HAWAI`I PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Faculty Development Grants The

Faculty Development Grants
The Faculty Development Policies & Activities Committee has recommended the following 26
faculty development applications, which have subsequently been approved by the President,
for a total allocation of $44,476.64. The grants will go to fund a variety of professional
development initiatives by faculty at Hawai’i Pacific University and reflect the steady growth in
scholarship activities amount HPU faculty
Descriptions: Listed in alphabetical order.
Annette Manant, Assistant Professor of Nursing, is awarded for presenting her poster titled,
“Centering Pregnancy: An Integrative Literature Review” held in Chicago IL, April, 2011.
Brian Rugen, Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics, is awarded for presenting his paper
titled, “Multimodality and Getting It: Humor as a New Media Habit of Mind” at the Fifth
International Conference on Multimodality held in Sydney, Australia, December, 2011.
Brenden Bliss, Instructor of History, is awarded for attending the 78th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Military History held in Lisle, Illinois, June, 2011.
Carlos Juarez, Department Chair and Professor of Political Science, is awarded for presenting
his paper titled, “ Educating for Peace and Sustainable Development in American Higher
Education” at the Mahatma Gandhi University International Conference held in Kottayam
Kerala, India, December, 2010.
Cheryl Crozier-Garcia, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, is awarded for
presenting her paper titled, “Global English: Writing for a Multi-cultural Audience” at the Fourth
World Universities Forum 2011 held in Hong Kong, January, 2011.
David Dunham, Director of Clinical Laboratories, is awarded for presenting his paper titled,
“Improving Clinical Outcomes, with the Use of Simulation Manikins” at the 10 th Annual
International nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Center Conference held in Orlando, Florida,
June, 2011.
David Mauricio, Instructor of Writing, is awarded for attending the 2011 Conference on College
Composition and Communication held in Atlanta, Georgia, April, 2011.
Douglas Hall, Instructor of Psychology, is awarded for presenting his paper titled, “Kinesthetic
Perception of Music: A Thematic Analysis of Musicians Descriptions” at the Hawaiian
International Conference on Arts & Humantities held in Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2010.
Frances Spohn, Associate Professor of Nursing, is awarded for presenting her poster titled, “The
Relationship Between Student Nurses’ Perceptions of Caring Dimensions and Caring Self
Efficacy” at the 11th Annual nurse Educator Institute at the Chateau on the Lake Resort and Spa
in Branson, Missouri, March, 2011.
Grace Cheng, Associate Professor of Political Science, is awarded for presenting her paper
titled, “Resurgent Ethnic Identities in a Post national context: the PRC in the 21 st Century” at the
2011 Left Forum Conference CUNY Graduate Center in New York, NY, March, 2011.
Grace Cheng, Associate Professor of Political Science, is awarded for presenting her paper
titled, “Addressing Human Rights and State Collapse” at the Midwest Political Science
Association Conference in Chicago, IL, March, 2011.
Jamie Simpson Steele, Assistant Professor of Education, is awarded for presenting her paper
titled, “Strengthening Arts Education Through Professional Development” at the 2011 American
Education Research Association Annual Meeting held in New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 2011.
Jiasong Fang, Associate Professor of Chemistry, is awarded for presenting his poster titled,
“High-pressure isotope biogeochemistry” at the 2011 Deep Biosphere Sediment Microbiology
Workshop at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, March, 2011.
John Hart, Department Chair and Professor of Communication, is awarded for attending the
Little Big Horn Associates 2011 Conference held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June, 2011.
Jon Davidann, Director and Professor of History, is awarded for attending the Society of
Historians of American Foreign Relations Conference held in Alexandria, Virginia, June, 2011.
Justan Vance, Assistance Professor of History, is awarded for presenting his paper titled, “U.S.
Military Occupation of the New Hebrides and the Impacts on French and British Colonists” at
the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History held in Lisle, Illinois, June, 2011.
Kathleen Cassity, Associate Professor of English, is awarded for attending the Sixty-second
Annual Convention of the Conference On College Composition and Communication held in
Atlanta, Georgia, April, 2011
Kenneth Cook, Professor of Linguistics, is awarded for co-presenting his paper titled,
“Metaphors of Temperature and Texture in Jazz: Hot, Cool, Hard, and Smooth” at the
International Society of Language Studies held in Aruba, June, 2011 .
Marc Jason Gilbert, NEH Chair in World History and Professor of History, is awarded for
attending the 2011 SHAFR Meeting held in Alexandria, Virginia, June, 2011.
Patricia Ellerson, Department Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology, is awarded for
presenting her poster titled, “The Banker’s Paradox: Decision rules in social exchange” at the
APS Annual Convention held in Washington DC, May, 2011.
Patricia Nishimoto, Program Director and Assistant Professor of Social Work, is awarded for
attending the AUSP: Early Child Development in Primary Care Conference held in Manila,
Philippines, May, 2011.
Patrick Bratton, Assistant Professor of Political Science, is awarded for presenting his paper
titled, “India’s Use of Compellence in the 2001-02 Indo-Pakistani Crisis” at the Association of
Asian Studies and International Convention of Asian Scholars held in Honolulu, Hawaii, March,
Pierre Asselin, Associate Professor of History, is awarded for attending the Annual Meeting of
the Association for Asian Studies held in Honolulu, Hawaii, March, 2011.
Russell Alfonso, Assistant Professor of Humanities, is awarded for co-presenting his paper
titled, “Metaphors of Temperature and Texture in Jazz: Hot, Cool, Hard and Smooth” at the
International Society for Language Studies held in Aruba, June, 2011.
Russell Hart, Department Chair and Professor of History, is awarded for presenting his paper
titled, “Feedings Mars: Logistics and the German War of War” at the Society for Military History
2011 Annual Conference held in Naperville, Illinois, June, 2011.
Scott Okamoto, Associate Professor of Social Work, is awarded for presenting his paper titled,
“I No Like Get Caught Using Drugs: Explanations for Refusal as a Drug Resistance Strategy for
Rural Native Hawaiian Youth” and for his two poster presentations “A Typology and Analysis of
Drug Resistance Strategies of Rural Native Hawaiian Youth” and “Review of the Literature on
Native Hawaiian Youth and Drug Use: Implications for Research and Practice” at the From
Disparities Research to Disparities Interventions: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for the
Future of Behavioral Health Services Conference held in Arlington VA, April, 2010.
Thomas Kohler, Assistant Professor of Marketing, is awarded for attending the 40 th European
Marketing Academy Conference held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, May, 2011.