2014 Progress & 2015 Development Programmes Ministry of Agriculture “Govijana Mandiraya” 80/5 Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla. Vision “ A vibrant and dynamic agricultural sector for security and national prosperity” Mission “ To achieve globally competitive production, processing and marketing enterprises through socially acceptable, innovative and commercially-oriented agriculture, through sustainable management of the natural resources of the country” -Content1) Message of the Hon. Minster of Agriculture. 5- 7 2) Message of the Hon. Deputy Minister of Agriculture. 8 3) Forward. 9 4) Constitution and Functions of the Ministry. 10 - 13 5) Main Development Programmes of the Ministry. 14 - 31 i. Special programmes for ensuring Food Security. 14 - 18 ii. Production and use of Organic Fertilizer. 18 - 20 iii. Big onion seed production programme. 21 - 22 iv. Red onion seed production programme. 21 - 23 v. “Deyata Kirula” development programme. 23 - 25 vi. Programme for crop forecasting. 26 - 27 vii. Rice Exproting Porgramme. 27 - 29 viii. National Agricultural Research Plan.(NARP) 29 - 30 ix. Sustainable Water management project. 30 - 31 6) Farmers’ Trust Fund. 32 - 37 7) Other Special programmes. 38 - 43 8) New Development Programmes/Projects Proposals 2015. 44 - 46 9) Progress of the development projects and proposals being implemented by the institutions under the Ministry. 47 - 87 a. Department of Agriculture. 47 - 53 b. Hadabima Authority of Sri Lanka. 54 - 61 c. Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute. 62 - 66 d. Institute of Post Harvest Technology. 67 - 69 e. National Food Promotion Board. 70 - 71 f. Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy. 72 - 75 g. National Fertilizer Secretariat. 76 - 81 h. Ceylon Fertilizer Co. Ltd. 82 - 84 i. Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Co. Ltd. 85 - 87 Message of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture At a time Sri Lanka is marching towards a “Perakum Era” again to be a granary in the East, it is with a sense of satisfaction that I am presenting the progress of 2014 and the annual development plans for 2015. In my capacity as the Minister in-Charge of the subject of agriculture, I am extremely happy for our ability to make an enormous contribution to the field of agriculture. The honour for every success so far achieved in this sector should go to the Ministry of Agriculture and Institutions operating under its purview. The local farmer has been able to increase the paddy production in the country to meet the annual rice requirement of the people by putting an end to the era of rice import. The export of the excess production is an exclusive victory for us. Continuous provision of the fertilizer subsidy, tilling of fallow paddy lands, introducing hybrid and improved paddy varieties and the availability of guaranteed price for paddy are among the contributory factors towards increasing country’s paddy production. The Ministry of Agriculture has paid attention on producing Basmathi rice varieties for exporting. It has already introduced a comprehensive programme to promote cultivation of local traditional paddy varieties as a remedial measure for preventing noncommunicable diseases and farmers’contribution towards this move is encouraging. The method of off-season cultivation was introduced to increase supplementary food crop production with the ultimate objective of restricting imports. As a result, their production has increased considerably. Production of big onion which being one of the essential spice crops has been increased by 198% during the decade from 2002 to 2012. This massive turnover was due to the increase of cultivation extent, increase of production, promotion of off-season cultivation and undertaking cultivation in new lands, safe storing of unmatured harvest and timely marketing of the harvest. In addition big onion cultivation are done in Northern and Eastern provinces to meet the local requirement. The Ministry of Agriculture has been able not only to increase potato production but also to increase seed potato production. The success so far achieved in this regard has enable for the Government to save a large amount of foreign exchange. The present Government has always taken steps to protect the local potato farmer by increasing import duties during period of harvesting. The Ministry of Agriculture is desirous of cultivating Other Field Crops like green gram, cowpea, black gram and kurakkan etc. to do away with dependence only on imports.Cultivation of green gram in the same paddy lands just after harvesting without using fertilizer has been a successful move ensuring higher income for farmers. Farmers preference to cultivate green gram as a third season undertaking between “Yala” and “Maha” season is a good news as far as the food security of the nation is concerned. Continuous provision of fertilizer subsidy for paddy farming is an exclusive victory of the present government in view of the colossal sum of money being allocated for this purpose through Annual Budget, the objective of which is to protect the local farmer. The Ministry of Agriculture has also initiated special programmes to promote the manufacture and application of organic fertilizer while providing fertilizer subsidy. Under the pilot project of manufacturing organic fertilizer which commenced in Makandura, various programmes have been undertaken to encourage farmers towards organic fertilizer manufacturing such as training of farmers and providing equipment etc. These programmes were helpful to achieve a reduction in the use of chemical fertilizer up to 15% out of the anticipated 25% under “Mahinda Chintana Forward Vision”. As there is a higher demand for organic farm production, farmers are interested in growing vegetable and fruit using only organic fertilizer. Two special programmes have been undertaken by my Ministry towards attraction of youths population for agriculture. They are Commercial Farm Programmes and Agri Entrepreneurship Drive. Through these programmes, youths are given the opportunity of undertaking higher profit earning ventures. The Ministry of Agriculture expects to continue these programmes to ensure active participation of youth population in agriculture. The National Agricultural Exhibition marking the Farmers Week was held in Thelijjawila, Matara over a period of one week. The best evidence for its successfulness was the people who visited in their thousands. The majorities’ view is that the knowledge and experience they got during visit would be helpful in their home gardening. This event was not limited to mere exhibition. A large number of agricultural projects have been implemented in Matara, Galle and Hambantota districts to coincide with the Farmers Week. In addition 650 farmers meetings were held in Matara district covering all Agrarian Services Centre areas. The Ministry of Agriculture was able to find instant solution to the problems raised by farmers at those meetings. Under the programme of tilling fallow paddy lands implemented to make this year’s Farmers Week a good success, The Ministry was in a position to provide the necessary instructions and seed paddy requirement free of charge. Accordingly a large number of paddy lands abandoned over a period of 30 years have been asweddumized. The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated school based cultivation programmes to increase fruit consumption. Accordingly arrangements were made to packet pieces of fruit in several kinds together and make them available at school canteens at concessionary rates as mixed fresh fruit packets. Similarly fruit juice propagation programme is also in place targeting school children. Establishment of fruit villages, encouraging off-season cultivation, provision of budded fruit plants and pruning of fruit trees are among the other measures implemented to increase fruit production. Besides, various programme are being implemented to popularize local fruit rich in nutrition with ultimate objective of increasing local fruit consumption. It has been possible to successfully implement many of the projects planned for 2014 and I am satisfied with the overall performance of the year. The target of the Ministry is to build a self-sufficient economy by increasing food production instead of depending on imports. The Ministry of Agriculture and institutions affiliated to it are collectively committed to building a sustainable economy. We in the Ministry are prepared to put in place development plans for 2015 to achieve that goal. As the Minister of Agriculture I firmly believe that the people of the country, particularly the Farming community would extend their fullest co-operation in this noble endeavour. