
A Report
on the Evaluation of the Master of Pharmacy study Programme at
the Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia
September 9 and 10, 2004
Members of the Accreditation Commission
Prof. Lembit Allikmets (University of Tartu, Dep. of Pharmacology, Tartu, Estonia)
(Team Leader)
Prof. E Butkus (Vilnius University, Department of Organic Chemistry, Lithuania)
Juris Bundulis (Director of the Department of Pharmacy, Ministry of Health, Latvia)
The accreditation commission had meetings with the Dean of the medical
Faculty of the University of Latvia (LU) prof. U. Vikmanis, faculty members, and
obtained information through interviews with programme coordinator Prof. Ruta
Muceniece, senior and junior teaching staff, first and second year master students,
potential employers from several Latvian research and health care institutions. The
commission was provided with details of the programme, CV's of academic staff and a
self evaluation report.
Site visits were paid to the LU Biomedical Research and Study Center, to the
Study Center of the Faculty of Medicine, Chair of Biochemistry, where we met with
several professors and Faculty members.
The self evaluation report is well written and comprehensive material, clearly
outlining the goals, aims, and structure of the curriculum. It has to be mentioned that
the self evaluation document was sufficiently analytical and indicated weaknesses in
the programme. Additional information and explanations were given by Prof. Ruta
Muceniece, Director of the Pharmacy Division and study programme.
The programme foresees
the teaching of theoretical and practical knowledge in the pharmaceutical and
related sciences,
to write and defend the Master thesis, to be able to work in pharmacies,
research institutions and industry,
to give knowledge for an enrollment into doctoral degree study programme.
The programme can develop independence in contemporary research, skills in
modern research methodology, ability to work in interdisciplinary and international
The Pharmacy division has been opened in LU in the year 2000 with the 5 year
program divided into two parts: 3 years studies at the Bachelor studies level and 2
years Master studies. Bachelor study programme was accredited in 2002 for 6 years.
Thus in 2004 students of the first and second year are enrolled in the Master
programme, namely, 15 second year students and 21 first year student.
The programme of Master studies has been developed using not only Latvian
experience, but also of other European universities and requirements of the EU
Directives. Several chairs, for example, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Microbiology,
Chemistry, etc., take part in teaching and supervising students. There is no overlap in
subjects at Bachelor and Master levels. It is necessary to point the well developed Ecourses (prof. S. Svirskis). However, some courses, e.g. Instrumental analysis of
drugs, are not oriented towards the specific needs of this programme, since include
very general methods and do not contain any indication of application for analysis of
drugs. In addition, some courses list the literature which is outdated, for example, the
course Drug quality control refers to the pharmacopoeia of the USSR, or the journals
not related to the course, for example, Instrumental analysis of drugs refer to very
general journals as Nature and Science. By the way no one course mentions chiral
drugs which at present make over 50 % of a total world market.
The first semester of Master studies includes 6 obligatory courses (17 credit
points) and additionally students can select between three electives. The second term
includes 4 obligatory and 5 elective courses. During the second year, third semester,
the students are working on the Master thesis and defending thesis at the end of the
term. The 4th semester is devoted to pharmaceutical practice.
The meeting with the students indicated that they are satisfied with the
program, and they have made some proposals to the Dean and professors for
improving some courses, for example, clinical pharmacology, biochemistry, etc.
However, a criticism should be made that the students were too passive and should
be encouraged to become involved in discussion
For the defense of the thesis each year a new committee is formed with 6
specialists in it. Each thesis is evaluated by one referee (opponent).
Admission to the Master studies is based on the Bachelor diploma in the case
of the immediate continuation of studies. In the case the applicants come from
practice, they have to pass one examination.
The teaching staff including faculty of Medicine members is well qualified,
mostly having the doctoral degree, some have international research experience.
Almost everyone regularly visits universities in Europe and other countries, attends
conferences and other scientific and academic meetings.
