Syllabus Quiz

Syllabus Quiz
Name __________________________________________________________________
For this class, the student instructions in the syllabus should be understood as:
The class’ absence policy:
careful listening
active listening
purposeful listening
all of the above.
The syllabus does not say
All homework in class is due and will be accepted for credit only if it is turned in:
allows for two absences but only if they are excused by either informing the instructor
before class or by written documentation
allows for as many absences as the student needs, but only if all work is completed on
Allows students to “make up” any absence by performing extra work.
Allows each student two absences without having to obtain any approval, but after two
the student will be penalized
According to the syllabus, a fundamental principle of critical thinking is:
only a guideline and may be adjusted as circumstances require.
the “rules of the road” for how this class works.
an ideal approach to strive for, but we will determine how it works in practice as we go
as an illustration of what might be a “reasonable” thing to do, but not necessarily what will
be best for this class
a “promise” to the students from the instructor that he will be as flexible as possible to
student circumstances
when class begins
when the student shows up to class, even if she is late
by midnight after class.
within 48 hours of class.
It depends on the particular assignment. If the instructor does not say when something is
due, it can be turned in within a reasonable period of time.
In regard to extra credit in this class, the syllabus says:
Forget it. It ain’t happening.
It is entirely at the instructor’s option, but is not likely to be offered.
Apart from the extra credit offer for perfect attendance, it ain’t happening.
If any opportunity for it is offered at all, it will not be able to be used to make up for poor
performance on exams or essays.
The syllabus does not mention the extra credit policy
6. Students can inquire about their class grades:
a) through email, by calling the instructor, and/or by checking with the professor before or
after class.
b) through email and/or by checking with the professor before or after class.
c) by e-mail only.
d) by contacting the instructor during his office hours either personally or by phone
e) by personally asking the instructor before or after class
7. Reading assignments are expected to be read:
a) before the class discussion of the material
b) Whenever the student can get to it before the exam.
c) Reading assignments are optional for this class.
d) After class discussion of the material but before the next class period.
e) The night before the midterm or final exam.
8. Laptops are encouraged in class as long as they:
a) are muted so that the audio volume does not distract other students. It is the student’s
judgment whether the laptop is useful in class or not.
b) are not connected to the network. It is the student’s judgment whether the laptop is useful
in class or not.
c) are being used only for a purpose that the instructor has approved in advance.
d) enhance a student’s participation in the class. It is fully the student’s judgment whether the
laptop is useful in class or not.
e) enhance a student’s participation in the class. The instructor may judge that a particular
use is inappropriate and thus ask that the computer be turned off.
9. The instructor has reserved the right to make the following kinds of changes to the syllabus, if necessary:
a) to anything he wants.
b) to make changes in the schedule of material to be presented that he believes may result in
more effective learning for this particular class
c) to the objectives of the course
d) to the grading scale.
e) none of the above.
10. Class starts at:
a) 5:30 pm sharp!
b) when people are settled in their seats and are ready to begin
c) 5:35 pm, whether people are settled or not
d) at the instructor’s discretion, within 5 minutes or so of 5:30 pm
e) after the instructor has finished taking the roll (about 5:40 pm)
11. No one likes rude people. Which of the following student behaviors did the instructor state or suggest
are rude to both the instructor and to other students? Circle all that apply.
getting up and leaving before the class is excused or walking around the room
coming to class late
texting or browsing your email while in class
challenging the instructor’s point of view on an issue
challenging another student’s view on an issue
eating snacks during class
dismissing a point of view (either the instructor’s, the text’s, a historical figure we are studying,
or another student’s) without providing an argument or at least a well-intended question.
h) not reading the text assignment before the class discussion of the material.
i) not enthusiastically participating in a class discussion led by another student.
12. State a personal opinion about something and give two reasons why you believe your opinion is true.
OPINION: ______________________________________________________________________
REASON #1 ____________________________________________________________________
REASON #2 ____________________________________________________________________