Name: Date: Outline Topic: Textbook Chapters: ______ Directions

Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________________ Outline Topic: _________________________ Textbook Chapters: _________
Directions: Students will be required to complete several percentage goal outlines throughout the year. The following rubric will be used to grade all outlines.
Students are responsible for including a rubric with all completed outlines. If an outline is not included, the student’s final score will drop one letter grade.
Chapter Outline Rubric
Amount of
Total Points
(0-6 points)
Sequence of information is
difficult to follow or not
present. The homework is
not in outline form.
The student does not have a
grasp on the percentage
goals and textbook; student
cannot answer questions
about topics. The outline is
missing many percentage
goal topics. It does not
contain details and/or
The outline is poor (1-3
pages). The student did not
include or elaborate on most
of the following information:
main ideas of each topic,
important people for each
topic, important research for
each topic, any important
graphics, and detailed
explanations for each topic
and why it is important to
understand the topic. The
student did not include a
summary of the textbook
sections or chapter.
(7-9 points)
The reader has difficultly
following the outline because
the student jumps around.
The homework is not in
outline form.
The student is uncomfortable
with the percentage goals
and textbook, but is able to
demonstrate basic concepts.
The outline contains most of
the percentage goal topics.
It includes minimal details
and/or examples.
Meets Expectations
(10-13 points)
The outline is in logical
sequence which the reader
can follow. The homework is
in outline form.
The outline is okay (3-5
pages). The student included
most of the following
information, but did not
elaborate on them: main
ideas of each topic,
important people for each
topic, important research for
each topic, any important
graphics, and detailed
explanations for each topic
and why it is important to
understand the topic. The
student did not include a
summary of the textbook
sections or chapter.
The outline is solid (5-7
pages). The student included
all of the following
information, but might not
have elaborated on them:
main ideas of each topic,
important people for each
topic, important research for
each topic, any important
graphics, and detailed
explanations for each topic
and why it is important to
understand the topic. The
student included a summary
of the textbook sections or
Student is at ease with the
percentage goals and
textbook but fails to
elaborate. The outline
relates to the percentage
goal topics. It includes some
supporting details and/or
Exceeds Expectations
(13-15 points)
The outline is logical,
interesting and in a sequence
which the reader can follow.
The homework is in outline
Student demonstrates a clear
knowledge of percentage
goals and textbook. The
outline clearly relates to the
percentage goal topics. It
includes several supporting
details and/or examples.
The outline is extensive (8+
pages). The student included
and elaborated on all of the
following types of
information: main ideas of
each topic, important people
for each topic, important
research for each topic, any
important graphics, and
detailed explanations for
each topic and why it is
important to understand the
topic. The student included
a thorough summary of the
textbook sections or chapter.