- 1 1 Electronic Supplementary Material 2 3 Seed dispersal patterns in a temperate forest during a mast event: performance of alternative 4 dispersal kernels 5 6 Isabel Martínez1, Fernando González-Taboada2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Ecological Modelling, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany 2 Área de Ecología, Departamento de Biología de Organismos y Sistemas, Universidad de Oviedo, C/ Catedrático Rodrigo Uría s/n, ES-33071 Spain 1 Author for correspondence E-mail: isamcano@gmail.com Telephone: +49 341235 1723 Fax: + 49 341235 3500 20 Table S1 (next pages) Estimated parameters for the five models (see Table 1) fitted to the seed 21 dispersed densities of each species during the non-mast and beech mast years. Values for each species 22 are presented in separate tables. For each parameter, 90% Credible Intervals are presented along with 23 the median value. γ is the allometric exponent, βi is the fecundity parameter for year i, and σ and τ are 24 the variance parameters on residuals and in random effects in fecundity, respectively. Si and Li are the 25 shape and scale parameters of the dispersal kernel estimated for each year i. For the mixture kernel, Si 26 and Li refer to the parameters of the Weibull component, while Lexp,i is the estimated parameter of the 27 exponential, and pi represents the contribution of the Weibull. r is the Pearson correlation coefficient 28 obtained from the correlation between observed and predicted seed density values. dm indicates the 29 median seed displacement distance in meters. Finally, the mean deviance (Dmean), the deviance on 30 mean parameters (D (θmean)), the effective number of parameters (pD), and the Deviance Information 31 Criterion (DIC) to detail the model selection procedures; lower DIC values indicate that a model 32 provides a more parsimonious explanation of the data. Differences in DIC of around 10 between 33 models indicate clear evidence to reject the alternative model (that with a greater value). 34 - 2 1 2 Table S1 (Corylus) 3 Corylus Kernel 4 5 2Dt Exponential Lognormal Mixture Weibull α1 1.90 (1.12,2.94) -3.68 (-4.89,-2.15) 1.08 (-1.40,3.45) 4.19 (2.32,5.79) -1.09 (-3.01,0.10) α2 -1.17 (-1.73,-0.53) -5.14 (-6.31,-3.67) 17.8 (14.3,20.5) 2.54 (0.48,4.42) -1.51 (-3.70,-0.47) γ 2.03 (1.82,2.23) 3.10 (2.41,3.61) 0.77 (-0.27,1.83) 1.80 (1.07,2.46) 2.49 (2.00,3.45) L1 1.032 (0.580,3.109) 1.687 (1.491,2.838) 