VISITORS’ HEALTH & SAFETY GUIDE VISITORS’ HEALTH & SAFETY GUIDE Foreword by the Vice Chancellor How YOU can help us “The University is committed to excellence, not only in the fields of research and teaching, but also in the fields of Health and Safety. People are our most important assets. The effective management of health and safety, leading to fewer accidents involving injury and time taken off work, is an investment that helps the University to achieve its most important objectives. Safety Procedures Visitors attending meetings, seminars, conferences or any event are responsible for following any safety instructions and procedures provided. The University endeavours to provide a safe and healthy environment, there is an expectation for visitors to take personal responsibility for their own health & safety to ensure their activities do not affect themselves or others. The ultimate goal of the University, as laid down by the HSE “Successful Health and Safety Management” document (HSG65) is “to improve our health and safety performance, so that accidents and ill-health are eliminated and work forms part of a satisfying life to the benefit of both the individual and the organization.” This continuing search for excellence in health and safety extends beyond the workforce, particularly to our students, but also to all those who visit the University.” Accidents & First Aid Should you have an accident, the names and locations of first aiders will be displayed on University notice boards. If in doubt, speak to a member of staff and they will arrange first aid assistance for you. In the event of an emergency, using any internal University phone dial the 333, which will put you directly through to the emergency services. Please ensure that a member of staff is made of aware of your accident, as an accident report form is required to be completed. The form can be obtained from the Security Desk or the University Internet. Richard Davies Vice Chancellor VISITORS’ HEALTH & SAFETY GUIDE VISITORS’ HEALTH & SAFETY GUIDE Emergency Procedures No Smoking Smoking is not permitted in any University building, at building entrances, along the Mall or within 5 metres of any building. (The Mall begins at the west end of the Faraday Building and ends at the Abbey). 1. IF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE, operate the nearest fire alarm or if no alarm is provided shout ‘FIRE’ 2. IF YOU HEAR THE FIRE ALARM, leave the building by the nearest available escape route and go to your assembly area – LIFTS MUST NOT BE USED IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE 3. EMERGENCY SERVICES, in the event of a FIRE or other SERIOUS ACCIDENT OR INCIDENT require the attendance of the ‘fire brigade’ or ‘ambulance services’ Using any internal University phone dial the emergency number 333 or Using a mobile phone to phone 999 means that the University is not alerted and these other calls are not made, therefore mobile use should be confined to those areas where an ordinary phone is not accessible. Should it be absolutely necessary to use a mobile phone the University must be contacted by phoning 01792 294271 as soon as possible to report the incident. State your name, location & telephone number 4. FOLLOW THE GREEN RUNNING MAN SIGN, this will show you the nearest way out 5. IF YOU HAVE MOBILITY ISSUES, make your way to the nearest protected staircase and where possible make your situation known Pedestrian & Road Safety This is a busy campus with few roads, caution is required when walking around campus; please use the pavements and zebra crossings. When driving on campus the speed limit is 15mph. Please take extra care of pedestrians and other road users (including cyclists). Car Parking Visitors attending meetings on campus should use the pay and display car park. Useful Contact Telephone Numbers Security Desk Emergency (Internal Phone) Main 24-hour switch board Safety Office Conference Services Residential Reception Desk/Porter Residences Manager 01792 294271 x333 01792 205678 01792 295150/5152 (01792 29) x5665 x4653 (01792 29) x5462 If you require this document in an alternative format such as Braille or a larger font please contact the Safety Office on Ext: 5152/5150