Management Descrição: Official length - 4,5 years/9 semesters/40 weeks of full-time study a year/270 ECTS credits. The degree includes one semester of professional training. Access requirements - Secondary School and Higher Education Entry Examinations (Mathematics or Mathematics and Economics). Programme requirements - The degree in Management enables the development of competencies in management and business administration, especially in the areas of accounting, finances, human resources management and organizational behaviour, quantitative methods, marketing and strategic management. In the last two years, the studies programme includes five optional subjects, four of those subjects belong to the field of management and the other belongs to no specific areas. These optional subjects give flexibility in the choice of particular matters of the interest of the student and a bigger flexibility in the offer of subjects which the job market demands or the economics research is paying special attention to. Access to further study - The degree allows access to postgraduate studies, according to the terms described at Professional status - The holder of a degree in Management has professional opportunities as middle and top manager in different industries such as banking and insurance, consultancy, manufacturing and distribution, local and central government, teaching and research and in voluntary and non-profit organizations. Local Funcionamento: Campus de Gualtar, Braga Director: Cláudia Maria Neves Simões Coordenadores ECTS Florinda Conceição Cerejeira Campos Silva Ano Código Unidade Curricular Regime ECTS 1 3101N1 Applied Mathematics I S1 5 1 3101N3 Economics I S1 5 1 3101N6 Financial Accounting S1 6,5 1 3101N4 Financial Mathematics S1 5 1 3101N5 Introduction to Law S1 3,5 1 3101N2 Introduction to Management Studies S1 5 1 3102N1 Applied Mathematics II S2 5 1 3102N3 Economics II S2 5 1 3102N6 Enterprise Law I S2 4 1 3102N5 Information Technologies Applied to Management S2 5 1 3102N4 Institutions and Policies of the European Union S2 5,5 1 3102N2 The Evolution of Management Thought S2 5,5 2 3103N5 Analytic Accounting S1 5,5 2 3103N1 Applied Quantitative Methods I S1 5 2 3103N6 Economic and Financial Analysis S1 5 2 3103N2 Enterprise Law II S1 4 2 3103N4 Marketing I S1 5 2 3103N3 Organisational Behaviour I S1 5 2 3104N1 Applied Quantitative Methods II S2 6,5 2 3104N6 Financial Investments and Markets S2 5 2 3104N5 Logistics S2 5 2 3104N4 Marketing II S2 5 2 3104N2 Monetary Economics: Theory and Policy S2 4 2 3104N3 Organisational Behaviour II S2 5 3 3105N3 Financial Management S1 5,5 3 3105N1 Operational Research S1 5 3 3105N6 Option I (Services Marketing and Management) S1 4 3 3105N2 Strategic Human Resource Management S1 5 3 3105N4 Strategic Management S1 5 3 3105N5 Taxation S1 5,5 3 3106N5 Auditing S2 5,5 3 3106N3 Derivatives and Risk Management S2 5 3 3106N1 Operational Human Resource Management S2 5 3 3106N6 Option II S2 4 3 3106N4 Portuguese Economics S2 5 3 3106N2 Strategy and Competitiveness S2 5,5 4 3107N2 Advanced Accounting I S1 5 4 3107N5 European Economics S1 5 4 3107N4 Marketing Research S1 7 4 3107N6 Option III S1 4 4 3107N1 Principles of Corporate Governance S1 4 4 3107N3 Production and Operation Management S1 5 4 3108N1 Advanced Accounting II S2 5 4 3108N4 International Marketing S2 5 4 3108N2 Investment Projects Development and Assessment S2 7 4 3108N5 Option IV S2 4 4 3108N6 Option V S2 4 4 3108N3 Stock Management S2 5 5 3109N1 Internship/Seminar S1 30 3101N1 - Applied Mathematics I Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Matrices, linear mappings and systems of linear equations. Sewquences and series. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: General knowledge of resolution of linear systems and matrices, and of series and sequences. Bibliografia: Hoffmann, L. D. & Bradley, G. L. Calculus (for business, economics and the social and life sciences), McGraw Hill, 1996. Anton & Rodes, Álgebra Linear com aplicações, Bookmann. Docentes: António Augusto Veloso Costa Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: 4 hours lectures-examples classes/week. Métodos de Avaliação: Written examination. Língua de Instrução: portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3101N3 - Economics I Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction; THE MARKET: Supply and Demand; the Equilibrium; Predicting and explaining changes in prices and quantities; Interferences in price mechanism; Taxes. THE CONSUMER; Budget constraint, preferences, Utility and Choice; Individual and Market demand; Changes in Prices and in Income; Slutsky Equation; Consumer's Surplus; Elasticity. THE FIRM: Technology: Production Function, Short- Run, Long- Run, Returns to Scale; Costs: Long-Run and Short-Run Costs, Long-Run Costs and the Industry's Structure, Cost Curves in Short and Long- Run. PERFECT COMPETITION: Industry Supply; Industry Equilibrium in the Short and in the Long- Run; The Long-Run Supply Curve. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The aim of this course is to give students the basic methodology of the economic science, their main instruments and their relevance in the social sciences context. It is intended to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory, whilst allowing for understanding the behavioural logic of the elementary economic units - producers and consumers. Unveil the tools that permit to discuss and analyse public policies related issues. Emphasis will be given to the direct use of those concepts to discuss questions. Bibliografia: BAYE, Michael, "Managerial Economics and Business Strategy" (2002), Irwin/McGraw Hill, New York, EUA (4ª Ed.); BESANKO, David e Ronald Brauetingam, "Microeconomics: an Integrated Approach" (2001), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, EUA; MATEUS, Abel e MATEUS, Margarida (2001) "Microeconomia - Teoria e Aplicações", Editorial Verbo, Lisboa S. Paulo; MATA, José (2000) "Economia da Empresa", Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa; Textos de Apoio; Folhas de Exercícios. Docentes: Isabel Maria Machado Correia Brioso Dias Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical-practical classes. Métodos de Avaliação: Final exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3101N6 - Financial Accounting Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Conceptual framework of financial information. The importance, objectives and features of financial information. Companies accountability in financial reporting. Balance sheet and Income Statement. Double-entry bookkeeping. Portuguese accounting standardisation. Study of Portuguese accounting plan. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To present the terminology, tools, and techniques of financial accounting and to show the relationships among several financial statements, including balance sheets, and income statement. The students must learn what kind of information these statements can provide and how they can use it to analyse the financial situation of the company. Bibliografia: Borges, António; Rodrigues, Azevedo e Rodrigues, Rogério (1997): Docentes: Lúcia Maria Portela Lima Rodrigues Carlos Alberto Silva Menezes Carga Horária: 5 Métodos de Ensino: Explanation using a lap top/projector. Métodos de Avaliação: At the end of the semester the students will be submitted to a final exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 6,5 3101N4 - Financial Mathematics Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: The process of capitalization. Simple interest and compound interest. Simple discount and compound discount. Annuities. Amortization of debts. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Students should comprehend the fundamental concepts of Financial Calculus, in particular the concepts related to the process of capitalisation, discount, annuities and amortization of debts. Bibliografia: CADILHE, Miguel; SOARES, Carlos, Lições de Matemática Financeira e Noções Complementares, 2nd ed. BREALEY Richard A.; MYERS, (1998) Stewart C. Princípios de Finanças Empresariais, 5th ed. MATIAS, Rogério, (2004) "Cálculo Financeiro - Teoria e Prática", Escolar Editora, Lisboa. Docentes: Nelson Manuel Pinho Brandão Costa Areal Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3101N5 - Introduction to Law Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Social order. Juridical order. Law structure. Iuris fons. Law systematization. Applying law within the time and spatial framework. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Students must acquire the basic Knowledge/skills according to the Programme. Bibliografia: Santos justo, A., Introdução ao Estudo do Direito (Coimbra Editora, 2003) Baptista Machado, Introdução ao Direito e ao Discurso Legitimador (Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 1993); Código Civil e Constituição da República Portuguesa. Docentes: Abel Jorge Silva Vieira Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and examples classes. Métodos de Avaliação: Written and, in special cases, oral examinations. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 3,5 3101N2 - Introduction to Management Studies Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: The concept of organisation. The management process and its major functions. The manager and the managerial roles. Organisations and their environment: general and task environment. Social responsibility and ethics in management. Different approaches and methodologies in the study of management. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit has two main objectives. On the one hand, it aims to provide students with the basic concepts of organisational management and functioning. On the other hand, it addresses the need of students understanding the major perspectives and methodologies used in management research. Bibliografia: Bartol, K. M. & Martin, D. C. (1991). Management, New York: McGraw-Hill; Hall, R. H. (1982). Organizações - Estrutura e Processos (trad. Wilma Ribeiro), Rio de Janeir Prentice Hall do Brasil (3ª edição); Carmo, H. & Ferreira, M. M. (1998). Metodologia da Investigação - guia para auto-aprendizagem, Lisboa: Universidade Aberta; Kast, F. E. & Rosenzweig, J. E. (1970). Organização e Administração - um enfoque sistémico (trad. Oswaldo Chiquetto). São Paul Livraria Pioneira Editora; Laville, C. & Dionne, J. (1999). A construção do saber, (trad. Lana Mara Siman). Porto Alegre: Editora UFMG; Mitchell, R. K.; Agle, B. R. & Wood, D. J. (1997). Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: defining the principle of who and what really counts, Academy of Management Review, 22 (4): 853-886; Quivy, R. & Van Campenhoudt, L. (1998). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa: Gradiva; Robbins, S. P. (1991) Management, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; Stoner, J. A. F. & Freeman, R. F. (1992). Management, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; Sousa, A. (1990). Introdução à Gestão - uma abordagem sistémica, Lisboa: Editorial Verbo; Stoner, J. A. F. & Freeman, R. F. (1992). Administração (trad. Alves Calado), Rio de Janeir Prentice-Hall do Brasil; Sussams, J. E. (1983). Como fazer um relatório, Lisboa: Editorial Presença; Teixeira, E. (2000): As três metodologias - Académica, da Ciência e da Pesquisa, 2ª ed., Belém (Pará): Grapel. Docentes: Ana Cristina Almeida Carvalho Carlos José Cabral Cardoso Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical lectures and case studies. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam (90%) and class work (10%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3102N1 - Applied Mathematics II Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Integration: methods and applications. Study of real functions with more than 1 variable. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: General knowledge of real functions. Bibliografia: Hoffmann, L. D. & Bradley, G. L. Calculus (for business, economics and the social and life sciences), McGraw Hill, 1996. Docentes: Filipe Serra Oliveira Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: 2 hours lectures, 2 hours examples classes/week Métodos de Avaliação: Written examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3102N3 - Economics II Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: I - Introduction II - Macroeconomic issues and main confronting schools of thought. III Economic Activity Measure. IV - Determining Models of the Product, GDP and Price. IV - Full Employment Mocroeconomic Model: Long Run Economy. V - Economic cycles Theory: Short Run Economy. VII - General Remarks. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The main objective of this course unit is to endow students with the fundamental macroeconomic tools. It envisages to analyse the causes and consequences of macroeconomic phenomena. The study of basic macroeconomic models, their political implications and restrictions are also be analysed within the scope of this course unit. Students are also expected to be able to master the main satatistical and bibliographical databases. Bibliografia: DORNBUSCH, R., S. FISCHER e R. STARTZ (1998), Macroeconomia, McGraw Hill, 7ª ed. Lisboa. FERRAZ, A (2002), Análise Macroeconómica, Escolar Editora SANTOS, J., J. BRAGA, M. TEIXEIRA e M. A. AUBYN (1994), Macroeconomia Exercícios e Teoria, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa. Docentes: Isabel Maria Fonseca Rodrigues Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical and Practical Classes. Métodos de Avaliação: Final Examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3102N6 - Enterprise Law I Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1 - Commercial Law as private law; 2 - Commercial contracts; 3 - Real-estate and commercial facilities contracts; 4 - The mortgage contract; 5 - The leasing contract; 6 - The credit cards; 7 Commercial distribution contracts. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The Enterprise Law I course aims at: (1) introducing the core concepts of commercial theory, in particular approaching commercial contracts; (2) bridging theory and practice through concepts application to real-world situations; (3) developing students communication and oral presentation skills through the discussion of concrete situations. Bibliografia: Gravato Morais. Docentes: Américo Fernando Gravato Morais Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Oral Presentation. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3102N5 - Information Technologies Applied to Management Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introdution to the Microsoft Windows operation system and environment. Spreadsheet processing applications. Basic features and operations. Introdution to programming language Visual Basic. Formulae programming through Visual Basic. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Introduce the student to computer technology from a data processing and data analysis perspective. Enable the student to acquaint knowledge on data manipulation and data processing. Approach these manipulation and processing as a decision support tool. Introduce the student to computer applications targeted for spreadsheet processing. Introduce the student to computer programming. Bibliografia: Notes on the Subject distributed to the students - 2003 Notes on Visual Basic embedded in Excel - Antonio Ramirez Fernandes. Docentes: Rui Manuel Ribeiro Castro Mendes Paulo Jorge Sousa Azevedo Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Tutorials during lab sessions. Métodos de Avaliação: Two projects + one practial individual assessment. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3102N4 - Institutions and Policies of the European Union Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Approaches and concepts. The evolution of the European integration process. Institutions of the EU. Policies of the EU. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The study of the institutional and political dimension of the EU. The study of the role of European institutions and policies in the implementation of a supranational space. Bibliografia: Bard, Martyn, et al., ed. The Treaty of Nice Explained. London: The Federal Trust. 2001. Henriques, Miguel Gorjão. Direito Comunitário. 2ª edição. Coimbra: Almedina. 2003. Monar, Jorg, e Wolfgang Wessels. The European Union After the Treaty of Amsterdam. London and New York: Continuum. 2001. McCormich, John. The European Union: Politics and Policies. 3ª ed. Boulder, CO: Wesview Press. 2004. Nugent, Neill. The Government and Politics of the European Union. 5ª ed. Houndmills: Macmillan Press. 2002. Docentes: Ana Paula Lima Pinto Oliveira Almeida Brandão Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5,5 3102N2 - The Evolution of Management Thought Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: The evolution of management thought. Classical theories. Taylor and the "scientific management". Fayol and the French administrative school. Weber and the bureaucratic organisation. Ford contributions. The human relations school. The human and behavioral perspective. The quantitative approach. The systems approach. The contingency approach. The competitive paradigm. The Japanese style management practices. The quality movement. Total quality management. Excellence, innovation and change. Internationalisation and globalisation. New organisational forms and the new management challenges. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Explain the value of studying management history. Identify major contributions to management. Describe and explain major management theories. Bibliografia: Bartol, K.M. & Martin, D.C. (1991). Management. MacGraw-Hill Chiavenato, I. (1983). Introdução à teoria geral da administração. Brasil: MacGraw-Hill Dubrin,A.J. (1994). Essentials of management. 3rd Edition. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Publishing Co. Ganhão,F.N. & Pereira, A. (1992). A gestão da qualidade. Lisboa: Presença Hampton,D.R. (1992). Administração contemporânea. 3ª Edição. São Paulo: McGraww-Hill e Makron Books do Brasil Pearce II, J.A. & Robinson Jr.,R.B. (1989). Management. McGraw-Hill International Editions Peters,T. & Waterman, R. (1982). In Search of Excellence. New York: Harper & Row Santos, N. (1988). A gestão japonesa: características principais. Loures: Edições Sílabo Sousa,A. (1990). Introdução à gestão: uma abordagem sistémica. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo Stoner, J.A. & Freeman, R.E. (1992). Management. 5th Edition. International Edition. Prentice-Hall. Docentes: Carolina Feliciana Sá Cunha Machado Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Expositive, interrogative e participative. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination (we also take in account the participation in the classroom). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5,5 3103N5 - Analytic Accounting Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1. Introduction - course objectives; concepts and classification of cost accounting and management accounting. 2. Analytical Income Statement 3. Different ways to impute costs Homogeneous Sections. 4. Process cost system: 5. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and Break-even point. 6. Conception of Management Accounting Systems. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Analyse, understand and identify costs/results of any asset or service, thus contributing with useful information to a liable management. Bibliografia: Caiado, António P.(1997),contabilidade de Gestão, Visilis Editores, Lisboa. Pereira, Carlos Caiano; Franco, Victor Seabra, (1994), contabilidade analítica, 6ª edição Rei dos Livros, Lisboa. Docentes: Maria Gilda Brito Lopes Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Exposition of the material using overheads; example cases. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination and continuous evaluation in classes. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5,5 3103N1 - Applied Quantitative Methods I Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction to Statistics. Describing, exploring and comparing data. Introduction to Probability. Random variables and distributions. Expectation. Some special families of distributions. Normal distribution. Sampling distributions. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To give students some knowledge on statistical methods and their applications. Bibliografia: Murteira, B., Estatística Descritiva, McGrawHill, 1999. Pinto, J. C. C.; Curto, J. J. D., Edições Sílabo, 1999. Mood, A. M., Introduction to the theory of statistics 3rd, McGrawHill, 1974. Docentes: Ana Paula Costa Conceição Amorim Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures/examples classes. Métodos de Avaliação: Written examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3103N6 - Economic and Financial Analysis Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction; Basic Instruments and Techniques of Financial Analysis; Short-term and LongTerm Financial Equilibrium; Analysis of Risk and Return; Financial Planning; Capital Market Analysis. Pré-requisitos: Basic Concepts of Financial Accounting. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Comprehension of the importance of the financial function and the role of the financial manager; Reading and comprehension of the accounting statements; Application of the methods and techniques of financial analysis, in order to assess the financial equilibrium and economic efficiency of the firm; Preparing the cash budget; Understanding the risk-return relationship. Bibliografia: MOREIRA, José António (1999). Análise Financeira de Empresas - Da Teoria à Prática, 3ª ed., IMC, Porto; NEVES, João Carvalho das (2000). Análise Financeira: Métodos e Técnicas, 11ª ed., Texto Editora, Lisboa; CARDOSO, S. J.; COVARSI, M. G.; MOLINA, G. S. (2002). Análisis Financiero, Ediciones Pirámide.2ª ed.; MOTA, António S. Gomes e TOMÉ, Jorge H. C. (1999): Mercado de Títulos: Uma Abordagem Integrada. Lisboa: Texto Editora, 6ª Edição; BREALEY, Richard A.; MYERS, Stewart C. (1996). Principles of Corporate Finance, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill International. Docentes: Maria Lurdes Antas Barros Caldeira Barroso Manuel José Rocha Armada Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and study cases. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3103N2 - Enterprise Law II Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: I. Introduction 1. Notion and object of Enterprise Law 2. The "difficult" concept of enterprise II. The life of the enterprise - The corporations (constitution and activity) 1. First notions 2. The corporations: types and characteristics 3. The constitution process and its main steps 4. The corporation as a legal entity III. Banruptcy. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Not applicable. Bibliografia: - ABREU, J.M. Coutinho de, Curso de Direito Comercial, vol. II (Das sociedades), Coimbra, Almedina, 2002. - CORDEIRO, António Menezes, Manual de Direito Comercial, vol. II, Coimbra, Almedina, 2001. Docentes: Catarina Isabel Silva Santos Serra Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and practice. Métodos de Avaliação: In accordance with RIAPA regulations. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3103N4 - Marketing I Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1 - The nature and scope of marketing; 2 - Understanding the marketing environment; 3 Marketing information systems and market research; 4 - Consumer markets and consumer buying behaviour; 5 - Organisational markets and organisational buying behaviour; 6 - Market segmentation, targeting and positioning; 7 - Marketing strategy; 8 - Marketing Planning Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Marketing studies how companies can satisfy customers, maximise business opportunities and continually be ahead of competition and market trends. Simultaneously marketing addresses the attainment of the desired profit and market share in the business. The Marketing I course aims at: (1) introducing the core concepts of marketing theory; (2) bridging theory and practice through the concepts application to real-world cases; (3) developing students communication and oral presentation skills through the discussion of case-histories. Bibliografia: Dibb, Sally, Simkin, Lyndon, Pride, William, e Ferrel, OC, (2001) Marketing - Concepts and Strategies, New York, Third European Edition, Houghton State University; Kotler, Philip, Amstrong, Gary, Saunders, John., Wong, Veronica (2001), Principles of Marketing, third European Edition, London, Prentice Hall. Lindon, Denis, Lendrevie, Jacques, Rodrigues, Joaquim e Dionísio, Pedro (2000), Mercator - Teoria e Prática do Marketing, 9ª Edição, Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote. Docentes: Cláudia Maria Neves Simões Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Oral Presentation. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam and short assignments. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3103N3 - Organisational Behaviour I Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Organizational behaviour as a field of study. Fundamentals of human behaviour in organizations. Biographical characteristics. Personality, perceptions, attitudes, and values. The effects of personal characteristics influences on performance, productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. Job satisfaction. Motivation. Organizational commitment. Stress. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit main objective is to provide students with the basic concepts of human behaviour in organizations. On the other hand, to develop students' capacity to conceptualize and present solutions to management problems. Bibliografia: Champoux, J. E. (2000). Organizational behavior: essentials tenets for a new millennium. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing; Cunha, M. P., Rego, A., Cunha, R. C. e CabralCardoso, C. (2003). Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. Lisboa: Editora RH; George, J. M. & Jones, G. R: (1998). Understanding and managing organizational behavior (2nd edition). Addison-Wesley Longman; Hersey, P. & Blanchard, K. (1993). Management of organizational behavior: Utilizing human resources. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall; Ivancevich, J. M. & Matteson, M. T. (1999). Organizational behavior and management (5th edition). Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill; Newstrom, J. W. & Davis, K. (1997). Organizational behavior: Human behavior at work (10th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill; Northcraft, G. B. & Neale, M. A. (1994). Organizational behavior: A management challenge. Forth Worth: The Dryden Press; Rego, A., Cunha, R. C., Cabral-Cardoso, C. e Cunha, M. P. (2003). Comportamento Organizacional e Gestã casos portugueses e exercícios. Lisboa: Editora RH; Robbins, S. P. (1998). Organizational behavior: concepts, controversies, applications (8th edition). Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall; Rollinson, D., Edwards, D. & Broadfield, A. (1998). Organizational behavior and analysis: An integrated approach. Harlow: Addison-Wesley Longman; Vecchio, R. P. (2000). Organizational behavior (4th edition). Orlando: The Dryden Press. Docentes: Regina Maria Oliveira Leite Carlos José Cabral Cardoso Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical lectures with case studies. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3104N1 - Applied Quantitative Methods II Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Revisions of probability theory. Point estimates. Confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing. Chisquare tests. The classical multiple regression model. Pré-requisitos: Knowledge of probability theory. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The purpose is to provide the students with the concepts and techniques of statistical inference and econometrics which they will need in their degree and future jobs. Bibliografia: Murteira, Bento; Ribeiro, Carlos Silva; Silva, João Andrade e; Pimenta, Carlos (2002), Introdução à Estatística, McGraw-Hill. Docentes: Isabel Maria Ferraz Cordeiro Carga Horária: 5 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and pratical classes. Métodos de Avaliação: Final exam (100%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 6,5 3104N6 - Financial Investments and Markets Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: The investment-savings process. Financial Markets. Stocks. Bonds. Mutual Funds. Derivatives. Portfolio Management. Asset Pricing Theories. Portfolio performance evaluation.. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course involves the analysis and characterisation of the main financial instruments in the context of the markets in which they are traded, not only at the individual security level, but also at the portfolio level, which leads to the discussion of portfolio theory. Hence, the programme is focused on three main areas: - organization and functioning of securities markets; - financial instruments and valuation - portfolio management and evaluation. Bibliografia: Brealey, R. D., e Myers, S. C. (1998). Princípios de Finanças Empresariais (5ª ed.). Lisboa: McGraw-Hill. Elton, E. J., e Gruber, M. J. (1995). Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Management. New York: John Wiley & Sons Sharpe, W. F., Alexander, G. J., e Bailey, J. V. (1999). Investments (6ª ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall. Bodie, Z., Kane, A., e Marcus, A. J. (2001). Essentials of Investments (4ª ed.). Boston: Mc-Graw-Hill/Irwin. Docentes: Maria Céu Ribeiro Cortez Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3104N5 - Logistics Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction - Basic notions about Logistics. Scope of Logistics Logistics interfaces. Logistics network management. Logistics information systems. Transportation planning systems. Facilities planning. Intrafacility logistics. Recent trends in logistics ("e-logistics"). Logistics cases. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To give the student knowledge of logistics and supply chain subjects, giving emphasizes the quantitative treatment of the design and planning issues in logistics such as vendor selection, transportation models, logistics metrics, material handling analysis, facilities layout, logistics network model. Bibliografia: Kasilingam, R. G. (2000), Logistics and Transportation, Kluwer Academic Publishers. White, J. A. e Pence, I. A.