www.radio.gov.uk the Licensing of a form RA362A SCC(03)17 Guidance Notes for the licensing of Permanent Earth Stations in the Fixed Satellite Service General These notes and application form relate to The issue of a Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 Licence. A Telecommunications Act Licence may also be required. The T Act Satellite Services Class Licence places certain restrictions on interconnection with the public network. Further advice can be obtained by writing to: Department Of Trade and Industry, Communications and Information Industries Directorate, 151 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SS In the case of a private firm which is not a Limited Company, the full name of each partner or sole trader should be given. Limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are to be regarded as a form of limited liability company. Licences can only be granted to applicants for the purposes of conducting a business or of providing a professional or public service. Licences cannot be granted to unincorporated associations. There may be insufficient space on the Form to answer particular questions, in such cases the appropriate section should be photocopied and added to the Form. The processing of the application may be delayed if any of the details given on the Form are not complete or correct. Any amendment to your licence requires the prior consent of the Secretary of State. If you are applying for an amendment to your current licence, you need to complete all questions. SECTION A APPLICANT DETAILS Applicant Licence Number In the case of amendments to an existing Site Licence please indicate the existing Site Licence Number. For new applications please leave blank. Full Name of Applicant Enter the name of the person responsible for making the application. This may be either: a natural person if an individual or sole trader; or a legal entity including and limited to: a partnership; a public or other limited liability company (including a limited liability partnership); a local or other public authority; a registered charity; or a Diplomatic Mission located within a territory administered by the United Kingdom. Enter the appropriate details e.g. for a company this shall be applicant’s registration number as allocated by Companies House. Enter the address at which communications and notices shall, if necessary, be served upon the applicant. If the applicant is an individual or a sole trader, this address shall be the applicant’s usual residence or principal place of business. If the applicant is incorporated, this address shall be the address of the applicant’s principal office or principal place of business. Enter the address to which the Radiocommunications Agency shall direct routine communications and notices, if this address is to be other than the applicant’s registered address. UK Registered Number UK Registered Address Invoice Address The Radiocommunications Agency is an Executive Agency of the Department of Trade and Industry The Agency General Enquiry Point/Switchboard telephone number: 020 7211 0211 Draft RA 362 Ver3 MAY 2002 www.radio.gov.uk SECTION B REGISTERED SITE DETAILS Site Name National Grid Reference of Nominated Site Centre Enter a name for the site. The applicant must nominate a site centre location for all earth stations to be considered under the licence, which may or may not be co-incident with an existing earth station location. Enter the Ordnance Survey co-ordinates as two letters followed by Eastings (5 numerals) and Northings (5 numerals) For the nominated site centre, enter the Latitude North /South and Longitude East /West of the Greenwich meridian in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc. Enter the contact details of an individual who is responsible for managing transmissions from the site and who is able to represent the Licensee on technical matters and co-ordination issues. Latitude and Longitude Full Name of Technical Representative Full Name of Adminstrative Representative Enter the contact details of an individual who is responsible for managing transmissions from the site and who is able to represent the Licensee on administrative matters. SECTION B1 EARTH STATIONS INCLUDED ON SITE Earth Station Name For all Earth stations 1,2 3…8 included within the in the licence, enter a Name and other details in the columns provided. Each Earth station must be within 500m of the Nominated Site Centre. If there are more than 8 earth stations on site, please copy section B1 and attach additional sheets. The transponder(s) access details for each individual Earth station must be recorded in a Section D. Accordingly, please make multiple copies of Section D and indicate any attached sheets where necessary. In cases where an earth station has previously been licensed on an individual basis, please enter the RA file number if known. In cases where an earth station has been previously