Improving the Integrity of User-Developed Applications

2/12/2016 10:34 PM
Improving the Integrity of User-Developed Applications
ABSTRACT: In the past two decades, the number of user-developed applications in
accounting has grown exponentially. Unfortunately, prior research indicates that many
applications contain significant errors. This work presents a framework identifying
factors, such as task characteristics and contingency issues, that may improve the
integrity of user-developed applications.
One goal of accounting information systems research is to explore the implications of
technology for professional accounting and business practice. This study examines how
to improve the integrity of user-developed applications, a common but often overlooked
technology in professional accounting and business practices.
Key Words: user-developed computing applications, systems integrity, error detection,
spreadsheet errors, database errors.
Data Availability: Contact the first author.
Improving the Integrity of User-Developed Applications
‘Technology is a pervasive and growing component of accounting tasks and has been
shown to change work processes’ (Mauldin and Ruchala 1999, 328).
This paper examines how to improve the integrity (or accuracy) of a common but often
overlooked technology, user-developed applications, defined as ‘software applications developed
by individuals who are not trained information systems professionals’ (Kreie et al. 2000, 143).
Today, managers in both small and large organizations rely on output (i.e. financial reports, tax
schedules, managerial reports, and audit workpapers) from accountant-developed computer
applications such as spreadsheets and databases to make major investment, resource allocation,
performance evaluation, product pricing, and audit opinion judgments (AICPA 1994; Arens et al.
2003; Goff 2004; Horowitz 2004; Lanza 2004). In large organizations, internal and external
decision makers make performance and investment decisions based upon information
downloaded from enterprise resource systems and modified by spreadsheet technology (Worthen
2003; Horowitz 2004). In small and large organizations, management often relies on financial
information stored in accountant-developed databases to support investment, performance, and
product pricing decisions (Hall 1996; Klein 1997; Goff 2004).
User-developed applications improve work processes within organizations by providing
decision makers with timely, custom-formatted information (Klein et al. 1997; McGill et al.
2003). However, the trust placed in information generated by user-developed applications may
not always be warranted (Ross 1996; Galletta et al. 1996-97; Klein 1997; Panko 1998).
Spreadsheets and databases often contain unintentional errors. Spreadsheet errors can be cut,
pasted, and copied repeatedly by clicking, dragging, and dropping in spreadsheets. Database
errors can be queried and copied quickly. Spreadsheet and database errors are not a rare
occurrence. Previous research examining operational spreadsheets as well as those developed in
laboratory experiments indicates that from 20 percent to 80 percent of all spreadsheets contain
errors (Hall 1996; Panko 1998, 2000; Kruck and Sheetz 2001; Morrison et al. 2002;
PricewaterhouseCoopers 2004). Research examining operational databases finds that up to 30
percent of user-developed databases contain errors (Fox et al. 1994; Klein 1998).
Although the existence of errors in user-developed applications is no secret, organizations
have not developed policies and procedures for application development with the same rigor and
discipline used in other programs (Panko 1998; Teo and Tan 1999). In the short term, individual
developers are responsible for application integrity. As a result, developers are challenged to
find ways to increase the integrity of their work. In this paper, we refer to integrity as accuracy
or the degree to which applications are error-free (AICPA 2003). We draw upon Mauldin and
Ruchala (1999)’s meta-theory of accounting information systems (AIS) to identify factors that
may improve the integrity of user-developed applications.
This work is important as it explores the integrity of user-developed applications, a
common but often overlooked technology. Our study extends prior user-developed application
research by examining (1) how task characteristics influence accountants’ decision to create their
own applications and (2) how these task characteristics interact with contingency factors (i.e.
cognitive, technological, and organizational) to impact the integrity of user-developed
applications, and ultimately task performance. We integrate research from two familiar
applications, spreadsheets and databases. The modified framework applies both to these familiar
applications and to newer, growing applications such as (1) managerial accounting information
displays using intranet technology and (2) financial information graphs for either internal or
external reporting (Arunachalam et al. 2002; Powell and Moore 2002; Downey 2004). In
addition, our work contributes to accounting information systems by providing researchers with
evidence that Mauldin and Ruchala’s meta-theory is extendable to one specific accounting
information systems, that is to user-developed applications.
