Physical Science—Chemistry/Introductory Physics* Concept and Skill Progressions Sequenced concepts and skills to support student learning of science and technology/engineering from PreK to high school, informed by preconception, conceptual change, and learning progression research Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education November 15, 2010 * Please note there are corresponding documents available for: Earth and Space Science Life Science—Biology Technology/Engineering The concept and skill progressions are meant to inform and support curriculum and instruction, but are not meant to replace the current Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) standards. Curricular and instructional goals should continue to be aligned with current STE standards; the state’s STE MCAS tests will also continue to reference current STE standards. November 15, 2010 Table of Contents Section Page Introduction to the Concept and Skill Progressions 2 Visual organization of the Concept and Skill Progressions (Figure 1) 4 Physical Science—Chemistry/Introductory Physics Concept and Skill Progressions** Force & Motion 5 Conservation & Transformation of Energy 10 Matter & Its Transformations 17 Atomic Structure & Periodicity 29 Chemical Bonding & Reactions 35 Solution Chemistry 44 Contributors: Dr. Alicia C. Alonzo, Michigan State University, Michigan Dr. Muammer Çalık, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey Dr. Jazlin Ebenezer, Wayne State University, Michigan Dr. Arthur Eisenkraft, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts Dr. David Fortus, Weizmann Institute, Israel Dr. Phil Johnson, Durham University, England Dr. Alan Kiste, University of Michigan, Michigan Dr. Jim Minstrell, A.C.T. Systems for Education, Washington Dr. Hannah Sevian, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts Shawn Stevens, University of Michigan, Michigan Dr. David Treagust, Curtin University, Australia Dr. Stamatis Vokos, Seattle Pacific University, Washington Dr. Marianne Wiser, Clark University, Massachusetts ** There is not a concept and skill progression for every topic typically found in state Physical Science—Chemistry/Introductory Physics standards; authors were only available for the six topics included. ** 1 November 15, 2010 Introduction to the Concept and Skill Progressions This document presents concept and skill progressions for six common Physical Science— Chemistry/Introductory Physics topics. These concept and skill progressions articulate idealized sequences of concepts and skills that can effectively support student learning of core scientific ideas from PreK to high school. These summaries draw from a variety of research genres, including pre-conception, conceptual change, and learning progression research on science education. These summaries are written and reviewed by educational researchers who study student learning of each science and technology/engineering (STE) topic. They are set up to reflect a learning progression approach to student understanding of core STE ideas. These are research-based resources that can inform work in curriculum development, instruction, and assessment. These are also have been referenced, in conjunction with the many other available STE resources, by the Massachusetts STE Review Panel in the revision of Massachusetts STE student learning standards. Learning progression research is beginning to provide a framework for understanding student preconceptions, obstacles to learning, and transitional ideas about the world as they learn science. A learning progression makes explicit the successively more complex ways of thinking about STE concepts and skills that students develop over time (Smith, Wiser, Anderson, & Krajcik, 2006). While learning progressions are research-based, they are hypothetical; they propose how to bridge the intuitive ideas children have developed about core ideas before formal instruction with the scientific version of that idea if students are exposed to appropriate curricula (Corcoran et al, 2009). Additionally, ideas in learning progressions are not always scientifically accurate. For example, the idea that any piece of matter, however small, has weight is not completely scientifically accurate as it only applies to matter in a gravitational field. It belongs in the learning progression, however, because it makes the idea that atoms are the key components of matter easier to accept (students often believe that weight is not a property of matter, and if a piece of material gets very small it has no weight). Considering student cognition from a learning progression basis allows us to take students’ initial ideas into account, to characterize productive transitional ideas, and to design curricula that move students' network of ideas toward scientific understanding in a purposeful way. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has asked educational researchers to draw from the research literature on students’ pre-conceptions, conceptual change, and, where available, learning progressions to provide up-to-date summaries of how to sequence student thinking and learning of common STE topics. The research base to complete this task is certainly not complete, so for the grade ranges, domains, and/or concepts for which learning progression research is not available, each author used available pre-conception and conceptual change research to provide informed estimates of what a progression of learning is likely to look like. So while the authors have made informed recommendations about when certain concepts and skills should be introduced, these do not limit what or when students can learn those concepts and skills. These are idealized articulations of how we would want students to progress. The concept and skill progressions do, however, help to convey how to move young children’s initial conceptualizations to scientific theory over time. 2 November 15, 2010 Each concept and skill progression includes both a “narrative storyline” as well as a “concept and skill details” section that are intended to convey a story of how students’ conceptual growth can develop over time. Both sections tell the same story, just at different levels of detail. Each concept and skill progression is organized to reflect the nature of initial ideas in a topic (lower anchor); the 'stepping stones' that can serve as intermediary targets between initial ideas and scientific theory; and specify the scientific core ideas, concepts and skills in that domain students should achieve as the result of their education (upper anchor). It is important to note that each grade-span cell in the details section should be read in its entirety; the individual concepts and skills should be viewed as a set rather than individually. See Figure 1 on page 4 for more details on the organization of the summaries. Providing a common template across topics allows curriculum developers, educators, and others to make sense of particular core ideas, concepts and skills in relation to each other across grade levels and topics. It is important to be clear that the individual elements in the concept and skill progressions are not standards; taken together they describe what students can know and do over time as they come to learn core scientific ideas. These concept and skill progressions can be used in conjunction with the 2001/2006 STE strand maps (; modeled on the AAAS Atlases of Science Literacy) to visualize student learning over time. Productively building upon relationships between ideas that span multiple grade levels will require greater communication and coordination than is currently typical. Teaching that honors progressions of learning will also require educators to clearly understand where their students currently are relative to desired outcomes. This can be accomplished with pre-assessment strategies—including strategies that move beyond simple identification of misconceptions—as well as greater differentiation of lessons to meet the needs of particular students. Being able to access a variety of instructional and learning resources, such as through the National Science Digital Library (NSDL;, will help educators implement these strategies. Coordinated use of strand maps will help educators approach teaching and learning from a perspective where ideas are consistently related to each other over extended periods of time. Such an approach can effectively account for student conceptions and more effectively promote achievement of science and technology/engineering standards. Please note: Topics included in this document were selected based on both available research and the availability of an author to write the summary. In some cases research is available but an author was not, or some common concepts within a topic were omitted due to lack of a research base; these are not exhaustive summaries. These concept and skills progressions will likely be updated in the future as additional research and information is available. Please direct any comments, feedback, resources or research that may inform edits or additions to these concept and skill progressions to References Corcoran, T., Mosher, F., Rogat, A. (2009). Learning Progression in Science: An evidence-based approach to reform. Philadelphia, PA: Consortium for Policy Research in Education. Smith, C.L., Wiser, M., Anderson, C.W., Krajcik, J. (2006). Implications of research on children’s learning for standards and assessment: A proposed learning progression for matter and the atomic molecular theory. Focus Article. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, 14, 1-98. 3 Possible misconceptions, placed in the grade span before they are addressed, are highlighted gray. Read concept and skill detail section from left to right, from initial ideas (pre-instruction) to culminating scientific ideas (high school). Page 1: Narrative storyline provides an overview of how student ideas develop across grade spans. Page 2+: Concept and skill detail section (pg 2 & 3 of this example) provide specific concepts by core idea (rows) and grade-span (columns). Stepping stones move students from initial ideas to scientific understanding (read each grade-span cell in its entirety). Key vocabulary is indicated in the grade span it is introduced. Endnotes on final page(s) include comments on particular concepts, including instructional strategies, limits to student understanding, and additional explanation. Figure 1. Features of the concept and skill progressions, using Plate Tectonics as an example. 4 Force and Motion November 15, 2010 Force and Motion Concept and Skill Progression for Force and Motion This progression traces conceptual changes in children’s ideas about ways the motion of objects can be described and the effect of forces on motion. Students’ understanding of motion proceeds from qualitative descriptions of everyday encounters with moving objects to increasingly complex models that employ mathematical representations (e.g., graphs, force diagrams, equations) and general principles (e.g., Newton’s laws) to describe, predict and explain the motion of objects, and account for the range of forces acting on them. NARRATIVE STORYLINE Initial Ideas Before instruction children hold many ideas about the motion of objects that are consistent with scientific ideas. 1 They recognize that some action is required to start an object in motion and have a sense of the effect of pushing and pulling on objects. However, children also hold ideas about force and motion that are inconsistent with the physicist’s view of the world.2 Students often believe force is a property belonging to an object, rather than an interaction between two objects; heavier objects exert more force than lighter objects and all objects will slow down without a force to keep them moving. Conceptual Stepping Stones Early Elementary students can qualitatively describe the motion of objects in terms of speed and direction; distinguish between constant and changing motion, and associate changes in motion with pushes and pulls. Students may continue to believe that force is only exerted by objects that are in direct contact with the object they are affecting, and that the amount of motion is proportional to the amount of force. Later Elementary students can recognize that some forces act at a distance and that force does not always act in the direction of motion. Students may continue to believe that there are “active” and “passive” objects and that all objects eventually slow down without a force to keep them moving. Middle School students can recognize that all objects can exert a force during an interaction of objects, identify friction as a mechanism by which one object exerts a force on another, and recognize that more than one force may be acting upon an object. Students can effectively apply these ideas to describe and analyze one-dimensional motion. Culminating Scientific Ideas High School students can describe, analyze and model the motion of objects. They also understand Newton’s three laws of motion and recognize that these govern the behavior of all objects.3 Students can identify the forces acting in both idealized and real-world situations of interacting objects. These situations include those involving objects at rest and in linear motion, including uniform circular motion. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Force and Motion 5 Force and Motion November 15, 2010 Lower Anchor Reflective of student concepts Force and Motion Upper Anchor Reflective of science concepts Reconceptualization CONCEPT & SKILL DETAILS Initial Ideas Conceptual Stepping Stones Culminating Scientific Ideas Before instruction, students often believe and can: Students who view the world in this way believe and can: Students who fully understand this topic believe and can: Pre-instruction K-2 3-5 6-8 High School Describing motion Describing motion Describing motion Describing Motion Children observe and expect that objects move in consistent ways, unless something acts to change their motion. For example, after viewing an object moving in a straight line at a constant speed, infants make predictions consistent with the belief that the object will continue moving at the same speed and in the same direction (Gopnik, et al., 1999; von Hofsten, et al., 1998). Students can describe motion (qualitatively) in terms of speed and direction.4 Describing the motion of objects Effect of forces on motion Effect of forces on motion Effect of forces on motion Effect of forces on motion Effect of forces on motion Children know some action is required to start an object in motion. Children associate changes in motion with pushes/pulls. Students identify pushes and pulls as forces.8 Children know from experience that actions are involved when an object at rest starts to move (a particular instance of a change in motion): If an object is pushed/pulled in a particular direction, it will often start to move in that direction. Not all objects will move when they are pushed/pulled. More push/pull is required to get a heavy object moving; less push/pull is required to get a light object moving. Possible misconceptions: Students may believe that force is only exerted by “active” objects6 which are in direct contact with the object they are affecting (Halloun & Hestenes, 1985; Minstrell, n.d.). Students associate changes in motion with forces. Students identify friction as a mechanism by which one object exerts a force on another. Friction acts in a direction parallel to the surface that is exerting the friction force and always acts to decrease an object’s speed.11 Students can represent constant motion and changing motion (speeding up, slowing down, reversing direction) on distance-time and positiontime graphs.5 Students can distinguish between constant and changing motion.4 Students believe that the amount of motion is proportional to the amount of force (Champagne, et. al., Students recognize that some forces (i.e., magnetic, gravitational, and electric)9act at a distance. (Link to gravitational, magnetic, and electrical forces.) Students identify weight as a force due to gravity.10 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Recognize that more than one force may be acting upon an object. Recognize that if an object’s motion is not changing in Students understand Newton’s three laws of motion and recognize that these govern the behavior of all objects.13 In particular: Every object in a state of uniform motion remains in that state of motion, unless an external net force is applied to it and changes its direction or speed. A change in motion of an object is proportional to the applied force and inversely proportional to the mass. Whenever one object exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on the object in the opposite direction. Students recognize forces are always due to an interaction between objects, which can be represented as a force on object A exerted by object B and a force on object B exerted by object A. Students can identify the forces14 acting in both idealized and real-world situations, with objects at rest and in linear motion.15 Force and Motion 6 Force and Motion More push/pull is required to make an object move quickly; less push/pull is required to make an object move slowly. Possible misconceptions: Children may believe that force is a property that belongs to an object, rather than an interaction between two objects (Reiner, et. al., 2000); heavier objects exert more force than lighter objects (Ioannides & Vosniadou, 2001). November 15, 2010 1980). 7 Therefore, motion requires a force in the direction of motion. Students often believe weight is a property of an object. (Link to earth & space science.) Students recognize that force does not always act in the direction of motion. Possible misconceptions: Students believe that all objects eventually slow down without a force to keep them moving (Halloun & Hestenes, 1985). Force and Motion response to an applied force, another force must be acting on the object in the opposite direction.12 . Students recognize that both “active” and “passive” objects7 can exert a force (Champagne, et. al., 1980). Students can represent forces acting on an object as arrows (vectors) on an isolated picture of the object (a force diagram). Represent and analyze idealized and real-world situations using force diagrams and position-, velocity-, and acceleration-time graphs. Qualitatively and quantitatively describe, analyze, and represent the motion of objects, including constant and changing motion as well as uniform circular motion16 when provided with information about the forces acting upon them.17 Grades Pre-instruction K-2 3-5 6-8 High School friction, frame of reference, position-time graph, distancetime graph Newton’s Laws, normal force, circular motion, force diagram, net force, velocity-time graph, acceleration-time graph Key Vocabulary motion, speed force, weight, gravity Notes (1) Even infants have developed expectations about the behavior of moving objects (e.g., Gopnik, Meltzoff, & Kuhl, 1999, pp. 66-67; von Hofsten, Vishton, Spelke, Feng, & Rosander, 1998). (2) This can be attributed to a number of different factors, including: Everyday experiences are over-generalized – for example, ideas about objects starting to move are over-generalized to apply to any moving object. Words (such as “force”) have different meanings in the everyday world than they do in the specialized language of physics (e.g., Halloun & Hestenes, 1985) Experiences in the everyday world are influenced by the ubiquitous force of friction. (3) LIMIT: These laws apply to “all” motion students will typically experience; these do not directly apply in, nor do we do not expect students to extend them to, relativistic, nano, or quantum physics. (4) Students at this age have many experiences with moving objects to draw upon; however, they will need tools (such as ways to represent motion) in order to recognize patterns of motion (describing in terms of both speed and direction and characterizing motion by either constant or changing speed and/or direction). (5) LIMIT: Analysis of interactions is expected for one dimension only. Forces are limited to the same dimension but may be in different directions. To effectively graph motion students need to be able to describe motion relative to an observer or chosen point of reference. (6) Although students would be unlikely to use such language, “active” and “passive” may be considered roughly similar to “animate” and “inanimate”. Students often think that living things (such as people, but not necessarily plants) can exert forces, but that nonliving things (such as tables or walls) cannot (Halloun & Hestenes, 1985; Minstrell, n. d.). (7) These seemingly simple statements contain a number of component ideas. For example, the idea that motion is proportional to force contains the following misconceptions: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Force and Motion 7 Force and Motion November 15, 2010 Force and Motion If there is motion, there is a force acting (Clement, 1982; Ionnides & Vosniadou, 2001). If there is no motion, there is no force acting (Halloun & Hestenes, 1985; Gilbert & Watts, 1983; Minstrell, n. d.) If there is a force, there is motion (Champagne, Klopfer, & Anderson, 1980). If there is no force, there is no motion (Champagne, Klopfer, & Anderson, 1980). A constant speed results from a constant force (diSessa, 1983; Champagne, Klopfer, & Anderson, 1980; Gilbert & Watts, 1983; Halloun & Hestenes, 1985; Minstrell, n. d.). Acceleration requires a constantly changing force (Champagne, Klopfer, & Anderson, 1980; Halloun & Hestenes, 1985; Minstrell, n. d.). When an object slows down, it is because the force is being used up; it stops when the force is all gone (Halloun & Hestenes, 1985; McCloskey, 1983; Trumper & Gorsky, 1996). Typically, each of these component ideas is treated as a separate misconception; however, each of the misconceptions is related to an overall idea about how the world works. Rather than addressing each misconception individually, an overall idea is articulated. (8) In expressing ideas about force and motion, students often use “force” to mean something more like the physicist’s definition for momentum. Making the distinction between everyday uses of the word “force” and the physicist’s definition may help students to build upon intuitive ideas about motion (which tend to be correct, if “momentum” were substituted for “force”). (9) Students typically learn about electricity and magnets in elementary school. However, the idea of magnetic forces is seldom connected to the idea of mechanical forces. Ideas about forces acting at a distance require such connections to be made. (10) Students’ initial beliefs about falling, gravity, and weight should be included in earth and space science. Students often struggle to see gravity as the same as other types of forces. Yet, we often use gravity as an example–and then assume that students understand more general ideas about forces because they have understandings related to gravity. For example, students who can very clearly explain acceleration due to gravity (for falling objects) persist in the belief that forces cause motion (as opposed to changes in motion). While some students explain this by saying that gravity increases close to the earth’s surface, many students see no inconsistency because they do not recognize gravity as the same as other forces. Students should develop ideas about force and motion first and then add gravity as an example – rather than using gravity to build understandings related to force and motion. Students can readily learn that magnetic (and electrostatically charged) objects exert forces across space (although the students might wonder if the air has anything to do with it). Magnetic and electrostatic forces can be used through analogy to build a case for gravitation also being a force which “acts at a distance.” In all three cases, the force exerted is determined by both a property of the objects (electrostatic charge, pole strength, or mass) and the distance between the objects. (11) To reduce dissonance between students’ everyday experiences and the ideas being taught, friction must be introduced and used as a means of explaining “real world” behavior of objects. Be careful not to label gravity or friction as forces, as these are mechanisms by which one object exerts a force on another; these do not exert the forces, they just identify the mechanism. (12) At this level, students are expected to consider only one-dimensional motion. In this case, a force acting in the opposite direction would be required. However, for motion in two- or three-dimensions, the requirement is only for there to be a force which has a component in the opposite direction. (For example, a force at a 45 degree angle to the original force would be possible.) Students must realize that the interaction between two objects in contact with each other stops as soon as the objects stop touching and that any forces which result from the contact interaction are no longer acting. Students will often believe, for example, that a ball tossed into the air is moving because of the force of the person’s throw (Alonzo & Steedle, 2009; Ionnides & Vosniadou, 2001). (13) While specific competencies noted below are required in order to achieve the broad, conceptual statements included here, too often, “plug & chug” or rote identification of Newton’s laws are seen as evidence of student understanding of these concepts; instead, these concepts are intended to put discrete competencies in the context of larger conceptual goals. The types of interactions of the objects and force laws involved must be identified in order to use Newton’s laws to explain and predict the motion of an object or system. (14) The “normal force” just tells a direction, but the use of the term can lead students to think of that as the thing that is exerting the force and they forget about the force that the surface exerts, the force that is perpendicular to the surface. (15) This should include mathematical representations of both kinetic and static friction. (16) Motion is limited to straight-line motion (horizontally, up and/or down an incline, or vertically) and to uniform circular motion. Since motion is linear, the sign determines the direction for all vector quantities. