B.Sc.Chemical Engineering(Cairo University,Egypt ,1968 ),M.Sc. ChemicalEngineering (University of
Waterloo, Canada,1971),Ph.D. Chemical Engineering ( University of Edinburgh, U.K.,1973).
-Chemical engineering department, Cairo University, Cairo Egypt: assistant lecturer (1969-
1974),assistant professor(1974–1979),associate Professor(1979-1984),Professor (1984-1992).
Professor of Chemical Engineering ,King Saud Univ. ,Saudi Arabia (1986-1996). Vice-President,
Energy & Environmental Services & Systems (EESS). (1997-1999 ).Senior Consultant, Chemonics-
Egypt(1996-1999).Professor of Chemical Engineering ,Auburn University(2000- )
Production of Clean Fuels( Hydrogen and Ethanol), Process Modeling, Dynamics and
Control, Novel Catalytic and Biocatalytic Reactors, Catalytic reactors in the
Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining and Biochemical Industries, Membrane Enzyme
Systems ,Bifurcation , instability and Chaos in Chemical and Biochemical Systems
,Process Control and Optimization for the Chemical and Biocjhemical Industries ,
Control of Chaos, Computer Modeling in the Manufacture and Processing of Electronic components ,Production of phosphoric acid and DCP , In-Process-Modification for industrial/hazardous waste minimization.
Books and Chapters:
1.Elnashaie, S.S.E.H. and Elshishini, S.S., “Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of
Industrial Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors”, 500 pages, publisher: Gordon and Breach
Science Publishers, London, (published, December 1993).
2.A chapter (87 pages) entitled: “Mathematical Modeling of Diffusion and Microkinetics in the Processing of Electronic Components”, in a book entitled: “Catalyzed Direct
Reaction of Silicon”, edited by K.H. Lewis and Rethwish – Publisher: Elsevier (published,
3.Elnashaie, S.S.E.H. and Elshishini , S.S. “Dynamic Modeling, Bifurcation and Chaotic
Behavior of Gas-Solid Catalytic Reactors”, 650 pages, publisher: Gordon and Breach
Science Publishers, London (published July 1996).
4. Elnashaie,S.S.E.H. and Garhyan,P. “Conservation Equations and Modeling of
Chemical and Biochemical Processes”, 700 pages, Marcel Dekker,NY,USA 2003
In preparation:
1. Advanced Numerical Techniques for Chemcial and Biochemical Engineers
2.Fluid Catalytic Cracking. A Mathematical Modeling Approach.
3.Membrane Catalytic/Biocatalytic Reactors.
Adris,A.M., Grace,J., Lim,C. and Elnashaie,S.S.E.H.’ “Fluidized Bed Reaction System for Steam/
Hydrocarbon Gas Reforming to Produce Hydrogen, US Patent no. 5,326,550 Date: June 5,1994.
2. Adris,A.M., Grace,J., Lim,C. and Elnashaie,S.S.E.H.’ “Fluidized Bed Reaction System for Steam/
Hydrocarbon Gas Reforming to Produce Hydrogen, Canadian Patent no. 2,081,170, Date: December 24, 2002
Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Zhongxiang Chen, and Pradeep Prasad, A Novel Circulating Fluidized Bed Reformer for the Production of Pure Hydrogen for Fuel Cells from Liquid Hydrocarbons, U.S. Provisional Patent
#60,467,072, May 1, 2003.
Said S.E.H.Elnashaie and Parag Garhyan, Chaotic Fermentation of Etahnol, US Pending patent, #60/515,262) ,
November 2004.
