Unit Description and Student Understandings: The classification and

Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
Unit Description and Student Understandings: The classification and properties of matter are explored by utilizing inquiry processes and
modeling techniques, with an emphasis on differentiation among elements, compounds, and mixtures. The kinetic molecular theory is examined
through the study of dissolving rates, modeling molecular behavior, and observing.
Guiding Questions:
Can student classify matter based on observable and measurable properties?
Can student differentiate the types of mixtures?
Can student describe how stated factors affect rate of dissolving?
Can student utilize the kinetic molecular theory to describe the properties and structure of the different states of matter?
Can students identify how thermal energy is transferred?
Can student describe the behavior of matter during phase changes?
Key Concepts:
Matter can exist as a solid, a liquid, a gas, or plasma.
Each state of matter—solid, liquid, or gas-has unique properties, defined by the motion of its particles.
Matter exists either as a pure substance or a mixture,
Matter can be classified by its composition, by its physical properties, and by its chemical properties
Vocabulary List:
Kinetic Theory, melting point, heat of fusion,, boiling point, heat of vaporization, sublimation, plasma, thermal expansion, buoyancy, pressure,
viscosity, density, Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, substance, element, compound, heterogeneous, suspension, colloid, Tyndall effect, homogeneous,
mixture, solution, physical property, physical change, distillation, chemical property, chemical change, law of conservation of mass,
CCSS Literacy
NGSS Practices
SI 10. I
Utilize mathematics,
Instructional Strategies
(Activity directions are found in the Unit folder in th grade Science
documents on LPSS Blackboard)
Glencoe Textbook Correlations—Units 4(a) 3 weeks; 4(b) 3 weeks
(Enrichment/Remediation Strategies)
word grid (view literacy strategy
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
organizational tools,
and graphing skills to
solve problems (SI-HA3)
Chapter 14—Solids, Liquids, and Gases—pp. 430---459
Chapter 15- Classification of Matter—pp. 460---485
Chapter-16—Properties of Atoms & the Periodic Table --pp. 486-509Chapter 17—Elements and Their Properties--pp 516-547
Activity 1: Classifying Matter
Focus: Differentiate between different types of matter
Teacher to display several types of matter (e.g., elements, compounds, and
mixtures) such as copper, carbon, sodium chloride, copper sulfate, distilled
water, ammonium nitrate, a saline solution, sucrose or sugar solution, iron filings
mixed with sulfur, mossy zinc, and iron filings mixed with salt
Students will view each type of matter as an element, compound, or mixture and
to identify whether they are homogeneous or a heterogeneous mixture.
Activity 1 - Students to work independently to complete a word grid on the
classification of matter using common substances mentioned above.
learning logs (view literacy strategy
descriptions). Chapters 1-2
Other Sources of Information For
information about elements, compounds, and
 Concept drawings of compounds,
elements, and mixtures:
PhET States of Matter - Phases, Matter,
Solid, Liquid, Gas, Pressure
 Video
Content Literacy Strategies
Word Grid
Textbook Correlations
SI-GLE: 11 (C)
Evaluate selected
theories based on
supporting evidence
Activity 2: Flowchart of Matter
PS GLE:11 (C)
Activity 2: Flowchart of Matter
Investigate and
classify common
materials as elements,
compounds, or
(heterogeneous or
homogeneous) based
Focus: Student mastery of terms
Vocabulary Cards, Flow Chart or concept Map (show relationship
between terms)
Vocabulary Cards, Flow Chart or concept Map (show relationship
between terms)
Students to learn to recognize the connections between words, examples of the
Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, DR-TA
(view literacy strategy descriptions)
learning logs (view literacy strategy
Use Websites
Content Literacy Strategies
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
on their physical
word, and the critical attributes associated with the term.
Vocabulary Self-Awareness
Textbook Correlations
Learning Logs
Chapter 2
See Comprehensive Curriculum for
SI GLEs: 5 (E)
Activity 3: Separation of Mixtures
Utilize mathematics,
organizational tools,
and graphing skills to
solve problems (SI-HA3)
Focus: Techniques to separate various mixtures
learning logs (view literacy strategy
Students will learn how to separate mixtures with various sized components
using an array of scientific techniques, design a separation technique based on
physical properties for a mixture of salt and iron filings.
