Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
November 2, 1949
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Citizen of:
Family Status:
Educational Background:
United States of America
Married: Wife, Linda M. Armstrong; Children: Lincoln Thomas (b. 1976), Ross
Alexander (b. 1978), Colleen Victoria (b. 1986)
September 1968 - June 1972
Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Virginia
B.S. Interdepartmental Science and Math
September 1972 - September 1974
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
M.S., Oceanography
January 1975 - December 1977
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Ph.D., Bio-organic Chemistry
1978 - 1982,
1983 - 1985,
1986 - 1987,
1987 - 1989,
1989 - 2000,
1991 - 1998
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Bowdoin College, Georgetown University.
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Texas Tech University.
Professor of Chemistry and Head of Analytical Division, Texas Tech University.
Professor of Chemistry and Head of Bio-analytical Division, University of Missouri-Rolla.
Curators' Distinguished Professor of Chemistry.
Founder and First Director of the Center for Environmental Science and Technology, University of Missouri-Rolla.
2000 - 2005, Caldwell Distinguished Professor, Iowa State University, DOE Ames Laboratory.
2006 - Present Robert A. Welch Professor, Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry, University of Texas at
Awards and Citations:
Elected as a member of the Chemistry Honor Society, Phi Lambda Upsilon (PLU), 1975, Texas A&M University;
Who's Who, Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Personalities of America, Personalities of the South,
American Men and Women of Science, Directory of World Researchers, Who's Who in the Midwest. Teaching
Excellence Award from the "Arts and Sciences Council" of Texas Tech University, 1985. Faculty Excellence
Award, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1988. Teaching Excellence Award, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1988-89,
92, and 94. Curators' Distinguished Professorship, 1989. EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in the
Fields of Chromatography, 1990. 1991 Gre at Britain’s Martin Medal in recognition of outstanding contributions to Chromatography. 1992 ISCO Lectureship Award for Significant Contributions to Instrumentation for
Biochemical Separations. 1993 49th American Chemical Society Midwest Regional Award. 1993 Presidential
Award for Research and Creativity. Publication entitled "Evaluation of the Macrocyclic Antibiotic Vancomycin as a Chiral Selector for Capillary Electrophoresis" received a 1994 Perkin-Elmer Award for Excellence in Capillary
Electrophoresis. 1995 R&D 100 Award. 1995 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Fellow Award.
1996 The American Microchemical Societies’ A. A. Benedette-Pichler Award. “1997 Karen Morehouse Best
Paper Award” presented by the 12th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research. 1998 American
Chemical Society - Helen M. Free Award for Public Outreach. 1999 American Chemical Society Award in
Chromatography. 1999 Distinguish Scholar, Hope College/Park Davis. Caldwell Chair, Iowa State University,
2000. Chicagoland Chromatography Discussion Group (CCDG) Merit Award, 2001. Weber Medal for
Contributions to Pharmaceutical Science, 2001. Honorary Member of the Societatis Pharmaceuticae Slovacae,
2001. Welch Lectureship speaker, Texas A&M University, 2002. Kenneth A.Spencer Award for Meritorious
Contributions to Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2002. Dow Lectureship in Chemistry, University of British
Columbia, 2003. IAP Lectureship, Columbia University, NY 2003. Chirality Medal, Shizuoka, Japan, 2003.
Vladimir J. Zuffa Medal for Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2004. Dal Nogare Award for Separation Science, 2005.
Medal of the Slovak Medical Society, 2007. Editor of Chirality . Section Editor for Amino Acids . Separations
Associate Editor for Analytical Chemistry . Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Pharmaceutical &
Biomedical Analysis , Amino Acids Journal , The Journal of Chromatography , The Journal of Liquid
Chromatography , The Journal of Planar Chromatography, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena, Separation Science and Technology , and Chromatographia. Member of the Instrumentation Board for Analytical Chemistry , 1990.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Analytical Chemistry , 1996 -98. 1999 Editorial Advisory Board of
Chromatographia , 2001 Editorial Advisory Board for Electrophoresis, Chromatographia, J. Separation Science.
2008 Editorial Consultant for Scientia Chromatographia.
Administrative Experience:
1. Chairman, Division of Bio-analytical Chemistry: (Texas Tech University 1983-87; Univ. of Missouri-Rolla
2. State of Missouri-System Research Board: (Founding member, 1990, reviews, controls and disburses research funds for the State University System in areas of science, engineering, health sciences, humanities and social science. Annual budget $4.0M/year.
3. Director for the Center for Environmental Science and Technology: (Founded (1990) this multidisciplinary research center which is one of three on the UMR campus. Budget $1.6 M. Involved contacts and liaisons with congress, industry and academia)
4. Board of Directors: University of Missouri-Kansas City, Center for Environmental Studies.
5. Corporate Board of Directors: Advanced Separations Technologies, Inc., Whippany, NJ.
6. Chairman and CEO of Separations, Inc. (An independent corporation for the organization of meetings, short courses, consulting, etc.).
7. Corporate Advisory Board: Bioanalytical Systems (BAS) Scientific, West Lafayette, IN.
8. Corporate Advisory Board: PDR Chiral, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
9. Member of Research Foundation (an independent nonprofit corporation for the support of the chemistry at the University of Missouri-Rolla, Budget ~$1.2M).
10. Presidential Award Advisory Board (Judges and recommends recipients for Presidential Research Award).
11. Chairman of International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, St. Louis, MO. Budget: $0.6M.
12. Chairman of numerous other national and international conferences and symposia (average budget
~$0.25M per symposium).
13. Chairman of 22nd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related
Techniques, St. Louis, MO (The world’s largest international symposium and exhibition on separation science).
14. NIH Metallobiochemistry Study Section (~$15-20M/session).
Administrative Experience – Continued:
15. NIH Physical Biochemistry Study Section (~$18-30M/session).
16. NSF Review Board.
17. Chairman of International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, Orlando, FL. Budget:$ 250,000.00
18. Laboratory Director, DOE - Ames National Laboratory.
19. Member of the Seminar and Library Committee, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
20. Member of the Salary Advisory Committee, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
21. Head of the Salary Advisory Committee, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
22. Head of the and member of the Faculty Search Committee, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
23. Member of the Graduate Recruiting Committee, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
24. Washington & Lee University Science Advisory Board, Lexington, VA
25. Defense Tribunal, Universitat Jaume, Castellon, Spain
26. International Scientific Committee, International Conference of Chirality
Teaching Experience:
Course Level
Quantitative Analytical Chemistry
Quantitative Analytical Chem. Lab.
Instrumental Analysis
Instrumental Analysis Lab.
General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Undergraduate Research
Adv. Quant. Analysis
Graduate Research
Colloid Chemistry
Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry
Enantiomeric Separations for the Pharmaceutical
Semester Taught
35 short courses
1. "Interstitial Water Chemistry: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Legs 21 and 22", B. J. Presley, J. Trefrey,
D. W. Armstrong and M. Nuzzo. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project , XXII, 861-864 (1974).
2. "Novel Prebiotic Model Systems: Interactions of Nucleosides and Nucleotides with Aqueous Micellar Sodium
Dodecanoate", J. Nagyvary, J. H. Harvey, F. Nome, D. W. Armstrong and J. H. Fendler. Precambrian Research , 3 ,
509-516 (1976)
3. "Novel Prebiotic Systems: Nucleotide Oligomerization in Surfactant Entrapped Water Pools", D. W. Armstrong, F.
Nome, J. H. Fendler and J. Nagyvary. J. Mol. Evol.
, 9 , 213-223 (1977).
4. "Differential Partitioning of tRNAs between Micellar and Aqueous Phases: A Convenient Gel Filtration Method for
Separation of tRNAs", D. W. Armstrong and J. H. Fender, Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 478 , 2, 75-80 (1977).
5. "Use of an Aqueous Micellar Medium to Improve the Spectrophotometric Determination of Cyanide Ion with 5,5'-
Dithiobis(2-Nitrobenzoic Acid)", S. Spurlin, W. Hinze and D. W. Armstrong, Analyt. Lett.
, 10 , 12, 977-1008 (1977).
6. "Partitioning of Amino Acids and Nucleotides between Water and Micellar Hexadecyltrimethyl-ammonium Halides",
D. W. Armstrong, R. Seguin and J. H. Fendler, J. Mol Evol.
, 10 , 241-250 (1977).
7. "Spontaneous Polypeptide Formation from Amino Acyl Adenylates in Surfactant Aggregates", D. W. Armstrong, R.
Seguin, C. J. McNeal, R. D. Macfarlane and J. H. Fendler, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
, 100 , 4605-4606 (1978).
8. "Synthesis of Amino Acyl Adenylates Using the tert - Butoxycarbonyl Protecting Group", D. W. Armstrong, R.
Seguin, M. Suburi and J. H., Fendler, J. Mol. Evol.
, 13 , 103-113 (1979).
9. "A Novel Phase Transfer Catalyst Capable of Facilitating Acid-Catalyzed and/or Electrophilic Reactions", D. W.
Armstrong and M. Godat, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
, 101 , 2489-2491 (1979).
10. "Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation of Pesticides, Decachlorobiphenyl and Nucleosides with Micellar
Solutions", D. W. Armstrong and R. Q. Terrill, Anal. Chem.
, 51 , 2160-2163 (1979).
11. "Use of Micelles in the TLC Separation of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds and Amino Acids", D. W. Armstrong and M. McNeely, Anal. Lett.
, 12 , A12, 1285-1291 (1979).
12. "Organometallic Compounds as Phase Transfer Catalysts", D. W. Armstrong, H. Kornahrens, D. J. Carucci, B. A.
Wohler, J. E. Kahn and J. K. Shillington, Tetrahedron Lett.
, 47 , 4525-4526 (1979).
13. "Use of an Aqueous Micellar Mobile Phase for Separation of Phenols and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons via
HPLC", D. W. Armstrong and S. J. Henry, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 3 , 5, 657-662 (1980).
14. "Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation of Substituted Benzoic Acids with Aqueous Solutions of α-
Cyclodextrins", W. L. Hinze and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Lett.
, 13 , A12, 1093-1103 (1980).
15. "Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography: Applications to TLC", D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 3 , 6, 895-
900 (1980).
16. "Reactions of Vitamin B12r with Polyhalogenated Hydrocarbon Peticides", M. C. M. Laranjevia, D. W. Armstrong and F. Nome, J. Bioorganic Chem.
, 9 , 313-317 (1980).
17. "Application of Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography (PLC): Highly Selective Mobile Phase for Present and Future
Separations", D. W. Armstrong, American Laboratory, 13 , 8, 14-20 (1981).
18. "Partitioning Behavior of Solutes Eluted with Micellar Mobile Phases in Liquid Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong and F. Nome, Anal. Chem.
, 53 , 11, 1662-1666 (1981).
19. "Enhanced Fluorescence and Room Temperature Liquid Phosphorescence Detection in Pseudophase Liquid
Chromatography (PLC)", D. W. Armstrong, W. L. Hinze, K. H. Bui and H. N. Singh, Anal. Lett.
, 14 , A19, 1659-1667
20. "A Simple Salt-Enhanced Surface Tension Technique for Detection of Trace Surfactants in Water", D. W.
Armstrong, F. Lafrachise and D. Young, Anal. Chim. Acta , 135 , 165-168 (1982).
21. "Use of Micellar and Cyclodextrin Solutions in Liquid Chromatographic Separations," D. W. Armstrong, in Proc.
Inter. Symp. Soln. Behavior Surfact.
, K. L. Mittel and E. J. Fendler, (Eds), Plenum Press, N. Y.. (1982) pp. 1273-1282.
22. "Nonaqueous Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatographic Fractionation of Polystyrene", D. W. Armstrong and K. H.
Bui, Anal. Chem.
, 54 , 4, 706-708 (1982).
23. "Use of Aqueous Micellar Mobile Phases in Reverse Phase TLC", D. W. Armstrong and K. H. Bui, J. Liq.
, 5 , 6, 1043-1050 (1982).
24. "Mechanism of Enhancement of Analyte Sensitivity by Surfactants in Flame Atomic Spectrometry", H.
Kornahrens, K. D. Cook and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 54 , 1325-1329 (1982).
25. "Chromatography of Amino Acids on Reversed Phase Thin Layer Plates", J. Sherma, B. P. Sleckman and D. W.
Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 6 , 1, 95-108 (1983).
26. Practice, Mechanism and Theory of Reversed Phase TLC Polymer Fractionation", D. W. Armstrong, K. H. Bui and
R. E. Boehm, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 6 , 1, 1-22 (1983).
27. "Separation and Quantitation of Anionic, Cationic and Nonionic Surfactants by TLC", D. W. Armstrong and G. Y.
Stine, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 6 , 1, 23-33 (1983).
28. "Theory of Homopolymer Fractionation and Its Application to Gradient Elution Liquid Chromatography", R. E.
Boehm, D. E. Martire, D. W. Armstrong and K. H. Bui, Macromolecules , 16 , 466-476 (1983).
29. "Evaluation of Partition Coefficients to Micelles and Cyclodextrins via Planar Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong and G. Y. Stine, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
, 105 , 2962-2964 (1983).
30. "Evaluation and Perturbation of Micelle-Solute Interactions", D. W. Armstrong and G. Y. Stine, J.
Am. Chem.
, 105 , 6220-6223 (1983).
31. "Selectivity in Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong and G. Y. Stine, Anal. Chem.
, 55 , 14,
2317-2320 (1983).
32. "A Comparison of Polymer Separation Efficiency and Resolution by Gradient LC, GPC and TLC", K. H. Bui and D.
W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 7 , 29-43 (1984).
33. "Use of Reversed Phase TLC to Determine Polymer Molecular Weights and Molecular Weight Distributions", K.
H. Bui and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 7 , 45-48 (1984).
34. "Theory of Homopolymer Fractionation in Semi-Dilute Solution Using Liquid Chromatography", R. E. Boehm, D.
E. Martire, D. W. Armstrong and K. H. Bui, Macromolecules , 17 , 400-407 (1984).
35. "Evaluation of the Theory and Experimental Consequences of Gradient LC Polymer Separations", K. H. Bui, D.
W. Armstrong and R. E. Boehm, J. Chromatogr.
, 288 , 15-24 (1984).
36. "Use of Pseudophase TLC in Teaching Laboratories", D. W. Armstrong, K. H. Bui and R. M. Barry, J. Chem. Ed.
61 , 457-458 (1984).
37. "Effect of Different Stationary Phases and Surfactant or Cyclodextrin Spray Reagents on the Fluorescence
Densitometry of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Dansylated Amino Acids", A. Alak, E. Heilweil, W. L. Hinze, H.
Oh and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 7 , 1273-1288 (1984).
38. "Gradient Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Macromolecules: Theory and Mechanism", D. W. Armstrong and R. E. Boehm, J. Chromatogr. Sci.
, 22 , 378-385 (1984).
39. "Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases for the Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Optical, Geometrical and Structural
Isomers", D. W. Armstrong and W. DeMond, J. Chromatogr. Sci.
, 22 , 411-415 (1984).
40. "Chiral Stationary Phases for High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers", D. W.
Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 7 , Suppl. 2, 353-376 (1984).
41. "Facile Separation Enantiomers, Geometrical Isomers and Routine Compounds on Stable Cyclodextrin LC
Bonded Phases", D W. Armstrong, A. Alak, K. H. Bui, W. DeMond, T. Ward, T. E. Riehl and W. L. Hinze, J. Inclusion
Phenomena , 2 , 533-545 (1984).
42. "Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Diastereomers and Structural Isomers on Cyclodextrin-Bonded Phases",
D. W. Armstrong, W. DeMond, A. Alak, W. L. Hinze, T. E. Riehl and K. H. Bui, Anal. Chem.
, 57 , 234-237 (1985).
43. "Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers Using A Chiral β-Cyclodextrin-Bonded Stationary Phase and
Conventional Aqueous-Organic Mobile Phases", W. L. Hinze, T. E. Riehl, D. W. Armstrong, W. DeMond, A. Alak and
T. Ward, Anal. Chem.
, 57 , 237-242 (1985).
44. "Separation of Metallocene Enantiomers by Liquid Chromatography: Chiral Recognition via Cyclodextrin Bonded
Phases", D. W. Armstrong, W. DeMond and B. P. Czech, Anal. Chem.
, 57 , 481-484 (1985).
45. "Separation of Mycotoxins, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Quinones and Heterocyclic Compounds on
Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases: An Alternative LC Packing", D. W. Armstrong, A. Alak, W. DeMond, W. L. Hinze and T.
E. Riehl, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 8 , 261-269 (1985).
46. "Synthesis and a Simple Molecular Weight Determination of Polystyrene", D. W. Armstrong, J. N. Marx, D. Kyle and A. Alak, J. Chem. Ed.
, 62 , 705-706 (1985).
47. "Micelles in Separations: Application and Theory", D. W. Armstrong, Sep. Purif. Methods , 14 , 213-304 (1985).
48. "Synthesis, Rapid Resolution and Determination of Absolute Configuration of Racemic 2,2'-Binaphthyl Crown
Ethers and Analogues via β-Cyclodextrin Complexation", D. W. Armstrong, T. J. Ward, A. Czech, B. P. Czech and R.
A. Bartsch, J. Org. Chem.
, 50 , 5556-5559 (1985).
49. "Liquid Chromatographic Retention Behavior of Organometallic Compounds and Ligands with Amine,
Octadecylsilica and β-Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase Columns", C. A. Chang, H. A. Aziz, N. Melchor, K. H. Pannell and
D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr., 347 , 578-582 (1985).
50. "Improved Cyclodextrin Chiral Phases: A Comparison and Review", T. J. Ward and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq.
, 9 , 407-423 (1986).
51. "Micellar Effects on Molecular Diffusion: Theoretical and Chromatographic Considerations", D. W. Armstrong, T.
J. Ward and A. Berthod, Anal. Chem.
, 58 , 579-582 (1986).
52. "Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation of Optical, Geometrical and Structural Isomers", A. Alak and D. W.
Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 48 , 582-584 (1986).
53. "Efficient Detection and Evaluation of Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex Formations", D. W. Armstrong, F. Nome, L.
A. Spino and T. D. Golden, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
, 108 , 1418-1421 (1986).
54. "HPLC Separation of Substituted Phenolic Compounds with a β-Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase Column", C. A.
Chang, Q. Wu and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
, 354 , 454-458 (1986).
55. "Separation of Drug Stereoisomers by the Formation of β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes", D. W. Armstrong, T.
J. Ward, R. D. Armstrong and T. E. Beesley, Science , 232 , 1132-1135 (1986).
56. "Determination of Distribution and Concentration of Trihalomethanes in Aquatic Recreational and Therapeutic
Facilities by Electron Capture G. C.", D. W. Armstrong and T. Golden, LC-GC , 4 , 652-655 (1986).
57. "Mechanistic Considerations on the Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Proteins", R. S.
Blanquet, K. H. Bui and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 9 , 1933-1949 (1986).
58. "Micelle-Mediated Resonance Raman Spectroscopy: A New Approach for Characterizing Low Levels of
Luminescent Compounds", D. W. Armstrong, L. A. Spino, M. R. Ondrias and E. W. Findsen, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
, 108 ,
5646-5647 (1986).
59. "Characterization of Nanogram Levels of Metalloporphyrins with TLC-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy", D. W.
Armstrong, L. A. Spino, M. R. Ondrias and E. W. Findsen, J. Chromatogr.
, 369 , 227-230 (1986).
60. "Effect of Crown Ether Surfactants on Flame Atomic Absorption and Flame Emission Signals of Some Monovalent
Cations", T. J. Ward, D. W. Armstrong, B. P. Czech, F. J. Koszuk and R. A. Bartsch, Anal.
Chim. Acta , 188 , 301-305
61. "Optical Isomer Separations by Liquid Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 59 , 84A-91A (1987).
62. "Use of Microcolumn Liquid Chromatography With a Chiral Stationary Phase for the Separation of Low Resolution
Enantiomers", S. M. Han and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
, 389 , 256-260 (1987).
63. "Separation of Tamoxifen Geometric Isomers and Metabolites by Bonded Phase ß-Cyclodextrin Chromatography",
R. D. Armstrong, T. J. Ward, N. Pattabiraman, C. Benz and D. W. Armstrong, J.
, 414 , 256-260 (1987).
64. "Optimization of Liquid Chromatographic Separations on Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases", D. W. Armstrong and W.
Li, Chromatogr.
, 2 , 43-48 (1987).
65. "Micelle-Mediated Resonance Raman Analysis of Dilute Solutions of Fluorescent Molecules Using Ultraviolet
Laser Excitation", D. W. Armstrong, L. A. Spino, T. Vo-Dinh and A. Alak, Spectroscopy, 2 , 54-58 (1987).
66. "Resonance Raman Analysis of Fluorescent Compounds Using Micellar Solutions and Ultraviolet Laser
Excitation", L. A. Spino, D. W. Armstrong, A. M. Alak and T. Vo-Dinh, Appl. Spectrosc.
, 41 , 771-773 (1987).
67. "Packing Induced Brittleness in Polyimide and Aluminum Clad Fused Silica Capillaries", S. M. Han and D. W.
Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 59 , 1583-1584 (1987).
68. "Inexpensive, Low-Dead Volume Flow Cells for Microcolumn Liquid Chromatography", L. A. Spino, S. M. Han and
D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 10 , 1603-1611 (1987).
69. "Theoretical Study on the Use of Secondary Equilibria for the Separation of Small Solutes by Field Flow
Fractionation", A. Berthod and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 59 , 2410-2413 (1987).
70. "Enrichment of Enantiomers and Other Isomers with Aqueous Liquid Membranes Containing Cyclodextrin
Carriers", D. W. Armstrong and H. L. Jin, Anal. Chem.
, 59, 2237-2241 (1987).
71. "Direct Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Racemates with an α-Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase", D. W.
Armstrong, X. F. Yang, S. M. Han and R. Menges, Anal. Chem., 59 , 2594-2596 (1987).
72. "Direct Synchronous Luminescence Detection of Co-Eluting Solutes in Pseudophase LC", L. A. Spino, D. W.
Armstrong and T. Vo-Dinh, J. Chromatogr., 409 , 147-154 (1987).
Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes", D. W. Armstrong, L. A. Spino, S. M. Han, J. I. Seeman and H. V. Secor, J.
Chromatogr., 411 , 490-493 (1987).
74. "Separation of Optical Isomers of Scopolamine, Atropine and Cocaine", D. W. Armstrong, S. M. Han and Y. I. Han,
Anal. Biochem, 167 , 261-264 (1987).
75. "Highly Selective Protein Separations with Reversed Micellar Liquid Membranes", D. W. Armstrong and W. Li,
Anal. Chem., 60 , 86-88 (1988).
76. "Theoretical Considerations Concerning the Separation of Enantiomeric Solutes by Liquid Chromatography", R. E.
Boehm, D. E. Martire and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem., 60 , 522 (1988).
77. "Centrifugal Partition Chromatography I-General Features", A. Berthod and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.,
11 , 547-566 (1988).
78. "Centrifugal Partition Chromatography II-Selectivity and Efficiency", A. Berthod and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq.
Chromatogr., 11 , 567-583 (1988).
79. "Structural Factors Affecting Chiral Recognition and Separation on β-Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases", S. M. Han, Y.
I. Han and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr., 441 , 376-381 (1988).
80. "Liquid Chromatographic Resolution of Enantiomers Containing Sin gle Aromatic Rings with ß-Cyclodextrin
Bonded Phases", D. W. Armstrong, Y. I. Han and S. M. Han, Anal. Chim. Acta, 208 , 275-281 (1988).
81. "Enantiomeric Separations in Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong and S. M. Han, Critical Reviews in Analytical
Chemistry, 19 , 175-224 (1988).
82. "Centrifugal Partition Chromatography III-Physico Chemical Properties of Ternary Liquid Systems", A. Berthod, J.
D. Duncan and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr., 11 , 1171-1185 (1988).
83. "Centrifugal Partition Chromatography IV-Preparative Sample Purification and Partition Coefficient Determination",
A. Berthod, Y. I. Han and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr., 11 , 1187-1204 (1988).
84. "Centrifugal Partition Chromatography V-Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients Direct and Indirect Determination",
A. Berthod and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr., 11 , 1441-1456 (1988).
85. "Centrifugal Partition Chromatography VI-Temperature Effects", A. Berthod and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq.
Chromatogr., 11 , 1457-1474 (1988).
86. "Enantiomeric Resolution and Chiral Recognition of Racemic Nicotine and Nicotine Analogues by β-Cyclodextrin
Complexation", J. I. Seeman, H. V. Secor, D. W. Armstrong, K. D. Timmons and T. J. Ward, Anal. Chem., 60 , 2120-
2127 (1988).
87. "Use of Secondary Equilibria for the Separation of Small Solutes by Field Flow Fractionation", A. Berthod, D. W.
Armstrong, M. N. Myers and J. C. Giddings, Anal. Chem., 60 , 2138-2141 (1988).
88. "Planar Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers and Diastereomers with Cyclodextrin Mobile Phase
Additives", D. W. Armstrong, F. He and S. M. Han, J. Chromatogr., 448 , 345-354 (1988).
89. "Study of the Origin and Mechanism of Band Broadening and Pressure Drop in Centrifugal Counter Current
Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong, G. L. Bertrand and A. Berthod, Anal. Chem ., 60 , 2513-2519 (1988).
90. "Hot Thin Layer Chromatographic Fractionation of Polyethylene", D. W. Armstrong and X. F. Yang, J.
Chromatogr., 456 , 440-443 (1988).
91. "Evaluation of Dye-Micelle Binding Constants Using Diffusion Sensitive Band Broadening Effects", D. W.
Armstrong, R. Menges and S. M. Han, J. Coll. Interf. Sci.
, 126 , 239-242 (1988).
92. "Use of Hydroxypropyl- and Hydroxyethyl- Derivatized β-Cyclodextrin for the TLC Separation of Enantiomers and
Diastereomers", D. W. Armstrong, J. R. Faulkner, Jr., and S. M. Han, J. of Chrom.
, 452 , 323-330 (1988).
93. "Separation of Cyclodextrins Using Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases", H. L. Jin, A. M. Stalcup and D. W. Armstrong, J.
, 11 , 3295-3304 (1988).
94. "Theory and Use of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong, J. of Liq. Chromatogr.
, 11 , 2433-
2446 (1988).
95. "An Evaluation of the LC Separation of Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Trisaccharides, Tetrasaccharides and
Sugar Alcohols with Stable Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases", D. W. Armstrong and H. L. Jin, J. Chromatogr.
, 462 , 219-
232 (1989).
96. "Model for Conductometric Detection of Carbohydrates and Alcohols as Complexes with Boric Acid and Borate
Ion in High Performance Liquid Chromatography", G. L. Bertrand and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 61 , 631-632
97. "Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Anomeric Forms of Saccharides with Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases", D. W.
Armstrong and H. L. Jin, Chirality , 1 , 27-37 (1989).
98. "Optical Enrichment of Dansyl-rac-Amino Acids by Formation of Crystalline Inclusion Complexes with
Cyclodextrin", H. L. Jin, A. M. Stalcup, and D. W. Armstrong, Chirality , 1 , 137-141 (1989).
99. "Substitutent Effects on the Binding of Phenols to Cyclodextrins in Aqueous Solution", G. L. Bertrand, J. R.
Faulkner, Jr., S. M. Han, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Phys. Chem.
, 93 , 6863-6867 (1989).
100. "Separation of Homologous and Isomeric Alkaloids Related to Nicotine on a β-Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase", J. I.
Seeman, H. V. Secor, D. W. Armstrong, K. D. Timmons, and T. J. Ward, J. Chromatogr.
, 483 , 169-177 (1989).
101. "Reversing Enantioselectivity in Capillary GC with Polar and Nonpolar Cyclodextrin Derivative Phases", D. W .
Armstrong, W. Li and J. Pitha, Anal. Chem.
, 62 , 214-217 (1990).