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena Minister of Agriculture. Message of the Hon. Deputy Minister of Agriculture. It is with great pleasure that I am adding my good wishes for Budget Proposals for 2015 as Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Over 90% of the country’s population still depend on agriculture. Therefore the role of this Ministry is closely connected with the economy of the country as well as the way of living of its people. Accordingly the Department of Agriculture , Institute of Post Harvest Technology, Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute, National Food Promotion Board, Hadabima Authority, Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy , the National Fertilizer Secretariat all functioning under the purview of the Ministry led by Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana under the special patronage of His Excellency the President have contributed highly to fulfill the development targets of the budget proposals for 2014. I highly appreciate the effort taken by those institutions. It is my firm belief that the Budget Proposals for 2015 would pave the way for increasing the local food production including fruit and vegetable in the same way. The country has been made self-sufficient in Rice, Maize to familiarize the people to a poison free food consumption pattern whereby building a healthy nation. Thanks to the educational institutions operating under the Ministry were able to train the human resources in the agricultural sector to accept any challenge in farming through their own research findings. As a result the harvest of essential food crops have been increased considerably both in quantity and quality. I highly appreciate the enormous contribution made by the Ministry of Agriculture and other institutions including the Department of Agriculture towards achieving the target of sustainable development in collaboration with other Ministries involved in Agricultural development. I wish the required strength and courage towards the effort at making all our expectation a reality. Y.G.Padmasiri Deputy Minister of Agriculture. - Forward I am indeed very happy to present this preamble to the publication of Progress 2014 and Development Programmes for 2015 to be tabled in Parliament. The Ministry of Agriculture which is involved in a desired mission of ensuring food security and the national prosperity has to play a major role in the country’s march towards making Sri Lanka a wonder of Asia’ This Ministry is committed to creating a self – sufficient economy through Agriculture Development. In 2014 provisions amounting to Rs. 38,870 Mn was allocated only for Agriculture Development Programmes of the Ministry. That amount has been invested in 08 main programs for ensuring food security, Organic fertilizer production and utilization programme, crop forecasting, big onion seed production programme, Implementation of the National Agricultural Research Plan, Rice Exporting, ‘Deyata Kirula’ National Development programme and the implementation of fertilizer subsidy scheme. Anticipated outcome has been achieved in the implementation of local food production programme. Similarly the programmes implemented to attract youth population towards Agriculture have also been very successful. It has also been evident that we are in a position to achieve higher growth rates through implementation of Commercial Farm Programme and applying cultivation methodology in planed way. I would like to remind with gratitude the frequent guidance provided by Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, Minister of Agriculture and Hon. Y.G.Padmasiri, Deputy Minister of Agriculture in the Implementation of Ministry’s undertakings. The exclusive contribution made by Departments, Statutory Institutions and state Companies operating under supervision of the Ministry in undertaking massive development programmes is much appreciative. It is my belief that the national contribution in the field of agriculture represents higher value in the overall national production. I am also thankful to the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division for undertaking this task and all other Divisions and Heads of Institutions for providing necessary information. R.M.D.B. Meegasmulla Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture. 04. Constitution and Functions of the Ministry. The Ministry of Agriculture is functioning under Divisions namely Establishment Division, Accounts Division, Internal Audit Division, Agriculture Development Division, Agriculture Technology Division, Planning – Monitoring and Evaluation Division. 4.1. Establishment Division. The Establishment Division consists of four sub divisions. They are Legal Division, Postal Division, Library and Record Room. General Administration of the Ministry and all the activities including maintenance of the building are attended to by this Division. Accordingly the following activities are performed by the Establishment Division. i. Activities relating to all personal files of the Ministry staff and Minister’s office staff. ii. Attendance, departure, Leave, Railway warrents and railway season tickets. iii. Overtime, holiday payments and travelling expenses of officers attached to the Ministry and the Ministers staff. iv. Activities relating to the completion of assets and liability terms of staff officers and submission of the performance reports in Parliament. v. Human Resources Management and activities relating to local and foreign trainings programmes. vi. Activities relating to the issue of duty free vehicle permits to officers in state service as well as semi – Government service. vii. Matters relating to Parliamentary Questions, Cabinet Memoranda, Public petitions committee and Human Rights Commission. viii. Matters relating to Lands buildings, official quarters, and circuit bungalows. ix. Matters relating to security service and cleaning service. x. Matters relating to water, electricity and telephone bills including Agrahara Insurance payments. xi. Implementation of productivity promotion programme. xii. Dengue mosquito prevention programme. 4.2. Accounts Division. i. Incurring expenditure utilizing provisions allocated through the Annual Appropriation Bill and maintaining public officer’s Advances Account. ii. Estimation of annual income and expenditure of the Ministry and coordination of annual estimates of developments and institutions coming under its preview. iii. Carrying out financial supervision of the Department of Agriculture and other institutions under the Ministry while providing necessary instructions / guidelines. iv. Making all purchases and supplies of the Ministry though the Procurement Procedure. v. Maintaining inventories on fixed assets and consumable items attending to their supervision and store administration. viz Conducting annual board of surveys and related follow ups. vi. Supervision over financial activities over 05 Statuary Institutions. vii. Allocation of necessary provisions and funds to all Provincial Councils, District Secretariats and Government Departments/ Statutory Boards under the Ministry for implementation of development projects, and examining the expenditure reports to ensure whether they are in tallied with Treasury Computer print – Outs. viii. Co – ordination of audit functions relating to projects being implemented by Departments and Institutions under the Ministry. ix. Responding to queries raised by the Public Accounts Committee and the Committee on Public Enterprises and attending to such inquiries. Functions of the Account Division are handled by 03 Accountants who are dealing with supplies and procurement, funds and projects and payments and Accounts headed by a chief Accountanting in order to discharge financial functions effectively and affluently. 4.3. Internal Audit Division. Functions:i. To carry out continuous survey and independent evaluation with reference to adequacy and formality of internal administrations of all Division of the Ministry and report the outcome to the Secretary. ii. To carry out independent evaluation on planning and implementation of development projects of the Ministry as to whether they implementing to achieve desired objectives and report the outcome to the Secretary. 4.4. Agricultural Development Division. Direction, Supervision and Co-ordination of Agricultural development activities are performed by this Division. Implementation of the special programme of ensuring food security to which direct contribution is made by “Krushi Nawodaya” (Agriculture revival) is the main function of the Agriculture Development Division. Supervision of the Ministry’s such as organic fertilizer production and use Programme, crop forecasting programme, exporting of rice and development programmes being implemented in parallel to the Divineguina and ‘Deyata Kirula’ Exhibition are also attened to by this Division. Statistics. Agriculture development, Agriculture Services and Organic Fertilizer Divisions are functioned under the supervision of the Additional Secretary (Agriculture Development). 4.5. Agricultural Technology Division. Main Agriculture programmes being implemented to cover the fields related to agriculture technology and natural resources management throughout the island are co-ordinated by this Division functioning under the supervision of Additional Secretary (Agriculture Technology). Agriculture Technology, Natural Resources Management and Project Division are coming under his supervision. The functions and responsibilities of the Division are as follows. i. To carry out research on main crops with economic value, improvement and expansion of those crops, implementation of Plant Quarantine Programmes, certification of seed and planting material production together with the Department of Agriculture. ii. Identification of modern technology required for fulfilling targets in agricultural development while facilitation for implementation of suitable agricultural policies and making arrangements to fulfill requirements in disastrous situation occurred in the field of Agriculture. iii. Taking necessary steps to strengthen the legal framework relating to the field of agriculture. iv. Recomending tax concessions granted as per regulations made under the Income Protection Act in respect of agricultural input and equipments. v. Co-ordination of all matters relating to agricultural technology in all institutions operating under the Ministry. vi. Formulation of policies and programmes applicable to the natural resources management. vii. Environmental Impact Assesments on various development projects. viii. Regulation,Co-ordination and Supervision of agencies of the Ministry with regard to the implementation of policies connected with natural resources. ix. Forwarding project proposals received from various institutions under the Ministry to funding agencies and following the approval handing over the same to implementing agencies and to follow up in their implementation. x. Building relations with foreign countries and international agencies and maintain foreign relations to be advantages to both parties. xi. Provide information relating to various international trade agreements and co-ordinating those related to the field of agriculture. 