Said S.E.H. Elnashaie and Parag Garhyan, A Novel Chaotic Fermentor for the Efficient Production of Fuel Ethanol , Provisional patent, AUTD# 03-025, 2003
Said Elnashaie and Pradeep Prasad (2003), Novel Circulating Fluidized Bed
Membrane Reformer Using Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, U.S. Provisional Patent
#60/515,882, Filing Date: Oct 30, 2003
Complete computerized design of a 30,000 tons/year DCP plant for ARASCO, Saudi Arabia ,1995
Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., and Abashar, M.E., “Chaotic behavior of periodically forced fluidized-bed catalytic reactors with consecutive exothermic chemical reactions”,
Chem. Engng. Sci., vol. 49, no. 15, pp. 2483-2498, 1994.
Abdalla, B.K. and Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., “Catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene in fixed bed membrane reactor”,
AIChEJ , vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 2055-2059, 1995
Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., Abashar, M.E. and Teymour, F.A., “Chaotic behavior of fluidized bed catalyticreactors with consecutive exothermic chemical reactions”, Chem. Engng. Sci., vol. 50, pp. 49-67,
Wagialla, K.M. and Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., “Bifurcation and complex dynamics in fixed bed catalytic rectors”,
Chem. Engng. Sci., vol. 50, no. 17, pp. 2813-2832, 1995.
6 .Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., Abasaeed, A.E. and Elshishini, S.S., Digital simulation of industrial fluid catalytic cracking units. V. Static and dynamic bifurcation”,
Chem. Engng. Sci ., vol. 50, pp. 1635-1644, 1995.
Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., Al-Fariss, T.F., Aleem, F.A., Razik, S.M. and Ghasem, N.M., “Investigation of acidulation and coating of Saudi phosphate rocks. II- Continuous acidulation”, Ind. Chem. Res ., vol. 34, pp. 4122-4126, 1995.
Ajbar, A.I. and Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., “Controlling chaos by periodic perturbations in a non-isothermal
Fluidized-bed Catalytic Reactors”, AIChE Journal , vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 3008-3019, 1996.
Abashar, M.E., Elnashaie, S.S.E.H and Hughes, R., “Homoclinity in the Dynamics of Forced
Fluidized bed Catalytic Reactors”,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , 1997, vol. 8, No. 10, 1655-1684,1997
Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., Abasaeed, A. and Ibrahim, G., “On the Practical Relevance of Bifurcation and chaos in chemical and Biochemical Reaction Engineering”, Journal of Fractals , vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 549-560,
Ibrahim, G. and Elnashaie, S.S.E.H., “Hyperchaos in Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme System”, Chaos,
Solitons & Fractals, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 1977-2007, 1997.
Ali, E. and Elnashaie, S.S.E.H.,” Non-linear Model Predictive Control of Industrial type IV Fluid
Catalytic Cracking (FCC) units for maximum gasoline yield”. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res ., vol. 36, pp. 389-
1007, 1997.
13Elnashaie,S.S.E.H., Moustafa,T., Alsoudani,T., Elshishini,S.S., “ Modeling and Basic
Characteristics of Novel Integrated Dehydrogenation-Hydrogenation Membrane Catalytic Reactors”,
Computers and Chemical Engineering , 24, pp.1293-1300, 2000
14Moustafa,T.M.and Elnashaie,S.S.E.H., “ Simultaneous Production of Styrene and Cyclohexane in an Integrated Membrane Reactor”,
Journal of Membrane Science , 178, pp. 171-184, 2000
15Moustafa,T.M., Fahmy, M., and Elnashaie,S.S.E.H., “Applications of Mathematical and Computer
Models for the Evaluation of Novel Catalytic Reactors”, Dev.Chem.Mineral Processing , 8(5/6), pp 571-
