Application Form - Step 1 Thank you for your interest in Course Credit. This form will allow us to send you the “Course Credit Kit” you need. Please speak to the Principal or Administration Department prior to sending this form to ensure you fully understand what is required with Recognition and what units you and Principal believe you should apply for. Please Note: Do not send any documents at this stage If you have already completed any “Units of Competency” listed in the Prospectus or below please provide certified copies of Statements of Attainment or Qualification. Note that these are given automatic credit transfer and you will be awarded Mutual Recognition Student Name: Postal Address: Suburb: State: Postcode: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Payment Method: (Please Circle) Cash Cheque / Money Order MasterCard Visa Credit Card Number: Name on card: Cardholder’s signature: Expiry Date: Amount: $ 200. 00 Course Credit Kits and Guide Kits require payment of $200.00 to cover printing, postage and handling and assessment of your application. When you decide to enrol at the College this fee will become your Enrolment fee. Procedure: 1. Discuss with Administration and select the units on the next page you want recognition for. 2. Fill out this form and send it along with payment of $200.00 3. We will then send you out a Recognition Kit with instructions for providing the required evidence. If in doubt about what to do – write, phone, fax or email us first for advice on making an RPL application. Specify what units you require in your kit? Unit Code Unit Name WRBBS201B Provide manicure and pedicare services WRBBS407B Provide body treatments WRBCS201B Conduct financial transactions WRBCS203B Provide service to clients WRBCS204A Apply knowledge of nail science to nail services WRBCS306B Advise on beauty services WRBCS305A Apply knowledge of skin biology to beauty treatments WRBCS408A Apply knowledge of anatomy & physiology to beauty therapy treat WRBCS409A Apply knowledge of skin science to beauty therapy treatments WRBCS410A Apply knowledge of electricity to beauty therapy treatments WRBCS411A Apply knowledge of nutrition to beauty therapy treatments WRBCS412A Apply knowledge of cosmetic chemistry to beauty therapy treat WRBCS407A Develop a treatment plan for beauty therapy treatments WRBCS513B Investigate new products and services WRBFS202B Design and apply make-up WRBFS305B Provide lash and brow treatments WRBFS406B Provide facial treatments WRBFS407B Provide advanced facial treatments WRBSS302B Provide temporary epilation and bleaching treatments WRRCS1B Communicate in the workplace WRRER1B Work effectively in a retail environment WRRLP1B Apply safe working practices WRRS1B Sell products and services BSBSBM404A Undertake Business Planning WRBBS408B Provide aesthetic aromatic massage WRBBS509A Plan the spa program WRBBS510A Provide the spa program WRBBS511A Apply aromatic plant oil chemistry to beauty treatments WRBBS512A Blend a range of aromatic plant oils for beauty treatments WRBBS514A Provide superficial lymph drainage massage HLTREM7A Plan the massage treatment WRBFS204B Design and Apply Remedial Camouflage WRBSS201B Pierce Ears WRRM1B Merchandise Products WRRM2B Perform Routine Housekeeping Duties Tick Cost WRBCS202A Apply techniques to update Beauty Industry knowledge BSBSBM405A Monitor and Manage Business Operations BSBSBM401A Establish Business and Legal Requirements This is a step by step guide to applying for Course Credit Step 1 Complete the application form and return to SCSC – you will then be sent the Student Information Guide and Self Assessment Recognition Kit. Step 2 Read the document carefully and make sure you understand the purpose and what is expected. Step 3 Arrange a meeting with the assessor if necessary to discuss your application and any queries that you may have. Step 4 Complete all Sections in Self Assessment Recognition Kit Prepare a portfolio of evidence – collect as many examples of relevant documents/products/materials using the performance criteria and suggested examples for each unit in Section 3 as a guide. Organise this portfolio in a logical sequence, number the documents and make an index for easy reference. Step 5 Reflect and evaluate on your responses to all sections to determine if this provides current, sufficient, reliable, valid and authentic evidence to support competency to all units. Step 6 When satisfied with your portfolio, arrange an assessment interview with the assessor and forward your Self Assessment Tool and portfolio prior to the meeting. This will enable the assessor to review the information and prepare for the formal assessment meeting. Step 7 The assessment interview will enable the assessor to discuss your portfolio and ask further questions to determine whether you are competent against all criteria of the qualification. The assessor may ask you to provide additional information to undertake a project if a gap is determined in the interview. Step 8 Written confirmation will be forwarded to you if you have satisfied all requirements of the qualification.