Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Americans with Disabilities Act
Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes for
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Edwards Hall, Room 210
11-12 p.m.
In Attendance:
Paul Allen, Willie Baca, Jennifer Baker, Eric Balmer, Mario Bernardo, Billy Blood, Cori Bright-Kerrigan,
Doug Carothers, Michael Fauerbach, Robert Green, Eugene Hoyt, Deeb Kitchen, Maria Koenig, Jim Lee,
Tom Mayo, Elizabeth McMasters, Anthony Rispoli for Jim Slapp
Note taker: Barbara Fuentes
1. Welcome and Introduction of New Members
2. Review of Minutes from April 17, 2014 –previously approved
3. Review, Modify and/or Approve Today’s Agenda-no changes
4. Review Committee Charge and Accomplishments
There was discussion regarding the wording on the Charge and Accomplishments. Robert
Green would like a letter drafted to SAC and cc’d to President Bradshaw in regards to the
Committee supporting Mutual Respect Training. According to Mr. Green, SAC is working
on an initiative to bring training to campus involving mutual respect. Cori will follow up
with SAC regarding this initiative and update the Committee at the November meeting.
5. Updates
a. Building/Construction
 Emergent Technology Institute: Construction documents in progress. Start
construction Jan’15. Open Spring semester ‘16
 Main entrance landscaping-Enhanced landscaping and signage at main entry road.
Design in progress. Complete Aug ‘15
 South Access Road-Design Zone One SoVi site and new South access road. Submit
SWFMD and Corps permit. Coordinating with Miromar. Open Fall ‘16
 Controller Suite Relocation modular-Relocate department to new modular building
in lot 7. Move in Sept 29-30
 Student Health Services relocation modular-relocate department to new modular
building in Lot 7. Move in March ‘15
 Recreation Center-Awaiting funding. Tied to SoVi and South access road permitting
 Campus Master Plan update: 2015-2025 Master Plan. Start Oct. Complete June ‘15
b. OED
 No update
c. Adaptive Services
 Currently there are 794 students registered and we are already seeing an increase in
requested accommodations
 During the 2013-2014 academic year, 1400 exams were proctored, the usage of the
lab doubled and we had approx. 1300 student meetings
 Adaptive Services will be moving into Wellness Center, which will increase space for
testing, lab usage and general student space exponentially
 A Testing Coordinator was recently hired and his responsibility is to oversee all exam
 We continue to work on campus compliance through building construction,
retrofitting, programming, etc.
6. Old Business
a. Emergency evacuation/notification
 Last year the committee put forth a final proposal for signage and updating websites
 The proposal was approved by the PBC in May
 One of the initiatives in the proposal is Area of Refuge signage and the Fire Marshall
has also approved the signage
 Cori is working with Willie Baca and Troy Kelly on implementing the signage
 Cori has been contacting Curriculum and Instruction and Web Services for
implementing the other initiatives in the proposal and no one from these areas are
responding to her
 Jennifer Baker offered to assist in communicating with these two departments
 There was a suggestion regarding the use of an app for egress information. Cori will
follow up and update the Committee in November
b. Disability Awareness Month programming
 The ADA Resource Fair is on October 15th on the Library Lawn from 10 am to 2 pm
 There will be departmental representation from the Committee
 Cori invited all members to come and check out the event
c. Animals on Campus
 There has been some talk regarding animals on campus, specifically for events, as
they are already allowed as an accommodation (dogs or miniature horses) or for
educational purposes
 In order to have an animal on campus for an event, VP approval is needed
 The approval form is still under revision
 The Committee will be updated if this issue progresses in the future
d. Shuttles
 Discussion regarding shuttles continued
 There have been recent issues with the shuttle services to GCTC, but those are not
our contracted shuttles
 There has been a Target stop added in conjunction with the Westlake shuttle which
will run M-F for now, but not on weekends
 There is an increased cost to providing shuttle services on weekends and during
summer semesters
 It was mentioned that shuttle services should be extended in conjunction with the
extended library hours during final exam week
 Many suggestions were made regarding transporting of students to campus/around
campus when shuttles do not run, such as Ride-Share; Ride-Share apps, and golf cart
shuttles run by students for service learning hours
 There was also a suggestion to have open forums and/or surveys to hear about
concerns/suggestions regarding the shuttles on campus
 Cori had previously tried to survey the students regarding shuttle services but there
were no responses
 It was suggested to have a survey available to students at the upcoming ADA
Resource Fair
 Willie Baca sits on the shuttle committee and will keep us updated when the
committee meets
 Cori will follow up on all discussions
e. Parking for Veterans with disabilities
 A veterans group had requested accessible spaces be reserved for veterans with
 After much discussion the committee decided not to proceed with the approval
 Questions were raised regarding the allotted accessible spaces on campus,
specifically for each area, i.e. garages.
 Cori stated that some areas are considerably over the mandated space allocation
while other areas were under, but that overall, we were in compliance
 It was recommended that we address the space issues now before the need arises
 In order to allocate additional accessible spaces, we will need to request funding and
we will need the support of the committee
 It was recommended that Cori contact Parking Services to do a utilization of space
7. New Business
a. Campus accessibility survey
 Cori asked if the committee would be interested in doing a small scale survey to
departments/offices to find out what they do for accessibility
 Doug Carothers stated that he currently has an assignment for his students, which
requires them to do a physical accommodations evaluation around campus. He is
willing to share their findings with the Committee
 Cori stated that there would need to be reasonable criteria for the survey
 Cori will have more information at the November meeting in regards to this process
8. Adjournment