Mr. Raybeck 203A Morgan: Ext. 8514 (office hrs only) Cell: 413/658-5171 E-Mail: Office Hours: MW 10:00-12:00 Serendipitous Circumstance Others: By Appt. Spring 2008 Formal Requirements for PSYCHOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Anthropology 36 The formal requirements for this course are as follows: class participation, two outlines, and a variety of in-class exercises, two-take home exams and a very ambitious research paper. Assigned readings should be completed before the day they are due as the class topics will usually relate to them. Students who have not done the reading and are found to be unprepared will be excused from class. Also, because a significant amount of new material will be presented in class, I would appreciate regular attendance. Your grade will depend on: class participation - 15%; outlines - 20 %; take-home exams - 25%, and research project - 40%. You must learn to plan ahead and to be proactive. There will be no extensions. More than three unexcused absences will reduce your final grade by a third for each extra class missed. Students who arrive late may expect questions on the material. Finally, there is a penalty of 1/3 grade per day for all late work. [All this may make it difficult to believe that I am a kind and helpful person, but I assure you such is the case. Please remember that a good, easy teacher is an oxymoron.] Oh yes ... I reserve the right to spring new readings on you. COURSE TEXTS: E.T. Hall, The Hidden Dimension R.L. Munroe and R.H. Munroe, Cross-Cultural Human Development. Selected Readings PDFs and in-class handouts. DATE TOPIC AND ASSIGNMENT Method and Theory Sept. 7 Read: ORIENTATION: SCOPE OF THE COURSE White, "Culturological vs Psychological. . . ." Bronowski, "The Character of Science" Sept. 9 Read: DISCUSSION OF COURSE CONCEPTS Hayakawa, "How We Know What We Know" Gould, “Just in the Middle” Sept. 14 Read: FREUD VS MALINOWSKI Freud, Totem and Taboo, Part IV, pp. 100-161 or 165-265. (The Return of Totemism... or The Infantile Recurrence of Totemism...) Malinowski, Sex & Repression in Savage Society, Part I, pp. 1-77. Sept. 16 CULTURE AND PERSONALITY: NEO-FREUDIAN PROGRESS? Anthropology 36 - Read: Wallace, Culture and Personality, Chapter 1 Page 2 (difficult) Sept. 21 THRENODIC THEORY THRESHING Read: C.G. Hempel, Philosophy of Natural Science, pp. 3-18, 47-69. (difficult) Sept. 23 THEORY AND METHOD Read: Cole & Bruner "Cultural Differences and Inferences about Psychological Processes." Munroe & Munroe, Cross-Cultural Human Development , Chapter 1, pp.1 -6. Sept. 28 METHODOLOGY: THE WHITING-YOUNG CONFLICT Read: Whiting, Kluckhohn & Anthony, "The Function of Male Initiation Ceremonies at Puberty." Young, "The Function of Male Initiation Ceremonies: A Cross-Cultural Test of an Alternative Hypothesis." The Nature-Nurture Issue Sept. 30 Read: CRITICAL PERIODS AND PEOPLE DeKeyser, “The Robustness Of Critical Period Effects In Second Language Acquisition.” in Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2003, 22, pp. 499–533. Munroe & Munroe, Cross-Cultural Human Development , Chapters 1, 2 & 3, pp. 7 - 49. Oct. THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENCE 5 Read: Paillard, “Vectorial versus Configural Encoding of Body Space” in Body Image and Body Schema: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 2005, Knockaert & De Preester pp. 89-109. Munroe & Munroe, Cross-Cultural Human Development , Chapter 5, "Cognition" pp. 71 - 99. Oct. 7 Read: HUMAN BIOLOGY AND CULTURAL PARAMETERS C.G. Tunnell, Culture & Biology (All – it’s short) Research Paper Topic & Preliminary Outline Due in class, Oct. 7 th (10% of grade) Oct. 9-12 Fall Break (You may well have earned it.) Oct. 14 Read: BIOGENETIC STRUCTURALISM: AN ANALYTIC MODEL Wallace, Culture & Personality, Chap. 3, pp. 75-120. (difficult-skim) R. Ornstein, "The Split Brain and the Whole Brain" in Human Nature,1978, I #5, pp. 76-83. Gazzaniga, "Organization of the Human Brain" in Science, 1989, 245, pp.947-952. Oct. 19 Read: BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR Schachter & Singer, "Cognitive, Social and Psychological Determinants of Emotional State." Hall, The Hidden Dimension, Chapters 2 & 3, pp. 7-40. Oct. 21 DISCUSSION OF FIRST TAKE-HOME QUIZ Anthropology 36 - Page 3 QUIZ #1 DUE for class ... one grade penalty for absence & 1/3 for marked lateness. Oct. 26 Read: MULTI-LEVEL ANALYSIS: EMOTION & AGGRESSION Schwartz, "Emotion and Psychophysiological Organization: A Systems Approach"in Psychophysiology (M.G. Coles et al. eds.,) 1986, pp. 354-377. Huesmann et al, "Stability of Aggression over Time and Generations" in Developmental Psychology 1984, 20, pp. 1120 - 1134. Oct. 28 Read: SEX AND GENDER ROLES Munroe & Munroe, Cross-Cultural Human Development , Chapter 7, "Sex Role", pp. 115 - 133 Hampson, "Determinants of Psychosexual Orientation" Imperato-McGinley et al, "Androgens and the Evolution of male Gender ...” Nov. 2 Read: STRESS AND POSSESSION Kehoe & Giletti, "Women's Preponderance in Possession Cults: The Calcium Deficiency Hypothesis Extended" in American Anthropologist 1981, 83, pp. 549-561. Raybeck, Shoobe & Grauberger, "Women, Stress and Participation in Possession Cults: A Reexamination of the Calcium Deficiency Hypothesis" Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1989 3:139-161. AvRuskin, "Neurophysiology and the Curative Possession Trance: The Chinese Case" in Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1988, 2, 286-302. . Perception and Culture Nov. 4 Read: DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION Bruner & Goodman, "Value & Need as Organizing Factors in Perception"in J. of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1947, 42, pp. 33-44. Tajfel, "Value and Perceptual Judgment of Magnitude." in Psychological Review, 1957, 64, pp. 192-204. M. Spiro "Ghosts: An Anthropological Inquiry into Learning and Perception" in J. of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1953, 48, pp. 376-382. Nov. 9 Read: VISUAL PERCEPTION D.T. Campbell,"On Cross-Cultural Studies of Perceptual Differences."- R A. A. Pontius, "Spatial Representation Modified by Ecology." in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1993, 24, pp.399-413.- R Munroe & Munroe, Cross-Cultural Human Development , Chapter 4, "Language & Perception", pp. 64 - 70 only. Motivation & Culture Nov. 11 Read: TWO APPROACHES TO ACHIEVEMENT G. DeVos "The Relation of Guilt Towards Parents to Achievement and Arranged Marriage Among Japanese." in Psychiatry, 1960, 23, pp. 287-301. D. McClelland, The Achieving Society, Chapter 2, pp. 36-62. Anthropology 36 - Page 4 Rasheed, “Developing Entrepreneurial Potential in Youth…”, 2000, Unpubl. Final Outline of Research Paper & Bibliography Due in class, Nov. 11th (10% of grade) Nov. 16 Read: NEED ACHIEVEMENT AND CULTURAL RAMIFICATIONS D. McClelland, "The Achievement Motive in Economic Growth" in Hoselitz& Moore (eds.) Industrialization and Society, 1963. DeVos, "Achievement and Innovation in Culture and Personality" pp. 348-367. Language & Culture Nov. 18 Read: LANGUAGE AS A SYSTEM H. Hoijer, "The Nature of Language" W. Goodenough, "Componential Analysis" N. Munn, "Visual Categories. . ." - THANKSGIVING BREAK - Nov. 30 Read: LANGUAGE AND THE BRAIN Premack & Premack, "Teaching Language to An Ape." N. Chomsky, "Language & the Mind" N. Geschwind, "Language & the Brain" Munroe & Munroe, Cross-Cultural Human Development , Chapter 4, "Language & Perception", pp. 50 - 64 only. Dec. 2 Read: THE SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHESIS B. L. Whorf, "Science & Linguistics" M. Black, "Linguistic Relativity" D. Lee, "Lineal and Non-Lineal Codifications of Reality" Dec. 7 Read: CONCEPTS AND CODABILITY Brown & Lenneberg, "Studies in Linguistic Relativity" in E. Maccoby, et al (eds) Readings in Social Psychology, pp. 9-18. V. de Munck, "What is Meaning?" in Culture, Self and Meaning, pp. 61-94 OPTIONAL QUIZ #2 DUE in class, Dec 7 th. Dec 9 Read: Dec 14 Read: CAN MULTI-FACTORIAL ANALYSIS FIND TRUTH AND HAPPINESS IN COVERT CULTURE? Raybeck, & De Munck, 2010, "Values and Change Over a Generation: Kelantan, Malaysia." in Cross-Cultural Research 44(2): 97-115. D. Herrmann & D. Raybeck, "Similarities and Differences in Meaning in Six Cultures" In J. of Cross-Cultural Psychology 1981, 12, pp. 194-206- R D. Raybeck & D. Herrmann, "Antonymy and Semantic Relations: The Case for a Linguistic Universal" in Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science 1996, 30: 154-183. GETTING IT TOGETHER Moore, Romney, Hsia & Rusch, "The Universality of the Semantic Structure of Emotion Terms ..." in American Anthropologist, 1999, 101, 529-546. Raybeck, Douglas,1998 "Toward More Holistic Explanations: Cross- Anthropology 36 - Page 5 Cultural Research and Cross-Level Analysis" Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science 32: 123-142. RESEARCH PAPER DUE Dec 14th At 2 P.M. PENALTY FOR LATE PAPERS (1/3 grade/day )