102. "Evaluation of the Effect of Organic Modifier and pH on Retention and Selectivity in Reversed-Phase LC
Separation of Alkaloids on a Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase", D. W. Armstrong, G. L. Bertrand, K. D. Ward, T. J. Ward, H.
V. Secor and J. I. Seeman, Anal. Chem.
, 62 , 332-338 (1990).
103. "Derivatized Cyclodextrin for Normal Phase LC Separation of Enantiomers", D. W. Armstrong, A. M. Stalcup, M.
L. Hilton, J. D. Duncan, J. Faulkner, Jr., S. C. Chang, Anal. Chem.
, 62 , 1610-1615 (1990).
104. "Polar-Liquid, Derivatized Cyclodextrin Stationary Phases for the Capillary GC Separation of Enantiomers", D. W.
Armstrong, W. Li, C.-D. Chang and J. Pitha, Anal. Chem.
, 62 , 914-923 (1990).
105. "Acylation Effects on Chiral Recognition of Racemic Amines and Alcohols by New Polar and Nonpolar
Cyclodextrin-Derivative GC Phases", D. W. Armstrong and H.L. Jin, J. of Chromatogr.
, 502 , 154-159 (1990).
106. "Chiral Mobile Phase Additives in Reversed-Phase TLC", J. D. Duncan, and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Planar
, 3 , 65-68 (1990).
107. "Interactions of Chiral Molecules with an (R)-N(3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl) Phenylglycine HPLC Stationary Phase", A.
Berthod, H. L. Jin, A. M. Stalcup and D. W. Armstrong, Chirality , 2 , 38-42 (1990).
108. "Cyclodextrin Chiral Stationary Phases for LC Separations of Drug Stereoisomers", A. Berthod, H. L. Jin, T. E.
Beesley, J. D. Duncan and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Pharm. Biomed Analysis , 8 , 123-130 (1990).
109. "Separation of Carotenes on Cyclodextrin-Bonded Phases", A. M. Stalcup, H. L. Jin, D. W. Armstrong, P. Marzur,
F. Derguini and K. Nakanishi, J. of Chromatogr.
, 499 , 627-635 (1990).
110. "Capillary Gas Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers with a Stable Dialkylβ-Cyclodextrin Derivatized
Stationary Phase", D. W. Armstrong, W. Li, A. M. Stalcup, H. Secor, R. Izak, and J. I. Seeman, Anal. Chim. Acta , 234 ,
365-381 (1990).
111. "Chiral Recognition of Racemic Sugars by Polar and Nonpolar Cyclodextrin-Derivative Gas Chromatography", A.
Berthod, W.-Y. Li, and D. W. Armstrong, Carbohydrate Research, 201 , 175-184 (1990).
112. "Normal Phase TLC Separation of Enantiomers Using Chiral Ion Interaction Agents", J. D. Duncan, D. W.
Armstrong and A. M. Stalcup, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 13 , 1091-1103 (1990).
113. "Separation of Enantiomers Using a
-Cyclodextrin Liquid Chromatographic Bonded Phase", A. M. Stalcup, H. L.
Jin and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 13 , 473-484 (1990).
114. "(S)-2-Hydroxypropyl β-CD: A New Chiral Stationary Phase for Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography", A. M.
Stalcup, S. C. Chang, D. W. Armstrong, and J. Pitha, J. of Chromatogr.
, 513 (1990).
115. "Relevance of Enantiomeric Separations in Food and Beverage Analyses", D. W. Armstrong and C. D. Chang, J.
Ag. Food Chem.
, 38 , 1674-1677 (1990).
116. "2,6-Di-O-pentyl-3-O-Trifluoroacetyl Cyclodextrin Liquid Stationary Phases for Capillary Gas Chromatographic
Separation of Enantiomers", W.Y. Li, H. L. Jin and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
, 509 , 303-324 (1990).
117. "Direct Measurement of Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients Using CPC with a Back-Flushing Technique ”, R. A.
Menges, G. L. Bertrand and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 13 , 3061-3077 (1990).
118. "Use of CPC and Proteins in the Preparative Separation of Amino Acid Enantiomers", D. W. Armstrong, R. A.
Menges and I. W. Wainer, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 13 , 3571-3581 (1990).
119. "Separation of Enantiomers of Crown Ether with Buffer Solution Mobile Phase on β-Cyclodextrin Bonded
Column", H. Jin and D. W. Armstrong, Chinese Journal of Chrom.
, 8 (1), 8 (1990).
120. "A New β-Cyclodextrin Derivative as a Chiral Stationary Phase for the Efficient GC Separation of Enantiomers",
H. Jin and D. W. Armstrong, Chinese Journal of Chrom., 9(3) , 148 (1991).
121. "Determination of the Enantiomeric Purity of Scopolamine Isolated from Plant Extract Using Achiral/Chiral
Coupled Column Chromatography", A. M. Stalcup, J. R. Faulkner, Jr., Y. Tang, D. W. Armstrong, L. Levi and E.
Regalado, Biomed. Chromatogr ., 5 , 3-7 (1991).
122. (R)- and (S)-Naphthylethylcarbamate-Substituted β-Cyclodextrin Bonded Stationary Phases for the Reversed-
Phase Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers, D. W. Armstrong, C.-D. Chang and S. H. Lee, J. of
Chromatogr ., 539 , 83-90 (1991).
123. "Evaluation of a Chiral Crown Ether LC Column for the Separation of Racemic Amines", M. L. Hilton and D. W.
Armstrong, J. of Liq. Chromatogr.
, 14 , 9-28 (1991).
124. "Effect of the Configuration of the Substituents of Derivatizedβ-Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases on
Enantioselectivity in Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography", A. M. Stalcup, S.-C. Chang and D. W. Armstrong, J.
540 , 113-128 (1991).
125. "Evaluation of the Enantiomeric Separation of Dipeptides Using a Chiral Crown Ether LC Column", M. L. Hilton and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr . 14 , 3673-3683 (1991).
126. "Purification of Amino Acids and Small Peptides with Hollow Fibers", A. Berthod, W. Li and D. W. Armstrong,
Chimica Act.
244 , 21-28 (1991).
127. "Cyclodextrin Purification with Hollow Fibers", A. Berthod, D. W. Armstrong and H. L. Jin, Sep. Separation
Science and Technology , 26 , 515-527 (1991).
128. "Resolution of Enantiomeric Hydrocarbon Biomarkers of Geochemical Importance", D. W. Armstrong, Y. Tang, and J. Zukowski, Anal. Chem.
63 , 2858-2861 (1991).
129. "Evaluation of D-Amino Acid Levels in Human Urine and in Commercial L-Amino Acid Samples", , D. W.
Armstrong, J. D. Duncan and S. H. Lee, Amino Acids , 1 , 97-106 (1991).
130. "A Study of the Effects of the Degree of Substitution of Hydroxypropylβ-Cyclodextrin Used as a Chiral Mobile
Phase Additive in TLC", J. D. Duncan, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Planar Chromatogr. 4 , 204-206 (1991).
131. "Multimodal Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid Chromatography: (R)- and (S)- Naphthylethyl Carbamate
Derivatized ß-Cyclodextrin", D. W. Armstrong, M. L. Hilton, and L. Coffin, LC-GC Magazine , 9 , 646-652 (1991).
132. "Eindeutige Charakterisierumg des Ciprobibrat -Oβ-D-Glukuronids", H. Oelschlager, C. Kohl, D. W. Armstrong and D. Rothley, Archiv. der Pharmazie , 324 , 505-508 (1991).
133. "Use of a Three-Phase Model with Hydroxypropylβ-Cyclodextrin for the Direct Determination of Large Octanol-
Water and Cyclodextrin-Water Partition Coefficients", R. A. Menges and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chimica Acta , 255 ,
157-162 (1991).
134. "Investigation of a Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer as a Liquid Chromatography Detector for Enantiomers:
Sensitivity, Advantages and Limitations", J. Zukowski, Y. Tang, A. Berthod and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chim. Acta ,
258 , 83-92 (1992).
135. "Empirical Procedure That uses Molecular Structure to Predict Enantioselectivity of Chiral Stationary Phases", A.
Berthod, S.-C. Chang, and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
64 , 395-404 (1992).
136. "A New Approach for the Direct Resolution of Racemic Beta Adrenergic Blocking Agents by HPLC", D. W.
Armstrong, S. Chen, C. Chang, and S. Chang, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
15 , 545-556 (1992).
137. "Multiple Enantioselective Retention Mechanisms on Derivatized Cyclodextrin Gas Chromatographic Chiral
Stationary Phases", A. Berthod, W. Li, and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
64 ,873-879 (1992).
138. "Facile Resolution of NtertButoxycarbonyl Amino Acids: The Importance of Enantiomeric Purity in Peptide
Synthesis", S. C. Chang, L. R. Wang, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
15 , 1411-1429 (1992).
139. "Systematic Study on the Resolution of Derivatized Amino-Acids Enantiomers on Different Cyclodextrin-Bonded
Stationary Phases", S. H. Lee, A. Berthod, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
603 , 83-93 (1992).
140. "Direct Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient Determination Using Co-Current Chromatography", A. Berthod, R. A.
Menges, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr , 15 , 2769-2785 (1992).
141. "Chiral Separation of Nipecotic Acid Amides", Z. Feng, R. Gollamudi, G. Han, Y. Tang, and D. W. Armstrong, J.
609 , 187-193 (1992).
142. "Efficient Enantioselective Separation and Determination of Trace Impurities in Secondary Amino Acids", J.
Zukowski, M. Pawlowska and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
, 623 , 33-41 (1992).
143. "Extraction of Nonionic Surfactants From Waste Water Using Centrifugal Partition Chromatography", R. A.
Menges, T. S. Menges, G. L. Bertrand, D. W. Armstrong, and L. A. Spino, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
15 , 2909-2925 (1992).
144. "Comparison of the Enantioselectivity of Phenethyl- and Naphthylethylcarbamate Substituted Cyclodextrin
Bonded Phases", M. L. Hilton, S.-C. Chang, M. P. Gasper, M. Pawlowska, A. M. Stalcup, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq.
16 , 127-147 (1992).
145. "Effects of Whole-Abdomen Irradiation on Glutamine in C57BL Mice", N. Ercal, R.H. Matthews, J. Zukowski, and
D.W. Armstrong, Transactions, Missouri Academy of Science , 26 , 59-63 (1992).
146. "HPLC Enantioseparation of Gylcyl Di- and Tripeptides on Native Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases: Mechanistic
Considerations", J. Zukowski, M. Pawlowska, M. Nagatkina and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
, 629 , 169-179
147. "Relevance of Enantiomeric Separations in Environmental Science", D. W. Armstrong, G. L. Reid, M. L. Hilton and C.-D. Chang, Environ. Pollution , 79 , 51-58 (1993).
148. "Cyclodextrin Stationary Phases for the Gas-Solid Chromatographic Separation of Inorganic Gases", G. L. Reid,
W. T. Wall and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
, 633 , 143-149 (1993).
149. "Cyclodextrin Stationary Phases for the Gas-Solid Chromatographic Separation of Light Hydrocarbons:
Evidence for Multiple Retention Mechanisms", G. L. Reid, C. A. Monge, W. T. Wall, and D. W. Armstrong, J.
, 633 , 135-142 (1993).
150. "Factors Controlling the Level and Accurate Determination of D-Amino Acids in the Urine and Plasma of
Laboratory Rodents", D. W. Armstrong, M. P. Gasper, S. H. Lee, N. Ercal and J. Zukowski, Amino Acids , 5 , 299-315
151. "Removal of Organic Compounds from Water via Cloud Point Extraction with Permethyl Hydroxypropylβ-
Cyclodextrin", D. Warner-Schmid, S. Hoshi, D. W. Armstrong, Separation Science and Technology , 28 , 1009-1018
152. "Stereochemistry of Pipecolic Acid Found in the Urine and Plasma of Subjects with Peroxisomal Deficiencies",
D. W. Armstrong, J. Zukowski, N. Ercal, and M. P. Gasper, J. Pharm. and Biomedical Analysis , 11 , 881-886 (1993).
153. "D-Amino Acid Levels in Human Physiological Fluids", D. W. Armstrong, M. P. Gapser, S. H. Lee, J. Zukowski, and N. Ercal, J. Chirality , 5 , 375-378 (1993).
154. "Evaluation of a New Polar-Organic HPLC Mobile Phase for Cyclodextrin Bonded Chiral Stationary Phases", S.
C. Chang, G. L. Reid, S. Chen, C. D. Chang, and D. W. Armstrong, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 12 , 144-153
155. "Derivatized Cyclodextrins Immobilized on Fused Silica Capillaries for Enantiomeric Separatons via Capillary
Electrophoresis, Gas Chromatography or Supercritical Fluid Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong, Y. Tang, T. Ward, M.
Nichols, Anal. Chem.
, 65 , 1114-1117 (1993).
156. "Enantiomeric Separation of Fluorescent, 6-Aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl Carbamate (AQC) Tagged
Amino Acids, M. Pawlowska, S. Chen, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr.
, 641 , 257-265 (1993).
157. "Enantiomeric Separation of Chiral Components Reported To Be in Coffee, Tea and Cocoa", A. M. Stalcup, K. H.
Ekborg, M. P. Gasper and D. W. Armstrong, J. Agric and Food Chem.
, 41 , 1684-1689 (1993).
158. “Separation and Characterization of Components of Catalytic Cracker Feed Using Centrifugal Partition
Chromatography", R. Menges, L. Spino, and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 65 , 2873-2877 (1993).
159. " β-Cyclodextrin Chiral Stationary Phase for Liquid Chromatography Effect of the Spacer Arm on Chiral
Recognition", A. Berthod, C.D. Chang, and D.W. Armstrong, Talanta, 40, 1367-1373 (1993).
160. "Fractionation of [14C] Metolachlor Metabolites by Centrifugal Partition Chromatography", C.-D. Chang, D.W.
Armstrong, and T.J. Fleichmann, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 17 , 19-32 (1994).
161. "HPLC Enantioseparation of Di-and Tripeptides on Cyclodextrin Bonded Stationary Phases after Derivatization with 6-Aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl Carbamate (AQC)", S. Chen, M. Pawlowska, and D.W. Armstrong, J. of
Liq. Chromatogr.
, 17 , 483-497 (1994).
162. "Direct Enantiomeric Resolution of Monoterpene Hydrocarbons via Reversed Phase HPLC With an α-
Cyclodextrin Bonded Stationary Phase", D. W. Armstrong, and J. Zukowski, J. of Chromatogr.
666 , 445-448 (1994).
163. "Sensitive Enantiomeric Separation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Amines using Aromatic Anhydries as Nonchiral
Derivatizing Agents", M. Pawlowska, J. Zukowski, and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Chromatogr.
666 , 485-491 (1994).
164. "Examination of Enantioselectivity of Wall Immobilized Cyclodextrin Copolymers in Capillary Gas
Chromatography", Y. Tang, Y. Zhou, and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Chromatogr.
, 666 , 147-159 (1994).
165. "Distribution of Sedimentary Phosphorus in Gulf of Mexico Estuaries" W. Huanxin, B. Presley, D. W. Armstrong,
Marine Envirn. Res.
, 37 , 375-392 (1994).
166. "Macrocyclic Antibiotics as a New Class of Chiral Selectors for Liquid Chromatography", D. W. Armstrong, Y.
Tang, S. Chen, Y. Zhou, C. Bagwill, and J. R. Chen, Anal. Chem.
, 66 , 1473-1484 (1994).
167. "Use of Macrocyclic Antibiotic as the Chiral Selector for Enantiomeric Separations by TLC", D. W. Armstrong, and Y. Zhou, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 17(8) , 1695-1707 (1994).
168. "Use of Macrocyclic Antibiotic, Rifamycin B, and Indirect Detection for CE Resolution of Racemic Amino-
Alcohols", D. W. Armstrong, K. Rundlett, and G. Reid, Anal. Chem.
, 66 ,1690-1695 (1994).
169. "Cyclodextrin PLOT Columns for the Gas-Solid Chromatographic Separation of Light Hydrocarbons and
Inorganic Gases", G. L. Reid, III and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Microcolumn Sep.
, 6 , 151-157 (1994).
170. "Evaluation of Free D-Glutamate in Processed Foods", K. L. Rundlett and D. W. Armstrong, Chirality , 6 , 277-282
171. "Evaluation of Enantiomeric Purity of Selected Amino Acids in Honey", M. Pawlowska, and D. W. Armstrong,
Chirality , 6 , 270-276 (1994).
172. "Removal of Organic Compounds From Water Via Adsorption onto Polymethylhydrosiloxane Pentenylβ-
Cyclodextrin", D. Warner-Schmid, Y. Tang, and D.W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 17(8) , 1721-1735 (1994).
173. "Evaluation of the Macrocyclic Antibiotic Vancomycin as a Chiral Selector for Capillary Electrophoresis", D. W.
Armstrong, K. L. Rundlett and J.-R. Chen, Chirality , 6 , 496-509 (1994).
174. "Gas-solid Chromatographic Analysis of Automobile Tailpipe Emissions as a Function of Different Engine and
Exhaust System Modifications, D. W. Armstrong, K. Le, G. L. Reid, III, S. C. Lee, K. K. Beutelmann, M. Horak, and P.
Tran, J. of Chromatogr. A , 688 , 201-209 (1994).
175. "Foam Flotation Enrichment of Enantiomers" D. W. Armstrong, E. Y. Zhou, S. Chen, K. Le, and Y. Tang, Anal.
, 66 , 4278-4282 (1994).
176. "Halocarbon Separations on a New GSC-PLOT Column", G. L. Reid, III, and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Micro. Sep.
6 , 151-157 (1994).
177. "Highly Enantioselective Capillary Electrophoretic Separations with Dilute Solutions of the Macrocyclic Antibiotic
Ristocetin A", D. W. Armstrong, M. P. Gasper and K. L. Rundlett, J. Chromatogr. A , 689 , 285-304 (1995).
178. "An Evaluation of the Differential Partitioning and Separation of C60 and C70 Fullerenes in a Biphasic System
Using Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC)", M. P. Gasper, A. Berthod and D. W.Armstrong, J. Liq.
, 18(5) , 1019-1034 (1995).
179. "Effect of Organic Cosolvents on Enantio-Enrichments via Cyclodextrin-Based Precipitations: An Examination of
Production Efficiency", Y. Zhou, G. L. Bertrand and D. W. Armstrong, Sep. Sci and Technology , 30(11) , 2259-2276
180. "A Comparative Study on Buckminsterfullerenes and Higher Fullerenes Separations by HPLC", M. P. Gasper and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 18 , 1047-1076 (1995).
181. "Determination and Use of Rohrschneider-McReynolds Constants for Chiral Stationary Phase Used in Capillary
Gas Chromatography", A. Berthod, E. Y. Zhou, K. Le, and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 67 , 849-857 (1995).
182. "Enantioresolution of Substituted 2-Methoxy-6-Oxo-1,4,5,6-Tetrahydropyridine-3-Carbonitriles on Macrocyclic
Antibiotic and Cyclodextrin Stationary Phases", S. Chen, Y. Liu, D. W. Armstrong, J. I. Borrell, B. Martinez-Teipel, and
J. L. Matallana, J. Liq. Chromatogr.
, 18(8), 1495-1507 (1995).
183. "A Covalently Bonded Teicoplanin Chiral Stationary Phase for HPLC Enantioseparations" D. W. Armstrong, Y.
Liu and K. H. Ekborg-Ott, Chirality, 7 , 474-497 (1995).
184. "Effects of Micelles and Mixed-Micelles on Efficiency and Selectivity of Antibiotic-Based Capillary Electrophoretic
Enantioseparations", K. L. Rundlett and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem.
, 34 , 2088-2095 (1995).
185. "CE Resolution of Neutral and Anionic Racemates with Glycopeptide Antibiotics and Micelles" D. W. Armstrong and K. L. Rundlett, J. of Liq. Chromatography , 18 , 3659-3674 (1995).
186. "Enantiomeric Composition and Prevalence of Some Bicyclic Monoterpenoids in Amber" D. W. Armstrong, E. Y.
Zhou, J. Zukowski, and B. Kosmowska-Ceranowicz, Chirality , 8 , 39-48 (1995).
187. "Evaluation of the Concentration and Enantiomeric Purity of Selected Free Amino Acids in Fermented Malt
Beverages (Beers)" K. H. Ekborg-Ott and D. W. Armstrong, Chirality , 8 , 49-57 (1996).
188. “Halocarbon Separations on a New GSC-PLOT Column”, D. W. Armstrong, G. L. Reid, III, and M. P. Gasper, J.
Microcolumn Separations , 8 , 83-87 (1996).
189. “Facile Liquid Chromatographic Enantioresolution of Native Amino Acids and Peptides Using a Teicoplanin Chiral
Stationary Phase”, A. Berthod, Y. Liu, C. Bagwill and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Chromatogr. A , 731 , 123-137 (1996).
190. "Capillary Electrophoretic Enantiomeric Separations Using the Glycopeptide Antibiotic, Teicoplanin. K. L.
Rundlett, M. P. Gasper, E. Y. Zhou and D. W. Armstrong, Chirality , 8 , 88-107 (1996).
191. "Examination of the Origin, Variation, and Proper Use of Expressions for the Estimation of Association Constants by Capillary Electrophoresis" K. L. Rundlett and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Chromatogr. A , 721 , 173-186 (1996).
192. “In Vitro Study of the Metabolic Effects of D-Amino Acids”, N. Ercal, X. Luo, R. H. Matthews, and D. W.
Armstrong, Chirality , 8 , 24-29 (1996).
193. “Comparison and Modeling Study of Vancomycin, Ristocetin A, and Teicoplanin for CE Enantioseparations”, M.
P. Gasper, A. Berthod, U. B. Nair and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem ., 68 , 2501-2514 (1996).
194. “Gas Separations: A Comparison of GasPro TM and Aluminum Oxide PLOT Columns for the Separation of Highly
Volatile Compounds”, D. W. Armstrong, G. L. Reid, J. Luong, Current Separations , 15(1), 5-17 (1996).
195. "Investigation of Enantiomeric Separations of Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl Amino Acids and Peptides by HPLC
Using Native Cyclodextrins as Chiral Stationary Phases", Y. Tang, J. Zukowski, and D.W. Armstrong, J. of
, 743 , 261-271 (1996).
196. “Derivatized Vancomycin Stationary Phases for LC Chiral Separations”, A. Berthod, U. B. Nair, C. Bagwill, D. W.
Armstrong, Talanta , 43 , 1767-1782 (1996).
197. “Enantioresolution of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine and Deprenyl (Selegiline) by LC, GC and CE”, D. W.
Armstrong, K. L. Rundlett, U. B. Nair, and G. L. Reid, III, Current Separations , 15 , 57-61 (1996).
198. “Mechanism of Signal Suppression by Anionic Surfactants in Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Ionization
Mass Spectrometry”, K. L. Rundlett and D. W. Armstrong, Anal. Chem ., 68 , 3493-3497 (1996).
199 . “Elucidation of Vancomycin’s Enantioselective Binding Site Using Its Copper Complex”, U. B. Nair, S. S. C.
Chang, D. W. Armstrong, Y. Y. Rawjee, D. S. Eggleston and J. M. McArdle, Chirality , 8 , 590-595 (1996).
200 . “Chiral Separation of Monoterpenes Using Mixtures of Sulfated β-Cyclodextrins and α-Cyclodextrin as Chiral
Additives in the Reversed Polarity CE Mode”, K.-H. Gahm, L. W. Chang, and D. W. Armstrong, J. of Chromatogr ., 759 ,
149-155 (1997).
201. “Determination of Association Constants in Cyclodextrin or Vancomycin-Modified Micellar Capillary
Electrophoresis”, U. B. Nair and D. W. Armstrong, J. Liq. Chrom . & Rel. Technol., 20 , 203-216 (1997).
202. “Varietal Differences in the Total and Enantiomeric Composition of Theanine in Tea”, K. H. Ekborg-Ott, A. Taylor,
D. W. Armstrong, J. Agr. and Food Chem ., 45 , 353-363 (1997).
203. “The Evolution of Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid Chromatography”, D. W. Armstrong, LC-GC May, S20-S28
204. “Comparison of the Enantioselectivity of β-Cyclodextrin vs. Heptakis-2,3-O-Dimethyl-β-Cyclodextrin LC
Stationary Phases”, D. W. Armstrong, S. C. Chang, X. Wang, H. Ibrahim, G. R. Reid, III and T. E. Beesley, J. Liq.
Chromatogr ., 20 , 3279-3295 (1997).
205. “Comparison of the Selectivity and Retention of β-Cyclodextrin vs. Heptakis-2,3-O-Dimethyl-β-Cyclodextrin LC
Stationary Phases for Structural and Geometrical Isomers”, D. W. Armstrong, X. Wang, L. W. Chang, H. Ibrahim, G. R.
Reid, III, T. E. Beesley, J. Liq. Chromatogr ., 20 , 3297-3308 (1997).
206. “Synthesis, Enantioselective Separation and Identification of Racemic Tetralin, Indan and Benzosuberan
Derivatives”, D. W. Armstrong, K. Gahm, and L. W. Chang, Microchem. J.
57 , 149-165 (1997).
207. “Evaluation of Two Amine-functionalized Cyclodextrins as Chiral Selectors in CE: Comparisons to Vancomycin”,
U. Nair, and D. W. Armstrong, Microchem. J.
57 , 199-217 (1997).
208. “Methods for the Estimation of Binding Constants by Capillary Electrophoresis”, K. L. Rundlett, and D. W.
Armstrong, J. Electrophoresis , 18 , 2194-2202 (1997).
209. “Capillary Electrophoresis Enantioseparations Using Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Chiral Selectors”, D. W.
Armstrong and U. B. Nair, J. Electrophoresis , 18 , 2331-2342 (1997).
210. “Enantiomeric Composition of Monoterpenes in Conifer Resins”, X. Wang, Y.-S. Liu, U. B. Nair, D. W. Armstrong,
B. Ellis and K. M. Williams, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 8 (23) , 3977-3984 (1997).
211. “HPLC Separation of Enantiomers of Unusal Amino Acids on a Teicoplanin Chiral Stationary Phase”, G. Torok,
A. Peter, and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr. A , 793 , 283-296 (1998).
212. “Characterization and Evaluation of d-(+)-Tubocurarine Chloride as a Chiral Selector for Capillary Electrophoretic
Enantioseparations”, W. L. Hinze, U. B. Nair, D. W. Armstrong, Anal.Chem
., 70(6) 1059-1065 (1998).
213. “Mechanism of Capillary Electrophoresis Enantioseparations Using a Combination of an Achiral Crown Ether
Plus Cyclodextrins”, D. W. Armstrong, L. W. Chang, S.S.C. Chang, J. Chromatogr. A , 793 15-134 (1998).
214. “Highly Enantioselective HPLC Separations Using the Covalently Bonded Macrocyclic Antibiotic, Ristocetin A,
Chiral Stationary Phase”, K. H. Ekborg-Ott, Y. Liu, and D. W. Armstrong, Chirality , 10 , 434-483 (1998).
215. “Chiral Separations of Indan, Tetralin and Benzosuberan Derivatives by Capillary Electrophoresis”, K-H. Gahm,
J-T. Lee, L. W. Chang and D. W. Armstrong, J. Chromatogr. A , 793 , 135-143 (1998).
216. “Quantitative and Stereoisomeric Determination of Light Biomarkers in Crude Oil and Coal Samples” A. Berthod,
X. Wang, K. H. Gahm, and D. W. Armstrong, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta , 62 , 1619-1630 (1998).
217. “Enantiomeric Impurities in Chiral Catalysts, Auxiliaries and Synthons used in Enantioselective Synthesis”, D. W.
Armstrong, J. T. Lee and L. W. Chang, Tetrahedron Asymmetry , 9 , 2043-2064 (1998).
218. “Bubble Fractionation of Enantiomers From Solution Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Collectors”, D. W.
Armstrong, J. Schneiderheinze and Y.-S. Hwang, B. Sellergren, Anal. Chem . 70 , 3717-3719 (1998).