4.6. Planning,Monitoring & Evaluation Division. The division is responsible for planning of development activities of the Ministry of Agriculture in keeping with the National requirement and the planned activities are implemented throughout the island various Department and Institutions under the Ministry while attending to monitoring & evaluation of the same. Accordingly the functions of this division are as follows; i. The Action Plan of the Ministry is formulated in keeping with the treasury provision in respect of each year and those targets are distributed among Departments & Institutions under the Ministry within the respective scope of work. ii. Obtaining monthly/quarterly progress reports and quarterly review of progress of such development activities in accordance with the Action Plan. In addition, progress review is done at institutional level as well in keeping with quarterly financial and physical targets of the annual Action Plan. iii. Quarterly updating of progress of development projects,the value of ehich exceeds Rs 50 Mn and inclusion of same in the website of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. iv. Handling of result-oriented evaluation of same in the updating of overall annual progress of the Ministry for inclusion of same in the website of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. v. Preparation of the annual budget and performance report of the Ministry and submit same to the relevant division. vi. Handling of all development programmes of the Ministry towards realizing vision,mission and objectives of the Ministry. vii. Co-ordination of special development programmes,relating to “Deyata Kirula” in Matara,Galle,Hambantota,Rathnapura,Monaragala & Badulla districts is in progress. viii. Evaluation of new projects proposals being submitted to the Ministry by developments & institutions under its purview and submission of same to the Department of National Planning. 05. Main Development Programmers of the Ministry. Progress of development Programmes implemented during 2014 (up to 31.08.2014) Provisions Expenditure up Development Programme/Project % 2014 to 31.08.2014 1. Special Programme for ensuring Food Security. 2. Organic fertilizer production & use promotion programme. 3. Big onion / red onion seed production programme. 4.’ Deyata kirula’ development programme. 5. Forecasting programme for agriculture crop production. 6. National Agriculture Research Plan (NARP). 7. Rice exporting programme. 8. Fertilizer subsidy. Grand Total (Rs.Mn) (Rs.Mn) 420 63.133 15.03 270 120.315 44.56 30 3.440 11.47 50 14.193 28.39 05 1.94 38.8 20 7.876 39.38 75 38,000 38,870 8.405 18,438 18,657.3 11.21 48.52 48.0 01. Special Programme for Ensuring Food Security. “ Special Agriculture development programme for ensuring Food Security ” was implemented in 2014 under the following 03 sub programmes adopting short term and mid term strategies with the objective of increasing locally producing foods whereby saving foreign exchange through restriction of food imports. 1. Commercial farm programme. 2. Youth Agri entrepreneurship drive. 3. Supplementary food crop production programme. Treasury allocations for these programmes in 2014 amounted to Rs 420 Mn. 1. Commercial Farm Programme. Provision for 2014 (Rs Mn) 60 Financial progress (Rs Mn) 28.67 It has been planned to establish 150 commercial farms under which special identified projects are to be implemented sharing project cost between the respective farmers and the Ministry. Through the provision of the necessary agriculture inputs on 50% contribution, these farmers are encouraged to do cultivation on commercial basis. Accordingly instructions were issued to District Directors of Agriculture to implement the programme by identifying suitable farmers on district basis. At present provisions amounting to Rs 29.78 Mn have been released to make available benefits to 187 identified commercial farmers. Under the provision of agriculture inputs protected houses and mushroom huts are been conducted while procuments are under way to provide other agricultural inputs. A provinsion of Rs 0.6 Mn has been made available to Fruit Research and Development Center at Horana for implementing fruit trees rehabilitation project while pruning equipment sets are being issued to beneficiaries. The amount of Rs 27.19 Mn unable to pay in 2013 under this programme, was made available to Anuradhapura, Rathnapura and Kurunegala districts out of the allocated provision for this year. 2. Youth Agri Entrepreneurship Programme. Provision for 2014 (Rs Mn) 60 Financial progress (Rs Mn) 27.86 The objective of this programme is to create 1200 youth Agri Entrepreneurs in the age group of 18-40 years in all districts with the objective of attracting youth population towards Agriculture. Applications were called covering all districts and made selections. Introduction programmes at district level have already been finalized. Selected youths are given the opportunity to visit successful agricultural ventures and participate in various training programmes. After having entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Agriculture, the selected youth have been given benefits such as agricultural equipments, planting materials and construction materials for protected houses. The successful youth entrepreneurs wiil be allowed to join with commercial farm programme under which they will be given Agri wells, Water pumps and protected houses for cultivations under 50% contribution. In the district of Kaluthara, Gampaha, Colombo, Matara, Galle, Rathnapura, Kegalle, Jaffna, Vavuniya, Badulla, Matale, Monaragala and Kilinochchi, selected beneficiaris have been made joined with field trips and got participated in training programmes, while procuments activities are under way to provide equipments to beneficiaries selected from Kalutara, Gampaha, Rathnapura, Galle, Kandy, Colombo and Matara Districts. A Provision of Rs. 5.62 Mn was made available to Anuradhapura District in 2013. Under potted chilli cultivation in 22 Divisional Secretariat Divisions in Anuradhapura District, a yield of 5023.25 Kgs have been recorded. Rs. 3.0 Mn has been allocated to Kurunagala district in 2014 and procurements have been done to purchase papaw seeds. Under this programme Rs. 1.0 Mn was made available to Director General of Agriculture for National Bee – keeping Project. 3. Supplementary Food Crop Production Programme. Provision for 2014 (Rs Mn) 300 Financial progress (Rs Mn) 35.21 As it has been planned to completely stop supplementary food crop imports by 2016 as per ‘Mahinda Chinthana Forward Vision’, this programme was implemented with the objective of encouraging farmer community to under take supplementary food crop cultivation and to meet the seed requirement for same locally. In previous years under 50% contribution of this programme aimed at bringing supplementary food crop production up to export level and empowering low income recipient families. The contribution has been limited to chilli and big onion cultivations. Other cultivation programmes were implemented on credit basis. Cultivation programmes were implemented in Anuradhapura,Trincomalee, Hambantota and Kurunegala Districts, progress of which upto August 2014 are as follows; Programme National Programme Chilli Allocated amount Rs.Mn 20 Construction of supplimentary crop seed stores. Supplimentary food crop mechanization. 19.6 Organic cultivation in areas affected by Kidney disease. 19.0 Pop cone & maize cultivation in Army camp premises. 8.223 Supplementary food crop seed production Off-Season Greengram cultivation (on credit basis) Development programmes undertaken in parallel to National Farmers’s Week. Supplimentary Food Crop production in Hambantota. 98 14.7 Targets 3975 Ha, Polythene Bags . 01mm.,Chilli cultivation & production 2000 Mt. Construction of a seed store and re-establishment of cooling store. Provision of Sprinklar type water supply 50 Ha. Financial Progress (Rs.Mn) 15 Rs.Mn Implementing Area & Progress In Districts except Colombo,Gampaha, Galle and Matara Mahailluppallama Anuradhapura, Badulla,Matale, Hambantota Vegetable in .400 Ac, Fruit in 300Ac ,Organic paddy cultivation, Soil & water survey. 500 Mt of maize ,120 Mt of Pop cone, Sprinklers established in 8.5 Ac. Anuradhapura Cowpea,Soyabean,Greengram, Groundnuts,Blackgram,Gingely Dept. of Agriculture 13.5 5000 farmers, 50,000kg of seeds supply. Trincomalee 11.5 Telijawila farm development & cultivation programmes in Matara district. Matara 12.7788 Big Onion 350 Ha, Gingely 10 Ha, Greengram 2215 Ha, Red Onion cultivation Anuradhapura, Trincomalee, Vauvniya, Polonnaruwa, Ampara,Puttalum, Monaragala 0.745 Hambantota/113 Ha /Supply of Sprinklers & water pumping machines for 02 Ac of Red0 Onion cultivation demonstrations. demonstration in 02 Ac. in Supplimentary Food Crop production, Anuradhapura “Manushiya Krushi Sathkaraya”, 51 Brigade. 