PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 1 PH712: Star Formation & Molecular Clouds 1. Intro: Star formation is on-going. What is the origin of our solar system? Descartes, Kant, Laplace: vortices, nebular hypothesis: importance of angular momentum. Major facts for nebula hypothesis: Coplanar orbits of the planets All planets have prograde revolution (orbits) The revolution of rings and natural moons are all prograde (some moons of the outer planets are not prograde, but these are believed to be captured satellites) All planets except Venus and Uranus have prograde rotation The sun contains all the mass The planets (especially Jupiter and Saturn) contain most of the angular momentum in the solar system Small, dense, iron and silicate rich planets in the inner 2 AU. Slow rotors, few or no moons, no rings, differentiated (molten interiors) Large, low density, gaseous planets rich in H, He and volatile elements at >= 5 AU Rapid rotors, many moons, all have ring systems PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 2 Abundance gradient. Inner solar system is poor in light volatile gases such as H, He, but rich in Fe & Ni. Outer solar system is rich in volatiles H, He, etc. Abundances similar to that of the sun. In general: Gravity is fast-acting. Galaxy is old. But young stars are still being born. Stars don't live forever, they must continue to be "born". Where? Born in obscurity….needed infrared/millimeter/radio wavelengths. 2. Molecular clouds: ingredients Young stars are located in or near molecular clouds (the stellar factories/nurseries). Stars mainly form in clusters in giant molecular clouds. Over 90% of atoms tied up in molecules. 99.99% is molecular hydrogen: H2 Over 120 other molecules discovered, including water, carbon monoxide CO, formaldehyde H2CO, ammonia NH3, hydrogen cyanide HCN, formic acid HCOOH and methanol CH3CO Admixture of dust: 1% by mass– tiny grains (less than 1 micron in size) of silicates/graphite with ice coatingss, or soot (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs). Cosmic rays, magnetic field. The large amount of gas and dust in the cloud shields the molecules from UV radiation from stars in our galaxy. The molecules can then cool the gas down to 10-30K. Dense cold cores can form (eggs?) in which gravity rules). The H2 molecules cannot form by H-H collisions (excess energy needs an outlet). H2 forms on dust, atoms stick, migrate, bind, ejected. Other molecules form through collisions (ion-chemistry). 3. Molecular clouds: anatomy Opaque at UV and visible wavelengths. Bright and luminous at millimetre wavelengths: dust continuum. Bright rotational and vibrational molecular emission lines at radio and infrared wavelengths. Molecular clouds are cold: 8<= Tkin<=20 K Typical value ~10 K PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 3 Low ionization: fe =ne/n ~10-6 - 10-7 => very neutral! High density: n(H2) >= 100 cm-3 Giant molecular clouds are very massive: M~ 104 to 106 solar masses Giant molecular clouds are large: Diameters ~ 325 ly They are clumpy Supersonic gas motions are found in almost all clouds Line widths ~ 0.5 to 2 km s-1; sound speed ~ 0.2 km s-1 indicative of nonthermal motions such as rotation, turbulence, shocks, contraction or expansion, stellar bipolar outflows, etc. Measures: PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 4 Atmospheric cloud: A comparison of scales between typical molecular and atmospheric clouds. Molecular Cloud Size 1014 km Mass 1036 gm Particle density 103 cm-3 Temperature 20 K Mol/atomic weight 2.3 Speed of sound 0.3 km/s Turbulent speed 3 km/s Dynamical time Million years Atmospheric Cloud 1 km 11 10 gm 1019 cm-3 260 K 29 0.3 km/s 0.003 km/s Five minutes Scales & Types: Estimated properties of individual molecular aggregates in the Galaxy: Phase GMCs Mass (Msun) 6x104 - 2x106 Size (parsecs) 20 - 100 Density (cm-3) 100 - 300 Temperature (K) 15 - 40 Magn. Field(G) 1 - 10 Line width (km/s) 6 - 15 Dynamic life (years) 3 x 106 Clumps/Globules 102 0.2 - 4 103 - 104 7 - 15 3 - 30 0.5 - 4 106 Cores 1 - 10 0.1 - 0.4 104 - 105 10 10 - 50 0.2 - 0.4 6 x 105 Note: dynamical life defined as Size/(Line width), true lifetimes would be considerably longer if clouds were static. Example: Orion millimeter dust emission – clumps and cores PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 5 The Horsehead (optical – dark cloud) Summary: clouds are turbulent, possibly fractal 3. Molecular clouds: their origin Agglomeration: collisions and merging/coalescence of smaller clouds – not sufficient small clouds. Spiral arm density-wave focusing. Gravitational instability followed by fragmentation Condensation: out of atomic clouds. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 6 Accumulation: gas swept up into supershells, focused in turbulent interstellar medium. Answer: combination of these. 4. Molecular cloud evolution PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 7 Observed: Giants, clumps, cores, eggs Gravitational Collapse: When a fragment of a molecular cloud reaches a critical mass – the Jeans mass (after Sir James Jeanss (1877-1946) - it collapses to form a star. Gas and dust are then pulled together by gravity until a star is formed. Balance forces: gravity and pressure: GMJ2/R ~ MJcs2 PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 8 Eliminate R in favour of the density, yields the Jeans Mass, which more precisely calculated is MJ 6 G 3/ 2 c s3 1 / 2 Fragmentation: The molecular cloud does not collapse into a single star. It fragments [through the Jeans instability - into many clumps. As the density rises, the Jeans mass falls. This means the cloud continues to fragment into smaller clumps. What makes it reach/exceed the critical mass? Mechanisms: sequential, spontaneous, turbulence, triggers What are the conditions