Literacy Weekly Plan –

Literacy Weekly Plan Fiction Spring 1 week 1
Weekly Speaking and Listening Objectives:
Date: 12th-16th Jan 2015 Year group: 5 Class: Shackleton
Weekly Learning Objectives:
Listening and responding
Compare the different contributions of music, words and images in short extracts.
Identify some different aspects of talk which vary between formal and informal.
Experiment with moving to define status and discuss opinion towards body language.
Improvise a range of drama strategies and conventions to explore themes such as desires and
Read a wide range of texts on screen and on paper.
Discussion and role play to consider motivations and alternative endings.
Strand 5 – Word Recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) at KS1
Strand 6 – Word Structure and Spelling at KS2.
Strand 11 – Sentence Structure and Punctuation at both key stages.
IEP Targets:
Salman, Priyanka and Avinash, AF2 I can start my sentences in different ways.
Deep(if returned from trip), Sumaya, Fahim and Max, Armaan and Nuno to lay
work out appropriately for the reader.
Salman, Max, Abdu, Armaan and Irfan to focus on presentation particularly
handwriting that is legible. Deep and Sheeraz to become more assertive during
their group work.
Jeanne – to practice talking through her sentences before writing them down.
Salman; independently share ideas with his mixed ability group.
Group targets:
Please see AM grid week 1 planning. CT = Class teacher. TA= Teaching assistant.
WC= whole class. If TA is teaching children from more than one level that day is
highlighted so they know to look at ALL level pages.
Understanding and interpreting texts
Use knowledge of word structures and origins to develop their understanding of word
Recognise purpose of language.
Understand language and develop strategies for translations of unfamiliar words.
Deduce characters' reasons for behaviour from their actions and explain how ideas are
developed in fiction.
Word structure and spelling
Know and apply common spelling rules.
Use knowledge of word structures and origins to develop their understanding of word
Use a range of appropriate strategies to edit, proofread and correct spelling in own work, on
paper and on screen.
Tense awareness- developing strategies for self correcting.
Engaging with and responding to texts
Interrogate texts to deepen and clarify understanding and response.
Sustain engagement with longer texts, using different techniques to make the text come
Compare how writers use language to create images in the readers mind.
Complete a range of writing tasks to engage with the text.
Reflect independently and critically on own writing and edit and improve it.
Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences.
Bling- with Billy Midas.
Key vocabulary:
Verb tenses
Concluding paragraphs
Recount retell
Past tense
Third person Introductory paragraphs
relevant information
Present tense Third person
Learning Intention
Success Criteria
Independent Work
Differentiation and
LI: to recognise when the
author gives clues through his
use of language.
I can identify words in the
text that show how a character
I can recognise when a
character’s priorities change
and use inference to explain
I can use other words in place
of common words (synonyms)
without altering the meaning.
Recap- what do the children remember
of the story Bling- featuring Billy
Midas. Children re-read the story then
recap aurally with each other what has
Read (4.1) – discuss and reflect. How
does Billy change when he gets his
Show on IWB (4.2)
Discuss what a simile and metaphors
are – encourage children to record
phrases in their daily log. Show (4.3)
Look at (4.4) walked .
Discuss ‘swagger’. Display (4.5) word
play. Explain when billy was a worm he
may not want to be seen so maybe
creep… continue discussing other.
In ability groups children re-enact
words on status cards Perform for
each other.
How does Billy change?
Children write their own
metaphor using the ones in 4.4 as
an example.
EAL/ LA select one or two m or s
and explain their meaning
through illustrations or writing.
Children to do the synonyms work on
p16 in the pupil book.
Use of ICT: Interactive white board IWB slides 4.1-5:8.1-5
Adult support: Miss Hewer, Ms Bartley, Mr Lewis
LI: to understand actions have To be able to identify the
consequences and this moves
similarities and differences
between classic text and a
modern video clip.
Recap feelings. p.23 in partners. Talk
about all actions having consequences.
Spill your drink = get wet & thirsty.
Ask chn what actions led to
consequences Goji turning gold. (B
hadn’t locked door and cushion was left
on his desk). Point to info directly
from the text.
