Ride Information

Endurance GB
website www.endurancegb.co.uk/main/Barbury
23rd August 2015
Barbury Castle Estate, Manton, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire.
(Grid Ref. SU148755 Map No: 173)
Vet Time
The Venue: Barbury Castle Estate, Manton, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire.
Mr Nigel Bunter of the Barbury Castle Estate has allowed us back again this year and again we
will be starting and finishing the ride along the grass gallops. If possible, please do not bring a
dog to this venue. If you do, it must be kept on a lead and you must clean up after it. (Please see
EGB rule 2.7.1)
Directions: Sharpridge Farm, Marlborough, SN8 1RS
Barbury Castle Estate is located 3 miles North West of Marlborough, Wilts.
G.R. of start SU 148 755. O.S. Landranger map No 173
From the North:
Take A346 Swindon to Marlborough road. Approaching Marlborough proceed past Marlborough
Golf Club on the right. At top of hill, take first right, then right again towards Rockley and Broad
Hinton. Follow signs to Point-to-Point Course. The entrance to the venue is on the right hand side
of the road, 1mile after Rockley. . (note – ignore the first golf course on the left hand side of the
road 3 miles earlier at Ogbourne St George. Make sure you continue on to Marlborough).
From the South:
Take A346 out of Marlborough towards Swindon. At top of hill just before golf course turn left,
then first right again towards Rockley and Broad Hinton. Follow signs to Point-to-Point Course.
The entrance to the venue is on the right hand side of the road, 1mile after Rockley.
The venue will be signposted from the Marlborough turning.
For arrivals on Saturday night the venue will close at 7.00pm. Please advise us if you intend to
arrive later. Venue telephone number 01672 519972 in case of emergency (available from
OR Linda Kidd mobile: 07850 619557
The Route: Most of the route is on the Ridgeway and Marlborough Downs with super views, and
a number of prehistoric features, including Liddington and Barbury Castles, and Sarsen stones in
an ancient glacial valley. Many other people use this area for recreational purposes particularly
the Ridgeway – please be considerate to them. Some of the ride is on the Sustrans cycle path.
Please only walk or trot on the special surface provided for the bikes, although there is grass
verge for most of the length of the cycle path.
The ride consists of a 50km route, and 'short-cuts' to make the 40km, 35k & 31km routes, with
shorter 25km, 20km & 16km loops. The loops are colour coded on the map. The Gloucestershire
Trail Riders Fellowship Team, led by Jackie German, will mark all routes in orange Day-Glo tape
and/or coloured spray chalk. As we have had experienced marker vandals in this area in previous
years it is important that all riders should have their map with them. There will be signs where
routes divide indicating the direction of each colour loop. You can download individual loop talk
rounds from the ride website.
Gates: Please ensure that any gates are left as you found them - if you open a gate, then close it.
We have permission to leave open gates where stock is not in fields. However we will not know
until a few days before the ride exactly which fields will contain stock, but we aim to have only 5
gates which will be closed. There will be notices hung on gate that must be CLOSED. There will
be a gate allowance, to be announced once we know which gates have to be closed
because of stock.
CheckPoints: Manned by North Wilts Raynet. It is your responsibility to ensure the checkpoint
steward gets your number.
Charity Collection: Some of the route uses the Sustrans cycle path along the route of the old
Swindon to Marlborough railway line. Sustrans (a registered charity) have very kindly allowed the
TRF access to the cycle path for marking and there will be a collection of £1 per rider to be
donated to Sustrans. If you have not already paid with your entry then please bring your £1 to the
secretary’s office when you register.
Catering & Trade Stands: Catering facilities, provided by Ian and Jayne Hamilton will be
available, all day Sunday from 7.00 am.
There will be an array of trade stands over the weekend – please support our sponsors and
visiting traders.
Facilities: Water points are available at the venue for use on ride day, however water is limited at
the venue so please bring sufficient water with you.
Portable and disabled toilets with sinks are provided.
Corralling: There is a large designated area for people to use for corralling. Please use the
designated area sensibly. If you have booked a corral your tag should be included with this
information - please contact the ride secretary if it is not present.
Please read the separate Corralling Guidance notes carefully.
Crewing: Crew cards, which you should collect from the Secretary’s Office when you register,
are to be displayed in vehicles at all times - whether parked or on the route. Crewing with lorries
is not permitted.
Parking is limited on some of the narrow roads and lanes, so please park with consideration for
other road users. Riders whose crew cause a problem or who do not abide by the rules will
be penalised.
Crewing on route only at:
 Hackpen Hill car park GR 130 749 (to be confirmed as dependent on harvest)
 Barbury Castle Country Park car park GR 158 761
 Ogbourne Manor field (see below) GR 193 748
 CP4 GR 211 719
 Ogbourne St Andrew New Barn Farm - yard, and road beyond towards the downs GR
189 725 (NOT outside the church).
Designated Crewing Field:
Ogbourne Manor field, Ogbourne St George, access is from the road between Draycot Foliat and
Ogbourne St George (blue & orange loops). WEST side of the road, just south of the Westfield
Farm, and tank store. GR 193 748
NO crewing is allowed on this road from cars. ALL horses must enter the crewing field, if on the
blue or orange loop. For horses on the black or yellow loops cut through then crew cars MUST
park in the crewing field, and crew equipment CARRIED to meet the horse up the concrete track
away from the road. Alternatively the rider can take a small detour left – 50 metres - to enter the
crewing field.
