II. Details about the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies Name ________________________________________________ New England 1.What did the lack of toleration in Massachusetts lead to? (p. 79, “Growth, ¶3) ___________________________________________________ 2. What drew colonists to Connecticut? (p. 79, “Conn & RI, ¶3) _______________________________________________________________ 3. Who settled Rhode Island? (P. 79, Conn & RI, ¶3) ________________________________________________________________________ 4. What three ideas did Roger Williams have that caused him to be banished from Massachusetts? (P. 79, Conn & RI, ¶3,4) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Rhode Island became the first place in America where what could happen? (pp. 79-80, Conn & RI, ¶4) ______________________________ 6. Why did conflicts with Native Americans usually arise? (“conflict,” p. 80, ¶1, 2) ________________________________________________ 7. Briefly summarize the cause, effects, and major events of King Philip’s War (p. 80, “Conflict,” ¶3-6) _______________________________ Middle 8. What did the Duke of York promise all colonists who settled in New York? (“England,” p. 83, ¶4) __________________________________ 9. What are 5 important values held by the Quakers of Pennsylvania? (pp. 84-5, “Penn,” ¶2,3) _______________________________________ Southern 10. Why was there an increasing need for workers in the Southern Colonies? (p. 86, “Coming,” ¶1,2) _________________________________ 11. English __________ and Scottish and Irish _________________ were sent to America to work against their will. (pp. 86-7, “Coming,” ¶3) 12. What were Lord Baltimore’s two hopes for settling Maryland? (“Establishing,” p. 87, ¶1) ________________________________________ 13. How did Lord Baltimore get settlers to come to his colony to work? (“Aristocrats,” p. 87-8, ¶20) __________________________________ 14. Conflicts arose between Maryland and Pennsylvania over ____________________ and __________________ (p. 88“Mason-Dixon,” ¶1,2) 15. Did Maryland’s Act of Toleration work? Explain. (p. 88, “Act,” ¶1) _________________________________________________________ 16. What did William Berkeley promis Native Americans in return for the large piece of land he was given in Virginia? (p. 88, “Virginia,” ¶1) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. Why were some settlers resentful of Governor Berkeley? (“Bacon,” pp. 88-9,. ¶1) ______________________________________________ 18. What happened when settlers settled in forbidden lands? (“Bacon, pp. 88-9, ¶1) ________________________________________________ 19. Briefly describe Bacon’s Rebellion. (pp. 88-9, “Bacon,” ¶2) _______________________________________________________________ 20. What did Bacon’s Rebellion show? (pp. 88-0, “Bacon,” ¶3)________________________________________________________________ 21. What was “Blue Gold?” What were two other important agricultural crops in the Carolinas? (p. 89, “N&S Carolina,” ¶1-3) _____________ 22. More than half of the people living in Southern Carolina by 1708 were (p. 90, “Slave,” ¶2) _______________________________________ 23. Georgia was founded in order to give whom a fresh start? (p. 90, “Georgia,” ¶1) _______________________________________________ 24. What military purpose did Georgia serve? (p. 90, “Georgia,” ¶2) ____________________________________________________________ 25. What did three things did Oglethorpe ban from Georgia? (p. 90, “Oglethorpe,” ¶2) _____________________________________________ 26. Oglethorpe ended up lifting the bans on __________________________ but left the ban on _____________ in place. (p. 91, “Colony,” ¶2)