Hot-seating –tell chn that they are
going to act as Billy as he finds Goji
petrified in gold. Stay in role as you
ask or answer questions.
(5.1) questions to get started. (5.2)
list pros and cons of possible actions.
Whole class: Children write
synonyms for walked.
Ask the children to
feedback what they
felt while performingwhy?
Big question: (4.6)
Is the truth easy to
Act out the cards in groups of 5:
4 = top dog
1 = worm… 5th child to guess the
order. Were they correct? Or
not? Why?
CT and LSA move around to all 5
groups helping facilitate group
Big question.
What if not a looser?
Justification and key evidence
that supports idea.
Children to write two example of
how Billy has changed in their
daily log.
Whole class-Children write
including as much detail as
CT and TA to focus on AM
targets for groups.
Consider different accounts of
the same event and discuss
viewpoints then log.
Self Assess
Have they included
their point of view?
What do you think?big question:
Is power everything?
Use of ICT: Interactive white board IWB slides 4.1-5:8.1-5
Adult support: Miss Hewer, Ms Bartley, Mr Lewis
LI: to create a vivid image
I can write a description
considering the impact of
Wednesday using description and
language and punctuation in
order to create an effect.
Read 6.1 comment on the attributes of
Goji compared with the dead, gold
statue. How has Goji changed?
Children to read 6.2 comment on
effect of different word
Model writing- READ p.54 and 55 of
teacher book is unsure of how to do
Show 6.4 building on Billy’s dilemma.
Use of ICT: Interactive white board IWB slides 4.1-5:8.1-5
Adult support: Miss Hewer, Ms Bartley, Mr Lewis
LI: to understand the main
I understand that a character
is a vital ingredient in a
Thursday character’s motivation in
dilemma story.
might act.
I have considered my
character making it
interesting, sympathetic and
their dilemma a struggle my
reader can relate to.
Characters are vital in a dilemma
Discuss 7.1 image.
Children write in their daily logtwo sentences for comparing Goji
the living cat with the dead gold
Children write in their daily log
an idea they discussed with their
What do you think?big question:
Are we responsible for
the consequences of
our actions?
EAL- Children can use images to
support their understanding in
Children to discuss their opinion of
Billy- why? Proof from the text.
LA with support from CT asking
questions to draw as much from
them and challenge themSummarise in as few bullet points
as possible yet with as much
detail as is important.
CT model a diary entry from Billy’s
point of view.
Display 7.2 and reveal the questions to
prompt with writing.
AA with LSA support-Summarise
the story in some detail ensuring
not to over describe people or
HA- Children work in pairs to
decide upon main points in the
text so far they will use in their
EAL -Children have support from
CT and must then independently
arrange their main points in to
chronological order.
All children begin a diary as Billy
after seeing 7.4 example, give
copies of 7.3 to pairs.
Use of ICT: Interactive white board IWB slides 4.1-5:8.1-5
Adult support: Miss Hewer, Ms Bartley, Mr Lewis
Big ?
Big ?
What do you think?big question:
What would you give up
for love?
Each child swap their
books with another
pair to check if they
have missed any
important events out.
Peer Assess quality of
the writing.
Friday 16th
Grammar hammer
LI: to use subordinate
conjunctions confidently.
I can use conjunctions to join to
clauses together.
I can begin a sentence using a
subordinating conjunction;
considering the effect this has on
the reader.
Put conjunctions on the IWB
Set the timer and get children to
see how many sentences they can
make up in one min. Swap with talk
partner and see who got the
highest score. Practice talking and
then writing.
TA is in Phonics so HA chn to
help start the LA chn.
HA- Children to write complex
sentences beginning with a
subordinating conjunction.
AA with CT supporting- Children
to write complex sentences
beginning with a subordinating
conjunction ad compound
sentences and identify them in
their own and others writing.
LA- Children write compound
sentences using the connectives
on the board.
EAL HA children supporting EAL
AND LA to begin their workChildren write sentence about
what they have done this week in
English and of Bling!
Use of ICT: Interactive white board IWB slides 4.1-5:8.1-5
Adult support: Miss Hewer, Ms Bartley, Mr Lewis
Ask children to PA
their partners work .
In purple pen describe
what compound and
complex sentences are.