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Force and Motion 8 Force and Motion November 15, 2010 Force and Motion (17) Students will need to be able to make reasonable simplifying assumptions to gain a basic understanding of a situation or interaction or to solve a problem (e.g., “massless” ropes, “frictionless” sliding surfaces, “negligible” air resistance). Quantitative descriptions and analysis include distance and displacement, speed and velocity, and acceleration. Authors and Reviewers Dr. Alicia C. Alonzo, Michigan State University, Michigan (author) Dr. Jim Minstrell, A.C.T. Systems for Education, Washington (reviewer) References Alonzo, A. C., & Steedle, J. T. (2008). Developing and assessing a force and motion learning progression. Science Education, 93, 389-421. American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1993). Benchmarks for science literacy. New York: Oxford University Press. Champagne, A., Klopfer, L. E., & Anderson, J.H. (1980). Factors influencing the learning of classical mechanics. American Journal of Physics, 48, 1074-1079. Clement, J. (1982). Students' preconceptions in introductory mechanics. American Journal of Physics, 50, 66-71. Dekkers, P. J. J. M., & Thijs, G. D. (1998). Making productive use of students’ initial conceptions in developing the concept of force. Science Education, 82, 31-51. diSessa, A. A. (1983). Phenomenology and the evolution of intuition. In D. Gentner & A. L. Stevens (Eds.), Mental Models (pp. 15-33). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Gilbert, J., & Watts, M. (1983). Misconceptions and alternative conceptions: Changing perspectives in science education. Studies in Science Education, 10, 61-98. Gopnik, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (1999). The scientist in the crib: Minds, brains, and how children learn. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. Halloun, I. A., & Hestenes, D. (1985). Common sense concepts about motion. American Journal of Physics, 53, 1056-1065. Ioannides, C., & Vosniadou, S. (2001). The changing meanings of force: From coherence to fragmentation. Cognitive Science Quarterly, 2(1), 5-62. Retrieved October 30, 2006, from McCloskey, M. (1983). Naive theories of motion. In D. Gentner & A.L. Stevens (Eds.), Mental models (pp. 299-324). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Minstrell, J. (n.d.). Facets of students’ thinking. Retrieved October 27, 2006, from Minstrell, J. (2004) Diagnoser. Found at National Research Council. (1996). National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Reiner, M., Slotta, J. D., Chi, M. T. H., & Resnick, L. B. (2000). Naive physics reasoning: A commitment to substance-based conceptions. Cognition and Instruction, 18, 1-34. Trumper, R., & Gorsky, P. (1996). A cross-college age study about physics students’ conceptions of force in pre-service training for high school teachers. Physics Education, 31, 227-235. von Hofsten, C., Vishton, P., Spelke, E. S., Feng, Q., & Rosander, K. (1998). Predictive action in infancy: Tracking and reaching for moving objects. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Force and Motion 9 Conservation and Transformation of Energy November 15, 2010 Conservation and Transformation of Energy Concept and Skill Progression for Conservation and Transformation of Energy The progression begins by defining energy through the distinction of its types or forms, then goes into the nature of energy, and then into helping students to understand the difference between potential and kinetic energy by focusing on explaining potential energy. After that, heat is introduced, followed by a section on distinguishing between energy and energy resources. NARRATIVE STORYLINE Initial Ideas Before instruction children are familiar with the term “energy” through everyday experiences. However, their definitions often contradict expected scientific meanings. Students initially believe that energy is not conserved, that it “flows” from object to object, or that is the same thing as force. They believe that energy is associated primarily with motion and that an object at rest has no energy or has used up all its energy. Conceptual Stepping Stones Upper Elementary school students can learn the concept of heat without having had a formal introduction to the concept of energy. They can observe, measure, and compare temperature differences and changes that help them to understand, for example, that heating is the process through which two touching objects of different temperatures change their temperatures. They can also experience light, motion, heat and wind, and identify instances where there is “more of” or “less of” each. Middle school students can learn what energy is by learning about its different forms or types, and that it can be transformed from one type to another. They can differentiate between the types of energy using their corresponding indicators. Students study energy in a qualitative rather than quantitative way, comparing more or less, or the loss or gain of energy of a given type. Students can distinguish between energy and its sources, recognizing that different energy sources (such as solar, nuclear, and wind) in different situations have advantages and disadvantages. Culminating Scientific Ideas High school students can understand and use the concept that energy can be transferred and transformed within a closed system is emphasized. They can also grasp that he gravitational energy between two objects depends on the distance between the objects. Students can now calculate amounts of energy using various formulae for the different types. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conservation and Transformation of Energy 10 Conservation and Transformation of Energy Lower Anchor Reflective of student concepts November 15, 2010 Conservation and Transformation of Energy Upper Anchor Reflective of science concepts Reconceptualization CONCEPT & SKILL DETAILS Initial Ideas Conceptual “Stepping Stones” Culminating Scientific Ideas Students who view the world in this way believe and can: Students who fully understand this topic believe and can: Before instruction, students often believe and can: Pre-instruction Elementary School 1 Middle School High school What is Energy? 2 What is Energy? What is Energy? What is Energy? Possible Misconceptions: Students use the term energy in everyday language with non-scientific purposes. It therefore has meanings for students that contradict excepted scientific meanings. For example, students say that they “feel like they have little energy”3 or that “turning off the lights saves energy.” 4 Students experience light, motion, heat and wind, and identify instances where there is “more of” or “less of” each. Distinguish between different types6 of energy: Kinetic energy is associated with the speed of an object. Thermal energy is associated with the temperature of an object. Gravitational energy is associated with the elevation of an object. Elastic energy is associated with the deformation of an object. Light energy is associated with light intensity. Sound energy is associated with sound intensity. Electrical energy is associated with closed circuits with power sources. Electrostatic energy of a system of objects that contain electric charges is associated with the distances among the objects. Chemical energy is associated with the chemical configuration of substances. For instance, the chemical energy of gasoline and oxygen changes into thermal energy when gasoline burns. 7 Understand that energy can be transferred and transformed. Within a closed system the total energy is conserved. Students seem to have at least two intuitive metaphors for energy: as a “substance” and as “activation.”5 Recognize that the gravitational energy of a system of mutually attracting objects is associated with the distances among the objects. Objects, even those that do not glow, emit light energy. This light can be visible or invisible. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conservation and Transformation of Energy 11 Conservation and Transformation of Energy General Nature of Energy November 15, 2010 General Nature of Energy Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe that energy has to do with living and moving things only. Students may believe that the ‘flow transfer’ model in which energy is thought of as a fluid: it is assumed possible for energy to be ‘put in’, ‘given’, ‘conducted’ or ‘transported’ and energy is thought to flow out of one thing into another. Students tend to view energy as a reactive agent rather than a causal one, lying dormant within objects until something triggers it. It is assumed to appear all of a sudden as a result of some combination of ingredients. Students tend to view energy as a by-product of a situation, rather like a waste product. It is relatively short-lived product that is generated, is active, and then disappears or fades away. Students may believe there is no distinction between force and energy. Student may believe that an object at rest has no energy. Conservation and Transformation of Energy General Nature of Energy General Nature of Energy Understand that energy can be transformed from one type to another. 9 Calculate energy using various formulae. Investigate how energy is transformed into and from one type to another. Recognize that work is a process through which energy is transferred through pushes and pulls exerted on an object over a distance. For mechanical interactions, that require contact among objects; for electrical and magnetic interactions, work is a process through which energy is transferred through pushes and pulls exerted at a distance on electric charges or magnetic objects. Qualitatively measure energy and complete basic quantitative measurements of energy.10 Understand that whenever some energy seems to disappear from a place, some will be found to appear in another. A decrease (increase) of the total amount of energy in one location is always accompanied by an equal increase (decrease) of the total energy in another.11 Possible Misconceptions: Without deep grounding in forces, students tend to conflate between forces and energy. Problematic ideas include that the existence of a force is always accompanied by an energy transfer; and gravitational energy is greater when an object is closer to the Earth because the gravitational force is greater. Students may believe that energy is truly lost in many energy transformations. Things go until energy is used up. Students may be thinking about energy as “accomplishment-oriented.” That is, energy is used to do things, or make things. Students are generally not sure when energy is coming into a system, or going out, or appearing after being stored within. They are most comfortable with the idea that it is passed on from one object to the next, more than the idea that energy is stored within or comes in or goes out. 8 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conservation and Transformation of Energy 12 Conservation and Transformation of Energy November 15, 2010 Potential Energy Conservation and Transformation of Energy Potential Energy Possible Misconceptions: Students tend to associate energy primarily with motion. Students may believe that potential energy is a thing that objects contain (like cereal stored in a closet). Potential Energy Define potential energy as energy that is not associated with motion.12 Define potential energy as the result of the interaction between objects. Recognize that potential energy can be transformed into kinetic energies (energies associated with motion). Distinguish between potential (gravitational, elastic, chemical, and electric) and kinetic (kinetic and thermal) types of energy. Possible Misconception: Students often believe that the only type of potential energy is gravitational. Heat Heat Possible Misconceptions: For some students, heat is thought of as a property of an object, such as the object’s thermal energy. Understand that heating13 is the process through which two touching objects, one of which is colder than the other, change their temperature, i.e., their thermometer readings. Students may conflate heat and temperature. Students may take heat as body temperature and see humans as the standard for measuring heat. Students may believe that any temperature above freezing represents heat and that cold is any temperature below freezing. Students may associate heat living objects, sources of heat, the degree of hotness of objects, and the effects of heat on objects. In comparing the rate of heating, students may explain it as the relative strength/weakness of the heat in that given situation. Student may believe that heat and cold are different entities, not as part of the same continuum. Cold is the opposite of heat. Students may believe that the state of hotness or coldness depends on the material from which the Recognize that when two objects touch, the colder object increases its temperature and the warmer object decreases its temperature. Recognize that it is possible to change the temperature of an object without heating, e.g., when two identical objects that have the same temperature as each other are rubbed together. Heat Heat Understand that when an object’s thermal energy decreases, some of this energy is transformed into another type of energy or transferred to the surroundings.15 Understand that heat is the amount of energy gained or lost by an object due to a temperature difference with its surroundings. Understand that this energy may be transferred through conduction, convection, or radiation. Recognize that objects radiate electromagnetic energy of all frequencies. Recognize that increased temperature means greater average kinetic energy16 due to increased random motion of atoms and molecules. Measure temperature differences and changes (without mentioning energy).14 Recognize that all objects in a room have the same temperature, except people, a hot stove, etc. Describe ice melting, water boiling Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conservation and Transformation of Energy 13 Conservation and Transformation of Energy object is made (Wool is warm and warms things; metal is cold, and cools things). November 15, 2010 Conservation and Transformation of Energy and temperature changes in water during a change of state. Students may think that heat can add weight to the object being heated. Energy vs. energy resources Energy vs. energy resources Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe that energy is synonymous with fuel and phrases like ‘energy crisis’ and ‘conserve energy’ means ‘fuel crisis’ and ‘conserve fuel’. Distinguish between energy and energy sources. Students may believe that energy is a very general kind of fuel. Recognize that an energy resource is a naturally occurring energy source. Understand that energy sources typically “store” energy in one of its potential forms. Recognize that different energy resources have different advantages and disadvantages, primarily their renewability and the hazards associated with their use. Recognize that energy distribution is done primarily through the electric power grid. Recognize that any energy source (such as nuclear, solar, biomass) can be used to either heat water into steam that can drive a turbine coupled to a generator, or to directly drive a turbine (wind, water). Recognize that solar cells can directly transform solar energy into electrical energy. Grades Pre-instruction Elementary School Middle School High school Key Vocabulary heat, light, motion, state, temperature, wind Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education chemical, closed circuit, composition, conduction, convection, deformation, elastic, electric charge, electrical, electrostatic, elevation, emit, energy, gravitational, intensity, nuclear, potential, power source, radiation, sound, substance, thermal closed system, electrical work, electromagnetic, mechanical work, transfer, transform Conservation and Transformation of Energy 14 Conservation and Transformation of Energy November 15, 2010 Conservation and Transformation of Energy Authors and Reviewers Dr. David Fortus, Weizmann Institute, Israel (contributor) Dr. Stamatis Vokos, Seattle Pacific University, Washington (contributor) Dr. Arthur Eisenkraft, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts (reviewer) References None provided at this time. Notes Explicit instruction about energy in early elementary school needs to be done in an age-appropriate manner. Energy is an abstract concept that is often at odds with students’ everyday use of the term. Early elementary school should focus on observation, organized recording of observations, and identifying patterns. 2 There is no accepted definition of energy. Any attempt to present an operational definition to students will be incorrect and misleading. Students should develop an understanding of energy similar to their understanding of time – they cannot define it or explain what it is, but they know how and when to use it. Energy is a very abstract concept, whose operational definition is very difficult even for professional scientists of different domains. For instance, chemical energy may mean different things to chemists and physicists. In instruction, energy may be therefore rendered meaningless—especially in lower grades. It may be easily confused with other related terms, such as interaction, force, friction, heating, etc. It may be associated with unhelpful ideas of “activation,” as in the oft-used statement “Energy is the ability to do work.” Yet, energy instruction can lead to powerful learning when grounded in evidence of changes in the object(s) in question. 1 3 4 The students often are seeing themselves as an energy source. The students typically are using “saved” to mean transferred into the system or not. 5 The substance metaphor is more useful in that it automatically encourages students to think of energy as being conserved, whereas the activation metaphor too easily leads to energy being created and destroyed as something gets more or less “excited.” Some scholars have serious concerns about the substance metaphor, perhaps because it might lead to the incorrect idea that energy takes up physical space, which is especially problematic in thinking about interaction energy. This may be a concern, however, as the benefits may greatly outweigh the risks. (Sam McKinney, private communication) 6 The term “energy type” is preferable to “energy form”. “Form” has an association with “shape” and may lead to misconceptions. When introducing energy transformations, it is preferable to use the term “energy conversions”. 7 Chemical energy is not stored in chemical bonds, as is often claimed. “Stored” implies that the energy in a bond is greater before the bond is broken than after. The opposite is true for attractive bonds. In exothermic reactions, energy is released during the making of new bonds rather than the breaking of the bonds of the reagents. 8 In this sense, energy seems to be a linear propagation of causal power until it achieves its goal and is extinguished, maybe like fire in a line of gunpowder. (Hunter Close, private communication) 9 “Transformation” sounds very similar to “transfer” and this confuses students. In addition, the term “conversion” allows to build off an analogy with currency – when money is changed from one currency to another, the value doesn’t change (other than the bank’s service charge, which is like the energy lost to the surroundings as heat), just the way in which the money appears. The term “transformation” should only be introduced after the idea of transfer has been learned. 10 It is inappropriate before middle school to calculate amounts of energy using the various formulae for the different energy types. Energy measurement should remain qualitative to semiquantitative: more or less energy of a given type. For example, as a ball falls, one type of energy (gravitational energy) decreases and another (kinetic energy) increases. 11 Without recognizing it, students will not be able to accept that “energy cannot be created or destroyed. The idea that “most processes involve the transfer of energy from one system to another” is central to acceptance that “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. Energy transfer should be shown to be the result of a series of energy transformation. For example, when a moving ball strikes a stationary one, kinetic energy is transformed into elastic energy which is then transformed back into kinetic energy. Potential energy is an especially problematic concept. That is the reason that the word “potential” does not appear in the target energy ideas outlined above. The labeling of the corresponding form (gravitational, elastic, electrostatic) is more important. Potential energy for many learners of all ages involves the colloquial use of the term, rather than its association with a mathematical scalar function, called potential. Colloquially, we use the term to mean an inherent tendency. So, an un-stretched rubbed band has non-zero potential energy because it has the potential to be stretched. Similarly, an un-magnetized nail has potential magnetic energy because it bears within it the possibility of becoming magnetized. A book placed on the center of a table has smaller potential energy than when it is placed closer to the edge, because closer to the edge, it has a greater chance of falling. So, for some learners, potential energy is energy potential or the potential to release that energy (as in the book close to the edge of the table) or the potential to get into an activated state (such as the nail). 13 At this stage it is preferable not to use the term “heat” as a noun at all, just as a verb. 14 Suggested activities include: 12 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conservation and Transformation of Energy 15 Conservation and Transformation of Energy November 15, 2010 Conservation and Transformation of Energy A. Cold or hot water slowly getting warmer or colder until it is at room temperature B. Objects of different temperature put in physical contact with each other C. Repeat (A) when water is in containers of different thermal conductivity D. The difference between the sensation of hot and cold and the measurement of temperature E. Different amounts of water being heated by an identical flame F. Watching the currents generated as water is being heated in (D) G. Using sunlight to heat identical objects with different colors (white, black, and silver) 15 All discussion of heat transfer should be done in terms of changes to an object’s thermal energy. Students should be given multiple opportunities to see that other types of energy are transformed into thermal energy and transferred to the surroundings in all macroscopic phenomena. 16 Students likely will need some evidence for this view of energy at the molecular level. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Conservation and Transformation of Energy 16 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter Concept and Skill Progression for Properties and Transformations of Matter This progression is organized around four core ideas: all material is matter made up of particles held together by bonds; all materials, including gasses, have weight that does not change during phase change and other physical transformations; the volume of an object does not change even if the particles are physically rearranged; density is a property of materials that is dependent on the amount of material (mass) per unit volume. NARRATIVE STORYLINE Initial Ideas Before instruction children are able to name different kinds of materials and describe some readily observable properties such as the softness/hardness and shininess of materials. Some young children can even see that when a solid object is broken into pieces, the identity of the material of the pieces are the same as the identity of material of the whole object, as long as surface properties are maintained. Young children can also differentiate between solids and liquids and between physical entities and non-physical entities such as feelings or ideas. However, young children tend to conflate material with shape/function when sorting objects. They often believe weight can be measured by hefting and that weight is a property of objects. When it comes to an object’s size, young children sometimes associate the word “big” solely with length or height. Conceptual Stepping Stones Early elementary students understand that an object can be made of different materials and that a given material has specific properties. They can classify objects according to function or shape and can differentiate between an object’s characteristic versus the characteristics of its material. Students can associate weight with material and they know that the weight of an object depends on what the object is made of. They know that when a chunk of material is cut into pieces, no matter how small, each piece still represents that material. Students can measure and differentiate between length and area and occupied three-dimensional space and know that the amount of an object’s material is conserved even if the object shape is changed. Students can justify why two objects made of the same material but of different sizes have different hefts, and two objects of the same size made of different materials can have similar hefts. Students can differentiate between a solid and a liquid and some macroscopic properties of these two states. Students understand on a basic level the elemental makeup of macroscopic objects and can also learn to model the structure of materials. Late elementary students expand their understanding of the states of matter beyond liquids and solids to include gases. They understand that gases have weight, which does not change during phase changes or other physical transformation. They understand matter at the particulate level and that a material is composed of particles held together by bonds. Students know that as heat is added to a material, its particles move faster and farther apart. They know that at the boiling point, they move fast enough and far enough away from each other that they do not have bonds between them any more. Students can differentiate between volume and weight as well as between weight and “heaviness-for-size,” the precursor to the concept of density (which should be introduced in middle school). They recognize that objects made of some materials (e.g., steel) are heavier-for-their-size than objects made of other materials (e.g., wood). They can associate heaviness-for-size to the particulate model understanding that some objects are heavier for their size because they are made of heavier particles and/or because their particles are closer together. Culminating Scientific Ideas Middle school (not yet included) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter 17 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Lower Anchor Reflective of student concepts Properties & Transformations of Matter Upper Anchor Reflective of science concepts Reconceptualization CONCEPT & SKILL DETAILS Initial Ideas Conceptual Stepping Stones Culminating Scientific Ideas Students who view the world in this way believe and can: Students who fully understand this topic believe and can: Before instruction, students often believe and can: Pre-instruction Material Young children often know aspects of what constitutes “material:” a) They know different kinds of liquids (milk, water, orange juice, perhaps oil) and their names. b) They are sensitive to properties such as softness/hardness, shininess, squishiness breakability, and smell.1 c) They may know “wood,” “plastic,” or “metal.”2 Some four-year-olds preserve the material identity of some solid materials when a chunk of material X is cut into smaller chunks as long as surface properties (e.g., hardness) are maintained. Possible Misconceptions: Young children have beliefs about some materials but they do not have a concept of material (kind), i.e., they do not have a meaning for the word “material,” or a cluster of beliefs that apply to all materials. Young children privilege the description of an object in terms of the kind of object it is (e.g., a spoon) and treat the material, when they are aware of it at all, as a perceptual property of the object (in “This spoon is large and metal,” the meaning of “metal” is akin to the meaning of “metallic” and means, e.g., “shiny, cold to Early Elementary (grades K-3) 3 Material In this grade range, students develop a concept of material kind, i.e., they learn that objects are made of different materials and what that material have specific kinds of properties. This includes: o Differentiating an object (which has a specific shape and/or function) and the material it is made of.4 o Properties such as hardness/softness, smell and taste, brittleness, behavior when heated (gets warm quickly, melts easily), are now associated with materials, not with objects. o Differentiating “made of” from “made from;” “made of material X” means “constituted of little pieces of material X all the way through.” Students can classify objects according to kind of objects, function and/or shape, vs. according to the material they are made of. Students differentiate properties that characterize objects (e.g., size) from properties that characterize materials (e.g., hardness). They can reason “The reason this flower pot gets darker when it is wet, is that it is made of clay, not that it is a flower pot. They start developing a Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Late elementary (grades 4-5) Material Students know: o All solid and liquid objects are made of one or more specific materials.5 o All materials are forms of matter (see Matter below) o know that materials differ in hardness, heaviness-for-size, melting points and boiling points, smell and taste, how fast they get hot and cold, how soluble they are in water (perhaps also how well they conduct electricity). These properties characterize materials irrespective of amount.6 In particular, if a piece of material X is heavier than an equal size piece of material Y, any piece of material X, no matter how small, will always be heavier than a same size piece of material Y. o How to differentiate material specific properties like those mentioned above from “accidental” properties, such as color (needs qualification, as some materials have characteristic colors and texture). To know whether two materials are really the same, students can check their inherent properties (see paragraph above). o “Made of material X” means constituted of X particles (Particulate Model, see Matter Structure below).7 o Material identity is preserved through Middle School (not yet included in Progression) Properties & Transformations of Matter 18 Properties & Transformations of Matter the touch, whitish”). Young children often cannot focus on the “stuff” independently of the object. This is in part because the object level of description has been central from infancy: objects are permanent, one can act on them, they act on each other, etc. Their perceptual properties are important (bounces, is soft, is sweet to eat) but they are associated with objects, not with a separate concept the material the object is made of. So they may be surprised that a wood ball does not bounce because they have encoded their experiences with balls as “balls bounce” not “rubber things bounce.” For the same reason, a piece of wood is only an object, not a sample of the material wood. For many children, “made of” means “constituted of parts” (we are made of blood, bones and skin) or “made from” (milk is made from cows). November 15, 2010 sense of properties that are inherent in materials (e.g., hardness) from those that tend to be more accidental (color). Students learn many materials’ names (solids and liquids) and have some sense of a hierarchy in material names (e.g., gold and aluminum are kinds of metals; oak and maple are kinds of wood). Properties & Transformations of Matter physical transformations: cutting, grinding, dissolving, melting and freezing, evaporation, boiling, condensation.8 o The difference between inherent properties of materials (hardness, melting point) and “accidental” ones introduced at the end of the early elementary grade range can be consolidated (see Matter Structure below).9 Students can associate weight with material. (see Density below) Students know that when a chunk of material X is cut into pieces, no matter how small, each piece is still material X. They can use a mental model of a chunk of solid material X composed of tiny pieces of X; when it is ground, the pieces keep their identity as pieces of X. Young children often conflate material with shape/function when sorting out objects by these features. They also can conflate attributable properties that depend on material (e.g., hardness, gets darker when wet, attracts a magnet) to objects (i.e., the reason this flower pot gets darker when wet is that it is a flower pot, not that is made of clay). Material identity is typically not preserved when a chunk of (solid) material is ground or melted, because its perceptual properties change. Young children often believe that when liquids evaporate or boil, they cease to exist (because they cannot be perceived any more). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter 19 Properties & Transformations of Matter Weight Possible Misconceptions: Students often believe weight is “measured” by hefting. Heft is at the core of the concept of weight—it is a given. The only way to know for sure how heavy something is to heft it. Students often believe weight is not a property of matter, it is a property of (some) objects. As with material (see above), the object level of description is the most salient; in the absence of a concept of “kind of stuff,” it is objects that have substantiality and therefore weight is associated with objects, not the material. Some young children associate the heft of objects with other perceptual properties (e.g., if a shiny and red sphere is heavier than a dull and green cube, they predict that a shiny and red cube will be heavier than a dull and green sphere). Students often believe not all objects have weight. Some are “light” in the sense of not having heft at all (and therefore no weight) or very little heft (e.g., a feather; a grain of rice). Some are light in the sense that they rise (e.g., balloons). Some objects don’t weigh anything irrespective of size (e.g., Styrofoam pieces); some objects have weight only if they are large enough (e.g., a ball of clay). Little pieces of any material don’t weigh anything. November 15, 2010 Weight10 Students develop an objective, extensive concept of weight, which is a property of matter. (Matter in this grade range only includes solids and liquids).11 This includes: o Weight is measured with a scale and is therefore objective. o Weight is differentiated from heft.12 o Weight is extensive: if object A weighs X units and object B weighs Y units, the two objects together weigh X + Y units. o Any piece of solid material, however small, visible or not, has weight.13 o Weight is a property of amount of material, not of objects (i.e., if the shape of an object changes, but no matter is added or removed, weight stays the same).14 o The weight of objects depends on what the objects are made of.15 Properties & Transformations of Matter Weight Students understand that gases have weight (and are therefore material, see Matter below). (not yet included in Progression) Students know weight does not change during phase change and other physical transformations. Students view weight as a force (link with Force and Motion). It is proportional to amount of material (within one material). Students know that data acquired via our unaided senses are not as precise as measurements, and can be incompatible with them. In some contexts weight is relative to the “hefter:” the same object can be heavy for the child and light for an adult, or have not weight for the child but have weight for an ant. Students often believe weight changes when shape changes (because object identity changes). For example, when a clay ball is Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter 20 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter rolled into a sausage, children say its weight changes. Students often believe that if a heavy object (as assessed by hefting) is placed in one pan of a balance scale, and a light object in the other, children predict the heavier one makes the pan go down. If the scale does not behave according to hefted weights, hefted weight is “right” and some other explanation for the balance scale behavior is sought (e.g., size as well as weight must be relevant to the scale’s behavior). To young children, the senses “tell the truth.” This is closely related to the core of their concepts (materials, solids and liquids, weight, size) being perceptually based. Size (length, area, volume) Young children have precursors to geometrical concepts of length, area, and volume, ideas embedded in perception and action, and not yet abstract. They know that some objects occupy more space on the ground, table, etc. than others. And they have a concept of bigness, a precursor of volume-big objects are hard to carry and move and do not fit in small spaces; large objects do not go through small holes. They also know from infancy that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Size (length, area, volume)17 Students can differentiate length, area, and occupied 3-D space (precursor to a full-fledge concept of volume). Students understand: o The measurement of length and area conceptually (rather than as procedures). o How to measure length and area . o The volume of a solid does not change if it changes shape (modeling clay, e.g.) or is cut into pieces. Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe “length” can be associated with “points of departure and arrival” so that they do not (clearly) understand that different paths connecting two points have different lengths. “Big” sometimes mean long, sometimes tall Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Size (length, area, volume) Volume Students know that water displacement depends on size, not weight (see Weight above), and can use water displacement as an indicator of how much space an object occupies.18 (not yet included in Progression) Students learn volume conservation. An object can be composed of little pieces that get rearranged, but do not change shape, appear or disappear when the object is reshaped.19 Students can differentiation volume and weight. Different objects made of different materials can have the same volume but different weights.20 Students develop a sense of “size of a bounded region of space” as well as using mathematical formulas to compute the area and volume of regular shapes. Properties & Transformations of Matter 21 Properties & Transformations of Matter for young children; those dimensions need to be differentiated from each other and from the 2D and 3D meaning of “big.” Finally, young children believe that solid objects displace water according to their weight as well as their size.16 Density Some young children have a very distant precursor of density: objects made of some materials are light (e.g., Styrofoam); others are heavy (e.g., brass). Matter (macroscopic) Young children have a sense of “materiality” or “substantiality:” (solid) objects and liquids can be touched and seen; (solid) objects can also be held (depending on size). Solids and liquids are different from other physical entities (e.g., light, wind, electricity) and from non physical entities (e.g., ideas, emotions); they are different from each other. As noted in the Material section above, students typically know that liquids and solids behave very differently and only have one thing in common (being touchable and November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter Density21 Density22 Students have two empirical Students are developing and achieving the generalizations which are yet unrelated-concept of heavy-of-size (not yet a formal “Bigger objects are [usually] heavier than notion of density). Students: smaller objects;” “Objects made of o Recognize that objects made of some material X are [usually] heavier than materials (e.g., steel) are heavier-for-theirobjects made of material Y.” With these, size than objects made of other materials students can justify why two objects (e.g., wood). made of the same material but of different o Know that heaviness-for-size is true of sizes have different hefts, and two objects objects of any size, including tiny ones.23 of the same size made of different o Differentiate heaviness-for-size from materials can have similar hefts. weight. o Can account for heaviness-of-size in terms of the particulate model (see Matter below): objects made of some materials are heavier for their size than objects made of other materials because they are made of heavier particles (or/and because their particles are closer together). In contrast, the weight of an object depends on the number of particles, i.e., on its volume.)24 26 Mass (amount) Mass (amount of material)27 Students know: Quantification of amount is still within a o How to quantify the amount of given material, but students in the 5th grade specific materials (e.g., amount of are introduced to the notion of amount of clay, amount of water). “This object matter (mass): has more clay than that object; this o Explicit differentiation of volume and beaker has more water than that amount of material. Students learn that beaker” make sense in terms of “units” the same amount of a given material of clay, water, etc. This quantification (e.g., iron or alcohol) occupies more or is based on a mental model, the less space, i.e., has a greater or lesser compositional model, in which an volume) depending on temperature.28 object is broken into a set of equal (Link with Energy) The particulate pieces. model (see Matter below) can be used to o The amount of material is conserved Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (not yet included in Progression) (not yet included in Progression) Properties & Transformations of Matter 22 Properties & Transformations of Matter seeable).25 Possible Misconceptions: Children often believe that materials disappear when they dissolve (e.g., sugar in water) and can no longer be seen (taste might still be there). Gases and smoke are not materials (because they cannot be seen or touched). When liquids boil or evaporate, they cease to exist because they cannot be perceived any more. Mass (amount of stuff) Young children have a concept of “bigness,” which is a property of objects, and is judged perceptually. When asked “which has more [clay, juice],” children assess which is bigger; they do so by focusing on one aspect of bigness (height, area covered). They may also take into account whether anything was added—part of the meaning of “more” is sensori-motor: “more” means “something added. It often correlates with bigness--If you pour more juice into the glass, the level rises. But “more” does not refer to quantity of material. November 15, 2010 (on principled grounds). They know that, if the shape of an object changes (e.g., when a clay ball is flattened into a pancake) it is not the same object but it is the same amount of clay. Their compositional model allows them to envision the clay before and after transformation as made of the same number of small clay “units” that are spatially re-arranged when the object shape changes but continue to exist; their number remains the same. It is also applied when an object is cut into pieces. o The amount of material is related to weight and understand that weight does not change when shape changes because amount of material is conserved. Matter (macroscopic) Students can differentiate solids and liquids. They know: o Any piece of solid material, however small has weight and takes up space. So does every little drop of liquid. o Solids keep their shape, liquids take the shape of their containers. o There are different kinds of liquid (materials)—milk, OJ, water, oil, gasoline, etc., in the same way there are different kinds of solid materials. o Some materials can exist in the two states.29 Possible Misconceptions: When a ball of clay is flattened into a pancake, children often say it now has more (or less) clay. This is because they lack a concept “amount of clay [stuff]”; they focus instead, e.g., on area covered on the table by the clay; i.e., they focus on “something more related to the clay.” Some children evince Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter account for thermal dilation and contraction. Volume also becomes more abstract (see Size above) and more purely geometrical. As a result, amount of material becomes less tightly linked to volume and more to the “stuff” occupying space. o Two objects made of different materials that have the same weight have something important in common—they have the same weight because they have the same amount of “stuff”—the earth pulls equally strongly on both objects. (Link with gravitational force) The reason they have different volumes is that “stuff” is more packed in the smaller one or/and it is made of larger particles. (See Matter, Structure below) Matter (macroscopic) Students know that: o Matter occupies space and has weight. Any little piece of material has weight and occupies space. o Solids, liquids and gases are forms of matter. o Some materials exist in all three phases on earth (water); some don’t because they change phase at extreme temperatures or extreme pressure. Some burn rather than melt. o Material identity and amount of material are conserved during phase change. Weight stays the same during physical transformations. (not yet included in Progression) Properties & Transformations of Matter 23 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter conflict—it covers more area but I did not add any clay…For other children the two meanings of “more” don’t have to be consistent. When a ball of clay is broken into several pieces, some children think the ball has more clay because it is bigger; others say that the pieces have more clay because there are more of them. Lacking a concept of amount of clay [stuff], they answer in terms of bigness or of number. Matter, Structure Matter, Structure Students learn to model the structure of materials. They understand that macroscopic objects that are made of “constituting blocks” held by “connecting” elements. For example, one can create a sculpture made of Styrofoam balls connected by wires. The strength of the whole depends on the strength of the connecting elements. They can then look at materials that have a visible structure (e.g., knitted fabric) and represent what it is made of and what holds it together.30 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Matter, Structure31 Students hold a particulate model that they use to understand: o Material X is composed of particles of X held together by bonds.32 o Particles of different materials are different.33 They differ in weight and the distance between them can be different for different materials. o Bonds are forces similar to the force exerted between two magnets. o There is nothing between particles. o Particles move differently in the three states of matter: they vibrate around a fixed point in solids, they move past each other in liquids, bonding with different particles as they go; they move freely and across large distances in gases. They are much closer to each other in solids and liquids than in gases.34 For a given material, the average distance between particles is almost the same in the solid and liquid state (the difference is greater for water than most other materials). o When heat is added to a solid, its particles move faster and a bit further away from each other. At the melting point, they change motion. At the boiling point, they move fast enough and far enough away from each other that they do not have (not yet included in Progression) Properties & Transformations of Matter 24 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter bonds between them any more. Grades Pre-instruction Early Elementary (grades K-3) Late elementary (grades 4-5) Middle School Key Vocabulary Material, object, property, shape, function, classify, solid, liquid, weight, scale, length, area, space, measurement, volume, conserve, structure Matter, melting point, boiling point, conduct, particle, physical transformation, gas, phase change, force, proportional, displacement, density, temperature, pressure, bond, vibrate