M. Breidenbach and B. Richter September 29, 2006 Draft Push-Pull Interaction Region Issues M. Breidenbach and B. Richter Sept. 29, 2006 The ILC GDE is discussing the possibility of a design with a single-beam delivery system feeding a large hall that houses two detectors in a "push-pull" configuration. To be effective this requires a fast transition time between the detectors. In this note we comment on some experience in setting up and aligning a large detector at the SLAC SLC, and list some the items that have to be analyzed before implementing a push-pull solution. The SLD detector weighed ~4,000 tons and was self-shielded in the sense that no separate, external shield wall was required between the detector and experimenters. The detector was only rolled onto the beam line once using 8-500 ton Hilman Rollers, which are tank-like assemblies using a tread of hardened steel rollers traveling on steel plate embedded in the concrete floor. The massive end doors on the detector were opened and closed frequently, using 100 ton Hilman Rollers traveling on flat steel tracks. Each Hilman had cam followers on the edge of the steel track, but the actual guidance came from a laser alignment system. The final focus quadrupole triplet was supported (at its inboard support point) by a mechanism in the detector door, and alignment of the triplet was lost as the door opened. It is believed that the triplet was restored to its prior position to ~1 mm. Beam-based alignment techniques were used to determine residual offsets, the triplets were moved, and full luminosity was recovered usually in about a single 8-hour shift. Although the detector was on jacks that would, in principle, allow adjustment of the height to compensate for floor settlement, these jacks were never used. The floor settlement during the time the SLD was in place was probably less than 5 mm. In the ILC, the desire is that a transition from one detector to the next be made in a time of less than a few days. The detector designs that are being studied now range in weight from something similar to SLD's 4,000 tons to up to 25,000 tons. Self shielding, in the sense that shielding moves with the detector, will be required and may be more of a problem in the ILC than in the SLC. The ILC beams are 11 MW each while the SLC beams were only 40 KW. The biggest concern is probably neutrons since the detector calorimeters will likely be thick enough to shield gamma rays. End caps and shielding of the beam lines between the tunnels and the detectors also may be issues. Allowed radiation levels in the interaction region hall and dose rates and doses in a maximal credible accident will have to be specified. It will probably not be possible to put these detectors on the beam line with a tolerance much better than a millimeter. Beam-based alignment will be required and should be relatively simple if proper preparation is made. The crab crossing geometry may introduce issues that need analysis and were not things that one had to deal with at the SLC. We would suggest that the following are a minimum list of things which need to be analyzed carefully: 1. The floor deformations for the heavier detectors and the floor recovery time following full and partial unloading; 2. Methods for compensation of the movement of beam-delivery system elements that are on board the detectors themselves; 3. I&C for the beam-based alignment systems and possible extra beam line equipment that might be required because of the extremely tight tolerances on alignment for ILC operations. Beam-based alignment may have to be done in more than one stage; 4. Shielding requirements beyond those given by what is in the detector itself need analysis. This will have to include setting the radiation levels allowed in the collider hall for routine operations and in disrupted beam scenarios; 5. Power, water, cryogenics, data cable plant, and other services that link the detector (and detector carried machine instrumentation) and the “outside world”; 6. Vibration isolation will be an issue, although this is probably no different in the push-pull scenario than it is in the separate collision hall scenario; 7. It is assumed that each detector has its own set of final focus elements, and that a common point can be found to break the beam lines. 8. It is assumed that the beam line is broken at common points for the detectors by valve pairs and pump outs. The optics requirements need to be checked that suitable points are available. Also, HOM might be an issue for these valves. Vacuum requirements in the final focus area and at the collision point should be reviewed to see if any special methods are required to recover a low enough gas pressure in a timely fashion. 9. Safety may force a run down of the superconducting magnets in the detectors before a move, possibly both the solenoid and captured beam line elements. If so, the time required to de-energize and then re-energize the magnets should be reviewed. Note that it is assumed that the power supply, dump resistors, and other apparatus 2 associated with the superconducting magnets are carried by the detectors. For the detector solenoid, these times may be noticeable. We believe that with proper preparation, the push-pull shift of the detectors to and from the beam line should be able to be accomplished within something around 24 hours. Re-establishing the beams can, in principle, also be done rapidly if proper preparation is made including the availability of keep-alive beam dumps so that the accelerator itself can be maintained in the tuned-up state during the actual downtime for the move. 3