LIMNOLOGY TESTS NAME____________________________ PARTNER____________________________ PARTNER____________________________ Background: Water isn’t simply water. The water that we know is always water and something else. It’s the combination that we have to work with that makes it useful and interesting. Water picks up more of the materials that it contacts than anything else and it is changed more by what it takes up than most of the materials in our environment. Water is the “universal solvent”. In the hydrologic cycle, when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses to form droplets of liquid water, it takes in some of the other vapors of the atmosphere. If the droplets freeze, it likely did so around fine dust from salts, smoke, industry waste, soil, etc. The droplets will contain some oxygen gas, nitrogen gas and carbon dioxide. There may even be traces of ozone, nitrous oxides, argon and other gases. Healthy habitats generally have greater biodiversity. Most habitats have indicator species that help determine the health of an environment. Biodiversity includes plants, bacteria and protists as well as animals. In this lab, you will observe and test various characteristics to determine the quality of water in the simulated river tank or a stagnant tank. Each team of students will conduct each test at least one time. This data will be averaged and used as a compared to standards. Each team of students will select one of the limnology tests, formulate a question, hypothesis and design an experiment. The questions must involve at least one of the following limnology tests: pH, turbidity, silica, nitrates, phosphates, total hardness (calcium & magnesium), dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, salinity. Additionally, a limited biodiversity test and fecal coliform test will be conducted at another time. Make a data table with headings for each water quality test. Read the information provided for each test. Prepare an oral and written presentation to explain your specific test(s) and its significance. This presentation will include your question tested, hypothesis, background research, procedures, data, effects of high/low measurements on other chemicals, plants and animals and causes of high/low concentrations. All data should be analyzed. This analysis might include averages, ranges, percent changes and/or other statistical data. The conclusion should either support or reject the hypothesis with justification. When appropriate relate your tests to photosynthesis, food webs/chains and the transfer of energy within a food chain, soil, climate, and/or pollution. Most of the tests performed should also be related to one or more biogeochemical cycles. Also, the conclusion should state sources of error and how those sources most likely affected the data. Finally, cite your sources (bibliography). Some information is provided on the following pages, while other parts of your report will need to be researched in the textbook, internet and other available resources. You may separate the contents of your presentation in logical subtopics among your partners, however, all partners must be well-versed in ALL aspects of your experiment. The presentations may be on posters or powerpoint. All members of your team must contribute to research, experimental design, presentation preparation, oral presentation and fielding questions following the presentation. Page 1 of 6 LIMNOLOGY TESTS NOTE: The chemical tests contain hazardous materials. Lab safety rules must be followed. Even if you are not conducting a test, others may be, so do not roam around room, conduct any unauthorized tests or participate in any behaviors that could be construed as horseplay. Follow the safety precautions printed for your specific test(s). Read the MSDS sheets before opening any bottles. Use safety goggles and aprons as appropriate. After cleaning your work area, wash your hands before leaving class each day. NOVA computers with probes may be available for some tests. Make note of the room temperature each day. Unless you heat or cool the water or store it in direct sunlight, the water and room temperature may be assumed to be nearly equal. FYI: Parts per million (ppm) is nearly the same thing as milligrams per liter (mg/L) When documenting results, attempt to keep units consistent. pH pH can be used to determine the aggressiveness or corrosiveness of soft waters. You can determine if weak acids are present. Acids have a concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in solution and a pH value below 7. Bases have a concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) and a pH above 7. A pH value of 7.0 is neutral, neither acidic nor basic. Pure water HOH disassociates into equal numbers of H+ and OH- ions giving it a neutral pH of 7. Freshly fallen rain is often acidic with a value between 5.5 and 6.0. If this water reacts with soils and minerals with alkaline materials, the hydroxide ions will increase and may raise the pH to around 8.0 to 8.5. Water reservoirs with a higher pH are therefore often found on surfaces high in calcium or other similar metals. Conduct a titration and colorimeter test using the procedure in the lid of the supply box. Be sure all supplies are clean, dry and returned to the box when you finish. Be sure the procedure is replaced in the lid. Review the techniques used so you may include them in your oral report. CARBON DIOXIDE Although carbon dioxide in water starts a series of changes that are often troublesome, such as corrosion, bringing calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals into solution, it is important to life. In soils carbon dioxide and weak organic acids produced by the roots of plants and bacterial processes in the soil make minerals soluble and available to plants. These weak acids quicken the pace of weathering and are important in the production of fertile soils. Aquatic plant life depends on carbon dioxide and bicarbonates in water for growth. Microscopic plant life suspended in water as well as larger rooted plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. One product of photosynthesis is oxygen gas. The other products are organic compounds. The carbon for all these materials comes mostly from carbon dioxide in the water. Page 2 of 6 LIMNOLOGY TESTS As carbon dioxide is taken in for photosynthesis, the alkalinity of the water as well as the pH will rise. Aquatic animal life in the aquarium will produce opposite effects. Fish, snails, insect larvae, worms and bacteria combine oxygen with the organic matter they eat to produce carbon dioxide. This process is called cellular respiration. Respiration also occurs in plants, but at a much lower rate than photosynthesis. Conduct a titration and colorimeter test using the procedure in the lid of the supply box. Be sure all supplies are clean, dry and returned to the box when you finish. Be sure the procedure is replaced in the lid. Review the techniques used so you may include them in your oral report. DISSOLVED OXYGEN An important atmospheric gas in water