16Elnashaie,S.S.E.H., Harraz, H.M. and M.E. Abashar, “Homoclinical Chaos and Period-Adding
Route to Complex Non-Chaotic Attractors in Fluidized Bed Catalytic Reactors”, Chaos, Solitons and
Fractals ,12, pp.1761-1792,2001
17Elnashaie,S.S.E.H.,Abdallah,B.K.,Elshishini,S.S.,Alkhowaiter,S.,Noureldeen,M.B. and
Alsoudani,T., “ On the Link Between Intrinsic Catalytic Reaction Kinetics and the Development of
Catalytic Processes. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene to Styrene”,
Catalysis Today ,64, pp.151-
18Elnashaie,S.S.E.H., “ Recent Development for the Implementation of Pollutrion Prevention&
Cleaner Production: An Overview”, Pollution Prevention& Cleaner Production Workshop, March 17-
19, 2001, Hilton Dreams-Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
19Elnashaie,S.S.E.H., “Ultra Clean Fuels and Cleaner Technologies. Emphasis on Chemical& Metal
Industries”, Pollution Prevention& Cleaner Production Workshop, March 17-19, Hilton Dreams-
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt,2001
20Elnashaie,S.S.E.H., “ Life Cycle Analysis and Limited Life Cycle Analysis”, Pollution Prevention&
Cleaner Production Workshop, March 17-19, Hilton Dreams-Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt,2001
21Pradeep Prasad and Said S. E. H. Elnashaie, “Novel Circulating Fluidized Bed Membrane
Reformer for the Efficient Production of UltraClean Fuels from Hydrocarbons”,
Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry, Research Journal , 41, pp 6518-6527,2002
22Zhongxiang Chen, Pradeep Prasad, and Said Elnashaie, “The Coupling of Catalytic Steam
Reforming and Oxidative Reforming of Methane to Produce Pure Hydrogen in a Novel Circulating Fast
Fluidization Bed Membrane Reformer”, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, April 2002.
26Pradeep Prasad and Said S. E. H. Elnashaie, “Novel Membrane Circulating Fluidized Bed
Reformer For The Efficient Production Of Hydrogen From Natural Gas”, 14 th World Hydrogen
Energy Conference (WHEC) 2002, Montreal, Canada, June 2002.
23 Elnashaie,S.S.E.H.,”An Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach for the Development of Novel
Catalytic/Biocatalytic Processes for the Efficient Production of Clean Fuels”, Invited Plenary Lecture 4,
The Proceedings of RSCE and 16 th SOMChE, 28-30 ,October, Malaysia, 2002
24- Zhongxiang Chen, Pradeep Prasad, Yibin Yan, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Simulation for Steam
Reforming of Natural Gas with Oxygen Input in a Novel Membrane Reformer, Fuel Processing
Technology, 83(1-3), p235-252, 2003.
25- Zhongxiang Chen, Yibin Yan, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Nonmonotonic Behavior of Hydrogen
Production from Higher Hydrocarbon Steam Reforming in a Circulating Fast Fluidized Bed
Membrane Reformer, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42(25), p6549-6558, 2003.
26- Zhongxiang Chen, Yibin Yan, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Novel Circulating Fast Fluidized Bed
Membrane Reformer for Efficient Production of Hydrogen from Steam Reforming of Methane,
Chemical Engineering Science, 58(19), p.4335-4349, 2003.
27- Zhongxiang Chen, Yibin Yan, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Modeling and Optimization of a Novel
Membrane Reformer for Higher Hydrocarbons, AIChE J., 49(5), p1250-1265, 2003
28- Parag Garhyan, Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, S.A. Haddad, G. Ibrahim and S.S.Elshishini,Exploration and Exploitation of Bifurcation/Chaotic Behavior of aContinuous Fermentor for the Production of
Ethanol, Chemical Engineering Science , 58(8), 1479-1496, 2003.