The framework is important for organizations wanting to increase the quality of their
financial information used to monitor performance, attract investment capital, and meet
regulatory reporting requirements. As user-developed application usage grows in environments
with little developer control and/or training, the possibility of relying on and reporting financial
information that could negatively impact firm reputation and long-term viability significantly
This paper proceeds as follows. Section II of this paper discusses current user-developed
application usage and error concerns, Section III develops the research framework. Section III
provides a discussion and summary.
Accountants have steadily increased their usage of user-developed applications to support
business decisions. A ten-year study of spreadsheet use by accountants in New Zealand reveals
that, by 1996, three-quarters of accountants used spreadsheets compared to about one-third in
1986 (Coy and Buchanan 1997). Even with the widespread growth in enterprise resource
systems, most accountants still rely on spreadsheets for planning and budgeting decisions
(Worthen 2003). Similarly, the number of accountants using databases has grown rapidly since
1995 (Klein 2001). Users often cite timeliness and accuracy as the two dominant benefits of
developing their own computer applications (Hall 1996). Unfortunately, the perception of userdeveloped application accuracy does not match reality.
The prevalence of errors in operational applications is cause for concern because the
developer as well as other individuals (i.e. non-developer users) may rely on the information
presented in the application. This reliance can lead to embarrassing, or even disastrous, situations
if the errors go undetected and decisions are made based on inaccurate information. Given that
even one error can subvert all the controls in the systems feeding into an application, the risk of
inappropriate business decisions based upon user-developed application output is significant
(Klein 1997, Panko 1998; Butler 2001).
Reliance on erroneous information has led to flawed decisions in a number of
documented situations. For example, a mutual fund management firm employee failed to put a
minus sign in a $1.2 billion entry. As a result, shareholders invested in this fund, expecting a
capital gains distribution based on a calculated $ 2.3 billion gain. When the error was corrected,
resulting in a $ 0.1 billion loss, no distributions were made (Savitz 1994; Godfrey 1995).
Recently, a cut-and-paste error cost an utility firm $24 million when it used information from
spreadsheets containing mismatched bids to invest in power transmission hedging contracts
(Cullen 2003; French 2003). The firm recorded a $ 0.08 per share loss due to the error; the
firm’s prior period earnings per share were $ 0.13. Finally, a construction firm in Florida
underbid a project by a quarter of a million dollars when costs added to a spreadsheet were not
included in a range sum (Gilman and Bulkeley 1986; Ditlea 1987; Hayen and Peters 1989).
The errors made by the mutual fund management, utility, and construction firms are not
isolated incidents. Errors have been documented in (1) spreadsheets prepared for a variety of
financial decision making purposes: sales forecasts, market projections, purchases, tax estimates,
and investment evaluation (Business Week 1984; Ditlea 1987; Dhebar 1993; Godfrey 1995;
Horowitz 2004), (2) databases used for recording sales and inventory (Klein 1997), and (3)
database inquiries created by both developers and non-developer users (Borthick et al. 2001a,
2001b; Bowen and Rohde 2002).
The lack of formal training in developing applications may contribute to the number of
errors. Only 40 percent of spreadsheet developers have any formal training (Hall 1996). Hall
(1996) finds that independent learning and learning from coworkers are the two predominant
methods for acquiring spreadsheet skills. Similarly, Klein (1997) indicates that many database
developers acquire and improve their skills through discussion with colleagues.
Application development is not controlled to the same extent as programming in many
organizations. Hall (1996) finds that only 10 percent of developers are aware of design controls
for user-developed applications. Among those aware of a policy on application development,
only a third have a copy of the policy. In addition, these policies are often difficult to enforce
(Galletta and Hufnagel 1992; Hall 1996; Guimaraes et al. 1999).
We present a research framework to identify factors that contribute to the integrity of
user-developed applications. Our framework is based upon the meta-theory of AIS developed by
Maudlin and Ruchala (1999). The original meta-theory framework suggests that AIS research
should be task-based, task characteristics establish the system design characteristics needed, the
effects of AIS on task performance must be examined within the context of contingency factors,
and AIS outcome is task performance (Mauldin and Ruchala 1999).
