Nominations are open exclusively for GJEPC members.
It is mandatory to provide other literature related to marketing, innovation, company achievements, etc. And please attach additional sheets wherever applicable.
Last date for receiving filled nominations is September 3, 2014.
Companies can nominate themselves for multiple categories.
Please refer to the definitions sheet circulated with the nomination form.
For year ending period other than April to March, please mention the year-end period
Providing additional information/documents for required questions will provide an in depth perspective on company’s operations and can enable the jury to make informed decision while selecting the final award winners
Awards Committee will not consider the nomination of the company who is a defaulter for their dues towards any outstanding membership fees to the Council. If any firm is defaulter of bank, the said firm will not be considered for award. Further if any account is declared NPA by bank and intimation is received by Council before scrutiny of application of awards, the said firm will not be considered for award.
A – General Information (Mandatory for all)
Basic Information
Company Name:
Year of Establishment:
Ownership Pattern: □ Proprietary □ Partnership □ Private Limited □ Public Limited
Nature of Operation: □ Manufacturing □ Trading □ Importer □ Exporter
If you hold IEC (Importer Exporter Code) Number, please mention it: _________________
Do you hold GJEPC Membership:
Kindly mention the year when you acquired the membership and the current registration number: ____________
Senior Management
Name Designation Gender
Total Employees (Permanent + Contract) FY14: __________ FY13: ___________ FY12: __________
Please select the appropriate award category/categories under which you would like to be nominated:
Award Categories (Industry Tick Award Categories (Apex and Special Tick
Performance Awards)
Precious Metal Jewellery - Plain
Recognition Awards)
Most Socially Responsible Company
Precious Metal Jewellery - Studded
Silver Jewellery
Cut & Polished Diamonds
Most Innovative Company
Exporter of the Year
Best Growing Company of the Year
Cut & Polished Coloured Gemstones
Cut & Polished Synthetic Stone
Costume/Fashion Jewellery
Sales to Foreign Tourists
Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
First Generation Entrepreneur of the Year
Financial Details (Please attach annual reports/audited financial statements for FY14, FY13 and FY12)
Particular FY14 FY13 FY12
Total Income (Sales + Other Income) (Rs Crore)
Total Sales (Rs Crore)
(a) Domestic Sales (Rs Crore)
(b) Exports (US $)
Net Profit (Rs Crore)
Total Expenses (Rs Crore)
Knowledge Partner:
B – Award Category Specific Information (To be filled for the award categories applied for)
Section I – Industry Performance Awards and Best Growing Company of the Year
(Precious Metal Jewellery – Plain, Precious Metal Jewellery – Studded, Silver Jewellery, Cut & Polished Diamonds, Cut & Polished Coloured
Gemstones, Cut & Polished Synthetic Stone, Costume/Fashion Jewellery, Sales to Foreign Tourists, Best Growing Company of the Year)
(Note: Fill ‘Section 1’ separately for each of the segmental award category applied for. In case you want to apply for more than one of the above categories please take the printout of this section to fill the below set of questions)
Nominated Award Category : _____________________________________________
Rs. In Crores
Segmental Details (Provide details in Rs. Crores, unless mentioned otherwise, for the nominated segment category)
Year Sales Domestic
(US $)
*Value addition = (Total Sales + Closing Stock) – (Opening stock + Total Purchase) x 100
(Opening stock + Total Purchase)
Value addition*(%) i) Kindly provide details of the activities that your company undertakes for the nominated segment. Also provide location details of manufacturing unit(s), if any. ii) Kindly provide details of the activities undertaken to achieve value addition. iii) Kindly provide details of the initiatives your company has taken for marketing or branding of the products domestically as well as in international market. Also provide company’s vision for increasing the market reach of the product. iv) Does your company have in-house R&D facility? □ Yes □ No
If yes, kindly provide the details of R&D activities carried out at the facility and innovation achieved in terms of products, design, manufacturing etc. v) Kindly provide any past details of the awards & accolades won by the company in the nominated segment
Knowledge Partner:
Section II –Exporter of the Year Award
(i) Please provide details of 5 major countries (not regions) of exports
(US $)
Sales Country
(US $)
Sales Country
(US $)
(ii) Please provide details of total number of countries your company is exporting
FY14: _______ FY13: _______ FY12: _______
(iii) Please provide details of total number of non-traditional export markets your company is exporting to
FY14: _______ FY13: _______ FY12: _______
(Please refer Rule no. 19)
(iv) Kindly mention export sales to non-traditional markets (in US $)
FY14: _______ FY13: _______ FY12: _______
(Please refer Rule no. 19)
(v) What are the key products exported by your company? Kindly provide the details.