0.796 (0.535,1.472) 597.0 (329.6,889.2) 0.393 (0.065,0.753) L2 1018.7 (102.1,1823.4) 9.51 (0.87,29.67) 1872.7 (1527.9,1987.7) 22.55 (2.46,372.64) 3.20 (0.46,26.31) S1 0.0233 (0.0103,0.0306) 0.6069 (0.2928,1.1389) 5.2935 (1.3978,9.5289) 0.3760 (0.2656,0.5702) S2 6.4549 (2.0391,9.6355) 0.5760 (0.5260,0.6075) 2.4496 (0.2695,9.2068) 0.4862 (0.4302,0.5768) p1 0.977 (0.974,0.988) Lexp,1 0.281 (0.070,0.971) p2 2.04 (1.37,2.74) Lexp, 2 179.9 (2.6,892.5) σ 0.0018 (0.0015,0.0021) 0.0024 (0.0021,0.0028) 0.0006 (0.0005,0.0007) 0.0012 (0.0010,0.0014) 0.0019 (0.0016,0.0024) τ 0.0386 (0.0134,0.1781) 0.0581 (0.0203,0.2808) 0.0106 (0.0037,0.0517) 0.0243 (0.0086,0.1116) 0.0431 (0.0148,0.2024) r 0.51 (0.39,0.65) 0.53 (0.39,0.62) 0.16 (0.01,0.45) 0.44 (0.31,0.61) 0.41 (0.06,0.59) Dmean 781.9 827.6 971.3 771.8 790.3 D(θmean) 772.1 817.4 965.1 841.7 831.4 pD 9.8 10.2 6.2 -70.0 -41.1 DIC 791.7 837.8 977.5 701.9 749.2 d1 348.2 (190.7,414.7) 3.6 (1.6,6.8) 1.0 (0.0,3.1) 420.4 (220.4,724.1) 13.5 (5.1,1105.2) d2 11.9 (5.3,19.7) 19.3345 (1.6403,60.3884) 2194.2 (1766.0,2355.2) 312.0 (177.2,1290.3) 101.6 (10.8,481.2) - 3 1 2 Table S1 (Crataegus) 3 Crataegus Kernel 4 5 6 2Dt Exponential Lognormal Mixture Weibull α1 -7.15 (-9.15,-5.26) -7.71 (-8.77,-6.58) -10.2 (-11.3,-9.0) -7.35 (-8.44,-4.47) -5.39 (-6.36,-4.31) α2 -8.10 (-10.0,-6.68) -8.01 (-9.39,-6.93) -12.00 (-13.18,-10.75) -8.17 (-9.17,-5.21) -5.80 (-6.68,-4.88) γ 5.88 (5.35,6.49) 5.87 (5.42,6.28) 6.58 (6.15,7.01) 5.79 (4.82,6.16) 5.12 (4.73,5.41) L1 1792.8 (1259.8,1984.4) 42.48 (34.09,52.19) 48.31 (40.45,54.85) 68.97 (63.03,74.58) 68.24 (61.05,74.36) L2 1847.2 (1201.7,1988.0) 39.93 (30.04,52.96) 18.81 (18.43,19.30) 64.61 (55.45,72.34) 65.16 (54.98,72.45) S1 0.1899 (0.0895,0.4105) 0.5925 (0.5428,0.6471) 4.3608 (2.9764,6.0745) 4.4188 (2.9504,6.4362) S2 0.4989 (0.1856,0.8470) 0.1133 (0.1006,0.1290) 4.5511 (2.7615,7.1102) 4.2916 (2.7334,6.6622) p1 0.847 (0.543,0.996) Lexp,1 0.962 (0.936,0.986) p2 436.7 (54.8,943.9) Lexp, 2 0.14 (0.12,0.30) σ 0.0073 (0.0057,0.0093) 0.0074 (0.0059,0.0094) 0.0078 (0.0063,0.0098) 0.0074 (0.0059,0.0095) 0.0073 (0.0058,0.0093) τ 0.1076 (0.0373,0.5071) 0.1131 (0.0383,0.5374) 0.1206 (0.0419,0.5656) 0.1149 (0.0388,0.5595) 0.1083 (0.0376,0.5170) r 0.52 (0.50,0.53) 0.51 (0.50,0.52) 0.60 (0.57,0.61) 0.53 (0.48,0.57) 0.54 (0.52,0.54) Dmean 2005.5 2007.6 1918.4 1883.6 1952.0 D(θmean) 2011.3 1996.0 1908.4 1886.5 1946.4 pD -5.7 11.6 10.0 -2.9 5.5 DIC 1999.8 2019.2 1928.4 