that favour the initiation of star formation? Decrease internal pressure: By decreasing the temperature or the density or both Increasing the mean mass per particle by transforming from an atomic gas to a molecular gas. PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 9 Decrease the ionization fraction, fe = ne/n to < 10-7 => gas decouples from any magnetic field present so that magnetic pressure cannot support the cloud. Increase the external pressure: By partially focused shocks. By ionization of the gas around a molecular clump: radiatively-driven implosion. Collapses Methods Collapse: Method 1 Accretion- coalescence: Build up of small clouds of gas and dust into clumps. Clumps "stick" together and grow. Very slow - due to low interstellar densities Collapse: Method 2 Gravity and Radiation Pressure Collapse: Method 3: sequential, triggered Compression by supernova blast waves Evidence that the Solar System/Sun was triggered by a supernova – (radioactive isotopes so short-lived that they no longer exist were PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 10 trapped in chondrules within meteorites). The Difficult Path Gravity makes parts of a the cloud collapse. PH507 to Collapse Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 11 Hindrances to collapse which favour expansion: 1. Internal heating Causes pressure build-up 2. Angular momentum Causes high rotation speeds (exemplified by a figure skater) 3. Magnetic support Internal Heating Cloud fragments collapse Potential energy => Kinetic Energy o Angular Momentum Gas particles speed up and collide. The temperature increases. This causes a pressure build-up which slows (or stops) the collapse. Solution: Energy is radiated away. Angular momentum o A = mass x vel. of rotation x radius o A=mvr Conservation of angular momentum. o A = constant for a closed system. As the cloud fragment shrinks due to gravity, it spins faster. Collapse occurs preferentially along path of least rotation. The cloud fragment collapses into a central core surrounded by a disk of material. PH507 Magnetic support Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 12 Further collapse: magnetic braking – winding and twisting of magnetic field lines connected to external gas. There is a critical mass, for which gravity is held up by magnetic pressure. A cloud can be super-critical – free to collapse The field diffuses out: ambipolar diffusion – since the magnetic field is only tied to the ions, and the ions slip through the molecules. The Final Collapse: approaching birth Final adjustments. The thermodynamics now take on supreme importance. Much of what occurs is still theory: Stage 1. The density shields the core from external radiation, allowing the temperature to drop slightly. Dust grains provide efficient cooling. The hydrogen is molecular. Stage 2. An isothermal collapse all the way from densities of 10 4 cm-3 then proceeds. The gravitational energy released goes via compression into heating the molecules. The energy is rapidly passed on to the dust grains via collisions. The dust grains re-radiate the energy in the millimeter range, which escapes the core. So long as the radiation can escape, the collapse remains unhindered. Stage 3. At densities of 1011 cm-3 and within a radius of 1014 cm the gas becomes opaque to the dust radiation even at 300microns. The energy released is trapped and the temperature rises. As the temperature ascends, the opacity also ascends. The core suddenly switches from isothermal to adiabatic. Stage 4. The high thermal pressure resists gravity and this ends the first collapse, forming what is traditionally called the first core at a density of 1013 cm-3 - 1014 cm-3 and temperature of 100-200 K. Stage 5. A shock wave forms at the outer edge of the first core. The first core accretes from the envelope through this shock. The temperature continues to rise until the density reaches 1017 cm-3. Stage 6. The temperature reaches 2000 K. Hydrogen molecules dissociate at such a high temperature if held sufficiently long. The resulting atoms hold less PH507 Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith 13 energy than the molecules did (the dissociation is endothermic), tempering the pressure rise. The consequence is the second collapse. Stage 7. The molecules become exhausted and the cooling stops at the centre of the first core. Protostellar densities of order 1023 cm-3 are reachedand with temperatures of 10,000 K, thermal pressure brakes the collapse. This brings a second and final protostellar core into existence. The mass of this core may only be one per cent of the final stellar mass. Stage 8. The first shock from Stage 5 disappears while a second inner shock now mediates the accretion onto the protostellar core. A star is born. Further Collapse with Angular Momentum into a Disk All astronomical objects spin, even if very slowly. The original collapsing cloud will have some small amount of spin. During a collapse, angular momentum is conserved. Angular momentum is J = a x W R2 o a = a constant whose value we aren't interested in o W = Angular velocity = 2 pi/P o P = Spin Period o R = Radius of the star cloud If angular momentum is conserved then Wfinal = W0 x (R0/Rfinal)2 Since R0/Rfinal is much larger than 1 Final angular velocity can be very high, even if the initial angular velocity is very low. Centrifugal force and gravity approach equilibrium A very rapidly rotating cloud will get flattened into a disk. This disk can then fragment into protoplanets. Disk Formation PH507 Making the Stars Visible THE END Astrophysics Professor Michael Smith Making the Stars Visible After a star is born it heats the gas and dust around it. Jets of gas are ejected: bipolar outflows are observed. Eventually the gas and dust are accreted or dispersed. The star is then "visible." 14