Earth Science Review for Exam Q-3

Earth Science Review for Exam Semester 1 Dec 2015
Study your composition notebook as well as this review. Use your textbook too. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 18, 19
Parent signature is on last page of review. Printed review Due Wed. Dec 9, 2015 with parent signature.
Name 8 more classroom rules or policies:
1. be in your seat when the tardy bell rings
2. No food or drink in class except water
Name three ways to receive demerits:
Name 2 ways to appear before IAC
Name 3 ways to get detention:
Describe the tardy policy:
Metrics- Give the number for each abbreviation:
kilo, hecto , deka, deci, centi, milli
Basic unit of metrics- Meter, liter, gram--- Which one is volume, mass, length?
Explain their uses: graduated cylinder flask
Define each: Temperature Fahrenheit Celsius
Water boils at what degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius?
Water freezes at what degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius?
This technique is used to find the volume of an odd shaped object
Mass divided by volume calculates:
The amount of water in a graduated cylinder is measured in units called:
The shadow made by the water line when measuring with a graduated cylinder:
The units to measure density are:
Parts of a lab activity- Tell what is in each section of the lab;
A. meniscus
B. milliliter
C. grams per milliliter
D. density
E. water displacement
Parts of the textbook- Describe what information each part gives:
Table of Contents
Index Chapter
Where to find Figure 4-1 or Figure 12-6 What is the trick…?
Fields of Science- Give 5 examples for each:
ecology/environmental science
Give 2 occupations for each field of Earth Science:
Give three KEY words for each field of Earth Science:
MappingWrite the correct definition of latitude lines:
Write the correct definition of longitude lines:
Mapping Matching------------------A type of map that measures elevation
The space between contour lines:
A person who makes maps:
The location that the Prime Meridian runs through:
A person who studies earthquakes
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAPPING ----1.The needle of a compass points toward the:
2.My clock on the wall is facing from which direction?
3.On a topographic map, elevation is shown by:
4. A point whose latitude is 0 degrees is located on the:
5.The measurement in degrees east or west of the prime meridian is:
6. A point on a map whose longitude is 0 degrees is the:
7. Any circle that goes all the way around the globe cutting it into halves is a:
8.Closely spaced contour lines show that the elevation is:
9.Spread out contour lines show that the elevation is:
10.A lake on a map would be:
A. contour interval
B. Greenwich, England
C. Seismologist
D. topographic
E. Cartographer
11.The lines that run parallel to the equator:
12.The lines that are measured north and south of the equator:
13.The lines that run north to south on a globe:
14.The lines that are measured east and west of the prime meridian:
15.The lines on a topographic map
Earth’s LayersThe geosphere consists of: (define and here are 5 examples) (crust, core, mantle., volcanoes, lithosphere)
The hydrosphere consists of: define and give 5 examples
The atmosphere consists of: define and give 5 examples
The biosphere consists of: define and give 5 examples
Draw and label the earth and the inner core, outer core, mantle, crust
Know the two parts of the mantle upper and lower. Which one is lithosphere and which one is asthenosphere?
lithospheric crust
outer core
ocean crust
inner core
convection currents (in asthenosphere)
Earth’s MovementDefine:
1.The shape of the earth’s orbit around the sun is called: e______________
2.The layer of the earth that is the outer covering and the continents:
3.The layer of the earth that moves the plates
4.The layer of the earth that makes up the plates for Plate Tectonics:
5.The boundary between the layers of the earth’s crust and mantle is called: M __ __ __
6.The shape of the earth is an: O______________ S _______________
Earth’s Layers Matching-----------------------------------------------------------------------------7.The area of most earthquakes and volcanoes:
8.Activity that includes the movement of magma towards the earth is called:
9.The liquid rock in the mantle before it comes out of a volcano is called:
10.The liquid rock that comes out of a volcano to the earth’s surface is called:
11.The layer of the earth that has convection currents:
A. lava
B. magma
C. plate boundaries
D. asthenosphere
E. volcanism
Plate Tectonics --1.According to Alfred Wegener dinosaur fossil evidence joined which two continents?
