"Death to King Alcohol - Illinois During the Gilded Age

"Death to King Alcohol!"
Temperance in the 19th Century
by Jennifer Erbach
©2003 Illinois During the Gilded Age Digitization Project.
19th Century Temperance Images
In this packet, you will find the following:
 Directions and group roles
 Six temperance images
 Story analysis worksheets
1. Study the images included in this packet.
2. As a group, discuss the images and fill out one “Image Analysis Worksheet” for
each image.
3. Choose 2 of the images that you think are the most effective. Write a 2-3
paragraph essay discussing why you think that these images are effective and
noting what persuasive techniques the images use.
4. Present your 2 images to the class. Use the analysis worksheets that you did for
the images as an outline. Include an explanation of why you think that these
images are the best examples out of the ones that you studied.
Group Roles:
Writer- worksheets (1-2)
Writer- essay (1)
Presenters (2-3)
©2003 Illinois During the Gilded Age Digitization Project.
19th Century Temperance Image Analysis Worksheet
Image Number_______
Look over the image carefully and discuss it with your group, before you begin filling out
this worksheet. If no examples exist, just write “none” in the space provided and move
on. Be sure to check with the instructor if you have any questions!
Action: What is taking place in this image? Provide a description of what you see.
Characters: Who or what are the main ‘characters’ in this image?
Symbolism: Are any components of this image symbolic? What are they and what are
they supposed to represent?
©2003 Illinois During the Gilded Age Digitization Project.
Caption: Does the image have a caption? What does it mean, and how does it relate to
the image?
Audience: Does the image appear to be targeting a specific audience? If yes, who?
Provide specific evidence. If no, which groups or individuals might be most responsive to
this image? Why? Provide specific evidence.
Message: Does the image have an overall message? What point or points is it trying to
communicate? If there does not appear to be a message, how might a temperance society
use this image to persuade people not to consume or sell alcohol?
©2003 Illinois During the Gilded Age Digitization Project.
“Death to King Alcohol!” Image Links
“Drunken Man” http://lincoln.lib.niu.edu/fimage/image.php?id=214
“Bar Room Scene” http://lincoln.lib.niu.edu/fimage/image.php?id=234
“Women's Holy War…” http://lincoln.lib.niu.edu/fimage/image.php?id=3483
©2003 Illinois During the Gilded Age Digitization Project.
©2003 Illinois During the Gilded Age Digitization Project.
©2003 Illinois During the Gilded Age Digitization Project.