Eshwar Udho CHE331 Dr. Rahni Lab VI May 7th 2003 Title: Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detector Purpose: To Summarize the Concept of the Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detector System. Theory: Chromatography refers to the family of techniques used to separate complex mixtures of often related compounds. This allows qualitative and quantitative analysis to be performed on individual components of the mixture. Gas Chromatography is a welldeveloped technique particularly suited to the separation of organic compounds and is frequently used in performing environmental analysis. The primary components of a Gas Chromatograph system are, the injector, the column in an oven, the detector and the data acquisition and readout mechanisms. In the GC instrument, the sample is injected into a column via the injection port. Only microliters of the sample are required. Such a small sample size is a great advantage to any analysis technique. In the column, the sample is carried by an inert gas called the mobile phase. This mobile phase transports the sample through the long, coiled column packed with a material termed the stationary phase. Only the stationary phase interacts chemically with the sample and it is the basis of this interaction that allows the separation of the constituents of a mixture. The column can be packed with a viscous liquid or a solid material which will adsorb the solutes. The former is called gas-liquid chromatography, the latter is known as gas-solid chromatography. The stationary phase is chosen so that the components of the sample differentially interact with and hence distribute themselves between the mobile and stationary phases to varying degrees. Those components that are strongly retained by the stationary phase move slowly relative to the flow of the mobile phase. In contrast, components that have a lower affinity for the stationary phase travel through the column at a faster rate. As consequence of the differences in mobility, sample components separate into discrete bands that can be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. These bands form peaks of some kind on the data readout instrument. Retention time, peak broadening and resolution are all determined by column properties. As the sample is transported through the column by the carrier gas, the components will dissolve to some extent into the stationary phase liquid that is present throughout the length of the column. These solutes will maintain an equilibrium between the stationary phase and the gas phase (carrier gas). This equilibrium is governed by linear partitioning. Here, the ratio of the concentration of a solute in the stationary phase (Cs) to the concentration in the mobile phase (Cm) is a constant, known as the stationary phase partition coefficient, distribution constant or partition ratio; KS. KS = CS/CM If KS is constant over a wide range of solute concentrations, then Cs is directly proportional to Cm. When this holds true, the chromatographic peaks are symmetrical. Gaussian distributions and retention times are then independent of the amount of analyte injected. Retention time of an analyte is defined as the time it takes after sample injection for the analyte to elute and reach the detector. The time for unretained species to reach the detector is defined as the dead time. This "rate of migration" of an unretained species is the same as the rate of motion of the mobile phase molecule. The linear rate (v) of a solute molecule is defined as the column length divided by its retention time and is mathematically expressed v = L/tR . This is analagous to the general speed formula where L is the column length and tR is the retention time of the solute. The linear rate (u) of a mobile phase molecule is calculated by dividing the column length by the dead time (tM). The faster the solute is to move through the column, the more time it would have to spend in the mobile phase. Therefore, The average rate at which a solute migrates along a column, v, is directly proportional to the fraction of time that it spends in the mobile phase. This is, as seen above, dependent on the partition coefficient. v = u*x where x is the fraction of time spent in the mobile phase. The fraction can also be expressed as the ratio of moles of solute in the mobile phase to the total moles of solute. Total moles of solute in the mobile phase is equivalent to the product of the concentration of solute and the volume of mobile phase. Likewise, the total moles of solute is the sum of moles in the mobile and stationary phase. This is expressed as v = u x (CMVM) /{(CMVM)+(CSVS)} OR v = u x /{1 +(CSVS)/CSV S} Substituting the equilibrium constant for the ratio of solute concentrations results in v = u x 1/{1+(KVS/VM)} an equation expressing a solute migration rate as a function of its distribution constant. Another way of describing migration rates of solutes on gas chromatographic columns is the retention factor, also referred to as the capacity factor. Mathematically, the retention factor is expressed as k'=KVS/VM By substituting this expression for capacity into the equation for the migration rate, a relationship