Master of Pharmacy study programme in the LU was opened in 2003. Most of
the graduates from the Bachelor studies programme (> 95 %) continue studies in the
Master degree programme. Students are regularly interviewed about study
programme using anonymous questionnaire, open discussions, etc. Student’s selfgovernment representative participates in all meetings of the Board of the Study
programme and the Faculty Council. The Board includes representatives from
faculties of Medicine, Chemistry, Biology and they meet and discuss regularly. LU has
also used expert’s advice from foreign Universities. The present program has been
accepted by the Faculty, LU Senate and LR Ministry of Education and Science.
There are a very few positions for students financed by the government, in fact
by the university, both on the Bachelor and Master level. Most of students have to pay
tuition fees up to 620 LVL (data for the academic year 2004-2005). Thus the students
of the Master programme have to find financial resources by themselves from the
families and other sources. The extremely low level of funding of students is bound, in
many cases, to prevent students reaching the level of performance they would be
capable of were it not for the need to spend a lot of time supporting themselves
financially. There is a great need to increase the number of state supported positions.
In general, the management of the programme is well organized though the financial
resources are very limited.
The self-evaluation documents and CV's of the faculty members as well as visits to
the laboratories indicate that the research activity of teaching personnel is at good
level in spite of heavy load of teaching hours. However, some staff members should
be encouraged to increase the number of publications in international journals. The
students also have their scientific organization, annual conferences are held, and they
participate in the Baltic and other international student research conferences.
integration of pharmacy division of the Medical faculty in the University
the qualified and well-balanced staff and its objective to stimulate students to
do research; many faculty members have grants from the Latvian Science Council
and international sources,
the increasing number of motivated Master students,
a good balance between the compulsory and optional courses,
there is no overlap between courses at the Bachelor and Master level,
the good access and availability of computers at the faculty and other
departments of the LU,
good international contacts of the faculty members with foreign Universities in
Europe; professors from many countries (Estonia, Sweden, Canada) have lectured
episodically at the LU,
the active student's self-government dealing with the changes of curriculum;
students' representatives belong to the University Senate and the Faculty council,
good cooperation with different branches of professional associations and
decent proportion between the scientific orientation of the programme and
practical courses what may be a basis for intellectual property development of the
branch and its future.
the lack of financial resources for most of students and for academic personnel:
majority of the Master students pay tuition fees (530-620 LVL annually), and low
salaries of young teachers at the LU,
overload of professors and staff in teaching, 1000 hours per academic year,
and this reduces time for research,
insufficient number of contact hours in teaching, no more than 50% of credit
points, i.e. 20 hours out of 40,
lecture halls and laboratories are often located at great distances from the
faculty of Medicine,
discussions with students revealed that many of them are not much involved in
improvement process of the scientific curriculum, majority of them see their
perspective rather in business than in science.
The commission recommends the accreditation of the Master of Pharmacy
study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia for six (6) years.
Other recommendations include:
 to increase the number of positions for Master students funded by the State in
a view of needs of the Latvian industry
 to increase funding of students via scholarships
 to decrease the load of teaching staff, increasing the number of personnel
 to make some courses (legal issues, veterinary medicine, etc.), presently
included into B group as A (obligatory) group courses to comply with the EU and the
Latvian regulations
 to stimulate students to write Master thesis or expand the abstracts in foreign
 to adjust some courses, e.g. Instrumental analysis of drugs, towards the
specific needs of this programme, and correct the list of the recommended literature
which is outdated, or includes the journals not related to the course
 to consider the possibility to restructure the Pharmacy study programmes
giving the Bachelor degree holders after 3.5 years of studies permission to work in
pharmacies. Consequently, the Master studies should be more research oriented with
development of interests in drug policy, health economics, etc.
Prof L. Allikmets
Prof. E Butkus
Juris Bundulis
Evaluation of Master Study
Curriculum and programs in pharmacy,
Faculty of Medicine
University of Latvia (LU) September 9&10, 2004
Individual report of professor Lembit Allikmets, University of Tartu
I as a member of accreditation commission visited Faculty of medicine, Division of Pharmacy
of LU in September 9 and 10, 2004, during which we had meetings with the Dean, Pharmacy
faculty members, Director of Pharmacy Division professor Ruta Muceniece, Master level
students etc. Also we visited Study Centre of the Medical Faculty, several chairs, LU
Biomedical Research and Study Centre. The Faculty gave us a well compiled and written selfevaluation report in English with all needed materials and documents. Professor Ruta
Muceniece gave us aditional explanations and answers to all our questions.