2. What did fern fossils in Greenland and Antarctica reveal to Alfred Wegener in his theory?
3. Wegener’s evidence of rock formation shows:
A. coastlines matching B. mountain ranges match C. climate patterns D. glacial evidence E. plate tectonics
4.Name the 5 key facts and evidence of Alfred Wegener:
5.What two theories derived the theory of Plate Tectonics:
6. Sea-floor spreading was a key discovery because it showed
A. that mid-ocean ridges exist.
C. why some rocks have reversed polarity.
B. how continents move.
D. that mid-ocean ridges have rifts at the center.
7.The layer of the mantle that has convection currents:
8.Today, scientists have identified approximately this many plates on Earth:
A. more than 100 plates
B. less than 20 plates
C. almost 75 plates D. infinite plates exist
9.New ocean floor is constantly being produced through the process of:
10..Earth’s mantle is heated by: A. the core’s heat
B. boiling water under the ocean C. the sun D. tectonic plates
Convection occurs because heated material becomes:
Plate Tectonics-----------1. Geologist think portions of the continents ride on separate pieces of lithospheric crust called:
2. The collision of one lithospheric plate with another creates this boundary:
3. Two plates moving away from each other form this boundary:
4. Two plates sliding past each other creating this boundary: T_______________ and this feature: F__ __ __ __.
5. The region along tectonic plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath (under) another is called:
6. When an oceanic plates collides with an oceanic plate, this geologic feature forms: I____________ A_______.
7. When a continental plate collides with another continental plate, this geologic feature forms:
8. The layer of plastic movable rock that lies under the tectonic plates helping them to move is called:
9. One piece of evidence Alfred Wegener could not explain in his Theory of Continental Drift was:
10. The Earth is not growing in size because:
A. it has convection currents in the mantle
C. it has too much gravity for subduction
B. it is subducting and has seafloor spreading
D. it has an atmosphere that keep it in shape
What two types of plates converge to form a subduction zone?
A. continental and continental B. oceanic and oceanic C. continental and oceanic
The Atlantic plate and the N. American plate have which type of boundary along the Mid Atlantic Ridge?
What type of boundary exists at the San Andrea Fault in California? A. transform B.convergent C. divergen
Who named the super-continent of Pangaea?
Where do most earthquakes and volcanoes occur?
.Name an earthquake and volcano zone on the map:
What two plates make the plate boundary at the San Andreas Fault in California?
What did Dietz and Hess discover and when???
Explain why there are earthquakes and volcanoes on Earth? (think of the name of this unit to help you write your answer)
Chapter 18 Volcanoes- Review Green Book
1. Where do most volcanoes occur?
2.What type of boundary is a subduction zone? What are the plates involved?
3.Describe the Circum-pacific Belt (remember the Pacific Ring of Fire):
4.What two famous volcanoes occur along the Mediterranean Belt?
5. What is a hot spot?
6.Give an example of a hot spot volcano:
7.Draw a volcano labeling the conduit, vent magma chamber and crater.
8.What is a fissure?
9.How do calderas form?
10.Which type of volcano is very explosive with big pieces of rock ejecting (tephra) and a steep slope forming?
11.Which type of volcano forms with violent eruption and then layers of lava ex. Mt St. Helens.
12.Which type of volcano has a gentle slope but forms the largest sized volcano?
13.Name four important gases in magma:
Ch 19 Earthquakes- Review green book
1. Figure 19.1 Show with arrow and names, the three types of stress on rocks:
Figure 19.3 What type of boundary produces a fault?
Name the three types of faults:
What type of fault is the San Andres Fault?
What type of fault has convergent boundaries?
What type of fault has divergent boundaries?
S and P seismic waves travel from the focus of an earthquake. Which one is fastest?
Which waves are called body waves?
What is the name of the seismic wave that causes destruction on the ground?
Figure 19.6. Where do surface waves originate from?
In order from first to last, name the three waves as they reach a seismic station:
Page 536- Seismic waves C________________ S______________ & D____________. This is how we know the
composition and consistency of the Earth
The outer core of Earth is mostly____________________________________
The inner core of Earth is mostly____________________________________
Richter Scale measures…
Moment magnitude scale measures…
Modified Mercalli’s Scale measures…
The deeper the focus of an earthquake the …
Figure 19.18- Most earthquakes are located along….
What is pancakingwhat is soil liquefaction?
What is a tsumani?
Matter ------------------------------What are the three states of matter?
Matter is anything that has ___________ and takes up ___________.
_______ is the amount of matter in a substance.
Define: element:
mixture (homogeneous and heterogeneous)
Categorize these terms as element (E) compound (C) or mixture HOMM (homogenous) or HETM (heterogeneous)
salt (NaCl)___
soil___ krypton ___
CO2___ ocean water ____
milk____ calcium___
The state of matter that has no definite shape or volume:
The state of matter with a definite volume but no definite shape:
The state of matter which particles are packed tightly with definite shape and definite volume:
1. What is the difference between a compound and an element?
2. Describe physical properties:
3. Describe chemical properties:
4. What are the three subatomic particles of an atom?
5. What is the charge of: proton neutron
6. Where are the protons located in an atom?
7. Where are the electrons located in an atom?
8. Where are the neutrons located in an atom?
Each element consists of its own number of:
a. isotopes
b. ions
c. protons
d. alloys
e. nuclei
The smallest unit of an element that has all the basic properties of the element is called: A __ __ __
Electrons travel around the nucleus of an atom in:_________
The center of an atom is called:_________
Which of the following always has a negative charge? a. nucleus b. neutron c. electron
d. ion
e. proton
Draw an atom of Chlorine and label all the parts.