(vi) Please explain the initiatives taken by your company to expand the export markets or the number of products exported in the international market
(vii) Kindly provide details of any key/specific marketing strategies that your company adopts for selling of products in the international market
Knowledge Partner:
Section III - Most Innovative Company award i) Please provide details of research and development activities undertaken your company
(Kindly attach relevant material and additional sheets wherever applicable) a.
Amount of R&D Expenditure
R&D activities
Total R&D Exp. Amount b.
Details of R&D activities
FY14 FY13 FY12 ii) Kindly provide details of the innovation activities undertaken by your company in the last 3 years (e.g. technology adoption, development of new product, innovation in marketing etc.)?
iv) Kindly provide details of any patents that have been registered for the innovation action of the organization v) Kindly mention details of any awards and accolades won by your company in the past in the nominated category
Knowledge Partner:
Section IV Most Socially Responsible Company Award i) Please provide details of CSR activities undertaken your company
(Kindly attach relevant material and additional sheets wherever applicable) a.
Amount of CSR Expenditure
CSR activities FY14 FY13
Rs. In Crore
Total CSR Exp. Amount
Total CSR Exp. Amount spent directly
Total CSR Exp. Amount through Trust/NGOs etc. b.
Details of CSR activities ii) Please provide details of any trusts/NGOs/such other related organizations that your company is associated with for CSR activities iii) Number of staff/employees of the Company involved in CSR activities
FY14: ________________ FY13: _______________ FY12: ________________ iv) Kindly mention details of any awards and accolades won by your company in the past in the nominated category v) Kindly mention the company’s CSR vision in the near future.
Knowledge Partner:
Section V – Special Recognition Awards
(First Generation Entrepreneur of the Year, Woman Entrepreneur of the Year)
(Note: Fill ‘Section V’ separately for each of the special award category applied for. Also attached detailed resume or profile for the ‘nominated entrepreneur’)
Nominated Award Category: _____________________________________________ i) Please provide following details of the ‘nominated entrepreneur’
□ Yes □ No ii) Kindly provide the details of your initiatives taken for driving the growth of your current gems and jewellery business. iii) Kindly provide details of any past engagements in the management of any businesses iv) Kindly provide details of your contribution to the Innovation actions of your company and/or for the development of the society v) Kindly provide the details of awards and accolades won by you in the past
Knowledge Partner:
C – General Information about the Company i) Kindly provide the details of the company’s key achievements in last two years- ii) Kindly provide details of the awards & accolades won by the company in the past iii) Kindly provide the details of your participation, if any, in any of the domestic or international trade shows? iv) Does your company use e-commerce platform or any other innovative medium to reach the customers? If yes, kindly provide the details. v) Is you company/firm/partner/director been convicted for any legal proceedings against them in respect of
Central excise/customs/FEMA/RBI etc. in the last 10 years? □ Yes □ No
If yes, please provide the details.
Knowledge Partner:
This is to certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
Name of the Respondent:
Date and Signature:
This is to certify that the financial information provided in the nomination form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
Name of the CA Firm: _____________________________________________________________________________
Name of the individual: Designation:________________________
Mobile:_________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________
Date and Signature: ________________________________ Stamp:
Please enclose client’s testimonials, certificates, marketing brochure, resume of top management and a write up on the organizational achievements by the company leader and any other relevant information using
additional sheets.