Textbook Correlations
Chapter 2
See Comprehensive Curriculum for
Use Websites
Content Literacy Strategies
SI GLEs: 3 (C)
Plan and record stepby-step procedures for
a valid investigation,
select equipment and
materials, and identify
variables and controls
14 (C)
Investigate and
compare methods for
separating mixtures by
using the physical
Activity 3: Separation of Mixtures
Focus: Techniques to separate various mixtures
Content Literacy Strategies
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
properties of the
components (PS-HC4)m(PS-H-C1)
SI GLE: 7 (E)
Choose appropriate
models to explain
scientific knowledge
or experimental results
(e.g., objects,
relationships, plans,
schemes, examples,
role-playing, computer
simulations) (SI-HA4)
Activity 4: Kinetic Molecular Theory
Focus: Kinetic energy and the random movement of particles
Students will learn that the kinetic-molecular theory states that particles
(atoms or molecules), all of which are in constant, random motion.
Brownian motion (named after the Scottish botanist Robert Brown) is the
seemingly random movement of particles suspended in a fluid (i.e. a liquid
such as water or air)
BLM – Kinetic Molecular Theory
PhET States of Matter – Phases, Matter, Solid, Liquid, Gas,
For information about the Kinetic Molecular
Theory: www.psinvention.com/kinetic.htm
Content Literacy Strategies
Split Page Notetaking
See Comprehensive Curriculum for
Textbook Correlations
Chapter 3 (p.70)
PS GLE: 20 (C)
Predict the particle
motion as a substance
changes phases (PS-HC7) (PS-H-C3)
Activity 5: Thermal Energy and How it Moves
Focus: Review Kinetic Molecular Theory
For information about the Kinetic Molecular
Theory: www.psinvention.com/kinetic.htm
Students will learn the relationship between molecules and the energy they
pass; how heat is transferred via radiation, conduction and convection
Textbook correlations:
Chapter 3
Content Literacy Strategies
Learning logs
SI GLE: 2 (E)
Describe how
investigations can be
description, literature
survey, classification,
or experimentation
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
SI GLEs: 9 (E) Write
and defend a
conclusion based on
logical analysis of
experimental data
(SI-H-A6) (SI-H-A2)
SI GLE: 12 (C)
Cite evidence that
investigations are
conducted for
many different
reasons (SI-H-B2)
PS GLE: 40 (C)
Demonstrate energy
transformation and
conservation in
everyday actions (PSH-F2)
ESS GLE: 7 (C)
Focus: Distinguish the phase changes for water
Analyze how radiant
heat from the Sun is
absorbed and
transmitted by
several different
earth materials (ESSH-A5)
Students will learn about the solubility of various substances which is
determined by particle size/surface area, temperature, agitation, rate of
Activity 6: Rates of Dissolving
Students will define the terms solute, solvent, and solubility.
Students will conduct experiment by dissolving selected substances and analyze
the relationship between particle size/surface areas, temperature, agitation,
Check units for specific activities, textbook
correlations, GLEs and websites
science learning logs (view literacy
strategy descriptions),
Content Literacy Strategies
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
rate of dissolving.
Science Learning Logs
Textbook Correlations
Chapter 3
Vocabulary Cards
Focus: Analyze the heating and cooling curve for water (chapter 3, fig
Content Literacy Strategies
SI GLEs: 3 (C)
Plan and record
procedures for a
select equipment
and materials,
and identify
variables and
controls (SI-HA2)
SI GLEs: 4 (E)
Conduct an
investigation that
includes multiple
trials and record,
organize, and display
data appropriately
PS GLE: 13 (C)
Predict how factors
such as particle size
and temperature
13, p. 77)
Activity 7: It’s All Just a Phase
Science Learning Logs
Students will learn the changes of state for water. (chapter 3, p. 77), they will
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
influence the rate of
dissolving (PS-H-C3)
dissolve selected substances and analyze the relationship between particle
size/surface area/ temperature/ agitation, rate of dissolving; analyze the graph
to determine when there is a phase transition and why there is sometimes no
Vocabulary Cards
Teacher input about the safety awareness for this lab, due to the use of glass
thermometers, hot plates, etc.
