in which property between water and sand? 11. Imagine that its summer and that the sun is shining on the ocean and on a stretch of land. Which will heat up more during the day? Which will cool more slowly at night? 12. What do you think would happen if the Earth were covered with over 70% land instead of water? 13. Would you expect a city on the coast or a city in the desert to have higher afternoon temperatures? Explain. 14. Explain how the proximity to a large body of water influences climate, give two different examples. 15. What were your sources of error?