Notes (1) Well chosen learning experiences can lead students to associate those properties with materials; e.g., knowledge could evolve from “balls bounce” to “rubber balls bounce but wooden balls don’t” to “all rubber objects bounce” to “rubber is a bouncy kind of material.” And similarly “glass vases and drinking glasses break” to “things made of glass break” to “glass is breakable.” (2) Well chosen learning experiences may change the status of those words—from adjectives characterizing objects to nouns labeling the kind of stuff objects are made of. (3) Relevant learning experiences: o Classify objects by object kind vs. material kind (all the spoons together; all the plastic things together). o Discover what different objects made of the same material have in common. o Discover material identity conservation in simple contexts: establish that, if object A made of material X is cut into pieces, the pieces don’t constitute object A anymore, but they are still made of material X. o Expand vocabulary with names of materials. o Foreground hardness, smell and taste, “hard to melt” and “gets warm easily when put in hot water” over color and shininess as distinctive properties of materials. o Build a sense of “made of.” Develop a mental model of a chunk of material X as made of little pieces of X. o Discuss why two equal size pieces of different materials have different weights. Students might propose that the lighter one is hollow, or that the heavier one contains little heavy pieces. Cut chunks of materials to show students the chunks are made of the same material all the way through. When students propose that matter is more “packed” in the heavier material, reinforce this idea. This idea will be revisited in the next grade band. (4) Of course, function depends on both material and shape (a spoon made of wool is not particularly useful). (5) “Object” has a very general meaning here—any bounded quantity of matter. Additionally, no distinction is made yet among element, substance, compound or mixture. (6) Students in the later grade should be told that one needs a few hundred of particles for this to be true. (7) No distinction is made between atoms and molecules in this grade range. Students may be told “Some particles are atoms, other are molecules.” (8) Grinding, dissolving, melting and freezing can be presented in Grade 4; evaporation, boiling, condensation can be presented in Grade 5. (9) This will be important in the next grade band, when students learn chemistry. (10) Note: The importance of meaningful measurement in the development of scientific concepts cannot be overstated. This implies foregrounding precursors to the concepts (heft, occupied space) and making them more scientific by quantifying them. Relevant learning experiences o The goal of these experiences is to foster the belief that weight a property of amount of material, and therefore an extensive property of objects, and the belief using a scale rather than hefting is the proper way to measure weight. The two beliefs develop in inter-related ways. Moreover, developing a concept of weight consistent with the scientific concept is closely linked with developing a concept of material (see Material section above). o Observe that two same size objects made of different materials have different weight; and that is not because one is hollow, or the other one has heavy things added to it inside. This learning experience begins to relate weight to “[kind of] stuff.” o Array objects of different size and materials by weigh. Observe that, for a given material, weight increases with size. But that does not hold across materials. Objects made of some materials are heavier than objects made other materials, although they are the same size or even smaller Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter 25 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter o o Learn that a scale can help resolve uncertainties about hefted weight; it is more discriminate than hefting. Build trust in scale Measure the weight of objects with non standard units (e.g., paper clips). Plot weights on a weight line. Discover that unit size matters (link with Epistemology, see below). Children learn “The weight of the object is the same as the weight of N paper clips; N paper clips push on the scale pan as much as N paper clips. Then move to standard units. By starting with non standard units, students do not simply learn using a scale as a routine; the process of using a scale is meaningful and helps them reconceptualize weight. o Use the weight line to discover the additivity of weight and that, if one keeps dividing a chunk of clay in two, the pieces will always weigh something, no matter how small they are. o Discover that water displacement depends on size, not weight or size and weight. o Discover that weight does not change when shape changes (modeling clay) and when a chunk of material is cut into pieces. Activities are similar to those used for Amount conservation (see below). (11) Believing that any piece of matter has weight, although true only in a gravitational field, is extremely important for students to develop a more scientific understanding of matter at both the macroscopic and nanoscopic levels (see the next grade bands). It will be revised later as “weight is a force exerted between masses” later on, when students have a more developed understanding of mechanics. (12) Heft becomes peripheral to the concept of weight. Hefted weight needs explaining—why is it unreliable? (instead of taking it for granted as in the Lower Anchor) (13) This is crucial to learning the atomic-molecular model later on. Many students believe that atoms have no weight because they are very, very small. This makes the model very problematic. (14) This knowledge can be achieved via a compositional model—mentally viewing an object as made of little pieces of material that each have weight. What matters is how many pieces there are, not how they are spatially arranged. Relating weight to amount of material is a precursor to the principle that weight is proportional to mass, to be learned in middle school. Believing that weight is a property of matter is also crucial for understanding that amount of material is conserved during phase change and other physical (and later chemical) transformations in later grades. Students who know weight is proportional to amount of material can verify that weight does not change during a physical transformation and then infer that amount of material(s) has not change. In the same way, students can use empirical evidence that gases are have weight to infer that they are material. (15) This is a precursor to heavy for size and then density. (16) Thus, children cannot start developing a scientific sense of 3D occupied space until they have constructed an objective concept of weight. (17) Relevant learning experiences. o Length. As with weight, understanding good measurement and developing a concept of length are two faces of the same coin. One should start with non standard units (e.g., paper clips) before moving on to standard units and rulers.. “It takes 7 paper clips to cover this ribbon” leads to “This is a 7 paper clip long ribbon” and then to “The length of this ribbon is 7 paper clips” or “7 is the length of the ribbon in paper clips.” After learning it is important that the paper clips be set end to end when measuring the ribbon, standard units can be introduced— one inch wood sticks. Students can then place a ruler under the array of one inch sticks. The ruler’s divisions fit the one inch sticks put end to end. The number one reads on the ruler is the number of one inch sticks.” Zero” on the ruler corresponds to the place where there is no stick to its left—zero means “no inch [stick].” This series of activities give meaning to length measurement and foster the development of a mathematical concept of length. o Area. The same approach should be used for area. o Volume. Students can start reconceptualizing “bigness” into to occupied 3D space by placing objects of different sizes in boxes filled with sand. This can start qualitatively (bigger objects displace more sand). Students can then measure how much sand spills out in each case (e.g., by filling and counting small cups). They will realize that “This object takes as much space as this much sand.” Their initial concept of bigness gets reconceptualized into a quantifiable entity—the size of 3D space occupied by an object. Note. Good sources for information on measurement are Lehrer & Schauble and Sarama & Clemens. (18) CC cubes can then be introduced. Students can first capture their observations as “N cc cubes take up as much space (displace as much sand/water) as Object X” and then move to “The 3D space occupied by object X is N CC cubes.” (19) Start with objects made of units that can be pulled apart and rearranged. Then move to clay. Develop the idea that a clay object can be envisioned as composed of little pieces of clay that get rearranged, but do not change shape, appear or disappear when the object is re-shaped. (20) Build sense of negative space and relate positive and negative space: if Object A displaces N ccs of water and fits into a certain size box, N ccs of water will fill the box. N cc’s is both the volume of the object and the volume of the (empty) space inside the box. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter 26 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter (21) In this grade range, students do not have nor will develop a concept of density. But what they learn about weight, material, and volume contributes to developing a precursor to density—“heaviness-for-size.” The relations between weight, object size, and the material an object is made of are not yet integrated into a concept of density. Relevant learning experience: Arraying objects of different sizes and made of the same material by increasing weight—weight increases with size. Arraying objects of the same size made of different materials—weight depends on material. Arraying objects of different sizes and made of different materials (see Weight above). Implicitly teach both size and material matter. Students can verify that all objects made of the same material are arrayed by increasing size but that is not true across materials. Students are made aware that “material matters;” some may come up with the concept of “heavy for size”—objects made of some materials are heavier for their size than objects made of other materials. (22) Relevant learning experiences: Start with two equal size objects made of different materials, X and Y. One is twice as heavy as the other. Cut both in half. The weights of the halves are half the weights of the original pieces but the half piece X is still twice as heavy as the half of piece Y. This is true as one keeps cutting. The activity can be summed up as “Objects made of X are twice as heavy-for-their-size as objects made of Y. (23) This is very counterintuitive because slivers of materials have no heft (24) Students should master this knowledge before they learn about density mathematically. (25) This difference is emphasized by the language--the names of solid objects refer to their shape and/or function whereas the name of liquids refer to the stuff and its properties (milk); one asks for a spoon but for a glass of milk; etc. What solids and liquids have in common does not support many inferences or predications. Young children do expect to see something they touch (with eyes closed or in the dark) and similarly expect to touch what they can see. Smoke and shadows are fascinating (and mysterious) to them because they can be seen but not touched. (26) Relevant learning experiences o Conservation of amount. Start with Lego towers. Change their shape. “Is it still the same amount of plastic?” How could we know for sure? Count the Lego bricks before and after transformation. Check with a scale. Note. This is typically a Kindergarten activity. Kindergartners’ understanding of weight is not sophisticated (see Lower Anchor above) but seeing that two Lego constructions balance on the scale supports the belief that they are made of the same amount of plastic. o Move to rice poured into different shape containers. Amount of rice is measured by pouring it into small identical cups. Amount does not change even though the level of rice in the different shape containers is different. Then move to water poured into different shape containers. o Also use clay. Cut the clay into small “bricks” to evoke the Lego experiments. Then invite students to imagine “very small bricks” “grains of clay” in the clay ball. They get re-arranged when the clay ball is flattened into a pancake, but their number stays the same. (Develop the compositional model). (27) Relevant learning experiences o Explore thermal dilation of solids and liquids. In the later grade of this grade band, use the particulate model to explain thermal dilation. o Discuss why two objects made of different materials can have the same weight and conversely why two same volume objects made of different materials can have different weights. Elicit students’ ideas; ask them to draw models to represent their ideas. Note. These activities are probably most useful prior to the introduction of the Particulate Model. They elicit students’ own ideas. (28) A critical set of learning experiences revolve around thermal expansion. (29) Students in this grade range are introduced to this idea only informally. (30) This is a good vehicle for learning about modeling—they draw in order to communicate how they think about the material. They can move on to materials whose structure is not visible and by analogy, imagine what the units and the connecting elements might be. This prepares students both in terms of content (the discontinuous nature of matter, see middle school) and epistemologically. (31) Relevant learning experiences o Explain how one can smell objects at a distance o Note. This is powerful empirical support for the Particulate model. o Students use the particulate model to explain the conservation of material identity across physical transformations. They also can explain differences in density, hardness, melting and boiling points between different materials. They can now understand the difference between “accidental” and inherent properties of materials: two materials can look the same but, if they are made of different particles, they are different materials. o Get a sense of why matter looks continuous—view clouds of dots from a greater distance. o Get a sense of why air is not visible, although it is material. Show students a sheet of white paper on which 10 very small and faint dots have been place randomly. The dots will not be visible from a distance. Then present the same 10 dots next to each other… Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter 27 Properties & Transformations of Matter November 15, 2010 Properties & Transformations of Matter (32) Some might think that introducing bonds in this grade range is too complex. We disagree. If bonds are not mentioned, students are left wondering why we don’t fall through the floor, and there is no good account of melting and boiling and evaporation. (33) In this grade range, no distinction is made between atoms and molecules. Students may be told some particles are atoms and some are molecules; they will learn about that in the next grade. Molecular velocity distribution is ignored; in the particulate model, all molecules move at the same speed. Vacuum is mentioned but it is not a salient part of the model in this grade range. (34) The point about the distance between particles in solids vs. liquids is very important. It is a very prevalent misconception that particles are (much) further apart in the liquid than the solid state. Authors and Reviewers Dr. Marianne Wiser, Clark University, Massachusetts (author) References None provided at this time. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Properties & Transformations of Matter 28 Atomic Structure & Periodicity November 15, 2010 Atomic Structure & Periodicity Concept and Skill Progression for Atomic Structure and Periodicity The learning progression for atomic structure and periodicity centers on the development of two ideas about the structure and properties of matter: the nuclear model of atomic structure and the identity and relationship of elements arranged in the Periodic Table. These ideas develop in a complementary fashion: as more sophisticated representations of atomic structure evolve to include charged particles, forces and electron configurations, students are able to explain and predict interactions between and within atoms, and can discern patterns and trends in the way elemental substances are classified (periodicity). NARRATIVE STORYLINE Initial Ideas1 Before instruction, students in the early elementary grades recognize that objects are made of different kinds of materials. While certain materials have a defined purpose and application, it is possible to build different things from the same materials and to build the same type of product from different materials. Students realize that certain materials are better than others for a given purpose. Students likely describe the structure of matter macroscopically based on their direct observations (i.e., a macroscopic level), using characteristics that they can directly observe and measure (e.g., color, weight, size, and texture). They are unlikely, however, to be able to explain the source of the properties. Students understand that objects are made of matter, and can classify things as matter using the criteria that matter takes up space and has weight. Students may, however, have difficulty classifying certain materials as matter (e.g., gases, pieces that are too small to see). Students start building ideas about conservation of matter and should typically believe that there may be pieces of matter that are too small to see. Students often underestimate the range of sizes in the sub-macroscopic world. They may believe that atoms are of similar size, or just slightly smaller than a cell. Conceptual Stepping Stones Early Middle School students can consider what different materials are made of and how to define and distinguish between different substances. Students can use a basic particulate model for the structure of matter that includes particles of matter that are too small to see and are in constant motion to explain a range of phenomena (e.g., phase changes, diffusion, and dissolution). Students hold a model of atomic structure consisting of a sphere with no components 2. They can explain the hierarchy of the structure of matter—atoms and molecules are the particles that make up all substances,3 which in turn are the building blocks of the materials and objects we observe. Students develop criteria for characterizing and distinguishing between substances at an atomic level. Students understand that pure substances can be classified as elements, which are made up of just one type of atom, and compounds, which consist of more than one kind of atom. The type(s), number(s) and arrangement of atoms determines the identity of a substance. Late Middle School/Early High School students build upon the basic particle model of matter and the idea of elements to develop more sophisticated models for the structure and properties of matter, which in turn leads to the Periodic Table and the trends it predicts. Students develop a nuclear model of atomic structure that incorporates positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons and neutrons, which have no charge. This basic model includes protons and neutrons packed together to make up a dense, relatively massive nucleus that represents most of the mass of the atom, with the electrons surrounding the nucleus occupying most of the volume of the atom. Students can describe models for atomic structure that include electrons distributed in levels around the nucleus. They realize that the electrons in the outermost, or valence, level of an atom determine how it interacts with other atoms. With a nuclear model of atomic structure, students can connect the structure of atoms with the elements listed in the Periodic Table. Students understand that the number of protons in the atom determines the type of element it is, and defines the atomic number on the Periodic Table. Students can explain that the pattern in which the elements are arranged on the Periodic Table relates to properties of the elements Culminating Scientific Ideas High School students build upon the nuclear model of atomic structure to develop a model for electron distribution to further explore the trends of the Periodic Table and to explain the role of electrons in interactions between and within atoms. Students understand that an atom or group of atoms is not always neutral, but can hold an electrical charge. Students can explain the process of ionization as electrons being added or removed from the valence shell. Students apply models of attraction and repulsion between the positively charged nucleus and the surrounding electrons to explain the trends predicted by the Periodic Table for many properties. In order to explain a broader range of interactions among atoms and molecules (e.g., intermolecular forces) students can apply a model of atomic structure where electrons are distributed in compartments of space around the nucleus that represent the probability of electron density. Thus, electrons are better modeled as “clouds” of electron density than as point charges moving in solar system-like orbitals around the nucleus.4 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Atomic Structure & Periodicity 29 Atomic Structure & Periodicity November 15, 2010 Lower Anchor Reflective of student concepts Atomic Structure & Periodicity Upper Anchor Reflective of science concepts Reconceptualization CONCEPT & SKILL DETAILS Initial Ideas Before instruction, students often believe and can: Conceptual Stepping Stones Culminating Scientific Ideas Students who view the world in this way believe and can: Students who fully understand this topic believe and can: Grades 6-7 Grades 8-95 High school (Grades 10-12) Models of atomic structure Models of atomic structure Models of atomic structure Models of atomic structure Students can describe the structure of matter macroscopically based on their direct observations (i.e., a macroscopic level). Students can use a particulate model for matter to explain real world phenomena (e.g., water cycle, smells traveling across the room, dye diffusing). Students understand that objects are made of matter, and can classify things as matter using the criteria that matter takes up space and has weight. Students can explain how a particulate model of matter helps explain the conservation of mass through various transformations of matter (e.g., phase changes, dissolution, chemical reactions). [link to particle model of matter] Pre-instruction (Elementary) Students have ideas about conservation of matter and typically believe that there may be pieces of matter that are too small to see. Possible Misconceptions: Students may have difficulty classifying certain materials as matter (e.g., gases, pieces that are too small to see; Smith, Wiser, Anderson, & Krajcik, 1997). Students may identify solids, liquids, and gases as three types of materials (Johnson, 2010). Students may believe atoms look and behave like a solar system (Griffiths & Preston, 1992; Harrison & Treagust, 1996). Students can estimate the relative size of the particles (atoms) that make up matter to familiar objects or references (e.g., a cell, a millimeter). Students can differentiate a substance (kinds of matter which are homogeneous and have invariant properties) from a material, which include substances and mixtures of substances.6 As students develop an understanding of how to characterize properties of substances3 (e.g., melting point, density, hardness, conductivity), it is important that they can differentiate those properties from the properties of the individual particles (atoms or molecules) that make Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Students hold a nuclear model of atomic structure.10 Students can use a model of electrostatic attractions and repulsions11 between the electrons and nucleus to explain the basic structure of the atom. Students can interpret representations of atoms that indicate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons and connect them with the corresponding element on the Periodic Table.12 Students can provide historical experimental evidence that supports both nuclear and electrostatic models for atomic structure and explain how the evidence supports them. Students can predict whether and in what combination two elements may combine based upon the number of electrons in their valence shell.13 [Link to bonding] Students can describe protons and neutrons as the primary determinants of atomic mass. Students can describe and distinguish between different models of atomic structure (i.e., solar system, Bohr, electron cloud) and determine for what purposes each might be useful.13 Students realize that neutral atoms of the same element all have the same number of protons and electrons, but can have different numbers of neutrons. Students can explain why the atomic mass for each element is not a whole number. Students can explain how ions form and why it is electrons that are added or removed during the process of ionization. Students can predict the most likely charge of the ionized form of an element based upon its location on the Periodic Table.13 Students should understand the spectroscopic evidence used to differentiate different types of atoms (elements) and connect it to atomic structure. Students can explain why absorption and emission spectra provide evidence that electrons in an atom have discrete energy levels. Students can explain why each element has a unique absorption and emission spectrum. Students can use the electron cloud model and a model of attraction and repulsion to explain how electrons of neutral atoms can shift Atomic Structure & Periodicity 30 Atomic Structure & Periodicity Students may confuse atoms with cells because they are both referred to as “fundamental building blocks” of matter (atoms) of living organisms (cells) and both atoms and cells have nuclei (Horton, 2007). Students may believe that atoms are made of “atoms” (Renström et al. 1990). Students often underestimate the range of sizes in the sub-macroscopic world. They may believe that atoms are of similar size, or just slightly smaller than a cell (Griffiths & Preston, 1992). Students may think that every material is a single substance (Johnson, 2000). November 15, 2010 up a substance.7 [Link to properties of matter] As students are developing a model for the structure of matter, 8 they begin to consider what makes substances different. Students can explain that the type of atoms and their arrangement affect the identity and properties of a substance.9 Possible Misconceptions: As they are developing a particulate model of matter, students often use the terms atoms, molecules and particles interchangeably (Harrison & Treagust, 1996). It is common for students to believe that atoms and molecules share the same properties as the bulk substance (e.g., Albanese & Vincentini, 1997; Ben-Zvi, Eylon, & Silberstein, 1986). Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe that a charged object can have only one kind of charge (Horton, 2007). Students often do not prioritize the relative masses of the proton, neutron and electron (Cokelez & Dumon, 2005). Atomic Structure & Periodicity spontaneously, or in response to an external electromagnetic field to create an imbalance of charge–an induced dipole. Students can explain how neutral atoms can be attracted to each other through electromagnetic interactions (induced-dipole interactions/intermolecular forces). [Link to bonding] Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe that: Classical mechanics effectively and accurately predicts and describes the behavior of matter under all conditions and scales (Kalkanis, Hadzidaki, & Stavrou, 2003). Electrons move around the nucleus in orbitals like planets around the solar system (Griffiths & Preston 1992; Unal & Zollman, 1999). An electron cloud consists of a mass of suspended electrons much like water droplets in a cloud above the earth (Horton, 2007). Students may believe that: Atoms containing equal numbers of protons and neutrons are more stable. Neutrons neutralize the repulsion between protons within the atomic nucleus. They may also confuse isotopes and allotropes. (Schmidt, Baumgartner, & Eybe, 2003) To explain ionization, students may rely on other models (e.g., the octet rule or filled and half-filled shells)(Tan, Taber, Liu, Coll, Lorenzo, Li, Goh, & Chia, 2008). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Atomic Structure & Periodicity 31 Atomic Structure & Periodicity November 15, 2010 Atomic Structure & Periodicity Elements and periodicity Elements and periodicity Elements and periodicity Students can recognize that objects are made of different kinds of materials. Students can explain the effect of changing the type of atoms and their arrangement on the identity and characteristics of a substance. [Link to properties of matter and particle model of matter] Students can explain the relationship between atom characteristics (i.e., number of protons, number of valence electrons) and the pattern observed in the Periodic Table. Students can provide examples of building different things from the same materials and building the same type of product from different materials. Students realize that certain materials are better than others for a given purpose. Students can evaluate atomic and molecular level models of substances to distinguish between elements and compounds. Possible Misconceptions: When first introduced to the idea of elements, students may believe that all raw materials are elements (e.g., wool, wood, salt; Driver, Squires, Rushworth, & Wood-Robinson, 1999). Students may believe that any representation that includes multiple types of atoms is a mixture (Kind, 2004). Students can predict whether and in what combination two elements may combine based upon their location on the Periodic Table.13 [Link to Bonding] Students can represent the electron configurations of elements based upon their location on the Periodic Table.14 Based upon their location on the Periodic Table, students should be able to predict into what class an element falls (i.e., metal, non-metal, metalloid/semi-metal or noble gas). Possible Misconception: Students may have difficulty explaining periodic trends; students may often rely on memorization to explain periodic trends (Abraham, et. al., 1994). Elements and periodicity Students can apply a model involving electrostatic attraction and repulsion to explain the relative effective nuclear charge for elements across a period. Students can apply a model involving shielding of electrostatic attractions and repulsions within an atom to explain many of the trends predicted by the Periodic Table (e.g., electronegativity, electron affinity, atomic radius, ionization energy), both across at period and down a group. Students can use the Periodic Table to predict whether a molecule will have a dipole.15 [Link to Bonding: dipole-dipole interactions] Students can use periodic trends to predict the type and relative strength of intermolecular interactions.16 Possible Misconceptions: Students may have difficulty connecting atomic structure and properties with the periodic table (Abraham et. al., 1992). Students may believe that the nucleus attracts all electrons around it equally (Taber, 1998). Grades Pre-instruction Grades 6-7 Grades 8-9 High school (Grades 10-12) Key Vocabulary atom, characteristic, substance, material, element, compound, molecule, matter, particular model, conservation of mass, atomic model, transformation of matter Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education electrostatic attraction and repulsion, electron, nucleus, Periodic Table, valence electron/shell, atomic mass, electron configuration, metal, nonmetal, metalloid, noble gas, proton ion, ionization, charge, absorption and emission spectra, energy level, intermolecular forces, electronegativity, atomic radius, ionization energy, period, group, dipole, induced dipole, effective nuclear charge, electron cloud model, electromagnetic field, neutron, atomic mass Atomic Structure & Periodicity 32 Atomic Structure & Periodicity November 15, 2010 Atomic Structure & Periodicity Notes (1) This is a brief summary of ideas that students develop through the elementary grades as they work towards developing a particulate model of matter based primarily on the work of Smith and colleagues (2006). [See the concept and skill progression for Matter and its Transformations for more detail.] One of the core ideas of science involves answering what are the things around us made of and what determines their properties. (2) It is unproductive to introduce the details of atomic structure too early because a more sophisticated model of atomic structure is not necessary to explain phenomena at this level. Unnecessary details can hinder development of students’ understanding of the central ideas. (3) The concept of a substance lies at the heart of understanding chemistry. However, the concept of a substance is not innate; it is an abstract scientific idea that needs to be learned. More instinctively, everyday thinking assigns identity to a sample of stuff by its history (origin and what has happened to it) rather than here and now properties. Without the concept of a substance, ‘elements’ and ‘compounds’ cannot be understood as two types of substance and ‘mixtures’ as mixtures of substances. Confusion between ‘elements’, ‘compounds’ and ‘mixtures’ follows (a ‘compound’ is made from more than one thing which sounds like a ‘mixture’). Without the concept of a substance students cannot conceive of the possibility of chemical change; substances changing into other substances. (4) LIMIT: The use of quantum mechanical ideas is purely qualitative. It is just important for students to realize that an alternative model to classical mechanics is needed to explain atomic structure and interactions). Research has shown that students can apply both a solar system/Bohr model of the atom and an electron cloud model when instruction emphasizes that they are models and what the implications of being models are. (5) This and the high school level could also correspond to early and later high school courses. The early middle school level would then become just middle school (grades 6-8). (6) ‘Materials’ and ‘substances’ are often interchanged without recognising the hierarchical relationship (materials covers substances and mixtures of substances). (7) Left unsaid is how properties can be used to distinguish between a pure sample of a substance and a mixture of substances. This is the first step towards recognising a substance. Melting behaviour can do this for ‘unknown’ materials (an exact melting point = a substance, non exact = mixture (e.g. chocolate)). Density can identify a substance but cannot distinguish between mixtures and substances. At middle school level, hardness and conductivity do not help with the distinction. When ideas of atoms are introduced, the distinction between the atom and the substance is often not emphasized: more than one substance can be made from one type of atom (e.g. oxygen and ozone). ‘Element’ is often used with two meanings that are not distinguished; students attribute the properties of a substance to the atom. (Introducing the Periodic table as a table of substances may contribute to misconceptions12. (8) LIMIT: At this point students’ atomic model is limited to an atom as sphere with no components. (9) Try to avoid linking this to “motion” of atoms or molecules as that implies the properties of state; a ‘solids, liquids and gases’ framework. Generic properties of states are not different for substances since any substance can be in any of the three states (excepting decomposition). (10) This basic model includes protons and neutrons packed together to make up a dense, relatively massive nucleus that represents most of the mass of the atom, with the electrons surrounding the nucleus occupying most of the volume of the atom. Students can describe models for atomic structure that include electrons distributed in levels around the nucleus. (11) A model of electrostatic attraction and repulsion provides a powerful explanatory framework for the structure and properties of matter (including bonding). A focus on the model may help prevent memorization of categories and classifications. (12) In line with longstanding practice, the Periodic Table is introduced with ‘elements’ as substances, rather than with regard to atomic structure. Although Mendeleev’s original table was of substances, the modern table is of atoms and it could be valuable to introduce it in this way. Starting with substances increases the danger of conflating atoms and substances under ‘element’. This can lead to the misconception of atoms having the properties of the element (substance). The properties of ‘oxygen’ are the properties of diatomic molecules, not oxygen atoms. Individual atoms are not metal or non-metal. Ideas of structure and types of bonding are needed to connect atoms to the observed elementary substances. (13) LIMIT: only main group elements (Groups I-VIII). (14) LIMIT: only for periods 1-3. (15) LIMIT: main group elements only. (16) LIMIT: Students do not need a quantum mechanical probabilistic model to explain interactions among atoms and molecules. A classical probabilistic model is also functional for students at this level. Quantum mechanical ideas are not always specifically mentioned, but ideas such as intermolecular forces and energy levels generally are. A decision Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Atomic Structure & Periodicity 33 Atomic Structure & Periodicity November 15, 2010 Atomic Structure & Periodicity must be made to what level these ideas should be “black boxed:” (1) terms introduced with little explanation or (2) introduce the need for a different model to explain the behavior of systems at this scale. Explain how classical models failed and provide connection to a model when using terms ‘energy level,’ etc., or use the terms qualitatively. Authors and Reviewers Shawn Stevens, University of Michigan, Michigan (author) Dr. Phil Johnson, Durham University, England (reviewer) References Abraham, M. R., Grzybowski, E. B., Renner, J. W., & Marek, E. A. (1992). Understanding and misunderstandings of eighth graders of five chemistry concepts found in textbooks. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(2), 105-120. Abraham, M. R., Williamson, V. M., & Westbrook, S. L. (1994). A cross-age study of the understanding of five chemistry concepts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 31(2), 147-165. Albanese, A. & Vincentini, M. (1997). Why do we believe an atom is colourless? Reflections of the teaching of the particle model. Science & Education, 6, 251-261. Ben-Zvi, R.; Eylon, B.; and Silbestein, J. (1986). Is an atom of copper malleable? Journal of Chemical Education 63(1), 64-66. (Referred to in Nakhleh (1992).) Cokelez, A., & Dumon, A. (2005). Atom and molecule: Upper secondary school French students' representations in long-term memory. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 6(3), 119-135. College Board, The, (2009). Science College Board Standards for College Success, The College Board Driver, R., Squires, A., Rushworth, P., & Wood-Robinson, V., (1999). Making sense of secondary science: Research into children's ideas. London: Routledge. Griffiths, A. K., & Preston, K. R. (1992). Grade-12 students' misconceptions relating to fundamental characteristics of atoms and molecules. Journal for Research in Science Teaching. 29(6), 611-628. Harrison, A. G., & Treagust, D. F. (1996). Secondary students' mental models of atoms and molecules: Implications for teaching chemistry. Science Education, 80(5), 509-534. Horton, C. (2007). Student alternative conceptions in chemistry. California Journal of Science Education, VII(2). Johnson, P. M. (2000). Children's understanding of substances. Part 1: Recognizing chemical change. International Journal of Science Education, 22(7), 719-737. Johnson, P. M.. & Tymms, P. (2010).Using Rasch modeling on a large cross-sectional data-set to test for a learning progression in chemistry suggested by a previous, small-scale, three year longitudinal study. Presented at the National Association for Research on Science Teaching: Philadelphia, PA. Kalkanis, G., Hadzidaki, P., & Stavrou, D. (2003). An instructional model for a radical conceptual change towards quantum mechanics concepts. Science Education, 87, 257-280. Kind, V. (2004). Beyond Appearances: Students’ misconceptions about basic chemical ideas. 2nd Edition, School of Education, Durham University, UK. Self-published; available at < > Renström, L., Andersson, B., & Marton, F. (1990). Students' conceptions of matter, Journal of Educational Psychology 82, 555-569. Schmidt, H.-J., Baumgärtner, T., & Eybe, H. (2003). Changing ideas about the Periodic Table of Elements and students’ alternative concepts of isotopes and allotropes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(3), 257-277. Smith, C. L., Wiser, M., Anderson, C. W. & Krajcik, J., (2006). Implications of research on children’s learning for standards and assessment: A proposed learning progression for matter and the atomic molecular theory. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, 4, 1-98. Taber, K.S. (1998). The sharing out of nuclear attraction, or 'I can't think about physics in chemistry', International Journal of Science Education 20 (8), 1001-1014. Tan, K. C. D., Taber, K. S., Liu, X., Coll, R. K., Lorenzo, M., Li, J., Goh, N. K., & Chia, L. S. (2008). Students’ conceptions of ionization energy: A cross-cultural study. International Journal of Science Education, 30(2), 263-283. Unal, R., & Zollman, D. (1999). Students' description of an atom: a phenomenographic analysis. Downloaded from Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Atomic Structure & Periodicity 34 Chemical Bonding & Reactions November 15, 2010 Chemical Bonding & Reactions Concept and Skill Progression for Chemical Bonding and Reactions The progression is organized into six core ideas: Distinguishing change of state from chemical reactions; Achieving stability and equilibrium; Molecular structure and intermolecular forces; Chemical kinetics; and Conservation of mass in reactions. Conceptual learning begins in middle school then progresses to the early part of a high school course, and then ends with culminating concepts at the latter portion of a high school course. NARRATIVE STORYLINE Initial Ideas Before instruction students know when a new material is made by combining two or more materials; it has properties that are different from the original materials. Students are likely to have exposure to a ‘particle model’ perspective but they will generally pay more attention to macroscopic observations and fail to explain reactions sub-microscopically. Conceptual Stepping Stones Middle school students can distinguish between change of state and chemical change. They can cite observable phenomena as indicators of a chemical change. Students can describe the attractive forces between particles in a substance and understand how the strength of these attractions helps to explain many physical properties of substances, including why different substances exist as solids, liquids or gases at given temperatures. They begin to think sub-microscopically about how the physical properties of materials are determined by the strength of the attractions between particles. They recognize that in chemical reactions, the atoms present in the reactants are all present in the products, but the atoms are found in different combinations (bonds) that result in the formation of different substances. No matter how substances within a closed system interact with one another, or how they combine or break apart, the total weight of the system remains the same and the number of atoms stays the same no matter how they are rearranged. High School (early in course): Students can translate among macroscopic, symbolic, and molecular level representations of states and describe the relative arrangement of particles in each. They differentiate between changes of state and chemical reactions, understanding that reactions involve rearrangements of atoms to produce new substances with different properties. Students understand that chemical bonds are the result of equal attraction and repulsion between atoms. They describe bonding as a continuum from purely non-polar covalent bonds to ionic bonds, and use electronegativity to predict the polarity of bonds. They can use valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory (VSEPR) to predict the molecular geometry of simple molecules and relate that to molecular polarity. They describe how intermolecular forces between molecules are determined by the shape and polarity of the molecules. Students can predict chemical formulas based on the number of valence electrons of the constituent atoms. Students observe that reactions take place faster if the mixture is stirred or reactants are finely divided. They may, however, consider that a chemical reaction may not take place without the influence of mechanical factors. Students know that some factors influence particle motion and therefore believe these factors also influence rate of reaction. Culminating Scientific Ideas High School (later in course): Students describe how the structures of compounds determine their properties and reactivity. Students can classify chemical reactions and predict different types of chemical reactions from the structure and properties of the reactants involved. They understand that chemical reactions are usually the result of the increase in the overall stability of a system. Students understand that reactions are generally in a constant state of equilibrium of forming reactants and products. They predict chemical formulas of products based on the number of valence electrons of the constituent atoms in reactants. Students understand that an input of energy is needed to initiate a reaction. Students comprehend that a mechanical event is not a pre-requisite for a chemical reaction, but it can expedite the rate of reaction. They can explain how, using molecular models, temperature, concentration and pressure affect the rate of reaction because of their effect on particle motion and collisions between reactant or product particles. They also can explain how a catalyst affects the rate of reaction. Students can demonstrate the principle of conservation of mass in reactions by balancing chemical equations and using the mole concept to complete basic stoiciometry calculations. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Chemical Bonding & Reactions 35 Chemical Bonding & Reactions November 15, 2010 Lower Anchor Reflective of student concepts Reconceptualization Chemical Bonding & Reactions Upper Anchor Reflective of science concepts CONCEPT & SKILL DETAILS 1 Initial Ideas Conceptual Stepping Stones2 Culminating Scientific Ideas Before instruction, students often believe and can: Students who fully understand this topic believe and can: Students who fully understand this topic believe and can: Pre-instruction Middle school High school (early in course) High school (later in course) Distinguishing change of state from chemical reactions Distinguishing change of state from chemical reactions Distinguishing change of state from chemical reactions Types of chemical reactions Students know when a new material is made by combining two or more materials; it has properties that are different from the original material.3, 4 Recognize that a substance has a melting point and a boiling point, both of which are independent of the amount of the sample. Differentiate between changes of state and chemical reactions. Chemical changes involve rearrangements of atoms in molecules10 to produce new substances with different properties while changes of state do not. Different types of chemical reactions result from the structure and properties of the reactants involved. Classify chemical reactions as synthesis (combination), decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, and combustion.13 Predict the type of reaction based on the structure and properties of the reactants. Students take ‘solids, liquids and gases’ literally. They think these are three different types of materials.5 Explain why solids, liquids and gases have different physical properties (e.g., shape, volume or thermal expansion) at room temperature based on a particle model of substances.6, 7 [link to conservation of mass] In chemical reactions, the atoms present in the reactants are all present in the products, but the atoms are found in different combinations (bonds) that result in the formation of different substances. 8 Properties11 Translate among macroscopic, symbolic, and atomic–molecular level representations of states. Describe, using representations, the relative arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases.12 Explain why gases expand to fill a container of any size, while liquids flow and spread out to fill the bottom of a container and solids hold their own shape. Justification includes a discussion of particle motion and the attractions between the particles.11 A chemical change is often accompanied by observable phenomena such as precipitation, gas evolution, change in temperature or change in color. However, the chemical change is sometimes difficult to detect through direct observation.9 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Chemical Bonding & Reactions 36 Chemical Bonding & Reactions Achieving stability and equilibrium November 15, 2010 Achieving stability and equilibrium [Link to periodicity, elements and compounds, particulate model of matter.] Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe that atoms need “filled shells” or that chemical reactions occur so that atoms can obtain filled shells (Taber, 2002). Achieving stability The atoms of many elements are more stable when bonded with other atoms.14 Chemical bonds are the result of equal attraction and repulsion between atoms. Filled orbitals are the result of this equilibrium, not the cause.15 Energy is required to form bonds. Energy is released when a bond is formed (Taber, 2002). Bonding is a continuum from purely non-polar covalent bonds, through polar covalent bonds, to ionic bonds.16 There are only two kinds of bonds: covalent and ionic bonds. Hydrogen bonds, then are not real bonds (Taber, 2002). Use electronegativity to predict the polarity of bonds. [link to periodicity] Equal sharing of electron pairs occurs in all covalent bonds (Taber, 2002). Chemical Bonding & Reactions Achieving equilibrium Chemical reactions are usually the result of the increase in the overall stability of a system when reactants form products. Students should be able to describe, using graphic representations, the types of energy changes (e.g., potential energy transforms into kinetic energy during bond formation; change in potential energy for an exothermic or endothermic reaction) that may occur in a system of reacting molecules when a bond between atoms or ions is either weakened or strengthened.18 Reactions are not “done” but are in a constant state of equilibrium of forming reactants and products. Identify how hydrogen bonding in water affects a variety of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena (e.g., surface tension, capillary action, density, boiling point). Modeling results of bonding Predict chemical formulas based on the number of valence electrons of the constituent atoms. [link to periodicity] Modeling results of reactions Predict chemical formulas of products based on the number of valence electrons of the constituent atoms in reactants. Represent bonded atoms with Lewis dot structures for compounds. Name and write the chemical formulas for simple compounds.17 Molecular structure and intermolecular forces19 Molecular structure and intermolecular forces [Link to electrical charge interactions] Molecular structure and intermolecular forces There are attractive forces between particles in a substance. The strength of these attractions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Chemical Bonding & Reactions 37 Chemical Bonding & Reactions The physical properties of materials are determined by the strength of the attractions between particles.20 Possible Misconceptions: The shapes of molecules are due only to the repulsion between atoms or due only to the repulsion between non-bonding pairs of electrons (Taber, 2002). Intermolecular forces are forces within molecules (Taber, 2002). Non-polar molecules are formed when the constituent atoms have similar electronegativities (Taber, 2002). November 15, 2010 Chemical Bonding & Reactions helps to explain many physical properties of substances, including why different substances exist as solids, liquids or gases at given temperatures.21 The shapes of molecules are due in part to the repulsion between non-bonding electron pairs and in part to the repulsion between bonding electron pairs. Intermolecular forces are forces between molecules and are determined by the shape and polarity of the molecules. Use valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory (VSEPR) to predict the molecular geometry (linear, trigonal planar, and tetrahedral) of simple molecules. Use VSEPR electronegativity to predict the polarity of molecules. Non-polar molecules can be formed from atoms with very different electronegativities. Chemical kinetics Chemical kinetics Chemical kinetics Activation energy Activation energy Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe that activation energy is the energy released after a reaction (Cakmakci, 2005). Further, some students consider activation energy the kinetic energy of product molecules. As a result the reaction with the higher activation energy occurs faster (Cakmakci, 2005). Activation energy Students understand that an input of energy is needed to initiate a reaction. The amount of energy required is called the activation energy barrier.24 Rate of reactions22 Rate of reactions Students know some critical aspects of ‘rate,’ ‘reaction,’ ‘mechanism’ and ‘speed’ and may use such knowledge to describe the similarities and differences of the concept of ‘rate of reaction.’ Rate of reactions Students understand the difference between the rate of reaction and the reaction time (e.g. Cakmakci, 2005; Taştan, Yalçınkaya, & Boz, 2009). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Chemical Bonding & Reactions 38 Chemical Bonding & Reactions November 15, 2010 Possible Misconceptions: Students are often confused between the concept of rate of reaction and reaction time (e.g., Cakmakci, 2005; Taştan, Yalçınkaya, & Boz, 2009). They may think that at the beginning of a reaction, reactant molecules are far away from each other; therefore the reaction rate is zero at the beginning. During a period of time, interaction of molecules increases and as a result the reaction rate increases (e.g., Cakmakci, 2005; Taştan, Yalçınkaya, & Boz, 2009). They may also believe the reaction rate is constant as time passes, because reaction rate does not depend on time; time does not change reaction rate (e.g., Cakmakci, 2005; Taştan, Yalçınkaya, & Boz, 2009). Chemical Bonding & Reactions Using a particle model, students represent the rate of reaction sub-microscopically, symbolically, or mathematically (e.g., Cakmakci, 2005; Ebenezer & Erickson, 1996). [Link to chemical bonding and intermolecular forces] Students may think that reaction rate is the time required for a reaction to be completed or reaction rate is the amount of energy needed to initiate a reaction or reaction rate is equal to the formation energy of products (Cakmakci, 2005; Nakipoğlu et al., 2002; Taştan, Yalçınkaya, & Boz, 2009). Factors influencing rate of reaction The effect of mechanical factors Possible Misconceptions: Students frequently observe that mechanical factors such as shaking, stirring, crushing (surface area) etc. have a role in a heterogeneous mixture, and that reactions take place faster or more rapidly if the mixture is stirred or reactants are finely divided. But students may believe that stirring or mechanical factors (e.g., surface area) affect all types of reactions in both homogenous and heterogeneous environments (Cakmakci, 2005).23 Further, students may consider that a chemical reaction may not take place without the influence of mechanical factors. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education The effect of mechanical factors Students know that mechanical factors such as shaking, stirring, crushing (surface area) etc. effectively increase the rate of reaction in heterogeneous environments. Students comprehend that a mechanical event is not a prerequisite for chemical reaction or rate of reaction, but it can expedite the rate of reaction. Chemical Bonding & Reactions 39 Chemical Bonding & Reactions November 15, 2010 The effects of temperature, pressure and concentration Students know that some factors such as temperature, pressure and concentration influence particle motion and therefore believe these factors also influence rate of reaction. Possible Misconceptions: They may, however, reverse relationships. (e.g., Cakmakci, 2005; Çalık & Ayas, 2005). Or the more concentration increases, the more time is needed to yield reaction products (Nakipoğlu et al., 2002). Students often believe that exothermic reactions occur faster because they do not need energy to occur or because they have a lower activation energy. They may also think that reactions that take place at the same temperature have equal kinetic energy, thus the rate of reactions would be the same (e.g. Cakmakci, 2005). The effect of a catalyst Even though students comprehend meanings of ‘catalyst’ or ‘enzyme,’ they may believe that a catalyst does not affect or does not change the rate of a reaction (e.g. Cakmakci, 2005; Nakipoğlu et al. 2005). Chemical Bonding & Reactions The effects of temperature, pressure and concentration Using ‘kinetic theory’ and a particle model students comprehend that temperature, concentration (including concentration of reacting species) and pressure affect dissolution phenomena because of their effect on particle motion and collisions between reactant or product particles (Nakipoğlu et al., 2002). For example, if temperature increases, kinetic energies of particles increase, increasing collisions between particles with enough energy to result in an increase in rate of reaction. In the case of gases, the concentration is proportional to the pressure, so an increase in pressure increases the probability of collisions between particles with enough energy to result in an increase in rate of reaction. [Link to kinetic theory, states of matter and gas laws] The effect of a catalyst Students know that a catalyst affects the rate of reaction by providing another mechanism or pathway with lower activation energy for the reactants to form products. Students comprehend that a catalyst does not commence or end a reaction. Nor is it not used up in reactions because it is taken up in one step and re-formed in a later step. Conservation of mass in reactions Conservation of mass in reactions Conservation of mass in reactions No matter how substances within a closed system interact with one another, or how they combine or break apart, the total weight of the system remains the same and the number of atoms stays the same no matter how they are rearranged (AAAS, 1993). Balance chemical equations by applying the laws of conservation of mass and constant composition. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Because the mass of an atom is very small, the mole is used to translate the mass of an atom to the macroscopic level. The mass of a mole of Chemical Bonding & Reactions 40 Chemical Bonding & Reactions November 15, 2010 [Link to particulate model of matter] Chemical Bonding & Reactions any substance is equal to its formula mass in grams.25 Use the mole concept to determine the number of particles and the molar mass of elements and compounds. Calculate the mass-to-mass stoichiometry for a chemical reaction. Determine percent compositions, empirical formulas, and molecular formulas. Grades Pre-instruction Middle school High school (early in course) High school (later in course) Key Vocabulary substance, melting point, boiling point, physical property, chemical reaction, atom, reactant, product, chemical change, precipitation, gas evolution, attractive force, conservation of mass polarity, polar, non-polar, covalent bond, ionic bond, electronegativity, hydrogen bond, surface tension, macroscopic, atomic, molecular, element, change of state, catalyst, temperature, pressure, concentration, rate of reaction, VSEPR, intermolecular force, Lewis dot structure, valence electron, chemical formula, capillary action, stable, bond/ing, equilibrium, orbital, energy synthesis (combination), decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, combustion, exothermic, endothermic, ion, reaction time, heterogeneous, dissolution, kinetic energy, proportional, activation energy, mole, molar mass, stoichiometry, percent composition, empirical formula, molecular formula Authors and Reviewers Dr. Alan Kiste, University of Michigan, Michigan (contributor) Dr. Jazlin Ebenezer, Wayne State University, Michigan (contributor) Dr. David Treagust, Curtin University, Australia (reviewer) References American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). (1993). Benchmarks for science literacy. New York, Oxford University Press. Cakmakci, G. (2005) A cross-sectional study of the understanding of chemical kinetics among Turkish secondary and undergraduate students. Unpublished PhD Thesis. The University of Leeds, UK Çalık, M. & Ayas, A. (2005). A Comparison of level of understanding of grade 8 students and science student teachers related to selected chemistry concepts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42(6), 638-667. Coppola, B. P. and R. G. Lawton (1997). "The University of Michigan Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. 2. Instructional Strategies and Assessment." Journal of Chemical Education 74: 84-94. Ebenezer J.V. & Erickson, L.G. (1996). Chemistry students’ conception of solubility: a phenomenograpy. Science Education, 80:181–201 Ege, S. N., B. P. Coppola, et al. (1997). "The University of Michigan Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. 1. Philosophy, Curriculum, and the Nature of Change." Journal of Chemical Education 74: 74-83. Hapkiewicz, A. (1991). "Clarifying Chemical Bonding." The Science Teacher 58(3): 24-27. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Chemical Bonding & Reactions 41 Chemical Bonding & Reactions November 15, 2010 Chemical Bonding & Reactions Kolomuç, A. (2009). Animation aided instruction on “rate of chemical reactions” unit in grade 11 in regard to 5E model. Unpublished PhD thesis, Atatürk University, Turkey. Nakipoğlu, C. , Benlikaya, R. & Kalın, Ş. (2002). Usage of V-diagrams in eliciting pre-service chemistry teachers’ misunderstanding of ‘chemical kinetic’ [Kimya öğretmen adaylarında "Kimyasal Kinetik" konusu ile ilgili yanlış kavramaların belirlenmesinde V-diyagramlarının kullanılması]. V. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi, METU. Nahum, T. L., R. Mamlok-Naaman, et al. (2008). "A New "Bottom-Up" framework for teaching chemical bonding." Journal of Chemical Education 85(12): 1680-1685. Nahum, T. L., R. Mamlok-Naaman, et al. (2007). "Developing a new teaching approach for the chemical bonding concept aligned with current scientific and pedagogical knowledge." Science Education 91(4): 579-603. Ozmen, H. (2004). "Some student misconceptions in chemistry: A literature review of chemical bonding." Journal of Science Education and Technology 13(2): 147-159. Pabuccu, A. and O. Geban (2006). "Remediating misconceptions concerning chemical bonding through conceptual change text." H. U. Journal of Education 30: 184-192. Peterson, R., D. Treagust, et al. (1986). "Identification of secondary students' misconceptions of covalent bonding and structure concepts using a diagnostic instrument." Research in Science Education 16: 40-48. Peterson, R. F. and D. F. Treagust (1989). "Grade-12 students' misconceptions of covalent bonding and structure." Journal of Chemical Education 66(6): 459-460. Taber, K. (2002). Chemical misconceptions - prevention, diagnosis and cure. Volume 1: Theoretical background. London, Royal Society of Chemistry. Taber, K. (2002). Chemical misconceptions - prevention, diagnosis and cure. Volume 2: Classroom resources. London, Royal Society of Chemistry. Taştan, Ö., Yalçınkaya, E. & Boz, Y. (2009). Pre-service chemistry teachers’ ideas about reaction mechanism. Journal of Turkish Science Education (TUSED) (in press) Tezcan H. &Yılmaz Ü. (2003). The effect of conceptual computer animations and traditional instruction in teaching chemistry on student achievement [Kimya öğretiminde kavramsal bilgisayar animasyonlari ile geleneksel anlatım yöntemin başarıya etkileri]. Pamukkale University Journal of Faculty of Education, 14(2), 18-32. She, H.C. (2004). Facilitating changes in ninth grade students’ understanding of dissolution and diffusion through dslm instruction. Research in Science Education, 34, 503-525. NOTES: 1 Chemistry misconceptions are often not the result of students’ pre-scientific observations of the world around them. Because chemical concepts depend on an understanding of the atomic level world that is invisible to them, students often have few initial misconceptions about chemical phenomena. Instead the misconceptions listed below often develop through their school learning via unintentional generalizations or imprecise language in early grades. Students often hold these misconceptions well after high school graduation, which may indicate that these concepts are either not being challenged at the HS level, or that they are being unintentionally reinforced. Common language around atoms “wanting” a full shell of electrons as a reason for bonding (Taber, 2002) is an example of the reinforcement of a misconception. Research on learning progressions suggests that prior knowledge regarding atoms, molecules, and the particulate nature of matter should be tapped prior to discussions of bonding. 2 There is generally limited empirical evidence that suggests which intermediate ideas are productive stepping stones at each level. We have, however, evidence that students can develop these ideas (citations noted). Also, these intermediate understandings address ideas for which we have some informed hypotheses that lead to the important ideas in the targeted understanding. In many cases to move from an intermediate understanding to the targeted level of understanding, all connections between ideas need to be consistently made. 3 College Board, Foundational Knowledge, p. 88. 4 Without the concept of a substance students cannot begin to conceive of the possibility of chemical change; substances changing into other substances. Instead, an emphasis on ‘reversibility’ as a criterion for thinking about changes misses the point since chemical changes can be both irreversible and reversible. Historical thinking is unhelpful. Without the concept of a substance, ‘elements’ and ‘compounds’ cannot be understood as two types of substance and ‘mixtures’ as mixtures of substances. Confusion between ‘elements’, ‘compounds’ and ‘mixtures’ follows (a ‘compound’ is made from more than one thing which sounds like a ‘mixture’). 5 ‘Solids, liquids and gases’ coupled with the absence of the concept of a substance inhibits understanding of the particle theory. It is not clear that the ‘basic’ particles are particles of substances (and mixtures are mixtures of different substance particles). The model for ‘solids, liquids and gases’ does not explain why different substances have different melting and boiling points: i.e. different substances coexisting in different states is not explained. This reinforces the misconception of three types of particle having the macroscopic properties of three types of stuff (solid particles, liquid particles and gas particles). Changes of state (change in particle) are the somewhat confusing, anomalous behavior of a few materials. Sole emphasis on the kinetic aspects of the particle model gives life to the misconception of particles (unknown) being embedded in the continuous material. Most significantly, with such misconceptions ‘gases’ still remain a mystery – there is no sense that ‘gases’ are different substances just as much as salt and iron. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Chemical Bonding & Reactions 42 Chemical Bonding & Reactions November 15, 2010 Chemical Bonding & Reactions 6 While not about molecular shape per se, it allows inference of shape from macroscopic properties (i.e., water is polar and thus has a higher than expected boiling point because it is bent, not linear). This needs to then be related to microscopic shapes of molecules. College Board standard PS-PE 2.3.4. 7 The ‘solids, liquids and gases’ approach does not distinguish between substances and mixtures of substances. The messy behavior of some mixtures is left unexplained, in contrast to the simpler behavior of pure samples of substances. The difference between boiling and evaporation below boiling point is not explained. Both are said to be a change to the gas state, which is confusing since one takes place at a specific temperature and the other at any temperature. That one result in a pure sample in the gas state (the bubbles) and the other a mixture with air is ignored. 8 College Board, p. 101. 9 College Board, p. 102. 10 Except dipolar or dative bonding. There is often a distinction made between chemical and physical properties but this is not at all clear in many cases. It is helpful to define any property or reactivity that involves electrons as chemistry (for example, dissolving). Even melting can be viewed as chemical as it directly relates to the structure of the molecules and their intermolecular forces. 12 These support the later intermolecular forces standards. Ideal gases were purposely left out as they, by definition, have no intermolecular forces. College Board standards CPE.1.5.1 and C-PE.1.5.2. 13 While most general chemistry textbooks written in the last 25 years classify chemical reactions as synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, and combustion, this classification is not general. For example, this classification scheme makes little (if any) sense from the standpoint of organic chemistry. A much more general scheme is that reactions can be classified as addition, elimination, or substitution reactions or as some combination of those 3 basic types (e.g. addition followed by elimination). Or, one could get even more general and classify every reaction as an oxidation or reduction (which might have its own advantages as far as getting students to see reactions as a flow of electrons rather than just having atoms fulfill the octet rule.) Either of those schemes would have the advantage of being ways that real chemists actually classify reactions. In addition, those schemes describe the actual mechanism of reaction, which the current scheme does not, and they provide the ability to make predictions. 14 (CB, p. 117) 15 Chemical bonding is the result of a thermodynamically stable equilibrium between attraction and repulsion between atoms. While the octet rule can be used to predict stable chemical species, it is not the reason for bonding and should be actively discouraged. (Taber 2002) 16 LIMIT: Hybridization is not an expected concept. NOTE: There is a strong trend in most chemistry classes and textbooks to make covalent and ionic bonds two separate categories rather than simply two ends of a spectrum. This continuum is made explicit here to deemphasize that incorrect distinction. Please refer to College Board standards for definitions of each type of bond. 17 NOTE: include those that contain the polyatomic ions: ammonium, carbonate, hydroxide, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate. 18 College Board, C-PE.1.3.1. 19 A useful organizing principle for Chemical Bonding and Chemical Reactions is the notion of “Structure and reactivity.” (Coppola and Lawton 1997; Ege, Coppola et al. 1997). That is, the structures of all compounds determine their properties and reactivity. And, one can predict the properties and reactivity of new materials by examining differences in structure with known compounds. Using this organizing principle, the emphasis can be on prediction from a small number of basic concepts (e.g. electronegativity and VSEPR) rather than memorization of the properties and reactivities of a large number of compounds. 20 College Board, p. 126. 21 College Board, p. 99. 22 There are a few papers discussing student learning of rate of reactions. There is, however, research on alternative conceptions. 23 For example, students may consider that the reaction rate is the same for both reactions (powdered MgO and granulated MgO) because the same amount of substances have been used or the physical features of substances only affect the rate of dissolving. 24 College Board, Essential Knowledge, p. 131. 25 College Board, Essential Knowledge, p. 128. 11 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Chemical Bonding & Reactions 43 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry Concept and Skill Progression for Solution Chemistry This progression is organized by four major topics: the Physical Characteristics of Solutions; the Solution Process; Interactive Effects; and Solubility Equilibrium. Starting at middle school, emphasis is placed on mixtures then the particulars of solutions. NARRATIVE STORYLINE Initial Ideas Before instruction students sometimes confuse ‘mixtures’ with ‘solutions,’ and are sometimes confused between the components of a solution. They tend to use types of solutions interchangeably without using the concept of ‘solubility.’ Some students are not able to differentiate between chemical knowledge and everyday knowledge and use everyday language to describe the solution process. Students’ often hold 1 of 4 theories of solutions: 1) Melting theory; 2) Hydrate theory; 3) Chemical Combination theory; and 4) Ionic theory. Students also tend to believe that the phenomenon of dissolving requires mechanical events to make it happen. Conceptual Stepping Stones Middle school students know the characteristics of mixtures, and can differentiate mixtures and pure substances. Students know that the mixture is made up of soluble and insoluble substances, their distinguishing properties, and can apply these properties to solutions. Students can understand the difference between mixtures and solutions as well as their shared attributes. Students can understand that a liquid solution consists of two components, the ‘solute’ and ‘solvent’. They can consider reasons why some solvents can dissolve more solutes while some others can dissolve little or small amount. Students comprehend that heating is a pre-requisite for the melting process, but it not a pre-requisite for the dissolution process. Students can fundamentally understand differences between physical and chemical change and their features, and can transfer these notions to the dissolution process. They can comprehend mechanical events that influence the rate of dissolution process. Students understand that temperature and pressure affect the dissolution process and influence amount of solute in solvent. Students can explain and give examples of how mass is conserved in a closed system. Early high school students can differentiate between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures. They can comprehend that mixtures consist of solutions and the solution is referred to as homogenous mixture. They can describe and name the structural components and constructs of solutions. Students can distinguish between electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions based on the solute but not yet on the ionization of water. Students recognize the impact of water temperature on the ability to dissolve, and can model the difference between melting and dissolving. Students can represent their understanding of the distinction between chemical reactions of solutions and the dissolution of sodium chloride in water with chemical and ionic equations, respectively. Students can test the conductivity of various solutions and can represent the process of hydration with ionic equations (symbolically). Students will be able to comprehend how factors (temperature, stirring, surface area and pressure) affect dissolution/solubility and distinguish what factors increase or decrease dissolution/solubility. Culminating Scientific Ideas Later high school students realize that no substance is totally insoluble; there will always be some quantity in solution, however small. Students can differentiate ‘electrolyte’ and ‘nonelectrolyte’ solutions and can categorize electrolyte solutions into ‘weak’ and ‘strong’. Students conceptualize that a solution must have mobile charged ions to conduct electricity. They can differentiate the following processes: ‘melting,’ ‘hydrate formation,’ ‘chemical combination,’ and ‘dissolving--ion formation.’ They understand dissolution and the nature of the dissolution processes at three levels, and relate them to the structural components of and constructs. Using a ‘particle model’, students can represent their macroscopic observations with sub-microscopic or symbolic models (including atomic and molecular models). Students are able to observe visible changes that often accompany reactions. They can symbolically express chemical formulas and balanced equations for selected reactions. Using ‘kinetic theory’ and particle model students can explain how temperature and pressure affect the process of dissolution and understand conservation of matter during dissolution process. Students apply and use enthalpy change or hydration enthalpy during the dissolution process and can therefore decide whether or not a substance can easily dissolve. Students will be able to predict and calculate the amount or direction of the depression of vapor pressure in solutions, the depression of melting points, and boiling point elevation and relate these properties into everyday examples. Students will know that when a substance freezes, the particles arrange themselves into an orderly pattern, called a crystal and that the forming of a solution interferes with the orderly arrangement of the particles in the crystal. Also, they can apply their preexisting knowledge of stoichiometry in chemical equations to solubility equilibrium. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 44 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Lower Anchor Reflective of student concepts Reconceptualization Solution Chemistry Upper Anchor Reflective of science concepts CONCEPT & SKILL DETAILS Initial Ideas42 Before instruction, students often believe and can: Pre-instruction Conceptual Stepping Stones43 Students who view the world in this way believe and can: Grades 6-8 High school (Early in a course) Properties of Mixtures and Solutions Properties of Mixtures and Solutions Culminating Scientific Ideas44 Students who fully understand this topic believe and can: High school (Late in a course) Physical characteristics of solutions Properties of Mixtures and Solutions45 Possible Misconceptions: Students sometimes confuse ‘mixtures’ with ‘solutions’. For example, students believe that ‘solution is a term used for homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures’ or ‘solutions are also heterogeneous mixtures’ (Çalık & Ayas, 2005b). Students know the characteristics of mixtures, and can differentiate mixtures and pure substances. Students can differentiate between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures. Students know that the mixture is made up of soluble and insoluble substances. Students comprehend that mixtures consist of solutions and the solution is referred to as homogenous mixture. Students know the distinguishing properties of soluble and insoluble substances. Students describe the structural components of solutions (i.e., particles, solute, solvent, etc.), and constructs (i.e., solubility). Properties of Mixtures and Solutions Students realize that no substance is totally insoluble; there will always be some quantity in solution, however small. For instance, although the sand on the beach appears insoluble, rain water dissolves silicon (IV) oxide from rocks and transports it to the sea. Students apply the distinguishing features of soluble and insoluble substances to solutions. Students understand the difference between mixtures and solutions as well as their shared attributes. Components of Solution Possible Misconceptions: Students are sometimes confused between the components of a solution. For example, students believe that water is the solute and sugar is the solvent because water breaks the structure of sugar, decomposes into its own ions (e.g. Components of Solution Components of Solution46 Students understand that a liquid solution consists of two components (e.g., sugar in water). The components are ‘solute’ (e.g., sugar) and ‘solvent’ (e.g., water). When provided with a variety of liquid solutions students can name the solute and solvent of each solution.47 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 45 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry Çalık & Ayas, 2005a), or students believe sugar and water both may be solute or solvent-- Sugar and water are both solvents at the beginning of solution process and then become solutes (e.g., Çalık & Ayas, 2005a). Differentiating Types of Solutions Possible Misconceptions: Students tend to use types of solutions interchangeably without using the concept of ‘solubility’. For example, the solution in Beaker A is dilute; that in Beaker B is saturated and that in Beaker C is concentrated (Çalık et al., 2009). Beaker A and Beaker B are solutions, Beaker C is a half-solution because in the cooler water in Beaker C, table salt did not dissolve completely (Çalık et al., 2009). Differentiating Types of Solutions Differentiating Types of Solutions Students consider reasons why some solvents can dissolve more solutes while some others can dissolve little or small amount. They can compare solutions using amount of solute in equal solvents. Applying the concept of solubility, students will be able to distinguish between ‘dilute and concentrated solutions’ and “unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated solutions (e.g. Çalık & Ayas, 2005; Çalık et al., 2009; Pınarbaşı & Canpolat, 2003).48 Students’ understanding of ‘dissolution’ enable them to grasp the concept of ‘solubility’ which is an important factor in identifying types of solutions. For example, the solution is saturated when a specific amount of water incorporates a maximum amount of salt that it can dissolve. Solution which includes less solute than it can dissolve is an unsaturated solution. Solution not only contains much more solute than it can dissolve but also is heated and then cooled is called a supersaturated solution (e.g., Çalık et al., 2009). Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solutions Students can distinguish between electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions based on the solute but not yet on the ionization of water. For example, students understand that when sugar dissolves in water, the solution does not conduct electricity. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solutions Using dissolution of ionic or molecular substances in water, students can differentiate ‘electrolyte’ and ‘non-electrolyte’ solutions. Students understand that table salt in water conducts electricity whereas sugar in water or ethyl alcohol in water does not. Students will categorize electrolyte solutions into ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ electrolyte solutions using the concept of Solution Chemistry 46 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 If the solution includes (−1) ion, it can conduct electricity (e.g., Çalık, 2005). Solution Chemistry ionization in water.49 Students conceptualize that a solution must have mobile charged ions to conduct electricity. The more ionization increases, the more electric conductivity increases too. If ionization is very high, it is called strong electrolyte solutions (i.e., HCl, NaCl, H2SO4). If ionization is low, it is called weak electrolyte solutions (i.e., NH3, acetic acid, lemon in water, HF). If there is no ionization, it is named ‘non-electrolyte solution’ (i.e., sugar in water, ethyl alcohol, CCl4, PCl3, SCl2) (Çalık et al., 2010). The Solution Process 50 Possible Misconceptions: Students identify concepts of solution with non- or remotely related concepts (Çalık, Ayas & Ebenezer, 2005). For example, students use the term melt for dissolve, and use the concepts of density and absorption to explain the dissolution process (e.g., Prieto, Blanco & Rodriguez, 1989). Some students are not able to differentiate between solution chemistry related chemical knowledge and other chemical knowledge (Longden et al. 1991).For example, students refer to the interaction between the solute and the solvent in the dissolution process as a chemical change (Ebenezer and Erickson, 1996; Prieto et al., 1989). The Solution Process Students comprehend that heating is a pre-requisite for melting process, but it not a pre-requisite for dissolution process. Students fundamentally understand differences between physical and chemical change and their features. Also, they can transfer these notions to dissolution process.53 Some students are not able to differentiate between chemical knowledge and everyday knowledge (Longden et al. 1991) and use everyday language to describe the solution process (Çalık et al., 2005; Ebenezer & Erickson, 1996; Prieto et al., 1989). For example, students use Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education The Solution Process Students can understand that dissolution concept is an integrated concept in different disciplines and discriminate it from non-related concepts such as density, absorption, chemical change (e.g. Prieto et al. 1989). Thus, they can imagine ‘dissolution process’ accurately in their mind. The Solution Process Students can differentiate the following processes: ‘melting,’ ‘hydrate formation,’ ‘chemical combination,’ and ‘dissolving--ion formation.’ Students can explain the role and function of ‘solute’ and ‘solvent’ particles and their interactions. Students understand dissolution and the nature of the dissolution processes at three levels (macroscopic, sub-microscopic and symbolic) and relate them to the structural components of (i.e., particles, solute, solvent, etc) and constructs (i.e., solubility). Using a ‘particle model’, students can represent their macroscopic observations with submicroscopic or symbolic models (including atomic and molecular models) (e.g. Kabapınar et al., 2004). Solution Chemistry 47 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry the everyday terminology “melt” to describe the concept of dissolution (Abraham et al., 1992, 1994; Cosgrove & Osborne, 1981; Ebenezer and Erickson, 1996; Ebenezer, 2001; Prieto et al., 1989). Students’ often hold 1 of 4 theories of solutions,51 52 listed below, and generally depict the phenomenon of dissolving at the macroscopic level (Ebenezer & Erickson, 1996). (a) Melting theory Salt melts, becomes liquid. For example: "Salt is melting in water and becoming liquid like water." "Salt became liquid in the water." "Water molecules are entering into the salt molecules and making them liquid." When solid mixtures of two or more substances are heated, the terms ‘‘melt’’ and ‘‘dissolve’’ maybe used interchangeably even though term ‘‘melting’’ is more usual at higher temperatures (Goodwin, 2002). However, sodium chloride and its solution in water include adequate differences to distinguish the terms ‘‘melting’’ and ‘‘dissolving’’ (Goodwin, 2002). (b) (c) (d) Hydrate Theory "…And form one kind of chemical thing" NaC1 + H2O NaCl.H20 (salty water) Transitional ideas to address a melting perspective Students can interpret and model ice melting in macroscopic and submicroscopic terms. Students can interpret and model the addition of substances to water that dissolve (for example, sugar, salt, Kool-Aid crystals) in macroscopic and sub-microscopic terms. Students recognize the impact of water temperature on the ability to dissolve. Students can model the difference between melting and dissolving. Transitional ideas to address a hydrate perspective Students can explain the presence of water of hydration in substances. Students can symbolically represent substances with and without water of hydration. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Formation of Hydrate to Dissolving Students understand that hydrates are compounds that incorporate water molecules into their fundamental solid structure. In a hydrate (which usually has a specific crystalline form), a defined number of water molecules are associated with each formula unit of the primary material. 54 The water in the hydrate (referred to as "water of hydration") can be removed by heating the Solution Chemistry 48 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry hydrate. When all hydrating water is removed, the material is said to be anhydrous (an anhydrate).55 Students know how to measure the percent water in a hydrate experimentally. Transitional ideas to address a chemical combination perspective Chemical Combination Theory Salt combines, changes property -- salty water is new substances by chemical reaction. For example: "Salt joined with water nucleus and become invisible." "Salt mixed and formed a new thing." "The water shares its molecules with salt and salt also share its molecules with water." "Water and salt join together and they became one category." Students demonstrate that salt dissolving in water is a physical change. Students distinguish between chemical reactions of solutions and dissolution of sodium chloride in water. Combining Chemically to Dissolving Students are able to observe visible changes that often accompany reactions, including evolution of a gas, formation of a precipitate, color change, generation or absorption of heat.56 Using a chart on solubility rules and the molecular formulas for reactants, students can symbolically express chemical formulas and balanced equations for selected reactions. Students represent their understanding of the distinction between chemical reactions of solutions and the dissolution of sodium chloride in water with chemical and ionic equations, respectively. Ionic Theory Ionic Theory For example: "Ions are moving in the water." "Salt dissolves in water and forms Na ions and Cl ions.” Students can test the conductivity of various solutions. Students represent the process of hydration with ionic equations (symbolic). The Effect of Mechanical Factors on the Dissolution Process The Effect of Mechanical Factors on the Dissolution Process Students frequently apply the rate of dissolving of solute (i.e., sugar, table salt) in solvent (i.e., water) due to mechanical factors such as shaking, stirring, crushing (surface area) etc. Students associate these mechanical factors with the phenomena of dispersion and dissolution, Students comprehend that mechanical events such as shaking/stirring a solution, and an increase in surface area of solute (i.e., powdered sugar and cube sugar), influence rate of dissolution process and decrease necessary time for dissolution process. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education The Effect of Mechanical Factors on the Dissolution Process Ionic Theory Students understand how to represent the hydration process symbolically by writing ionic equation for various liquid-water solutions (such as sodium chloride in water, or calcium sulfate in water). The Effect of Mechanical Factors on the Dissolution Process Students will be able to comprehend how factors (temperature, stirring, surface area and pressure) affect dissolution/solubility. Further, they can distinguish what factors increase or decrease dissolution/solubility. In other words, they understand what Solution Chemistry 49 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 which influence the amount of dissolved solute in solvent (e.g. Blanco & Prieto, 1997; Çalık, 2005; Çalık et al., 2005, 2009). Solution Chemistry factors only speed up dissolution process and not increase amount of solute in solvent or solubility. Mechanical factors only affect the time necessary for dissolution process (e.g., Çalık et al., 2009). Possible Misconception: Students believe that the phenomenon of dissolving does not take place without mechanical events. Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Dissolution Process Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Dissolution Process Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Dissolution Process57 Students are taught the particle model and ‘kinetic theory’ and how temperature and pressure influence particle motion. Possible Misconceptions: However, they have difficulty in applying these notions to the dissolution process. For example, students believe that if the water is very hot, the salt would spread through the water, but when cooled the salt would sink again. The salt goes into solution in a stable form, having been acted upon by heat; pressing gas particles liquefies them. Therefore, students’ understanding of the dissolution process seems difficult; gas particles cannot be squeezed therefore, the solubility of gas particles is unchangeable (e.g. Blanco & Prieto 1997; Çalık et al., 2005, 2007; Pınarbaşı & Canpolat 2003). Students understand that temperature and pressure affect dissolution process and influence amount of solute in solvent. For example, students observe that sugar or table salt in water can easily dissolve in water when heating. Further, they comprehend that when carbonate drink (coca cola) is opened, bubbles give off. Using ‘kinetic theory’ and particle model students can explain how temperature and pressure affect the process of dissolution based on particle motion and interactions between solute and solvent particles (Çalık et al., 2007, 2009). For example, if pressure increases, interaction between solute and solvent increases. This means that there is an increase in solubility. If temperature is enhanced for a solid into a liquid, its solubility generally increases due to an increase in particle motion and interaction between solute and solvent particles. Conservation of Matter Applied to the Dissolution Process Conservation of Matter Applied to the Dissolution Process Conservation of Matter Applied to the Dissolution Process Conservation of Matter Applied to the Dissolution Process Students explain and give examples of how mass is conserved in a closed system. Possible Misconceptions: Some students think that solute disappears in solvent and results in a decrease in solution mass.58 Students understand conservation of matter during dissolution process, in part based on macroscopic observations where solutions are colorful as a result of colorful solute (Taylor and Coll, 1997; Stavy, 1991). Students may believe that solution mass is heavier or smaller than total Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 50 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry mass of solute and solvent (e.g., Driver & Russell, 1982; Holding, 1987; Johnson & Scott, 1991). Energy Changes that Occur during Dissolution Interactive Effects Colligative Properties of Nonvolatile Solute-Solutions Energy Changes that Occur during Dissolution Energy Changes that Occur during Dissolution Possible Misconceptions: Students typically have been taught chemical bonding and intermolecular forces but they have difficulty in linking these concepts with enthalpy change or hydration enthalpy during the dissolution process (e.g. Çalık et al., 2005; Ebenezer & Fraser, 2001). That is, they may think energy is involved in solution process as (i) you give energy; (ii) water gives energy; (iii) salt gives energy; (iv) reaction gives off energy (e.g., Ebenezer & Fraser, 2001). Students can reason about why some solutes, (i.e. Sugar, Table Salt etc.) dissolve in solvents (i.e. water) rapidly, the other do slowly (i.e. AgCl). Interactive Effects Interactive Effects Energy Changes that Occur during Dissolution Students apply and use enthalpy change or hydration enthalpy during the dissolution process based on their understandings of chemical bonding and intermolecular forces (e.g., Çalık et al., 2005; Ebenezer & Fraser, 2001). Hence, they can decide whether or not a substance can easily dissolve. The energy change or hydration enthalpy may be used to determine whether or not ionic substances dissolve in water. In other words, students can address how an ionic substance easily dissolves as a result of hydration enthalpy.59 Interactive Effects Colligative Properties of Nonvolatile Solute-Solutions60 Colligative Properties of Nonvolatile Solute-Solutions61 Colligative Properties of Nonvolatile SoluteSolutions Students recognize that a substance has a melting point and a boiling point, both of which are independent of the amount of the sample. Physical properties are determined by the concentration of dissolved particles in a mixture, and affected by the type of dissolved particles. Osmotic pressure (tendency of water to flow from high water concentration to low water concentration), boiling point elevation and freezing point depression are examples of colligative properties. The greater the particle concentration, the stronger the colligative effect.62 Students will be able to predict and calculate amount or direction of the depression of vapor pressure in solutions, the depression of melting points, and boiling point elevation and relate these properties into everyday examples such as spreading salt on icy road (Çalık, 2005, 2008; Pınarbaşı & Canpolat 2003). Possible Misconceptions: tudents may consider that freezing and boiling points of salt dissolved in water are not different from those of water because salt dissolved in water is a liquid like water (Çalık, 2005, 2008). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Students know the following conceptual ideas: When a substance freezes, the particles arrange themselves into an orderly pattern, called a crystal. The forming of a solution (such as when salt is added to water or ice) interferes with the orderly arrangement of the particles in the crystal. Therefore, more kinetic energy (heat) must be Solution Chemistry 51 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry removed from the solvent (i.e., water) for freezing to occur. This results in a lower freezing point. Furthermore, the more particles of solute (i.e., salt) added, the more kinetic energy must be removed. Solubility Equilibrium65 66 Solubility Equilibrium Possible Misconceptions: Students may believe that there is no precipitation and dissolution at equilibrium or dissolution stops at equilibrium (Önder & Geban, 2006; Raviolo, 2001). Students can write down chemical equations and determine coefficients in solubility equilibrium. The greater the concentration of solute, the lower the freezing point of the solvent. 