licensed on an individual basis, please enter the licence number if known. If known, please indicate the SECOM reference number for coordination details recorded by the Agency. If not known, please leave blank for the Agency staff to complete. For each earth station, enter the Ordnance Survey co-ordinates as two letters followed by Eastings (5 numerals) and Northings (5 numerals) Enter the height of ground level for the earth station above mean sea level as indicated by Ordnance Survey, to an accuracy of one metre. Enter the height of base for the earth station above mean sea level as indicated by Ordnance Survey, to an accuracy of one metre. (Note this may be below ground level if the site has been excavated.) Enter the height of the centre of the earth station antenna above mean sea level as indicated by Ordnance Survey, to an accuracy of one metre. Enter the height of the highest point of the earth station above mean sea level as indicated by Ordnance Survey, to an accuracy of one metre. Enter the distance from the earth station to the nominated site centre, to an accuracy of 10m Enter the date/period from which transmissions are required. Enter the date at which transmissions will cease, otherwise leave blank Attachment Sheet numbers Previous SSS file number, where applicable Previous Licence number, where applicable SECOM Co-ordination number National Grid Reference (OS) Earth Station Ground Height above mean sea level, m Height of base of antenna above mean sea level,m Height of the centre of the antenna above mean sea level,m Height of the highest point of the antenna above mean sea level,m Distance from site centre, m Operation Start Date Operation End Date 2 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk SECTION C1 Type of Antenna Antenna Diameter, m Tx Frequency Band(s) EARTH STATION TRANSMIT DETAILS Enter antenna type e.g. Cassegrain/Gregorian; offset or centre fed where known, or manufacturers product code if unknown. Enter the maximum dimension of the reflector in metres Enter transmission band details e.g. C band transmissions will be in frequency range 5850-7075 MHz, Ku band transmissions will be in frequency range 13.75-14.50 MHz, 17.3- 19.7GHz, or Ka band will be in the frequency range 27.5 to 29.5GHz, 29.5 GHz to 30GHz. Tx Antenna Gain Enter the maximum isotropic gain in dBi for the antenna (Gi: see RRSI.160a) in the direction of maximum radiation, as a gain relative to that of an isotropic antenna Tx Antenna Beamwidth Enter the total beamwidth at the mean half-power points of the main lobe, expressed in decimal degrees. If the beam is not symmetrical, describe any detail in an attachment. Tx Antenna Radiation Pattern If a reference radiation pattern cannot be indicated by one of the symbols below, or the measured radiation diagram of the antenna is available, give the relevant information in an attachment. If an attachment is provided, enter a figure number identifying its presence. Indicate the off-axis reference radiation pattern, preferably by means of the following symbols or similar symbols not exceeding 12 characters. ol REC- 465 Description of th Current version of ITU-R Recommendation 465:”Reference earth station radiation pattern for use in co-ordination and interference assessment in frequency range from 2 to about 30 GHZ.” Typically 3225LOG(FI) REC- 580 Horizon Elevation Diagram AP28 Current version of ITU- R Recommendation 580: “Radiation diagrams for use as design objectives for antennas of earth stations operating with geostationary satellites.” 29-25LOG(FI) Point 4, Annex II of Appendix S7. Note: This radiation diagram is identical to that in Annex II to Appendix S8. 27-25LOG(FI) Represents a reference radiation pattern similar to that in ITU-R Rec.465 with side lobe radiation reduced by 3dB. As above with side lobe radiation reduced by 5dB. Enter the Figure number of any attached diagram that indicates the horizon elevation angle for each azimuth around the earth station; the horizon elevation angle is the angle viewed from the centre of the earth station antenna between the horizontal plane and a ray that grazes the visible physical horizon in the direction concerned. In cases where the applicant is unable to provide such a diagram, the Agency will calculate a default version from a UK terrain database, however this is unlikely to contain any earthworks that may have been introduced to facilitate screening. 