Following Mauldin and Ruchala’s work (1999), the framework for user-developed
applications, shown in Figure 1, has a task focus. Accountants develop their own computer
applications to meet the needs of both internal and external decision makers (Teo and LeePartridge 2001). Task characteristics and contingency factors from cognitive psychology,
computer science, and organizational behavior literature impact the integrity of these
applications. Decision makers use output from these applications to complete tasks effectively
and efficiently. For example, construction firms use information summarized by spreadsheets to
estimate project costs. Mutual fund investors use capital distribution information calculated by
spreadsheets to make investment decisions (Savitz 1994; Godfrey 1995).
Unreliable user-developed applications negatively impact task performance. To illustrate,
consider the cut and paste error in the utility firm’s spreadsheet discussed earlier. Due to this one
error, the firm made a poor investment decision resulting in a $24 million loss (Cullen 2003;
French 2003).
<< Insert Figure 1 here >>
We make two modifications to Mauldin and Ruchala (1999)’s framework. First, because
we are interested in identifying factors that improve the integrity of user-developed applications
(i.e. realized implementations of technology), we examine the relationship between applications
and task performance at the instantiation level. Second, to highlight the impact of application
integrity on task performance, our framework adds an intermediary link to the task performance
theoretical construct. We suggest that task characteristics and contingency factors impact
application integrity. Integrity influences task performance.
Three factors drove our decision to modify Mauldin and Ruchala (1999)’s framework
rather than rely on an existing user-developed application framework. First, prior frameworks
target specific user-developed applications. To illustrate, frameworks developed by Galletta et al.
(1996-97), Janvrin and Morrison (2000), and Kruck and Scheetz (2001) examine spreadsheet
errors while Klein (2001)’s model identifies factors impacting database errors. Second, most
prior frameworks were developed by examining existing research rather than considering the
broader contingency factors (i.e. cognitive, technological, and organizational factors) involved in
human problem solving and decision making (Galletta et al. 1996-97; Harris 2000; Janvrin and
Morrison 2000; and Kruck and Scheetz 2001). Finally, our work provides researchers evidence
that Mauldin and Ruchala’s meta-theory is extendable to specific accounting information
systems applications.
Next, based upon prior research, we describe the task characteristics and contingency
factors that influence the integrity of user-developed applications.
Task Characteristics
Task characteristics include mental processes, complexity, task demands, and task
frequency. Accountants use user-developed application output to perform several mental
processes, such as information search, knowledge retrieval, hypothesis generation and
evaluation, problem solving design, estimation or prediction, and choice. For example,
accountants at the Florida construction firm discussed earlier used output from spreadsheets to
perform project cost estimation tasks (Gilman and Bulkeley 1986; Ditlea 1987; Hayen and Peters
1989). Actuaries utilize information from user-developed databases as input when calculating
reserves (Klein 1997). Prior information systems research proposes that matching the mental
processes and information format (see technological factor discussion below) may improve task
performance (Vessey 1991). Whether these results hold for user-developed applications is an
empirical question.
The complexity of tasks based upon user-developed application output varies greatly
from simple purchasing decisions to pricing complex hedging contracts (Hall 1996; Cullen 2003;
French 2003). Research indicates that task complexity impacts application integrity. For
example, Borthick et al. (2001a) find that ambiguity in query directions adversely affects the
accuracy and efficiency of database queries. Although even spreadsheets and databases used to
perform fairly simple tasks are known to contain errors, as task complexity increases, so does the
opportunity for human error (PricewaterhouseCoopers 2004).
Task demands fall on a continuum with physical labor at one end and symbolic, abstract
knowledge at the other (Stone and Gueutal 1985). User-developed applications assist individuals
performing tasks across the entire continuum. To illustrate, consider the construction firm
discussed earlier. Their spreadsheet replaced a manual bid calculation task. On the other end, the
utility firm depended upon several spreadsheets when quantifying hedging risks, a highly
abstract task. The types of errors found in user-developed applications may vary by task
demands. For example, specification errors (i.e. failure of applications to reflect requirements
specified by users) are more likely to occur when applications are used to assist individuals in
performing abstract knowledge tasks (Chan et al. 1993; Pryor 2003).
Task frequency refers to whether the task will be repeated, and if so, how many times.
Task importance (i.e. mission critical vs. non-mission critical) can interact with task frequency.