Please send the completed nomination form to:
Contact Person: Omesh Kandalkar (022-66801346) / Mihir Shah (022-66804677)
Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd., ICC Chambers 2, 2nd Floor, Near Saki-vihar Telephone
Exchange, Saki-vihar Road, Powai, Mumbai – 400072. CIN - U74140MH1997PTC107813
Phone (Board Line): 022-66801300; Fax: 022-28476281/82; Email:
Knowledge Partner:
Note: All information (financial, quantitative and qualitative) is to be provided for operations pertaining to gems and jewellery business only. The same holds true for companies involved in multiple businesses including gems &
Total number of employees - refers to all permanent and contractual employees of the company.
Total Income- refers to net sales + other income as stated in the company’s annual report. Domestic sales refer to sale of products & services within India as stated in the company’s annual report. (Revenue by geographical market segment).
Total Sales – refers to Net Sales and includes Export sales + Domestic sales as stated in the company’s annual report
Export sales- includes sales outside India as stated in the company’s annual report. (Revenue by geographical market segment). Deemed exports should not be considered as a part of export turnover. For exact definition of ‘deemed exports’, please refer Rules and Regulations.
Domestic Sales – includes sales within India as stated in the company’s annual report. (Revenue by geographical market segment).
Net profit- refers to Profit after Tax as stated in the company’s Annual Report.
Total expenses- refer to sum of all expenses including tax as stated in the company’s annual report.
CSR expenditure- refers to the aggregate expense related to corporate social responsibility activities/programmes undertaken by the company.
R&D expenditure- refers to the aggregate expense related to the R&D activities carried out by the company.
Segmental revenue- refers to break up of revenue from product-wise business segments.
Segmental export- refers to break up of F.O.B value of export sales from product-wise business segments.
Number of products exported- refers to the total number of products under gems & jewellery business operations exported outside India.
Total number of export markets- refers to the number of countries (and not regions as stated in the nomination form) the company exports to outside India.
Total number of non-traditional export markets- refers to the total number of products under gems & jewellery business operations exported to non-traditional markets outside India. For the purpose of the awards all other countries, except following countries, will be considered as nontraditional markets:
Belgium, Hong Kong, Japan, Israel, Thailand, UAE, UK and USA.
For the purpose of calculation of Value Addition, committee decided as below:
Value Addition= (Total Sales + Closing Stock) – (Opening stock + Total Purchase) x 100
(Opening stock + Total Purchase)
Company’s key achievements- refer to the accomplishments made towards the successful running of the business. Examples include launch of new products, significant sales growth in few years, expansion in
Knowledge Partner:
various countries, awards & accolades received and client testimonials among others.
Knowledge Partner:
The year to be considered for awards is the financial year of 2012-13 and 2013-14, i.e. from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 and from 1st April 2013 to 31st March, 2014.
Nominations are open exclusively for companies holding valid membership certificates/ RCMC (Registration
Cum- Membership Certificate) of GJEPC (The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council) for at least two years – FY13 and FY14.
Companies need to self-nominate themselves and can select multiple award categories under which
they would like to be nominated.
If the balance sheet of main & subsidiary/associate company will be same then it will be considered as one single company for nomination.
For a company to be considered in the Exporter of the Year Award category, the company should demonstrate at least 15% growth in overall exports in FY14 over FY13.
Nomination forms should be accompanied by the following documents –
• Annual reports or audited financial statements.
• Product brochures, company profile/achievements/awards/strategies etc and any other literature relevant to information asked in the nomination form.
*All financial information will be kept strictly confidential and used only for computation purpose.
All financial information furnished in the nomination form should be certified by a C.A. by filling out the
Chartered Accountant Declaration in the nomination form. Nomination forms with incomplete C.A. declaration details will not be considered for the awards.
Only direct physical exports effected by a firm itself will be considered for the purpose of awards
(which means that has Third Party exports as defined vide Para 2.34 of the FTP 2009-2014 should be excluded).
In other words, third party exports such as through MMTC, STC etc. as otherwise permitted vide Para 9.62 of the FTP should not be included for the purpose of Council’s awards.