3 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk 4 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk SECTION C2 Rx Frequency Band(s) Rx Antenna Gain EARTH STATION RECEIVE ANTENNA DETAILS Enter receive band details. (Note C band reception will be in frequency range 3.6-4.2GHz, Ku band transmissions will be in frequency range 10.7-12.750 Hz, or Ka band will be in the frequency range 17.70- 20.2 GHz) Enter the maximum isotropic gain in dBi for the antenna (Gi: see RRSI.160a) in the direction of maximum radiation, as a gain relative to that of an isotropic antenna. Rx Beamwidth Enter the total beamwidth at the mean half-power points of the main lobe, expressed in decimal degrees. If the beam is not symmetrical, describe any detail in an attachment. Rx Antenna Radiation Pattern If a reference radiation pattern cannot be indicated by one of the symbols below, or the measured radiation diagram of the antenna is available, give the relevant information in an attachment. If an attachment is provided, enter a figure number identifying its presence. Indicate the reference radiation pattern, preferably by means of the following symbols or similar symbols not exceeding 12 characters. e.g REC 645, REC-580, AP28, 29-25LOG(FI), etc Operating Angles If known, enter the range of operating antenna azimuthal angles (East of true north) for which satellites are being monitored. These angles may to be calculated for the nominal range of orbital longitudes, taking into account the tolerances. Thermal Noise Temperature of the Receiving system, degrees Kelvin Enter the lowest total receiving system noise temperature, in Kelvins, referred to the output of the antenna under clear sky conditions. This may be determined from Te= Ta+ (e-1)290+e.Tr Where Ta: noise temperature contributed by the receiving antenna; e: numerical loss in the transmission line (e.g)a waveguide) between antenna and receiver front end (Note where loss is not known, a value of e=1 may be assumed); Tr: noise temperature(K) of the front end, including all successive stages, referred to the front end input This value shall be indicated for the nominal value of the angle of elevation when the associated transmitting station is onboard a geostationary satellite and in other cases, for the minimum value of the angle of elevation. 5 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk SECTION D TRANSPONDER ACCESS DETAILS FOR INDIVIDUAL EARTH STATIONS CONTAINED IN A SITE LICENCE Please copy Section D and ensure that the application contains a complete Section D for each earth station that is to be included in the Licence. SECTION D1 EARTH STATION TRANSMISSION CO-ORDINATION DETAILS: REFERENCE EMISSION PARAMETERS Emission Index Code The indexed character in the left hand column of Section D1 assigns designation of emission and co-ordinated power details for use in Section D2 Indicate the appropriate class of station, and the nature of service. (Note: such information is requested by the ITU and is referred to in ITU-RR APS4 (C.4). Details may be found in the Tables Nos. 6A1 and 6B1 respectively of the Preface to the International Frequency List, as contained in information supplied by the ITU (Satellite Radiocommunications Services and Weekly Information Circulars) that are sent to administrations and operators by the ITU. At the time of publication, the Nature of Services for satellite earth stations are: CO: Station open official correspondence exclusively. CP: Station open to public correspondence CR: Station open to limited public correspondence CV: Station open exclusively to correspondence of a private agency OT: Station open exclusively to operational traffic of the service concerned. Typical Classes of Stations for satellite earth stations are: TC: Earth station in the Fixed Satellite Service TX: Fixed earth station in the maritime radio navigation satellite service UB: Earth station in the broadcasting satellite service(sound broadcasting) UV: Earth station in the broadcasting satellite service (television) Class of station/Nature of Service If more than one set of values is required for each emission, please duplicate the designated emission details and use another Indexed Emission Code. Designation of Emission Enter the code for each designated emission that is to be used. The designation is made up of three parts, Bandwidth (four characters), Emission (three characters) & Description of Emission (two characters). This makes a nine-character emission code. E.g. 30MOF8FHN is 3OMO = 30MHz, F = Frequency modulated, 8 = Composite system with one or more channels containing analogue information, F = Television (video), H = Sound of broadcasting quality (stereophonic or quadraphonic), N = No multiplexing employed. For further information see the RA Guide to Class of Emissions RA97. [Note: These codes indicate the necessary bandwidth (RR.S1.152) of the transmission and class of emission (RR.S1.139) in accordance with Article 4 and Appendix 6; see also IFRB Circular-letters No. 457 of 2 June 1980 and No. 511 of 8 July 1982.] 