219. “Enantiomeric Composition of Nicotine in Smokeless Tobacco, Medicinal Products and Commercial Reagents”,
D. W. Armstrong, X. Wang, and N. Ercal, Chirality , 10 , 587-591 (1998).
220. “Evaluation of the Macrocyclic Antibiotic Avoparcin as a New Chiral Selector for HPLC”, K. Helen Ekborg-Ott, J.
P. Kullman, X. Wang, K. Gahm, L. He, and D. W. Armstrong, Chirality , 10 , 627-660 (1998).
221. “The Evolution of Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid Chromatography”, D. W. Armstrong, J. Chinese Chem.
Soc ., 45 , 581-590 (1998).
222. “Practice and Mechanism of HPLC Oligosaccharides Separation with a Cyclodextrin Bonded Phase” A. Berthod,
S. S. C. Chang, J. P. S. Kullman, D. W. Armstrong, Talanta , 47 , 1001-1012 (1998).
223. “Nicotine Enantiomers and Oxidative Stress”, D. Yildiz, N. Ercal, D. W. Armstrong, Toxicol.
, 130 , 155-165 (1998).
224. “Effect of Temperature on Retention of Enantiomers of β-methyl Amino Acids on a Teicoplanin Chiral Stationary
Phase”, A. Peter, G. Torok, and D. W. Armstrong, G. Toth and Dirk Tourwe, J. Chromatogr. A , 828 , 177-190 (1998).
225. "Chiral Separation of Secondary Amino Acids Possessing 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline and Related
Structures", Torl, Gabriella; Peter, Antal; Toth, Geza; Tourwe, Dirk; Van Den Nest, Wim; Iterbeke, Koen; Armstrong,
Daniel W., Pept. 1998, 302-303 (1998).
226. "Chiral Separation of Unusual β-Methyl Amino Acids", Peter, Antal; Torok, Gabriella; Toth, Geza; Tourwe, Dirk;
Mannekens, Els; Van Den Nest, Wim; Sapi, Janos; Armstrong, Daniel W., Pept. 1998, 300-301 (1998).
227. “Enantiomeric Separation of Unusual Secondary Aromatic Amino Acids”, A. Peter, G. Torok, G. Toth, W. Van
Den Nest, G. Laus, D. Tourwe, D. W. Armstrong, Chromatographia 48 , 53-58 (1998).
228. “Enantiomeric Impurities in Chiral Catalysts, Auxiliaries, Synthons and Resolving Agents. Part 2.”, D. W.
Armstrong, L. He, T. Yu, J. T. Lee and Y. Liu, Tetrahedron Asymmetry , 10 , 37-60 (1999).
229. “Enantiomeric Composition of Nornicotine, Anatabine and Anabasine in Tobacco”, D. W. Armstrong, X. Wang, J.-
T. Lee and Y.-S. Liu, Chirality , 11(1) , 82-84 (1999).
230. “Separation of Enantiomers by Capillary Electrophoresis Using Pentosan Polysulfate”, X. Wang, J.-T. Lee and D.
W. Armstrong, Electrophoresis , 20 , 162-170 (1999).
231. “Effect of Selector Coverage and Mobile Phase Composition of Enantiomeric Separations with Ristocetin A
Chiral Stationary Phases”, K. Helen Ekborg-Ott, X. Wang, and D. W. Armstrong, Microchemical Journal 62 , 26-49
232. “Self-Association of Rifamycin B: Possible Effects on Molecular Recognition” D. W. Armstrong, J. M.
Schneiderheinze, U. Nair, L. L. J. Magid, P. Butler, J. Phys. Chem.
, 103 (21) , 4338-4341 (1999).
233. “Plant and Soil Enantioselective Biodegradation of Racemic Phenoxyalkanoic Herbicides” J. M. Schneiderheinze,
D. W. Armstrong, and A. Berthod , Chirality , 11 , 330-337 (1999).
234. “High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Novel Atropic α,α-Disubstituted-β-Amino Acids, Either on Different β-Cyclodextrin-Bonded Phases or as Their 1-Fluoro-2,4-Dinitrophenyl-5-L-Alanine Amide Derivatives” G.
Torok, A. Peter, A. Gaucher, M. Wakselman, J.-P. Mazaleyrat, D. W. Armstrong, J. of Chromatography A , 846 , 83-91
235. “Examination of Ionic Liquids and Their Interactions with Molecules, When Used as Stationary Phases in Gas
Chromatography, Daniel W. Armstrong, Lingfeng He, and Yan-Song Liu, Anal. Chem., 71 , 3873-3876 (1999).
236. “Evaluation of the Enantiomeric Composition of Amino Acids in Tobacco”, J. P. Kullman, X. Chen and D. W.
Armstrong, Chirality, 11 , 669-673 (1999).
237. “Analysis of Fissure-Filled Turquoise, Emeralds and Rubies by Near Infrared Spectroscopy” D. W. Armstrong, X.
Wang, C. R. Beesley and R. Rubinovitz, Am. Laboratory , 31 , 41-42, 44, 47 (1999).
238. "Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: I. Capillary Electrokinetic Approaches", D.W. Armstrong, G.
Schulte, J.M. Schneiderheinze and D.J. Westenberg, Anal. Chem., 71 , 5465-5469 (1999).
239. “Comparison of Pure Nicotine and Smokeless Tobacco Extract Induced Toxicities and Oxidative Stress”, D.
Yildiz, Y.-S. Liu, N. Ercal, and D. W. Armstrong, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology , 37 , 434-
439 (1999).
240. "HPLC Detection and Evaluation of Chiral Compounds with a Lazer-Based Chiroptical Detector", Liu, Yan-Song;
Yu, Tim; Armstrong, Daniel W., LC-GC 17 , 946, 948, 950, 952, 954, 956-957 (1999).
241. "Avoparcin, A New Macrocyclic Antibiotic Chiral Run Buffer Additive for Capillary Electrophoresis", Ekborg-Ott,
K. Helen; Zientara, Gina A.; Schneiderheinze, Jeffrey M.; Gahm, Kyung; Armstrong, Daniel W., Electrophoresis 20 ,
2438-2457 (1999).
242. “Rapid Spectroscopic Discrimination Between Natural and Synthetic Emeralds, Rubies and Alexandrite”,
Armstrong, D. W., Wang, X., Bessley, C. R., and Rubinovitz, R., Am. Laboratory . 32 , 26-34 (2000).
243. “Enantioselective Reversed-phase and Non-aqueous Capillary Electrochromatography Using a Teicoplanin
Chiral Stationary Phase”, Karlsson, C., Wikstrom, H., Armstrong, D.W., and Owens, P.K., J. of Chromatogr. 897 , 349-
363 (2000).
244. “Resolution of Chiral Thio Compounds Derivatized with N(1-pyrenyl)maleimide and ThioGloTM3”, Kullman, J. P.,
Yu, T., Chen, X., Neal, R., Ercal, N., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chrom. 23 , 1941-1952 (2000).
245. “Analysis of Fissure-Filled Emeralds and Rubies by Diffuse Reflectance Using Infrared Fourier Transform
Spectroscopy”, Armstrong, D.W., Wang, X., and Beesley, C. R. Anal. Lett. 33 , 111-123 (2000).
246. "High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers of Synthetic Amino Acids on a Ristocetin
A Chiral Stationary Phase", Torok, P. A., Armstrong, D.W., Toth, G., and Tourwe, D. J. of Chromatogr. A. 904 , 1-15
247. "Rapid Identification of the Bacterial Pathogens Responsible for Urinary Tract Infections Using Direct Injection
CE", Armstrong, D. W. and Schneiderheinze, J. M. Anal. Chem. 72 , 4474-4476 (2000).
248. "High Efficiency Separation of Microbial Aggregates Using Capillary Electrophoresis", Schneiderheinze, J.M.,
Armstrong, D.W., Schulte, G., and Westenber, D.J. FEMS Microbiol. Lett.
189 , 39-44 (2000).
249. "High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of the Enantiomers of Unusual α-Amino Acid Analogues",
Peter, A., Olajos, E., Casimir, R., Tourwe, D., Boxterman, Q. B., Kaptein, B., and Armstrong, D. W. J. of Chromatogr.
A 871 , 105-113 (2000).
250. "Role of the Carbohydrate Moieties in Chiral Recognition on Teicoplanin-Based LC Stationary Phases", Berthod,
A., Chen, X., Kullman, J. P., Armstrong, D.W., Gasparrini, F., D'Acquarica, L., Villani, C., and Carotti, A. Anal. Chem.
72 , 1767-1780 (2000).
251. "Enantiomeric High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of β-Substituted Tryptophan Analogues",
Torok, G., Peter, A., Vekes, E., Sapi, J., Laronze, M., Laronze, J.-Y., and Armstrong, D.W. Chromatographia Supp.
51 , S-165-S-174 (2000).
252. "Evaluation of Vancomycin Chiral Stationary Phase in Capillary Electrochromatography using Polar Organic and
Reversed Phase Modes", Karlsson, C., Karlsson, L., Armstrong, D.W., and Owens, P.K. Anal. Chem.
72 , 4394-4401
253. "The Use of Computerized Deconvolution for Determination of Energy Barrier to Enantiomerization in Dynamic
Gas Chromatography", Krupcik, J., Oswald, P., Spanik, I., Majek, P., Bajdichova, M., Sandra, P., and Armstrong, D.W.
Microcolumn Separations , 12 , 22 630-636, (2000).
254. "Evaluation of the Macrocyclic Antiobiotic A-40, 926 as a High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Chiral
Selector & Comparison with Teicoplanin Chiral Stationary Phase", Berthod, A., Yu, T., Kullman, J.P., Armstrong, D.W.,
Gasparrini, F., D' Acquarica, L., Carotti, A., and Misiti, D. J. Chromatogr. A. 897 , 113-129 (2000).
255. "HPLC and CE Enantioseparation of Plant Growth Regulators and Related Indole Compounds Using Macrocyclic
Antibiotics as Chiral Selectors", Hui, F., Ekborg-Ott, K.H., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A.
906 , 91-103 (2001).
256. "Rapid CE Microbial Assays for Consumer Products That Contain Active Bacteria", Armstrong, D.W.,
Schneiderheinze, J.M., Kullman, J.P., and He, L. FEMS Microbiology Letters 194 , 33-37 (2001).
257. "Ionic Liquids as Stationary Phase Solvents for Methylated Cyclodextrins in Gas Chromatography", Berthod, A.,
He, L., and Armstrong, D.W. Chromatographia 53 , 63-68, (2001).
258. "Thermal Pathways for the Transfer of Amines, Including Nicotine, to the Gas Phase and Aerosols", Fournier,
J.A., Paine III, J.B., Seeman, J.I., Armstrong, D.W., and Xianghong, C. Heterocycles 55 (1) , 59-74 (2001).
259. "Methods for the Determination of Binding Constants by Capillary Electrophoresis", Rundlett, K. and Armstrong,
D.W. Electrophoresis 22 , 1419-1427 (2001).
260. "Composition and Chirality of Amino Acids in Aerosol/Dust from Laboratory and Residential Enclosures",
Armstrong, D.W., Kullman, J.P., Chen, X., and Rowe, M. C hirality 13 , 153-158 (2001).
261. "Ionic Liquids as Matrices for Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry", Armstrong, D.W.,
Zhang, L.-K., He, L., and Gross, M. Anal. Chem. 73 , 3679-3686 (2001).
262. "Modification of the Chiral Bonding Properties of Teicoplanin Chiral Stationary Phase by Organic Additives.
HPLC Separation of Enantiomers of Alkoxysubstituted Esters of Phenylcarbamic Acid", Lehotay, J., HroboAova, J.,
Renaova, M., and Armstrong, D.W. J. of Liq. Chromatogr. and Rel. Tech.
24 (5), 609-624 (2001).
263. "High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of Bicyclic 1,3-amino Alcohols", Peter, A., Kaman,
J., Fulop, F., Van der Eycken, J., and Armstrong, D.W. J. of Chromatogr. A 919 (1), 79-86 (2001).
264. "High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of β-Amino Acids", Péter, A., Lázár, L., Fülöp, F., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A , 926 (2), 229-238 (2001).
265. "Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC", Armstrong, D.W. and Zhang, B. Anal. Chem.
73 , 557A-561A (2001).
266. "Determination of Cell Viability in Single or Mixed Samples Using Capillary Electrophoresis Laser-induced
Fluorescence Microfluidic Systems", Armstrong, D.W and He, L. Anal. Chem. 73 , 4551-4557 (2001).
267. "Direct Chiral Separation of Unnatural Amino Acids by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography on a Ristocetin
A-Bonded Stationary Phase", Torok, G., Peter, A., Armstrong, D.W., Tourwe, D., Toth, G., and Sapi, J. Chirality 13 ,
648 - 656 (2001).
268. "Separation of Amino Acid Enantiomers and Enantiomers of their Derivatives on Macrocyclic Antibiotic
Teicoplanin", Anan'eva, I. A., Shapovalova, E. N., Shpigun, O. A., and Armstrong, D. W. Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Ser. 2:
42(4) , 278-280 (2001).
269. "On the Use of a Peak Deconvolution Procedure for the Determination of Energy Barrier to Enantiomerization in
Dynamic Chromatography", Krupcik, J.; Oswald, P.; Spanik, I.; Majek, P.; Bajdichova, M.; Sandra, P.; Armstrong, D.
W., Analusis , 28 (9) , 859-863 (2001).
270. "Recent Advances of Capillary Electrophoresis in Microbial Electrokinetic Separation", He, L., and Armstrong,
D.W. Huaxue 59 (3) , 381-390 (2001).
271. "Study of Mechanism of Enantioseparation. Part I. Chiral Analysis of Alkylaminoderivatives of Aryloxypropanols by HPLC using Macrocyclic Antiobiotics as Chiral Selectors", HroboAova, K., Lehotay, J., AiImarikova, R., and
Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 24 (15) , 2225-2237 (2001).
272. "Retention and Selectivity of Teicoplanin Stationary Phases after Copper Complexation and Isotopic Exchange",
Berthod, A., Tizon, V., Leonce, E., Caussignac, C., Valleix, A., and Armstrong, D.W. Anal. Chem. 73 , 5499-5508
273. "Reversal of Enantiomeric Elution Order on Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Chiral Stationary Phases", Xiao, T. L.,
Zhang, B., Lee, J. T., and Hui, F. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 24(17) , 2673-2684 (2001).
274. "A Potent Enantioselective Auxin: Indole-3-Succinic Acid", Armstrong, D.W., Liu, Y-S., He, L., Ekborg-Ott, K.,
Barnes, C. L., and Hammer, C.F. J. Agri. Food Chem. 50(3) , 473-476 (2002).
275. "Separation of Racemic Sulfoxides and Sulfinate Esters on Four Derivatized Cyclodextrin Chiral Stationary
Phases using Capillary Gas Chromatography., Anderson, J. L., Ding, J., McCulla, R, Jenks, W.S., and Armstrong,
D.W. J. Chromatogr. A , 946 (1-2) , 197-208 (2002).
276. "Separation of Chiral Sulfoxides by Liquid Chromatography using Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Chiral Stationary
Phases", Berthod, A., Xiao, T. L., Liu, Y., Jenks, W.S., McCulla, R., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A.
955(1) ,
53-69 (2002).
277. "Study of Local Anesthetics Part CLVIII. Chromatographic Separation of Some Derivates of Substituted
Phenylcarbamic Acid on a VancomycinBased Stationary Phase", Ëungelová, J., Lehotay, J., HroboÀová, K., ÂiÏmárik,
J., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 25(2) , 299-312 (2002).
278. "Evaluation of Molecule-Microbe Interactions with Capillary Electrophoresis: Procedures, Utility and Restrictions",
Berthod, A., Rodriguez, M., and Armstrong, D.W. Electrophoresis , 23(6) , 847-857 (2002).
279. "Evaluation of Non-Polar Interactions in Chiral Recognition on Alkylated β- and γ-cyclodextrins", Spanik, I.,
Oswald, P., Krupcik, J., Galli, M., Sandra, P., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Sep. Sci.
25 , 45-52 (2002).
280. "An Evaluation of Reversible and Irreversible Models for the Determination of the Enantiomerization Energy
Barrier for N-(p-methoxybenzyl)-1,3,2-Benzothiazol-1-oxide by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography", Oswald, P.,
Desmet, K., Sandra, P., Krupcik, J., and Armstrong, D.W. Chirality , 14 , 334-339 (2002).
281. "Effects of Temperature on Retention of Chiral Compounds on a Ristocetin A Chiral Stationary Phase", Peter, A.,
Vekes, E., Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A.
958(1-2) , 89-107 (2002).
282. "Use of Unmodified and Aminated
-Cyclodextrins for the Separation of Enantiomers of Amino Acid Derivatives by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography", Anan'eva, I.A., Shapovalova, E.N., Lopatin, S.A., Shpigun, O.A.,
Varlamov, V.P., Davankov, V.A., and Armstrong, D.W. J Anal. Chem.
57(4) , 331-337 (2002).
283. "Enantioseparation of Chiral Sulfoxides and Sulfinate Esters by Capillary Electrophoresis", Rodriguez, M.A., Liu,
Y., McCulla, R., Jenks, W.S., and Armstrong, D.W. Electrophoresis 23(11) , 1561-1570 (2002).
284. "Monitoring the Migration Behavior of Living Microorganisms in Capillary Electrophoresis Using Laser-induced
Fluorescence Detection with a Charge-coupled Device Imaging System", Girod, M., and Armstrong, D.W.
Electrophoresis 23 (13), 2048-2056 (2002).
285. "Use of Native and Derivatized Cyclodextrin Chiral Stationary Phases for the Enantioseparation of Aromatic and
Aliphatic Sulfoxides by High Performance Liquid Chromatography", Mitchell, C., Desai, M., McCulla, R., Jenks, W.S., and Armstrong, D.W. Chromatographia 56(3/4), 127-135 (2002).
286. "Selectivity Tuning in Chiral Dual Column Chromatography", Krupcik, J., Spanik, I., Benicka, E., Zabka, M.,
Wesch, T., Armstrong, D.W., J. Chromatogr. Sci ., 40(9) 483-488 (2002).
287. "HPLC Enantioseparation of Imino Acids on Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Stationary Phases and (S)-N-(4-nitrophenoxycarbony)-phenylalanine methoxyethyl Ester Derivatives", Peter, A., Vekes, E., Armstrong, D.W., and Tourwe,
D. Chromatographia 56 (Suppl.) S41-S47 (2002).
288. "Influence of Organic Modifiers on the Ionization of Analytes and Buffers in RPLC - Practical Considerations",
Kora, D.S., Tesarova, E., and Armstrong, D.W. LC
GC 20(10) 974, 976-981 (2002).
289. "A Comparison of the Most Effective Direct and Indirect LC Methods for Separating Enantiomers of Unusual
Glycine and Alanine Amino Acid Analogues", Peter, A., Vekes, E., Gera, L., Stewart, J.M., and Armstrong, D.W.
Chromatographia 56 (Suppl.) S79-S89 (2002).
290. "Study of Mechanism of Enantioseparation. Part III. The influence of Carbohydrate Moieties of Teicoplanin-
Bonded Chiral Stationary Phase on the Separation of Some Derivates of Phenylcarbamic Acid", Rojkovicova, T.,
Lehotay, J. Dungelova, J., Cismarik, J., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 25(18) 2723-2738
291. "Super/Subcritical Fluid Chromatography Chiral Separations with Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Stationary Phases",
Liu, Y., Berthod, A., Mitchell, C., Xiao, T.L., Zhang, B., and Armstrong, D.W. J. of Chromatogr. A . 978(1-2) 185-204
292. "Characterizing Ionic Liquids On the Basis of Multiple Solvation Interactions", Anderson, J.L., Ding, J., Welton, T., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124(47) , 14247-14254 (2002).
293. "In-vitro Study of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Diperodon Enantiomers in Blood Serum by Two-dimensional HPLC",
Hrobonova, K., Lehotay, J., Cizmarik, J., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Pharm. & Biomed. Anal.
30(3) 875-880 (2002).
294. "Study of Mechanism of Enantioseparation. Part II. HPLC Chiral Analysis of Alkysubstituted Esters of
Phenylcarbamic Acid", Hrobonova, K., Lehotay, J., Cizmarik, J., Rencova, M., Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. &
Rel. Tech. 25(12) 1711-1720 (2002).
295. "Mechanistic Aspects in the Generation of Apparent Ultrahigh Efficiencies for Colloidal (Microbial) Electrokinetic
Separations", Armstrong, D.W., He, L., Girod, M., Wei, W., and Yeung, E.S. Anal. Chem.
74(21) 5523-5530 (2002).
296. "Determination of the Enantiomerization Energy Barrier of Some 3-hydroxy-1, 4 Benzodiazepine Drugs by
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography", Oswald, P., Desmet, K., Sandra, P., Krupcik, J., Majek, P., and Armstrong, D.W.
J. Chromatogr. B.
779(2) 283-295 (2002).
297. "Use of Microbubbles in Capillary Electrophoresis for Sample Segregation when Focusing Microbial Samples",
Berthod, A., Rodriguez, M., Girod, M., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Sep. Sci.
25 988-995 (2002).
298. “Assignment of Absolute Configuration of a Chiral Phenyl-Substituted Dihydrofuroangelicin”, Pescitelli, G.,
Berova, N., Xiao, T. L., Rozhkov, R. V., Larock, R. C., and Armstrong, D. W. Org. & Biomol. Chem.
1(1), 186-190
299. “Ionic Matrices for Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Detection of DNA Oligomers”,
Carda-Broch, S., Berthod, A., and Armstrong, D. W. Rap. Comm. Mass Spec.
17(6), 553-560 (2003).
300. “Solvent Properties of the 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate Ionic Liquid”, Carda-Broch, S.,
Berthod, A., and Armstrong, D. W. Anal. Bioanal. Chem.
375(2), 191-199 (2003).
301. “Facile Monitoring and Evaluation of Bacteria in a Fermentation Process Using Perfusion Chromatography and
Polarimetry Detection”, Berthod, A., Zhang, B. and Armstrong, D.W. J. Sep. Sci.
26(1/2), 20-28 (2003).
302. “Electrophoretic Behavior and Potency Assessment of Boar Sperm Using a Capillary Electrophoresis-Laser
Induced Fluoresce nce System”, He, L., Jepsen, R.J., Evans, L.E. and Armstrong, D.W. Anal. Chem.
75(4), 825-834
303. “First Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral β-iodo Baylis-Hillman Esters via Tandem 1,4-Conjugate Addition/Carbonyl
Coupling Reactions”, Xu, X., Chen, D., Wei, H.-X., Li, G., Xiao, T.L. and Armstrong, D.W., Chirality 15(2), 139-142
304. “Separation, Identification, and Characterization of Microorganisms by Capillary Electrophoresis”, Desai, M.J. and Armstrong, D.W. Microbio. and Mol. Bio. Rev. 67(1), 38-51 (2003).
305. “Determination of the Interconversion Energy Barrier of Enantiomers by Separation Methods”, Krupcik, J.,
Oswald, P., Majek, P., Sandra, P. and Armstrong, D. W. J. Chromatogr. A.
1000(1-2), 779-800 (2003).
306. “Cyclodextrin-Based Liquid Chromatographic Enantiomeric Separation of Chiral Dihydrofurocoumarins, an
Emerging Class of Medicinal Compounds”, Schumacher, D.D., Mitchell, C.R., Xiao, T.L., Rozhkov, R.V., Larock, R.C. and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A 1011(1-2) , 37-47 (2003).
307. “Enantioseparation of Dihydrofurocoumarin Derivatives by Various Separation Modes of Capillary
Electrophoresis”, Egger, Matthew D.; Liu, Ying; Sevcik, J., Tesarova, E., Rozhkov, R., Larock, R.C., and Armstrong,
D.W. Electrophoresis 24(15) , 2650-2656 (2003).
308. “Study of the Mechanism of Enantioseparation. IV. Study of Enantioseparation of Some Derivatives of
Phenylcarbamic Acid Using
Complex Stationary Phase in HPLC”, Dungelova, J., Lehotay, J., Cizmarik, J., and
Armstrong, D. W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 26(14) , 2331-2350 (2003).
309. “Separation of the Enantiomers of Substituted Dihydrofurocoumarins by HPLC Using Macrocyclic Glycopeptide
Chiral Stationary Phases”, Xiao, T.L., Rozhkov,R.V., Larock, R.C., and Armstrong, D.W. Anal. Bioanal. Chem.
377(4) , 639-654 (2003).
310. “Absolute Stereochemistry of Dihydrofuroangelicins Bearing C-8 Substituted Double Bonds: a Combined
Chemical/Exciton Chirality Protocol”, Tanaka, K., Pescitelli, G., Di Bari, L., Xiao, T.L., Nakanishi, K., Armstrong,
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311. “Pore Exclusion Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry for Monitoring Elements in
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312. “Surfactant Solvation Effects and Micelle Formation in Ionic Liquids”, Anderson, J.L., Pino, V., Hagberg, E.C.,
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313. “Fast Super/Subcritical Fluid Chromatography Enantiomeric Separations of Dihydrofurocoumarin Derivatives with
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W., Chromatographia 58(11/12) , 775-779 (2003).
314. “High-Stability Ionic Liquids. A New Class of Stationary Phases for Gas Chromatography”, Anderson, J.L., and
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315. “Separation of β-Blockers on Chiral Stationary Phases Based on the Teicoplanin Macrocyclic Antibiotic”,
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316. “Generation of Fluorescent Adducts of Malondialdehyde and Amino Acids: Towards an Understanding of
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79, 21-25 (2004).
317. “High Efficiency Liquid and Super-Subcritical Fluid-Based Enantiomeric Separations: An Overview”, Liu, Y.,
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318. “Dynamic Solvation in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids”, Chowdhury, P.K., Halder, M., Sanders, L., Calhoun, T.,
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319. “Study of the Mechanism of Enantioseparation. Part VI: Thermodynamic Study of HPLC Separation of Some
Enantiomers of Pheylcarbamic Acid Derivatives on a (S,S) WhelkO 1 Column”, Dungelova, J., Lehotay, J., Kurpcik, J.,
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27(12) , 983-990 (2004).
320. “Study of the Mechanism of Enantioseparation. IX. Effect of Temperature on Retention of Chiral Compounds on a Methylated Teicoplanin Chiral Stationary Phase”, Rojkovicova, T., Lehotay, J., Mericko, D., Cizmarik, J., and
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321. “Effects of Partial/Asymmetrical Filling of Micelles and Chiral Selectors on Capillary Electrophoresis Enantiomeric
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322. “Enantiomeric Separation of Neutral Hydrophobic Dihydrofuroflavones by Cyclodextrin-Modified Micellar Capillary
Electrophoresis”, Lantz, A.W., Rozhkov, R.V., Larock, R.C., and Armstrong, D.W., Electrophoresis 25(17) , 2727-2734
323. “Study of the Mechanism of Enantioseparation. X. Comparison Study of Thermodynamic Parameters on
Separation of Phenylcarbamic Acid Derivatives Using Vancomycin and Teicoplanin CSPs”, Rojkovicova, T., Lehotay,
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27(20) , 3213-3226 (2004).
324. “Selective Separations of Peptides with Sequence Deletions, Single Amino Acid Polymorphisms, and/or Epimeric
Centers Using Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Liquid Chromatography Stationary Phases”, Zhang, B., Soukup, R., and
Armstrong, D.W., J. Chromatogr. A 1053(1-2) , 89-99 (2004).
325. “Chiral Ionic Liquids as Stationary Phases in Gas Chromatography”, Ding. J., Welton, T. and Armstrong, D.W.
76(22) , 6819-6822 (2004).
326. “Analysis of Derivatized and Underivatized Theanine Enantiomers by High-Performance Liquid
Chromatography/Atmospheric Pressure IonizationMass Spectrometry”, Desai, M.J., and Armstrong, D.W. Rap.
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18(3) , 251-256 (2004).
