Church Council Notes - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Church Council Notes
THE CHURCH COUNCIL met on October 13. We began with a
Bible Study on selected portions of Genesis 18-20.
PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Schroeder gave a report on
Visitations and Ministrations for September 2009. Pastor expressed
concerns about the delegation of duties. He noted that if certain
people feel especially taxed by the work they do for the church, it is
likely because we are not asking people directly for assistance.
(Although, we would like general appeals by announcements and email to garner a better response.) The pastor expressed his concern
about making trips to various stores for office equipment, bathroom
supplies, and cleaning supplies. The Council pledged to find others
who could do this so that the pastor’s time could better, and rightly,
be devoted to the word of God and prayer. Pastor also polled the
Church Council about the value of this newsletter. Does anyone
really read it? Is the time writing a newsletter better spent doing
other things? Your reply, for or against, is welcome.
ELDERS’ REPORT: Changes in membership: We received
Julie Sutherland, and her children Sophia and Cecilia, by profession
of faith. The Elders are studying a book for Elders’ duties, The
Shepherd’s Assistants. Their next meeting is November 2.
WORSHIP / EDUCATION: Monday evening services will
conclude after Monday, November 2. The Sunday School teachers
would like to highlight their desire for new tables and chairs
specifically designed for the Sunday School children. They hope to
purchase 5 tables and 12 chairs for a total of about $1,000. These are
Wish List items, which you can make an offering for. If you choose
to do so, please indicate it as “Sunday School Furniture.” The
Sunday School teachers have also added a set of DVD’s of Bible
lessons to the Wish List. When purchased, these will provide some
variety in the Sunday School lessons. The area Reformation Rally
will be on Sunday, November 1 at 4:00 PM at St. Peter Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Plymouth (1343 Penniman Ave). It will feature
Rev. Paul Prange, former president of Michigan Lutheran Seminary
as preacher, as well as a mass choir for area congregations.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Cf. Page 4 for report.
STEWARDSHIP: Joel Trim was unable to attend. No report.
November TBD
December 6
December 13
December 2,9,16
December 20
Christmas Decoration at Church
Christmas Caroling to Shut-Ins
Advent Supper and Vespers
Children’s Christmas Program
EVANGELISM: The Evangelism Committee reminds you that the
best way to bring people to Christ is still by inviting a friend to
church or bringing a friend to Church or to Bible Class. You
may also invite Pastor Schroeder to meet your friends at your home if
that would be less intimidating for them. Due to budget concerns and
questions about its effectiveness, we will likely discontinue our
postcards that are sent to those who have recently moved into Novi.
We also may not advertise our Christmas services in the Novi News,
again, due to budget concerns. If you have not already done so,
bookmark the new website:
PROPERTIES: The repair of the sidewalk leading up to church
has been completed, as was a portion of the parsonage garage and
drive way. Bob had mentioned that there is some degree of division
about the proposed designs by those who had expressed their
opinions about the Bell Tower drawings. Bob had mentioned asking
Dan Schneider to tweak the design to find something to everyone’s
liking. (Is that really possible? We will try.) Any additional
comments about the Bell Tower can be made to Bob. We will
continue to accept special offerings for the Bell Tower, and we will
not begin construction until we have all the funds for it. If you would
like to make a contribution for this project, please designate your
offering “Bell Tower.” Future projects include: erecting a bell
tower, adding to the insulation in the WEF roof, upgrading the
electrical service to the parsonage, replacing the windows in the
parsonage, and adding an emergency egress to the parsonage
basement. While all are worth our time and effort, funds limit what
we can address right now. The updated Wish List has been posted
at church. Bob continues to update the Task List for the Properties
Committee. If you have the time and the ability, please see Bob for
tasks that need to be addressed.
OTHER REPORTS: Huron Valley Lutheran High School
(HVL) is looking for people who are willing to commit a monthly
offering to be sent directly to HVL. If you can commit to gifts of
$100, $50, $30, or even $20 a month, this will help to insure HVL
can meet its obligations to pay their monthly mortgage. Details and
forms for commitments are at church. Keep HVL in your prayers,
and consider HVL for the high school education of your children.
The Nominating Committee is preparing a slate of candidates for
the following Church Council offices: Secretary, Financial Secretary,
all three Elders, Properties Committee Chairman, and Evangelism
Committee Chairman. As of this writing, we have not completed a
full slate of candidates. That list will be presented at our November
meetings and voted upon at our November 15 Voters’ Meeting. We
thank the out-going officers for their years of service: Secretary –
Mike Scharrer; Financial Secretary – Bob DuBois; Elders – Mark
Casmer, Jim Hobley, & Kjell Johnson; Properties Committee
Chairman – Bob Wozniak, and Evangelism Committee Chairman –
David Kirvan.
Our Budget Committee will present its 2010 Budget proposal at
our November meetings. We are trying to keep increases minimal.
The Church Council is....
Dan Rauchholz, President
Secretary, vacant
Bob DuBois, Financial Secretary
Dan LeFevre, Treasurer
Mark Casmer, Elder
Kjell Johnson, Elder
Jim Hobley, Elder
Bob Wozniak, Properties Chairman
David Kirvan, Evangelism Chairman
Joel Trim, Stewardship Chairman
(313) 562-1902
(248) xxx-xxxx
(248) 347-2947
(734) 591-2097
(248) 919-0808
(248) 477-4927
(734) 856-0999
(248) 698-1566
(734) 425-3421
(616) 828-9373
November 3, 2009 at 7:00 PM. If there is any issue which you
would like brought before the Council, please speak to any one of the
men listed here. They are eager to serve you.
Sunday, November 8, 11:20 AM
Sunday, November 15, 11:20 AM