Transactional Analysis Transactional Analysis Personal Inventory Put a tick against any of the words or phrases listed below that you feel you identify with. Make your decision quickly, as it is your first reaction that we are trying to capture. Never Good Correct Wow Can’t Should Nice How Fun Wish Ought Love you What Want Try Must Splendid Why Won’t Hope Bad Tender Results Ouch Please Always Poor thing Practical Scared Thank you Good Don’t worry Alternative Hi Sorry Ridiculous There there Quantity Super Ought Do Let me Where Mine Excuse me Don’t Be careful Objective Secret After you Critical Loving Even Free Whining Condescending Encouraging Confident Excited Defiant Sneering Comforting Inquiring Loud Manipulating Disgusted Sympathetic Calm Giggling Placating Authoritative Concerned Unemotional Energetic Apologetic Closed Open arms Thoughtful Uninhibited Sulking Pointing Accepting Alert Loose Sad Frowning Smiling Open Spontaneous Helpless Rigid Caressing Straight Flirtatious Immobile Angry Consoling Interested Wide-eyed Sullen Judgemental Understanding Level Curious Agreeing Moralistic Caring Evaluative Wild Compliant Authoritarian Giving Logical Changeable Ashamed Bossy Generous Direct Irresponsible Devious Total up the number of ticks in each vertical column and transfer the grid, blocking in your score in each column. Transactional Analysis Column 1 Column 2 Critical Parent Nurturing Parent Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Rebellious Child Adaptive Child 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Adult