327. “Comparison of the Separation Efficiencies of Chirobiotic T and TAG Columns in the Separation of Unusual
Amino Acids” Antal, P., Arki, A., Tourwe, D., Forro, E., Fueloep, F., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A 1031(1-
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328. “Direct and Indirect High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of β-Amino Acids”, Antal, P.,
Arki, A., Vekes, E., Tourwe, D., Lazar, L., Fueloep, F., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A 1031(1-2) , 171-178
329. “Selectivity Tuning of Serially Coupled (S,S) Whelk-O 1 and (R,R) Whelk-O 1 Columns in HPLC” Dungelova, J.,
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43(3) , 135-139 (2004).
330. “Analysis of Native Amino Acid and Peptide Enantiomers by High-Performance Liquid
Chromatography/Atmospheric Pressure IonizationMass Spectrometry”, Desai, M.J., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Mass
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331. “Calibration of GC-FID and IR Spectrometric Methods for Determination of High Boiling Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Environmental Samples”, Krupcik, J., Oswald, P., Oktavec, D., and Armstrong, D. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
153(1-4) , 329-341 (2004).
332. “Transforming Chiral Liquid Chromatography Methodologies into More Sensitive Liquid Chromatography-
Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry without Los ing Enantioselectivity”, Desai, M., and Armstrong, D.W.
J. Chromatogr. A, 1035(2) , 203-210 (2004).
333. “The Complex of Apomyoglobin with the Fluorescent Dye Coumarin 153”, Chowdhury, P.K., Halder, M.,
Sanders, L., Arnold, R. A., Liu, Y., Armstrong, D.W., Kundu, S., Hargrove, M.S., Song, X., and Petrich, J.W.
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334. “Study of the Mechanism of Enantioseparation. VII. Effect of Temperature on Retention of Some Enantiomers of
Phenylcarbamic Acid Derivates on a Teicoplanin Aglycone Chiral Stationary Phase”, Rojkovicová, T., Lehotay, J.,
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27(11) , 1653-1671
335. “New Particle-Loaded Monoliths for Chiral Capillary Electrochromatographic Separation”, Schmid, M.G., Koidl, J.,
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3195-3203 (2004).
336. “Direct High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Unusual Secondary Amino Acids and a
Comparison of the Performances of Chirobiotic T and TAG Columns”, Peter, A., Torok, R., and Armstrong, D.W.
J. Chromatogr. A 1057(1-2) , 229-235 (2004).
337. “High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Stereoisomers of
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Separation Efficiencies on Chirobiotic T and TAG Columns”, Arki, A., Tourwe, D., Solymar, M., Fulop, F., Armstrong,
D.W., and Peter, A. Chromatographia 60 , S43-S54 (2004).
338. “Separation and Analysis of Colloidal/Nano-Particles Including Microorganisms by Capillary Electrophoresis: A
Fundamental Review”, Rodriguez, M.A., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. B 800 , 7-25 (2004).
339. “On-Flow Gas Chromatographic Method for the Determination of the Enantiomer Interconversion Energy Barrier”,
Mydlova, J., Benicka, E., Krupcik, J., Sandra, P., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. Sci.
42(10) , 516-523 (2004).
340. “GC Separation of Enantiomers of Secondary Alcohols and N-Pentyl Secondary Alkyl Ethers on Modified
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-Cyclodextrin Stationary P hases”, Krupcik, J.; Benicka, E.; Spanik, I.’ Majek, P.; Birasova, H.; Sandra, P.; and
Armstrong, D.W., Chemia Analityczna 49(6) , 895-904 (2004).
341. “Structure and Properties of High Stability Geminal Dicationic Ionic Liquids”, Anderson, J.L., Ding, R., Ellern, A., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
127(2) , 593-604 (2005).
342 . “Use of Chiral Ionic Liquids as Solvents for the Enantioselective Photoisomerization of Dibenzobicyclo[2.2.2]
Octatrienes”, Ding, J., Desikan, V., Han, X., Xiao, T.L., Ding, R., Jenks, W.S., and Armstrong, D.W. Org. Lett.
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343. “Separation of Chiral Furan Derivatives by Liquid Chromatography Using Cyclodextrin-based Chiral Stationary
Phases”, Han, X., Yao, T., Liu, Y., Larock, R.C., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A.
1063(1-2) , 111-120 (2005).
344. “Behavior of Bacteria in the Inductively Coupled Plasma: Atomization and Production of Atomic Ions for Mass
Spectrometry”, Li, F., Armstrong, D.W., and Houk, R.S. Anal. Chem.
77(5) , 1407-1413 (2005).
345. “Cyclodextrin-Mediated Enantiomeric Separation of Chiral Dihydrofuroflavones, A Class of Compounds with
Promising Pharmacological Activity”, Mitchell, C., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 28(2) ,
169-186 (2005).
346. “Chromatographic Evaluation of the Poly (Trans-1,2-Cyclohexanediamine Acrylamide) as a Chiral Stationary
Phase for HPLC”, Zhong, Q., Han, X., He, L., Beesley, T.E., Trahanovsky, W.S., and Armstrong, D.W.,
J. Chromatogr. A.
1066(1-2) , 55-70 (2005).
347. “The Separation of Hypericin’s Enantiomers and Their Photophysics in Chiral Environment”, Sanders, L., Halder,
M., Xiao, T.L., Ding, J., Armstrong, D.W., and Petrich, J.W. Photochem. & Photobio.
, 81 (Jan./Feb.), 183-186 (2005).
348. “Pharmacokinetics of Theanine Enantiomers in Rats”, Desai, M.J., Gill, M.S., Hsu, W.H., and Armstrong, D.W.
Chirality , 17(3), 154-162 (2005).
349. “Chemometric Studies of Retention in Capillary Gas Chromatographic Separation of Hydrocarbons in Coupled
Columns”, Hevesi, T., Majek, P., Krupcik, J., Chretien, J.R., and Armstrong, D.W. J. of Chromatogr. A , 1068(2) , 307-
314 (2005).
350. “Uptake and Enantioselective Elimination of Chlordane Compounds by Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.)”,
Berthod, A, Seemamahannop, R., Maples, M., Shubhi, K., and Armstrong, D.W. Chemosphere , 59(4) , 493-500
351. “Use of Native and Derivatized Cyclodextrin Based and Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Based Chiral Stationary
Phases for the Enantioseparation of Pterocarpans by High Performance Liquid Chromatography”, Warnke, M.M.,
Mitchell, C.R., Rozhkov, R.V., Emrich, R.C., Larock, R.C., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech.
28(6) , 823-834 (2005).
352. “On the Capillary Gas Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers of N-TFA-O-alkyl Esters of Selected Amino
Acids on 2,3-di-O-pentyl-6-OAcyl Cyclodextrins”, Spanik, I., Krupcik, J., Skacani, I., Sandra, P., and Armstrong, D.W.
J. Chromatogr. A , 1071(1-2) , 59-66 (2005).
353. “Separation of Enantiomers of Isochromene Derivatives by HPLC Using Cyclodextrin-Based Stationary Phases”,
Han, X.X., Zhong, Q., Yue, D., Della Ca, N., Larock, R.C., and Armstrong, D.W. Chromatographia , 61(5/6) , 205-211
354. “The Use of Cyclodextrin-Based LC Stationary Phases for the Separation of Chiral Dihydrobenzofuran
Derivatives”, Soukup, R.J., Rozhkov, R.V., Larock, R.C., and Armstrong, D.W. Chromatographia , 61(5/6) , 219-224
355. “Enantiomeric Separation of Fused Polycycles by HPLC with Cyclodextrin and Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Chiral
Stationary Phases”, Han, X., Huang, Q., Ding, J., Larock, R. C., and Armstrong, D.W.
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356. “Direct High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of
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A., Forr ó, E., Fϋlöp, F., and Armstrong, D.W. Chirality , 17(4) , 193-200 (2005).
357 . “Chiral Ionic Liquids: Synthesis and Applications”, Ding, J. and Armstrong, D.W. Chirality , 17(5) , 281-292
358 . “Absolute Configuration and Predominant Conformations of 1,1-Dimethyl-2-Phenylethyl Phenyl Sulfoxide”,
Petrovic, Ana, G.; He, Jiangtao; Polavarapu, Prasad, L.; Xiao, Ling, S.; and Armstrong, D.W. Org. & Biomol. Chem.
3(10) , 1977-1981 (2005).
359 . “Separation and Characterization of Underivatized Oligosaccharides Using LC and LC-ESI-MS”, Liu, Y.,
Urgaonkar, S., Verkade, J.G., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A., 1079(1-2) , 146-152, (2005).
360 . “Evaluation of Ethoxynonaflurobutane as a Safe and Environmentally Friendly Solvent for Chiral Normal-Phase
LC-Astmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization/Electrospray-Ionization-MassSpectrometry”, Ding, J., Desai, M., and
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1076(1-2) , 34-43, (2005).
361 . “Gas-Phase Ion Association Provides Increased Selectivity and Sensitivity for Measuring Perchlorate by Mass
Spectrometry”, Martinelango, P. Kalyani, Anderson, J. L., Dasgupta, P. K., Armstrong, D. W., Al-Horr, R. S., and
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77(15) , 4829-4835, (2005).
362 . “Selectivity of β-Cyclodextrin Column in the Separation of Catechins”, Berthod, A., Berthod, L., and Armstrong,
D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 28(11) , 1669-1678, (2005).
363 . “Comparative Study of Three Teicoplanin Based Chiral Stationary Phases Using the Linear Free Energy
Relationship Model”, Lokajova, J., Tesarova, E., and Armstrong, D.W. J. Chromatogr. A.
1088(1-2) , 57-66, (2005).
364 . “Using Geminal Dicationic Ionic Liquids as Solvents for High Temperature Organic Reactions”, Han, X. and
Armstrong, D.W. Organic Letters 7(19) , 4205-4208, (2005).
365 . “Immobilized Ionic Liquids as High-Selectivity/High-Temperature/High-Stability Gas Chromatography Stationary
Phases”, Anderson, J. and Armstrong, D.W. Anal. Chem.
77(19) , 6453-6462, (2005).
366 . “GC Separation of 2-Substituted Ethyl Propionate Enantiomers on Permethylated and 2,6 Dimethyl-3-Pentyl and
Cyclodextrin Stationary Phases”, Spanik, I., Zebrowski, W., Majek, P., Skacani, I., Krupcik, J., and Armstrong,
D.W. J. Sep. Sci.
28(12) , 1347-1356, (2005).
367 . “Use of the Three-Phase Model and Headspace Analysis for the Facile Determination of All Partition/Association
Constants for Highly Volatile Solute-Cyclodextrin-Water System s ”, Lantz, A., Wetterer, S., and Armstrong, D.W.
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383(2) , 160-166, (2005).
368 . “Enantiomeric Separation of Furan Derivatives and Fused Polycycles by Cyclodextrin-Modified Micellar Capillary
Electrophoresis”, Bao, Y., Lantz, A. W., Yao, T., Huang, Q., Larock, R. C., and Armstrong, D.W Electrophoresis
26(21) , 4164-4171, (2005).
369 . “Selectivity Tuning in a HPLC Multicomponent Separation”, Benicka, E., Krupcik, J., Lehotay, J., Sandra, P., and
Armstrong, D.W. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 28 (10) 1453-1471 (2005).
370 . “High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of Unusual Secondary Amino Acids on a D-
PenicillamineBased Chiral Ligand Exchange Column”, Ilisz, I., Tourrwe, D., Armstrong, D.W., Peter, A.
Chirality 18 (7), 539-543, (2006).
371 . “Theory and Use of the Pseudophase Model in Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Enantiomeric Separations”, Pino,
V., Lantz, A. W., Anderson, J. L., Berthod, A., and Armstrong, D.W Anal. Chem.78 (1), 113-119 (2006).
372. “Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry”, Anderson, J. L, Wei, G. –W., and Armstrong, D.W. Anal. Chem . 78 (9)
2892-2902 (2006).
373. “Flow-Through Partial-Filling Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis Using a Cross-Reactive Antibody for Enantiomeric
Separations”, Grubor, N.M., Armstrong, D.W., and Jankowiak, R. Electrophoresis 27 , 1078 –1083 (2006).
374. “Synthesis and Evaluation of a Synthetic Polymeric Chiral Stationary Phase for HPLC Based on the N, N’-
[1R,2R)-1,2-diphenyl-1,2-ethanediyl]bis-2-propenamide Mon omer”, Han, X., He, L., Beesley, T.E., and Armstrong,
D.W., Chromatographia 63 (1/2) 13-23, (2006).
375. “Evaluation and Comparison of a Methylated Teicoplanin Aglycone to Teicoplanin Aglycone and Natural
Teico planin Chiral Stationary Phases”, Xiao, T.L., Tesarova, E., Anderson, J.L., Egger, M., and Armstrong, D.W.,
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29 , 429-445 (2006).
376. “Estimation of Association Constants Between Oral Malodor Components and Various Native and Derivatized
Cyclodextrins”, Lantz, A.W., Rodriguez, M.A., Wetterer, S.M., and Armstrong, D.W., Anal. Chim. Acta 557, 184-190
377. “Do Ion Tethered Functional Groups Affect IL Solvent Properties? : The Case of Sulfoxides and Sulfones”,
Anderson, J. L., Sharma, N. K., Tickell, M.D.; Pino, V., Armstrong, D.W., Davis, J.H., and Russell, A.J.,
Chem. Comm. 646-648 (2006).
378. “Capillary Electrophoretic Method for the Detection of Bacterial Contamination”, Rodriguez, M.A., Lantz, A.W., and Armstrong, D.W., Anal. Chem.
(78) 14, 4759 –4767, (2006).
379. “Separation of Enantiomers of β-Lactams by HPLC Using Cyclodextrin-Based Chiral Stationary Phases”, Sun, P.,
Wang, C., Peter, A., and Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech.
29, Nos. 13-16, 1847-1860 (2006).
380. “Maristentorin, a Novel Pigment from the Positively Phototactic Marine Ciliate Maristentor dinoferus , is
Structurally Related to Hypericin and Stentorin”, Mukherjee, P., Fulton, D.B., Halder, M., Han, X., Armstrong, D.W.,
Petrich, J.W., and Lobban, C.S. J. Phys. Chem B., (110) , 6359-6364 (2006).
381 . “Determination of Solute Partition Behavior with Room Temperature Ionic Liquid Based Micellar Gas–Liquid
Chromatography Stationary Phases Using the Pseudophase M odel”, Lantz, A.W., Pino, V., Anderson, J., Armstrong,
D.W., J. Chromatogr. A , 1115, 217 –224 (2006).
382 . “Development of Dinitrophenylated Cyclodextrin Derivatives for Enhanced Enantiomeric Separations By High-
Performance Liquid C hromatography” Zhong,Q., He b , L., Beesley, T. Trahanovsky, W. Sun, P., Wang, C., Armstrong ,
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383 . “Effect of Temperature on Retention and Enantiomeric Separation of Chiral Sulfoxides using Teicoplanin
Aglycone Chiral Stationary Phase”, Mericko, D., Lehotay, J., Skacani, L., Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel.
29, 1-14 (2006).
384. “High Resolution Spectral Differentiation of Enantiomers: Benzo[a] Pyrene Tetrols Complexed With A
Promiscuous A ntibody”, Grubor, N., Liu, Y., Han, X., Armstrong, D.W., J. Am. Chem. Soc.
128 (19) , 6409 –6413
385 . “LC Enantioseparation of Tryptophan Analogs on a -Cyclodextrin Stationary Phase ”, Ilisz, I., Sápi, J., Tourwé, D.,
Armstrong, D. W., Péter, A., Chromatographia , 63 (13) , S23-S27 (2006).
386. “Enantioseparation of Aryl-Substituted β-Lactams Using Variable-Temperature Conditions”, Berkecz, R., Ilisz, I.,
Forr ó, E., Fϋlöp, Armstrong, D. W., Péter, A., Chromatographia , 63 (13) , S29-S35 (2006).
387. “LC Enantioseparation of β-Lactam and β-Amino Acid Stereoisomers and a Comparison of Macrocyclic
Glycopeptide-and β-Cyclodextrin-Based Columns”, Berkecz, R., Török, R., Ilisz, I., Forró, E., Fϋlöp, F., Armstrong, D.
W., Péter, A., Chromatographia , 63 (13) , S37-S43 (2006).
388. “Comparison of Separation Efficiency of Macrocyclic Glycopeptide-Based Chiral Stationary Phases for the LC
Enantioseparation of β-Amino Acids”, Sztojkov-Ivanov, A., Lázár, L., Fϋlöp, F., Armstrong, D. W., Péter, A.,
Chromatographia , 64 (1/2) , 89-94 (2006).
389. “Optimization of the Synthesis of 2,6-Dinitro-4-trifluoromethylphenyl Ether Substituted Cyclodextrin Bonded
Chiral Stationary Phases”, Zhong, Q., He, L., Beesley, T. E., Trahanovsky, W. S., Sun, P., Wang, C., Armstrong,
D.W., Chromatographia 64 (3/4) 147-155 (2006).
390 . “Gas Chromatographic Determination of the Interconversion Energy Barrier for Dimethyl-2,3-Pentadienedioate
Enantiomers”, Mydlova, J., Krupcik, J., Majek, P., Skacani, I. Jakubik, T., Armstrong, D.W., J. Sep. Sci.
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391. “Dynamic Solvation of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids on Short Time Scales”, Sanders H.L., Mukherjee P.,
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392 . “Assessing the Roles of the Constituents of Ionic Liquids in Dynamic Solvation: Comparison of an Ionic Liquid in
Micellar and Bulk Form”, Mukherjee, P., Halder, M., Crank, J., Armstrong, D. W., Petrich, J. J. Phys. Chem. A, 110,
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393. “Rapid Determination of Complex Mixtures by Dual-Column Gas Chromatography with a Novel Stationary Phase
Combination and Spectrometric D etection”. Lambertus, G. R., Crank, J., McGuigan, M., Kendler, S., Armstrong, D.W., and Sacks, R.D.; J. Chrom. A , 1135(2), 230-240 (2006).
394. “Enantiomeric Impurities in Chiral Synthons, Catalysts, and Auxiliaries. Part 3”, Huang, K.; Breitbach, Z.,
Armstrong, D.W.; Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 17 2821-2832 (2006).
395. “Determination of the Interconversion Energy Barrier of 2,3-pentadienedioic Acid Enantiomers by HPLC. 2. Oncolumn I nterconversion”, Mydlova, J., Fedurcova, A., Lehotay, J., and Armstrong, D.W., J. Sep. Sci. 17 : 2594-2599
396. “Determination of the 2,3-Pentadienedioic Acid Enantiomer Interconversion Energy Barrier. 1. Classical Kinetic
Approach ”. Majek, P.,Mydlova, J., Krupcik, J., Lehotay, J., Armstrong, D.W., and Cotton, F.A.; J. Sep. Sci. 29 , 2357-
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397. “Interconversion of Oxazepam Enantiomers During HPLC Separation, Determination of Thermodynamic
Parameters ”, Federcova, A., Vancova, M., Mydlova, J., Lehotay, J., Krupcik, J., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech.
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398. “High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation Of Unusual Secondary Amino Acids on a D-
Penicillamine-based Chiral Ligand Exchange Column ”, Ilisz, I., Tourwe, D., Armstrong, D.W., Peter, A. Chirality 18 ,
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399 . “Interconversion of Oxazepam Enantiomers During HPLC Separation. Determination of Thermodynamic
Parameters”, Fedurcova, A., Vancova, M., Mydlova, J., Lehotay, J., Krupcik, J., and Armstrong, D. W., J. Liq.
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400 . “ SingleCell Detection: Test of Microbial Contamination Using Capillary Electrophoresis”, Lantz, A.,
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401. “Development of an ESI-MS Screening Method for Evaluating Binding Affinity between Integrin Fragments and
RGDBased Peptides”. Raji, M.A., Frycak, P., Beall, M., Sakrout, J., Ahn, J.-M., Bao, Y., Armstrong, D.W., Schug, K.
A., International Journal of Mass Spectrometry.262 , 232-240 (2007).
402. “Enantiomeric Separation of Synthetic Amino Acids Using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis”. Jiang, C.;
Armstrong, D. W., Lantz; A. W., Péter, A., Toth, G., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech. 30 : 1421-1436 (2007).
403. “Enantiomeric Separations of a Series of β-Lactams Using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis”, Jiang, C., Armstrong,
D.W., Peter, A., Fulop, F., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech . 30 : 1709-1721 (2007).
404 . “Preparation and Evaluation of a New Synthetic Polymeric Chiral Stationary Phase for HPLC Based on the
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405 . “HPLC Enantioseparation of 1-(alpha-aminobenzyl)-2-naphthol and 2-(alpha-aminobenzyl)-1-naphthol Analogs on a Beta-cyclodextrin-based Chiral Stationary P hase”. Berkecz, R., Ilisz, I., Ivanov-Sztojkov, A. and Armstrong, D.
W., Chromatographia 65 (5-6): 337-341 (2007).
406 . “Resolution of Enantiomers in Solution and Determination of the Chirality of Extended Metal Atom Chains”.
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407 . “Enantioseparation of Extended Metal Atom Chain Complexes: Unique Compounds of Extraordinarily High
Specific Rotation”. Warnke, M. M., Cotton, F. A., and Armstrong, D. W., Chirality 19 179-183 (2007).
408. “Super/subcritical Fluid Chromatography Separations with Four Synthetic Polymeric Chiral Stationary Phases”.
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409 . “Dicationic Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase for GC-MS Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Herbal Plants”. Qi,
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410 . “Isolation of L-Theanine from Plant Material Using a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer”, Lachova, J., Lehotay, J.,
Karasova, G, Klacani, I., Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech . 30 , 2045-2058 (2007).
411 . “Could Linear Solvation Energy Relationships Give Insights Into Chiral Recognition? 2. Characterization of
Macrocyclic Glycopeptides Stationary P hases”. Mitchell, C.R., Armstrong, D.W., Berthod, A., J. Chrom. A , 1166 , 70-
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412 . “Could Linear Solvation Energy Relationships Give Insights into Chiral Recognition Mechanisms? 1. π-π and
Charge Interaction in the Reversed Versus the Normal Phase M ode”. Berthod, A., Mitchell, C. R., Armstrong, D.W., J.
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413 . “A General, Positive Ion Mode ESI-MS approach for the analysis of Singly Charged Inorganic and Organic
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414 . “Emperial Observations and Mechanistic Insights on the First Boron-Containing Chiral Selector for LC and
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”. Wang, C., Armstrong, D.W., Risley, D.S., Anal. Chem . 79 : 8125-8135 (2007).
415 . “LC and LC-MS Separation of Peptides on Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Stationary Phases: Diastereomeric Series and Large P eptides”. Soukup-Hein, R.J, Schneiderheinze, J, Mehelic, P, Armstrong, D.W., Chromatographia , 66 461-
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416 . “Ionic Liquids in Separations”. Han, X and Armstrong, D.W., Acc. Chem. Res . 40: 1079-1086 (2007).
417 . “Unsymmetrical Dicationic Ionic Liquids: Manipulation of Physicochemical Properties Using Specific Structural
Architectures”. Payagala, T. Huang, J. Breitbach, Z.S. Sharma, P.S. and Armstrong, D.W., Chem. Materials ., 19:
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418 . “Enantiomeric Separations of Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes Using High-Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC) with Cyclodextrin Chiral Stationary Phases (CSPs)”. Sun, P, Krishnam, A, Yadav, A, Singh,
S, MacDonnell, F.M, Armstrong, D.W., Inorg. Chem . 46: 10312-10320 (2007).
419. “Preparation of Binaphthyldiamine Derived Chiral Stationary Phases”. Ryoo, J.J. and Armstrong, D.W.,
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420 . “Highly Efficient Asymmetric Direct Stoichiometric Aldol Reactions on/in Water”. Huang, J., Zhang, X.,
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421 . “Ionic Liquid-alkane Association in Dilute Solutions”. Berthod, A., Kozak, J.J., Anderson, J.L., Ding, J.,
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422 . “PEG-linked Geminal Dicationic Ionic Liquids as Selective, High-stability Gas Chromatographic Stationary
P hases”, Huang, K, Han, X, Armstrong, D.W., Anal. & Bioanal. Chem . 389 2265-1175 (2007).
423 . “High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Stereoisomers of N-phthaloyl-protectedamino Acids and D ipeptidomimetrics”. Ilisz, I., Ballet, S., Van Rompaey, K., De Wachter, R., Tourwe, D., Armstrong, D.W., Peter,
A . J. Sep. Sci . 30 1881-1887 (2007).
424 . “On-line Preconcentration of Weak Electrolytes by Electrokinetic Accumulation in CE: Experiment and
S imulation”. Horakova, J., Petr, J., Maier, V., Tesarova, E., Veis, L., Armstrong, D.W., Gas, B., Jevcik, J.
Electrophoresis 28 1540-1547 (2007).
425 . “LC Enantiomeric Separation of Unusual Amino Acids Using Cyclodextrin-based Stationary Phases”. Remsburg,
J.W, Armstrong, D.W, Peter, A, Toth, G., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech . 31 219-230 (2008).
426 . “Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Using a High-temperature Phosphonium Ionic Liquid
C olumn”. Seeley, J.V, Seeley, S.K, Libby, E.K, Breitbach, Z.S, Armstrong, D.W., Anal. & Bioanal. Chem . 390 323-332
427 . “Evaluation of Dicationic Reagents for Their Use in Detection of Anions Using Positive Ion Mode ESI-MS Via Gas
Phase Ion Assoc iation”. Remsburg, J.W, Soukup-Hein, R.J, Crank, J.A, Breitbach, Z.S, Payagala, T, Armstrong,
D.W., J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom., 19 261-269 (2008).
428 . “Evaluating the Use of Tricationic Reagents for the Detection of Doubly Charged Anions in the Positive Mode by
ESIMS”. Soukup-Hein, R.J, Remsburg, J.W, Breitbach, Z.S, Sharma, P.S, Payagala, T, Wanigasekara, E, Huang, J,
Armstrong, D.W., Anal. Chem . 80 2612-2616 (2008).
429 . “Characterization of Phosphonium Ionic Liquids Through a Liner Solvation Energy Relationship and Their Use as
GLC Stationary P hases”. Breitbach, Z.S. and Armstrong, D.W., Anal. & Bioanal. Chem . 390 1605-1617 (2008).
430 . “Effect of the Orientation of Amide Linkage Groups on the Enantioselectivity of Two Related Synthetic Polymeric
Chiral Stationary Phases”. Han, X, Remsburg, J.W, He, L, Beesly, T.E, Armstrong, D.W., Chromatographia 67 199-
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431 . “Dynamic Solvation in Phosphonium Ionic Liquids: Comparison of Bulk and Micellar Systems and Considerations for the C onstruction of the Solvation Correlation Function, C(t)”. Mukherjee, P, Crank, J.A, Sharma, P.S, Wijeratne,
A.B, Adhikary, R, Bose, S., Armstrong, D.W. and Petrich, J. W. J. Phys. Chem. B , 112 3390-3396 (2008).
432 . “Rapid Baseline Separation of Enantiomers and a Mesoform of All-trans-astaxanthin, 13-cis-astaxanthin,
Adonirubin, and Adonixanthin in Standards and Commercial S upplements”. Wang, C, Armstrong, D.W. Chang, C.,
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433 . “Methods for Studying Reaction Kinetics in Gas Chromatography, Exemplified by Using the 1-chloro-2,2-
Dimethylaziridine Interconversion R eaction”. Krupcik, J, Mydlova, J, Majek, P, Simon, P, Armstrong, D.W.,
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434 . “Enantiomeric Separation of Isochromene Derivatives by CyclodextriN-Modified Micellar Capillary
Electrophoresis”. Bao, Y, Yue, D, Ca, N.D, Larock, R, C, Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromtogr , 31 2035-2052 (2008).