63 The more particles there are, the greater the disruption and the greater the impact on particle-dependent properties (colligative properties) like freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, and osmotic pressure.64 Solubility Equilibrium Students can comprehend ‘solubility equilibrium’ and its dynamic structure at sub-microscopic level by help of the terms’ balance’, ‘particle model’, ‘ionic compound’ and ‘equilibrium’. Also, they can apply their pre-existing knowledge of stoichiometry in chemical equations to solubility equilibrium. Students not only capture description of ‘solubility equilibrium’ but also understand that the solubility equilibrium is a dynamic procedure at submicroscopic level. That is, in dissolution of potassium nitrate in water, KNO3(s) K+ (aq) + NO3- (aq) the number of potassium and nitrate ions producing potassium nitrate is equal to that of dissolution of potassium nitrate. Grades Pre-instruction Grades 6-8 High school (Early in a course) Key Vocabulary Substance, mixture, (in-) soluble, Homogeneous, heterogeneous, solute, solution, components, solvent, solubility, (un-, super-) dissolve/dissolution, pure substance, saturated, dilute, concentrated, (non-) property, liquid, melt, mechanical electrolyte, melt, ion (-ic, -ization), event, closed system. hydration, equilibrium, chemical equation/reaction, electricity, enthalpy Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education High school (Late in a course) Molecular, macroscopic, sub-microscopic, symbolic, anhydr (-ous /-ate), kinetic theory, enthalpy, IMF, freezing point, precipitate, vapor pressure, depression, intermolecular forces. Solution Chemistry 52 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry Authors and Reviewers: Dr. Jazlin Ebenezer, Wayne State University, Michigan (contributor) Dr. Muammer Çalık, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey (contributor) Dr. Hannah Sevian, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts (reviewer and contributor) References Abraham, M. R., Gryzybowski, E. B., Renner, J. W., & Marek, A. E. (1992). Understanding and misunderstanding of eighth graders of five chemistry concepts found in textbooks. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 29: 105–120. Abraham, M. R., Williamson, V. M., & Westbrook, S. L. (1994). A cross-age study of the understanding five concepts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 31: 147–165. Blanco A. & Prieto, T. (1997). Pupils’ views on how stirring and temperature affect the dissolution of a solid in a liquid: A cross-age study (12 to 18). International Journal of Science Education, 19:303–315. Cosgrove, M., & Osborne, R. (1981). Physical Change (Working Paper No. 26), Learning in Science Project, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Çalık, M. & Ayas, A. (2005a). A Comparison of level of understanding of grade 8 students and science student teachers related to selected chemistry concepts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42(6), 638-667. Çalık, M. & Ayas, A. (2005b). “A Cross-Age Study on The Understanding of Chemical Solution and their Components”, International Education Journal, 6(1), 30-41 Çalık, M., Ayas, A. & Coll, R.K. (2010). Investigating the effectiveness of usage of different methods embedded with four-step constructivist teaching strategy. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19(1):32–48. Çalık, M., Ayas, A. & Coll, R.K. (2009). Investigating the effectiveness of an analogy activity in improving students’ conceptual change for solution chemistry concepts. International Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 7(4), 651-676. Çalık, M. (2005). A cross-age study of different perspectives in solution chemistry from junior to senior high school. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3, 671–696. Çalık, M., Ayas, A. & Coll, R.K. (2007). Enhancing pre-service primary teachers’ conceptual understanding of solution chemistry with conceptual change text. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5(1), 1-28. Çalık, M., Ayas, A. & Ebenezer, J.V. (2009). Analogical reasoning for understanding solution rates: students’ conceptual change and chemical explanations. Research in Science & Technological Education, 27(3), 283-308. Çalık, M., Ayas, A. & Ebenezer, J.V. (2005). A review of solution chemistry studies: insights into students’ conceptions. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 14(1), 2950. Çalık, M. (2008). Facilitating students’ conceptual understanding of boiling using a four-step constructivist teaching method. Research in Science & Technological Education, 26(1), 59-74. Drıver, R., & Russell, T. (1982). An investigation of the ideas of heat temperature and change of state of children aged between 8 and 14 years, Unpublished Paper, University of Leeds. Duschl, R. A.; Schweingruber, H. A.; Shouse, A., Taking science to school: Learning and teaching science in grades K-8. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C., 2007. Ebenezer, J.V. (2010). Citation not provided. Ebenezer J.V. & Erickson, L.G. (1996). Chemistry students’ conception of solubility: a phenomenograpy. Science Education, 80:181–201. Ebenezer, J. (2001). A hypermedia environment to explore and negotiate students’ conceptions: Animation of the solution process of table salt. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 10: 73–91. Ebenezer, J. V., & Fraser, M.D. (2001). First year chemical engineering students’ conception of energy in solution processes: Phenomenographic categories for common knowledge construction, Science Education 85: 509–535. Fortman, J.J. (1994). Solutions and electrolytes. Journal of Chemical Education, 71(1):27–28. Goodwin, A. (2002). Is salt melting when it dissolves in water? Journal of Chemical Education 79: 393–396. Holding, B. (1987). Investigation of school children’s understandings of the process of dissolving with special reference to the conservation of matter and the development of atomistic ideas, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Leeds. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 53 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry Johnson, K., & Scott, P. (1991). Diagnostic teaching in the science classroom: Teaching/learning strategies to promote development in understanding about conservation of mass on dissolving. Research in Science and Technological Education, 9(2): :193–212. Kabapınar, F., Leach, J., & Scott, P. (2004). The design and evaluation of a teaching–learning sequence addressing the solubility concept with Turkish secondary school students. International Journal of Science Education 26: 635–652. Longden, K., Black, P., & Solomon, J. (1991). Children’s interpretation of dissolving. International Journal of Science Education, 13: 59–68. Ogborn, J., Kress, G., Martins, I. and McGillicuddy, K. Explaining science in the classroom. Open University Press: Buckingham, UK, 1996. Önder, İ. & Geban, Ö. (2006). The effect of conceptual change texts oriented instruction on students’ understanding of the solubility equilibrium concept. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 30, 166-173. Pınarbaşı, T., & Canpolat, N. (2003). Students’ understanding of solution chemistry concepts. Journal of Chemical Education, 80: 1328–1332. Prieto, T., Blanco, A. & Rodriguez, A. (1989) The ideas of 11 to 14-year old students about the nature of solutions. International Journal of Science Education, 11: 451–463. Raviolo, A. (2001). Assessing students’ conceptual understanding of solubility equilibrium. Journal of Chemical Education, 78(5), 629-631. She, H.C. (2004). Facilitating changes in ninth grade students’ understanding of dissolution and diffusion through dslm instruction. Research in Science Education, 34, 503-525. Smith, C. L., Wiser, M., Anderson, C. W., and Krajcik, J. (2006). Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, 4 (1&2), 1-98. Smith, J. P., diSessa, A. A., and Roschelle, J. (1993). Misconceptions reconceived: A constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 3(2), 115-163. Stains, M., Escriu-Sune, M., Molina Alvarez, M. L., & Sevian, H. (Submitted). Assessing Secondary and College Students’ Understanding of the Particulate Nature of Matter: Development and Validation of the Structure and Motion of Matter (SAMM) Survey. Stavy, R. (1991). Using Analogy to overcome misconceptions about conservation of matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(4), 305-313. Talanquer, V. (2009). On cognitive constraints and learning progressions: The case of structure of matter. International Journal of Science Education, 31(15), 2123-2136. Taylor, N. & Coll, R. (1997). The use of analogy in the teaching of solubility to pre-service primary teachers. Australian Science Teachers’ Journal 43: 58–64. Notes: 42 There are many solution chemistry papers and reviews of insight into students’ conceptions (Çalık et al., 2005), including research on alternative conceptions, many of which occur after students have some initial exposure to concepts in solution chemistry. 43 There is limited empirical evidence that suggests which intermediate ideas are productive stepping stones. We have, however, evidence that students can develop these ideas (citations noted). Also, these intermediate understandings address ideas for which we have some informed hypotheses that lead to the important ideas in the targeted understanding. In many cases to move from an intermediate understanding to the targeted level of understanding, all connections between ideas need to be consistently made. 44 The core and integrated concepts are represented in the storyline. These need to be connected in order to develop a conceptual network. 45 The biggest obstacle for students in traditional chemistry courses is the vocabulary, particularly for students with limited English proficiency. For example, high school students do not need to learn the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. There is no need for students to be able to distinguish that solutions are homogeneous mixtures, and that heterogeneous mixtures are not solutions. This is macroscopic thinking that is descriptive and is not particularly useful at the microscopic level, which is where the vanguard of chemistry operates today. 46 Students’ understanding may be changed from their initial conceptions into scientific ideas using proportions of solvent and solute and the phase of solution (solid, liquid, or gas) which depends on that of the solvent. 47 Students should be introduced to other types of solutions such as gas in gas (i.e., composition of air, mixture of gases), liquid (e.g., ethanol) in liquid (e.g., water); and solid (e.g., copper) in solid (e.g., gold) such as in jewelry. 48 The conscious use of proper terms for the types of solutions will help students not to use the foregoing terms interchangeably. 49 Fortman’s (1994) analogies can be used to help students’ understand ionic crystal, molecular structure and ionization (e.g., Çalık, 2005) and then use this understanding to determine electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions. In fact, for re-conceptualization, students can be shown that drinking water conducts electricity. This will demonstrate the evidence of the presence of dissolved salts in drinking water. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 54 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry Students are likely to have learned the ‘particle model’ but they do not readily call upon this knowledge to apply to chemical processes. Even if they did, the applications are often incorrect. Students readily pay more attention to macroscopic observations and this deters them from linking the chemical processes to the sub-microscopic or symbolic knowledge (e.g., Ebenezer & Erickson, 1996; Holding, 1997; Prieto et al., 1989). 51 Students and Chemists’ Parallel Conceptions Students’ conceptions of solutions parallel the historical development of solution chemistry (i.e., chemists’ early views of ‘solution chemistry’) (e.g., Ebenezer, unpublished—see table below)— thermo-chemical theories—melting theory and hydrate theory; chemical combination theory; and ionic theory. This is because students attempt to explain the macroscopic event (salt/sugar dissolving in water) based on their observations and what they have previously learned in chemistry. That is, students depict the phenomenon of dissolving at the macroscopic level. Show the chart on students’ and chemists’ parallel conceptions to emphasize that students’ conceptions parallels the early chemists’ conceptions and the importance of studying chemical knowledge development from a historical perspective. Early chemists explored and tested their ideas through experimentation, and made evidenceexplanation connections for experimental validity. They also shared their ideas for critical inquiry and validation. Throughout the development of chemical knowledge, consensus/dissensus was reached through a social process. This process is known as social objectivity. The point is exposition of one’s ideas, consideration of multiple ideas (intra-variations and inter-variations) is one of strength and not a sign of weakness. Teaching from nature of science point of view, teachers have an opportunity to show intellectual empathy to students’ ideas. Students’ ideas then are used as curriculum theoretical frameworks for validation of knowledge through experimentation (testing) and argumentation (making evidence- explanation connections). Students should compare their early conceptions with the historical development of solution chemistry so that they understand the nature of science. They should feel that there is strength in exploring and exposing their multiple conceptions and subject them for testing, look for evidence, make evidence-explanation connections, and allow for consensus toward theory building. Table: Relationship between Scientific Ideas and Students' Conceptions Scientific Ideas Teacher-Made Categories & Students’ Expressions For Fourcroy, dissolution process involved the participation (union) of the solvent (dissolvant) Thermochemical Theory and solute (dissolvence), a solid melting in a liquid and partaking of its liquidity (Partington, Salt is melting (Liquefaction or melting theory) 1970, p. 641). "Water molecules are entering into the salt molecules and making them liquid." 50 Mendeleev's hydrate theory developed since 1865 to explain the properties or nature of solutions. He believed in the existence of discontinuities between solutes and solvents. He attributed the formation of different hydrate compounds at different temperatures to the anomalies of freezing points and colligative properties Hermann Boerhaave (1668-1738) "believed that chemical reaction essentially the same as solution. The solvent, or menstruum, usually a liquid, was composed of fine particles that pushed their way between the particles of dissolved substance. The atoms of each then remained suspended and related to one another as required by the affinities of each substance for the other" (Leicester, 1956,p. 124). Salt attaches to water (hydrate theory) "Salt is reacting with water and forming salty water." "…And form one kind of chemical thing" NaCl.H20 Salt water Salt forms a new substance with water. (chemical combination theory) "When salt is added to water it dissolves in water—For example, if NaCI and water is mixed NaOH is created and H2 is evaporated. In dissolving atoms get separated from the orbit. Atoms are running away from their shell and joining and making a new shell." Berthollet also considered that "there was no fundamental difference between solution and chemical combination" (Leicester, 1956,p. 152). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 55 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Arrehenius proposed that certain substances dissolved in water because of their electrical properties (Brock, 1992, p. 370). Arhenius came to the conclusion that the active molecules were ions, the charged particles. This meant that ionic potassium in potassium chloride is different from atomic potassium, and would not dramatically react with solvent water. Solution Chemistry Ionic theory "Ions are moving in the water." "Salt dissolves in water and forms Na ions and Cl ions.” Ionic theory also explained Hittorf's and Kohlrausch's results: The properties of a salt are the sum of the properties of the ions." Faraday and Volta's work on electricity also helped to prove ionization as a mechanism. 52 The distinction between the macroscopic and description-based differentiation between chemical and physical properties/changes is often meaningless. It does not make sense to teach students definitions that break down and which they will need to un-learn later if they progress in studying chemistry. The progression of four theories (melting, hydrate, chemical combination, ionic) in historical context could be useful, primarily because the story nature of history helps students remember how thinking progresses toward more sophisticated understanding, and it can therefore help them integrate more sophisticated ways of thinking into their own understanding. Research supports the claim that students tend to learn science more effectively if they understand science as a story, with a protagonist, climax, resolution, and moral. 53 When students, grade 6 through graduate school, think about mixtures, they focus first (fixate) on the solute (the less plentiful component), and initially think of the solvent (more plentiful component) as continuous while the solute is particulate. Later, as conceptual understanding deepens, students' thinking about the more plentiful component of the mixture progresses through stages of understanding. The words solute, solvent, and solution are meaningful to bench chemists, but confusing to students. Furthermore, these terms again reflect descriptive and macroscopic chemistry. These terms do not always have meaning at the vanguard of chemistry, where it can be irrelevant which component is the solute and which is the solvent. Since there are crucial concepts that students must understand that rely on differences between the components of mixtures, one can borrow the conventions of algebra and call the components A and B (or X and Y). This would help further students' abilities to connect abstractions in math (that variables stand for something) with chemistry. 54 Gypsum is a hydrate with two water molecules present for every formula unit of CaSO4. The chemical formula for gypsum is CaSO4 • 2H2O and the chemical name is calcium sulfate dihydrate. Note that the dot in the formula (or multiplication sign) indicates that the waters are there. Other examples of hydrates are: lithium perchlorate trihydrate LiClO4 • 3H2O; magnesium carbonate pentahydrate - MgCO3 • 5H2O; and copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate - CuSO4• 5 H2O. 55 CuSO4• 5 H2O(s) (hydrate) + HEAT ---> CuSO4(s) (anhydrate) + 5H2O(g) 56 Changes that are common observed include: Evolution of a gas. When one of the products of a reaction is a gas, bubbles of the gas may appear in the solution or on the surface of a solid. When a gas is produced, foam may form, or if the gas evolution is rapid enough a "fizzing" sound may be heard. The formation (or disappearance) of an insoluble solid called a precipitate. Some reactions result with the production of an insoluble solid called a precipitate, which normally settles to the bottom of the reaction mixture as a collection of particles. Describing a precipitate involves not only noting its color but also texture. Precipitates can exist in the form of crystals, gelatinous or milky suspensions, or granular solids. The disappearance of a solid can also indicate a reaction has taken place. A color change. Both precipitation reactions and redox reactions can involve color change. Also, color change can be associated with reactions that result in the formation of a species referred to as a complex ion. Evolution or absorption of heat. Energy is transferred in all reactions. Sometimes the vessel in which the reaction occurs may get warm or cold, depending on whether the reaction evolves or absorbs heat. 57 The effects of temperature and pressure on particle motion during the dissolution process can be studied using the activities noted by Çalık et al. (2007, 2009). 58 Students may reconcile their conceptions of conservation of matter and the dissolution process with the help of activities reported by Taylor and Coll (1997) and Stavy (1991). 59 Enthalpy change or hydration enthalpy during dissolution process may be understood by means of students’ pre-existing knowledge of chemical bonding and intermolecular forces (e.g. Çalık et al., 2005; Ebenezer & Fraser, 2001) can be used to reconcile students’ early conceptions--(i) you give energy; (ii) water gives energy; (iii) salt gives energy; (iv) reaction gives off energy (e.g., Ebenezer & Fraser, 2001). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 56 Solution Chemistry November 15, 2010 Solution Chemistry Students’ initial beliefs may result from students’ conceptions of solutions and it components. Understanding student views of solution and its components can be applied to colligative properties in which solution contains a nonvolatile solute. 62 Ice cream, a mixture of milk, sugar and vanilla, is really an aqueous mixture with many particles in each liter. Because of this the freezing point of ice cream is lower that that of water, so to freeze ice cream, or to keep it frozen, you must keep its temperature significantly below 0 degrees Celsius. Adding rock salt to ice produces a melting ice and saltwater mixture with a depressed freezing point in which the ice cream can be frozen. 63 When sodium chloride is placed on the highway or on steps, the freezing point is lowered and the ice melts. Elective or advanced concept: Sodium chloride is used for three reasons. First, some solids such as sugar do not dissolve in ice water as well as salt. Second, salt is an abundant mineral in the form Halite and is not expensive. Finally, when sodium chloride dissolves, it separates into two particles (Na+ and Cl-), lowering the freezing point further. It is called ionic dissociation. 64 Ice has to absorb energy in order to melt, changing the phase of water from a solid to a liquid. When you use ice to cool the ingredients for ice cream, the energy is absorbed from the ingredients and from the outside environment (like your hands, if you are holding the baggie of ice!). When you add salt to the ice, it lowers the freezing point of the ice, so even more energy has to be absorbed from the environment in order for the ice to melt. This makes the ice colder than it was before, which is how your ice cream freezes. Ideally, you would make your ice cream using 'ice cream salt', which is just salt sold as large crystals instead of the small crystals you see in table salt. The larger crystals take more time to dissolve in the water around the ice, which allows for even cooling of the ice cream. You could use other types of salt instead of sodium chloride, but you couldn't substitute sugar for the salt because (a) sugar doesn't dissolve well in cold water and (b) sugar doesn't dissolve into multiple particles, like an ionic material such as salt. Compounds that break into two pieces upon dissolving, like NaCl breaks into Na+ and Cl-, are better at lowering the freezing point than substances that don't separate into particles because the added particles disrupt the ability of the water to form crystalline ice. The salt causes the ice to absorb more energy from the environment (becoming colder), so although it lowers the point at which water will re-freeze into ice, you can't add salt to very cold ice and expect it to freeze your ice cream or de-ice a snowy sidewalk (water has to be present!). This is why NaCl isn't used to de-ice sidewalks in areas that are very cold. When 1 mole of NaCl dissolves in a liter of water it dissociates into 1 mole of sodium ions and 1 mole of chloride ions, or a total of 2 moles of particles per liter of mixture (a 2M concentration). When 1 mole of sugar dissolves in a liter of water there are just 1 mole of sugar molecules per liter (a 1M concentration). 65 Possible additional topics for advanced study include: Meanings and Functions of Ksp Effects of Mechanics, Temperature, Concentration, and Pressure on Solubility Equilibrium 66 The main conceptual idea students should learn about equilibrium is that many reactions do not go entirely from reactants to products, but rather, the reaction ceases to progress noticeably at some point. The key is the word "noticeably," because within this lies dynamic equilibrium. Students cannot reach this understanding until they are able to achieve a conceptual level of understanding about particles being in constant motion. This is the highest level of understanding in Talanquer's dynamics dimension, and thus it is no surprise that many students have difficulty with the concept of dynamic equilibrium. 60 61 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Solution Chemistry 57