13.29 Big Onion 160 Ha, Chilli 400 Ha 0.27 Anuradhapura/ 316 Ha 5.251 3.365 1000 equipment sets. Farm Development Programme – National Food Promotion Board 7.725 1.92 Buttala, Thanamalwilla. Ambalantota Supplimentary Food Crop production, Matara Greengram cultivation Media programme 0.6728 Cultivation in 1300Ac,Provision of 1000 equipment sets, 1000 Benificiaries. Extent 14.5 Ac ,Construction of Fence, Development of Cultivation wells,Repair of Farm machinery, Manufacturing of Organic fertilizer. Vegetable 20Ha, Greengram 10Ac 0.3 Matara 1.612 Pop corn cultivation Mechanization of supplementary crop cultivation Big Onion Seed cultivation programme Awareness of Week Commercial cultivation 0.06058 6 0.3 2 farmers’ 0.2935 ‘koratu’ 4 OFC 14.7 Chilli cultivation Other Field Crop based production 5.0 9.8 Establishment Sales outlets of Continuation 2013 Total 24 ha “Govi Bimai Jaya Tambai” 96 programmes,’Ran Aswanu” Newspaper 12 publications. 15 Farms,Introducing of new varieties. Seed sowers – 4 Production of 1250 kg of true seeds, Provision of 500 plastic crates. Other Institution of Officer cultivation areas Extent 1215 Ha, Development of 3000 ‘Koratu’ cultivations Kalutara 2 Mahailluppallama Padiyathalawa, Ampara 0.79 Kurunegala Telijjawila,Matara. 3000 Benificiries in Matara district, Hadabima Authority Anuradhapura, Kegalle,Hambantota,Ka ndy,Galle Matale district IPHT -Anuradhapura 5 Outlets, Training 150 Benificiary Women,and receiving benefits. 1000 Ha, 4000 Farmers Flour based production,rice soya,maize and ice cream production & technology development 10.37 10.37 300 35.21 02. Organic Fertilizer manufacturing and Use promotion programme. Organic Fertilizer manufacturing and use promotion programme which commenced in 2008 has now been expanded covering all Districts in the island. Use of organic fertilizer leads not only to increase crop production but also increase the fertility in soil. As waste materials available through livestock industry being used in compost manufacturing, it is useful for that industry to dispose of waste in the form of recycling. Many farmers meet their organic fertilizer requirement through their own manufacturing by using straw animal waste and green manure which are abundantly available in the surroundings. Due to this programme a large number of commercial manufacturers emerge the organic fertilizer manufacturers on commercial venture. It has been planned to increase the organic fertilizer manufacturing and their use by farmers through encouraging manufacturers. On the instruction of His Excellency the President, it has been planned to distribute organic fertilizer among farmers free of charge in order to achieve a reduction of chemical fertilizer use in Paddy, Potato, Big onion and vegetable cultivation and also to use the same in demonstration programmes. It is expected to increase the quality of compost manufactured on commercial basis through standard analyzing. The other activities undertaken in this regard include making farmers aware the importance of using both chemical and organic fertilizer together, manufacturing of compost, distribution of ennoculums among organic farmers, conducting media and training programmes, propagation of organic fertilizer manufacturing and use through distribution of hand bills and posters and promotion of green manure use. Main objectives of the project:1. Increase of Soil fertility and crop production by the use of organic fertilizer in addition to chemical fertilizer. 2. Increase of organic fertilizes manufacturing & promoting their use in cultivations. 3. Through introduction of technological methods in organic fertilizer production encouraging entrepreneurs to manufacture quality organic fertilizer. 4. Achievement of a reduction in the use of chemical fertilizer through organic fertilizer manufacturing use promoting. Benefits:1. Increasing of crop production and agriculture becoming an economically advantageous venture. 2. Saving of foreign exchange through reduction in the use of chemical fertilizer due to the increased use of organic fertilizer 3. Increase of manufacturing and the use of the Organic fertilizer. 4. Emergence of organic fertilizer manufacturers on commercials basis. 5. A market being created for organic fertilizer. 6. Creation of healthy environment through recycling of organic residues. 7. Availability of social, economical & hygienic advantages not only to the farmer but also for general public. Activities of the programme:1. Training of farmers, officials and varies individual on manufacturing and use of organic fertilizer 2. Manufacturing of compost. 3. Distribution of ennoculum among farmers to expedite compost manufacturing. 4. Conducting demonstration programmes to show the percentage of chemical fertilizer use in Paddy, Vegetable, Big onion and Potato cultivations. 5. Use of organic fertilizer in the cultivation of fallow paddy lands. 6. Production of Green manure and related seed production. 7. Research and analyzing on compost manufacturing. 8. Distribution of leaflets on manufacturing and the use of compost. 9. Propagating through media programmes the importance of the use of organic fertilizer. Implementing Agencies:This programmer is being implemented in 2014 by the Ministry of Agriculture, District Secretariats, and Inter provincial/Provincial/Departments of Agriculture, Regional Agriculture Research Development Centre of Makadura, Department of Agrarian Development and Hadabima Authority of Sri Lanka. Physical and Financial progress (up to 31 August 2014) Allocation Rs.270 Mn Financial progress Rs.118.90 Mn Activities 1 Demonstration on Integrated Plant Nutrient Method Measurements Paddy Big Onion Potato Vegetable Number of Demonstrations Target Progress 10,520 312 95 378 832 97 0 50 6,045 360 2 Purchase of compost Quantity of compost.(Mt) 3 Green gram cultivation Acres 250 0 4 Media programme 430 183 5 Green Manure cultivation Number of programmes/SMS Seed in Kg. Acres 5,100 2 1,510 0 6 Compost Manufacturing Quantify of compost produce (Mt) 8,300 180 7 Distrbution of ennoculum packets No. of 5Kg packets 45,000 10,842 8 Training and awareness programmes No. of Demonstrations No. of Trained Leaflets distributed 29,535 3 300,000 4,884 3 111,350 9 Organic fertilizer sample Analysis No. of samples 2,450 715 10 Cultivation of fallow paddy Lands No. of acres cultivated 800 0 03. Big Onion Seed Production Programme. Allocation in 2014 amounted to Rs. 20.0 Mn Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura (Provincial & Inter provincial areas) Kurunegala & Badulla (Hasalaka Area) districts have been selected as target areas of the programme. Project activities include supply of mother bulbs, supply of polythene to protect onion flower from rain and mists, provision of fishing nets to prevent flower from falling, supply of crates and racks, vernalization of mother bulbs and provide training in this regard. 1. Anuradhapura district (Provincial areas) – Allocation was Rs. 8.0 Mn. & financial progress by August was Rs. 1.0 Mn. True seeds have been planted to obtain bulbs for venalization. Accordingly 400 demonstrations 400 sq.m.in extent have been established by farmers in 32 AI areas covering 18 DS divisions. In addition 2675 mother bulbs vernalized and distributed among farmers to establish 75 demonstrations. In Polonnaruwa district alone 100 true seed demonstrations and 25 seed bulb demonstrations have been established. Action has also been taken to call tenders to procure equipments. 2. Anuradhapura district (Interprovincial areas) – Allocation was Rs. 5.5 Mn. & financial progress by August was Rs. 0.04 Mn 7750 Kg of mother bulbs were collected and vernalized to distribute among farmers. Cultivation in Galenbindunu Wawa commenced from which 300 Kg of true seeds are expected. Action has been taken to call tenders to procure equipments. It is expected to purchase 5000 Kg of mother bulbs for “Maha” Season. 3. Polonnaruwa District – Allocation was Rs. 3.0 Mn. & financial progress up to August was Rs. 0.05 Mn. It is expected to 5000 Kg of mother bulbs & targeted to collect 10,650 Kg for vernalization. This project is being implemented in 8 DS divisions. They are Madirigiriya, Haguranketha New Town, Sevagama, Pulasthigama, Elahera, Galamuna & Giritale. Up to date approximately Rs. 20,000 spent on training. While action has been taken to call tenders for procurement of equipments. 4. Hasalaka – Allocation is Rs. 0.5 Mn. & financial progress up to August was Rs. 0.055 Mn. 644 Kg of mother bulbs have been purchased for verbalization & cultivation was done in 0.05 ha which is now in blooming stage. Project is being implemented in Kandeketiya, Mahiyanganaya & Nagadeepa areas. 117 Kg of polythene purchased & distributed among farmers. It is expected to purchase mother bulbs in November for “Maha” season cultivation. 04. Red Onion Seed Production Programme. The most popular method of cultivation of red onion is by using mother bulbs. 1.2 – 1.6 Mt of mother bulbs are needed for cultivation in one hectare & expenditure is also higher. However seed requirement for cultivation of one hectare is 5 – 6 Kg & the expenditure is less by three – fold than using mother bulbs. It is also helpful to use balance quantity for consumption. The project period is 03 years from 2014 – 2016. Rs. 10 Mn has been allocated for 2014 & Rathnapura, Ampara, Kilinochchi, Jaffna, Hambanhota (Provincial & Inter provincial areas), Puttalama & Trincomalee districts have been selected for implementation of the project. The main activities of the project is to provide farmers with mother bulb, crates, racks, fishing nets & rain coverings. Vernalization of mother bulbs & training of farmers are also included. The main objectives of the project are to produce true seed requirement of the country locally, saving of foreign exchange by increasing local red onion production, enhancing farmers’ income & popularizing true seeds among them. Progress of the project district wise is as follows. 