Leadership Development Some time ago, CHRMS conducted an extensive visioning initiative to identify and validate its direction and future strategy. Participants included corporate partners, faculty, administration, students and other friends of CHRMS. The formation of a Leadership Development Program was one of the strategic initiatives identified during the visioning session. Shortly after the session, a team was formed to make recommendations on the design and implementation of the program. This group conducted market assessments and developed the concept further. In January of 2003, the work had progressed to a point where a program director could be named and the concept was ready for development and implementation. As program director, I have worked with Dan Twomey and a team of individuals for the past two months to develop a: Marketing brochure Course outline List of potential instructors List of potential coaches and a lead coach The course objectives include: Having the participant commit to (and successfully accom-plish) a set of “stretch” goals to be achieved by the end of the course, concerning a project or job responsibility with major significance for the participant and his/her organization. Having the participant identify and commit to (and successfully accomplish) a set of “stretch” competencies and professional effectiveness goals, which he/she will develop as part of achieving outstanding results with the project or job respon-sibility. Having the participant establish (and successfully implement) a strategy for accelerating the level of performance and development achieved during the course, for one's career. The program will offer a unique action learning format where participants will bring “stretch” projects/assignments to the program. It will be conducted over a period of 13 weeks with 5 days spent in a classroom setting. A coach who will work with the participant throughout the duration of the program will be assigned to each participant before the commencement of the program. The role of the coach is to reinforce the classroom learning by ensuring close integration of the course content, personal development, and progress on the participant’s project. The coaching sessions will address issues that are particular to the individual participant. A number of leading FDU and external academics and business practitioners have been identified and many have indicated interest in teaching. The program will cover many critical leadership issues such as: Leadership Competencies Leading Teams Change Management Coaching Effective Communication This three-month action learning program features real-life projects, world-class speakers, and individual coaching targeted to high-potential managers. The projects, classroom and coaching are synergistically integrated to enable breakthroughs in personal and organizational effectiveness. The first offering of the Leadership Development Program is slated for the fall of 2003 at the Hamilton Park Executive Learning Center. See chrms.org for detailed information -Christine Lotze