435. “Evaluation of Pentaproline-Based Chiral Stationary Phase by LC”. Bao, Y, Huang, J, Li, T, Armstrong, D.W.,
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436 . “Influence of Chiral Ionic Liquids on the Excited-state Properties of Naproxen Analogs”. Adhikary, R., Bose, S.,
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B , 112 7555-7559 (2008).
437 . “Combined Capillary Electrophoresis and DNA-fluorescence in Situ Hybridization for Rapid Molecular
Identification of Salmonella Typhimurium in Mixed C ulture”, Lantz, A.W, Brehm-Stecher, B.F, Armstrong, D.W.,
Electrophoresis , 29 , 2477-2484 (2008).
438 . “Considerations on HILIC and Polar Organic Solvent-based Separations: Use of Cyclodextrin and Macrocyclic
Glycopetide Stationary P hases”, Wang, C, Jiang, C, Armstrong, D.W., J. Sep. Sci., 31 , 1980-1990 (2008).
439 . “RLIP76 in Defense of Radiation Poisoning”, Singhal, J, Singhal, S.S, Yadav, S, Suzuki, S, Warnke, M.M,
Yacoub, A, Dent, P, Bae, S, Sharma, R, Awasthi, Y.C, Armstrong, D.W, Awasthi, S., Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol.
Phys ., Vol.72, No. 2, 553-561 (2008).
440 . “The Use of Cationic Surfactants and Ionic Liquids in the Detection of Microbial Contamination by Capillary
E lectrophoresis”, Bao, Y, Lantz, A.W, Crank, J.A, Huang, J, Armstrong, D.W., Electrophoresis 29 2587-2592 (2008).
441 . “Enantiomeric Separation of Isochromene Derivatives by Cyclodextrin-Modified Micellar Capillary
Electrophoresis”, Bao, Y, Yue, D, Della Ca, N, Larock, R.C, Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech ., 31 ,
2035-2052 (2008).
442 . “Trigonal Tricationic Ionic Liquids: Molecular Engineering of Trications to Control Physiochemical Properties”,
Sharma, P.S., Payagala, T., Wanigasekara, E.P., Wijeratne, A.B., Huang, J., Armstrong, D.W., Chem. Mater . 20,
4182-4184 (2008).
443. “A Fundamental Study on Electrowetting by Traditional and Multifunctional Ionic Liquids: Possible Use in electrowetting Components in Dielectric-Based Microfluidic Applications ”, Nanayakkara, Y.S, Moon, S, Payagala, T,
Wijeratne, A.B, Crank, J.A, Sharma, P.S, Armstrong, D.W., Anal. Chem . 80 7690-7698 (2008).
444 . “Evaluation of Flexible Linear Tricationic Salts as Gas-Phase Ion-Pairing Reagaents for the Detection of Divalent
Anions in Positive Mode ESIMS”, Breitbach, Z.S, Warnke, M.M, Wanigasekara, E, Zhang, X, Armstrong, D.W
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Chem . 80 8828-8834 (2008).
445 . “Enantioseparations of Chiral Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes using HPLC with Macrocyclic Glycopeptide
Chiral Stationary P hases (CSPs)”, Sun, P, Krishnan, A, MacDonnell, F.M, Armstrong, D.W., J. Molecular Structure,
890 , 75-80 (2008).
446 . “Characterization and Utilization of a Novel Triflate Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase for Use in Comprehensive Two-
Dimensional Gas C hromatography”, Reid, V.R., Crank, J.A., Armstrong, D.W., and Synovec, R.E., J. Sep. Sci . 31 ,
3429-3436 (2008).
447 . “Comparison of Performance of Chirobiotic T, T2 and TAG Columns in the Separation of β 2 - and β 3 - Homoamino
A cids”, Pataj, Z., Ilisz, I., Berkecz, R., Misicka, A., tymecka, D., Fulop, F., Armstrong, D.W., and Peter, A., J. Sep. Sci.
31 , 3688-3697 (2008).
448 . “The Determination of Glutathione-4-hydroxynonenal (GSHNE), E-4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), and E-1hydroxynon-2-en-4-one (HNO) in Mouse Liver Tissue by LC-ESIMS”, Warnke, M.M., Wanigasekara, E., Singhal, S.S.,
Singhal, J., Awasthi, S., and Armstrong, D.W., Anal Bioanal Chem, 392, 1325-1333 (2008).
449 . “Nanopore Stochastic Detection of a Liquid Explosive Component and Sensitizers Using Boromycin and an Ionic
Liquid Supporting Electrolyte”, Jayawardhana, D.A., Crank, J.A., Zhao, Q., Armstrong, D.W. and Guan, X., Anal.
Chem . 81 , 460-464 (2009).
450 . “Trigonal Tricationic Ionic Liquids: A Generation of Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phases”, Payagala, T.,
Zhang, Y., Wanigasekara, E., Huang, K., Breitbach, Z.S., Sharma, P.S., Sidisky, L.M. and Armstrong, D.W., Anal.
Chem, 81 160-173 (2009).
451 . “Enantiomeric Separation of Chiral Ruthenium(II) Complexes Using Capillary Electrophoresis”, Jiang, C., Tong,
M., Armstrong, D.W., Perera, S., Bao, Y. and MacDonnell, F.M., Chirality 21 208-217 (2009).
452 . “Positive Mode Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Bisphosphonates using Dicationic and Tricationic
Ion-pairing A gents”, Warnke, M.M., Breitbach, Z.S., Dodbiba, E., Crank, J.A., Payagala, T., Sharma, P.,
Wanigasekara, E., Zhang, X., and Armstrong, D.W., Analytica Chimica Acta 633 232-237 (2009).
453 . “Separation of Enantiomers and Control of Elution Order of β-Lactams by GC Using Cyclodextrin-Based Chiral
Stationary Phases”, Huang, K., Armstrong, D.W., Forro, E., Fulop, F., and Peter, A., Chromatographia 69 331-337
454 . “High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of 2-aminomono- and
Dihydroxycyclopentanecarboxylic and 2-aminodihydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic Acids on Macrocyclic Glycopeptides-
Based P hases”, Berkecz, R., Ilisz, I., Benedek, G., Fulop, F., Armstrong, D.W., and Peter, A., J. Chromatogr. A ., 1216
927-932 (2009).
455 . “GC-MS Analysis of Crocetane, Phytane and Some of their Stereoisomers using Cyclodextrin-based Stationary
P hases”, Huang, K., and Armstrong, D.W. Org. Geochem ., 40 283-286 (2009).
456 . “ The Role of π-Acidic and π-Basic Chiral Stationary Phases in the High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic
Enantioseparation of Unusual b-Amino Acid s”, Ilisz, I., Berkecz, R., Forro, E., Fulop, F., Armstrong, D.W., and Peter,
A, Chirality 21 339-348 (2009).
457 . “Thermodynamic Approach to Enantioseparation of Aryl-methyl Sulfoxides on Teicoplanin Aglycone Stationary
Phase”, Mericko, D., Lehotya, J., Skacani, I., and Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Tech ., 32 331-347
458 . “The Evaluation and Comparison of Trigonal and Linear Tricationic Ion-Pairing Reagents for the Detection of
Anions in Positive Mode ESIMS”, Warnke, M.M., Breitbach, Z.S., Dodbiba, E., Wanigasekara, E., Zhang, X., Sharma,
P., and Armstrong, D.W, J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom . 20 529-538 (2009).
459 . “Enantioselective Host-guest Complexation of Ru(II) Trisdiimine Complexes Using Neutral and Anionic
Derivatized C yclodextrins”, Sun, P., MacDonnell, F.M. and Armstrong, D.W., Inorg. Chim. Acta . 362 3073-3078
460 . “Ionic Liquds in Analytical Chemistry”, Soukup-Hein, R.J., Warnke, M.M. and Armstrong, D.W., Annual Review of
Anal. Chem . Vol. 2, 145-168 (2009).
461 . “Development of New LC Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Ruthenium Tris(diimine) Complexes”, Sun, P.,
Perera, S., MacDonnell, F.M. and Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromatogr.& Rel. Tech ., 32 1979-2000 (2009).
462 . “Towards a Second Generation of Ionic Liquid Matrices (ILMs) for MALDI-MS of Peptides, Proteins, and
Carbohydrates”, Crank, J. A. and Armstrong, D.W., J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom ., 20 1790-1800 (2009).
463 . “High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Chiral Separation of β 2 Homoamino Acids”, Pataj, Z., Berkecz, R.,
Ilisz, I., Misicka, A., Tymecka, D., Fulop, F, Armstrong, D.W. and Peter, A., Chirality 21 787-798 (2009).
464 . “A Second-Generation Ionic Liquid Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/ionization Matrix for Effective Mass
Spectrometric Analysis of Biodegradable P olymers”, Berthod, A., Crank, J.A., Rundlett, K.L. and Armstrong, D.W.,
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466 . “Synthesis and Examination of Sulfated Cyclofructans as a Novel Class of Chiral Selectors for CE”, Jiang, C.,
Tong, M., Breitbach, Z.S. and Armstrong, D.W., Electrophoresis 30 3897-3909 (2009).
467 . “Sterility Testing by CE: A Comparison of Online Preconcentration Approaches in Capillaries with Greater
Internal D iameters”, Petr, J., Jiang, C., Sevcik, J., Tesarova, E. and Armstrong, D.W., Electrophoresis 30 3870-3876
468 . “Separation of Inorganic and Small Organic Anions by CE Using Phosphonium-based Mono- and Dicationic
R eagents”, Krizek, T., Breitbach, Z.S., Armstrong, D.W., Tesarova, E. and Coufal, P., Electrophoresis 30 3955-3963
469 . “CE-ESI-MS Analysis of Singly Charged Inorganic and Organic Anions Using a Dicationic Reagent as a
Complexing A gent”, Lin, X., Gerardi, A.R., Breitbach, Z.S., Armstrong, D.W. and Colyer, C.L., Electrophoresis 30
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470 . “Antimony(III)-D, L-Tartrates Exhibit Proton-Assisted Enantioselective Binding in Solution and in the Gas Phase”,
Wijeratne, A.B., Spencer, S.E., Gracia, J., Armstrong, D.W. and Schug, K.A., J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 20 2100-2105
471 . “Slowing DNA Transloction through Nanopores using a Solution Containing Organic Salts”, de Zoysa, R.S.S.,
Jayawardhana, D.A., Zhao, Q., Wang, D., Armstrong, D.W. and Guan, X., J. Phys. Chem. B 113 13332-13336 (2009).
472 . “Development of New HPLC Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Native and Derivatized Cyclofructans”, Sun, P.,
Wang, C., Breitbach, Z.S., Zhang, Y. and Armstrong, D.W., Anal. Chem . 81 10215-10226 (2009).
473 . “Linear Tricationic Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids: Synthesis, Physiochemical Properties, and Electrowetting
Properties”, Wanigasekara, E., Zhang, X., Nanayakkara, Y., Payagala, T., Moon, H. and Armstrong, D.W., Applied
Materials & Interfaces Vol. 1, No. 10 2126-2133 (2009).
474 . “Bonded Ionic Liquid Polymeric Material for Solid-phase Microextraction GC Analysis”, Wanigasekara, E.,
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., Anal. Bioanal. Chem . 396 511-524
475 . “Use of CE for the Determination of Binding Constants”, Jiang, C. and Armstrong, D.W., Electrophoresis 31
17-27 (2010).
476. “Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry”, Sun, P. and Armstrong, D.W., Analytica Chimica Acta 661 1-16 (2010).
477. “Study of a New Chiral Selector: Sodium Arsenyl-(
L )(+) Tartrate for Capillary Electrophoresis”, Tong, M.,
Payagala, T., Perera, S., MacDonnell, F.M.and Armstrong, D.W., J. Chromatogr. A . 1217 1139-1148 (2010).
478. “Separations of Cycloinulooligosaccharides via Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography (HILIC) and Ligand-
Exchange Chromatography”, Wang, C., Breitbach, Z.S. and Armstrong, D.W., Sep. Sci. & Tech.
45 447-452 (2010).
479. “Study of Complexation Between Cyclofructans and Alkali Metal Cations by Electrospray Ionization Mass
Spectrometr y and Density Functional Theory Calculations”, Wang, C., Yang, S.H., Wang, J., Kroll, P., Schug, K.A. and
Armstrong, D.W., Int. J. Mass. Spectrom . 29 118-124 (2010).
480. “Evaluation of Tetracationic Salts as Gas-phase Ion-pairing Agents for the Detection of Trivalent Anions in
Positive Mode Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry”, Zhang, X., Wanigasekara, E., Breitbach, Z.S., Dodbiba, E. and Armstrong, D.W., Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrum.
24 1113-1126 (2010).
481. “Evaluation of Dalbavancin as Chiral Selector for HPLC and Comparison with Teicophanin-Based Chiral
Stationary Phases”, Zhang, X., Bao, Y., Huang, K., Barnett-Rundlett, K.L. and Armstrong, D.W., Chirality 22 495-513
482. “The Effect of AC Frequency on the Electrowetting Behavior of Ionic Liquids”, Nanayakkara, Y.S., Perera, S.,
Bindiganavale, S., Wanigasekara, E., Moon, H. and Armstrong, D.W
., Anal. Chem . 82 3146-3154 (2010).
483. “Increasing selectivity in comprehensive three-dimensional gas chromatography via an ionic liquid stationary phase column in one dimension”, Siegler, W. C., Crank, J.A., Armstrong, D.W. and Synovec, R.E., J. Chrom. A , 1217
3144-3149 (2010).
484. “Fast detection of Candida albicans and/or bacteria in blood plasma by “sample-self-focusing” using capillary electrophoresis-laserinduced fluorescence”, M-Y. Tong, C. Jiang and D.W. Armstrong, J. Pharmaceutical &
Biomedical Analysis , 53 75-80 (2010).
485. “Measurement of Nitrophenois in Rain and Air by Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography – Chemically Active
Liquid Core Waveguide Spectrometry”, Ganranoo, L., Mishra, S.K., Azad, A.K., Shigihara, A., Dasgupta, P.K.,
Breitbach, Z.S., Armstrong, D.W., Grudpan, K. and Rappenglueck, B., Anal. Chem . 82 5838-5843 (2010).
486. “Effective enantiomeric separations of racemic primary amines by the isopropyl carbamate-cyclofructan6 chiral stationary phase”, Sun, P. and Armstrong, D.W., J. Chromatogr. A., 1217 4904-4918 (2010).
487. “The Use of Cyclofructans as Novel Chiral Selectors for Gas Chromatography”, Zhang, Y., Breitbach, Z.S.,
Wang, C. and Armstrong, D.W., Analyst, 135 1076-1083 (2010).
488. “A Tunable Ionic Liquid Based RC Filter Using Electrowetting: A New Concept”, Nanayakkara, Y.S., Moon, H. and Armstrong, D.W., Applied Materials & Interfaces , Vol. 2 No. 7 1785-1787 (2010).
489. “Detection of nucleotides in positive-mode electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using multiply-charged cationic ionpairing reagents”, Dodbiba, E., Breitbach, Z.S., Wanigasekara, E., Payagala, T., Zhang, Z. and Armstrong,
D.W., Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 398 367-376 (2010).
490. “Enantiomeric Resolution of a Chiral Sulfoxide Series by LC on Synthetic Polymeric columns with Multimodal
Elution”, Lourenco, T,C., Armstrong, D.W. and Cass, Quezia B., Chromatographia 71 361-372 (2010).
491. “Use of a polar ionic liquid as second column for the comprehensive two-dimensional GC separation of PCBs”,
Zapadlo, M., Krupcik, J., Majek, P., Armstrong, D.W. and Sandra, P ., J. Chromatogr. A ., 1217 5859-5867 (2010).
492. “Rapid identification of Candida albican in blood by combined capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence in situ hybridization”, Lantz, A.W., Bisha, B., Tong, M., Nelson, R. E., Brehm-Stecher, B.F. and Armstrong, D.W.,
Electrophoresis 31 2849-2853 (2010).
493. “High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantioseparation of Monoterpene-based 2-amino carboxylic acids on macrocyclic glycopeptidesbased phases”, Sipos, L., Ilisz, I., Pataj, Z., Szakonyi, Z., Fulop, F., Armstrong, D.W. and
Peter, A., J. Chromatogr. A ., 1217 6956-6963 (2010).
494. “Mechanisms of ESI-MS Selectivity and Sensitivity Enhancements When Detecting Anions in the Positive Mode
Using Cationic Pairing Agents”, Breitbach, Z.S., Wanigasekara, E., Dodbiba, E., Schug, K.A. and Armstrong, D.W.,
Anal. Chem . 82 9066-9073 (2010).
495. “A Rapid Capillary Electrophoresis Method for the Detection of Microbial Contamination: An Alternative Approach for Sterility Testing”, Bao, Y., Lantz, A.W. and Armstrong, D.W., Pharmacopeial Forum , Vol. 36(6) 1798-1805 (Nov-
Dec 2010)
496. “The Enantiomeric Separation of 4,5-disubstituted imidazoles by HPLC and CE using cyclodextrin-based chiral selectors”, Breitbach, Z.S., Feng, Q., Koswatta, P.B., Dodbiba, E., Lovely, C.J. and Armstrong, D.W., Supramolecular
Chem. Vol. 22, Nos. 11-12, November-December (2010) 758-767.
497. “New Structural Insight for Antimony (III)-tartrate”, Wijeratne, A.B., Gracia, J., Yang, S.H., Kroll, P., Armstrong,
D.W. and Schug, K.A., Inorg. Chem. Comm . 13 1504-1508 (2010).
498. “Ionic Liquid Based Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography for the determination of
Volatile Polar Organic Compounds”, Carda-Broch, S., Ruiz-Angel, MJ., Armstrong, D.W. and Berthod, A., Sep. Sci.
Tech . 45 2422-2428 (2010).
499 . “ESI-MS Investigation of Solvent Effects on the Chiral Recognition Capacity of Tartar Emetic Towards Neutral
SideChain Amino Acids”, Wijeratne, A.B., Yang, S.H., Gracia, J., Armstrong, D.W. and Schug, K.A, Chirality 23 44-53
500. “Cyclofructan 6 Based Stationary Phases for Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography”, Qiu, H.,
Loukotkova, L., Sun, P., Tesarova, E., Bosakova, Z. and Armstrong, D.W., J. Chrom. A ., 1218 270-279 (2011).
501. “Enhanced Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatographic Resolution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on a NonPolar Polysiloxane and an Ionic Liquid Column Series”, Zapadlo, M., Krupcik, J., Kovalczuk, T., Majek, P.,
Spanik, I., Armstrong, D.W. and Sandra, P., J. Chrom. A ., 1218 746-751 (2011).
502. “Characterization of new R-naphthylethyl cyclofructan 6 chiral stationary phase and its comparison with Rnaphthylethyl β-cyclodextrin-based column”, Kalikova, K., Janeckova, L., Armstrong, D.W. and Tesarova, E., J. Chrom.
, 1218 1393-1398 (2011).
503. “First Synthesis of P-chirogenic Prophosphatranes”, Zhou, Y., Armstrong, D.W., Zhang, Y. and Verkade, J.G.,
Tetrahedron Letters 52 1545-1548 (2011).
504. “Use of Ion Pairing Reagents for Sensitive Detection and Separation of Phospholipids in the Positive Ion Mode
LC-ESIMS”, Dodbiba, E., Xu, C., Payagala, T., Wanigasekara, E., Moon, M.H. and Armstrong, D.W., Analyst, 136
1586-1593 (2011).
505. “Comparison of Stationary Phases for Packed Column Supercritical Fluid Chromatography based upon Ionic
Liquid Motifs: A Study of Cation and Anion Effects”, Smuts, J, Wanigasekara, E. and Armstrong, D.W., Anal. Bioanal.
Chem . 400 435-447 (2011).
506. “On Retentivity Tuning by Flow in the Second Column of Different Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas
Chromatographic Configurations”, Krupcik, J, Majek, P., Gorovenko, R., Sandra, P. and Armstrong, D.W., J. Chrom.
, 1218 3186-3189 (2011).
507. “4,6-Di-O-pentyl-3-O-trifluoroacetyl/propionyl Cyclofructan Stationary Phases for Gas Chromatographic
Enantiomeric S eparations”, Zhang, Y. and Armstrong, D.W., Analyst , 136 2931-2940 (2011).
508. “Evaluation of Aromatic-derivatized Cyclofructans 6 and 7 as HPLC Chiral Selectors”, Sun, P., Wang, C.,
Padivitage, N., Nanyakkara, Y.S., Perera, S., Qiu, H., Zhang, Y. and Armstrong, D.W., Analyst , 136 787-800 (2011).
509 . “Sulfonated Cyclofructan 6 Based Stationary Phase for Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography”, Padivitage,
N.L.T. and Armstrong, D.W., J. Sep. Sci. 34 1636-1647 (2011).
510. “Characterization of Cyclofructan-based Chiral Stationary Phases by Linear Free Energy Relationship”,
Janeckova, L., Kalikova, K., Vozka, J., Armstrong, D.W., Bosakova, Z. and Tesarova, E., J. Sep. Sci. 34 , 2639 –2644
511. “Development and Evaluation of New Zwitterionic Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Stationary
Phases Based on 3-P,P-diphenylphosphoniumpropylsulfonate ”, Qiu, H., Wanigasekara, E., Zhang, Y., Tran, T. and
Armstrong, D.W., J. Chrom. A. 1218, 8075-8082 (2011).
512. “ Synthesis and Chromatographic Evaluation of New Polymeric Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Three
(1S,2S)(−)-1,2-diphenylethylenediamine Derivatives in HPLC and SFC”, Payagala, T.; Wanigasekara, E. and
Armstrong, D.W; Anal. Bioanal. Chem . 3 99, 2445-2461 (2011).
513. “ A Liquid Drop RC Filter Apparatus forDdetection ”, Nanayakkara,Y. and Armstrong, D.W., Anal. Bioanal. Chem .
401, 2669-2678 (2011).
514. “Chemical-Induced pH-Mediated Molecular Switch”, Jayawardhana, D. A., Sengupta, M.K., Krishantha, D.M.M.,
Gupta, J., Armstrong, D.W. and Guan, X., Anal. Chem., 83, 7692-7697 (2011).
515. “Rapid Determination of Sample Purity and Composition by Nanopore Stochastic Sensing”, Krishantha, D.M.M.,
Breitbach, Z. S., Padivitage, N.L.T., Armstrong, D.W. and Guan, X., Nanoscale, 3, 4593-4596 (2011).
516. “Rapid, Efficient Quantification of Water in Solvents and Solvents in Water using an Ionic Liquid-Based GC
Column”, Jayawardhana, D.A., Woods, R.M., Zhang, Y., Wang, C. and Armstrong, D.W., LCGC Europe, 24, 516-529
517. “Enantioseparation of Novel Amino Analogs of Indole Phytoalexins on Macrocyclic Glycopeptide-Based Chiral
Stationary Phase ”, Gondova´, T., Petrovaj, J., Kutschy, P., Cˇurillova, Z., Salayova´, A., Fabian, M., and Armstrong,
D.W., Chromatographia, 74 751-757 (2011).
518. “Stereoselective HPLC Determination of Thyroxine Enantiomers in Pharmaceutical”, Gondova´, T., Petrovaj, J.,
Sucha´, M., and Armstrong, D.W., J. Liq. Chromatogr.& Rel. Tech ., 34 2304-2314 (2011).
519. “Chiral Ionic Liquids: A Compendium of Syntheses and Applications (2005-2012)”, Payagala, T. and Armstrong,
D.W., Chirality 24 , 17-53 (2012).
520. “Structure and Dynamics of the 1-Hydroxyethyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium Nitrate High-Energy Ionic Liquid
System”, Carlson, P.J., Bose, S., Armstrong, D.W., Hawkins, T., Gordon, M.S., and Petrick, J.W., J Phys Chem B, 116
503-512 (2012).
521. “Sensitive analysis of metal cations in positive ion mode electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using commercial chelating agents and cationic ion-pairing reagents ”, Dodbiba, E., Xu, C., Wanigasekara, E. and Armstrong,
D.W.; Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 26 , 1005-1013 (2012).
522. “CE-ESI-MS separation of divalent organic and inorganic anions using a tricationic complexing reagent”, Gerardi,
A.R., Lin, X., Breitbach, Z.S., Armstrong, D.W. and Colyer, C.L.; Electrophoresis , 33 7334-740 (2012).
523. “Separation of multiply charged anions by capillary electrophoresis using alkyl phosphonium pairing agents”,
Feng, Q., Wanigasekara, E., Breitbach, Z. S. and Armstrong, D.W.; Electrophoresis, 33 , 1153-1161 (2012).
524. “High-performance liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of amino compounds on newly developed cyclofructanbased chiral stationary phases”, Aranyi, A., Bagi, A., Ilisz, I., Pataj, Z., Fulop, F., Armstrong, D.W. and
Antal, P.; J. Sep. Sci.
35 617-624 (2012).
525. “High-perfromance liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of unusual isoxazoline-fused 2aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acids on macrocyclic glycopeptidesbased chiral stationary phases”, J. Chrom. A.
, 1232
142-151 (2012).
526. “Coupling solid-phase microextraction and laaser desorption ionization for rapid identification of biological material”, Perera, S., Berthod, A., Dodbiba, E. and Armstrong, D.W., Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 26 853-862
527. “Study on the use of boromycin as a chiral selector in capillary electrophoresis”, Maier, V., Ranc, V., Svidrnoch,
M., Petr, J., Sevcik, J., Tesarova, E. and Armstrong, D.W., J. Chrom. A, 1237 , 128-132 (2012)
528. “1,3-Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) in supplements and geranium products: natural or synthetic?”, Zhang, Y.,
Woods, R. W., Breitbach, Z.S. and Armstrong, D.W., Drug Testing and Analysis, (2012)
Book Chapters:
1. "Separation and Quantitation of Anionic, Cationic and Nonionic Surfactants by Thin Layer Chromatography" by D.
W. Armstrong and G. Y. Stine, in Techniques and Applications of Thin Layer Chromatography, J. C. Touchstone, Ed.,
John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY, 1985, Ch. 28, pp. 379-387.
2. “Planar Chromatographic Separation and Characterization of Polymers" by D. W. Armstrong, in Quantitative Thin-
Layer Chromatography and Its Industrial Applications, L. R. Treiber, Ed., Marcel Dekker: New York, NY, 1987, Vol. 36,
Ch. 11, pp. 289-335.
3. "Least-Squares Iterations: Nonlinear Evaluation of Cyclodextrin Multiple Complex Formation with Static and
Ionizable Solutes” by L. A. Spino and D. W Armstrong, in Ordered Media in Chemical Separations, W. L. Hinze and D.
W. Armstrong, Eds., ACS Symposium Series 342, American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 1987, Ch. 11, pp.
4. "CyclodextrinStationary Phases” by T. J. Ward and D. W. Armstrong, in Chromatographic Chiral Separations, M.
Zief and L. J. Crane, Eds., Marcel Dekker: New York, NY, 1988, Vol. 40, Ch. 5, pp. 131-163.
5. "HPLC Separation of Enantiomers and Other Isomers with Cyclodextrin-Bonded Phases: Rules for Chiral
Recognition" by S. M. Han and D. W. Armstrong, in Chiral Separations by HPLC: Applications to Pharmaceutical
Compounds, A. M. Krstulovic, Ed., Ellis Horwood Ltd: Chichester, West Sussex, England, 1989, Ch. 10, pp. 208-284.
6. "Chiral Separation via Charge Transfer" by D. W. Armstrong and S.M. Han, in Modern Thin Layer Chromatography,
N. Grinberg, Ed., Marcel Dekker: New York, NY, 1989, Vol. 52, Ch. 7, pp. 404-405.
7. "Chiral Separation with Cyclodextrins" by D. W. Armstrong and S.M. Han, in Modern Thin Layer Chromatography ,
N. Grinberg, Ed., Marcel Dekker: New York, NY, 1989, Vol. 52, Ch. 7, pp. 405-420.
8. "Enantiomeric Separation by Thin-Layer Chromatography" by S. M. Han and D. W. Armstrong, in Planar
Chromatography in the Life Sciences , J. C. Touchstone, Ed., John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY, 1989, Vol. 108, Ch.
