Play-dough Maps - Canadian Geographic Education

Play-dough Maps
Lesson Overview:
Students will work in groups to create a World map out of play-dough. The map
will be complete with a title, legend, compass rose and labels for showing
continents, rivers, lakes, oceans as well as lines of longitude and latitude. In
addition, each group’s individual map will show details specific to their assigned
area of focus.
Grade Level:
Grade 6-8 (This lesson can be easily adapted to any level.)
Time Required:
Two 45-minute classes
This activity would be a great ‘kick off’ to Social Studies class early in the year. It
could provide a basis from which information can be drawn upon and added to
during future classes.
Curriculum Connection (Province and course):
Western Canadian Protocol for Social Studies: NWT Grade 6
Link to Canadian National Geography Standards:
Essential Element #1: The World in Spatial Terms
 Map Types
Oceans Scope & Sequence Standard #1: The World in Spatial Terms
 Latitude/Longitude/Depth
 Location of major ocean resources
Geographic Skill #2: Acquiring Geographic Information
 Use maps to collect and/or compile geographic information.
Geographic Skill #3: Organizing Geographic Information
 Prepare various forms of maps as a means of organizing geographic
 Integrate various types of materials to organize geographic information.
Additional Resources, Materials and Equipment Required:
 Cardboard pop ‘flats’ for each group (the cardboard base used to carry
cases of canned drinks)
 Various colours of play-dough
 Variety of maps, atlases, various sources of world geographic information
 NGS “Oceans for Life” Brochure
Canadian Council for Geographic Education
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Tooth picks and paper to make labels
11 x 17 world map outline which shows latitude and longitude (one for
each student and one for each group)
Student Checklist
Main Objective:
Students will create a World map made out of Play-dough. They will identify
major ocean and land resources and label the map with important features.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 Label a world map with essential map elements.
 Identify the difference between lines of latitude, longitude, parallels and
 Choose a map feature and describe its location and specific details.
 Work cooperatively in groups to plan and organize work assignments.
 Demonstrate ability to take on responsibility and contribute to the group
The Lesson:
Teacher Activity
First Class Preparation:
 Arrange to have Elders or knowledgeable guests
join the class to discuss traditional names of
locations with students as they work.
Locate and photocopy World Map outline (11”x17”,
complete with latitude and longitude).
Photocopy Student Checklist.
Plan the number of groups and work assignments.
Introductory Activity:
 Provide each student with a World Map and
Student Checklist.
Review lesson expectations as per Student
Assign groups and specific work assignments, or
allow for student choice.
Canadian Council for Geographic Education
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Student Activity
First Class Preparation:
 Collect a variety of World Maps
from various sources (teacher
handouts, tourism maps,
internet, atlases, information
books, etc.).
Introductory Activity:
 Discuss assignment as per
Student Checklist.
 In groups, plan and organize
today’s individual workload and
contribution to the group effort.
Remind students that the information gathered on
the world map will be collected at the end of class.
Together with invited guests, circulate and discuss
various aspects of student findings.
Monitor accuracy throughout class to ensure
information is ready for tomorrow's activity.
Conduct mini lessons as required.
Collect maps at the end of class to review for
accuracy in preparation for play-dough map
1. Review the use of title, legend and
compass rose & identify key
components of each
2. Identify major bodies of water
(lakes, rivers, oceans); discuss with
elder whether or not these have
traditional names
3. Identify continents
4. Differentiate between lines of
longitude, latitude, parallels and
5. Based on group assignment,
locate and identify features of one of
the following:
a) major economic land based
b) major economic water based
activities *refer to NGS Oceans for
Life” brochure
c) oceanic features *refer to NGS
“Oceans for Life” brochure
d) land forms
Lesson Development
Second Class Preparation:
 Arrange to have various colours of play-dough
available for each group.
Extend invitation to Parent Volunteers to assist
during class.
Prepare group copies of the World Map to mount
on an inverted 'pop flat'.
Ensure students will be working from accurate
findings - check information from last class.
Introductory Activity:
 Hand back completed maps and draw attention to
areas for discussion or clarification.
Hand out group materials (play-dough, pop flats,
11x 17 World Map outline, toothpicks, paper for
labeling, Student Checklist).
Review lesson expectations and group
assignments as per Student Checklist.
Together with invited guests, circulate and discuss
various aspects of student work.
Monitor accuracy and understanding.
Conduct mini lessons as required.
Canadian Council for Geographic Education
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Use resource materials to gather
information as follows:
Record findings on world map
handout so they are accessible for
map-making tomorrow.
Introductory Activity:
In groups, plan and organize today’s
individual workload in order to
complete the assignment as per
Student Checklist.
Use the results of yesterday's
findings to:
1. Create a 11 x 17 play-dough map
2. Label map with a title, legend,
compass rose, continents, bodies of
water (lakes, rivers, oceans)
3. Add identify and label the
following on the map:
a) major economic land based
b) major economic water based
activities *refer to NGS “Oceans for
Life” brochure
c) oceanic features *refer to NGS
“Oceans for Life” brochure
d) land forms
Ask groups to compare features as students
complete work.
Gather play-dough maps and Checklists to assess
group accuracy and quantity of work completed.
 Assign homework for incomplete maps.
Review Checklist of
requirements to ensure map is
Compare identified features with
other groups.
Hand in group play-dough map
and completed Checklist.
Incomplete work will be
 Plan for map display and possible lesson
extension to allow for maps presentations.
Lesson Extension:
Students could plan for and make a group presentations to the class based on
their maps and findings. During these presentations, audience members could
plot the new information on blank World Map outlines.
Assessment of Student Learning:
Since this will be used as an introductory activity early in the year, assessment
will focus on diagnostic and/or formative evaluation. This will determine the need
for additional mini lessons, concepts to review, geographic skills for further
development and the present level of cooperative group skills.
If the lesson extension is used, presentation and audience listening skills can be
assessed using teacher created rubrics or checklists for both teacher and peer
Canadian Council for Geographic Education
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Student Checklist
Name: ____________
Date: _____________
Group Members: ________________________________
Check off each area as it is completed.
First Class Lesson Focus: Information Gathering
__ 1. Use resource materials to learn about:
__ How titles, legends and compass roses are used on a map
__ Location of major bodies of water (lakes, rivers, oceans)
__ *Find out whether or not these have traditional names
__ Location of continents
__ The difference between lines of longitude, latitude, parallels and
__ 2. Locate and identify features of your group’s assigned area:
__ a) major land based economic activities
__ b) major water based economic activities *refer to NGS “Oceans for
Life” brochure
__ c) oceanic features *refer to NGS “Oceans for Life” brochure
__ d) land forms
__ 3. Record this information on your World Map handout.
__ 4. Attach this page to your World Map and hand it in at the end of class.
Canadian Council for Geographic Education
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Second Class Lesson Focus: Map Making
__ 1. In your group, use the information gathered yesterday to create a World
__ Use various colours of play-dough to cover the World Map outline
__ Choose colours to represent the various features your group will be
__2. Label the World Map as follows:
__ title
__ compass rose
__ continents
__ latitude
__ longitude
__ oceans, lakes & rivers __ traditional names (if available)
__ 3. Identify and specific features on the map:
__a) major economic land based activities
__b) major economic water based activities *refer to NGS “Oceans for
Life” brochure
__c) oceanic features *refer to NGS “Oceans for Life” brochure
__d) land forms
__ 4. Hand in the group’s Checklist with the completed World Map.
Canadian Council for Geographic Education
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society