6 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk Maximum peak power Maximum power density Enter the appropriate sign (+ or -) and the maximum value of the total peak envelope power (RR.S1.157), expressed in dBW, supplied to the input of the antenna for each corresponding emission. Note: If the maximum values of peak envelope power are being provided for individual carriers, they should be of type C8a1. If the notification does not concern individual carriers (e.g. as in spread spectrum applications) provide a general designation of emission (item C7a) and total peak power values of type C8b1. Enter the appropriate sign (+ or -) followed by the value of the maximum power density per Hertz (expressed in dBW/Hz) as supplied to the input of the antenna. This must be averaged over the worst 4KHz band for carriers below 15 GHz, or averaged over the worst 1 MHz band for carriers above 15 GHz. For narrow band carriers with a necessary bandwidth (RR.S1.152) less than the reference bandwidth, the peak power should be averaged over the reference bandwidth (4 KHz or 1 MHz) to obtain this value of maximum power density. Note: If the values of maximum power density are being provided for individual carriers, they should be of type C8a2. If the notification does not concern individual carriers (e.g. as in spread spectrum applications) provide a general designation of emission (item C7a) and maximum power density values of type 8b2. Minimum peak power Enter the appropriate sign (+ or -) and the minimum value of the peak envelope power (RR.S1.157), expressed in dBW, supplied to the input of the antenna for each corresponding emission (carrier type). Minimum power density Enter the appropriate sign (+ or -) followed by the value of the minimum power density per Hertz (expressed in dBW/Hz) as supplied to the input of the antenna for each corresponding emission (carrier type) averaged over the worst 4 kHz band for carriers below 15 GHz, or averaged over the worst 1 MHz band for carriers above 15 GHz. For narrow band carriers with a necessary bandwidth (RR.S1.152) less than the reference bandwidth, the peak power should be averaged over the reference bandwidth (4 KHz or 1 MHz) to obtain this value of minimum power density. 7 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk LICENCE DETAILS OF INDIVIDUAL EARTH STATION TRANSMISSIONS & ASSOCIATED SATELLITE TRANSPONDERS Section D2 comprises three sections : Section D2.1 is applicable to earth TRANSPONDER 12 station transmissions that require TRANSPONDER 10 either single or multicarrier access in that satellite beam, but where all emissions occur only within the frequency limits defined by the single transponder bandwidth and the nominated centre frequency. Each or all of the indicated applicable emission codes may be transmitted at any one time at any frequency within the one Example: Access specified transponder bandwidth specified, by one transponder centre frequency (F12), and provided that the aggregate power nominated emission codes does not exceed the figure quoted for in transponder bandwidth. the Maximum Aggregate Transmit MULTICARRIER power at the flange of the antenna. TRANSMISSIONS RESTRICTED TO ONE TRANSPONDER Fees will be calculated on the basis TRANSPONDER 11 TRANSPONDER 13 that the appropriate bandwidth is that of the nominated transponder bandwidth Section D2.2 is applicable to earth TRANSPONDER 10 TRANSPONDER 12 station transmissions for either single or multicarrier access across any part or all of any transponder characterised by a centre frequency and bandwidth within that satellite beam. Any combination of the indicated applicable emission codes may be transmitted at any one time at any frequency within the selected Example: Access to both transponders provided that the overall specified transponder centre frequencies, for any power supplied to the flange of the combination of nominated emission codes in antenna does not exceed the figure transponder bandwidths. quoted for the Maximum Aggregate MULTICARRIER Transmit power. Fees will be TRANSMISSIONS ACROSS MORE THAN ONE calculated for each transponder TRANSPONDER TRANSPONDER 11 TRANSPONDER 13 bandwidth on the basis that the Maximum Aggregate power is applied simultaneously across each and every specified transponder bandwidth Section D2.3 is applicable to earth TRANSPONDER 10 TRANSPONDER 12 station transmissions that only access an assigned bandwidth determined by the designated emission code and at the specified spot frequencies for that satellite beam. The bandwidth occupied may not exceed the bandwidth of the transponder, and will normally be smaller than that of the whole transponder. Any one of the Example: Access specified indicated applicable emission codes for each carrier centre frequencies , using largest may be transmitted at the specified nominated emission code bandwidth for each spot centre frequency, but for licensing frequency. purposes the fees will be calculated SINGLE OR MULTICARRIER on the basis that whichever TRANSMISSIONS AT NOMINATED SPOT designated emission code requires the FREQUENCIES TRANSPONDER 11 greatest bandwidth will be the TRANSPONDER 13 accessed bandwidth. F14 F10 F12 SECTION D2 ACCESS BANDWIDTH TX 1 TX2 TX3 F12 ACCESS BANDWIDTH TX 1 F14 F10 F13 F11 ACCESS BANDWIDTH TX2 TX3 F14 f2 f1 f3 F12 F10 F13 F11 BANDWIDTH 