Specific Journal Justification BME 402 Biofeedback and Stress Management Team Members: Eric Miller, Erik Birkeneder, Christopher Valley, Kevin Kinney Advisor: Mitchell Tyler Client: Dr. Dan Muller Proposed Journal: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MBEC) Justification for Journal Decision: The reasons our design team picked this journal is due to the fact that our project fit the Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MBEC) topic scope. As compared to other journals, MBEC seemed to print articles similar to our design project. As shown below, the journal includes articles on instrumentation, electrodes, activity monitoring, patient monitoring, and sleep. All of these topics encompass the majority of aspects of our meditation device. Therefore, we concluded this journal is appropriate for our journal submission. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing Journal Scope http://www.iee.org/Publish/Journals/ProfJourn/MBEC/index.cfm The journal covers all aspects of the important fields of biomedical and clinical engineering, with technical papers on a wise range of topics such as activity monitoring, audiology, baroreflex techniques, bioacoustics, bioimpedance, biomagnetism, biomechanics, biomedical optics, blood flow, cardiovascular engineering, cellular engineering, dentistry, electrical stimulation, electrodes, functional electrical stimulation, gastric measurement, imaging, incubators, instrumentation, Laser Doppler techniques, modelling, neurology, ophthalmology, patient monitoring, rehabilitation engineering, respiratory techniques, sleep and sleep apnoea, and ultrasound. Intended Article Audience: Colleagues within the University of Wisconsin Madison Neurologists Mind-Body Medical Rehabilitation Experts and Practitioners Meditation Practitioners MBEC Format Guidelines (http://www.iee.org/Publish/Support/Auth/authmbec.cfm) Language, Spelling and Grammar All papers must be written in UK English. If English is not your first language, you should ask an English-speaking colleague to proofread your paper. Papers containing English that is so unclear as to obscure the meaning will be rejected by the editors without being sent out for review. All manuscripts should be spellchecked using a UK English spellchecker before they are submitted. Acronyms and Abbreviations Specialist or uncommon acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly defined on their first occurrence in the text by writing the term out in full and following it with the abbreviation in round brackets. Title This should be concise but informative and should not include a subtitle. Avoid starting your title with the words "a", "novel", "new" or "the", since these make your article difficult to find in journal databases. Author Affiliations These should immediately follow the title. For multiple-authored articles list the names of all the authors first, followed by the full postal and email addresses, using identifiers to link an author with an address, where necessary. If an author's present address is different from the address at which the work was carried out, this should be given as a footnote. Abstract This should be informative and not only indicate the general scope of the article but also state the main results obtained, methods used, the value of the work and the conclusions drawn. No table numbers, figure numbers, references or displayed mathematical expressions should be included. It should be suitable for direct inclusion in abstracting services as a self-contained article and should not exceed 250 words. Headings Papers and should be divided into numbered sections, subsections and, if necessary, subsub-sections (e.g. 3, 3.1, 3.1.1, etc.). Font and Text Layout Use a TrueType font and normal face, allow generous margins and set your manuscript in single-column format. Figure and Figure Captions All figures should be submitted electronically and are preferred in the following formats: EPS; JPEG; TIFF. The resolutions on these formats should be high, i.e. colour: minimum 400 dpi, line: 1000dpi minimum, halftone: 300dpi minimum and combination 500dpi minimum. Photographs and screenshots will be used as submitted and should therefore be of the highest resolution possible. You should insert figures and figure captions at the end of your document. Each figure should be explicitly referred to in the text. Figures should be referred to in numerical order. Color should be used sparingly and only where absolutely necessary for an understanding of the paper. Color should not be used for distinguishing data in line diagrams; instead use lettering, numbering or different types of line (full, dashed, dotted) or data point (square, triangle, cross). Note that light colors do not reproduce well when printed in black and white and could therefore make your data indistinguishable. Tables Each table should be referred to explicitly in the text in numerical order. Avoid the use of unusual mathematical characters or graphical material in tables, since the markup language may not be able to reproduce this. If your table contains such material, it will be set as a figure. Algorithms Algorithms should not be boxed and should be set as normal text and not as figures or tables. Computer code Computer code will be set in two columns. This means that a long line of computer code that fits onto one single-column page may have to be separated into two lines when typeset. Please take this into account when writing any code. Code may be printed as a figure to enable full-page-width code. Mathematics and equations When writing mathematics, be sure to avoid confusion between characters that could be mistaken for one another, e.g. the letter 'l' and the figure one. If your paper contains superscripts or subscripts to superscripts or subscripts, take special care to ensure that the positioning of the characters is unambiguous. Ensure that superscripts and subscripts are used consistently in the body text, figures and tables. Exponential expressions should be written using superscript notation, i.e. 5x103 not 5E03. A multiplication sign should be used, not a dot. Symbols representing vectors and matrices should be in bold font. Refer to equations using round brackets, e.g. (1) Acknowledgments Acknowledgments, if any, should appear at the end of your article, immediately before the References section, and not as footnotes. References Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing uses the Harvard system for references. Please ensure that references in the reference list at the end of the paper are referred to in the text and vice versa. (This is important so that readers of your paper can click on the in-text reference and be taken to the full reference.) If you do not we will have to ask you do so at proof stage and this will delay production of your article. Please also ensure that you provide as much information as possible to allow the reader to locate the article concerned. This is particularly important for articles appearing in conferences, workshops and books that may not appear in journal databases. Please provide all author name(s) and initials, date published, title of journal or book, volume number, editors (if any) and, for books and conferences, the publisher and town of publication (in parentheses), and finally the page range. Use the following style for references in a journal, following the order of author names (surname and then initial), the use of bold for volume and italics for the publication name, and the conventional method of abbreviation: SMITH, J.. and SMITH, P.: 'This is a test journal paper', Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 2004, 1, pp. 1-7 Use the following style for references in a conference, following the order of author names (surname and then initial), the use of bold for volume and italics for the publication name, and the conventional method of abbreviation: GOVAN, S. and GOVAN, S.: 'This is a test conference paper'. Proc. Int. Conf. Syst. Biol., 2002, Stockholm, Sweden, 1, pp. 1-7 Use the following style for references in a book, following the order of author and editor names (surname and then initial): "SMITH, J. and SMITH, P..: 'This is a test book paper', in SMITH, J. and SMITH, P. (Eds.) 'Handbook of Systems Biology' (IEE Press, Stevenage, UK), pp. 1-7 Proof correction After your paper is accepted, we will upload the page proof of your paper to our website and will send you an email notifying you that it is available for viewing. We ask you to return your corrections within three working days or sooner. Note that your paper will be published online in advance of printed publication and it is therefore in your interest to return your corrections to us as soon as possible. Requests for last-minute corrections, i.e. amendments to the original manuscript, may be denied at the managing editor's discretion, particularly if these are likely to delay publication. Major changes-of-mind, e.g. rewriting of whole sections, is not permitted at this stage. We prefer that you return your corrections by email. Corrections should be indicated in list form by giving the precise location of each correction (page and line number). Proofs and reprints A free copy of the relevant journal issue is sent to every corresponding author. Fifty free reprints are sent to authors who pay the voluntary publication charge; an order form for further reprints is sent with the proofs.