1. Rathnapura District – Allocation was Rs. 2.0 Mn & financial progress up to August was Rs. 0.60 Mn 2050 Kg of Mother bulbs vernalized & distributed among 95 farmers. Cultivation areas are Kolonna, Embilipitiya, Balangoda, Weligepola & Imbulpe DS divisions. 2. Ampara District – Allocation was Rs. 1.0 Mn & financial progress up to August was Rs. 0.781 Mn. 68 demonstrations have been established in Irakkaman, Kalmunai, Nindaur, Potuvil, Samanturai & Damana areas. 4636 mother bulbs have been dispatched to Rahangala for vernalization while procurements are now underway. 3. Kilinochchi District – Allocations amounted to Rs. 1.0 Mn. Commencing of the project is expected by the end of September. 4. Jaffna District – Allocation was Rs. 1.5 Mn and financial progress up to August was 0.135 Mn. 810 Kg of mother bulbs have been cultivated in 0.27 Ha. 162 net have been distributed among farmers in addition to training. 5. Hambanthota District - (Provincial & Inter Provincial areas.) Allocation was Rs. 2.0 Mn & financial progress up to August was Rs. 0.953 Mn. 3340 Kg of red onion bulbs vernalized and distributed for provincial areas. 83 cultivation demonstrations have been established in Tissamaharama, Meegahajadura, Yodakandiya & Bandagiriya areas. 3340 Kg of red onion bulbs vernalized and distributed among farmers in Hambantota inter provincial areas. 26 cultivation demonstrations have been established in Ambalantota, Weerawila, Bandagiriya & Kaltota ASC areas. 6. Puttalama District – Allocation was Rs. 1.0 Mn and is expected to purchase mother bulbs in October. After vernalization cultivation is scheduled by December. 7. Trincomalee District – Rs. 1.0 Mn has been allocated & financial progress up to August was Rs. 0.0875 Mn. 600 Kg of Mother bulbs vernalized & cultivated. 8. Media & Training Programme – Allocation was Rs. 0.5 Mn & financial progress up to August was Rs. 0.195 Mn. Special training & media programmes are implemented on red onion seed production which 293 officials & farmers have already been trained in Ratnapura, Hambantota, Batticaloa, Polonnaruwa & Puttalam districts. 05. Deyata Kirula Development Programme. Agricultural Development activities relating to the ‘Deyata Kirula’ Development programme 2014 was launched centering Kurunegala, Puttalum and Kegalle districts to cover Sabaragamu and North Western provinces. The agriculture exhibition organized in parallel to the programme was held on grand scale at Central College and Technical Collage premises, Kuliyapitiya. All institutions coming under the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture including the Department of Agriculture participated in the exhibition demonstrating their achievements through exhibition stalls. The Department of Agriculture, Provincial departments of Agriculture, relevant District Secretariats and Divisional Secretariats contributed to the success of agricultural development activities at district level which were implemented as solutions to problems identified through Mobile Services. Rs 29 Mn being the balance amount that had been allocated for Deyata Kirula 2013 held in Ampara was made available for utilization in preliminary arrangements of the Programme 2014 in Kurunegala. However those provisions could’t be utilized due to the inability of certain institutions to undertake their programme urgently. Out of the total provision of Rs 50 Mn allocated for the programme 2014, Rs 27 Mn was allocated to Institutions while the balance amount of Rs 23 Mn has been allocated “Deyata Kirula” 2015 scheduled to be held in Matara. “Deyata Kirula” Exhibition ground Kuliyapitiya, of the Ministry of Agriculture. A brief of the report on the availability of provision and on going programmers of “Deyata Kirula” national development programme 2014 in Kurunegala. The remaining amount of the Ampara programme Allocated amount - Rs 29 Mn - Rs 27 Mn Provision for 2014 Expenditure - Rs 50 Mn - Rs 27 Mn Remaining amount – 2014 (It has been allocated for the programme 2015 in Matara) - Rs 23 Mn Financial Provision S/N 1 2 2.1 Programme & Implemnting Agency Development of Exhibition ground – Dept. of Agriculture. Additional payment for expenditure,2013 Ampara Remarks 2013 2014 5 12 2 - - District Development Programmes. Deputy Directors(Agriculture) Office (Inter province – Anuradhapura) 2.2 (Rs.Mn) 0.275 TOM EJC special mango and guava dissemination project. Regional Agriculture Research Development Center – Makadura. - ** 2014 paid as continuation from 2013. 1.12 0.88 ** Only Rs 0.88 Mn provision released. 2.4 - - - 0.5 - Muritius pineapple production & distribution. 2.3 2.4 Deputy Directors (Agri) Office (Inter Province – kegalle) Paddy Research and Development Institute – Ibbagamuwa. 2.5 Construction of a tissue culture laboratory for flower cultivators. Increasing productivity of paddy cultivation utilizing parashut technology. Hadamiba Authority of Sri Lanka. OFC availability project. Promotion of rural agro production marketing network. 1.25 1.236 1.246 ** Where by Provision of Rs 1.25Mn released from allocation 2013 not expenditure incurred and resettled. 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 National Food promotion Board. Local Food consumption promotion programme. - Do - (D.S.Division,kegalle) 2.08 0.1 0.022 Institute of Post Harvest Technology. Projects and community development programmes targeting small and medium scale entrepreneurs. District secretariat – Kurunegala. Programme for providing planting materials for fruit cultivation. District Secretariat – Puttalam. Supply of Seeds & planting materials/agriculture equipments promotion of pineapple village programme and development of utilize Research Institution, Thabbowa. District Secretariat – Kegalle Establishment of fruit cultivations in land owned by agro entrepreneurs . Transport cost of fruit plants. Special agricultural programme held to make in ‘Taipongal’ Publication of Press notices 2013 Commitments (Dept. of Agriculture) - 1.124 - 4.440 6 3.297 6.910 0.150 - 0.150 ** Provision of Rs 6 Mn the financial year 2013 not released. - 0.316 0.697 06. Forecasting Programme for Agriculture crop Production. Main Objectives:1. Restriction of imports during harvesting seasons & providing reasonable price for produce. 2. Relaxing of import duties during off – seasons to provide relief to consumers. 3. Minimization of marketing problems through implementing market based cultivation plan & cultivation pattern. 4. Minimization of production excesses & losses through encouraging farmers to cultivate on monthly targets based on national requirements. 5. Aware of Producers, traders & consumers through which they will be able to get benefits in their respective field e.g. to receive reasonable price for produce etc. 6. Highly reliable & accurate data obtained through crop production forecasting to be used for formulation of National Policies & Divisional Planning. Financial progress:Allocations :- Rs. 5 Mn. Financial Progress :- Rs. 1.19 Mn. Physical Progress: Agriculture crop production & forecasting for “Maha” season for 2013/2014 Progress & production forecasting on extent of big onion cultivation for “Yala” season of 2014 Progress & production forecasting on paddy during “Yala” season 2014 & availability of paddy and rice during 2014 Progress reports in respect of agri – crop production up to June 2014 The above reports were helpful in tax revising on rice, big onion & potato whereby big onion and potato farmers were able to get good price for their product in 2014 during harvesting season due to restrictions on imports. Documents forms & summary report in respects of “Yala” season 2014 & “Maha” season 2013/2014 have been printed & distributed in 18 districts. Educating of Officers:Divisional Development Officers who supervise duties of Agricultural Research & Production Assistants being primary Data supplies were educated at monthly district meetings headed by District Agrarian Development Commissioner. By now such education programmes were conducted in 06 districts during 2014. 07. Rice Exporting Programme. Treasury provisions amounting to Rs 75 Mn was allocated for implementing this programme,consisting of two main components targeting rice export market. 1. Rice exporting and development of research activities. 2. Implementing of the rice export expansion activities. 