2 BANDWIDTH 1 TX 1 TX2 F13 F11 8 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk Satellite Orbital Location Associated Space Station Satellite Transponder Receiving Beam Designation Enter each Satellite orbital location in GeoStationary Orbit to which communication will be established, expressed as degrees East or West of the Greenwich Meridian. For each satellite orbital location, indicate the satellite name, (as registered with the ITU IFRB) of the associated space station to be accessed Enter the receiving beam designation by a symbol consisting of up to four characters. For practical reasons, there are different approaches for the designation of the beam, it may consist of: (a) Number such as 1,2,3, etc., which refer to the number of the figure representing the corresponding antenna gain contour published in the relevant special section; or (b) Number such as 195, which identify a beam having a maximum gain of 19.5dB; or (c) A symbol of up to three letters (or a letter and a figure), which is used to represent the abbreviated beam name, such as G for global, NWQ for North West Quadrant, WH for West Hemisphere, Z1 for Zone 1, O for Omnidirectional. For steerable beams, the last character shall always be the letter “R”. Transponder Centre Frequency Applicable Emission Code Polarisation Accessible Transponder Bandwidth Assigned frequency band For each satellite location and beam type, enter the corresponding centre frequencies of each transponder that is to be accessed. Enter the appropriate Emission Index Code character(s) from the left hand side of section D1 Enter the symbol for the type of polarisation in the first box. This may be RHC for Right hand Circular, LHC for Left Hand Circular; (Note definitions of circular polarisation are given in ITU RR S1.154 and s1.155). In the case of linear polarisation (symbol “L”), indicate in the second box the angle (in degrees) measured counter-clockwise in a plane normal to the beam axis from the equatorial plane to the electric vector of the waves as seen from the satellite. (Note: for more information on the use of symbols for type of polarisation, the applicant is referred to the ITU circulars (the Space Research Service and the Weekly Information Circular) and Table No. 9D1 of the Preface to the IFL. For licensing of single or multicarrier transmissions across one or more transponders, please enter the bandwidth of each transponder being accessed. For licensing of single transmissions please enter the bandwidth of the assigned frequency band (as defined in RR.S1.147) expressed in MHz. The assigned frequency band should in no case exceed the bandwidth of a single satellite transponder. Maximum aggregate power Enter the maximum aggregate power (dBW of all carriers supplied to the input of the antenna. This information applies only to the case of a receiving satellite antenna beam operating with a transmitting associated earth station. Modifier Enter the appropriate modifier for each transponder taken from the List of Modifiers. In cases where a transponder overlaps more than one identified frequency band with different modifiers, the value of the higher modifier should be used. Multiply the values in the previous three columns for entry as the calculated product BxPxM. for each entry. Sum the subtotals A, B, C for all BxPxM columns for Sections D2.1, D2.2, and D2.3. This figure represents the accessed spectrum contribution from each earth station. Enter the assigned frequency as defined in RR.S1.148 expressed in kHz up to 28 000 kHz inclusive, in MHz above 28 000 kHz to 10 500 MHz inclusive, and in GHz above 10 500, and enter the letter Calculated BxPxM Earth Station [ ] power bandwidth product. Assigned frequency bandwidth 9 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk K, M or G, as appropriate. Section D3 Satellite Orbital Location Associated Space Station Satellite Transponder Transmit Beam Designation SATELLITE TRANSMISSION SIGNALS RECEIVED BY INDIVIDUAL EARTH STATION Enter each Satellite orbital location in GeoStationary Orbit to which communication will be established, expressed as degrees East or West of the Greenwich Meridian. For each satellite orbital location, indicate the satellite name, (as registered with the ITU IFRB) of the associated space station being received. If in doubt consult the satellite operator. Enter the satellite transmit beam designation by a symbol consisting of up to four characters. For practical reasons, there are different approaches for the designation of the beam, it may consist of: (d) Number such as 1,2,3, etc., which refer to the number of the figure representing the corresponding antenna gain contour published in the relevant special section; or (e) Number such as 195, which identify a beam having a maximum gain of 19.5dB; or (f) A symbol of up to three letters (or a letter and a figure), which is used to represent the abbreviated beam name, such as G for