7, pp. 81-100.
9. "Membrane-Based Protein Separations with Reversed Micelles" by W. Li and D. W. Armstrong, in Organized
Assemblies in Chemical Analysis: Reversed Micelles , W. L. Hinze, Ed., JAI Press Inc: Greenwich, CT, 1994, Vol. 1, pp. 143-160.
10. "Cyclodextrins in Analytical Chemistry" by D. W. Armstrong, in Advances in Inclusion Science , O. Huber and J.
Szejtli, Eds., Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on CD's (Munich), Kluwer Acadmic Publisher: Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, 1988, pp. 437-449.
11. "Chiral Separations Using Native and Functionalized Cyclodextrin-Bonded Stationary Phases in High-Pressure
Liquid Chromatography” by R. A. Mengesand D. W. Armstrong, in Chiral Separations by Liquid Chromatography , S.
Ahuja, Ed., ACS Symposium Series 471, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1991, Ch. 4., pp. 67-100.
12. "Contribution of Cyclodextrins and Derivatives to Liquid Chromatography" by M. L. Hilton, and D. W. Armstrong, in
New Trends in Cyclodextrins and Derivatives , D. Duchêne, Ed., Editions de Santé: Paris, France, 1991, Ch. 15, pp.
13. "Operating the Centrifugal Partition Chromatograph" by A. Berthod, C.-D. Chang, and D. W. Armstrong, in
Centrifugal Partition Chromatography , A. P. Foucault, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1995, Vol. 68, Ch. 1, pp. 1-
14. "Stereochemical Analysis of Food Components" by K. H. Ekborg-Ott and D. W. Armstrong, in Chiral Separations:
Applications and Technology , S. Ahuja, Ed., American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1997, Ch. 9, pp. 201-270.
“Determination of Association Constants by Chromatography and Electrophoresis” by D. W. Armstrong, in
Advances in Chromatography , P. R. Brown and E. Grushka, Eds., Marcel Dekker: New York, NY, 1998, Vol. 39, Ch. 4, pp. 239-262.
16. “Enantioselective Separations” by E. Tesarova and D. W. Armstrong in Advanced Chromatographic and
Electromigration Methods in BioSciences , I. Miksik, F. Tagliaro and E. Tesarova, Eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 1998, Vol. 60, pp. 197-256.
17. “Unconventional Approaches in Understanding and Developing Separations” by D. W. Armstrong in
Chromatography - A Century of Discovery - 1900 - 2000 The Bridge to the Sciences/Technology , C. W. Gehrke, R. L.
Wixom, Ernst Bayer, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2001
18. "Direct Enantiomeric Separations in Liquid Chromatography (LC) and Gas Chromatography (GC)" by D.W.
Armstrong in "A Century in Separation Science", Haleem Issaq, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 2001
19 . “Cyclodextrin-Based Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid Chromatography: A Twenty Year Overview” by C. R.
Mitchell and D. W. Armstrong, in Chiral Separations, Methods and Protocols, Volume 23, Methods in Molecular
Biology, Volume 243 , G ü bitz, G. and Schmidt, M., Eds. 2004, Ch. 3, p. 61-112.
20 . “Enantiomeric Separations by HPLC Using Macrocyclic Glycopeptide-Based Chiral Stationary Phases, An
Overview” by T. L. Xiao and D. W. Armstrong, in Chiral Separations, Methods and Protocols, Volume 23, Methods in
Molecular Biology, Volume 243 , G ü bitz, G. and Schmidt, M., Eds. 2004, Ch. 4, p. 113-171.
21 . “D-Amino Acid Determination in Foods, Beverages, and Biological Samples”, Warnke, M. and Armstrong, D.W. in
D-Amino Acids, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, 2007, Ch. 4.3, pp. 317-336.
22 . “Analysis of Enantiomeric Compounds Using Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography”, Soukup, R. J., and
Armstrong, D.W. in Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2008, Ch. 14, pp. 319-344.
23 . “Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry”, Soukup-Hein, R. J., Warnke, M. M. and Armstrong, D. W. in
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, Volume 2, 2009, pp. 145-168.
24. “Cyclofructans, a New Class of Chiral Stationary Phases”, Wang, C., Sun, P. and Armstrong, D.W. in Chiral
Recognition in Separation Methods, Mechanisms and Applications”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, pp. 77-
25. “Chiral Recognition with Macrocyclic Glycopeptides: Mechanisms and Applications”, Berthod, A., Qiu, H.X.,
Staroverov, S.M., Kuznestov, M.A. and Armstrong, D.W. in Chiral Recognition in Separation Methods, Mechanisms and Applications”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, pp. 203-222.
26. “Solution Phase vs. Gas Phase Chiral Recognition by ESI-MS: A Case Study of Two Chiral Selecor Classes”,
Schug, K.A., Wijeratne, A.B., Bazzi, B.H. and Armstrong, D.W. in Chiral Recognition in the Gas Phase, Ch. 11, Taylor ad Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2010, pp. 181-204.
27. “History and Developments in Chromatographic Column Technology and Validation to 2001”, Bayer, E., Jennings,
W.G., Majors, R.E., Kirkland, J.J., Unger, K.K., Engelhardt, H., Schomburg, G., Pirkle, W.H., Welch, C.J., Armstrong,
D.W., Porath, J.O., Sjovall, J.B. and Gehrke, C.W. in Chromatography, A Science of Discovery , John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., Hoboken, NJ 2010, pp.199-268.
28. “Detection and Characterization of Microbial Contamination by Capillary Electrophoresis”, Feng, Q. and
Armstrong, D.W. in Rapid Sterility Testing , Ch. 18, Davis Healthcare International Publishing, LLC, River Grove, IL
2011, pp.463-483.
1. “Use of Ordered Media in Chemical Separations”, W. L. Hinze and D. W. Armstrong, Eds., American Chemical
Society, Washington, D.C., 1987.
1. D. W. Armstrong, "Bonded Phase Material for Chromatographic Separations." U.S. Patent 4,539,394, September 3,
2. D. W. Armstrong, "Fused Silica Capillary Coated with Permethylated-S-Hydroxypropyl Cyclodextrins and Analogues for Separations." U.S. Patent 4,948,395, August 14, 1990.
3. D. W. Armstrong, "Chiral Stationary Phase for Gas Chromatography". U.S. Patent 5,064,944, August 12, 1990.
4. D. W. Armstrong, "Chiral Stationary Phase for Chromatography Separations". U.S. Patent 5,154,738, October 13,
5. D. W. Armstrong, “Stereoselective Adsorptive Bubble Process”. U.S. Patent 5,629,424, May 13, 1997.
6. D. W. Armstrong, "Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Separation Agents", U.S. Patent 5,626,757, May 6, 1997.
7. D. W. Armstrong, V. Flanigan, and W. James, "Activated Carbon Produced from Agricultural Residues”, U.S. Patent
5,883.040, March 16, 1999.
8. D.W. Armstrong, “Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Separation Agents”, U.S. Patent 6,669,842 B1, Dec. 30, 2003.
9. D.W. Armstrong, “Use of indole-3-succinic acid as auxin”, U.S. Patent 2003158043 A1, December 20, 2002.
10. D.W. Armstrong, "High Efficiency Microbial Separations", Patent Pending, 2001.
11. D.W. Armstrong, “Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Separation Agents”, U.S. Patent 7,008,533 B2, Mar. 7, 2006.
12. D.W. Armstrong, “Opitcally Enhanced Chiral Ionic Liquids”, U.S. Patent 7,776,582, August 17, 2010.
13. D.W. Armstrong; E. Wanigasekara, “Tetraionic Liquid Salts and Methods of Use Thereof”, PCT Int. Appl, (2011),
WO 2011068944 A1 20110609.
14. D.W. Armstrong, “High stability polyionic liquid salts”, PN 8097721, January 17, 2012.
Technical Reviewer: Research Proposals
1. National Science Foundation
2. Petroleum Research fund
3. Research Corporation
4. Department of Defense
5. Department of Defense
6. Sorvon Bank Virginia Research Proposals
7. National Institute of Health
8. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
9. The Israel Science Foundation
10. Environmental Protection Agency
Technical Reviewer: Research Manuscripts
1. Journal of the American Chemical Society
2. Analytical Chemistry
3. Journal of Organic Chemistry
4. Journal of Physical Chemistry
5. Journal of Chromatography
6. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies
7. National Institute of Health
8. Journal of Molecular Evolution
9. Journal of Chemical Education
10. Analytica Chimica Acta
11. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena
12. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography and Chromatographic Communication
13. Biochemical and Biophysical Acta
14. Chromatography Forum
15. LC-GC Magazine
16. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
17. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
18. Journal of Planar Chromatography
19. Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
20. Chromatographia
21. Separation Science and Technology
22. American Laboratory
23. Journal of Separation Science
Invited Seminars, Plenary and Keynote Lectures:
1. Date: August 15-19, 1977
Place: Gordon Conference, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
Title: Kinetics of Normal and Reversed Micellar Catalyzed Polymerization
2. Date: June 5, 1978
Place: Bowdoin College, Chemistry Dept., Brunswick, Maine
Title: Interactions and Reactions of Biological Important Molecules with Micelles
3 Date: June 7, 1978
Place: Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Darmouth, MA
Title: Interactions and Reactions of Biological Important Molecules with Micelles
4. Date: November 9, 1978
Place: Southeastern Regional ACS Meeting, Savannah, GA
Title: An Improved Colorimetric Determination of Ammonia in Natural Waters
5. Date: February 9, 1979
Place: Wright State University Chem. Dept., Dayton, OH
Title: Colloidal Aggregates in Chemical Evolution
6. Date: February 16, 1979
Place: Loyola University of Chicago, Chem. Dept., Chicago, IL
Title: Micelles as Enzyme Models
7. Date: March 13, 1979
Place: University of Alabama - Birmingham, Chem. Dept., Birmingham, AL
Title: Micellar Catalysis & Interactions with Biologically Important Molecules
8. Date: April 27, 1979
Place: Furman University, Chem. Dept., Greenville, SC
Title: Micellar Catalysis and Interaction with Biomonomers
9. Date: May 5, 1979
Place: University of Bridgeport, Sigma Xi Honorary Lecture
Title: Colloidal Aggregates in Chemical Evolution
10. Date: September 23, 1979
Place: Iowa State University, Chem. Dept., Ames, Iowa
Title: Actions, Interactions and Uses of Surfactant Aggregates
11. Date: October 4, 1979
Place: Georgetown University, Chem. Department, Washington, DC
Title: Actions, Interactions and Uses of Surfactant Aggregates
12. Date: July 1, 1980
Place: Northeastern Regional ACS Meeting, Symposium on Biochemical Evolution on the Genetic Apparatus,
Potsdam, NY
Title: Surfactant Aggregates and Chemical Evolution
13. Date: July 3, 1980
Place: International Symposium on Solution Behavior of Surfactants, Potsdam, NY
Title: Use of Micelles and Cyclodextrin Solutions in Liquid Chromatography
14. Date: October 1, 1980
Place: Wake Forest University, Chem. Dept., Winston-Salem, NC
Title: Surfactant Pollution in Natural Waters
15. Date: November 14, 1980
Place: Catholic University, Chem. Dept., Washington, DC
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
16. Date: November 19, 1980
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Pseudophase Thin Layer Chromatography
17. Date: March 4, 1981
Place: University of Delaware, Chemistry Department, Newark, DE
Title: Use of Micelles and Cyclodextrin Solutions in Liquid Chromatography
18. Date: May 14, 1981
Place: 1st Annual Hungarian American Conference on Chromatography, Szeged, Hungary
Title: Pseudophase Thin Layer Chromatography
19. Date: July 13-17, 1981
Place: Gorden Conference, Catalysis in Micellar and Macromolecular Systems, Wolfeboro, NH
Title: Theory and Applications of Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
20. Date: August 24-28, 1981
Place: ACS Annual Meeting, New York, NY
Title: Application of PLC
21. Date: August 29, 1981
Place: Whatman Chemical Separation Div., Clifton, NJ
Title: Application of PLC
22. Date: September 25, 1981
Place: George Washington Univ. Chem. Dept., Washington, DC
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
23. Date: November 18, 1981
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
24. Date: November 19, 1981
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: A Room Temperature Liquid Phosphorescence Detector for HPLC
25. Date: February 8, 1982
Place: Pfizer Research Division, Groton, CT
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
26. Date: February 26, 1982
Place: Morgan State University Chem. Dept., Baltimore, MD
Title: Chemical Evolution
27. Date: March 8-12, 1982
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
Title: Polymer Fractionation by Reverse Phase LC
28. Date: June 9, 1982
Place: Lehigh University Chem. Dept., Beth., PA
Title: PLC and Polymer Fractionation
29. Date: September 19-24, 1982
Place: FACSS Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
30. Date: September 19-24, 1982
Place: FACSS Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Title: LC and TLC Polymer Fractionation
31. Date: October 7, 1982
Place: Charleston College, Charleston, SC
Title: PLC and Polymer Fractionation
32. Date: October 19, 1982
Place: Eastman Kodak, Research Division, Rochester, NY
Title: PLC - Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers
33. Date: November 1, 1982
Place: Texas Tech University, Department of Chemistry, Lubbock, TX
Title: PLC - Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers
34. Date: November 17-19, 1982
Place: 21st Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Use, Mechanism and Theory of TLC in Polymer Analysis
Place: 21st Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Micellar Enhanced Luminescence Analysis
36. Date: December 6-7, 1982
Place: 3rd Biennial Symposium, Adv. in TLC, Parsippany, NJ
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
37. Date: December 6-7, 1982
Place: 3rd Biennial Symposium, Adv. in TLC, Parsippany, NJ
Title: Separation and Quantitation of Surfactants
38. Date: January 31, 1983
Place: Boston University, Chem. Dept., Boston, MA
Title: HPLC – Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers
39. Date: February 1, 1983
Place: Rutgers University Chem. Dept., New Brunswick, NJ
Title: PLC - Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers
40. Date: March 7, 1983
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
Title: Practice Mechanism and Theory or Reversed Phase LC and TLC Polymer Fractionation
41. Date: March 8, 1983
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
Title: Use and Theory of Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
42. Date: March 22, 1983
Place: National ACS Meeting, Seattle, Washington
Title: Use of Micelles in Separations
43. Date: April 7, 1983
Place: Virginia Commwealth Univ., Chem. Dept., Richmond, VA
Title: PLC - Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers
44. Date: June 16, 1983
Place: Food & Drug Adm., Washington, DC
Title: PLC - Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers
45. Date: August 11, 1983
Place: Symposium on Chemistry and Reactivity in Micelles, Vesicles and Microemulsions, Campinas, Brazil
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
46. Date: November 3, 1983
Place: East Texas State Univ., Chem. Dept., Commerce, TX
Title: PLC - Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers
47. Date: November 18, 1983
Place: 22nd Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Theory and Use of RPTLC in the Determination of Polymer MW and Distribution
48. Date: January 12, 1983
Place: Procter & Gamble Corp. Cincinnati, Ohio
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
49. Date: February 4, 1983
Place: Wayland Baptist Univ., Chem. Dept., Plainview, TX
Title: Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography
50. Date: February 24, 1984
Place: University of Texas at El Paso, Chem. Dept., El Paso, TX
Title: PLC and Polymer Fractionation
51. Date: October 29, 1984
Place: S. W. Texas State Univ., Chem. Dept., San Marcos, TX
Title: Reverse Phase LC of Polymers
52. Date: November 7, 1984
Place: Sul Ross State University Chem. Dept., Alpine, TX
Title: Micellar Liquid Chromatography
53. Date: November 14, 1984
Place: 23rd Eastern Analytical Symposium, NY, NY
Title: Separation of Optical, Geometrical and Structural Isomers on Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases
54. Date: November 19, 1984
Place: Clarkson Institute of Tech. Chem. Dept., Potsdam, NY
Title: Separation of Optical, Geometrical and Structural Isomers on Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases
55. Date: December 5, 1984
Place: 40th Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, Lubbock, TX
Title: Theory and Mechanism of Gradient RPLC of Macromolecules
56. Date: December 7, 1984
Place: 40th Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, Lubbock, TX
Title: LC Separation Theory and Mechanism for Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases
57. Date: February 27, 1985
Place: 36th Pittsburgh Conf., New Orleans, LA
Title: Theory and Use of Cyclodextrin Bonded Packings in the LC
58. Date: March 1, 1985
Place: 36th Pittsburgh Conf., New Orleans, LA
Title: Planar Separation of Optical Geometrical and Structural Isomers on Cyclodextrin Bonded Media.
59. Date: April 11, 1985
Place: Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, TX
Title: LC Separation of Polymers
60. Date: May 16, 1985
Place: Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI
Title: Enantiomeric Resolution via Cyclodextrins
61. Date: May 16, 1985
Place: Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI
Title: LC Separation of Polymers
62. Date: June 13, 1985
Place: Princeton ACS Meeting, Princeton, NJ
Title: Enantiomeric Resolution via Cyclodextrins
63. Date: June 14, 1985
Place: Squibb Inst. Med. Res., New Brunswick, NJ
Title: Enantiomeric Resolution via Cyclodextrins
64. Date: September 17, 1985
Place: Brigham Young University, Chem. Dept., Provo, Utah
Title: Chiral Separations
65. Date: October 18, 1985
Place: Eastman Kodak Company, Kingsport, TN
Title: Cyclodextrin in Separations
66. Date: October 25, 1985
Place: Texas Lutheran College Chem. Dept., Seguin, TX
Title: Chiral Separations
67. Date: November 4, 1985
Place: Pittsburgh Analytical Society, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: LC Analysis of Polymers
68 Date: November 19, 1985
Place: 1985 Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Separation and Characterization of Polymers
69. Date: December 6, 1985
Place: Smith Kline and French, Co. Philadelphia, PA
Title: Chiral Separations
70. Date: April 16, 1986
Place: 191 National ACS Meeting, New York, NY
Title: Effects of Molecular Weight and Composition on the Gradient LC Separation of Macromolecules.
71. Date: May 14, 1986
Place: Minnesota Chromatography Forum, Minneapolis, MN
Title: Effect of Molecular Weight and Composition on the Gradient LC Separation of Macromolecules
72. Date: May 14, 1986
Place: Minnesota Chromatography Forum, Minneapolis, MN
Title: Cyclodextrin Chiral Separation of Drugs
73. Date: August 11, 1986
Place: Gorden Conference on Separation and Purification, New London, NH
Title: Cyclodextrin in Separations
74. Date: August 27, 1986
Place: Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, TX
Title: Packed Capillary Column LC
75. Date: September 11, 1986
Place: Iowa State University Chemistry Department, Ames, IA
Title: Gradient LC Separation of Polymers
76. Date: September 12, 1986
Place: Iowa State University Chem. Dept., Ames, IA
Title: Cyclodextrins in Chromatography
77. Date: October 21, 1986
Place: 1986 Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Comparison of LC Chiral Phases.
78. Date: November 21, 1986
Place: S. W. Regional ACS Meeting, Houston, TX
Title: Cyclodextrin Based Separations.
79. Date: November 21, 1986
Place: S. W. Regional ACS Meeting, Houston, TX
Title: Gradient Liquid Chromatography Fractionation of Polymers
80. Date: January 5, 1987
Place: Iowa State University Chem. Dept., Ames, IA
Title: Micelles in Chemical Analysis
81. Date: January 12, 1987
Place: University of Georgia Chem. Dept., Athens, GA
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations
82. Date: March 6, 1987
Place: Philip Morris, Research Division, Richmond, VA
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations
83. Date: March 12, 1987
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
Title: Microcolumn LC with Chiral Phases
84. Date: April 3, 1987
Place: Texas A&M University Chem. Dept., College Station, TX
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations
85. Date: June 2, 1987
Place: University of Missouri-Rolla Chem. Dept., Rolla, MO
Title: LC Separation of Enantiomers
86. Date: September 3, 1987
Place: ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Title: Use of Ordered Media in Separations.
87. Date: September 15, 1987
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations.
88. Date: September 17, 1987
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Chiral Separations in the Pharmaceutical Industry
89. Date: October 15, 1987
Place: Food & Drug Administration, Beltsville, MD
Title: Chiral Separations in the Pharmaceutical Industry
90. Date: October 15, 1987
Place: Washington Chromatography Discussion Group, Gaithersburg, MD
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations.
91. Date: March 23-25, 1988
Place: International Symposium on Biomedical Applications of Liquid Chromatography Bradford, England
Title: Strategies for Method Development in the Separation of Drug Enantiomers
92. Date: March 28-31, 1988
Place: University of Bradford, Bradford, England
Title: Chiral Separations in HPLC
93. Date: April 6, 1988
Place: University of Tubingen Chirality & Biological Activity, Federal Republic of Germany
Title: Separation of Stereoisomers by Liquid Chromatography on Cyclodextrin Bonded Phases
94. Date: April 11, 1988
Place: Hassle Pharmaceutical Company, Sweden
Title: Chiral Separations Using Cyclodextrins
95. Date: April 12, 1988
Place: Chemical Centre, Lund, Sweden
Title: Chiral Separations Using Cyclodextrins
Date: April 12, 1988
Place: Ideon Company Sweden
Title: Cyclodextrin Mediated Separation of Isomers
97. Date: April 14, 1988
Place: Charles University Prague, Czechoslovakia
Title: Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers
98. Date: April 19-23, 1988
Place: Cyclodextrin Convention, Berlin, West Germany
Title: Cyclodextrins in Analytical Chemistry
99. Date: April 25, 1988
Place: Universite de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
Title: Enantiomeric Separations Using Cyclodextrins Bonded Stationary-Phases in Liquid Chromatography
100. Date: April 27, 1988
Place: Universidad De Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Title: LC Separations of Drugs Enantiomers
101. Date: April 29, 1988
Place: Universidad De Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Title: New Mechanisms for Column Separation Based on Membrane Mimetic Agents
102. Date: May 27, 1988
Place: Doshisha University Kyoto, Japan
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separation
103. Date: May 29-30, 1988
Place: Nagasaki Universtiy, Nagasaki, Japan
Title: Gradient LC Fractionation of Polymers, Cyclodextrins in Separation, and Enantiomeric Separations of
104. Date: June 1, 1988
Place: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separation
105. Date: June 2-4, 1988
Place: 2nd CPC Colloquium, Kyoto, Japan
Title: Theory and Use of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography
106. Date: June 5-6, 1988
Place: Hakkaido University, Sapporo, Hakkaido, Japan
Title: Cyclodextrins and Micelles in Separations
107. Date: June 20, 1988
Place: HPLC ‘88, Washington, D.C.
Title: Cyclodextrins-Based Chiral Chromatograpic Separations
108. Date: September 18-23, 1988
Place: Fifth International Symposium on Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition, Orange Beach,
Title: Cyclodextrin-Based Separations
109. Date: September 29, 1988
Place: Delaware Valley Chromatography Forum, Essington, Pennsyylvania
Title: Use, Mechanism and Theory of Cyclodextrin-Based Separations
110. Date: October 4, 1988
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, New York
Title: Mechanisms of Chiral Recognition in Stereoselective HPLC of Drugs
111. Date: October 5, 1988
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, New York
Title: Extension of Sedimentation Field-Flow Fractionation to Small Molecules
112. Date: October 6, 1988
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, New York
Title: Kinetic Theory in Preparative Isomer Separations with the Centrifugal Countercurrent Chromatography
113. Date: November 18, 1988
Place: Sigma Xi Lecture, University of Missouri-Rolla
Title: The Importance of Isomeric Separation in the Pharmaceutical Industry
114. Date: November 29, 1988
Place: Indiana-Purdue University, Indianapolis, Indiana
Title: Cyclodextrins for Separations
115. Date: November 29, 1988
Place: Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations
116. Date: February 6, 1989
Place: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations
117. Date: February 7, 1989
Place: Marion Laboratories, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri
Title: Enantiomeric Separation of Drugs
118. Date: February 8, 1989
Place: University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri
Title: Cyclodextrins in Separations
119. Date: March 6, 1989
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
Title: The Impact of Chiral Separation Technology on Pharmaceutical Analysis
120. Date: March 20, 1989
Place: Bradford Analytical Course, Bradford, England
Title: Chiral Separations in the Pharmaceutical Industry
121. Date: March 20, 1989
Place: Bradford Analytical Course, Bradford, England
Title: Method Development with Cyclodextrin-Bonded Phases
122. Date: May 15, 1989
Place: Sterling Research Group, Rensselaer, New York
Title: Impact of Chiral Separations on the Pharmaceutical Industry
123. Date: June 1, 1989
Place: Hoffman LaRoche Nutley, New Jersey
Title: Separation of Enantiomeric Drugs (prep-scale)
124. Date: June 6, 1989
Place: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Title: Novel Derivatized Cyclodextrin and Stationary Phases for the Separation of Enantiomers
125. Date: June 8, 1989
Place: North Jersey Chromatography Group, Murray Hill, New Jersey
Title: The Impact of Chiral Separation Technology in Pharmaceutical Analysis
126. Date: Date: June 26, 1989
Place: Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan
Title: Novel Methods of Determining Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients
127. Date: July 31, 1989
Place: Burdick & Jackson Symposium, Muskegon, Michigan
Title: Theory and Practice of Enantiomeric Separations by Liquid Chromatography
128. Date: August 2, 1989
Place: McNeal Pharmaceutical, Spring House, PA
Title: Enantiomeric Separations of Importance to the Pharmaceutical Industry
129. Date: September 14, 1989
Place: International Conference on Chiral Separations, University of Surrey, Gilford, England
Title: New Chiral Stationary Phases for GC and LC
130. Date: September 25, 1989
Place: 103rd AOAC Annual International Meeting & Expositions, St. Louis, MO
Title: New Chiral Phases for the LC Resolution of Racemates
131. Date: September 26, 1989
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, New
Title: New Approaches for Preparative Scale Separation of Isomers
132. Date: October 5, 1989
Place: FACSS, Chicago, IL
Title: New Chiral Phases for the LC and GC Resolution of Racemates
133. Date: November 6, 1989
Place: University of Missouri-St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Title: The Role and Importance of Cyclodextrins in Enantioselective Separations
134. Date: February 3, 1990
Place: Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas
Title: Two New Separation Techniques: I. Enantiomeric Separation by Capillary Gas Chromatography
Using Derivatized Cyclodextrin Stationary Phases. II. Practice, Theory and Mechanism of Centrifugal
Countercurrent Chromatography
135. Date: February 5, 1990
Place: The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI
Title: Novel Uses of Cyclodextrins in Enantiomeric Separations of Pharmacologically Important Compounds
136. Date: February 18, 1990
Place: Boehringer Ingelheim, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Title: Selected Aspects of Chiral Separations
137. Date: March 5, 1990
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New York, New York
Title: Practice, Theory and Mechanism of Centrifugal Countercurrent Chromatography
138. Date: March 7, 1990
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New York, New York
Title: Comparison of HPLC and TLC in Chiral Separations
139. Date: March 8, 1990
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New York, New York
Title: The Impact of Derivatized Cyclodextrins on Chromatographic Separations
140. Date: March 28, 1990
Place: 5th International Symposium on Cyclodextrins, Paris, France
Title: The Role of New Derivatized Cyclodextrins In Chemical Analysis
141. Date: April 1-4, 1990
Place: Bradford Analytical Course, Bradford, England
Title: Chiral Separations in HPLC
142. Date: April 4-7, 1990
Place: 2nd International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Paris, France
Title: The Role of New Derivatized Cyclodextrins in Chemical Analysis
143. Date: May 20, 1990
Place: HPLC'90, Boston, Massachusetts
Title: The Role of New Derivatized Cyclodextrins in Chromatography
144. Date: June 21, 1990
Place: 3rd International Colloquium on Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, San Mateo, California
Title: Use of CPC For Preparative Scale Separation of Enantiomers
145. Date: October 7, 1990
Place: FACSS XVII, Cleveland, Ohio
Title: Use of Derivatized Cyclodextrins in the Resolution of Enantiomers of Pharmaceutical Importance
146. Date: November 12, 1990
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: Future Roles for Enantiomeric Separation in Science and Technology
147. Date: December 10, 1990
Place: University of California-Riverside, Riverside, California
Title: Enantiomeric Separations in Chromatography
148. Date: January 15, 1991
Place: Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware
Title: Chiral Recognition and Enantioselective Separations
149. Date: February 2, 1991
Place: Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Title: Theory, Mechanism, and Use of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography
150. Date: March 6, 1991
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Chicago, Illinois
Title: Chiral Separations on the Macro-Scale: Problems and Solutions
151. Date: March 22, 1991
Place: The Nichols Distinguished Symposium, College of Mount Saint Vincent, Riverside, New York
Title: New Derivatized Cyclodextrins for Enantiomeric Separations
152. Date: April 8, 1991
Place: International Chiral Chromatography Course, Bradford, England
Title: Cyclodextrins as Stationary Phases in LC and GC
153. Date: April 28, 1991
Place: International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Title: Novel Strategies for the Design of Chiral Separations in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
154. Date: May 27, 1991
Place: 2nd Int. Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, Rome, Italy
Title: The Use of Derivatized Cyclodextrin in Enantiomeric Separations
155. Date: June 6, 1991
Place: American Assoc. of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Alexandria, Virginia
Title: Enantiomeric Separation Strategies
156. Date: June 14, 1991
Place: New York Chromatography Society Ciba-Geigy, Ardsley, New York
Title: Chiral Separations
157. Date: August 1, 1991
Place: Wellcome Research Laboratories, London, UK
Title: Chiral Separations
158. Date: August 2, 1991
Place: Glaxo, London, UK
Title: Chiral Separations
159. Date: August 5, 1991
Place: Place: 2nd International Symposium on Amino Acids and Analogues, Vienna, Austria
Title: The Importance of Enantiomeric Separations of Amino Acids in Medical Science
160. Date: September 4, 1991
Place: Pharmacy World Congress Washington, DC
Title: Innovative Technologies for the Separation of Chiral Drugs and Related Compounds
161. Date: September 6, 1991
Place: Southern Illinois Univ. at Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois
Title: Recent Advances in the LC and GC Separation of Enantiomers with Derivatized Cyclodextrins and
Crown Ethers
162. Date: September 16, 1991
Place: X Congresso Nazionale Della Divisione Di Chimica Analitica Torino, Italy
Title: Enantio-Selective Separations with Derivatized Cyclodextrin
163. Date: November 11, 1991
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium Somerset, New Jersey
Title: New Approaches for the LC and GC Separation of Enantiomers
164. Date: March 5, 1992
Place: ISCO Award Lecture Lincoln, Nebraska
Title: Recent Advances in the Development and Use of Chiral Stationary Phases
165. Date: March 10, 1992
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA
Title: Basis for Selectivity in the Separation of Chiral Drug Isomers
166. Date: March 11, 1992
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA
Title: GC Enantiomeric Separations of Normal and Subambient Pressures
167. Date: March 12, 1992
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA
Title: Introduction to the Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers
168. Date: March 19, 1992
Place: Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers, Montreal, Canada
Title: Cyclodextrin HPLC Chiral Stationary Phases
169. Date: July 27-31, 1992
Place: 32nd Annual Conference of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Devil's Head, Merrimac, WI
Title: Chromatography Methods
169. Date: August 5, 1992
Place: Gordon Conference On Analytical Chemistry, Newport, Rhode Island
Title: New Approaches to Chiral Recognition and Separation
171. Date: September 14, 1992
Place: 19th International Symposium on Chromatography, Aix-en-Provence, France
Title: Recent Advances in Enantioselective Separations and the Determination of Trace-Level Enantiomeric
172. Date: October 5-8,1992
Place: 3 rd International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, Tubingen, Germany
Title: Enantioselective Separations on Cyclodextrin-Based Media Via Noninclusion-Type Mechanisms
173. Date: November 16, 1992
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: New Approaches and Uses for Trace Level Determinations of Enantiomeric Impurities
174. Date: November 19, 1992
Place: Millipore-Waters Company, Worchester, MA
Title: New Advances in the Separation of Amino Acids and Other Chiral Compounds
175. Date: December 1, 1992
Place: Department of Health & Human Serv., St. Louis, MO
Title: Resolution and Determination of Trace Enantiomeric Impurities For Biologically Important Molecules
176. Date: December 10, 1992
Place: Physics Department Colloquium, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO
Title: Chirality, A Basic Property of Life
177. Date: January 27, 1993
Place: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
Title: New Aspects of Chiral Separations
178. Date: January 28, 1993
Place: Triangle Chromatography Discussion Group, Research Triangle Park, NC
Title: Enantioselective Separation of Biologically Important Molecules and the Determination of Trace
Enantiomeric Impurities
179. Date: February 8, 1993
Place: Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX
Title: Chiral High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
180. Date: February 9-12, 1993
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
Title: Introduction to the Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers
181. Date: April 18, 1993
Place: 4th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Analysis, Washington, D.C.