1. Rice exporting and development of research activities. Provisions amounting to Rs 39.5 Mn have been allocated for rice export research and development activities under which 4 projects are implemented. (a) Development of high quality paddy varieties, related technology and local standards. Rs. 25 Mn has been allocated for this project. Paddy Research & Development Institution of Bathalagoda, Regional Paddy Research Centers at Bombuwala, Labuduwa, Ambalantota, Paranthan & Murunkan are performing crop development activities while Farm Mechanical Research Centre at Mahailuppallama are doing research on the agricultural machinery and equipment. Financial progress by August 2014 was Rs. 1.05 Mn. Under research activities on enhancing quality of 11 traditional paddy varieties 07 long – shape varieties (AT 306, HHZ 32, BW-BS-1-2-3-1, HHZ 36, HHZ 31, HHZ 21, AT 405) and 04 short shape varieties (BW 367, BW 272 – 6B, Ld 368, Suwandel) have been identified according to their physical characteristics. Researches are underway to define bio-science factors on 05 exporting Paddy varieties (BG 360 Kiri samba, BG 1165-6, At-362, Bg 94-1 and Pachchaperumal. Attention has also been paid to make research on another 03 paddy varieties (At 08-593, Red Basmathi, At 309, Ld-371) by Rice Research Centre of Batalagoda. Researches are conducting on the above mentioned 19 varieties at Research Centers of Batalagoda, Ambalantota & Labuduwa. (b) Research projects on enhancing productivity of paddy lands in the low country Wet Zone lands. Allocated amount for this the project was Rs. 1.5 Mn and the respective research programmes have been implemented in Colombo, Gampaha & Kaluthara districts. Regional Agriculture research centre at Bombuwala has developed 05 varieties of improved seed paddy & established cultivation in 05 acres. These varieties are suitable for low country wet zone namely BW 367 (White samba), BW 372 (Red long shape Samba), BW 272 (Red Samba), BW 363 (White long shape) and Bg 250 which are scheduled to be distributed among farmers in the near future. In addtiton 3.5 acres cultivation of new rice varities namely by Bg 96-741, Bw 364, Bw 367 have been established by Agricultural Research Centre of Bentota, 01 acre cultivation of Bw 359, Bg 300, Bg 369 by Rice Research Centre of Batalagoda and 01 acre cultivation of Ld 371, Ld 368, Ld 408 by Agriculture Research Centre of Labuduwa all of which are suitable for both “Yala” and “Maha” seasons. Anticipated harvest is 250 bushels. The total project cost is Rs 0.52 Mn. (c) Encouraging the efficient use of Phosperous in Paddy. Use of Phosperous fertilizer lead to the addition of a heavy metal called cadmium in soil. It has been reveel that this heavy metal mixes directly with food. Therefore the objective of this research is to reduce the application of Poshate for cultivation by using it only once in two seasons. The allocated provisions for this project amounted to Rs 03 Mn and financial progress upto the end of August was Rs 4.24 Mn. 130 samples of Paddy cultivating land in 10 selected districts and 260 soil sample in state seed farms have been tested. In addition 120 cultivation demonstrations have been established in Kurunegala, Badulla, kandy, Ampara, Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura and Kalutara districts. Awareness, training programmes and field programmes were conducted in Polonnaruwa, Hasalaka and Ampara areas with the representation of Extension Officers from 07 districts and officers from 04 seed farms. (d) Research programme to identify mechanical methods to improve rice production aimed export market. Rs 10 Mn has been allocated for this project to be implemented covering all districts and 06 inter-provincial areas with cultivation of 10 acres each totaling 310 acres. The objective of the research programme is to improve the quality of agriculture crop production,reduce production cost and minimize agro-chemical and fertilizer use by the use of local agricultural equipments. The necessary equipment sets were distributed among identified agriculture offices to undertake trainings and it is expected to conduct demonstration programmes by using the same during the next “Maha” season. Farmers have been selected to undergo training and the following officers. 06 paddy planting machines, 06 power weeders, 12 paddy sowing machines, 12 kono weeders, 06 Axle movable water pumps and 06 seed paddy purifying machines have been purchased. Financial progress upto August was Rs 6.5 Mn. 2. Rice Exporting Expansions . Rs 35.5 has been allocated for implementing rice export expansion activities. These provisions have been released to the Director General of Agriculture. The following project are being implemented by the Department of Agriculture and the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka under this programme. (a) Rice production programme for exporting. The allocated provisions for rice exporting programme, amounted Rs 25 Mn under which “Maha” season 2013/14 harvesting completed in Mahaweli “B” and “C” systems, the progress of which are as follows; Activity Cultivation extent in “Maha” season 2013/2014 (Ha.) Paddy harvest (Mt) BG 11 65 Suwandal Pachchaperumal 42.5 12 20 165 15 40 (b) Dissemination of traditional paddy varieties. Rs. 3.73 Mn. was allocated to this project under rice exporting programme. 03 training awareness programmes for 150 farmers selected from 10 district representing 22 yayas. In addition 493 bushels of seed paddy were distributed among farmers. (c) Increasing the productivity of paddy production in Low country wet zone Allocated provisions for this project amounted to Rs. 3.5 Mn. This project is being implemented with the objective of producing local rice requirement when rice are to be exported from rice exporting zones and to increase the quality and productivity of rice varieties peculiar to low country wet zone districts of Galle, Matara, Ratnapura, Gampaha, Colombo and Kegalle districts. 08. National Agriculture Research Plan (NARP). NARP has been entrusted the task of preparing research plan for national agricultural research system since 2009. Accordingly these plans were prepared for 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015. The plan prepared by NARP having identified research priorities of the country is the National Agriculture Research Plan. In keeping with those priorities research projects prepared by Research Institutions are forwarded to the NARP, they will be evaluated by an Expert Panel of this institution and included in the National Agriculture Research Plan on priority basis. In 2014 Rs. 59.6 was provided for implementing 53 new research projects and 28 ongoing projects. Funds have been allocated to undertake 37 new research projects, 06 research projects under phase 2 and 22 on-going projects under allocation of Rs. 79.27 Mn. It is expected to find out early solution nationally important agricultural problems. Financial facilities have also been made for activities in various fields such as harvesting, availability of planting materials, application of bio-pest controlling methods, further advancing of post-harvest technology and animal breeding. 09. Sustainable Water Management Project. Ministry level co-ordination is being done on micro water supply systems made available on credit basis to farmers by Sustainable Water Management Project. Objectives of the project include increasing the living condition of dry zone farmer families in Sri Lanka, increasing farmer-income and from based productivity, efficient management of plant nutrients, soil and water in areas affected due to shortage of water and propagating of low cost solar power drip irrigation use in those areas. Under this project launched in 2005 10,000 solar power drip irrigation units have been provided to suitable farmers under two stages. Out of those small scale farmers 2859 are Samurdhi beneficiaries. Physical Progress: as at 31.08.2014 Stage I S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 District Ampara Anuradhapura Badulla Hambantota Kandy Kurunegala Mannar Matale Moneragala Polonnaruwa Puttalam Ratnapura Trincomalee Batticaloa Jaffna Killinochchi Mullativu Vavuniya Total Agrarian Services Samurdhi 339 1041 114 900 17 1197 01 560 228 191 63 07 01 4,659 Stage II Agrarian Services Samurdhi Stage I Given free of Charge 12 40 10 32 0 31 0 64 160 59 10 08 0 426 01 01 08 02 03 15 29 51 89 72 06 06 03 91 31 01 310 242 1080 119 223 214 2,567 504 159 06 149 492 106 637 189 09 05 09 168 2,433 885 1292 219 1089 19 1792 7 736 1028 530 113 21 323 410 1080 119 223 214 10,100 Stage I Total Financial Progress as at 31.08.2014 Month 2007 Jan. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total (Rs.Mn) 0.535 1.070 0.458 0.597 0.067 0.253 0.209 3.189 Feb. - 0.837 0.222 0.199 0.539 0.282 0.432 0.100 2.611 March - 0.659 0.605 0.383 0.342 0.409 0.084 0.336 2.818 April - 0.585 2.619 0.428 1.213 0.104 0.131 0.128 5.208 May - 0.33 - 0.142 0.348 0.334 0.308 0.202 1.664 June - 0.608 0.322 0.212 0.175 0.038 0.108 0.106 1.569 July - 0.054 0.127 0.497 0.633 0.750 0.163 0.101 2.325 Aug. - 0.198 0.184 0.365 11.06 0.904 0.081 0.042 12.834 Sept. - 0.005 0.186 0.120 0.53 0.147 0.138 - 1.126 Oct. - 0.178 1.078 0.260 0.578 0.686 0.377 - 3.157 Nov. - 0.333 0.680 1.049 0.364 0.495 0.110 - 3.031 Dec. 0.539 0.720 2.215 0.605 0.398 0.880 0.215 - 5.572 Total 0.539 5.042 9.308 4.718 16.77 5.092 2.4 1.224 45.104 06. Farmer’s Trust Fund. The farmers’ Trust Fund has been established on 09th March 1994 by a Deed of Trust signed by the Secretary to the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the Government and the Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture Development and Research, State Secretary to that Ministry, Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture Production and Marketing, Commissioner of Agrarian Services and Deputy Secretary to the Treasury on behalf of the Fund. Objectives. As per Trust Deed of 1994 and widening of objectives of the FTF by submitting a Cabinet Memorandum its objectives are as follows: Agriculture development and welfare of the farmer community in Sri Lanka. Provision of short-term loans to small farmers. Provision of agricultural input to small farmers. Provisions of marketing loans to small farmers to overcome their financial difficulties. Implementation of programmes for agriculture development of small farmers and education programmes. Providing small farmers with other kind of patronage in respect of crops and animal production and processing. Facilitating for agricultural development and implementing special agricultural development programmes. Implementing Method. Development projects being submitted by all Provincial Councils, District Secretaries, Government Departments / Institutions involved in agricultural activities for each year are submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Approved projects will be included in the budget of the FTF. Director Board of the FTF consists of the following officials. Chairman - Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture. Member - Director General, Agrarian Services. Member -- Chief Accountant (Ministry of Agriculture). Member - Special Representative of the Treasury. Main source of income of the Fund. The main source of income of the Fund is a percentage from proceeds of the sale of Govisetha Lottery plus interest received from additional fund investment. Physical Progress as at 31.08.2014 relating to development programmes for which FTF Funds were released in 2014 1. Grants for Development Programmes. 