12th UIC Meeting – Participants List
Roger Dargaville (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organization, Australia) rogerd@unimelb.edu.au
Carsten Dettmann (UIC co-chair) (Federal Ministry of Transportation, Germany) carsten.dettmann@bmvbs.bund.de
Gary Foley (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA) (via Webex)
Kathy Fontaine (National Atmospheric and Space Administration, USA) kathy.fontaine@nasa.gov
Lawrence Friedl (National Atmospheric and Space Administration, USA) (via
Webex) lfriedl@nasa.gov
Herbert Haubold (Umweltbundesamt, Austria) herbert.haubold@umweltbundesamt.at
Manfred Kloppel (European Centre for Medium-Range. Weather Forecasts) m.kloeppel@ecmwf.int
Ellsworth LeDrew (UIC co-chair) (IEEE & University of Waterloo, Canada) ells@uwaterloo.ca
Jian Liu (CMA, China) liujian@cma.gov.cn
Linda Moodie (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, USA)
Oystein Nesje (Ministry of the Environment, Norway) nes@md.dep.no
Terry Newby (ARC Institute for Soil, Climate and Water, South Africa) terry@arc.agric.za
Michael Nyehhuis (BfG University, Bonn, Germany) michael.nyenhuis@unibonn.de
Francesco Pignatelli (UIC co-chair) (European Commission) francesco.pignatelli@ec.europa.eu
Hans-Peter Plag (University of Nevada at Reno, USA) hpplag@unr.edu
Fernando Ramos (GEO Secretariat) framos@geosec.org
Ashbindu Singh (United Nations Environment Programme) ashbindu.singh@unep.org
Jan Connery (ERG, contractor, USA) jan.connery@erg.com