Deemed exports will not be considered as a part of total exports. As per EXIM policy, deemed exports refers to those transactions in which goods supplied do not leave country, and payment for such supplies is received either in Indian rupees or in free foreign exchange. Following categories, under the Foreign Trade Policy, are considered as deemed exports –
Supply of goods against Advance Authorization / Advance Authorization for annual requirement / DFIA
(Duty Free Import Authorization)
Supply of goods to EOUs (Export Oriented Units) or STPs (Software Technology Parks) or EHTPs
(Electronics Hardware Technology Park) or BTPs (Bio Technology Parks)
Supply of goods to projects financed by multilateral or bilateral agencies / Funds as notified by
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), MoF under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) in accordance with procedures of those agencies / Funds, where legal agreements provide for tender evaluation without including customs duty; Supply and installation of goods and equipment (single responsibility of turnkey contracts) to projects financed by multilateral or bilateral agencies / Funds as notified by DEA, MoF under ICB, in accordance with procedures of those agencies / Funds, which bids may have been invited and evaluated on the basis of Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) prices for goods manufactured abroad
Supply of goods to any project or purpose in respect of which the MoF, by a notification, permits import of such goods at zero customs duty
Knowledge Partner:
Exports of Cut & Polished Diamonds from Bonded Warehouses/SEZ units as well as polished re-exports (Cut and Polished Diamonds Imported through customs from abroad including return shipment) from abroad should not be included while calculating the export figures of Cut & Polished Diamonds. Exports of rough diamonds also should not be included.
With respect to Cut and Polished Colored Gemstones (Precious and Semi-Precious), a statement giving payment realization of exports proceeds (in US Dollars and Indian Rupees) during the period April 2013 to
March 2014 must be furnished.
In case of gold and silver Jewellery /articles, export made against gold / silver supplied including the value of gold in advance by foreign buyers, as per para 4A.8 of Foreign Trade Policy 2009 - 2014 , the exports made will be considered.
Import of Polished diamond / Export of Rough Diamond including returned shipments relating to the year should be excluded for purposes of determining the net FOB value.
All exports made in terms of Exim Policy provisions of 2009 - 14, with the exception of those specifically excluded in these rules as covered elsewhere, will be considered for award. Export performance figures should be in accordance with IT (HS) Code regulations. Therefore, the statement of export should include only those exports affected on outright sale basis during the financial year April 2012 to March 2013 and exports affected on consignment basis for which payments have been received during the year.
Export and Import of medallions will not be considered for consideration in total export figure.
Export of Jewellery and articles more than 22 ct will not be considered for consideration in total export figures.
For the purpose of Exporter Award all other countries, except following countries, will be considered as Non-traditional markets: Belgium, Hong Kong, Japan, Israel, Thailand, UAE, UK and USA.
The Awards Committee will not consider the nomination of the company who is a defaulter for paying their dues towards any outstanding membership fees to the Council. If any firm is defaulter of bank or NPA, the said firm will not be considered for award. Further if any account is declared NPA by bank and intimation is received by Council before scrutiny of application of awards, the said firm will not be considered for award.
Only those expenses made directly by the company/firm for CSR activities to be included under CSR expenditure
Awards to be given in a particular category are subject to the receipt of at least three nominations in that category.
Eligibility Criteria a) For First Generation Entrepreneur of the Year Award i.
The entrepreneur owns/manages the gems and jewellery business for not more than 3 years ii.
Should be the first generation entrepreneur (Founder) b) For Sales to Foreign Tourists Award i.
The company should have its own manufacturing facility
Segment revenue should be greater than or equal to Rs 50 Crore
Segmental revenue growth should be greater than or equal to 30% c) Cut and Polished Synthetic Stone Award i.
The company should have its own manufacturing facility
Segment revenue should be greater than or equal to Rs 15 Crore
Segmental revenue growth should be greater than or equal to 15% iv.
The company should have its own in-house R&D facility
Knowledge Partner: