Year 10 Key Stage 4 Science Revision Guide Use this guide to

Year 10 Key Stage 4
Revision Guide
Use this guide to check that you cover all the topics
required for your year 10 end of year test. The guide has
all the topic headings and some things you should do to
help you revise. You can use your classwork books, revision guides and the internet to
help you with your revision.
Revision Top Tips
Start early
Do a small amount at a time (1/2 hour every day)
Make revision cards/mind maps or notes.
Define key terms.
Use colour and diagrams
Try some practise questions.
Websites that will assist are:
“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work;
second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” ― Thomas A Edison
10S1 and 10S2 Biology exam preparation
Below is a suggested revision list of topics to be addressed in preparation for the end of
year exam.
Revision materials are also available in the pupil shared area in folders
AQA New Biology 2012 onwards – Unit 2 (Ads).
Sci – Bio –
BBC GCSE Bitesize is also an excellent revision tool. Select additional science and AQA.
The structure and function of organelles in animal, plant and algal cells.
What is diffusion and what factors affect the rate of diffusion?
What is photosynthesis?
Adaptations of plants to maximise the rate of photosynthesis.
Factors that can affect the rate of photosynthesis and limiting factors.
The fate of the glucose produced during photosynthesis.
Methods of measuring the distribution of organisms in a habitat.
How valid and reproducible data can be collected.
Structure and function of enzymes.
Factors affecting the rate of enzyme controlled reactions.
The uses of enzymes in industry.
What is aerobic respiration and where does it occur?
How does cell division occur during mitosis and meiosis?
What are stem cells and what potential benefits do they have for future medical research?
How are characteristics and genetic disorders inherited?
What causes evolution?
How and why do new species evolve?
10S3, 10S4 and 10S5 Biology exam preparation
Below is a suggested revision list of topics to be addressed in preparation for the end of
year exam.
Revision materials are also available in the pupil shared area in folders
AQA New Biology 2012 onwards – Unit 2 (Ads).
Sci – Bio –
BBC GCSE Bitesize is also an excellent revision tool. Select additional science and AQA.
The structure and function of organelles in animal, plant and algal cells.
The structure and key features of bacterial and yeast cells
How cells can become specialised to particular functions and examples of specialised cells.
What is diffusion and what factors affect the rate of diffusion?
What is photosynthesis?
Adaptations of plants to maximise the rate of photosynthesis.
Factors that can affect the rate of photosynthesis and limiting factors.
The fate of the glucose produced during photosynthesis.
How artificial environments can be manipulated to maximise the rate of plant growth.
Methods of measuring the distribution of organisms in a habitat.
How valid and reproducible data can be collected.
Structure and function of enzymes.
Factors affecting the rate of enzyme controlled reactions.
The uses of enzymes in industry.
10S6 Biology exam preparation
Below is a suggested revision list of topics to be addressed in preparation for the end of
year exam.
Revision materials are also available in the pupil shared area in folders
Sci – Bio – AQA New Biology 2012 onwards – Unit 1 (Core).
BBC GCSE Bitesize is also an excellent revision tool. Select core science and AQA.
The differences between bacteria and viruses.
How the body protects itself from pathogens.
How artificial immunity can be acquired through vaccination.
How antibiotic resistance can develop in a bacterial population and how this risk can be
How bacteria can be grown in the lab and the precautions that should be taken to prevent
How the internal conditions of the body are regulated, including water, mineral ion levels,
temperature and blood sugar levels.
The role of hormones in the menstrual cycle.
How fertility can be artificially controlled.
How drugs are developed.
The role of statins in lowering the risk of heart disease.
How organisms compete for resources and what they compete for.
Organisms must be adapted to their environment in order to survive and examples of
adaptations in animals and plants.
How energy can be transferred through an ecosystem and how biomass can be lost during
these transfers.
How carbon is transferred through the carbon cycle and the reactions that are involved in
the cycle.
Where our genetic information is stored and how it is passed on from parents to offspring.
How variation can occur in a population as a result of genes, the environment or interactions
between the two.
Theories of evolution and Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
10S1 & 2
Neutralisation and making crystals
Rates of reaction and what affects them
Balancing equations.
Electrolysis of Aluminium.
Calcium hydroxide and nanoparticles.
Calculating masses from reactions.
The properties of Giant Covalent Structures.
10S3/ 4/ 5
Atoms, elements and compounds.
Atomic Structure
The arrangement of electrons in atoms
Forming bonds
Chemical equations
Limestone and it’s issues
Reactions in Carbonates
The Limestone reaction Cycle
Cement and Concrete
Extracting metals
Iron and steels
Aluminium and Titanium
Extracting Copper
Useful metals
Metallic issues
Electronic structure.
Titanium and Iron.
Properties of argon gas.
Calculating masses in reactions.
Fractional distillation.
Recycling plastics.
The Earth’s early atmosphere / Miller-Urey experiment.
The reactions and uses of Calcium Carbonate.
Emulsions and oils
The manufacture of Ethanol.
Fractional distillation of air.