29- Pradeep Prasad and Said Elnashaie, Coupled Steam and Oxidative Reforming for Hydrogen
Production in a Novel Membrane Circulating Fluidized Bed, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Research, 42, 4715-4722, 2003
30- Zhongxiang Chen,Yibin Yan and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie,”Modeling and Optimization of a Novel
Membrane Reformer for Higher Hydrocarbons”,
AIChE Journal , Vol.49,No.4, 2003
31- Pradeep Prasad and Said Elnashaie , Novel Circulating Fluidized Bed Membrane Reformer using
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 43, 494-501, 2004
32- Zhongxiang Chen, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Bifurcation and its Implications for a Novel
Circulating Fluidized Bed Membrane Reformer for the Efficient Production of Pure Hydrogen from
Heavy Hydrocarbons Part I For Configuration with Catalyst Regeneration before Gas Solid
Separation, Chemical Engineering Science (Accepted for Publication, In Press 2004)
33- Zhongxiang Chen, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Bifurcation and its Implications for a Novel
Circulating Fluidized Bed Membrane Reformer for the Efficient Production of Pure Hydrogen from
Heavy Hydrocarbons. Part II: For Configuration with Catalyst Regeneration after Gas-Solid
Separation, Chemical Engineering Science (submitted), 2004.
34- Zhongxiang Chen, Yibin Yan, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Catalyst Deactivation and Engineering
Control for Steam Reforming of Higher Hydrocarbons in a Novel Membrane Reformer, Chemical
Engineering Science, 59(10), p1965-1978, 2004.
35- Zhongxiang Chen, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, “Bifurcation Behavior and Efficient Pure Hydrogen
Production for Fuel Cells a Using Novel Autothermic Membrane Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB)
Reformer: Sequential Debottlenecking and the Contribution of John Grace”, Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Research, 43, pp. 5449-5459, 2004.
36- Zhongxiang Chen, Yibin Yan, and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Hydrogen Production and Carbon
Formation during the Steam Reforming of Heptane in a Novel Circulating Fluidized Bed Membrane
Reformer, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43, p1323-1333, 2004.
37- Parag Garhyan and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Utilization of Mathematical Models to Investigate the
Bifurcation and Chaotic Behavior of Ethanol Fermentors, Mathematical and Computer Modelling , 39(4-
5), 381-427, 2004.
38- Parag Garhyan and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie Multidisciplinary Approach for the Efficient
Production of Fuel Ethanol from Cellulosic Materials, Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research,,
43(5), 1260-1273, 2004.
40- Andres Mahecha-Botero, Parag Garhyan and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Bifurcation, Stabilization and
Ethanol Productivity Enhancement for a Membrane Fermentor, Mathematical and Computer Modelling ,
(Accepted for Publication, In Press, 2004 )
41- Andres Mahecha-Botero, Parag Garhyan and Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, Bifurcation and chaotic behaviour of a coupled acetylcholinesterase/choline acetyltransferase diffusion-reaction enzymes system, Chemical Engineering Science , 59(3), 581-597, 2004
42- Parag Garhyan and Said S.E.H.Elnashaie, Bifurcation Analysis of Two Continuous Membrane
Fermentor Configurations for Producing Ethanol, Chemical Engineering Science , 59, pp 3235-3268, 2004
43- Parag Garhyan, Andres Mahecha-Botero and Said.S.E.H. Elnashaie, Complex Bifurcation/Chaotic
Behavior of Acetylcholinestrase and Choline-acetyltransferase Enzymes System Paper submitted to
Applied Mathematical Modelling , (Accepted for Publication, In Press, 2004)
44- Said S.E.H. Elnashaie and Mohamed, N.F., “ Implications of Bifurcation/Chaos on the Design,
Operatrion and Control of Industrial Riser- Reactor FCC Units”, Chem.Eng.Communications
, 191, pp.
813-831, 2004
45- Said Elnashaie and Parag Garhyan, “Bioethanol Production-Sloving the Efficiency Bottleneck” The
Chemical Engineer(tce), 755, May Issue, pp.30-32, 2004
46-Said Elnashaie and Faisal Abdelhady, “ The Hydrogen Efficiency and Beyond” The Chemical
Engineer(tce) , 760, October Issue, pp.33-34, 2004
1-Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)for a proposed lead plant,1997
2-Development of an Industrial Facility Pollution Abatement Action Plan(PAAP),for El Nasr Co. For
Coke and Basic Chemicals,1998
3-Environmental Appraisal for the PVC Plant of the Egyptian Petrochemical Company,1999