1880.7 1957.4 d1 775.2 (321.7,879.1) 84.6 (66.0,107.3) 57.3 (44.5,70.0) 133.7 (46.5,581.4) 46.5 (36.0,58.0) d2 222.2 (85.9,769.6) 79.6 (58.3,107.8) 18.5 (8.1,31.5) 42.6 (31.7,54.4) 44.6 (33.7,57.2) - 4 1 2 Table S1 (Fagus) 3 Fagus Kernel 4 5 6 2Dt Exponential Lognormal Mixture Weibull α1 3.85 (2.44,4.71) 6.00 (3.85,8.55) 4.05 (2.62,5.75) 6.86 (3.04,9.24) 2.27 (0.91,4.54) α2 9.26 (7.60,10.46) 8.06 (5.04,9.65) 8.56 (6.65,9.94) 9.15 (6.89,11.00) 7.90 (6.43,9.96) γ 0.10 (-0.25,0.62) 0.46 (-0.07,1.30) 0.30 (-0.15,0.89) 0.16 (-0.42,0.81) 0.54 (-0.14,0.96) L1 50.38 (4.17,932.62) 78.56 (32.88,149.07) 8.76 (3.82,22.19) 203.8 (20.7,1749.9) 2.26 (1.23,6.10) L2 2.26 (1.72,3.03) 1.61 (1.30,2.04) 2.76 (2.06,3.36) 19.89 (9.29,21.72) 0.208 (0.120,0.292) S1 6.3340 (1.1548,9.6688) 1.4344 (0.3665,2.0068) 5.4211 (0.95649,9.5334) 2.2310 (0.9350,8.8848) S2 0.4772 (0.4014,0.5840) 0.9717 (0.8277,1.0957) 9.6116 (1.6243,9.9691) 0.4833 (0.4390,0.5201) p1 0.668 (0.058,0.972) Lexp,1 0.540 (0.452,0.618) p2 84.5 (9.8,847.6) Lexp, 2 0.79 (0.68,0.95) σ 0.0051 (0.0041,0.0064) 0.0045 (0.0035,0.0057) 0.0050 (0.0040,0.0063) 0.0045 (0.0035,0.0059) 0.0051 (0.0041,0.0064) τ 0.0679 (0.0237,0.3191) 0.0594 (0.0209,0.2766) 0.0664 (0.0228,0.3270) 0.0603 (0.0207,0.3049) 0.0679 (0.0237,0.3213) r 0.75 (0.71,0.79) 0.72 (0.65,0.77) 0.75 (0.70,0.78) 0.74 (0.67,0.78) 0.73 (0.67,0.78) Dmean 6829.5 7476.2 7009.3 6780.7 7051.1 D(θmean) 6672.9 7262.9 6843.0 6689.0 6918.8 pD 156.6 213.4 166.3 91.7 132.2 DIC 6986.1 7689.6 7175.5 6872.5 7183.3 d1 3.2 (0.6,12.2) 155.8 (64.2,301.8) 23.7 (7.4,99.0) 169.1 (24.9,742.1) 2.1 (0.2,5.7) d2 15.4 (7.1,29.0) 3.1 (1.4,5.4) 4.3 (2.3,6.8) 6.7 (3.0,11.0) 4.8 (2.9,7.0) - 5 1 2 Table S1 (Ilex) 3 Ilex Kernel 2Dt Exponential Lognormal Mixture Weibull α1 3.56 (2.38,4.65) 3.14 (2.25,4.26) 3.11 (2.25,4.47) 3.97 (2.73,5.04) 3.05 (2.07,4.18) α2 6.27 (4.83,7.50) 4.92 (4.12,6.06) 4.95 (3.82,5.95) 5.45 (4.46,6.79) 4.70 (3.65,5.82) γ 1.79 (1.37,2.28) 1.86 (1.46,2.21) 1.87 (1.48,2.26) 1.66 (1.20,2.07) 1.95 (1.55,2.34) L1 5.73 (3.70,9.97) 3.85 (2.02,5.75) 11.70 (7.32,34.14) 19.63 (11.76,160.34) 0.054 (0.019,0.133) L2 2.66 (1.42,5.36) 3.61 (2.87,4.28) 8.78 (7.16,10.20) 2.04 (1.80,2.56) 0.506 (0.175,0.875) S1 0.2430 (0.1337,0.4128) 1.4670 (1.2445,1.8627) 6.4894 (1.1604,9.6007) 0.3279 (0.2815,0.3666) S2 0.0424 (0.0170,0.2407) 1.2364 (1.1520,1.3326) 5.2724 (2.4370,9.5476) 0.4766 (0.3900,0.5530) p1 0.788 (0.590,0.866) Lexp,1 0.165 (0.116,0.239) 