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Milieu Family Services
Day Services
Annual General Report
April 2009 – March 2010
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Annual General Report 2008-2009
Day Services Program Overview
Fleetwood Day Services~ offers participants opportunities to
develop skills and/or choose to become involved in the areas of
communication & literacy, cultural activities, vocational pursuits,
orientation, mobility and destination training, access and
utilization of public transportation, educational supports, self
advocacy support, community volunteerism and health & wellness
promotion through leisure and recreational activities.
Employment Support & Self-Employment & Micro-Businesses~ it
offers participants opportunities to develop life skills, pursue
supportive employment opportunities, micro-enterprise initiatives
and/or self-employment
Avant ~ offers participants with Autism and/or Pervasive
Developmental disorders individualized Day supports determined by
each participant’s individual needs and choices.
Adagar Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents within
their home 2 days a week and 3 days a week through the Avant day
Services, supports focus on health and wellness promotion through
community leisure activities and development of living skills.
Aster Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents within
their home, focus on health and wellness promotion through
community leisure activities and development of living skills.
Bethayne Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents
within their home, focus on volunteerism, health and wellness
promotion through community leisure activities and development of
living skills.
East 11th Day ~ offers day supports for residents within their home
and additional community participants, the focus of this program
is: augmentative communication and literacy supports,
participation in cultural events, self advocacy support,
development of work attitudes and employment activities,
community volunteerism, access and utilization of public transit,
and health and wellness promotion through leisure activities.
Elgin Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents within
their home, focus on volunteerism, health and wellness promotion
through community leisure activities and development of living
Gemini Day ~ offers day supports for residents within their home
and additional community participants, the focus of this program
is: augmentative communication and literacy supports, community
volunteerism, development of living skills, health and wellness
promotion through leisure & recreational activities.
Orion Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents within
their home, focus on health and wellness promotion through
community leisure activities and development of living skills.
Richmond Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents
within their home, focus on communication activities, self
advocacy support, participation in cultural events, development of
work attitudes and employment activities, volunteerism, access
and utilization of public transit, health and wellness promotion
through leisure activities.
Fleetwood Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents
within their home, focus on community leisure participation and
Yale Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents within
their home, focus on community leisure participation and
volunteerism for the ageing senior population.
Brookswood Day ~ offers individualized day supports for residents
through their home with a focus on community leisure
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Annual General Report 2008-2009
Day Services Demographics
Elgin supports 3 individuals with developmental disabilities
Sensory Issues
Function Level
2 Females, 1 Male
3 Caucasian (European Descent)
3 at 30-39
2 Non-Verbal (Limited sign), 1 Verbal (Limited Words)
1 Blind, 2 No Issues
1 Non-Ambulatory, 2 Full
3 Low-Functioning
1 Cerebral Palsy, 1 Tuberous Sclerosis, 1 Seizure Disorder
and Autistic, 2 Seizure Disorder
Gemini supports 7 individuals with developmental disabilities
Fleetwood supports 3 individuals with developmental disabilities