Draw the electrons in a cloud around the nucleus of the chlorine.
How many electrons does an atom of chlorine have?
What is the atomic number of chlorine?
How many protons in chlorine?
How many neutrons in chlorine?
True or False --- CHEMISTRY
1.The charge of a nucleus is positive. A. true B. false
2. In general, the particles that make up a gas move faster than those that make up a solid. A. true B. false
3.The particles of a solid are more tightly packed than those of a gas. A. true B. false
4.The particles in a liquid move faster when heated. A. true B. false
5.Objects with like charges attract each other. A. true B. false
6.Protons and electrons are found in the nucleus of an atom. A. true B. false
Each element is assigned an atomic number. This is the number of ____________ in the atom of that element.
The number of protons in an element = the number of_____________
The number of neutrons in an element is calculated by this equation:
_______________________ minus ____________________= # of neutrons
Name four details listed on the Periodic Table of Elements about an element (look at the key):
Soil and smog are examples of:
A. a compound
B. an element
C. a solution
D. a mixture
E. all of these
What is the smallest unit of a compound that has all of the compound’s properties?
A. an atom
B. a molecule
C. an electron
D. a nucleus
The smallest unit of an element that has all the basic properties of the element is called:
A. atom
B. electron
C. nucleus
D. isotope
E. molecule
Atoms with an atomic number of 8 must have: a. 8 neutrons
b. 16 protons
c. 16 neutrons
What is the atomic number of an atom with 4 protons, 5 neutrons and 4 electrons?
a. 4
What is the atomic mass of an atom with 4 protons, 5 neutrons and 4 electrons? a. 4
b. 5
b. 5
d. 8 protons
c. 9 d. 13
c. 9
d. 13
1.Scientist who studies minerals:
2. A natural, inorganic, crystalline solid substance found in the earth:
3.The measure of the ability of a mineral to resist scratching:
4. Not made up of living material or the remains of a living organism:
5. When a mineral splits along a smooth surface:
6.The color a mineral leaves in a powder when scratched on a surface:
7..The bending of light rays as they pass through a substance or crystal:
8. Light reflected from the surface of a mineral:
9. The ability of a mineral to glow under ultraviolet light (a black light)
10. The scale of hardness of a mineral:
11. Minerals that contain atoms of silicon and oxygen:
12. Minerals that do NOT contain silicon:
13. .Any common mineral that forms the rocks of the earth’s crust:
14. What is the hardest mineral on earth?
15. What is the softest mineral on earth?
16. Natural solid structure that has a definite geometric shape:
ROCKS------------What are the processes that form an igneous rock?
What are the processes that form a metamorphic rock?
What are the processes that form an sedimentary rock?
What does the word igneous mean?
What does the word metamorphic mean?
What does the word sedimentary mean?
Questions with short answers:
Explain the difference between weight and mass:
Explain the shape of the Earth and why we weigh more at the poles:
Describe the reason plates move in plate tectonics
Draw a topographic map with a contour interval of 20m and height of 60 m.
Draw and atom of lithium with all three subatomic particles (Jimmy Neutron shape)
Draw a molecule of Fe2O3.
List the 4 characteristics of all minerals
Draw a concept map using these words: Rocks igneous sedimentary metamorphic lava weathering heat
cementation magma Pressure erosion
Write the name of the layer is closest to the earth’s crust? asthenosphere or lithosphere?
Tell why there are not big bold black lines separating the inner and outer core?
Explain how scientists figured out the consistency of the Earth’s inner core:
How many days does it take for the Earth to go all the way around the sun?
Draw a picture or explain how convection currents in the mantle cause the crust and continents to move.
Why is the metric system considered easier to use than the Standard system in America?
How many millimeters are in a meter stick?
How many meters are there in a kilometer?
Density : ____ divided by _____ What is the density of a metal coin with a volume of 10 ml and a mass of 100g?
KNOW :Density Lab and the process to find the density of Copper using pennies.
Parent Signature _______________________________ Printed review due in class by Wed. Dec. 9, 2015