The road between Rockley Old Eagle and Ogbourne Maisey is single track, and very narrow, and
often inhabited by race horses! You will find it quicker to go the longer route via Marlborough
Water will be provided 1km beyond CP1 at the gate out from the nature reserve.
Water will be provided at the gate out from the Point-to-Point course.
There is a water trough at second gate on Barbury Castle Country Park and on Smeath’s Ridge,
1/2 km beyond CP2.
Hold Area: Please note that for Health & Safety restrictions, gazebos, or individual corrals are
NOT allowed in the hold area.
Parking: IMPORTANT: Most of the parking is on the side of a hill – please make sure that you
park across the line of the hill and before disconnecting your trailer ensure that your brake is on
and wheels are chocked to prevent it moving.
Overnight Camping, Trailers and Horsebox parking is towards the top of the hill above the vetting
area and down towards the corrals. There is parking for crew cars only further down the hill next
to the vet hold areas, but space there is limited so please do NOT bring your trailer or lorry to the
Please make sure that you clear up any droppings AND HAY on the field before you leave,
and DO NOT skip out your lorry/trailer. A trailer will be provided in the corralling area to
collect muck and hay.
There is a 5mph speed limit for traffic on the venue for all vehicles.
Pre-Ride: Where applicable, horses must be registered and the completed Endurance Horse
Logbook MasterCard (without its plastic cover please) must be given to the ride secretary when
you collect your number bib. Please also bring your horse registration card and EGB membership
card for the secretary to see. Please check the notice board at the venue for any last minute route
changes and collect your crew card from the ride secretary.
Farrier: Farrier services kindly provided by Geoff Leheup
Farrier inspection, prior to the veterinary inspection, is compulsory. Payment for any remedial
shoeing is the responsibility of the horse owner concerned and must be paid for at the time. The
Best Shod prize will be awarded to competitors in the classes 8 and 9 – distance 31kms.
Veterinary Inspection: The veterinary team will be kindly led by Mrs Charlie Tomlinson. Block
vetting times for distances have been given with your ride info, please keep to these if possible,
and start within 30 minutes. Horses must be presented at the first veterinary inspection in a head
collar OR bridle but no saddle. Pleasure Riders will be required to trot-up only. Please fill in the
top sections of your vet sheet before coming to the preliminary vetting. However do not fill in the
'vet time' box - this is for use at the end of the ride, by the vet steward.
Riders Briefing: Will be held on Sunday at 7.00 am by secretary’s office/tent, for Class1 80kms
Start Times: Sunday: 8.15 am Class 1 80k CER Barbury Castle Chase. GER classes will start
from 9.00am.
Start Procedures: You must present to the Timekeeper in order to be allowed to start the ride.
The Timekeeper will also check that you have your map. . NO MAP NO START.
Vet Gates Procedures: On arrival at the VG Timekeeper, you will be given a vet gate card with
your arrival time. However the clock is not stopped until you present for vetting and the Vet
Steward will then write this time on the card as the clock stop time .You have up to 20 minutes
from the Time In to present to the Vet Steward WITH YOUR VET GATE CARD and your horse.
Should the horse fail this presentation on pulse (64 or less to pass) you may present a second
time provided it is within the 20 minutes. In the case of a representation the clock stop time is that
of the successful second presentation.
You then go into the hold time. Provisional times are 40mins for all holds, but will be confirmed
on the day – please check notice board. Hold times to be decided by the ground jury for the CER
class and the TS & Chief Vet for GERs classes.
At the end of your hold time you must present again to the VG Timekeeper WITH YOUR VET
GATE CARD in order to be allowed to re-start and complete the next section of the ride.
All crewing during vet holds MUST be in the vet hold area – you are not allowed to take your
horse back to your trailer/lorry. The vet hold area is for the CER class and the 64 kms GER
horses with a midway vet hold.
End of Ride Procedure: On arrival at the Timekeeper, you will be given a card with your Time In
(finish time) and you must present for vetting within 30 minutes after the Time In. (Willful late
presentation incurs penalties under Rule 14.7 so, if a rider is late for vetting, the Vet Steward will
note this in the comments section on the vet sheet so that the Technical Steward can take the
necessary action when completing the paperwork at the end of the ride).
Hats: Hard hats must be worn at all times while mounted. Hats must be of the following standard
- PAS 015, BSEN 1384, EN 1384 or ASTM/SEI standard, with chin strap securely fastened.
Rules/Health and Safety.
This ride is run under Endurance GB Rules.
Reservation of Right. The Organiser has the right to:
a) Cancel the ride or any class
b) Alter the advertised time
c) Refuse any entry without stating the reason.
Disclaimer of Liability.
Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the Organisers and anyone for whom
they are in law responsible, neither the Organisers of any event to which these rules apply, nor
Endurance GB, nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies accepts any liability
for any accident, loss, damage, injury, or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land or any
person or property whatsoever whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or any
other way whatsoever.
Health and Safety.
The Organising Committee of this event has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health
and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all
reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions
of the Organiser, officials and stewards.
Have a lovely Ride!