is oxygen (O2). Oxygen works with carbon dioxide in the living processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Oxygen is important in determining the corrosiveness of water. A slightly acidic water with both oxygen gas and carbon dioxide will be corrosive. The measurement of oxygen in water is important because it is one of the practical indications of purity. Organic polluting materials added to water consume oxygen and most of the aesthetically objectionable qualities of polluted water that we notice are related to the lack of oxygen. These organic pollutants consume oxygen less rapidly in cold water. Photosynthetic organisms, both microscopic and rooted plants will increased the amount of oxygen in the water, while heterotrophic organisms will have the opposite effect. Other factors affecting the dissolved oxygen levels include the temperature and salt concentration. Oxygen is more soluble in cold waters. A simple way to test for polluted waters is test a sample, then store the water for several days before repeating the test. Clean, natural waters will usually lose less than 0.5 mL oxygen per liter in five days. Animal life in water requires oxygen. The concentration varies, but an average for most fish is at least 4.0 mg per liter. Fish are more active in warm water and will require higher concentrations of oxygen. Additionally, increases in carbon dioxide reduces the pH of water. Fish cannot take up oxygen as rapidly in low pH waters containing carbon dioxide. Fish that are most sensitive to decreases in dissolved oxygen will disappear first when waters become polluted with organic wastes making more nutrients available in the food web for more tolerant species. Therefore, in polluted waters, the numbers of some species will initially decrease, while others species will actually increase. Conduct a titration test using the procedure in the lid of the supply box. It is important to collect your sample per the directions. You will need to return to the classroom to obtain your water sample for this test. Be sure all supplies are clean, dry and returned to the box when you finish. Be sure the procedure is replaced in the lid. Review the techniques used so you may include them in your oral report. FECAL COLIFORMS Page 3 of 6 LIMNOLOGY TESTS These bacteria are naturally present in digestive tracts, but are rare or absent in unpolluted waters. Their presence is an indication of sewage or fecal contamination. These bacteria are not pathogenic, but often occur with intestinal pathogens that are dangerous to human health. NITRITES/NITRATES Bacteria in water slowly change ammonia to nitrite and ultimately to nitrate. While we will test only for nitrates, you can still make assumptions regarding pollution. If nitrate is precent, then there have been no recent additions of waste from animals or fertilizer has runoff into the water source. Because nitrates may come from different sources, it is important to observe the surrounding area of the water source. Conduct a titration test using the procedure in the lid of the supply box. Be sure all supplies are clean, dry and returned to the box when you finish. Be sure the procedure is replaced in the lid. Review the techniques used so you may include them in your oral report. PHOSPHATES: Phosphates may be used to measure the changes due to waste addition. All domestic wastes contain phosphates; the concentrations are not greatly changed by treatment. Some phosphates are added to wastes from washing powders, so phosphates can be a good indicator of community wastes. Phosphate is used by aquatic plants and microscopic phytoplankton. Often these plants take up phosphates so rapidly that addition of phosphorus to the water is not detected. When algae and other plants die, the phosphorus is released quickly and used by new growing plants. Therefore, waters are likely to test low for phosphates in bright light and warm weather. You will measure the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide using one method: a chemical test. Conduct a chemical test using the procedure in the lid of the supply box. Be sure all supplies are clean, dry and returned to the box when you finish. Be sure the procedure is replaced in the lid. Review the techniques used so you may include them in your oral report. HARDNESS: Calcium and magnesium compounds are the most common causes of “hard” water. Sources of these minerals are often erosion of rocks such as limestone. Erosion is often expedited by acidic water conditions. Other sources of such minerals are the shells and skeletal remains of organisms. In our homes, hard water reduces the effectiveness of soaps and detergents. In natural water reservoirs, hard water (greater than 150 mg/l) often produce more fish and aquatic life. You will measure the amount of total hardness using one method: chemical tests. Conduct a titration test using the procedure in the lid of the supply box. Be sure all supplies are clean, dry and returned to the box when you finish. Be sure the procedure is replaced in the lid. Review the techniques used so you may include them in your oral report. Page 4 of 6 LIMNOLOGY TESTS COLLECTION OBSERVATIONS: Water in the fish tank was collected from East Cache Creek, a small stream nearly filled with aquatic plants, small fish, insect larvae, crawfish and other small organisms. There was evidence of deer in the area as well as snakes. Most likely many organisms typically found in temperate grasslands frequent this creek. This section of stream is fed from the bottom of Lake Ellsworth. The average depth of Lake Ellsworth is 17 feet ( 5 meters ). The average clarity of Lake Ellsworth is fair to poor. Due to the source of water, the temperatures are slightly cooler than the air temperatures. Less than 0.3 inches of rain fell in the area the day previous to the sample collection. The stream was approximately 20 cm deep and flowed slow, but steadily. Initially this stream is surrounded by somewhat steep, sloping natural grasslands, shrubs and a few small trees. Eventually the stream flows through agricultural lands. The sediment on the bottom of the stream is dark (nearly black) with a fine texture. While the area of collection is not accessible by cars, the lake that feeds the stream is used for boating and fishing recreation as well as a back up water supply for the City of Lawton, Oklahoma. On the day the sample was collected, no boats were seen in the area. After collection, the water is stored in a simulated river tank at a temperature ranging from 72 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 24 Celsius ). Tap water treated to remove chlorine is periodically added to this tank to maintain the water level. The water in the stagnant tank was collected from Lake Helen. This lake is human made and maintained in a city park. The center of the “pond” is aerated, however, the collection site was not near the center. The immediate surrounding area is parking areas, grassy, gently sloping areas and walking paths. However, nearby are major roads and highways. Page 5 of 6