LESSON PLAN – Visual Arts Emotions Masks Lesson Prepared by: Catherine and Elspeth Area of learning: Visual Arts Title/Topic/Focus: Emotions, Expressing Emotions, Mask making SACSA Framework Key Idea and Outcome(s): Students explore representations of real and imagined experiences. They create, plan or shape new and/or existing arts works to express ideas, feelings and events related to personal, social and environmental futures in local and global communities. (F Id T KC2 KC3 KC6 relating to Outcome 2.1) (DECS, 2004, p.36) Outcome 2.1: Connects real and imagined experiences from past, present and future, when creating/recreating arts works within each arts form. (F Id KC1 KC6) (DECS, 2004, p.36) What are the students going to learn? Key Concepts /Specific Learning Outcome(s) Use artistic concepts to create/recreate emotions visually in the form of a mask Gained an understanding of how to portray their own feelings and perceptions about different emotions through artwork Gain an understanding and appreciation of the opportunities art offers to express and show emotion Preparation/Organisation: Remove belongings from or near the workspace Arrange learning aids for lesson Ensure art equipment is easily accessible and can be stored efficiently Space to be allocated for finished work to dry Resources Paper plates Glue String/elastic Pipe cleaners Glitter Coloured cellophane Coloured paper Coloured cardboard Assorted ribbons Sequins Buttons Bottle caps Coloured (fake) feathers Small pom poms Magazines Newspaper Scissors Beads Teacher self made resources PowerPoint Assessment/Feedback for the students: submitted art work Criteria: ability to portray emotion through mask how well students represented own ideas about an emotion in mask student participation Evaluation/reflection (for you and mentor after the lesson): What learning occurred? What evidence of this did you observe? What things worked? What would you do differently next time? Your response here can be both specific to the lesson content and also to the overall process of teaching. What do you need to follow up on next lesson? Mentor comments/feedback: Lesson Outline Timing I will… INTRODUCING THE LESSON Teacher explains lesson – making masks and understanding emotion Students will… Students sit and preview the short PowerPoint slide on masks and emotions, they then interact with teachers questions. Join in on discussions and brainstorming session. Teacher shows short PowerPoint on masks and how masks can be used to portray emotion. Class discussion about different emotions, create brainstorm on board. Brainstorm things like: Colour Facial expressions Things that can be associated with an emotion Personal opinions DEVELOPING THE LESSON Allocate a different emotion to each table group, or allow students to individually choose their own emotion. Explain that each student has set time in which to create their mask. Students participate in activity, creating their masks. Mask making procedure: Paper plate, stable elastic band or string to back so that will be able to wear it. Decorate mask with a variety of materials in order to portray their emotion. Teacher wanders around the room discussing with students their masks, what emotion they’ve chosen and what they are going to use to portray that emotion. Teacher questions: What emotions will you/have you chosen? Why? What are you going to use to portray that emotion? (materials) What are some of the key attributes associated with that emotion? (if students are having trouble finding ways to express their chosen emotion) What do you think of when you think of that emotion? Is it a happy emotion or a sad emotion? CONCLUDING THE LESSON Clean up work areas, throw any paper off cuts etc into the recycling bin, and reusable materials to be returned to where they were removed from. Class discussion on emotion, ask students what types of emotions they portrayed and why. What types of colours were used? What materials were used? Clean up work area putting materials away. Join in on class discussion about emotion, discuss things such as the emotion chosen, how they represented that emotion, what did they have trouble with? What did they find easy? Show and Tell/Share time – allow students to show their work to their peers. Celebrate student achievement. Allow students a chance to show others their mask; this could be a mini catwalk display. A mini catwalk display – separate the class in half, the first group put on their masks and walk down the catwalk, one at a time. When the first group is finished swap with the second group and observe their display. (Remember to remind students to demonstrate the body movements related to their emotion mask – how does a sad person walk? A happy person?) Allow students to talk about their peers masks, what their thoughts are, do they think that they fulfilled the requirements etc. Allow for a follow up discussion about students thoughts about their peer’s masks.