CE 475 INTRODUCTION TO GROUNDWATER MODELLING Computer Laboratory Session No. 7 One-dimensional unsteady flow in a finite confined aquifer: Solution by explicit finite difference: t=0 h0 t>0 hL T, S L Mathematical Model Governing Differential Equation: 2 h x2 S h T t (1) Initial Condition: hx, 0 h o , 0 x L (2) Boundary Condition: h0, t h o , t 0 (3) hL, t h L , t 0 (4) Explicit Finite Difference Approximation h ih1 h ik Tt 2 h ik1 2h ik h ik1 Sx (5) Solution a) Solution by a computer program: A computer program which solves this model using Eq. 5 is given as an executable file. The source program is also provided. By running the program the values of piezometric head at different nodes and at different times can be obtained. b) Solution by a spreadsheet program: The solution of the same problem can be achieved using a spreadsheet program in a more flexible way. The spreadsheet file is provided. Tasks to be performed: Consider the following data: ho = 16 m hL = 11 m T = 0.02 m2/min S = 0.002 L = 100 m x = 10 m t = 5 min a) Run the computer program for these model parameters and print the results. b) Input the model parameters into the spreadsheet. Obtain the results and compare them with the results of Fortran program. c) Plot the piezometric head as a function of time at one or more nodes. d) Plot the piezometric head as a function of distance at some selected times. e) Compare the numerical solution for late times with the steady-state analytical solution. To see the solution click here.