1.20 (0.81,2.38) p2 7.0 (6.0,8.0) Lexp, 2 4 5 6 σ 0.0038 (0.0030,0.0051) 0.0041 (0.0032,0.0053) 0.0041 (0.0032,0.0053) 0.0040 (0.0032,0.0053) 0.0041 (0.0032,0.0053) τ 0.0518 (0.0182,0.2525) 0.0576 (0.0197,0.2708) 0.0571 (0.0197,0.2645) 0.0559 (0.0195,0.2611) 0.0574 (0.0201,0.2727) r 0.51 (0.49,0.54) 0.51 (0.49,0.53) 0.51 (0.49,0.53) 0.52 (0.50,0.55) 0.51 (0.49,0.53) Dmean 13509.4 13943.4 13615.0 13380.0 13648.0 D(θmean) 13428.3 13777.1 13463.7 13189.5 13472.9 pD 81.1 166.3 151.3 190.5 175.0 DIC 13590.5 14109.7 13766.4 13570.5 13823.0 d1 167.5 (38.7,435.7) 7.4 (3.4,12.5) 32.2 (16.1,172.1) 13.1 (6.8,94.0) 25.6 (12.9,46.8) d2 433.2 (169.0,523.3) 7.0 (4.2,10.5) 18.6 (13.2,24.4) 11.8 (8.4,15.9) 13.3 (8.8,18.5) - 6 1 2 Table S1 (Taxus) 3 Taxus Kernel 2Dt Exponential Lognormal Mixture Weibull α1 11.58 (9.68,13.63) 10.04 (8.16,12.41) 9.72 (7.49,12.26) 9.66 (7.41,12.34) 9.71 (7.66,12.15) α2 14.06 (11.67,16.30) 9.51 (7.61,11.97) 10.49 (8.17,12.82) 9.38 (7.39,12.15) 8.91 (6.74,11.48) γ -0.22 (-0.84,0.33) -0.12 (-0.84,0.44) 0.14 (-0.57,0.81) 0.06 (-0.81,0.69) 0.12 (-0.61,0.72) L1 7.57 (5.03,11.59) 4.86 (3.70,7.22) 57.96 (22.07,135.04) 0.067 (0.044,0.438) 0.012 (0.006,0.021) L2 4.99 (3.20,9.56) 4.81 (3.69,6.68) 1279.3 (157.9,1966.1) 0.0064 (0.0015,0.0202) 1.28 (0.86,1.68) S1 0.0623 (0.0191,0.1409) 1.8303 (1.4757,2.1042) 0.3108 (0.2948,0.4196) 0.2593 (0.2492,0.2686) S2 0.0022 (0.0007,0.0057) 2.6481 (2.1694,2.8651) 0.2385 (0.2114,0.2722) 2.2589 (1.5227,9.2869) p1 0.718 (0.287,0.970) Lexp,1 0.04013 (0.029,0.070) p2 64.8 (12.1,819.6) 14.0 (8.5,44.2) Lexp, 2 4 5 6 σ 0.0278 (0.0186,0.0431) 0.0305 (0.0207,0.0462) 0.0290 (0.0196,0.0445) 0.0301 (0.0203,0.0460) 0.0299 (0.0202,0.0456) τ 0.1811 (0.0598,0.8675) 0.2102 (0.0691,1.0319) 0.1967 (0.0654,0.9328) 0.2064 (0.0685,1.0041) 0.2032 (0.0677,0.9837) r 0.62 (0.52,0.70) 0.57 (0.47,0.64) 0.61 (0.52,0.69) 0.60 (0.50,0.68) 0.61 (0.52,0.69) Dmean 2897.3 3164.3 2839.8 2877.6 2840.6 D(θmean) 2771.8 3028.2 2808.8 2795.4 2770.2 pD 125.5 136.1 31.0 82.3 70.4 DIC 3022.7 3300.5 2870.8 2960.0 2911.0 d1 518.1 (314.6,563.4) 9.7 (5.8,15.5) 264.0 (66.8,593.7) 41.1 (19.7,63.9) 73.7 (34.5,422.0) d2 47.7 (15.2,115.4) 9.7 (5.9,15.0) 1370.1 (689.6,1510.4) 92.7 (36.4,198.0) 27.1 (15.8,87.7) - 7 1 2 Fig. S1 Histograms showing the distance distribution between the seed quadrats and the adult trees of 3 each tree species within the study stand. Note the different y-axis scale among tree species. 4 5 6