To illustrate, some spreadsheets and databases provide support for small dollar, one-time
decisions. Others are used daily by accountants to support critical financial decisions. Userdeveloped applications that facilitate critical business decisions should be designed with the
same level of quality assurance as other computer applications (Klein 1997; Teo and Tan 1999).
Cognitive Factors
Cognitive factors, including domain knowledge and application experience, are
important characteristics to be considered when investigating the integrity of user-developed
applications. Domain knowledge, the amount of knowledge the developer possesses relative to
the subject of the application, varies. For a capital budget spreadsheet, an accountant is expected
to have higher domain knowledge than a journalist. Galletta et al. (1996-97) describe errors that
result from the misunderstanding or misapplication of the spreadsheet content area as domain
errors. Panko and Halverson (1997) find that accounting and finance majors make fewer
spreadsheet errors than other business majors.
Applications may be developed by individuals at all levels of an organization, such as
clerical employees, managers, and executives (Chan and Storey 1996; Edberg and Bowman
1996; Hall 1996). Developers’ experience creating applications varies from novice to expert.
Janvrin and Morrison (2000) find that application experience reduces spreadsheet error rates.
However, application experience does not always improve integrity. Hall (1996) suggests that
without training, even experienced developers may still create unreliable applications.
Additional research examining the impact of application experience on integrity is needed.
Technological Factors
Technological factors refer to the tools and techniques that have been developed
specifically to acquire and process information in support of human purposes (March and Smith
1995). We discuss two technological factors: application-based aids and information
presentation. Currently, many application-based aids designed to improve spreadsheet outcomes
are available. Examples include both data specification and validation functions within popular
software packages (e.g. cell labels and data validation functions in Microsoft Excel) and
independent spreadsheet audit packages (e.g. Spreadsheet Professional, Spreadsheet Detective,
Spreadsheet x1Navigator 2000, Cambridge Spreadsheet Analyst). Whether these add-ons
improve application integrity remains an empirical question.
Information presentation is concerned with format issues. Galletta et al. (1996-97)
examine the impact of examining spreadsheet output on paper vs. screen and find that paper
format improves error detection. Recently, several researchers have examined the impact of
normalization format on database query tasks (Borthick et al. 2001b, Bowen and Rohde 2002).
Interestingly, they find higher database normalization does not improve database query
performance. They conjecture that since higher normalization increases data fragmentation (i.e.
greater number of tables with smaller number of attributes in each table), query complexity
increases as more joins and subqueries are required to extract the required information (Borthick
et al. 2001b; Bowen and Rohde 2002).
Organizational Factors
We discuss four organizational factors. The first three, application planning and design,
review and testing procedures, and developer time constraints, were proposed by Mauldin and
Ruchala (1999). The remaining factor, presence and enforcement of user-developed application
policy, was identified by examining user-developed application literature (Cheney et al. 1986;
Hall 1996; Panko 1998; Guimaraes et al. 1999).
Planning and design refers to methodologies to improve the layout of the user-developed
application. Janvrin and Morrison (2000) show that using a structured design approach as
opposed to an ad hoc approach reduces spreadsheet error rates. Ronen, Palley and Lucas (1989)
similarly suggest that implementing a structured approach to spreadsheet design will improve
spreadsheet integrity.
Review and testing procedures refer to activities designed to detect and correct userdeveloped application errors (Kruck and Sheetz 2001). Several researchers stress the importance
of developing procedures to test applications with known values during the development process
(Panko 1999; Kruck and Scheetz 2001). Edge and Wilson (1990) suggest that review and testing
procedures performed by a third party (i.e. not the application developer) are more effective.
Encouragingly, several researchers have recently devoted significant effort to develop new
review and testing procedures (Klein 2001; Pierce 2004). The effectiveness of these procedures
on improving the integrity of user-developed applications remains an empirical question.
Time constraints during the development process impact the integrity of user-developed
applications (Ballou and Pazer 1995; Forster et al. 2003). Hall (1996) reports that 18 percent of
developers feel rushed to complete their spreadsheets, which may contribute to more errors.
Time pressure may also limit the amount of effort devoted to testing spreadsheets for errors
(Galletta et al. 1996-97).
