Speaking and Listening Observation Sheet

Speaking and Listening Observation Sheet
Lesson Focus:
Talk is used to:
 Summarise
 Seek clarification/probe
 Elaborate
 Explore/speculate/hypothesise
 Build upon a previous response
 Pose questions/raise queries
 Evaluate learning
 Generalise
 Draw comparisons/make connections
 Reflect upon new knowledge
 Challenge views
 Model responses
Questions differentiated
Different levels used – e.g. factual
recall, retrieval, inference, deduction
 Open ended questions used
 Prompts/alternatives to direct
questions used
 Sustained questioning used with
individual pupils
 Use of same question to elicit
responses from different pupils
 Inclusive use of questioning (gender
groups, ethnicity etc)
Range of responses encouraged –
individual, group, paired, hands-up,
whiteboards, at the board, pupils
asked directly, verbal, in writing,
through mime/drama
Thinking time given
Development of talking/response
partners – ‘talk to your partner’
Teacher built on responses, exploring
Responses taken from more than one
pupil on the same question
Responses are valued
Pupils initiated talk as well as
contributed/participated to teacher-led
Key Skills Speaking and Listening Observation Sheet
June 2003
Promoting discussion:
Use of collaborative tasks – paired
activities, group presentations,
discussions, debates, brainstorming
 Pupils given opportunities to evaluate
each other’s work /performance
 Collaborative work modelled and
scaffolded for pupils
 Clear expectations set about
behaviour in group tasks, and the
purpose of their talk
 Prompts/sentence starters given to
support talk
 Pupils given opportunities to use
specific vocabulary
 Seating arrangements supported
interaction and discussion within and
across groups
General points:
Talk based on concrete learning
All pupils encouraged to listen and
respond e.g. to story, poem, group
presentation, strategies
Pupils and adults clear about their
talking roles within the lesson
Talking is a positive experience – no
pupil is put ‘on the spot’.
Adult support is used effectively to
promote speaking and listening
Planning demonstrates strategies
being used on a regular basis
Other strategies observed:
Overall comments:
Key Skills Speaking and Listening Observation Sheet
June 2003