The Pharmacy Division in LU started 5 years ago (year 2000) with the first admission
of students on 3 years Bachelor studies. The first students into Master study program
were admitted 2003 and those are now on the second year of studies. The curriculum
we analyzed was accepted 2003 in the LU and LR Ministry of Education and Science
level. It should be mentioned that Master study curriculum does not repeat Bachelor
Study level subjects. Master study programs give more knowledge about research
methodology and also training for administative tasks and management. First year of
Master studies is devoted completely for auditorial and individual work – during two
semesters the students have to get at least 40 credit points (800 hrs auditorial work).
There are good correlation between obligatory subjects and electives. The third
semester is devoted to complete the Master thesis and forth semester to
pharmaceutical practice. There is a detailed description of “Methodological
regulations how to write Master Thesis”, the students can follow. The Master students
are divided between faculty members. Many students are working, some in the
Institutes or departments they prepare thesis. Most of students pay tuition fee (620
LVL). Research activity of the master students is well supported by Faculty
membersand quite high. Number of students are reporting on annual student
scientific conferences and also in Faculty research meetings.
The defence of Master thesis is planned by the faculty correctly. Each work has one
referee (opponent).
Positive (strong) points:
very intense international consultation in building up study programs,
integration of pharmacy division (medical feculty) in university enviroments,
the qualified and well balanced staff and its interest in stimulating students to
do research; many faculty members have grants from Latvian Scientific
Councel and foreign countries;
the increasing number of motivated Master students and increasing
competition on admission;
the students are having annual scientific conferences,
the good balance between the compulsory and optional courses (electives)
there are no overlaps between courses in bachelor and Master level teaching;
the great extent of computerization of the LU
the good international contacts of the faculty members
the active student self-government, dealing also with the changes in
curriculum; students’ representatives belong to the University Senat and
Faculty Councel;
good cooperation with different branches of professional associations,
mostly research, science oriented program.
Weak (negative) points:
workload of faculty members in teaching is very high – up to 1000 hrs
annually, not much time left for research;
the lack of financial means for most of students and academic personell. More
than a half of master students pay tuition (530-620 LVL annually), also low
salaries of young teachers at the LU;
low number of contact hours in teaching credit points (50%, 20 hrs of 40)
to increase the number of positions for Master and Doctoral students and find resources
for stipends to Master students;
to decrease the load in teaching for faculty member, increasing the number of
to stimulate students to write master and doctoral theses in English, with
latvian language summary;
it seems necessary to increase admission of the state paid pharmacy students,
specially to follow the needs of industry in Latvia.
I recommend the accreditation of the curriculum and programs of master studies in
the field of pharmacy for a period of 6 (six) years.
Prof. Lembit Allikmets
Department of Pharmacology
University of Tartu
Novērtēšanas komisijas eksperta individuālajam ziņojumam un Novērtēšanas
komisijas kopējam ziņojumam jāpievieno aizpildīta anketa. Par katru jautājumu un par katru
no kvalitātes aspektiem (kuri satur vairāk par 1 jautājumu) vēlams dot novērtējumu 4 ballu
skalā un rakstisku komentāru, kurš ir obligāts negatīva vērtējuma gadījumā. (Ar atzīmi ballēs
norāda galvenokārt īstenošanas atbilstību izvirzītajiem mērķiem un uzdevumiem.) Ieteicams
par katru kvalitātes aspektu kopumā sniegt īsu komentāru, aprakstot: atklātos pozitīvos
faktorus, trūkumus, rekomendācijas un ieteikumus kvalitātes uzlabošanai, iespējamos draudus.
