M35-00 Disposal of Unwanted Chemicals

To: Management Authorities of Second Level Schools
Circular M34/96 addressed the issue of safety in schools science and the disposal of chemicals.
The Department, in autumn 1999, initiated a pilot project for the disposal of unwanted chemicals held by schools.
The project was administered by the Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) of the City of Dublin Vocational
Education Committee. Eighteen schools participated. Using the lists of unwanted chemicals submitted by the
schools to the CDU in response to Circular M34/96, tenders were invited from licensed disposal companies. Two
companies were awarded contracts and the removal of chemicals from these schools was successfully completed
in November 1999.
The Department of Education and Science has recognised that a co-ordinated strategy to required to deal with
unwanted chemicals that cannot be disposed of within schools, though it remains the direct responsibility of school
authorities to mange their stocks of chemical and ensure the safety of students, staff and property.
The Department intends to advertise for companies interested in tendering for the contract to remove the unwanted
chemicals from the remaining post-primary schools that submitted lists in response to Circular M34/96. It is
intended that the chemicals would be collected from schools on a phased basis. Schools which did not submit lists
in response to Circular M34/96 and which now wish to be included in the scheme should make an application to the
CDU as soon as possible using the form in Appendix 2.
School authorities are requested to confirm, on the form in Appendix 1, that they wish the Department to make
arrangements for the disposal of their unwanted chemicals. It should be noted that his will be ‘once-off’ collection.
Schools should attach a list of any deletions or additions to their original submissions and return it to the Curriculum
Development Unit, not later than Tuesday 6th June, 2000.
Schools should satisfy themselves that all the chemicals being removed are, in fact, surplus to requirements.
School authorities, as the owners, are reminded that they have legal responsibility for all chemicals that are being
removed until the final stages of the disposal operation has taken place.
Name of School:
Roll Number:
I confirm that I wish to have surplus chemicals removed and I accept the terms and conditions stated in Circular
Letter M35/00.
I attach / do not attach a list of additions or deletions to the list already submitted to the Curriculum Development
(Principal/Chief Executive Officer)
Notes for Completion of Form
The return form details chemicals, included in the “Disposal of Chemicals” manual which, if no longer required
by the school, either
o Should not be disposed of locally or
Should not be disposed of locally in larger quantities (these are marked with a # on the list).
Where the school has unwanted chemicals which are named on the list, it should indicate on the appropriate
column of the return.
o The amount in grammes of chemicals in solid form or the volume in cubic decimetres/litres of such
chemicals in liquid form;
o The manner in which the chemical is stored by ticking one of the columns A/C.C. or by giving brief details
in column D.
A=Glass container
B=Metal container
C=Plastic container
Where the school has Unlabelled and Unidentified chemicals, the amount /volume and storage details should
be outlined in the same way in the rows at the bottom of the return.
The completed form should be returned by Tuesday 6th June 2000 to:Disposal Chemical Project,
Curriculum Development Unit,
Sundrive Road
Dublin 12.
Enquiries may be made to the CDU by telephone (01-4535 487).
Participation in the scheme is conditional on the school authority:
Confirming that all the unwanted chemicals and all the “unknown” are listed.
Confirming that a satisfactory and safe system of stock control and management of remaining chemicals has
been put in place. This system should address the future management and disposal of unwanted chemicals
and wastes.
Supplying a copy of the “end user documentation” to the CDU on its receipt from the disposal company; this is
a document confirming that materials have been removed and disposed of safely.
Schools which, during the past two years, have engaged an outside company to dispose of unwanted chemicals
that could not be disposed of within the school may be eligible to apply to recover their vouched costs if they satisfy
the conditions outlined above.
The scheme will be administered by the CDVEC Curriculum Development Unit, Sundrive Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12;
enquiries may be made to the CDU by post or telephone (01 4535 487).
John Dennehy
Secretary General
May, 2000