between column capacity and migration rates is established. The relationship is mathematically expressed as v = u x {1/(1+k')} When the migration rate, for a solute and mobile phase molecule u are substituted with values measured from a chromatogram, an equation to determine the retention factor can be derived. The equation is k'=(tR-tM)/TM The ability of a column to retain one analyte more strongly than a second is a function of the column's selectivity and the basis of separation. The column's selectivity factor for two species, A and B, is defined as α(alpha) = KB/KA. By definition the more strongly retained species is B and therefore alpha is always greater than one. Substitution for the distribution constants yields an equation that allows the selectivity factor alpha to be experimentally determined from a chromatogram. The equation is alpha = (tR)B TM/(tR)A TM While movements of solutes through a gas chromatographic column are described by distribution constants, retention times, retention (capacity) factors, and selectivity factors, column efficiency (performance) is described by a quantitative measure labeled theoretical plates. The number of theoretical plates (N) is calculated by dividing the column length (L) by the height equivalent theoretical plate (H). Plate height is experimentally calculated by dividing the variance of a Gaussian shaped chromatographic peak divided by the column length. A separate equation that provides the number of theoretical plates (N) is N = 16(tR/W)2 where W is the peak width at half height. A chromatographic column's ability to separate a mixture of compounds is defined as its resolution. The mathematical equation for resolution is, RS =Δ Z/(WA+WB) Where ΔZ is the difference in time between two chromatographic peaks, WA is peak width (in time units) of Compound A andWB is peak width (in time units) of Compound B. Resolution can also be calculated using retention factor k' for two solutes, the selectivity factor, and the number of theoretical plates. The following equation is used to calculate resolution, or with simple rearrangement, to calculate the number of theoretical plates required to achieve a desired resolution. RS = N1/2/4{(-1)/}{k'B/1+k'B} N = 16Rs2{/(-1)}2{(1+k'B)/k'}2 The previous discussions all assume Gaussian distributions of analytes as they elute from the column. However, non-gaussian shaped peaks do occur and the peak shapes provide information relative to chromatographic variables. Two frequent phenomena related to non-gaussian peak shapes that occur are fronting and tailing. With fronting, the front side of a peak is drawn out while the tail (or backside) on the right is steep. The most frequent cause of fronting is too large of a sample introduced into the column. In contract, the more frequent phenomenon of tailing results in the right side of a peak (the tail) is drawn out. This usually occurs when the solute has c concentration dependent (non-linear) distribution coefficient. This can also be a cause of fronting. The result of fronting and tailing is poor separation (and thus resolution) and less accurate quantitative analysis. Capillary columns vary in length from 15 to 100 meters is a coiled configuration to fit in the instrument oven. We are used a 30m tube with our GC/MS lab. Shortening the length of the column can shorten the analysis time; however, resolution (separation) will be compromised since the equilibration of each solute with the stationaryis now not quite as long. Diameters of open tubular capillary columns are typically between 0.32 and 0.25 millimeter, with high resolution columns having diameters of 0.20 to 0.15 millimeter. The smaller diameter produces better resolution and greater selectivity, but can handle only a small volume of sample (1 to 2 microliters). The above theory is for separations by all gas chromatographs. However, the analysis part is varied depending on the detector. When coupled to an electron capture detector, we are usually looking for highly electronegative molecules are such as halogens or nitrogen containing compounds. The ECD contains a small piece of radioactive foil contining 63Ni, a beta emmitter (sometimes 3H is used). These highenergy electrons will ionize the carrier gas, and produce low-energy electrons and positive ions. The secondary electrons are collected at the anode, which is typically operated in a pulsed mode to avoid polarization and collection of large anionic fragments. When an electrophilic constituent passes out of the column and into the ECD, it will pick up some of these low-energy electrons and thereby reduced the anode current. The more electronegative a compound is, the more sensitive the ECD is to it. The most strongly recorded compounds are the halogenated organics, peroxides and nitro-organics. The ECD shows almost no response to amines, alcohols and hydrocarbons. This detector is exceptionally sensitive to halogenated pesticides and chlorination byproducts. It is also highly selective, which means it will not be troubled by interference from nonhalogenated compounds. It will, however, respond to oxygen, so care must be taken to avoid any oxygen contamination of the carrier flow.