Sensory Issues
Function Level
Orion supports 5 individuals with developmental disabilities
1 Female, 6 Males
6 Caucasian (European Descent), 1 Native
3 at 40-49, 3 at 50-59, 1 at 60+
2 Non-Verbal (Limited Sign), 1 Non-Verbal (Sign Hand over
Hand), 4 Non-Verbal
Sensory Issues
Function Level
1 Blind, 2 Deaf-Blind, 4 No Issues
5 Full, 2 Assistive
1 Mid, 6 Low
1 Congenital Rubella Syndrome, 1 Seizure Disorder,
1 Bi-Polar and Pica Autistic, 1 Angel Man Syndrome
Sensory Issues
Function Level
East 11th supports 3 individuals with developmental disabilities
3 Males
2 Caucasian (European Descent), 1 First Nations
1 at 30-39, 1 at 40-49, 1 at 60+
3 Non-Verbal
3 No issues
2 full, 1 Assistive
3 Low-Functioning
1 PKU, 1 Mosaic Downs Syndrome, 1 Autistic
5 Males
5 Caucasian (European Descent)
1 at 39, 1 at 40 -49, 3 at 50-59
2 Verbal, 1 Non-Verbal (Sign), 1 Non-Verbal (Signminimal)
1 Non-Verbal
1 Deaf, 4 No Issues
1 Full, 1 Assistive, 3 Non-Ambulatory
1 High, 4 Low
1 Cerebral Palsy, 1 Autistic, 1 Lennox Gas taut Syndrome,
Yale supports 6 individuals with developmental disabilities
1 Female, 2 Males
1 Asian, 3 Caucasian (European Descent)
2 at 30-39, 1 at 40-49, 1 at 50-59
4 Non-Verbal (Sign)
Sensory Issues
Function Level
4 Deaf
4 Full
4 High
1 Seizure Disorder and Diabetic (Renal Failure), 1
Crouzons Syndrome, 1 Cerebral Palsy
Sensory Issues
Function Level
4 Female, 2 male
1 Asian, 5 Caucasian (European Descent)
2 at 40-49, 4 at 50-59
2 Verbal, 2 Non-Verbal (Sign), 2 Non-Verbal (Hand over
Hand Sign)
1 Blind, 2 deaf, 2 deaf and Blind,1 No Issues
3 Full, 3 Assistive
3 Mid, 2 Low, 1 high
1 Mild Choreoathetosis and Bilateral Stabismus, 1 Rubella
Syndrome and Epileptic, 1 Dementia-Dysphasia and
Hepatitis B, 1 Seizure Disorder, 1 Cerebral Palsy
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Richmond supports 3 individuals with developmental disabilities
Sensory Issues
Function Level
3 Females
1 Asian, 2 Caucasian (European Descent)
2 at 19-29, 1 at 30-39
2 Verbal, 1 English as a Second Language
No Issues
3 Full
3 High
1 Seizure Disorder, 1 Downs Syndrome
Adagar supports 2 individuals with developmental disabilities
Sensory Issues
Function Level
2 Males
2 Caucasian (European Descent)
2 at 40-49
2 Verbal
2 No Issues
2 Full
2 High
1 Ruvalcaba Myhre Syndrome and Seizure Disorder
1 Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Seizure Disorder
Annual General Report 2008-2009
Aster supports 1 individual with developmental disabilities
Sensory Issues
Function Level
1 Male
1 Caucasian (European Descent)
1 at 30-39
1 Non- Verbal
1 No Issues
1 Assistive
1 Low
1 Tuberous Sclerosis and Seizure Disorder
Bethayne supports 4 individuals with developmental disabilities
Sensory Issues
Function Level
4 Females
4 Caucasian (European Descent)
3 at 40-49, 1 at 50-59
1 Verbal, 1 Non-Verbal (Limited Sign), 2 Non-Verbal
4 No Issues
1 Full, 2 Assistive, 1 Non-Ambulatory
3 Mid, 1 Low
1 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 1 Autistic, 1 Seizure Disorder
Brookswood supports 2 individuals with developmental disabilities
Fleetwood Day /Avant supports 54 individuals with developmental
2 Males
2 Caucasian (European Descent)
2 at 50-65
2 Verbal
Sensory Issues
Function Level
2 No Issues
1 Assistive, 1 Full
1 High, 1 Low
2 Mid to Moderate Developmental Disability, 1
Intermittent Explosive Disorder, 1 Mental Health Disorder
Sensory Issues
Function Level
22 Females, 24 Males
30 Caucasian (European Descent), 7 Asian, 3 IndoCanadian, 2 First Nations , 2 Black heritage
27 at 19-29, 7 at 30-39, 11 at 40-49+
29 Verbal, 9 Non-Verbal (Sign), 5 Non-Verbal
(Augmentative), 1 Non-Verbal
2 Blind, 6 Deaf, 36 No Issues
41 Full, 1 Assistive, 2 Non-Ambulatory
23 High, 14 Mid, 7 Low
16 Autistic, 4 Autism with Seizure Disorder, 10
Developmentally Delayed, 2 Epileptic with Developmental
Delay, 2 Cerebral Palsy, 1 Cerebral Palsy with Seizure
disorder, 5 Down Syndrome, 1 Chrondradystrophy, 1 ADHD
with FAS & FAE, 1 Ramsey Hunt Syndrome, 1 Klienfelters
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Annual General Report 2008-2009
Day Services Outcomes 2009/ Status Report
Increase families and caregivers
satisfaction with their overall
relationships with staff that work at
the day services.