(1989), Progress in Material Handling and Logistics, Springer-Verlag. Ballou, Ronald H. (1999), Business logistics management : planning, organizing, and controlling the supply chain, Prentice Hall. Daganzo, Carlos F. (1999), Logistic systems analysis, SpringerVerlag. Crainic, T. G. e Laporte, G. (1998), Fleet management and logistics, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Taylor, David H. (1998), Global cases in logistics and supply chain management, International Thomson Business Press. Langford, John W. (1995), Logistics principles and application, McGraw-Hill. Docentes: José António Almeida Crispim José Carlos Soares Brandão Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical and practical explanation through the resolution of examples and case studies. Métodos de Avaliação: Final exam (70%); Group homework of no more than 5 students: 30%. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3104N4 - Marketing II Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1. A global vision of marketing-mix; 2. Product Decisions; 2.1. Product concepts; 2.2. Product Management; 2.4. New product Development; 3. Price Decisions; 3.1. Pricing strategies and programmes; 4. Place Decisions; 4.1. Marketing channels; 4.2. Physical Distribution and Logistics; 4.3. The wholesaler function; 4.4. The retailer function; 5. Promotion Decisions; 5.1. A vision of marketing communications; 5.2. Advertising, Publicity e Public Relations; 5.3. Personal selling and sales promotion; 5.4. Other forms of marketing communication; 6. Marketing applications; 6.1. Services marketing; 6.2. Non-profit marketing; 6.3. E-marketing; 6.4. Ethics in marketing decisions. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: 1. Introducing the core concepts of marketing theory; 2. Bridging theory and practice through the concepts application to real-world cases; 3. Developing students communication and oral presentation skills through the discussion of case-histories. Bibliografia: 1. Kotler, P.; G. Armstrong; P. Saunders; V. Wong (2001) - Principles of Marketing, 3rd European Edition, Prentice-Hall, London. 2. Dibb, S.; L. Simkin; W. Pride; O.C. Ferrel (2001) Marketing - Concepts and Strategies, 4th European Edition, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. 3. Brassington, F.; S. Pettitt (2003) - Principles of Marketing, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Essex. 4. Lindon, Lendrevie, Rodrigues, Dionísio (2000) - Mercator 2000, 9ª Edição, Edições Dom Quixote, Lisboa. Docentes: Maria Isabel Neves Gonçalves Silva Martins Joaquim Manuel Ferreira Jesus Silva Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Oral presentation. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination and case studies analysis. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3104N2 - Monetary Economics: Theory and Policy Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1. Introduction: what is money?; 2. The money demand; 3. The money supply; 4. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy; 5. Interest rates; 6. Instruments of monetary policy; 7. The monetary policy of the European Central Bank. The Portuguese Financial System. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Introduce students in monetary issues; introduce students in the relevant data basis (bibliography and statistical) with a focus on monetary policy. Bibliografia: Bofinger, Peter (2001). Monetary Policy - Goals, Institutions, Strategies and Instruments. Oxford University Press. Mishkin, Freferic (1996). Money, Banking, and Financial Markets. Harper Collins College Publishers. Docentes: To be appointed. Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures and classes. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination or, alternatively, students can do three tests during the lectures period. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3104N3 - Organisational Behaviour II Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Organizational behaviour as a field of study. Interpersonal processes and group behaviour in organizations. Group decision making. Leadership. Managerial communication. The informal organization. Conflict. Power and political behaviour. The organizational unit of analysis. Organizational structure. Organizational culture and climate. Ethical issues in organizational behaviour. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit main objective is to provide students with the basic concepts of human behavior in organizations. On the other hand, to develop students' capacity to conceptualize and present solutions to management problems. Bibliografia: Champoux, J. E. (2000). Organizational behavior: essentials tenets for a new millennium. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing; Cunha, M. P., Rego, A., Cunha, R. C. e CabralCardoso, C. (2003). Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. Lisboa: Editora RH; George, J. M. & Jones, G. R: (1998). Understanding and managing organizational behavior (2nd edition). Addison-Wesley Longman; Hersey, P. & Blanchard, K. (1993). Management of organizational behavior: Utilizing human resources. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall; Ivancevich, J. M. & Matteson, M. T. (1999). Organizational behavior and management (5th edition). Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill; Newstrom, J. W. & Davis, K. (1997). Organizational behavior: Human behavior at work (10th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill; Northcraft, G. B. & Neale, M. A. (1994). Organizational behavior: A management challenge. Forth Worth: The Dryden Press; Rego, A., Cunha, R. C., Cabral-Cardoso, C. e Cunha, M. P. (2003). Comportamento Organizacional e Gestã casos portugueses e exercícios. Lisboa: Editora RH; Robbins, S. P. (1998). Organizational behavior: concepts, controversies, applications (8th edition). Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall; Rollinson, D., Edwards, D. & Broadfield, A. (1998). Organizational behavior and analysis: An integrated approach. Harlow: Addison-Wesley Longman; Vecchio, R. P. (2000). Organizational behavior (4th edition). Orlando: The Dryden Press. Docentes: Regina Maria Oliveira Leite Carlos José Cabral Cardoso Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical lectures and case studies. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3105N3 - Financial Management Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction to fundamental concepts of valuation; Asset based valuation approach; Cost of Capital; Market valuation approach; Excess earnings valuation approach; Dynamic valuation approach; Financial Decisions, Leveraged, capital structure and cost os capital; Dividend Policy. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Student must acquire the basic knowledge/skills about (i) the valuation of companies, according to several approaches, (ii) cost of capital (iii) financial decisions, leverage effects and capital structure, (iv) and also about dividend policy. Bibliografia: Brealey, R. A. e Myers, S. C. (1998): Princípios de Finanças Empresariais. McGraw-Hill, 5ª Edição; GITMAN, Lawrence J. (1998): Principles of Managerial Finance. Harper Collis, 8th Edition; NEVES, João Carvalho das (2002): Avaliação de Empresas e de Negócios. Amadora: McGraw-Hill de Portugal. Docentes: Paulo Jorge Marques Oliveira Ribeiro Pereira Manuel José da Rocha Armada (Resp.) Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5,5 3105N1 - Operational Research Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction - Basic notions about operational research. Linear programming models: formulate and graphic resolution. Linear programming models: algebraic solution. Linear programming: duality and sensibility analysis. Linear programming: transportation models. Linear programming models: networks. Linear programming: advance issues. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To provide the student abilities to structure and formulate mathematically complex management problems and analytical tools to solve and interpret those problems. Bibliografia: Guerreiro, J.; Magalhães, A.; Ramalhete M. (1985), Programação Linear, vol. I e vol. II, McGraw - Hill. Hillier, Frederick S.; Lieberman, Gerald J. (1995), Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw-Hill International Editions, sixth edition. Mathur, Kamlesh; Solow, Daniel (1994), Management Science - the art of decision making, Prentice Hall. Ravindran, A.; Phillips, Don T.; Solberg, James J. (1987), Operations Research - principles and practice, John Wiley & Sons, 2ª edição. Taha, Hamdy A. (1997), Operations Research - an introduction, Maxwell Macmillan International Editions. Tavares, L. V.; Oliveira, R. C.; Themido, I. H. e Correia, F. N. (1996), Investigação Operacional, McGraw- Hill. Wagner, Harvey M. (1986), Pesquisa Operacional, Prentice/Hall do Brasil, 2ª edição. Docentes: Nazaré Glória Gonçalves Rego José Carlos Soares Brandão Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical and practical explanation through the resolution of examples and exercises. Métodos de Avaliação: Final exam (100%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3105N6 - Option I (Services Marketing and Management) Regime: S1 Tipo: Optional Programa: 1 - Understanding services (distinctive aspects of service management); 2 - Customer involvement in services processes; 3 - Managing Service Encounters; 4 - Targeting customers, managing relationships and building loyalty; 5 - Service quality and productivity management; 6 - Creating services and adding value; 7 - Designing services delivery systems; 8 - Integrating services management functions. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course focuses on the understanding of services management and marketing for the attainment of a competitive advantage among services businesses. In particular it aims at, developing a solid understanding of services management and marketing; -understanding services unique challenges and its implications for management and marketing -learning strategies, approaches, and tools for addressing services management and marketing uniquenesses; becoming pro-active service managers (and consumers) through the understanding of service design, delivery and communication complexities -developing individual analytical skills through personal experiences as services customers. Bibliografia: Fisk, R., Grove, S. e Fisk, R., (2004), Interactive Services Marketing, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York Lovelock, C., Vandermerwe, s., Lewis, B (1999), Services Marketing - European Perspective, Prentice Hall, Londres. Zeithmal, Valarie, Bitner, Mary Jo (2003), Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, 3ª Edition, McGraw-Hill, London. Docentes: Cláudia Maria Neves Simões Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Oral Presentation. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam and short assignments. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3105N2 - Strategic Human Resource Management Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Planning and strategic management: revision of concepts and processes. Human resource strategy and human resource strategic management: concepts and perspectives. Factors that exert influence on organizational strategy and human resource management strategy. Human resource strategic management: its contribution to the strategic management of the organization as a whole. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit main objective is to provide students with the basic philosophies, processes and practices related to Strategic Human Resource Management. Bibliografia: Bamberger, P. & Meshoulam, I. (2000). Human resource strategy. Thousand Oaks; Sage; CabralCardoso, C. (1999). Gestão de recursos humanos: Evolução do conceito, perspectivas e novos desafios. In M. P. Cunha (Coord.), Teoria Organizacional: Perspectivas e prospectivas (própria. 225-249). Lisboa: D. Quixote; Hofstede, G. (1997). Culturas e organizações: Compreender a nossa programação mental. Lisboa: Silabo; Miles, R. E. & Snow, C. C. (1978). Organizational strategy structure and processes. New York: McGraw-Hill; Porter, M. (1980). Competitive strategy. New York: Free Press; Schein, E. H. (1996). Culture: The missing concept in organization studies. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(2): 229-241. Docentes: Ana Cristina Mesquita Silva José João Correia Leite Ribeiro Carlos José Cabral Cardoso Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical lectures and case studies. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam (75%) and essay (25%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3105N4 - Strategic Management Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1. Introduction to the study of strategic management. 2. Strategic planning. 3. The development of strategic management. 4. Strategic decisions. 5. Strategic management process. 6. General environment. 7. Specific environment. 8. Organizational analysis and strategic capability. 9. Cultural and political context. 10. Models and techniques of strategic analysis and choice. Pré-requisitos: Not aplicable. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To develop an update vision of strategic management. To suggest a rational and coherent strategic management process. To develop and consolidate strategic vision within organizations. To develop competencies in strategic analysis. To allow the contact of students with organizations through Portuguese and European case studies. Bibliografia: Barney, Jay B. (1997), Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Bowman, Cliff e Asch, David (1996), Managing Strategy, MacMillan, London. Campbell, David; Stonehouse, George e Houston, Bill (2002), Business Strategy: An Introduction, 2.ª Edição, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. Cardoso, Luís (1995), Gestão Estratégica das Organizações: Ao Encontro do 3.º Milénio, Verbo, Lisboa. Freire, Adriano (1997), Estratégia: Sucesso em Portugal, Verbo, Lisboa. Grant, Robert M. (1998), Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concepts, Techniques, Applications, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, MA. Haberberg, Adrian e Rieple, Alison (2001), The Strategic Management of Organisations, Financial Times / Prentice-Hall, Harlow. Johnson, Gerry e Scholes, Kevan (2002), Exploring Corporate Strategy, 6/e, Financial Times / Prentice-Hall, Harlow. Macmillan, Hugh; Tampoe, Mahen (2000), Strategic Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Rosen, Ronald (1995), Strategic Management: An Introduction, Pitman, London. Docentes: Vasco Duarte Eiriz Sousa Ana Maria Santos Costa Soares Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination (90%) and participation (10%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3105N5 - Taxation Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1. Introduction to tax law 2. Value-added tax (IVA - Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado) 3. Corporate Income Tax (IRC - Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas) 4. Brief references to Personal Income Tax (IRS - Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares) 5. Other taxes for companies (brief references) 5.1. Stamp Tax (IS - Imposto de Selo) 5.2. Social Security Contributions 5.3. Local Property Tax (IMI) 5.4. Local Tax on the Onerous Property Transfer (IMT) 6. Tax Benefits (brief references). Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To provide to the students with the indispensable knowledge on the Portuguese Tax System, especially concerning principles and rules witch contribute for its structure. To be acquainted with the main rules of taxation of the Portuguese Tax System, with emphasis on the main taxes for businesses, especially the value-added tax and the corporate Income. Bibliografia: Contemporary Tax Legislation in Portugal (especially LGT, IVA, RITI, IRC); Pinheiro Pinto, José Alberto (2003) "Fiscalidade", Areal Editores; Sá Gomes, Nuno de (2003) "Manual de Direito Fiscal", Ed. Rei dos Livros; Teixeira, Glória (2000) "A tributação do Rendimento Perspectiva nacional e internacional", Almedina; Roriz, José Soares (1999) "A Contabilização do IVA", APECA; BDO (2001) "Guia de Fiscalidade para PME", Ed. IAPMEI; Guimarães, Joaquim Fernando da Cunha (1998) "Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Auditoria - Breves reflexões"; Lourenço, João Cabrito Lourenço "A Auditoria Fiscal", Vislis Editores; Pereira, João Manuel Esteves (1994)"Fiscalidade", Tomos I, II e III , Ed. Plátamo; Faustino, Manuel (2003) "O dever de retenção na Fonte", Áreas Editora; Alfaro, Martins (2003) "Regime Complementar do Procedimento de Inspeção Tributária - comentado e anotado", Áreas Editora. Docentes: Tânia Micaela Brito Meneses Montenegro Barbosa Marco José Vieira João Baptista Costa Carvalho Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical-practical classes. Métodos de Avaliação: The evaluation of this discipline obeys the criteria and methodologies defined the Regulation for the University of Minho (RIAPA). Thus, there will be, in the end of the semester, two examinations, having the students to enroll previously to one of the two calls. As set in the above regulation, the students who in the final examination have gotten a negative classification, not inferior to eight values, have the right to be admitted to oral exam. Control of student's presence in the lessons will not be made. However, the presence of the students is not only recommended and stimulated because, normally, it contributes for an improvement of their performance. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5,5 3106N5 - Auditing Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1: INTRODUCTION Definitions, Organization and Structure of the Auditing Profession 2: AUDIT PROCESS Planning, Materiality, Risks, Audit Evidence, Working Papers. 3 : INTERNAL CONTROL Concepts, Components of Internal Control, Asses Control Risk, Tests of Controls 4: AUDITING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5: CONCLUSIONS AND AUDIT REPORT Completing the Audit, Review for Subsequent Events, Evaluate Results, Issue the audit report 6: OTHER SERVICES 7: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Students must adquire the basic knowledge/skills according to the programme. Bibliografia: COSTA, Carlos Baptista da (2000). Auditoria Financeira - teoria e prática. Editora Rei dos Livros.Lisboa. COSTA, Carlos Baptista da, ALVES, Gabriel Correia (2000). Casos práticos de Auditoria Financeira. Vilis Editores. Lisboa. OROC (2003). Manual da Ordem de Revisores Oficiais de Contas. ARENS, Alvin A., LOEBBECKE, James K. (2000). Auditing - An Integrated Approach. Prentice Hall. New Jersey. O´REILLY, Vincent M., HIRSCH, Murray B., DEFLIESE, Philip L., JAENICKE, Henry P. (1990). Montgomery´s Auditing. John Wiley & Sons. New York. Docentes: Tânia Micaela Brito Meneses Montenegro Barbosa Marco José Vieira Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical and practical classes. Métodos de Avaliação: Final exam: 100%. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5,5 3106N3 - Derivatives and Risk Management Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction; Forwards and Futures; Options; Warrants; Swaps. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The aim of this subject is that students understand fundamental concepts about exchange market and derivatives market and became able to use these instruments in risk management in a international context. Bibliografia: Associação da Bolsa de Derivados do Porto, "Introdução aos mercados de Futuros e Opções", 4ª Edição, BDP; Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C., "Princípios de Finanças Empresariais", 5ª Edição, McGraw-Hill, 1998; Edwards, F.R. and Ma, C.W., "Futures and Options", McGraw-Hill, 1993; Gemmill, G., "Options Pricing - An Internacional Perspective", McGraw-Hill, 1993; Hull, J.C., "Introduction to Futures and Options Markets", Third Edition, Prentice-Hall International Editions, New Jersey, 1997; & Instituto de Mercados de Capitais, "Warrants Autónomos", BVLP, 2001; Kolb, Robert W., "Futures, Options, & Swaps", Third Edition, Blackwell, 1999. Docentes: Maria Céu Ribeiro Cortez Artur Jorge Pereira Rodrigues Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical and practical sessions. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3106N1 - Operational Human Resource Management Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Evolution of human resource management concept and role. Human resources management planning. Job description and analysis. Recruitment and selection. Organizational socialization. Career management and development. Performance evaluation systems. Human resource development. Compensation systems. Human resources, quality, health and safety in the workplace. Human resource management: challenges and role in the future. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit main objective is to provide students with the basic concepts, processes and practices related to Operational Human Resource Management (OHRM). Explore methodologies and practical issues in the OHRM domain. Outline the importance of OHRM in organizational change and globalization. Bibliografia: Armstrong, M. (1996). A Handbook of Personnel Management Practice. London: Kogan Page; Beaumont, P. B. (1993). Human Resource Management: Key concepts and skills. London: Sage; Cabral-Cardoso, C. (1999). Gestão de recursos humanos: Evolução do conceito, perspectivas e novos desafios. In M. P. Cunha (Coord.), Teoria Organizacional: Perspectivas e prospectivas (própria. 225-249). Lisboa: D. Quixote; Legge, K, (1995). Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities. London: The Macmillan Press; Storey, J. (Ed.) (1991). New Perspectives on Human Resource Management. London: Routledge; Storey, J. (Ed.) (1995). Human Resource Management: A critical test. London: International Thompson Business Press. Docentes: Ana Cristina Mesquita Silva José João Correia Leite Ribeiro Carlos José Cabral Cardoso Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical lectures and case studies. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam (70%) and group essay (30%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3106N6 - Option II Regime: S2 Tipo: Optional Programa: Electronic Commerce - I - Introduction to Electronic Commerce: 1.1. What is Electronic Commerce; 1.2. The Internet and the WWW; 1.3. Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce; 1.4. Value Chains in Electronic Commerce; II- The Internet Infra-structure: 2.1. Packet-switched networks; 2.2. Markup Languages and the Web; 2.3. Web Clients and Servers; 3- Security Threats to Electronic Commerce; 3.1. Security overview; 3.2. Intellectual Property Threats; 3.3. Electronic Commerce Threats; 4. Electronic Payment Systems; 4.1. Protecting Client Computers; 4.2. Protecting Electronic Commerce Channels; 4.3. Ensuring Transaction Integrity; 4.4. Protecting the Commerce Server; 5- Strategies for web-auctions; 5.1. Auctions basics; 5.2. Web Auction Strategies; 5.3. Virtual Community Strategies; 6- The environment of Electronic Commerce: International, Legal, Ethical and Tax Issues. Business Ethics - The concepts of organizational ethics and business ethics. Ethics and social responsibility. Current ethical dilemmas in the business context: conflict of interest, dishonest behavior, use of public resources for private purposes, discriminatory behavior, and privacy issues in the workplace. Ethics and moral philosophy: teleology (egoism and utilitarianism), deontology, and relativist perspectives. Virtue ethics and theories of justice. Individual ethical decision making processes. Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Organizational factors that promote and inhibit ethical behaviour. Whistleblowing. Ethical issues in finance management, accounting, marketing and publicity, environmental management, and human resource management. Professional ethics. The role of codes of conduct. The case of accounting professionals. Pré-requisitos: Electronic Commerce - None. Business Ethics - None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Electronic Commerce - The rapid development of new interactive media such as on-line services and the WWW has surprised both consumers and marketers alike. The objective of this course is to provide insights into the converging logic of traditional marketing in the information age from managerial and consumers? perspectives. It is recognised that this is a new field of study in marketing. Business Ethics - Shed light upon the importance of the ethic dimension whilst controlling for its impact upon management, managers and professionals' practices. It is sought to endow students with skills and competencies enabling them to identify ethic dilemmas and therefore handling them, to understand the ethic decision process, its determining elements and consequences. Students should then be eager enough to fully understand to what extent do behavioural and deontological codes impact on the promotion of an ethical behaviour. Bibliografia: Electronic Commerce - Shneider, G. and J. Perry (2001). Electronic Commerce, Course Technology: Thomson Learning. Business Ethics - Boylan,M. (1995). Ethical issues in business. Harcourt Brace. Donaldson,J. (1989). Key issues in business ethics. Academic Press. Johnson, P. & Smith, K. (1996). Business ethics. Routledge. Petrick, J.A. & Quinn, J.F. (1997). Management ethics: Integrity at work. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Parker, M. (1998). Ethics in organization. Sage. Kitson, A. & Campbell, R. (1995). The ethical organisation: Ethical theory and corporate behaviour. MacMillan. Messick, DM & Tenbrunsel, A.E. (Eds.). (1996). Codes of conduct: Behavioral research into business ethics. New York: Russel Sage Foundation. Winstanley, D. & Woodall, J. (1999). Ethical issues in contemporary human resource management. MacMillan. Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, J. & Ferrell, L. (2002). Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Como leitura introdutória ao tema, recomenda-se: Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2002). Ética e políticas éticas em contexto empresarial. In M.P. Cunha & S.B. Rodrigues (Eds.), Manual de estudos organizacionais: temas de psicologia, psicosociologia e sociologia das organizações (pp.223-239). Lisboa: RH Editora. Docentes: Electronic Commerce - José Carlos Martins Rodrigues Pinho Business Ethics - Carlos Cabral Cardoso Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Exposition of the material using overheads. Métodos de Avaliação: Electronic Commerce - Final Examination and a group assignment. Business Ethics - Written exam (50%) and individual essay (50%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese; Electronic Commerce - Classes are taught exclusively in Portuguese, but most of reading Créditos ECTS: 4 3106N4 - Portuguese Economics Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Methodological questions. The 50's: development through import substitution. The period 196073: export-led industrialization. The period 1974-75. The new economic policies and increasing bureaucracy. Admission to the European Community and its consequences. Current reality of innovation and knowledge in the Portuguese Economy. The Importance of the macroeconomic variables in the management and production outcomes. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit aims at endowing students with sound knowledge on the evolution of the portuguese economy and how it handles problems and difficiculties. Students are taught techniqes and methods whose application is expected to be feasible within the portuguese economy framework. It ultimatley seeks to materialise a critical analysis of the portuguese economic policies. Bibliografia: A. L. J. (1985), "Indústria no Estado Novo", in Dicionário Ilustrado de História de Portugal, Publicações Alfa, pp. 339-342; Banco de Portugal (vários), Relatório do Conselho de GerênciaGerência; Figueiredo Gonçalves, Octávio M. D., (1996), "Problemas Estruturais da Agricultura Portuguesa e as suas Repercussões no Desenvolvimento Económico Geral", in Homenagem a António S. C. Vale e Vasconcelos, EEG/UM Braga; Mateus, Abel (1998), Economia Portuguesa (1910-1998), Lisboa, Verbo. Docentes: Orlando Petiz Pereira Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3106N2 - Strategy and Competitiveness Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1. Introduction to the study of competitiveness. 2. The five competitive forces. 3. Territorial competitiveness. 4. The bases of strategic choice. 5. Strategic directions. 6. Methods of strategy development. 7. Organizational dynamics. 8. Inter-organizational development. 9. Organizational structure. 10. Resources planning, allocation and control. Pré-requisitos: Not aplicable. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To identify competitiveness as a crucial concept of strategy. To distinguish the concept of competitiveness from other similar concepts. To identify sources of competitive advantage. To allow the contact of students with organizations through Portuguese and European case studies. Bibliografia: BARNEY, Jay B. (1997), Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. EIRIZ, Vasco (ed.) (2005), Estratégia e Competitividade, Colectânea de apoio à disciplina de Estratégia e Competitividade, Licenciatura em Gestão, Universidade do Minho, Braga. EIRIZ, Vasco e BARBOSA, Natália (2004), Guia de apoio à análise estratégica de um sector, Universidade do Minho, Braga. FREIRE, Adriano (1997), Estratégia: Sucesso em Portugal, Verbo, Lisboa. GRANT, Robert M. (1998), Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concepts, Techniques, Applications, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, MA. HABERBERG, Adrian e RIEPLE, Alison (2001), The Strategic Management of Organisations, Financial Times / Prentice-Hall, Harlow. HARRISON, Jeffrey S. (2003), Strategic Management of Resources and Relationships: Concepts and Cases, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY HILL, Charles W. L. e JONES, Gareth R. (2001), Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. JOHNSON, Gerry e SCHOLES, Kevan (2002), Exploring Corporate Strategy, 6/e, Financial Times / Prentice?Hall, Harlow. LYNCH, Richard (2003), Corporate Strategy, 3/e, Prentice-Hall, Harlow. MACMILLAN, Hugh; TAMPOE, Mahen (2000), Strategic Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford. SANCHEZ, Ron; HEENE, Aimé (2004), The New Strategic Management: Organization, Competition, and Competence, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY. Docentes: Vasco Duarte Eiriz Sousa Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination (100%) or final examination (60%) and essay (40%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5,5 3107N2 - Advanced Accounting I Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Capital and reserves. Changes in share capital. Financial instruments. Accounting for investments in associates. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Develop students' knowledge, awareness and understanding of the role of financial advanced accounting in business organizations. Bibliografia: Batista da Costa, C. e Correia Alves, G. (2001): Contabilidade Financeira, Rei dos Livros, 4ª edição. Borges, A.; Macedo, J.; Morgado, J.; Moreira, A.; Pais, C. e Isidro, H. (1998): Práticas de Contabilidade Financeira, Áreas Editora, Lisboa. Gonçalves da Silva e Esteves Pereira (1998): Contabilidade das Sociedades, Plátano Editora, 12ª edição. Docentes: Lúcia Maria Portela Lima Rodrigues Carlos Alberto Silva Menezes Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical explanation and exercises resolution. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3107N5 - European Economics Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: 1. European Union history and institutions 2. Integration theories 3. Common policies 4. Monetary integration 5. Fiscal policy in the monetary union 6. The Community Budget 7. Enlargement. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit aims at endowing students with sound knowledge on the evolution of the EU economy and fundamental policies. Bibliografia: ARTIS e Nixson (2001), The Economics of the European Union: Policy and Analysis, 3 ed. OUP; ARTIS and Lee (1997), The Economics of the European Union: Policy and Analysis, 2 ed. OUP; BALDWIN e Wyplotsz (2003), The Economics of European Integration, McGrawHill; DE GRAUWE (2003), The Economics of Monetary Union, 5 ed. OUP; HITIRIS (1994), European Community Economics, 3 ed. Harvester Wheatsheaf. Docentes: Sílvia Cristina Conduto Sousa Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Group assignment (40%). Exam (60%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3107N4 - Marketing Research Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: I - Introduction to marketing research: 1.1 The role of marketing research in management decision making; 1.2 The marketing research process; 1.3 The structure of the marketing research industry; II - Creating a research design: 2.1 The secondary data; 2.2 Qualitative research; 2.3 Primary data collection; III - Data acquisition: 3.1 Understanding measurement; 3.2 Attitude measurement; 3.3 Questionnaire design; 3.4 Sampling; IV - Data analysis: 4.1 Data processing and fundamental data analysis; 4.2 Data analysis - statistical testing of differences; 4.3. Data analysis - correlation and regression; 4.4 Multivariate data analysis; V - Marketing research communications; VI - Marketing research ethics. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To understand the marketing research issues and concerns, learn marketing research process with real life examples and to become experts in formulating and solving marketing research problems. Bibliografia: Churchill, G. and D. Iacobucci (2002). Marketing Research: Methodological foundations, Thomson Learning. Docentes: Joaquim Manuel Ferreira Jesus Silva Carga Horária: 5 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Final Examination + Case Studies. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 7 3107N6 - Option III Regime: S1 Tipo: Optional Programa: Entrepreneurship - 1. The entrepreneurial process. 2. Idea development and new business opportunities. 3. Market analysis. 4. Planning and new venturing launch. 5. Growth and consolidation strategies. Real Options - The traditional methods for project evaluation and their limitations; The valuation of financial options; The NPV, the decision trees and real options; The evaluation of several types of real options: the option to defer, to expand, to abandon, to shut down, to exchange; The valuation of some complex options: an overview. Pré-requisitos: Entrepreneurship - Not applicable. Real Options - Not applicable. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Entrepreneurship - To develop entrepreneurial competences with a particular emphasis in the capacity to launch new business ventures. To provide students with tools to create their own employment after graduation. To allow the contact of students with organizations through case studies. Real Options - We expect that the students understand the new methods for project evaluation, in uncertain environments. Bibliografia: Laínez, J. A. (2001): Manual de Contabilidad Internacional, Ediciones Pirámide. Mueller, G.; Gernon, H. E Meek, G. (1997): Accounting: An International Perspective, 4ª edição, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Boston. Nobes, C. (1999): International Accounting and Comparative Financial Reporting, Selecteded Essays of Christopher Nobes, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, Cheltenham Nobes, C. e Parker, R. (1998): Comparative International Accounting; 5ª edição, Prentice Hall, London. Pereira, A. (2002): "Harmonização da Informação Financeira: A Evolução do Processo Harmonizador Europeu", XIV Encontro Nacional da ADCES "A Contabilidade perante os Desafios Internacionais", Esposende, Portugal, 24 e 25 de Maio. Radebaugh, L. H. e Gray, S. (1997), International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. European Union documents available at Docentes: Entrepreneurship - Vasco Eiriz Real Options - Manuel José da Rocha Armada (Resp.) Paulo Jorge Marques de Oliveira Ribeiro Pereira Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Entrepreneurship - Lecturers. Real Options - Lecturers. Métodos de Avaliação: Entrepreneurship - Individual assignment (15%). Participation (25%). Group assignment (60%). Real Options - Final Examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3107N1 - Principles of Corporate Governance Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Corporate Governance (CG) today: recent events in USA and its consequences in CG. Corporate Governance: its origin, definition and importance. Models of CG: the USA and UK experiences. Principles of CG proposed by the OCDE. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: This course unit main objective is to make students face the general theme of Corporate Governance. And also to debate today's main problems in CG, its causes and proposed solutions, so that students can develop a general framework to help them in their professional lives. Bibliografia: Iskander, M. & Chamlou, N. (2000). Corporate Governance: A framework for implementation. Washington: The World Bank Group. Maati, J. (1999). Le Gouvernement d'Entreprise. DeBoeck Université. Mendes, C. M. A. (1999). Risco e Controlo Interno. Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada na Universidade do Minho. Quintart, A. & Zisswiller, R. Theorie de la finance (ch. 7), PUF; R. Weston, J. F. et al. (1998). Takeovers, restructuring & corporate governance (3rd edition). Prentice-Hall. Docentes: José Miguel Almeida Sousa Botto Carlos José Cabral Cardoso Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical lectures and case studies. Métodos de Avaliação: Written exam. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3107N3 - Production and Operation Management Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction to Operations. Forecasting methods. Design of goods and services. Design of production systems. Types of production systems. Work measurement. Facilities layout. Production / Aggregate planning. Short-term scheduling. Project management .Quality Management .Total Quality Management(TQM). Tools of TQM. Statistical process control. International Quality Standards . Pré-requisitos: Basic knowledge of operational research and statistic. General concepts of management. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The students will learn the main aspects regarding different problems and decision making in Operations Management. Another important issue is the use of analytical approaches and tools to problem solving. Bibliografia: Render, B.; Heizer, J. (2001), Principles of Operations Management, Prentice Hall, fourth edition. Stevenson, W.J. (1999), Production/Operations Management, Irwin-MacGraw Hilll, sixth edition. Buffa, E.S.; Sarin, R.K. (1987), Modern Production/Operations Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reid, R.D.; Sanders, N.R. (2002), Operations Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., first edition. Makridakis, S.; Wheelwright, S.C.; Hyndman, R.J. (1998), Forecasting, Methods and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., third edition. Docentes: Nazaré Glória Gonçalves Rego José António Almeida Crispim José Carlos Soares Brandão Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: The theory regarding each subject is presented using slides. Practical applications of those subjects are then presented and solved. Student involvement in the resolution of the problems is encouraged, they are given time to solve the problems and their help is requested in order to present the solutions. Métodos de Avaliação: Final exam (100%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3108N1 - Advanced Accounting II Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Bond Loans. Factoring. Consolidated Accounts. Accounting for Mergers. Accounting for dissolution of business partnership. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Develop students accounting knowledge, especially those related with bond loans and consolidated accounts. Bibliografia: Batista da Costa, C. e Correia Alves, G. (2001): Contabilidade Financeira, Rei dos Livros, 4ª edição. Borges, A.; Rodrigues, A. e Rodrigues, R. (1997): Elementos de Contabilidade Geral, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa. Borges, A. e Ferrão, M. (1997): Manual de Casos Práticos, 7ª edição, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa. Borges, A.; Macedo, J.; Morgado, J.; Moreira, A.; Pais, C. e Isidro, H. (1998): Práticas de Contabilidade Financeira, Áreas Editora, Lisboa. Gonçalves da Silva e Esteves Pereira (1998): Contabilidade das Sociedades, Plátano Editora, 12ª edição. International Accounting Standards Board, IAS 21. Docentes: Lúcia Maria Portela Lima Rodrigues Carlos Alberto Silva Menezes Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical explanation and exercises resolution. Métodos de Avaliação: Final examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3108N4 - International Marketing Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: I - The challenge of globalisation; 2- International Marketing Strategy - The key to success; 3The economic environment; 4- The political environment; 5- The cultural environment; 6International Marketing Intelligence; 7- Potential marketing assessment: The firm's competitive position; 8- The market-entry strategy; 9- Building and sustaining the global position; 9.1. International product and services management: product policy decisions; 9.2. International distribution management; 9.3. International marketing communication; 9.4. International pricing decisions; 10- The international marketing plan. Pré-requisitos: None. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To understand the international marketing issues and concerns, learn the strategic international marketing theories and concepts with real-life examples and to become experts in formulating and solving international marketing problems. Bibliografia: Muhlbacher, H., L. Dahringher and H. Leihs (1999). International Marketing: A Global Perspective, Thompson Business Press. Docentes: Ana Maria Santos Costa Soares Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: Lectures. Métodos de Avaliação: Final Examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3108N2 - Investment Projects Development and Assessment Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: The Decision to Invest; The "Capital Budgeting": An Overview; Methods of Project Evaluation in a context of certainty and risk; Introduction to Real Options evaluation methods; The Inflation and the Decision to Invest; The Cost of Capital. Pré-requisitos: Mathematical Finance. Economic and Financial Analysis. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Students are expected to understand several aspects related to the decision to invest, the capital budgeting process including the evaluation methods and the impact of inflation, the determination of the cost of capital, as well as the new methods for project evaluation. Bibliografia: BREALEY, Richard A.; MYERS, Stewart C. (2003), "Principles of Corporate Finance", 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill; ROSS, Stephen A.; WESTERFIELD, Randolph W.; JAFFE, Jeffrey F. (2002), "Corporate Finance", 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill College Division. Docentes: Manuel José Rocha Armada Artur Jorge Pereira Rodrigues Carga Horária: 5 Métodos de Ensino: Theoretical and practical sessions. Métodos de Avaliação: Periodic evaluation. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 7 3108N5 - Option IV Regime: S2 Tipo: Optional Programa: Management Accounting - Introduction of Management Accounting The use of profit and loss models for management decisions. Management Advanced Models (Activity Based Costing (ABC)). Capital Budgeting Decisions and Variance analysis. Strategic Management Accounting (The Balanced Scorecard). Applied Finance - Cost of capital calculation. Portfolio Models. Option models. Pré-requisitos: Management Accounting - None. Applied Finance - Mathematical Finance. Derivatives and Risk Management. Finantial Management. Resultados de Aprendizagem: Management Accounting - Understand the last developments in management accounting and complement the knowledge in this matter. Applied Finance - Students are expected to apply the techniques and methodologies taught in the other finance courses of the Management degree. Bibliografia: Management Accounting - Borges, Rodrigues e Morgado (2002). Contabilidade e Finanças para a Gestão, Áreas Editora . Caiado, António. (1997). "Contabilidade de Gestão". Vislis Editores, Lisboa. Sousa, Gabriela e Lúcia Lima Rodrigues (2002). Balanced Scorecard : um instrumento de gestão para o século XXI. Rei dos Livros. Marta e Rodrigues, Lúcia (2004). "O Custeio Baseado em Actividades (ABC)". Publisher Team; Shank, John K. E Govindarajan, Vijay (1993). "Strategic Cost Management - The New Tool for Competitive Advantage". New York - The Free Press. Applied Finance - BENNINGA, Simon (2000) "Financial Modeling", The MIT Press; 2nd edition. Docentes: Management Accounting - Anabela Martins da Silva Applied Finance - Manuel José da Rocha Armada Artur Jorge Pereira Rodrigues Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Management Accounting - Exposition of the material using overheads; Constant interaction between students and professor. Applied Finance - Theoretical and practical sessions. Métodos de Avaliação: Management Accounting - Final examination and continuous evaluation in classes. Applied Finance - Project. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3108N6 - Option V Regime: S2 Tipo: Optional Programa: Labour Law - I - Introduction II - Institutions III - Types of labor law IV - Labor contract 1. Employee and employer 2. Contents of the labor contract 3. Formation of labor contract 4. Interruption and suspension of labor contract 5. The end of labor contract . Public Finance - Introduction to the study of Public Finance. Public Outlays. Public Receipts. Portuguese Public Budget. Fiscal Policy. Decentralized system of government. EMU implications. Pré-requisitos: Labour Law - No Prerequisites Public Finance - None Resultados de Aprendizagem: Labour Law - Give to the students the elementar notions of labor law. Public Finance - To discuss main topics of Public Finance. To develop analytical capacities on evaluating public management reality. Bibliografia: Labour Law - Xavier, Bernardo da Gama Lobo - Iniciação ao Direito do Trabalho, Verbo, Lisboa. Public Finance - Barbosa, António S. Pinto (1997), Economia Pública, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa. Cullis, John e Jones, Philip (1998), Public Finance and Public Choice, 2ª ed., OxfordUniversity Press, New York. Musgrave, Richard A. e Musgrave, Peggy B. (1989), Public Finance in Theory and Practice, 5ª ed., McGraw-Hil. Ribeiro, J. J. Teixeira (1997), Lições de Finanças Públicas, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra. Rosen, Harvey S. (1999), Public Finance, 5ª ed., Irwin McGraw-Hill. Stiglitz, Joseph (2000), Economics of the Public Sector, 3ª ed., W. W. Norton & Company, New York. Tanzi, Vito e Schuknecht, Ludger (2000), Public Spending in the 20 th Century, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Docentes: Labour Law - Teresa Alexandra Coelho Moreira Public Finance - Paulo Mourão Carga Horária: 3 Métodos de Ensino: Labour Law - Lecture and exercises Public Finance - Slide shows, discussion on themes, verbal presentation, support to group works. Métodos de Avaliação: Labour Law - Exam. Public Finance - Single Test complemented with a research developed by group work. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 4 3108N3 - Stock Management Regime: S2 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Introduction to Inventory Management. Independent demand inventory systems. Deterministic models for inventory control. Probabilistic models for inventory control. Dependent demand inventory systems. Material Requirements Planning (MRP). Just-in-time systems. Decision Support Systems in Inventory Management. Pré-requisitos: Basic knowledge of operational research and general concepts of operations management. Resultados de Aprendizagem: The students will learn the different models used in Inventory Management and how those models can be applied to practical problems and real life situations. Bibliografia: Tavares, L. Valadares; Oliveira, Rui Carvalho; Themido, Isabel Hall; Correia, F. Nunes (1996), Investigação Operacional, Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal, Lda. Waters, C. D. J. (1992), Inventory Control and Management,John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reid, R.D.; Sanders, N.R. (2002), Operations Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., first edition. Render, B.; Heizer, J. (2001), Principles of Operations Management, Prentice Hall, fourth edition. Stevenson, W.J. (1999), Production/Operations Management, Irwin-MacGraw Hilll, sixth edition. Docentes: José Carlos Soares Brandão Carga Horária: 4 Métodos de Ensino: The theory regarding each subject is presented using slides. Practical applications of those subjects are then presented and solved. Student involvement in the resolution of the problems is encouraged, they are given time to solve the problems and their help is requested in order to present the solutions. Métodos de Avaliação: Final exam (100%). Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 5 3109N1 - Internship/Seminar Regime: S1 Tipo: Compulsory Programa: Not applicable. Pré-requisitos: To have only four courses to finish the degree. Resultados de Aprendizagem: To experience the organization's day-to-day life; to apply to a 'real world' context the knowledge, theoretical and practical competencies developed throughout the business course; to stimulate the student's contact with the organization; to contribute to the student's professional integration. Bibliografia: EIRIZ, Vasco (ed.) (2003), Guia de sobrevivência do estagiário, Colectânea de apoio à unidade curricular de Estágio/Seminário, Licenciatura em Gestão, Universidade do Minho, Braga. Simões, Cláudia (2004), Manual de Estágio/Seminário - Licenciatura em Gestão, Escola de Economia e Gestão, Braga: Universidade do Minho. Docentes: Cláudia Maria Neves Simões Carga Horária: 30 Métodos de Ensino: Internship/Seminar. Métodos de Avaliação: Written report and final oral examination. Língua de Instrução: Portuguese Créditos ECTS: 30