1.1 Training on agro-chemical trading.(ASTA) This is a training programmes conducted by the National Apprentiship and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA) with the assistance of the Department of Agriculture on finding solutions to the pest related problems, prevention of indiscriminate use of agro chemicals and training of Agro Chemical Sale and Technological Assistants. District 1. Anuradhapura 2. Gampaha 3. Rathnapura 4. Hambantota 5. Matale 6. Badulla Total 1.2 No. of trainees 90 30 30 30 30 60 270 Rural Minor Irrigation rehabilitation programme. This programme has been implemented for rehabilitation of minor irrigation tanks anicuts constructed for providing irrigation facilities to rural people. Rehabilitation of Maduwalamagadeniya anicut. (DS – Mulatiyana, ASC – Deiyandara, Gama N.D. Maduwala) Rehabilitation of Gamagewatta Anicut (DS – Mulatiyana, ASC – Deiyandara, Grama ND – Neralampitiya) Rehabilitation of Puhunnawilawatta Anicut (DS – Aturaliya, ASC – Wilpita, Grama ND, Wilpita west) 1.3 Construction of Agricultural roads. The objectives of construction agricultural roads are easily taking agricultural machinery and equipment required for farming, easily transpating crop production for marketing whereby making agriculture a profitable and attractive venture to be a strength to the national economy. 1.4 Big onion production promotion – North western province. This project is being implemented with the objective of increasing big onion production utilizing true seeds to meet the local requirement without resorting to import in order to same a large sum in foreign exchange. Big Onion production promoting –North western province. 1.5 Farmer Awards & Agricultural Exhibition - 2014 It is expected to introduce new technology to the farmer community by conducting farmer Awards & Agricultural exhibition 2014 by the National Agri Enterprises Board under the theme “From farm land to the Kitchen” The other objective is to appreciable the role of the farmer community while further undertake farming a noble venture. 2. Releases of Loans 2.1. Short term Loans Fertilizer Testing Programme. The main objective of this programme is to testing eligibility of non recommended fertilizer to be imported to Sri Lanka whereby encouraging the farmer to higher productive fertilizer varieties. Seed paddy production for manufacturing rice based local biscuits. This project is implemented with the objective of formulating a method for utilizing excess rice production, availability of seed paddy in areas of rice based local food items, providing local business men investment income levels of paddy cultivating farmers. 2.2 Long term Loans Loan from farmer banks – services through Agrarian Banks. This loan programme is being implemented through the Dept. of Agrarian Development. Accordingly Agrarian Banks provide loan on concessionary terms. The objective of this loan programme is to protect farmers from middle men, enhancing farmer income where by boosting local agriculture. 3.Income / Expenditure summary of farmers Trust Fund (2013/2014) Nature of Income Proceeds from Govi Seta Lottery Interst Other receipts Total Nature of Expenditure Development Advance Loans Income (Rs.) 2013 196,220,108.00 116,914,876.02 375,500.00 313,510,484.02 Expenditure (Rs.) 2013.12.31 83,665,075.75 41,552,917.31 110,685,400.00 235,903,393.06 Income(Rs.) 2014.07.31 152,955,480.00 17,347,665.34 170,303,145.34 Expenditure (Rs.) 2014.07.31. 10,848,549.39 63,870,169.44 17,299,520.00 92,018,238.834. 4. Summary of the Cost Estimate of the Farmers’ Trust Fund 5. Summary of Expenditure of the Farmers’ Trust Fund – 2014 07. Other Special programmes 01. Multilateral relations. 1.1. Asian Food & Agriculture co-operation Initiative (AFACI) 11 Research Project are being successfully implemented utilizing Korean Government’s technical & financial assistance under the Asian Food & Agriculture Co-operation Initiative (AFACI) 02 year extension could have been obtained in respect of 02 finalized project in last year. Now project proposal has also been submitted relating to agricultural mechanization. Arrangements were made to ensure attendance of principal Investigators at progress review meetings held with various countries & the progress review meeting of the genetic resources management project was held in Sri Lanka in August 2014. 1.2. South Asian Association for regional Co-operative (SAARC) A project proposal has been forwarded to SDC seeking financial assistance. The data relative to the project proposal “Highland Food Security with High Value Chain” was submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development. 1.3. Asia - Africa Rural Development Organization (AARDO) Sri Lanka obtained membership of this organization recently. Under the financial assistance of the same 16 officers have been participated in overseas training programmes relating to the field of agriculture Arrangements are being made to hold international workshop in Sri Lanka from 22 – 26 September 2014 under the theme “Climatic Change: Adaptation & mitigation of its impacts”. Representatives from Bangladesh, Taiwan, Ghana, India, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Malawi, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, are due to attend this workshop. 1.4. Asian Productivity Organization (APO) International workshop of the Asian productivity organization under the theme “Local Agricultural Development & Industrial Co-operation” was held in June 2014 at which 24 representatives from 14 countries including People’s Republic of China, Fiji, Iran, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippine, attended. 02. Bilateral Co-operation Under the programme of strengthening technical co-operation with other countries 04 Memoranda of Understanding have been drafted & take action to get the concurrence of Belarus, Seashells, Iraq, Japan, & China. When approval of the Cabinet of Ministry is received MOUS will be signed with those countries. During the period the Chinese President visited Sri Lanka, The MOU relating to the Plant Quarantine was signed between the two countries. Action has been taken to make annual contribution to food and Agriculture Organization,African-Asian rural Development Organization and Asia-Pasific Integrated Rural Development Organization. Information relating to the field of agriculture have been made available to Department of Commerce for signing the Free Trade Agreement and BIMSTEC with Bangladesh. Project proposal on Technical Cooperation towards minimization of post-harvest losses in respect of horticulture crops has been approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Initial arrangements for the project have now been completed. Two (02) project proposals for purchasing of equipments for Plant Quarantine Centre and obtaining services of a specialist on rural development were submitted to JICA. Accordingly action has been taken to forward the same to the Department of National Planning for approval. 03. Dvinaguma National Development programme. 3.1. Divinaguma National Development Programme. Stage-V - 2013 1. Non settle bills in respect of projects implemented in 2013 by Agriculture Services Division under this project have been paid in 2014. 2. Rs 110,379,650.00 has been paid to 60 Nursary Owners under fruit plant distribution project. 3. Rs 50,840,735.00 has been paid to 54 Nursary Owners under model home gardening programme. 4. Rs 2,870,370.00 has been paid to 154 Nursary Owners under Deyata Sevana Programme. 3.2. Divinaguma National Development Programme. Stage VI - 2014 1. It has been planned to distribute Rs1.5 Mn worth fruit plants by selecting 100 beneficiaries from each Grama Niladari Division . 2. It has been planned to produce and distribute one million Katurumurunga plants by selecting 75 benificiaries from each Grama Niladari Division. 3. It has been planned to prepare and distribute 2.5 Million Vegetable seed purchase and consisting 07 kinds of seeds under which 180 beneficiaries from each Gram Niladhari Division are to be selected. 4. Potted Vegetable plants with 04 kinds of vegetable per one household are to be distributed among beneficiaries totaling 01 million at the rate of 09 plants per one household. 5. It has been decided to distribute 35,000 vegetable seed purchase, one consisting of 10 Kinds of Vegetables among schools. Under the school home gardening development programme covering every schools in the island is Taken in to consideration, recommendation for each agro-climatic zone and the extent to be cultivated. 6. Arrangements have been made to get printed the following technical leaflets from Government Press to hand over to beneficiaries along with seed pouches , seed plants, potato plants etc. Under the Divine guma National Development programme, stage VI. Information leaflet prepared in the form of Invitation Card to educate the people on Divineguma National Development programme stage vi . Instructing-paper on how to plan a home garden. Leaflet containing technological information on nursery preparation and Vegetable plant producing. Technological information leaflets on the production and application of compost manure. Leaflet containing technological information on fruit planting and management. 