An Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology. An European Perspective. Edited by Nik Chmiel ISBN: 1405132760 ISBN: 9781405132763 This is an excellent introduction for anyone beginning their career in work and organisational psychology. Chmiel has pulled together some of the most important European thinkers and practitioners to provide a rich insight into the fascinating world of people at work. It should be a key text for postgraduate training." Professor Jo Silvester, City University "Nik Chmiel has brought together Europe’s finest writers, leading researchers, and highly experienced practitioners from the area of work and organizational psychology. This results in a fantastic new compilation featuring sound summaries of classical topics and theories, as well as their most recent advancements, and distinct discourses in the current issues of organizational psychology and working life. This text will be useful for getting in touch with and updating professionals on the issues in the field, and last but not least applying psychology to work in organizations." Christian Dormann, Mainz University Anderson Carol H., Julian W. Vincze Strategic Marketing Management. ISBN: 0618338071 ISBN: 9780618338078 Anderson and Vincze prepare students to recognize, embrace, and manage change by focusing on higher-level strategic issues and decision making in marketing management. The Second Edition features an integrated approach that combines both theory and cases in a single volume for easy reference and evaluation. One of the most up-to-date collections available, the comprehensive cases have all been class-tested and cover a range of small, medium, and large organizations across several industries and environments. Bryman Alan, Bell Emma Business Research Methods. ISBN: 0199284989 ISBN: 9780199284986 The Second Edition of Business Research Methods provides essential guidance on the practice of business research and how to carry out a smallscale research project or dissertation for the first time. It offers an encyclopedic introduction to the core concepts, methods, and values involved in doing business research, from formulating research questions, reviewing the literature, and designing a questionnaire, to carrying out data analysis and presenting research results. The strengths and weaknesses of each research method are examined to help students choose an appropriate methodology, and the wider philosophical issues and ethical controversies that affect business research are discussed to help students make informed research decisions. Suder Gabriele Doing Business in Europe. ISBN: 1412918472 ISBN: 9781412918473 Covering all the key topics for students studying European Business at upper level undergraduate and graduate level, this textbook focuses on the relationship between business and the political institutions, policies and regulations of the European Union post-enlargement this book supports readers with pedagogical features that include: With a website to accompany the book containing student resources and an instructors manual, the book also supports readers with features that include: - Mini-cases with questions to test students understanding - In-depth readings and testimonials from executives and managers - Vignettes and cameos written by practitioners - Extracts from Business and European publications - Review questions and assignments to consolidate learning - Weblinks to helpful resources Pike Steven Destination Marketing: An Integrated Marketing Communication Approach. ISBN: 0750686499 ISBN: 9780750686495 The tourism market is fiercely competitive. No other market place has as many brands competing for attention, and yet only a handful of countries account for 75% of the world's visitor arrivals. The other 200 or so are left to fight for a share of the remaining 25%. Therefore, destination marketers at city, state and national levels have arguably, a far more challenging role than other services or consumer goods marketers. Destination Marketing: an integrated marketing communication approach focuses on the five core tenets of integrated marketing communications. These embody both the opportunities and challenges facing Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs), and are: 1. Profitable customer relationships; 2. Enhancing stakeholder relationships; 3. Crossfunctional processes; 4. Stimulating purposeful dialogue with customers; and 5. Generating message synergy. The author seeks to provide a rationale for DMOs; to develop a structure, roles and goals of DMOs; to examine the key challenges and constraints facing DMOs; to impart a destination branding process; to develop a philosophy of integrated marketing communications; to lead the emergence of visitor and stakeholder relationship management; and to set forth options for performance measurement. Hudson Simon Tourism and Hospitality Marketing. A Global Perspective. ISBN: 1412946875 ISBN: 9781412946872 This textbook gives in depth and comprehensive coverage of key marketing principles applied to tourism and hospitality. Over 70 global case studies and vignettes colorfully illustrate how these concepts work in practice and demonstrate the diverse range of tourism and hospitality products on offer. Readers are also introduced to contemporary marketing issues such as internet marketing and branded entertainment. Chapters are packed with pedagogical features that help readers consolidate their learning. These include: chapter objectives, key terms, discussion questions and exercises, links to useful websites, and profiles of successful individuals and organizations. Tourism and Hospitality Marketing is accompanied by a website that offers lecturers answers to the discussion questions and exercises in the book, case study questions, a test bank, power point slides, and a list of additional teaching resources. This book is essential reading for undergraduate students taking courses on Tourism Marketing, Tourism Marketing Management and Hospitality Marketing. It will also be of interest to some graduate students. Hill Charles W.L. Strategic Management. An Integrated Approach. ISBN: 0618894691 ISBN: 9780618894697 This leading strategy text presents the complexities of strategic management through up-to-date scholarship and hands-on applications. Highly respected authors Charles Hill and Gareth Jones integrate cutting-edge research on topics including corporate performance, governance, strategic leadership, technology, and business ethics through both theory and cases. Based on real-world practices and current thinking in the field, the Eighth Edition of Strategic Management features an increased emphasis on the concept of the "business model" as a way of framing the issues of competitive advantage. The high-quality case study program has been expanded to 34 cases covering small, medium, and large companies of varying backgrounds. All cases are available in the main student text, the core case text, and now in a customizable casebook that instructors can create via the HMXChange Case Database. Krugman Paul, Wells Robin, Graddy Kathryn Economics. European Edition. ISBN: 0716799561 ISBN: 9780716799566 This is a very low-level introductory textbook on economics. It assumes no prior background and is written to be accessible to a general audience. Most college students should have no trouble reading and understanding this book. The coverage of topics is pretty broad, and the book covers both macro- and microeconomics. The book, however, is extremely mainstream, to the point of being a bit lacking in coverage of topics. In addition, there is a disconnect between the book's prose (which is strictly verbal and has little math) and the problem sets, which are easy, but have a large quantitative component. Rogers Tony Conferences and Conventions. A global industry. ISBN: 0750685441 ISBN: 9780750685443 On the first edition: "... essential reading for anyone interested to learn more about the processes, business models and key success factors that characterise the conference industry. A must for present, or potential practitioners!" Mady Keup, Chair of the British Association of Conference Destinations. "... an excellent reference for those starting out in the industry, and for those involved in leading or teaching others to create great events." Peter Mainprice, Chairman of the Association of British Professional Conference Organisers. "At last - the book that students and teachers of conference planning and conference management have been waiting for. In the UK and beyond, Tony Rogers' 360-degree, in-depth analysis of the meetings and conference industry and his lively and stimulating approach to the subject will make this book essential reading for anyone with an interest in studying this fascinating and vitally important industry". Rob Davidson, Senior Lecturer in Business Travel and Tourism, University of Westminster. Cavusgil S. Tamer, Knight Gary,… International Business. Strategy, Management, and the New Realities. ISBN: 0137128339 ISBN: 9780137128334 Wild John J., Wild Kenneth L.,… International Business. ISBN: 0135032814 ISBN: 9780135032817 International Business: Strategy, Management and the New Realities by Cavusgil, Knight and Riesenberger succeeds on a surprising number of levels, reflecting the combined expertise of three talented scholars and business people and their determination to present a truly global view of business. The text is highly readable by audiences of all ages, especially undergraduates. Chapters are of very reasonable length, and are vividly illustrated by photographs that capture candid moments in a wide variety of market and commercial situations. One wonders how the authors had the presence of mind to capture these candid shots during their travels.