global, NWQ for North West Quadrant, WH for West Hemisphere, Z1 for Zone 1, O for Omnidirectional. Assigned frequencies Assigned Frequency Bandwidth Receiving System Noise Temperature For steerable beams, the last character shall always be the letter “R”. If in doubt consult the satellite operator. Enter the assigned frequency in MHz. Enter the assigned downlink frequency bandwidth in MHz, i.e. the frequency band within which the emission of a station is authorised; the width of the band equals the necessary bandwidth plus twice the absolute value of frequency tolerance. Where space stations are concerned, the assignment includes twice the maximum Doppler shift that may occur in relation to any point on the earth’s surface. (ITU RR S1.147) Enter the lowest total receiving system noise temperature, in Kelvins, referred to the output of the antenna under clear sky conditions. This value shall be indicated for the nominal value of the angle of elevation when the associated transmitting station is onboard a geostationary satellite and in other cases, for the minimum value of the angle of elevation. Polarisation Enter the symbol for the type of polarisation in the first box. This may be RHC for Right hand Circular, LHC for Left Hand Circular, or in the case of linear polarisation (symbol “L”), indicate in the second box the angle (in degrees) measured counter-clockwise in a plane normal to the beam axis from the equatorial plane to the electric vector of the waves as seen from the satellite. (Note: the symbols for the type of polarisation are taken from Table No. 9D1 of the Preface to the IFL, the SRS and the WIC). Applicable Emission Codes Enter the Index for the applicable designated emission code and Carrier/Noise Objective taken from Section D4 Section D4 Index DESIGNATION OF SIGNALS RECEIVED AT EARTH STATION The indexed character in the left hand column of Section D4 assigns designation of emission and C/N objectives for use in Section D2 Indicate the appropriate class of station, and the nature of service. (Note: such information is requested by the ITU and is referred to Class of station/Nature of Service 10 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets www.radio.gov.uk in ITU-RR APS4 (C.4). Details may be found in the Tables Nos. 6A1 and 6B1 respectively of the Preface to the International Frequency List, as contained in information supplied by the ITU (Satellite Radiocommuncations Services and Weekly Information Circulars) that are sent to administrations and operators by the ITU. At the time of publication, the Nature of Services for satellite earth stations are: CO: Station open official correspondence exclusively. CP: Station open to public correspondence CR: Station open to limited public correspondence CV: Station open exclusively to correspondence of a private agency OT: Station open exclusively to operational traffic of the service concerned. Typical Classes of Stations for satellite earth stations are: TC: Earth station in the Fixed Satellite Service TX: Fixed earth station in the maritime radio navigation satellite service UB: Earth station in the broadcasting satellite service(sound broadcasting) UV: Earth station in the broadcasting satellite service (television) If more than one set of values is required for each emission, please duplicate the designated emission details and use another Indexed Emission Code. Designation of Emission Enter the code for each designated emission that is to be used. The designation is made up of three parts, Bandwidth (four characters), Emission (three characters) & Description of Emission (two characters). This makes a nine-character emission code. E.g. 30MOF8FHN is 3OMO = 30MHz, F = Frequency modulated, 8 = Composite system with one or more channels containing analogue information, F = Television (video), H = Sound of broadcasting quality (stereophonic or quadraphonic), N = No multiplexing employed. For further information see the RA Guide to Class of Emissions RA97. [Note: These codes indicate the necessary bandwidth (RR.S1.152) of the transmission and class of emission (RR.S1.139) in accordance with Article 4 and Appendix 6; see also IFRB Circular-letters No. 457 of 2 June 1980 and No. 511 of 8 July 1982.] Clear Sky Carrier/Noise objective (Total-Clear sky) Enter the required carrier to noise ratio, in decibels, for the overall link for each carrier when clear sky propagation conditions apply. Section E DECLARATION Please note that applications that are submitted electronically alone are currently insufficient as a signature is a mandatory requirement ANNEX SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Annex F requests information that may be required should the RA and applicant agree to undertake international co-ordination and listing on the International Frequency Register be undertaken. The applicant should contact the Agency under these circumstances. Section F 11 Sheet ____ of _____Sheets