Source Energy Therapy - Redcliffe Garden Centre

Miracles Defy Logical Explanation  They Just Are.
Source Energy Therapy
In the infinite realm of conscious light and energy, all things are possible, including relieving
pain and creating positive outcomes when facing “Dis-Ease”.
Gena is a Metaphysical Practitioner working with Source Energy and she doesn’t physically
touch you. Source Energy Therapy works on the Cellular level, with the intention of improving
your quality of life. DNA reacts to language and frequencies, which in turn influences the
cellular metabolism in each of the body’s systems, i.e. Cardiac, Digestive, Respiratory,
Endocrine, Skeletal etc.
Medical Intuitives ‘intuit’ specific illnesses, imbalance, weakness and disease states in the
human body. By combining Medical Intuition plus other modalities, Gena has created a new
Metaphysical Therapy which she has named “Source Energy Therapy”.
As it’s a unique Healing System, the following may be of assistance:
Medical Intuition requires a strong grounding in the workings of the human body and mind.
It is a complex blend of Quantum Physics and Esoteric Philosophy.
For most people, usually just one Source Energy Therapy session is required as the healing
process continues for approximately 4 weeks. However some people have chosen to have a
second session 4 weeks later which they claim has been beneficial on a long term basis.
Due to the effects of pollution, nutritional deficiencies, stress, ageing etc - a session once a
year is recommended.
Session times vary from person to person; the session can be as little as 1 hour to as long as
3 hours. Usually Gena will come to your home, but please check when booking.
The cost of a session is $85.00. If required, a second session 4 weeks later is $65.00.
You should not feel any pain or discomfort during the session. Clients often feel various
sensations within their body during a session. Symptoms vary from person to person.
Source Energy Therapy is a skill which can be learnt by everyone. If you are interested in
learning this modality, then please phone Gena to secure your place at the next workshop.
Gena has a Bachelor of Nursing Degree & a Diploma in Business and she was a Registered
Nurse for 16 years. She is a Medical Intuitive and a Heart Resonance Practitioner, teaching
Source Energy Therapy to a limited number of students per year.
How do you make a booking? Simply phone Gena Campbell at the Redcliffe Garden Centre
ph 07 38893211. Or email:
Source Energy Therapy
2.5 Day Workshops
Source Energy Therapy Workshops commence with a healing for each participant. The initial
healing session removes blockages – preparing you to embrace all the wonderful aspects of
Source Energy and life to its fullest.
Participants receive a comprehensive workbook on Source Energy Therapy. The course
literature assists in gaining a deeper understanding for utilising Source Energy as well as
providing insights into the complexities of the “Human Being”. Knowledge is a powerful
instrument, especially in relation to improving our Quality of Life.
The syllabus includes:
Emotional baggage
Psychological issues
Physiological issues
Improving Body Systems which include but are not limited to: Skeletal - including
Muscular, Connective tissue etc; Skin, Cardiac, Circulatory, Respiratory, Endocrine,
Nervous, Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Lymphatic & Immune Systems
Re-programming Cells
Preparing for Surgery
Distance Healing
Self - Healing
Auras & Energy Fields
Psychic Surgery using Crystals and Energy Vibrations
Kundalini Awakening
Cords, Hooks, Tags & Contracts
Removing ‘dark’ entities
Each Workshops begins on a Friday evening 7 to 10pm. Continuing
Saturday and Sunday 9am to 5pm. The total cost is $445.00 which
includes a workbook. Morning & afternoon snacks are included but
you will need to bring your own lunch. Numbers are limited.