Title: Recent Advances in the Analysis of Chiral Drugs by Gas Chromatography
182. Date: May 13, 1993
Place: Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Jeckell Island, GA
Title: Environmental Applications of Enantiomeric Separations
183. Date: August 22-27, 1993
Place: 25th Gordon Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island
Title: Recent Advances in Chiral Sorbent Development for LC, GC, SFC and CE
184. Date: September 19, 1993
Place: Fourth International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, Montreal, Canada
Title: Chiral Food Additives
185. Date: September 19, 1993
Place: Fourth International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, Montreal, Canada
Title: New Chiral Stationary Phase Technology –Cyclodextrins
186. Date: February 28 - March 4, 1994
Place: Pittsburgh Conference Chicago, Illinois
Title: A New Class of Chiral Selectors for Enantiomeric Separations in LC, TLC, GC, CE and SFC
187. Date: May 4, 1994
Place: SmithKline Beecham, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
Title: Recent Advances in Chiral Separations
188. Date: May 5-6, 1994
Place: Spring Innovations Ltd., Reston, Virginia
Title: A New Class of Chiral Selectors for Enantiomeric Separations in LC, TLC GC, CE and SFC
189. Date: June 20, 1994
Place: PharmAnalysis Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Title: A New Class of Chiral Selectors for Enantiomeric Separations
190. Date: July 10-13, 1994
Place: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
191. Date: July 13-14, 1994
Place: Marion Merrell Dow , Kansas City, Kansas
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
192 Date: September 25-28, 1994
Place: International Symposiurm on Chiral Discrimination, Stockholm, Sweden
Title: A New Class of Chiral Selectors for Enantiomeric Separations in LC, CE, TLC, GC and FSC
193. Date: September 29-30, 1994
Place: SmithKline Beecham, London, England
Title: Recent Advances in Chiral Separations
194. Date: October 2-7, 1994
Place: FACSS Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri
Title: Macrocyclic Antibiotics as a Powerful New Class of Chiral Selectors
195. Date: October 25-26, 1994
Place: Frederick Conference on Capillary Electrophoresis, Frederick, Maryland
Title: Macrocyclic Antibodies as Chiral Selectors in CE
196. Date: October 25-27, 1994
Place: Alex/West Show, San Jose, CA
Title: Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Chiral Selectors in Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography
197. Date: November 14-16, 1994
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: A New Class of Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors for Separations
198. Date: February 5, 1995
Place: Proctor and Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio
Title: New Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors for Enantiomeric Separations
199. Date: March 9, 1995
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA
Title: Applications of Chiral Separations
200. Date: May 18, 1995
Place: Washington Chromatography Discussion Group, Rockville, Maryland
Title: Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Chiral Selectors
201. Date: June 7-9, 1995
Place: DOE/BES Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Title: Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors for Stereochemical Analysis
202. Date: June 20, 1995
Place: Pharm Analysis Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Title: Enantio-Separations as a Solution Pharmacological Problems
203. Date: September 20-21, 1995
Place: Washington Chromatographic Discussion Group, Rockville Maryland
Title: New Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors for Enantiomeric Separations
204. Date: September 26, 1995
Place: Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, Illinois
Title: Chiral Chromatography
205. Date: October 6, 1995
Place: Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Title: Mechanism and Use of Macrocyclic Antibiotics for Isomeric Separations
206. Date: October 23-25, 1995
Place: Frederick Conference on Capillary Electrophoresis, Frederick, Maryland
Title: New Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors for Enantiomeric Separations
207. Date: November 2-3, 1995
Place: Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, MO
Title: Making the World a Better and Safer Place via Molecular Recognition and Separation
208. Date: November 12-17, 1995
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: Chiral Separations
209. Date: December 17-22, 1995
Place: International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, HI
Title: Ordered Media (Micelles, Cyclodextrins) and Analytical Chemistry: A Successful Marriage.
210. Date: February 5, 1996
Place: St. Louis Chromatographic Discussion Group, Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Missouri
Title: Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors for Stereochemical Analysis
211. Date: March 4-8, 1996
Place: Pittsburgh Conference Chicago, IL
Title: Separation and Interaction of Chiral Pharmaceuticals by CE and HPLC
212. Date: March 14, 1996
Place: Neue Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft - New Swiss Chemical Soc. Freiestrasse, Switzerland
Title: Enantioselective Interactions and Separations with Macrocyclic Antibiotics
213. Date: March 24-28, 1996
Place: Fischer Award Symposium 211 th American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA
Title: Enantioselective Interactions and Separations with Macrocyclic Antibiotics
214. Date: June 30 - July 3 1996
Place: 8th International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, Edinburgh, Scotland
Title: Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Chiral Selectors in LC and CE
215. Date: June 30-July 4, 1996
Place: 10 International Symposium Advanced and Applications of Chromatography in Industry, Bratislava,
Slovak Republic
Title: Macrocyclic Antibiotics in Chiral Selectors in LC and CE
216. Date: Sept. 18-19, 1996
Place: The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Title: Chiral Selectors Containing fused Macrocyclic Rings for Liquid Chromatographic and Capillary
Electrophoretic Enantioseparations
217. Date: Nov. 17-22, 1996
Place: Benedetti-Pichler Award Address at 35th Eastern Analytical Symposium Somerset, New Jersey
Title: The Evolution of Enantioneric Separations
218. Date: Dec. 6, 1996
Place: California Separation Science Society, San Francisco, CA
Title: Evolution of Chiral Stationary Phases
219. Date: March 16, 1997
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
Title: Short Course - Chiral Separations
220. Date: March 17, 1997
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
Title: New Macrocyclic Compounds for Enantioseparation
221. Date: June 24-27, 1997
Place: HPLC ‘97 Birmingham, United Kingdom
Title: Toward Greater Usefulness and Understanding of Enantiomeric Separations
222. Date: June 23, 1997
Place: SmithKline Beecham Harlow, United Kingdom
Title: Methods and Mechanisms of Enantioselective Separations
223. Date: August 20-21, 1997
Place: Alltech/Monsanto, St. Louis, MO
Title: The Evolution of Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC and GC
224. Date: October 1-2, 1997
Place: Parke-Davis, Ann Arbor, MI
Title: Chiral Separations
225. Date: October 25-28, 1997
Place: ISCD ’97, Nagoya, Japan
Title: Chiral Recognition in Macrocyclic Antibiotics
226. Date: November 15-16, 1997
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: Short Course - Enantiomeric Separations
227. Date: November 15-21, 1997
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: Aggregation Effects on Enantioselectivity in Capillary Electrophoresis
228. Date: November 15-21, 1997
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: New Developments in Chiral Separations
229. Date: December 1-2, 1997
Place: American Home Products Analytical Conference, St. Louis, MO
Title: The Evolution of Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid Chromatography
230. Date: March 1-5, 1998
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA
Title: Development of New Chiral Stationary Phases
231. Date: March 1-5, 1998
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA
Title: Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors
232. Date: May 2-9, 1998
Place: HPLC ’98, St. Louis, MO
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
233. Date: June 1-5, 1998
Place: Workshop Chiral Separations, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: History, Back Ground and Nomenclature
234. Date: June 1-5, 1998
Place: Symposium on Chiral Separations, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: Summary of LC and GC Techniques
235. Date: June 1-5, 1998
Place: Workshop Chiral Separations, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: Detection and Alternative Methods of Enantiomeric Analysis
236. Date: July 13-15, 1998
Place: 14th Annual Waste Testing and Quality Assurance Symposium, Arlington, VA
Title: Relevance of Enantiomeric Separations in Environmental Science
237. Date: August 25-28, 1998
Place: 3rd Course on Chiral Chemistry, Smolenice (Slovakia)
Title: Macrocyclic Antibiotics as Chiral Selectors in HPLC and CE
238. Date: August 31, 1998
Place: ISCD ’98, Vienna, Austria
Title: Aggregation Effects on Chiral Recognition
239. Date: September 3, 1998
Place: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Title: Enantioseparation Using Macrocyclic Selectors
240. Date: September 15, 1998
Place: 22nd International Symposium on Chromatography, Rome, Italy
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
241. Date: October 1, 1998
Place: St. Louis Chromatography Discussion Group, St. Louis, MO
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
242. Date: November 3, 1998
Place: Uppsala Universitet, Uppsalla, Sweden
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
243. Date: November 5, 1998
Place: Astra Hassle, Uppsalla, Sweden
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
244. Date: November 13, 1998
Place: Parke-Davis Analytical Symposium, Morris Plains, New Jersey
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
245. Date: March 12, 1999
Place: Pittsburgh Conference Short Course, Orlando, Florida
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
246. Date: May 12, 1999
Place: Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Washington, DC
Title: Aggregate Effects on Chiral Recognition
247. Date: May 13, 1999
Place: 16th Annual Triangle Chromatography Symposium and Instrument Exhibit, Raleigh, NC
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition and Separations
248. Date: May 18-20, 1999
Place: Minnesota Chromatography Forum, Earle Brown Heritage Center, Minneapolis, MN
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
249. Date: May 23-27, 1999
Place: 29th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Jekyll Island, GA
Title: Enantioselective Biodegradation of Pesticides and Herbicides
250. Date: May 30 – 1999
Place: HPLC ‘ 99, Granada, Spain
Title: The Growth and Maturation of Enantiomeric
251. Date: June 4, 1999
Place: HPLC ‘ 99, Granada, Spain
Title: Effects of Chiral Separations on Diverse Branches of Science
252. Date: July 25 - 28, 1999
Place: International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination, Chicago, Illinois
Title: HPLC for Measuring Enantiopurity
253. Date: October 4-6, 1999
Place: Hope College, Holland, Michigan
Title: History of Enantiomeric Seaparations and its Impact on Pharmaceutical Science
254. Date: November 17, 1999
Place: EAS, New Jersey
Title: Spectroscopic Evaluation of Synthetic and Adulterated Gemstones
255. Date: February 14-16, 2000
Place: R.W. Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Raritan, New Jersey
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
256. Date: February 27-29, 2000
Place: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
257. Date: March 5-8, 2000
Place: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Title: Aggregational Effects on Chiral Recognition
258. Date: March 13-17, 2000
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans
Title: Chiral Recognition by Macrocyclic Antiobiotics
259. Date: April 2-5, 2000
Place: Smithkline-Beecham, Harlow, England
Title: New Enantiomeric Separations for the Pharmaceutical Industry
260. Date: April 6-7, 2000
Place: Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Title: New Enantiomeric Separations for the Pharmaceutical Industry
261. Date: April 17-19, 2000
Place: Bayreuth University, Bayreuth Germany
Title: Chiral Recognition by Macrocyclic Antibiotics
262. Date: May 18-20, 2000
Place: CNECC/NEMDG Symposium, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Title: Chiral Recognition by Macrocyclic Antibiotics
263. Date: June-6, 2000
Place: Molecular Chirality Symposium, Komaba, Tokyo, Japan
Title: Chiral Recognition by Macrocyclic Antibiotics
264. Date: June 28-30, 2000
Place: HPLC 2000, Seattle, Washington
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier for Separation Science
265. Date: September 24-28, 2000
Place: International Symposium on Chirality, Chamonix-Mont Blanc, France
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
266. Date: October 18-20, 2000
Place: Frederick Conference, Frederick, Maryland
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Analysis: A New Frontier for Separation Science
267. Date: October 31,2000
Place: EAS Conference, New Jersey
Title: The Role of Carbohydrate Moities of Glycopeptides in Chiral Recognition
268. Date: November 1, 2000
Place: EAS Conference, New Jersey
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules
269. Date: January 28-29, 2001
Place: Pfizer, Inc., Groton, CT
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
270. Date: March 4-10, 2001
Place: Pittcon 2001, New Orleans, LA
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
271 Date: April 18-20, 2001
Place: Moreton Lecture Series, Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi
Title: How Microanalysis Changed the World: from the Human Genome Project to Bacteria and Beyond
272. Date: April 30-May 1, 2001
Place: Chicago Chromatography Discussion Group, Chicago, Illinois
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manners of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
273. Date: August 28, 2001
Place: Advances and Applications of Chromatography in Industry Symposium, Bratislava, Slovakia
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manners of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
274. Date: August 30, 2001
Place: Charles University, Prague
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manners of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
275. Date: October 1 - October 4, 2001
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS), Altantic City, New Jersey
Title: Rapid Screening, LC-MS and CEC of Chiral Pharmaceuticals with Macrocyclic Glycopeptides
276. Date: October 12, 2001
Place: Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
277. Date: November 8, 2001
Place: Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
278. Date: January 30 - February 2, 2002
Place: Pfizer, Inc., San Diego, CA
Title: High Efficiency Enantioselective Separations
279. Date: February 20, 2002
Place: NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
280. Date: February 21, 2002
Place: Washington Chromatography Discussion Group Meeting, Rockville, MD
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
281. Date: March 17 - 22, 2002
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA
Title: Pharmaceutical Enantiomeric Separations
282. Date: April 8, 2002:
Place: Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
283. Date: April 9, 2002
Place: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
284. Date: April 10, 2002
Place: Texas Southern University, Houston, TX
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
285. Date: April 12, 2002
Place: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
286. Date: April 26 - 27, 2002
Place: Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA
Title: Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules: A New Frontier in Separation Science
287. Date: June 2, 2002
Place: HPLC 2002, Montreal, Canada
Title: Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors
288. Date: June 3, 2002
Place: HPLC 2002, Montreal, Canada
Title: Ultra-High Efficiency Microbial Separations
289. Date: July 31-Aug 1, 2002
Place: Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry (RMCAC 2002), Denver, CO
Title: High Efficiency CE Identification and Characterization of Microorganisms: Mechanism and Use
290. Date: September 8-11. 2002
Place: 14th International Symposium on Chirality, Hamburg, Germany
Title: Enantiomer Separation of Biologically Active Coumarine Derivatives and Related Compounds
291. Date: September 11-13, 2002
Place: ISSS, Torun, Poland
Title: Mechanism and Use of High Efficiency Microbial Separations
292. Date: September 11-13, 2002
Place: Lodz, Poland
Title: Cyclodextrin Chiral Stationary Phases
293. Date: September 11-13, 2002
Place: Lodz, Poland
Title: Chiral Stationary Phases for Gas Chromatography
294. Date: October 14, 2002
Place: Horticulture Department, Iowa State University
Title: Different Effects of Isomers of Plant Growth Regulators on Plants
295. Date: October 17, 2002
Place: Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University
Title: Chirality, Critters, and Melts
296. Date: October 23-25, 2002
Place: Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Philadelphia, PA
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
297. Date: October 31, 2002
Place: 3M Company, Minneapolis, MN
Title: Mechanism and Use of High Efficiency Microbial Separations
298. Date: November 12-16, 2002
Place: 2nd Conference of VUFB, Prague, Czech Republic
Title: Chiral Separation Technologies and Strategies in HPLC and HPLC-MS
299. Date: November 18, 2002
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Newark, New Jersey
Title: LC-MS Enantiomeric Analysis of Coumarin Analogues, B-Blockers, Amino Acids, and Other
Biologically Important Molecules
300. Date: November 19, 2002
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Newark, New Jersey
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separation and Mass Spectrometry
301. Date: January 7, 2003
Place: Dow Lectureship in Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Canada
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Separations: Mechanism and Use
302. Date: January 8, 2003
Place: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Separations: Mechanism and Use
303. Date: January 18, 2003
Place: Columbia University, New York, NY
Title: Room Temperature Ionic Liquids
304. Date: January 24, 2003
Place: Chicago Section ACS, Chicago, IL
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Analysis, Viability Determination, and Antibiotic Screening: Marriage of
Separation Science and Microbiology
305. Date: February 26, 2003
Place: University of Missouri - Kansas City, Kansas City, MO
Title: The Importance of Enantiomeric Analysis: Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Science
306. Date: March 11, 2003
Place: The Pittsburgh Conference, Orlando, FL
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
307. Date: May 14, 2003
Place: 100 Years of Chromatography, Moscow, Russia
Title: Mechanisms and Use of High Efficiency Microbial Separations
308. Date: May 23, 2003
Place: 26 th International Symposium on CC&E, Las Vegas, Nevada
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Electrophoresis: Mechanism and Use
309. Date: June 15, 2003
Place: HPLC 2003, Nice, France
Title: Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors
310. Date: June 19, 2003
Place: HPLC 2003, Nice, France
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Electrophoresis: Mechanism and Uses
311. Date: July 29, 2003
Place: RMCAC 2003, Denver, CO
Title: Mechanism and Use of High Efficiency Microbial Separations
312. Date: September 7, 2003
Place: ACS Symposium, New York, NY
Title: Pseudophases and Secondary Equilibria in Chromatography: From Micelles through Chiral
313. Date: September 26, 2003
Place: Unilever R & D, Colworth, London, England
Title: Theanine, Chiral Separations and Tea
314. Date: October 17, 2003
Place: Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Title: Theory, Mechanism and use of Macrocyclic Glycopeptide Chiral Selectors
315. Date: October 20, 2003
Place: Chirality 2003, Shizuoka, Japan
Title: Chirality Medal Award Lecture: From Pseudophases to Molecular Recognition to Enantiomeric
316. Date: October 24, 2003
Place: Tokyo Kasei, Co., Tokyo, Japan
Title: Modern Enantioselective Separation Methods
317. Date: October 24, 2003
Place: Tokyo Kasei, Co., Tokyo, Japan
Title: Chiral LC-MS
318. Date: October 28, 2003
Place: National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors
319. Date: October 29, 2003
Place: 2003 Soochow Analytical Chemistry Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: Mechanism and Use of High Efficiency Microbial Separations
320. Date: October 30, 2003
Place: ICCT 2003, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: Ionic Liquids and Mass Spectrometry
321. Date: November 3, 2003
Place: AIP Lectureship, Columbia University, New York, NY
Title: Microfluidic Separation and Characterization of Microorganisms
322. Date: February 2, 2004
Place: Chemistry Department, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Title: Characterization and Use of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids in Chemical Analysis
323. Date: February 6, 2004
Place: Department of Chemistry Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Separations
324. Date: February 7, 2004
Place: Escola de Verao en Quimica, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations/Chiral Recognition
325. Date: February 8, 2004
Place: XXIV Escola de Verao en Quimica, Sao Carlos Brazil
Title: Detection and Alternative Methods of Enantiomeric Analysis
326. Date: February 10, 2004
Place: XXIV Escola de Verao en Quimica, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Title: Enantiomeric Separations by Gas Chromatography (GC)
327. Date: March 8, 2004
Place: 2004 Pittsburgh Conference, Chicago, IL
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
328. Date: March 9, 2004
Place: 2004 Pittsburgh Conference, Chicago, IL
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Analysis, Viability Determination and Antibiotic Screening: The Marriage of
Separation Science and Microbiology
329. Date: March 30, 2004
Place: GlaxoSmithKline, Philadelphia, PA
Title: Mechanism and Use of High Efficiency Microbial Separations
330. Date: April 29, 2004
Place: Connecticut Separation Science Council, Uncasville, CT
Title: Bioanalytical Separations
331. Date: May 3, 2004
Place: Dorint Hotel Pharmaceutical Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
Title: History and Overview of Enantiomeric Separations
332. Date: May 4, 2004
Place: Le Meridien Apollo, Amsterdam, Holland
Title: Chiral LC-MS
333. Date: May 5, 2004
Place: Roche Pharmaceutical, Basel, Switzerland
Title: Supercritical Fluid-based Enantiomeric Separations
334. Date: May 6, 2004
Place: GlaxoSmithKline, Stevenage, U.K.
Title: Stevenage Potpourri
335. Date: May 7, 2004
Place: Institute of Directors, London, England
Title: Survey and Development of Enantiomeric Separations
336. Date: June 13, 2004
Place: HPLC 2004, Philadelphia, PA
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
337. Date: June 15, 2004
Place: HPLC 2004, Philadelphia, PA
Title: New Classes of Chiral Selectors for CE, LC and GC
338. Date: June 29, 2004
Place: 13 th Annual ISAACI, Bratislava, Slovakia
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
339. Date: July 11, 2004
Place: Chirality 2004, New York, NY
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
340. Date: July 14, 2004
Place: New York University, New York, NY
Title: Chiral Room Temperature Ionic Liquids
341. Date: July 15, 2004
Place: Pfizer, Inc., Groton, CT
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
342. Date: July 28, 2004
Place: 7 th Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences, Hong Kong, China
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Analysis, Viability Determination and Antibiotic Screening: The marriage of
Separation Science and Microbiology
343. Date: August 3, 2004
Place: Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Denver, CO
Title: New Classes of Chiral Selectors for CE, LC, and GC
344. Date: September 13, 2004
Place: Pfizer, Inc., St. Louis, MO
Title: Practice, Mechanism, and Use of Rapid Microbial CE
345. Date: September 13, 2004
Place: Pfizer, Inc., St. Louis, MO
Title: An Evaluation of High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
346. Date: September 27, 2004
Place: La Jolla Pharmaceutical Consortium, Marriott La Jolla, La Jolla, CA
Title: Chiral LC-MS
347. Date: September 27, 2004
Place: La Jolla Pharmaceutical Consortium, Marriott La Jolla, La Jolla, CA
Title: Supercritical Fluid-based Enantiomeric Separations
348. Date: September 28, 2004
Place: Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA
Title: Macrocyclic Glycopeptide CSPs
349. Date: September 29, 2004
Place: Bay Area Pharmaceutical R&D, Embassy Suites, Burlingame, CA
Title: Chiral LC-MS
350. Date: September 29, 2004
Place: Bay Area Pharmaceutical R&D, Embassy Suites, Burlingame, CA
Title: Supercritical Fluid-based Enantiomeric Separations
351. Date: October 29, 2004
Place: I.S.U. Foundation, Reiman Gardens, Ames, IA
Title: The Impact and Evolution of High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
352. Date: December 2, 2004
Place: Chemical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Title: Synthesis and Use of Chiral Ionic Liquids
353. Date: January 18, 2005
Place: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Title: Synthesis, Characterization and Use of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids
354. Date: January 28, 2005
Place: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Title: Characterization and Use of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids
355. Date: February 28, 2005
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Orlando, FL
Title: Supercritical Fluid-based Enantiomeric Separations
356. Date: March 1, 2005
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Orlando, FL
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
357. Date: April 6, 2005
Place: Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Analysis, Viability Determination and Antibiotic Screening: The Marriage of
Separation Science and Microbiology
358. Date: April 7, 2005
Place: Bates College, Lewiston, ME
Title: The Evolution of Enantiomeric Separations
359. Date: May 24, 2005
Place: 28 th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & Electrophoresis, Las Vegas, NE
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
360. Date: May 31, 2005
Place: Canadian Chemical Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
361. Date: June 2, 2005
Place: University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Separations
362. Date: June 13, 2005
Place: 79 th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
Title: Expanding the Utility and Understanding of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: Including Micelle
Formation and Interaction with Gold Nano-particles
363. Date: June 22, 2005
Place: Meeting on Food Chemistry and Safety, Messina, Italy
Title: The Importance of Enantiomeric Separations in Food and Beverage Analysis: From Amino Acids to
Flavours/Fragrances to Contaminants
364. Date: June 26, 2005
Place: HPLC 2005, Stockholm, Sweden
Title: Enantioseparations
365. Date: June 28, 2005
Place: HPLC 2005, Stockholm, Sweden
Title: High Efficiency Microbial CE
366. Date: July 14, 2005
Place: University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
Title: Mechanism and Use of High Efficiency Microbial Separations
367. Date: August 2, 2005
Place: Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Denver, CO
Title: Advances in Microbial Separations
368. Date: August 9, 2005
Place: Conference on Small Molecule Science (COSMOS), Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
Title: New Classes of Chiral Selector for LC, SFC, CE and GC
369. Date: September 11, 2005
Place: 17 th ISCD (Chirality-2005), Parma, Italy
Title: High Performance Enantioselective Separation Processes: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
370. Date: September 15, 2005
Place: ChromSoc Chiral Separation Technologies, Old Harlow, Essex, U.K.
