Exam Name Chapter 24 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one

Name __________________________________
Chapter 24
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) The wave theory of light is attributed to
A) Christian Huygens.
B) Albert Einstein.
C) Isaac Newton.
D) Max Planck.
2) The particle theory of light is attributed to
A) Christian Huygens.
B) Albert Einstein.
C) Isaac Newton.
D) Max Planck.
3) When a light wave enters into a medium of different optical density,
A) its speed and frequency change.
B) its speed, frequency, and wavelength change.
C) its frequency and wavelength change.
D) its speed and wavelength change.
4) What principle is responsible for light spreading as it passes through a narrow slit?
A) diffraction
B) refraction
C) polarization
D) interference
5) Radio waves are diffracted by large objects such as buildings, whereas light is not noticeably
diffracted. Why is this?
A) The wavelength of light is much greater than the wavelength of radio waves.
B) Radio waves are coherent and light is usually not coherent.
C) Radio waves are unpolarized, whereas light is plane polarized.
D) The wavelength of light is much smaller than the wavelength of radio waves.
6) What principle is responsible for alternating light and dark bands when light passes through two
or more narrow slits?
A) polarization
B) dispersion
C) refraction
D) interference
7) At the first maxima on either side of the central bright spot in a double-slit experiment, light from
each opening arrives
A) 180° out of phase.
B) in phase.
C) 90° out of phase.
D) none of the given answers
8) At the first minima on either side of the central bright spot in a double-slit experiment, light from
each opening arrives
A) 180° out of phase.
B) in phase.
C) 90° out of phase.
D) none of the given answers
9) In a Young's double slit experiment, if the separation between the slits decreases, what happens to
distance between the interference fringes?
9) the
A) It increases.
B) It remains the same.
C) It decreases.
D) There is not enough information to determine.
10) One beam of coherent light travels path Pi in arriving at point Q and another coherent beam
travels path ?2 in arriving at the same point. If these two beams are to interfere destructively, the
path difference Pi - ID2 must be equal to
A) an odd number of half-wavelengths.
B) zero.
C) a whole number of half-wavelengths.
D) a whole number of wavelengths.
11) If a wave from one slit of a Young's double slit experiment arrives at a point on the screen one-half
wavelength behind the wave from the other slit, which is observed at that point?
A) gray fringe
B) bright fringe
C) multi-colored fringe
D) dark fringe
12) The separation between adjacent maxima in a double-slit interference pattern using
monochromatic light is
B) greatest for blue light.
C) greatest for red light.
D) the same for all colors of light.
13) The principle which explains why a prism separates white light into different colors is
B) total internal reflection.
C) polarization.
D) refraction.
A) greatest for green light.
A) dispersion.
14) White light is
A) the term used to describe very bright light.
B) the opposite (or complementary color) of black light.
C) light of wavelength 550 nm, in the middle of the visible spectrum.
D) a mixture of red, green, and blue light.
E) a mixture of all frequencies.
15) Light with wavelength slightly shorter than 400 nm is called
A) infrared light.
B) visible light.
C) ultraviolet light.
D) none of the given answers
16) Light with wavelength slightly longer than 750 nm is called
A) ultraviolet light.
B) infrared light.
C) visible light.
D) none of the given answers
17) Which color of light undergoes the greatest refraction when passing from air to glass?
A) yellow
B) green
C) red
D) violet
18) A person gazes at a very distant light source. If she now holds up two fingers, with a very small
gap between them, and looks at the light source, she will see
A) a sequence of closely spaced bright lines.
B) a hazy band of light varying from red at one side to blue or violet at the other.
C) a series of bright spots.
D) the same thing as without the fingers, but dimmer.
19) In a single slit diffraction experiment, if the width of the slit increases, what happens to the width
of the central maximum on a screen?
A) It decreases.
B) It remains the same.
C) It increases.
D) There is not enough information to determine.
20) Consider two diffraction gratings; one has 4000 lines per cm and the other one has 6000 lines per
cm. Make a statement comparing the dispersion of the two gratings.
A) The 4000-line grating produces the greater dispersion.
B) Both gratings produce the same dispersion, but the orders are sharper for the 6000-line
C) Both gratings produce the same dispersion, but the orders are sharper for the 4000-line
D) The 6000-line grating produces the greater dispersion.
21) A soap film is being viewed in white light. As the film becomes very much thinner than the
wavelength of blue light, the film
A) appears totally transparent because it reflects no visible light.
B) appears white because it reflects all wavelengths of visible light.
C) appears red since all other colors are transmitted.
D) appears blue since all other colors are transmitted.
22) A convex lens is placed on a flat glass plate and illuminated from above with monochromatic red
light. When viewed from above, concentric bands of red and dark are observed. What does one
observe at the exact center of the lens where the lens and the glass plate are in direct contact?
A) a bright spot that is some color other than red
B) a dark spot
C) a rainbow of color
D) a bright red spot
23) What principle is responsible for the fact that certain sunglasses can reduce glare from reflected
A) diffraction
B) polarization
C) refraction
D) total internal reflection
24) For a beam of light, the direction of polarization is defined as
A) the direction that is mutually perpendicular to the electric and magnetic field vectors.
B) the direction of the magnetic field's vibration.
C) the beam's direction of travel.
D) the direction of the electric field's vibration.
25) The polarization of sunlight is greatest at
A) both sunrise and sunset.
C) midday.
B) sunrise.
D) sunset.