Learning Outcomes in Physics 2 for Yr10
Forces & Their Effects (2.1)
Resultant Forces (2.1.1)
Understand that forces work in pairs
What a resultant force is and how to calculate it
Understand about equal and opposite forces
Describe how a change in the resultant causes changes to motion
Forces & Motion (2.1.2)
Be able to draw and interpret Distance- time graphs
Understand the difference between speed and velocity (HT)
Calculate the speed of an object from the gradient of a distance-time graph (HT)
Be able to calculate acceleration when given the formula
Be able to draw and interpret velocity time graphs
Calculate the acceleration of an object from the gradient of a velocity-time graph
Calculate the distance an object travelled from a velocity-time graph (HT)
Be able to use the equation relating force, mass and acceleration, F=ma
Forces & Braking (2.1.3)
Explain reaction time
Explain the difference between thinking distance, braking distance and stopping
Describe how stopping distance is linked to speed
Recall the factors that affect a drivers ability to react
Recall the factors that affect braking distance
Forces & Terminal Velocity (2.1.4)
Know which forces act on an object moving in a fluid
Describe and explain how velocity changes as an object moves through a fluid
Understand how a parachute reduces terminal velocity
How to calculate weight, given the objects mass
Explain the difference between mass and weight.
Forces & Elasticity (2.1.5)
What is elastic potential energy
Understand that when elastic objects are stretched they store elastic potential
Explain the relationship between force and extension in elastic objects
Use the equation F=ke
The Kinetic Energy of Objects Speeding Up and Slowing Down(2.2)
Forces & Energy (2.2.1)
How to calculate work done and the power
Understand that a raised object is doing work against gravity and gains GPE
Calculate the change in GPE
Understand the transfer of KE when objects fall
How to calculate kinetic energy (HT)
Momentum (2.2.2)
How to calculate momentum
That momentum is conserved in collisions and explosions
Calculate the change in momentum of collisions and explosions
How to calculate the change in momentum caused by a force (HT)
Currents in Electrical Circuits(2.3)
Electric Circuits(2.3.2)
Recall that the flow of electrical charge is called a current
Use the equation relating current, charge and time. Q=It
The symbols for circuit components
Draw circuit diagrams
Explain what potential difference is
Use the equation relating potential difference, with energy transferred and charge.
Where to put ammeters and voltmeters in circuits
To know Ohms Law and be able to calculate resistance R =V/I
Explain what resistance is and how it can be measured
To explain resistance changes in terms of ions and electrons (HT)
To know the difference between series and parallel circuits
To know be able to recognise/interpret current-potential difference graphs for;
Filament bulb
Describe the use of LED’s and their use of current
Know that for Series circuits;
Calculate the voltage of cells in series
Total resistance is the sum of the resistance of each component
Current is the same for each component
The total potential difference is shared equally by the components
Know that for Parallel circuits;
Potential Difference is the same for each component
The total current is shared equally by the components
Explain how the resistance of and LDR changes with light intensity
Understand and explain what an LDR is used for (Light Switch)
Explain how the resistance of a Thermistor changes with temperature
Understand and explain what a Thermistor is used for (Thermostat)
Using Mains Electricity Safely and the Power of Electrical Appliances(2.4)
Household Electricity (2.4.1)
To know the difference between AC and DC current
Compare and calculate the frequency of potential difference of AC&DC from an
oscilloscope trace
How we can use an oscilloscope to measure the frequency of an alternating current
To know the frequency of mains supply
Know the structure of a 2 core and 3 core cable
To know how a plug should be wired
Why the all components are made out of specific materials
Recall the colour-coding of wires in a plug
Understand and explain the need for the fuse and earth wire
Understand the link between cable thickness and fuse value
Explain what double insulated means and when it is used
Explain that RCCB’s detect a difference in current between the live and neutral wires
Explain that RCCB’s operate faster than a fuse
How to choose the right fuse by calculation
Current, Charge, and Power(2.4.2)
Understand that a lot of heat is wasted in filament bulbs compared to energy saving
bulbs (CFL’s)
Use these equations;
How to calculate charge flow (HT)
Know that potential difference, charge and energy transferred are related by the
equation E=VQ (HT)
What Happens When Radioactive Substances Decay, and the Uses and Dangers of their
Emissions (2.5)
Atomic Structure (2.5.1)
The structure of an atom – its mass and charge
Know that the atom is mostly empty space according to the nuclear model
Explain that the atom has no overall charge
Explain how the results of Rutherford’s Scattering led to a change in the accepted
model of the atom
Understand that new evidence can cause a theory to be re-evaluated
Explain the atomic number and mass number
Describe how an ion is formed
Atoms and Radiation (2.5.2)
Know that radioactive decay is a random process
What causes background radiation
Recall the properties of α, β, and γ in terms of penetration and ionisation
Explain why alpha and beta particles are deflected in magnetic/electric fields due to
their relative charge/mass (HT)
Explain why the properties of α, β, and γ make it suitable for a particular use
Know the nuclear equations to show alpha and beta decay (HT)
Balance these equations using the atomic number and the mass number only(HT)
Explain why alpha and beta particles are deflected in magnetic/electric fields due to
their relative charge/mass (HT)
Recall the definition of half life
Understand the shape of a radioactive decay graph and calculate half life from a
Choose an appropriate radioactive source for a particular job based on their half life
etc(e.g. tracers)
Nuclear Fission and Fusion (2.6)
Nuclear Fission (2.6.1)
How nuclear fission occurs and explaining a chain reaction
Sketch of Label a chain reactions diagram (HT)
What happens in nuclear fusion
Explain the life cycle of stars
Know that elements up to Iron(Fe) are formed during the stable phase of a life cycle
Know that heavier elements (Iron and above) are formed during Supernovae
Explain why the early universe contain only Hydrogen but know contains a variety of
different elements
Evaluate the uses of nuclear fusion and fission in generating electricity.