Ja par kādu jautājumu vai kvalitātes aspektu eksperts nav kompetents, par to vērtējums nav
jādod. Ieteicams ekspertu ziņojumus strukturēt atbilstoši anketas jautājumiem, vajadzības
gadījumā pievienojot papildus punktus.
Novērtēšanas skala: 4(ļoti labi), 3 (labi), 2 (apmierinoši), 1 (neapmierinoši).
I Studiju programmas vērtēšanas kritēriji
(6 galvenie kvalitātes aspekti un 14 jautājumi)
I Mērķi un uzdevumi.
1. Studiju programmas mērķu un uzdevumu skaidrība, sasniedzamība un pārbaudāmība.
Novērtējums: ....3.....
Komentārs: .........
II Studiju saturs un organizācija.
Novērtējums: .....3....
Komentārs: .........
2. Atbilstība Latvijas Republikas izglītības un profesiju standartiem, citiem
normatīvajiem aktiem un Eiropas Savienības prasībām un rekomendācijām.
Novērtējums: ....2.....
Komentārs: .........
3. Studiju programmas un tās atsevišķu daļu saskaņotība ar Latvijas un Eiropas kopējās
izglītības telpas veidošanas prasībām, tai skaitā izmantojot salīdzinājumu ar vismaz 2 ES valstu
studiju programmām.
Novērtējums: ....3.....
Komentārs: .........
4. Akadēmiskā personāla kvalifikācija un profesionalitāte.
Novērtējums: .....4....
Komentārs: .........
III Mācīšana un zināšanu novērtēšana.
Novērtējums: ....3.....
Komentārs: .........
5. Modernas mācīšanas metodes, studijās sagaidāmo rezultātu skaidrs izklāsts,
problēmu risināšana, datoru, multimēdiju un interneta izmantošana.
Novērtējums: .....3....
Komentārs: .........
6. Palīdzība studentiem, pasniedzēju konsultācijas, akadēmiskā vadība un studēšanas
motivācijas paaugstināšana.
Novērtējums: ....2.....
Komentārs: .........
7. Zināšanu, prasmju un attieksmju novērtēšanas metožu objektivitāte un izmantošana
studiju procesa pilnveidošanai.
Novērtējums: .....3....
Komentārs: .........
IV Studiju nodrošinājums un vadība.
Novērtējums: ......3...
Komentārs: .........
8. Demokrātijas principu ievērošana studiju programmas vadīšanā, skaidri noteiktas
administrācijas pārstāvju, akadēmiskā personāla un studentu savstarpējās attiecības.
Novērtējums: ......3...
Komentārs: .........
9. Sadarbība ar citām izglītības iestādēm, zinātniskajām institūcijām, starptautiskām
organizācijām, akadēmiskā personāla un studentu apmaiņas ar citām augstskolām.
Novērtējums: ......3...
Komentārs: .........
10. Studiju
Novērtējums: .....4....
Komentārs: .........
V Personāla un studentu zinātniskās pētniecības (radošais) darbs.
11. Akadēmiskā personāla un studentu iesaistīšanās zinātniskās pētniecības (radošajā) darbā,
zinātniskās pētniecības darbu tematikas aktualitāte un saistība ar studiju programmas saturu.
Novērtējums: .....3....
Komentārs: .........
VI Kvalitātes nodrošinājums un garantijas.
Novērtējums: .....3....
Komentārs: .........
12. Ikgadēja studiju programmas vājo un stipro pušu, izmaiņu, attīstības iespēju un
plānu apspriešana, iekšējās pašnovērtēšanas un kvalitātes pilnveidošanas sistēmas nepārtraukta
Novērtējums: .....3....
Komentārs: .........
13. Absolventu veiksmīga iekārtošanās darbā apgūtajā specialitātē.
Novērtējums: .....- ....
Komentārs: .........
14. Studiju turpināšanas iespējas un finansiālās garantijas studiju programmas
likvidācijas, reorganizācijas vai citu izmaiņu gadījumā.
Novērtējums: ......1...
Komentārs: .........
Bundulis J.