D i i o c e s e o f f C a l l i i f f o r r
The meeting was called to order at 4:00PM by Mr. Tim Smith, President of
Council. The opening prayer was offered by The Rev. Amber Evans.
I. Members Present:
The Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus.
Executive Council Members:
Class of 2009 – Chip Larrimore; Melissa Ridlon; Mary
Hintz; Jay Luther; Bob Birss; Carol Cook;
Class of 2010 – Vicki Gray; Tim Smith; Shelton
Ensley; Paul Burrows; Len Johnson;
Class of 2011 – David Lui; Dianne Smith; Roulhac
Austin; Teri Minnis.
Bishop’s Appointees: Amber Evans; Donald White.
Ex-Officio Members: Ron Johnson; Robert McCaskill.
Diocesan House Staff: Jim Forsyth; Michael Barlowe.
Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation • Church Vitality
• Rooted Spirituality • Transparent & Accountable Leadership •
Inclusive Community
Conference Call Phone: Kathy Ferrando; Jay Watan.
Absent: Pam Redding, Karen Swanson, Dewitt Bowman
Bill Orrick, David Frangquist, Sean McConnell.
II. Agenda: it was suggested that an “Agenda packet” be sent out with a summary of all the reports to be considered at the meeting.
III. Minutes: it was MSC-1 that the minutes of May 19, 2009 be adopted with the following request : Pg. 3.V, Jay Luther will send the adopted
Bylaws with proposed amendments, without the notes, to be filed with the minutes(both forms- with and without notes filed).
IV. Report of the Treasure: Bob McCaskill.
The following three statements were distributed-
1. Episcopal Diocese of California summary of Revenues and Expendures-
2009 by Total Department- Summary from 5/1/2009.
2. Corp Sole Line of Credit.
3. Episcopal Diocese of California- Aging Report for June 8, 2009.
The Finance Committee met last week. The assessment income is slowly falling behind. Trinity San Francisco has been sent a notice of back assessment and benefits. St. Augustine’s, Oakland has paid their assessment and benefits to date. Dianne Smith thanked Jim Forsyth for his help. The committee is considering increasing the Corp Sole line of credit for Episcopal Community Services.
V. Audit Committee Report: Don White
The Minutes of the Audit Committee were distributed. The report was given by Don White, Audit Committee member representing Executive Council.
The completed audit report will be considered at the July council meeting
VI. Administrative Resolutions: Jay Luther
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2009
Corrected & Adopted July 21, 2009
Three documents were presented by Jay Luther:
1. Resolution Fixing the Number of Directors;
2. Resolution Concerning Directors’ Consent to Electronic Transmission, with Exhibit A and Consent form;
3. Resolution Amending Article 1V, Section 2 of the Bylaws of the
Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California.
This resolution will be acted on at the July Meeting.
It was MSC-2 to approve the resolution fixing the number of directors.
It was MSC3 to approve the resolution concerning directors’ consent to electronic transmission. Council members were asked to fill out and sign their consent forms and hand or send them to Tim Smith.
There was discussion on the possible ways to expand electronic communication and cut down on the use of paper. It was asked that all documents be sent electronically as early as possible. Bob Birss offered to help Tim Smith in preparation of and in sending all the documents for each meeting. It was agreed that a job description for the Chair of Executive
Council was needed. The way documents are prepared and distributed will continue as usual for the present. Tim Smith, Dianne Smith and Kathy
Ferrando will discuss this.
VII. Election of Permanent Officers for 2009: Tim Smith.
At the Council Retreat, and with consideration of the way the new
Executive Council is now composed, it was decided that Tim Smith would continue to serve as president with Dianne Smith as vice-president and
Kathy Ferrando as Secretary through June at which time there would be an election of Council officers.
Following this process, Paul Burrows, Amber Evens and Bob Birss will serve as a nominating committee and report back at the July meeting. It was MSC-4 that the following titles be used for Council officers - Chair,
Vice-Chair and Secretary.
VIII. Bishop Marc’s Time:
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2009
Corrected & Adopted July 21, 2009
1. The work in Area Ministry is encouraging. There were 34 people attending the monthly meeting. There are now 13 emerging areas.
June 6 Th was a good community building day in the Diocese of California with Area ministry workshops in the morning and 720 present in support of the ordinations in the afternoon.
2. The next Ember Day is in December and there will be another morning of workshops and afternoon ordinations.
3. The Bishop will be attending the General Convention (GC) in Anaheim scheduled for July 8-17, 2009.
4. In August Bishop Marc will be at Oxford for continuing education and plans a week at The American Cathedral in Paris before returning to San
Francisco on the 19 Th of August.
5. A forum addressing proposition 8 will take place at Grace Cathedral on
June 22. Bishop Gene Robinson will be one of the Panelists and Bishop
Marc will serve as moderator.
6. The Diocese will soon be searching for a new Chancellor. Bill Orrick has accepted a position as chancellor to the Assistant Attorney General for the
Civil Division with the Department of Justice in Washington DC. Council members received the message from Bill Orrick and wish him well in his new position.
IX. Report on the Meeting with the Cathedral Trustees Executive
Committee: Tim Smith, Teri Minnis, Bob McCaskill .
The cathedral Congregation is at a time of transition and discernment as they search for a new dean.
Areas of common work and the idea of shared resources with the Diocese and Episcopal Charities were discussed during the meeting.
The cathedral School for Boys (CSFB) is a department of the Cathedral.
Michael Barlowe serves as a search consultant for the new dean search as he does with all diocesan churches in the search process.
X. Commission Liaisons-Next Steps:
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2009
Corrected & Adopted July 21, 2009
This is a last reminder that information about your liaison assignment is due. Please send anything you have to Karen Swanson and/or Kathy
Ferrando right away.
XI. Feedback from Deanery meetings:
Two Deaneries have met-Southern Alameda and Alameda.
Both were more interested in information on Diocesan Program and less on
Budget numbers. There was again much opposition to the change in the
Diocesan Convention Date. There has been a decision not to change the date at this time and to continue with October Conventions. More flexibility in scheduling the date in October is under consideration. There are 4 more
Deaneries yet to meet. There was discussion on promoting solidarity with each other and building community. What we do together is how we become the Body of Christ.
XII. Short Reports/ No Report:
1. Corp sole merger – no report.
2. Program & Budget – The process will start in July. The following Council members will be serving on P&B: Dianne Smith, Shelton Ensley, Kathy
Ferrando, Karen Swanson, Tim Smith, Carol Cook., Bob McCaskill.
3. Congregational Development- no report;
4. Assessment Appeals – The committee will meet in July and report to
Council in August. There are 7 congregations that will be requesting
Assessment Relief. At this time no extra large requests have been made.
5. Deanery Task Force – Melissa Ridlon distributed a status report of June
6, 2009. The Task Force continues to make progress and will report to the
60 Th Diocesan Convention. The Report will be filed with the minutes.
6. Investment Committee- no report.
7. Standing Committee- no report.
XIII. The meeting was adjourned in prayer by Michael Barlowe at 6:17 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Mary Louise Gotthold
Recording Secretary
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2009
Corrected & Adopted July 21, 2009
I, Kathleen Ferrando, the undersigned Secretary of The Episcopal Church in the
Diocese of California, a nonprofit religious corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, hereby certify that I am the said Secretary of said corporation, that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of these minutes approved by the Executive Council (Board of Directors) of said corporation at a meeting of said Board held on the day and at the place herein specified.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of November,
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2009
Corrected & Adopted July 21, 2009