II. Details about the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies

II. Details about the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
Name ________________________________________________
New England
1.What did the lack of toleration in Massachusetts lead to? (p. 79, “Growth, ¶3) ___________________________________________________
2. What drew colonists to Connecticut? (p. 79, “Conn & RI, ¶3) _______________________________________________________________
3. Who settled Rhode Island? (P. 79, Conn & RI, ¶3) ________________________________________________________________________
4. What three ideas did Roger Williams have that caused him to be banished from Massachusetts? (P. 79, Conn & RI, ¶3,4)
5. Rhode Island became the first place in America where what could happen? (pp. 79-80, Conn & RI, ¶4) ______________________________
6. Why did conflicts with Native Americans usually arise? (“conflict,” p. 80, ¶1, 2) ________________________________________________
7. Briefly summarize the cause, effects, and major events of King Philip’s War (p. 80, “Conflict,” ¶3-6) _______________________________
8. What did the Duke of York promise all colonists who settled in New York? (“England,” p. 83, ¶4) __________________________________
9. What are 5 important values held by the Quakers of Pennsylvania? (pp. 84-5, “Penn,” ¶2,3) _______________________________________
10. Why was there an increasing need for workers in the Southern Colonies? (p. 86, “Coming,” ¶1,2) _________________________________
11. English __________ and Scottish and Irish _________________ were sent to America to work against their will. (pp. 86-7, “Coming,” ¶3)
12. What were Lord Baltimore’s two hopes for settling Maryland? (“Establishing,” p. 87, ¶1) ________________________________________
13. How did Lord Baltimore get settlers to come to his colony to work? (“Aristocrats,” p. 87-8, ¶20) __________________________________
14. Conflicts arose between Maryland and Pennsylvania over ____________________ and __________________ (p. 88“Mason-Dixon,” ¶1,2)
15. Did Maryland’s Act of Toleration work? Explain. (p. 88, “Act,” ¶1) _________________________________________________________
16. What did William Berkeley promis Native Americans in return for the large piece of land he was given in Virginia? (p. 88, “Virginia,” ¶1)
17. Why were some settlers resentful of Governor Berkeley? (“Bacon,” pp. 88-9,. ¶1) ______________________________________________
18. What happened when settlers settled in forbidden lands? (“Bacon, pp. 88-9, ¶1) ________________________________________________
19. Briefly describe Bacon’s Rebellion. (pp. 88-9, “Bacon,” ¶2) _______________________________________________________________
20. What did Bacon’s Rebellion show? (pp. 88-0, “Bacon,” ¶3)________________________________________________________________
21. What was “Blue Gold?” What were two other important agricultural crops in the Carolinas? (p. 89, “N&S Carolina,” ¶1-3) _____________
22. More than half of the people living in Southern Carolina by 1708 were (p. 90, “Slave,” ¶2) _______________________________________
23. Georgia was founded in order to give whom a fresh start? (p. 90, “Georgia,” ¶1) _______________________________________________
24. What military purpose did Georgia serve? (p. 90, “Georgia,” ¶2) ____________________________________________________________
25. What did three things did Oglethorpe ban from Georgia? (p. 90, “Oglethorpe,” ¶2) _____________________________________________
26. Oglethorpe ended up lifting the bans on __________________________ but left the ban on _____________ in place. (p. 91, “Colony,” ¶2)