Percentage of families
and caregivers who
report they are satisfied
with their overall
satisfaction with their
relationships with the
staff that work at the day
Who Applied
Data Source
Families and
Personal Network
Increase the effectives of support
delivered to persons served who
choose supportive employment, self
employment and/or involvement in
Percentage of individuals
who report the
supportive employment,
self –employment and/or
micro-business supports
delivered have been
effective in assisting the
person in obtaining their
employment goals.
Individuals served
in Day Services
with Employment
related Goals
Sample Individual
Survey within the
Day Services
Maximize the use of public transit
when accessing the community in
order to reduce over expenditures of
the allotted gas budget.
Gas budget is within
annual budget limits
Vehicle usage
Gas Budget
Month ends
Maximize the use of accessible space
in the day services to allow enough
room for individuals served to operate
their businesses.
Percentage of Individuals
and staff that report
there is an increase in
the accessible space
allotted for the use of
self employment /microbusiness operations
Individuals, Staff
& Management redesigning usage of
space within the
day services.
Sample Individual
and Sample staff
Survey within the
Day Services.
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Annual General Report 2008-2009
Summary of the 2009/10 Day Services Outcome Results
Day Services Satisfaction
Outcome: Increase the satisfaction with the overall relationships between family members/caregivers and the staff that work within the
day services.
Action Plan: Management encourages staff to be approachable with the families and caregivers. This is supported through encouraging
regular contact between caregivers and staff members. Staff currently communicates with families/caregivers on a daily basis through the
individuals personal communication books, and management has encouraged staff to be the contact person when families call with
questions and concerns, or when we need to contact the family.
Complete: Yes, this question was asked in the family/stakeholder question this year and 93% of families/caregivers that responded to the
survey reported they are satisfied with the communication and relationships they have with the staff that work with their family
member/individual served through the day services.
Extenuating / Influencing Factors: Family Members have been involved in reviewing their family members progress on Milieu’s
outcomes data base (Sharevision) which allows the family member to see what the person is doing each day and how well they are
progressing towards their goals. This accessible tool has facilitated sharing information between the staff and families more readily and has
helped build relationships between the staff and families in meeting the needs of the individual collaboratively.
Day Services Effectiveness
Outcome: Increase the effectives of support delivered to persons served who choose supportive employment, self employment and/or
involvement in micro-businesses.
Action Plan: Director and Management at the day program enrolled in Supported Employment, Customized Employment and Self
Employment training at Douglas College in order to develop an employment model for the day program. The Director and Management met
with day program staff in October to review plans for a transition to an employment model. Staff received training from Management on
how to support the individuals we serve in obtaining employment or running a business.
The Director and Management visited Provincial Networking Group Inc. in Terrace to learn about how they support individuals to obtain
employment through their specialized, customized employment training and job development. Chris Arnold from PNGI partnered with
Milieu on a Request for Proposal through CLBC to work on “Advancing Employment First”. Chris Arnold trained staff at the day program on
“Non Traditional Strategies To Facilitate Employment” and provided guidance and support to Milieu’s Director, Management and Staff in
transitioning our day services into an employment first model of support. Staff from the day program attended training on “Negotiating
Customized Relationships” provided by Marc Gold and Associates. The Director and Management attended training provided by Dale DiLeo
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Annual General Report 2008-2009
on “Transforming Organizations to Employment First Cultures and Services.’ Both of these training have assisted in our development of
Employment programs and Supports within Milieu.