Finally, several firms have implemented application development and usage policies to
reduce risks associated with user-developed applications (Rockart and Flannery 1983; Cheney et
al. 1986; Hall 1996; Guimaraes et al. 1999). The effectiveness of user-developed application
policies remains an empirical question, particularly since, as noted earlier, these policies are
often difficult to enforce (Galletta and Hufnagel 1992; Hall 1996; Guimaraes et al. 1999).
One goal of AIS research is to explore the implications of technology for professional
accounting and business practice (Stone 2002, 3; Sutton and Arnold 2002, 8). Our research
framework examines how to improve the integrity of user-developed applications, a significant
but often overlooked technology. Based upon Mauldin and Ruchala’s meta-theory of AIS
(1999), the framework predicts that task characteristics and contingency factors (i.e. cognitive,
technological, and organizational) will impact the integrity of user-developed applications. In
turn, application integrity influences task performance.
This study expands prior user-developed application work by integrating (1) contingency
factors from cognitive psychology, computer science, and organizational management and (2)
research investigating errors in two common user-developed applications, spreadsheets and
databases, into a comprehensive research framework. The modified Mauldin and Ruchala
framework can be used to improve the integrity of both familiar user-developed applications (i.e.
spreadsheets and databases) and newer, rapidly growing applications (i.e. managerial accounting
information displays via intranet technology and financial information graphs).
Identifying factors that increase the integrity of user-developed applications is important.
Many accountants and managers rely on output from these applications to make major business
decisions (Kruck and Scheetz 2001; Cullen 2003; French 2003; Horowitz 2004; Debreceny and
Bowen 2005). Without quality application output, task performance suffers.
Future Research Opportunities and Conclusions
To illustrate our research framework, we present a study examining one technological
factor. The Mauldin and Ruchala meta-theory suggests that task characteristics and contingency
factors may interact to impact task performance (1999, 319). Future research could identify
user-developed application task characteristics and contingency factors that may interact, and
examine whether these interactions will improve the integrity of these applications.
The research framework was developed by synthesizing research on the integrity of two
common user-developed applications, spreadsheets and databases. Business leaders are now
relying on other user-developed application output, including graphical presentations and web
pages (Arunachalam et al. 2002; Powell and Moore 2002; Downey 2004). As noted earlier, we
believe the modified Mauldin and Ruchala framework can be used to examine the integrity of
these newer applications. Further research could test this conjecture.
Our study examines how to improve the integrity of user-developed applications.
Information systems researchers and practitioners may argue that reliable systems have other
characteristics, such as availability, security, and maintainability (McPhie 2000; Boritz and
Hunton 2002; AICPA 2003). Future work could examine factors that influence these
characteristics of user-developed applications.
Most user-developed application research implicitly assumes that detected errors are
representative of the population of actual errors. However, errors are often difficult to detect
(Attwood 1984; Reason 1990; Hendry and Green 1994; Sellen 1994). Studies in auditing and
information systems provide evidence that detected errors may not represent the actual error
characteristics of the population since subjects often can not find all seeded errors (Caster 1990;
Galletta et al. 1993; Galletta et al. 1996-97; Caster et al. 2000; Engel and Hunton 2001).
Exploring how various review procedures and decision aids impact the integrity of userdeveloped applications may help determine if detected errors are representative of the population
of actual errors generated by user-developed applications.
Auditors often examine evidence generated by user-developed applications. In addition,
many electronic audit workpapers include user-developed applications. The growing literature
exploring the audit review process (e.g. Rich et al. 1997; Sprinkle and Tubbs 1998; Bamber and
Ramsey 2000; Brazel et al. 2004) may benefit from understanding whether workpaper preparers
and reviewers adjust their evidence evaluation process to reflect the risks of relying on userdeveloped application outputs.
There are many benefits to user-developed applications. However, significant research
and education needs to be conducted before we can be assured that the accounting profession and
business practice are aware of the outcomes (both positive and negative) associated with userdeveloped applications.
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Research Framework for Improving the Integrity of User-Developed Applications
(Based on Mauldin and Ruchala Meta-Theory of AIS (1999))
Domain Knowledge
Application Experience
System Design
Application-Based Aids
Information Presentation
Mental Process
Task Demands
Planning & Design
Testing & Review Procedures
Time Constraints
User-Developed Application Policy