New Horizons Laboratory Protocol Title of Laboratory: [Lab Title] Location Lab Leader Deputy Lab Leader Laboratory Phone No. Lab Access Hours Personal Protective Equipment required [Lab Number] 9am – 5pm Mon-Fri for Etchant work. After Hours permitted for all other activities with supervisor approval and After-Hours NH Access Standard PPE all activities [Add other manadatory equipment if required] Fire extinguisher Nearest FIRST AID kit [Enter Type & Location] Nearest Spill kit Special considerations [Enter Location] [Enter Location] [EG “UV radiation may be in use”] Safety in Research Laboratories EMERGENCIES: Phone 333 or 9905 3333 FIRST AIDERS: Names with Locations kept in First Aid Kit Footwear: Fully enclosed, flat-heeled footwear must be worn at all times in this lab. Thongs and sandals ARE NOT permitted. Food & Drinks: Food and drinks MUST NOT be consumed in any laboratory. Rules for access to the [NAME] laboratory [(Rm ?/??)] ONLY REGISTERED PERSONNEL MAY USE THIS LABORATORY. PLEASE CONTACT LAB LEADER / DEPUTY FOR REGISTRATION PROCESS. It is the responsibility of all users to keep this laboratory in a clean, safe and usable state. Laboratory coats and safety glasses/spectacles and enclosed shoes must be worn at all times. All chemicals in this lab must be listed in Chemwatch. Do not bring new chemicals into this lab until you inform the Lab Leader or Deputy. Full details of Chemical(s) will be required including MSDS. All containers are to be clearly marked and correctly Labeled with the DG Class All chemicals should be returned to the fridge or vented cabinets at the end of the day, CHEMICALS LEFT IN THE FUME HOOD FOR LONGER PERIODS WILL BE DISPOSED OF [Lab Specific]. ALL UNMARKED SAMPLES WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT THE END OF THE DAY. No bags or materials are to be placed on the floor. Any spillage of chemicals (liquids or powders) should be cleaned up immediately if it is safe to do so.Waste solvents should not be dumped down the sink but placed in the appropriate waste bottle. The plastic bins for contaminated glass are located [enter location]; if these are full please report immediately to [Nominated Person] so that they can be disposed of. Use of the equipment is only permitted by researchers who have been given full instruction of its use and who have been approved by the responsible academic. ANY ONE FOUND DISREGARDING THIS PROTOCOL WILL BE REFUSED FUTURE ACCESS TO THIS LAB AND POSSIBLY ALL NH LABS. [Lab Leader] Registered users: [Enter Names , E-Mail & Phone No] Date: [Last Updated]