Complete: Yes, the individuals served with Employment goals have all reported on a survey that they feel the employment supports they
have received from milieu have been effective in assisting them to reach their employment goals.
Extenuating / Influencing Factors: Milieu partnered with Chris Arnold from PNGI and were successful in obtaining an RFP from
CLBC in order to work towards “ Advancing Employment First”. The $25,000.00 awarded was used to purchase professional consulting
services from PNGI and training for Milieu’s personnel.
Day Services Efficiency
Outcome: Maximize the use of public transit when accessing the community in order to reduce over expenditures of the allotted gas
Action Plan: As the price of gas and the number of vehicles at our day program has increased, its been essential that we continue to
access the community without increasing our gas expenditure. The day program has made it a requirement that all individuals have a yearly
transit pass thus reducing the annual vehicle gas usage.
Complete: Yes, the gas budget was within its allotted monthly and annual budgeted amount this year. The increased use of transit
throughout the program has saved money and supported the program not running a deficit in its annual gas budget.
Extenuating / Influencing Factors: Each individual was asked to acquire an annual public transit pass. Public transit was utilized to
get to most local activities regularly.
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Annual General Report 2008-2009
Day Services Accessibility
Outcome: Maximize the use of accessible space in the day services to allow for Individuals served to operate their own businesses.
Action Plan: Management and staff reorganized the day program space in order to accommodate Individuals wishing to work on their
own business ventures. Office space allotted for administration was moved to a different location and offices were given to businesses for
supply storage and product creation.
Complete: Yes, a sampling of the staff were surveyed at the day services to see if they felt that there was adequate space allotted to
the self employment/business activities at the day services. 100% of staff surveyed answered “yes” to this specific survey question.
Extenuating / Influencing Factors: Utilized office space for business purposes and reconfigured large rooms to make it more
accessible for individuals participating in a business venture. Move out Administrative workspaces to the King George office.
Day Services 2010/11 Strategic Planning:
Outcome: Maximize staff satisfaction around being knowledgeable with respect to best practices and innovations in delivering
community inclusion and employment supports.
Action Plan:
Staff will be supported to learn about facilitating a Discovery process for the person’s they serve, staff will be
supported to learn how to be an effective Community Connector. Staff will be encouraged to seek training both formally and
informally; Managers will seek to maximize learning through internal training opportunities and role modeling.
Manager’s will foster life-long learning environments and expectations. Innovation projects will be fostered and person-centered
Initiatives expected, sharing positive experiences and techniques will be important (through meetings and training) with an emphasis on
follow through and implementation of the strategies and tools learned.
Milieu Family Services – Day Services
Annual General Report 2008-2009
Maximize training for staff and Management in order to continue to advance towards an employment first model .
Action Plan: Management will continue to research and obtain training opportunities in order to support the staff to gain the skill
necessary to advance towards employment services. Staff will be supported via training, support and follow through Management in the
delivery of the supports learned.
Increase the number of individuals transitioning from traditional day service programs into employment first activities
and supports through changing the staff to individual ratios to accommodate more dedicated employment staff, facilitating the
discovery process as part of the PGP to maximize the amount of persons with identified employment goals, having staff perform
situational assessments and employment readiness activities as part of their role within the day services.
Action Plan: Management will structure the day services so that designated employment staff(s) are not attached to a group of
Individuals and are able to work exclusively on employment. As more individuals get placed in jobs outside of the day services this will
free up additional staff to work exclusively on employment services thus maximizing the amount of people who can be placed and
supported in an employment setting.
Maximize wheelchair accessibility throughout the day services.
Action Plan: Management will conduct an onsite assessment of what is needed in the day program in order to accommodate the
needs of individuals who use wheelchairs. Items like bathroom remodeling in order to incorporate bathroom lifts, adult change tables,
widening of door ways and automatic door openers, lever door handles and widening of outside walkway will be assessed and modified
to ensure our premises is comfortable and accessible.