Activity 7
Check units for specific activities, textbook
correlations, GLEs and websites
learning log (view literacy strategy
Safety at the forefront
Teacher developed worksheets
Heating Curves
Textbook Correlations
Chapter 3
SI GLE: 5 (E)
tools, and
graphing skills to
solve problems
PS GLEs: 19 (C)
Analyze and
interpret a graph that
relates temperature
and heat energy
absorbed during
phase changes of
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
water (PS-H-C7)
PS GLEs: 20 (C)
Predict the particle
motion as a
substance changes
phases (PS-H-C7)
Focus: Describe the difference between physical and chemical changes and
give examples.
Activity 8: Changes of Matter: Physical or Chemical
Check units for specific activities, textbook
correlations, GLEs and websites
Focus: Students will learn the difference between what a physical
change (no identity change) is and what a chemical change (identity
change) is by performing and experiment on various objects and
recording their resultant data in a table.
Activity 8
Lab data table designed by students
Teacher developed worksheets
Textbook Correlations
Chapter 2
Content Literacy Strategies
Learning Logs
SI GLEs: 1 (C)
Write a testable
question or
hypothesis when
given a topic (SI-HA1)
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
SI GLEs: 9 (E)
Write and defend
a conclusion
based on logical
analysis of
data (SI-H-A6)
PS GLEs: 21 (C)
Classify changes in
matter as physical or
chemical (PS-H-D1)
PS GLEs: 22 (C)
PS GLEs: 22 (C)
Identify evidence of
chemical changes
Activity 9: Is it Physical or Chemical?
Students will learn from experimental results, what a physical and chemical
change is from various characteristic reactions of the products combined.
Activity 9
Safety concerns
BLM – Physical or Chemical Change
Teacher developed worksheets
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
Textbook Correlations
Chapter 3
Check units for specific activities, textbook correlations, GLEs and websites
SI GLEs: 5(E)
Utilize mathematics,
organizational tools,
and graphing skills to
solve problems (SI-HA3)
SI GLEs: 7(E)
Choose appropriate
models to explain
scientific knowledge
or experimental
results (e.g., objects,
relationships, plans,
schemes, examples,
computer simulations)
PS GLEs: 11 (C)
Investigate and
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
classify common
materials as elements,
compounds, or
(heterogeneous or
homogeneous) based
on their physical and
chemical properties
PS GLEs: 21 (C)
Classify changes in
matter as physical or
chemical (PS-H-D1)
PS GLEs: 22 (C)
Identify evidence of
chemical changes (PSH-D1)
PS GLEs: 27 (C)
Distinguish between
endothermic and
exothermic reactions
SI GLEs: 2 (E)
Describe how
Glencoe Textbook Correlation: Units IV and V
Chapter 16—Properties of Atoms & the Periodic Table --pp. 496-509-
Content Literacy Strategies learning logs
(view literacy strategy descriptions),
Physical; Science 2013-2014
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Physical Science: Unit 4: Nature of Matter
Time Frame: 4 Weeks January 27 – February 21, 2014
investigations can be
description, literature
survey, classification,
or experimentation
Chapter 17—Elements and Their Properties--pp 516-547
Chapter 18—Chemical Bonds--pp 550- 575
Chapter 23—Organic Compounds--pp. 704--763
See detailed units for activities, textbook correlations, GLEs and
Activity 1- Rutherford’s Simulation
Focus: To introduce modern atomic theory through reviewing the
evolution of the model of the atom
Activity 1: Rutherford’s Simulation (SI GLEs: 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13; PS GLE: 5)
Learning Logs
Evidence of Atoms
Computer Simulation: PHET
Physical; Science 2013-2014