7. These seeds and planting material are to be distributed with the on set of north- eastern monsoon rain 2014 accompanied by instruction leaflets referred to above. 04. Policy and Legal Framework in the field of Agriculture. The National policy of Agriculture declared on 03.09.2007 and agricultural policies included in “Mahinda Chantana Forward vision” are implementing as guiding policy for agriculture in Sri Lanka. The Ministry of Agriculture has been appointed a committee to update the National Policy of Agriculture to suit the present day needs. The Department of Agriculture and the National Fertilizer Secretariat are statutory bodies established under legislative enactments. However, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken necessary steps to amend those Acts and regulations with the objective of strengthening that legal frame –work and make regulations where ever necessary. Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980. Provisions have been made under this Act to provide for the licensing of Pesticides; to regulate the import, packing, labelling, storage, formulation, transport, sale and use and ; for the appointment of a licensing authority for pesticides, establishment of a pesticide technical and advisory committee. Seeds Act No.22 of 2003. Provisions have been made under this Act to regulate quality of seeds and planting materials and make provisions for matter connected therewith or incidential there to. Plant Protection Act No.35 of1999. Provisions have been made under this Act to prevent any measures being taken to introduce any living organism harmful to plants and protect purity and healthiness of plant in Sri Lanka. Necessary steps have been taken to make regulations to suit the international and local needs. Soil conservation Act No.25 of 1951. Legal provisions have been made under this Act to maintain and increase production capacity of soil, improve soil condition in degrated lands, Minimize or prevent soil erosion, protect land from damages caused by flood, salinity, acidity, water stagnation and droughts etc. Action has been taken to update the existing provision to suit the present. Falling of Trees Act no.09 of 1951. This Act has been amended by Act No. 01 of 2000, the objective of which is to control falling or distorting of tree with food value without due permission. By the regulation published on 13.10.1962, cutting pruning, destroying of jack, breadfruit, female Palmira trees are prohibited. Regulation of Fertilizer Act No.68 of 1988. An Act to regulate the importation, manufacture, formulation and distribution of fertilizer, and action has been taken to update the provisions of the Act. 05. National Farmers’ week and Agricultural Exhibition Farmers’ Week and Agricultural Exhibition has been holding annual since 2006 with the duel objective of disseminating agricultural revival of the country and paying tribute the farmer – community in Sri Lanka. Accordingly this national event was held at Gannoruwa in 2006, Mahailuppallama 2007 polonnaruwa 2009, Bataatha 2010, Vavuniya 2011, Gannnoruwa 2012 and wariyapola 2013 This year’s farmers’ week and Agricultural Exhibition was held at Agricultural Research Complex at Thelijjiwila from 09-14 September. Various development programmes were launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and institutions coming under its purview in parallel to this ceremony. Competitions, workshops, seminars, mobile services etc... were organized to improve agricultural knowledge of the people and introduce new technology and provide instant solution to problems to the farmer community. During the period 250,000 individuals including school children visited the exhibition. This year farmer’s week was act limited merely not to an exhibition but conducted the same as collective development programs jointly with line Ministries and Institutions to have agricultural revival in the district. The programmes commence at Gunananda Viharaya, palatuwa. The following development programmes launched to coincide farmers week 2014 will continue during the whole year. S/N Programme/Project 01. Farm development activities Thelijjiwila. 02. Construction of protected houses. 03. Grass cultivation and milk cow rearing in abandoned land in Matara district. 04. “Koratu” cultivation programmes in Matara district. 05. Paddy field “Niyara” cultivations. 06. Agriculture Radio Service project. 07. Model school Home Gardening. 08. Tilling of fallow Paddy Lands. 09. Minor Irrigation Rehabilitation. Projects relating to youth Agri Entrepreneureship Drive, Commercial Farm 10. Programmes and Supplementary Food Crop Production Programmes. 08. New Development Programmes/Project Proposals for 2015 Progremmes/projects including special agricultural programmes which ensure food security for 2015 to achieve national agricultural targets of “Mahinda Chintana forward Vision is as Follows; New Programmes/Projects - 2015 1.0. Ministry of Agriculture. 1.1. Integrated Dry Zone Agriculture Development. year Anticipated Provision (Rs.Mn) 2015 4,505.5 2016 4,212 2017 3,118.5 2018 1,372 2019 1,347 Basic Objective:-Taking action to increase living standard of farmer families living in Vavuniya, Mulaitivu, Mannar, Kilinochchi, Trincomalee, Ampara, Baticoloa, Monarogala, Hambantota, Puttalam districts through praticipating environment friendly agricultural development 1.2. Agricultural productivity improvement of marginal agricultural lands, by concerning the indigenous fruit crops based Agro forestry promotion. year Anticipated Provision (Rs.Mn) 2015 18 2016 18 2017 18 Basic Objective:- Increasing productivity of agricultural lands belonged to small farmers through introducing conservations farming system based on agro forest cultivation in land subject to excessive land degradation in Sri Lanka where by ensuing food security and increasing their living standards. 1.3. Application of the modern technology to reduce the heterogeneity of agricultural data and introduce a monitoring mechanism for crop production programme. Anticipated Expenditure 2015:- Rs 45.084 Mn Basic Objective:- Removal of disparity in agricultural data and ensuring food security though modern- technology based on periodical crop forecasting. 1.4. Implementation of crop forecasting programme to the North and East provinces. Anticipated Expenditure 2015:- Rs 6.652 Mn Basic Objective:- Implementation of agri-crop forecasting programme presently being implemented only in 18 districts, in the Northern and Eastern provinces too covering the entire island. 1.5. National Farmer’s Week & Agricultural Exhibition. Anticipated Expenditure 2015:- Rs 20 Mn Basic Objective:- Basic Objective-undertake development programmes in the respective area in parallel to the Farmer’s Week and Exhibition, Attracting youth population towards agriculture, promote scientific agriculture coupled with modern technology and dissemination of knowledge relating to the value addition. 1.6. Establishment of Agri product units in Child Friendly school system. year Anticipated Provision (Rs.Mn) 2015 25 2016 25 2017 25 Basic Objective:- Undertaking agricultural development in under utilized and less productive lands belonged to school of the island where by making the productive units contributing to the GDP. 1.7. Implementation of Action Plans in terms of the Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) prepared with numerous countries. Anticipated Expenditure 2015:- Rs 15 Mn 2.0. Department of Agriculture. S/N Programme/Project 1. Fruit Sector Development Program: Fruit Exports towards US$ 500 million target Promotion of planting material production of Ayurvedic medicinal plants in Government seed farms Smart Plant Nutrient Management for Optimum Crop Productivity and Environmental safety. Strengthening of the proposed National Agriculture Information and Communication Center (NAICC) of the Department of Agriculture by providing furniture ,equipment and accessories, Strengthening Agriculture extension system of Sri Lanka by mobile technical advisor services. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grand Total Estimate for 2015(Rs.Mn.) 725.5 14 141 166.6 45 1092.1 3.0. Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian research & Training Institute. Construction of the New Academic Building with Hostel facilities Project Investment Period:- 02 Years. Year Investment (Rs.Mn) 2015 200 2016 416 Basic Objective:- To develop of this as an International study center by conducting seminars, work ships and training courses jointly with the national and international agencies. 4.0. Institute of Post Harvest Technology. S/N 1. 2. Programme/Project Improving packing system of vegetables and fruits to minimize post harvesting losses Establishment of Post-harvest Research and Development Center in Hambantota district Grand Total 5.0. Estimate for 2015(Rs.Mn.) 44 50 94 Council for Agricultural Research Policy of Sri Lanka. Establishment of model seed potato production villages in Nuwara eliya and Badulla districts Anticipated Expenditure 2015:- Rs 54 Mn. Basic Objective:- Development of quality potato seed production. 6.0. Ceylon Fertilizer Company Limited. Construction of Fertilizer stores -Kilinochchi. Anticipated Expenditure 2015:- Rs 50 Mn. Basic Objective:- Fulfilling fertilizer requirement of farmers in the Northern Province. 7.0. Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Company Limited. Proposed construction warehousing complex in Mirijjawila ,Hambantota District Anticipated Expenditure 2015:- Rs 100 Mn. Basic Objective:- Expedite distribution of fertilizer across difficult areas centering Hambantota Port.