Title: Chiral Separations using LC-MS
371. Date: December 7, 2005
Place: Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN
Title: New Classes of Chiral Selectors for LC, SFC, CE, and GC
372. Date: March 12 – 17, 2006
Place: Pittsburgh Conference, Orlando, FL
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
373. Date: March 26 – 30, 2006
Place: 231 st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA
Title: Ionic Liquids as Stationary Phases for Gas Chromatography
374. Date: May 31, 2006
Place: Great Lakes Regional Meeting, Milwaukee, WI
Title: Ionic Liquids in Chemical Analysis
375. Date: June 9, 2006
Place: Aastrom Biosciences, Ann Arbor, MI
Title: High Efficiency Microbial Separations – Toward a Sterility Test
376. Date: June 18 2006
Place: HPLC, San Francisco, CA
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
377. Date: June 21, 2006
Place: HPLC 2006, San Francisco, CA
Title: Electrokinetic Microbial Separations – Toward a Rapid Test for Sterility
378. Date: June 25, 2006
Place: Chirality, 2006, Busan, So. Korea
Title: HPLC Analysis of Chiral Drugs
379. Date: June 26, 2006
Place: Chirality, 2006, Busan, So. Korea
Title: A Survey of Chiral Selectors for Enantioselective LC
380. Date: June 27, 2006
Place: Chirality, 2006, Busan, So. Korea
Title: Supercritical Fluid and Preparative LC Enantiomeric Separations
381. Date: August 31, 2006
Place: University of Tennessee Chemistry Department, Knoxville, Tennessee
Title: Electrokinetic Microbial Separations – Toward a Rapid Test for Sterility
382. Date: September 12, 2006
Place: ACS 2006 National Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations
383. Date: October 17, 18, 2006
Place: SIMCRO, São Pedro, Brazil
Title: Recent Advances in Chiral Separations
384. Date: October 25 – 27, 2006
Place: Thar Technology Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting, Laguna Beach, CA
Title: Supercritical Fluid and Preparative LC Enantiomeric Separations
385. Date: November 13, 2006
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition Technical Program, Somerset, NJ
Title: Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry
386. Date: November 14, 2006
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium & Exposition, Award Ceremony
Title: New Classes of Chiral Selectros for HPLC in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
387. Date: November 14, 2006
Place: Merck, Rahway, NJ
Title: Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry: Green Analytical Technologies?
388. Date: November 15, 2006
Place: Merck, Rahway, NJ
Title: Method Development in Chiral Chromatography: Macrocyclic Antibiotics,
Cyclodextrins and Novel Polymeric CSPs
389. Date: November 16, 2006
Pfizer, New London, CT
Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry: Green Analytical Technologies?
390. Date: November 16, 2006
Place: Pfizer, New London, CT – Departmental Seminar
Title: Electrokinetic Microbial Separations – Toward a Rapid test for Sterility
391. Date: December 4, 2006
Place: Chemistry Department, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Title: Electrokinetic Microbial Separations – Toward a Rapid test for Sterility
392. Date: December 12, 2006
Place: Supelco, St. College, PA
Title: Ionic Liquids in Analytical Chemistry
393. Date: February 26, 2007
Place: Pittcon 2007, Chicago, IL
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
394. Date: March 21, 2007
Place: University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX
Title: The Impact and Evolution of High Efficiency Enantiomer Separations
395. Date: June 14, 2007
Place: Sandwich, England
Title: New Chiral Stationary Phases and Mechanisms for LC Enantrimeric Separations
396. Date: June 17, 2007
Place: HPLC – Ghent, Belgium
Title: High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
397. Date: June 19, 2007
Place: Ghent, Belgium
Title: The Continuing Development of Electrokinetic Microbial Separations
398. Date: June 24, 2007
Place: Chiranal Symposium 2007 – Slovak Republic
Title: New Chiral Selectors and Mechanisms
399. Date: June 27, 2007
Place: High Tatra, Slovak Republic
Title: Ionic liquids in separations and mass spectrometry, a new frontier
400. Date: July 8, 2007
Place: Chirality 2007, San Diego, CA
Title: Seminar on chiral Chromatography: Analytical and Preparative
401. Date: September 20, 2007
Place: Zurich, Switzerland
Title: Ionic liquids in Analytical Science
402. Date: October 5, 2007
Place: Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
Title: Ionic Liquids in Chemical Analysis
403. Date: October 11, 2007
Place: Southeastern Oklahoma State Univeristy, Durant, OK
Title: Impact and Evolution of High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
404. Date: October 17, 2007
Place: CaSSS Conference, Miami, FL
Title: Electrokinetic Microbial Separations: Toward a Sterility Test
405. Date: November 2, 2007
Place: Baylor University, Waco, TX
Title: Ionic Liquids in Chemical Analysis
406. Date: November 12, 2007
Place: Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ
Title: Ionic Liquids as New GC Stationary Phases
407. Date: November 16 2007
Place: Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, TX
Title: Impact and Evolution of High Efficiency Enantiomeric Separations
408. Date: November 28, 2007
Place: ISCC 2007 Symposium, Albuquerque, NM
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a new frontier
409. Date: December 7, 2007
Place: Alcon Labs, Fort Worth, TX
Title: Electrokinetic Microbial Separations: Toward a Sterility Test
410. Date: February 15, 2008
Place: Metroplex Days, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX
Title: The Impact and Evolution of High Efficiency Enantiomer Separations
411. Date: March 3, 2008
Place: Pittcon 2008, New Orleans, LA
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
412. Date: March 4, 2008
Place: Pittcon 2008, New Orleans, LA
Title: Ultra-Sensitive Anion Analysis using ESI-MS and LC-ESI-MS in the Positive Ion Mode
413. Date: April 23, 2008
Place: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations & Mass Spectrometry
414. Date: May 28, 2008
Place: 5 th GCxGC Symposium, Riva, Italy
Title: ILs as GC Stationary Phases
415. Date: May 30, 2008
Place: 32 nd ISCC, Riva Italy
Title: The Growing Impact of Ionic Liquids on GC, 2D-GC and ESI-MS
416. Date: July 1, 2008
Place: Brunel University, London, England
Title: Foundations of Enantiomeric Separations
417. Date: July 2, 2008
Place: Chiral Separations Workshop, Cologne, Germany
Title: New Chiral Stationary Phases and Mechanisms of Separations
418. Date: July 3, 2008
Place: Sigma-Aldrich/Supelco, Berlin, Germany
Title: Foundations of Enantiomeric Separations
419. Date: July 4, 2008
Place: Biozentrum Inversity of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Title: New Chiral Stationary Phases and Mechanisms of Separations
420. Date: July 6, 2008
Place: University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Title: Analytical and Preparative Separations of Stereoisimers by HPLC and SFC
421. Date: July 7, 2008
Place: 20 th Interantional Symposium on Chirality, Geneva, Switzerland
Title: New Chiral Macrocycles for the Separation and Stochastic Sensing of Enantiomers
422. Date: September 23, 2008
Place: IICS 2008, Portland, OR
Title: Ultra Sensitive LC-MS of Anions in the Positive Ion Mode using Ionic Liquids Derived Reagents
423. Date: October 3, 2008
Place: St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Title: The Growing Impact of Ionic Liquids on GC, 2D-GC and ESI-MS
424. Date: October 24, 2008
Place: SUNY-Buffalo, Foster Chemical Colloquia, Buffalo, NY
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
425. Date: October 29, 2008
Place: COLACRO XII, Florianopolis, Brazil
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
426. Date: October 31, 2008
Place: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil
Title: Electrokinetic Separation and Analysis of Microorganisms
427. Date: November 7, 2008
Place: Texas Women’s University, Denton, TX
Title: Enantiomeric Separations and their Importance in Pharmaceutical Science
428. Date: November 18, 2008
Place: 47 th Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: Practical Enantiomeric Separations
429. Date: November 19, 2008
Place: 47 th Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: New Chiral macrocycles for the Separation and Stochastic Sensing of Enantiomers
430. Date: November 20, 2008
Place: 47 th Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
431. Date: March 9, 2009
Place: Pittcon 2009, Chicago, IL
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
432. Date: March 26, 2009
Place: 77 th Annual Banquet of Sigma Xi Chapter 101 at Oklahoma State University, OK
Title: Development of Ionic Liquids for Chemical and Biochemical Analysis
433. Date: April 8, 2009
Place: Supelco, Bellefonte, PA
Title: Chiral Ionic Liquids
434. Date: May 20, 2009
Place: 33 rd ISCCE Conference, Portland, OR
Title: The Growing Impact of Ionic Liquids on GC, 2D-GC and ESI-MS
435. Date: July 12, 2009
Place: Chirality 2009, Breckenridge, CO
Title: Introduction to Chiral Separations
436. Date: July 14, 2009
Place: Chirality 2009, Breckenridge, CO
Title: New Directions in Enantioselective Analyses
437. Date: July 23, 2009
Place: Supelco, Bellefonte, PA
Title: New Chiral Selectors for Liquid Chromatography
438. Date: October 17, 2009
Place: Dalian, China (1 st Sino-USA Symposium)
Title: Ionic Liquid in Separation Science & Mass Spectrometry
439. Date: October 20, 2009
Place: Dalian, China (24 th MSB 2009)
Title: Electrokinetic Microbial Separations: Toward Sterility & Diagnostic Blood Tests
440. Date: October 23, 2009
Place: Hangzhou, China (Zhejiang University)
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
441. Date: October 25, 2009
Place: Zheijiang University (New Campus)
Title: Development and Use of New Chiral Macrocycles for Enantiomeric Separations
442. Date: October 27, 2009
Place: Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
443. Date: October 28, 2009
Place: Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Title: New Chiral Macrocyles for Separations and Stochastic Sensing of Enantiomers
444. Date: October 29, 2009
Place: Plenary lecture 104 th KCS meeting, Daejeon, Korea
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
445. Date: November 17, 2009
Place: EAS, Somerset, NJ
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
446. Date: November 18, 2009
Place: EAS, Somerset, NJ
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
447. Date: February 16, 2010
Place: Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley, Media, PA
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
448. Date: March 1, 2010
Place: Pittcon 2010, Orlando, FL
Title: LCGC Podcast Program
449. Date: March 2, 2010
Place: Pittcon 2010, Orlando, FL
Title: Pushing the Envelope in Capillary Ga Chromatography
450. Date: March 2, 2010
Place: Pittcon 2010, Orlando, FL
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
451. Date: March 22, 2010
Place: ACS 239 th National Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
452. Date: March 22, 2010
Place: ACS 239 th National Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Title: New Chiral Macrocyles for the Separation and Stochastic Sensing of Enantiomers
453. Date: March 25, 2010
Place: Supelco meeting, Grapevine, TX
Title: The Discovery of Unique Chemical Entities for Chromatography and other Analytical Applications
454. Date: July 9, 2010
Place: Nagoya University, Japan
Title: Mechanistic Aspects of Chiral Recognition by Cyclofructans
455. Date: July 14, 2010
Place: Chirality 2010, Sapporo, Japan
Title: Development of Cyclofructan – Based Phases and Their Mechanism of Action
456. Date: July 16, 2010
Place: Mitsubishi Chemical Co., Toyko, Japan
Title: Cyclofructans as New Separation Media
457. Date: September 1, 2010
Place: ITP 2010, Baltimore, MD
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
458. Date: October 18, 2010
Place: FACSS, Raleigh, NC
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
459. Date: December 16, 2010
Place: Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, HI
Title: Cyclofructans: New Chiral Selectors for Separations, i.e. determinations and possible synthesis
460. Date: December 18, 2010
Place: Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, HI
Title: Boromycin and Cyclofructan as Chiral Sensors for Enantioselective Molecular Recognition &
461. Date: December 19, 2010
Place: Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, HI
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
462. Date: January 11, 2011
Place: Supelco Seminar on Innovative Technologies for HPLC, GC & Sample Prep, Sherman Oaks, CA
Title: Innovative Chemistry for Chromatography: Advances in Macrocyclic Chiral Stationary Phases for LC &
SFC Enantiomeric Separations and Ionic Liquids in GC (Including Rapid Water Analyses) and the
Ultra-Sensitive ESI-MS of Anions
463. Date: January 12, 2011
Place: Supelco Seminar on Innovative Technologies for HPLC, GC & Sample Prep, Irvine, CA
Title: Innovative Chemistry for Chromatography: Advances in Macrocyclic Chiral Stationary Phases for LC &
SFC Enantiomeric Separations and Ionic Liquids in GC (Including Rapid Water Analyses) and the
Ultra-Sensitive ESI-MS of Anions
464. Date: January 13, 2011
Place: Supelco Seminar on Innovative Technologies for HPLC, GC & Sample Prep, San Diego, CA
Title: Innovative Chemistry for Chromatography: Advances in Macrocyclic Chiral Stationary Phases for LC &
SFC Enantiomeric Separations and Ionic Liquids in GC (Including Rapid Water Analyses) and the
Ultra-Sensitive ESI-MS of Anions
465. Date: February 2, 2011
Place: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,Jerusalem, Israel
Title: “Molecular and Chiral Recognition by Boromycin and Cyclofructan”
466. Date: February 7, 2011
Place: Isranalytica, Tel Aviv, Israel
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
467. Date: March 14, 2011
Place: PITTCON 2011, Atlanta, GA
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, A New Frontier
468. Date: March 15, 2011
Place: PITTCON 2011, Atlanta, GA
Title: New Chiral Selectors for LC, SFC, GC and Sensors
469. Date: March 17, 2011
Place: PITTCON 2011, Atlanta, GA
Title: Development of Cyclofructan – Based Phases and their Mechanism of Action
470. Date: March 22, 2011
Place: Supelco Seminar on Innovative Technologies for HPLC, GC & Sample Prep, Houston, TX
Title: Innovative Chemistry for Chromatography: Advances in Macrocyclic Chiral Stationary Phases for LC &
SFC Enantiomeric Separations and Ionic Liquids in GC (Including Rapid Water Analyses) and the
Ultra-Sensitive ESI-MS of Anions
471 Date: March 23, 2011
Place: Supelco Seminar on Innovative Technologies for HPLC, GC & Sample Prep, San Antonio, TX
Title: Innovative Chemistry for Chromatography: Advances in Macrocyclic Chiral Stationary Phases for LC &
SFC Enantiomeric Separations and Ionic Liquids in GC (Including Rapid Water Analyses) and the
Ultra-Sensitive ESI-MS of Anions
472. Date: March 24, 2011
Place: Supelco Seminar on Innovative Technologies for HPLC, GC & Sample Prep, San Antonio, TX
Title: Innovative Chemistry for Chromatography: Advances in Macrocyclic Chiral Stationary Phases for LC &
SFC Enantiomeric Separations and Ionic Liquids in GC (Including Rapid Water Analyses) and the
Ultra-Sensitive ESI-MS of Anions
473. Date: May 11, 2011
Place: 13 th Annual Symposium on Advances in Separation Scien and Mass Spectrometry- Northeastern
University, Boston, MA
Title: Plenary Lecture: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier
474. Date: May 12, 2011
Place: Triangle Chromatography Symposium & Instrument Exhibit, NC State University, Raleigh, NC
Title: Plenary Lecture: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
475. Date: June 17, 2011
Place: 4 th Congress on Ionic Liquids, Arlington, VA
Title: Plenary lecture: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry, A new Frontier
476. Date: August 29, 2011
Place: 242 nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
477. Date: October 9, 2011
Place: PBA 2011 Brazil, Joao Pessoa, Brazil
Title: Modern Enantiomeric Chromatographic Separations
478. Date: October 12, 2011
Place: PBA 2011 Brazil, Joao Pessoa, Brazil
Title: Cyclofructans: The Newest Chiral Macrocycle for Enantiomeric Recognition & Separations
479. Date: December 3, 2011
Place: LACE 2011, Hollywood, FL
Title: Plenary session: New Approaches for the Detection and Analysis of Molecules and Ions Using CE-
ESI-MS and Microfluidic Devices
480. Date: March 12, 2012
Place: Pitton 2012, Orlando, F
Title: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry
481. Date: March 12, 2012
Place: Pitton 2012, Orlando, F
Title: Developmentof Ionic Liquids fro Chemical and Biochemical Analysis
482. Date: March 13, 2012
Place: Pitton 2012, Orlando, F
Title: Enantiomeric Separations
483.. Date: March 14, 2012
Place: Pitton 2012, Orlando, F
Title: Cyclofructans: The Newest Chiral Macrocycle
484. Date:
485. Date:
486. Date:
Professional Societies:
American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, American
Chemical Society, Smithsonian Associate, Sigma Xi, Royal Society of Chemistry
Originator and Program Director:
For the first course (directed toward advanced industrial chemists) on chiral separations in the USA (St. Louis, 1989) and the world (Bradford, England, 1988-1989). ACS short course on Chiral Separations, Philadelphia, PA, 1989.
NPR (National Public Radio) show: "We're Science", 1993-2000.
Symposium or Session Chairman:
Session Chairman of "Advances in TLC" session at the 21st Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY (1982).
Session Chairman of "Kendall Award Symposium on Membrane Mimetric Chemistry Honoring Janos H. Fendler" at the
Seattle ACS Meeting, Seattle, Washington (1983).
Session Chairman of "EAS Contributed Papers I" at the 22nd Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, NY (1983).
Organizing Committee of Eastern Analytical Symposium (1983).
Session Chairman of "Advances in Chromatographic Detection and Separations" at the 23rd Eastern Analytical
Symposium, New York, NY (1984).
Symposium Chairman of "Analysis of Polymers" at the 40th Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, Lubbock, TX (1984).
Session Chairman of "Chiral Separations in Chromatography" at the Silver Jubilee Eastern Analytical Symposium,
New York, NY (1986).
Co-Organizer for Symposium on "Characterization and Applications of Membrane Mimetic Agents: Recent Advances",
New Orleans, LA (1987).
Scientific Committee for the Internation Symposium on Cyclodextrins, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, (1988).
Session Chairman of "Special Separation Techniques" at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York, New York,
Session Chairman of "The Importance of Enantiomeric Separation of Amino Acids in Medical Science", at the 2nd
International Congress on Amino Acids and Analogues, Vienna, Austria, (1991).
Session Chairman of "Chiral Separations, I", at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey, (1992).
Session Chairman of "Chiral Separations, II", at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey, (1992).
Session Chairman of "Stereochemical Issues in the Agricultural and Food Industries, at the Fourth International
Symposium on Chiral Descrimination, Montreal, Canada, (1993).
Session Chairman of "Chiral Separations, at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey, (1993).
Session Chairman of "Chiral Separations, at the Pittsburgh Conference, Chicago, Illinois (1994).
Symposium Chair of “The Chiral Conference” at Cancun Mexico (1997).
Symposium Chairman of “HPLC 98”, at the Regal Riverfront Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri (1998).
Symposium Chairman of ISCD 13, Chirality 2001, At Disney Contemporary Resort, Orlando, FL (2001).
Session Chairman of " Advances in Separations”, at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Denver,
CO, (2002)
Session Chairman of " Advances in Separations”, at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Denver,
CO, (2003)
Session Chairman of " Advances in Separations”, at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Denver,
CO, (2004)
Session Chairman of "Advances in Separations”, at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Denver,
CO, (2005)
Short Course Organizer: Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans 1997 – present.
Short Course Organizer: HPLC ’03, Nice, France
Session Chairman of "Advances in Separations”, at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Denver,
CO, (2006)
Consulting Activity:
E. C. Jordan Co., Inc., Portland, ME for: Analysis of pulp mill and municipal wastes (i.e. surfactants and priority pollutants) and determining methodology of foam elimination on rivers. LC analysis of dyes in rivers.
Department of Environmental Protection, Augusta, ME for: detergent, surfactant and foam pollution on or in natural waters.
Continental Precious Metals, Inc., Oxon Hill, MD for: Refining and assaying silver, gold and platinum.
Wapora, Inc., Chevy Chase, MD for: Fluorescent analysis of compounds used as environmental pollution tracers.
Law Offices of Giordana, Bush and Villareale, PA, Oxon Hill, MD for: confidential.
Brunswick Corporation, Defense Division, Marian, VA for: Analysis and evaluation of composite structure starting materials used in nosecones of F15 and F16 fighters and Sikorsky helicopter canopies.
Advanced Separation Technologies, Inc. for: Development of new chromatographic stationary phases and mobile phases.
Devils Lake Sioux Corp., Fort Totten, ND, for: Analyzing coating on Kevlar Army Helmets.
Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, TX, for: Polymer Analysis.
Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, for: Chiral Separations.
Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas, for: Chiral Assay Development.
Bend Research, Inc., Bend, Oregon, for: Resolution of Chiral Organic Compounds.
Orpharm, Inc, Houston, TX, for: Drug Resolution
Laff, Whitesel, Conte & Saret, LTD, Chicago, IL, for: Scientific Expert Witness.
Kirkland & Ellis, New York, for: Scientific Expert Witness.
AAI International, Wilmington, NC for: Chiral Compound Evaluation, Most major pharmaceutical companies between
Public Scientific Information:
Host of "University Forum Radio Show (WASH-FM) Metromedia, Inc., 5151 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, DC,
Ms. Lillian Brown, Producer.
"Acid Rain"
"Research, Technology and the
Future of the United States"
"Government Regulations, Industrial
January 25, 1981
February 22, 1981
March 1, 1981
Policies and the Economy"
"The Water Crises"
"Air Pollution and the Clean Air Act"
"Effects of Federal Policies on the
June 14, 1981
September 6, 1981
January 31, 1983
B) Movie for the American Chemical Society
Title: "Chemistry the Endless Frontier"
Mr. Mike Hamilton, Producer. Film is for public viewing via public and network television and also distributed to education institutions worldwide.
February, 1983
C) "Dimensions in Science" radio show for the
American Chemical Society. Title: "The
Chemistry of Clean Clothes" #1174 Broadcast nationally on 400 stations. Ms. Nancy Enright,
D) Nationally Syndicated NPR show "We're Science" 1993-present written and hosted by D.W. Armstrong, cohost
H. Richards. Producer J. Francis, KUMR, Rolla, MO 65409
Grants and Contracts:
D. W. Armstrong, Principal Investigator:
Research Corporation for: "Micellar Chromatography," $23,500 from April 1, 1979 through April 13, 1981, Expired.
Petroleum Research Fund for: "Phase Transfer Catalysis," $10,000 from February 1, 1979 through August 31, 1981,
Koelln Award for: "Biological PTC," $125.00 from January 1, 1979 through December 31, 1979, Expired.
E. C. Jordan Co., Inc. for: "Analysis of Surfactant Pollution on the Androscoggin River," $16,000, Expired.
Wapora, Inc. for: "Use of Fluorescent Brighteners as Environmental Pollution Markers," $10,000, Expired.
Whatman Chemical Separation Division, an unrestricted grant for chromatographic investigations, $30,000, (funds and materials), Expired.
National Science Foundation for: "Pseudophase Liquid Chromatography," $114,000., Expired December 31, 1983.
Department of Energy for: "Use of Functionalized Surfactants in Flame Atomic Analysis," $198,000, Expired August
31, 1987.
Department of Energy for: "Use of Functionalized Surfactants in Flame Atomic Analysis," $22,000, Expired.
Center for Energy Research for: "Atomic Analysis," $5,000, Expired.
Dow Chemical Company for: "Polymer Analysis," $8,000, Expired.
State of Texas Organized Research Fund for: "Chiral Recognition," $3,375., Expired.
Department of Energy for: "Use of Functionalized Surfactants," $10,500, Expired.
Dow Chemical Company for: "Polymer Analysis," $18,000, Expired.
Dow Chemical Company for: "Evaluation of CPC for Obtaining Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients," $8,500, Expired.
Texas Advanced Technology Research for: "Synthetic Membrane Technology," $335,000 (this grant funded four professors, D.W.A.'s share was $100,000), Expired August 31, 1987.
National Institute of Health for: "Chiral and Isomeric Discrimination via Derivatized Cyclodextrins," $300,000, Expired,
May 31, 1989.
Missouri Research Assistants Act Grant for: Novel Approaches for the Separation and Detection of Enantiomers,
Biopolymers and Oligomers in the Bioanalysis Laboratory Research Program," $169,000, Expired, July 30, 1989.
Dow Chemical Company for: "Determination of Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients by Centrifugal Partition
Chromatography", $29,933, Expired September 30, 1989.
Department of Energy for: "Use of Functionalized Surfactants and Cyclodextrins in Chemical Analysis, $216,000,
Expired, May 30, 1991.
Smokeless Tobacco Research Institute for: "Resolution & Transport of Nicotine Isomers via Cyclodextrin
Complexation," $150,000, Expired October 31, 1990.
Inexa Industria Extractora C.A., Quito Ecuador for: "HPLC Experiments with Datura Extract Using Mobile Phase",
$6,300, Expired.
Missouri Manufacturing Research and Training Center for: "Transport of Biologically Active Molecules Across Miquid-
Liquid Interfaces", $29,933, Expired September 30, 1990
Dow Chemical Company for: "New Methods for the Determination of Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients", $32,927,
Expired September 30, 1990.
Hoffmann-La Roche for: "Analytical Separation of Enantiomers", $6,000, Expired.
Shell Oil Company for: "Use of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography for Rapid Preparative-Scale Separations",
$25,000, Expired.
Weldon Spring Endowment for: Theoretical and Practical Importance of Chiral Recognition for Enantiomers with Little or No Functionality", $30,000, Expires April 30, 1992.
Monsanto Company for: "Removal of Trace Organic Compounds From Water via Cloud Point Extraction", $68,976,
Expires November 14, 1992.
American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund for: "Enantiomeric Biomarker Resolution and its Role in
Petroleum Research", $40,000, Expires August 1993.
Biotechnology Research and Development Corporation: "Novel Methods for Commercial Scale Enantiomeric
Separations", $229,440, Expires April 1, 1993.
National Institute of Health for: "Chiral Recognition and Separation via Ordered Media", $439,135, Expires June 30,
Department of Energy for: "Molecular Recognition of Enantiomeric Hydrocarbons by Liquid Functionalized
Cyclodextrins: A New Approach for Geochemical Research", $216,000, Expires May 1994.
Monsanto-Center for Environmental Science and Technology (CEST) (These funds obtained for CEST by DWA were, at the company's insistence, tied directly to him), $1,000,000.
Department of Energy for: "A New Class of Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors for Stereochemical Analysis", $220,000
Expires Sept. 1997.
EPA for: "Pollution Prevention and Enhancement of Biodegradability via Isomer Elimination in Consumer Products",
$390,000 Expires Sept. 1998.
Smokeless Tobacco Research Council : “Identification of Enantiomeric Compounds in Smokeless Tobacco and Their
Biological Effects in Cells”, $150,000, Expires June 30, 2000.
Plant Science for: "Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules", $45,000, Expires June 30, 2003.
Biotech Council for: "Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules", $100,000, Expires June 30, 2003
NIH for: "Macrocyclic Antibiotic Mediated Chiral Recognition and Enantioselective Separations", $700,000, Expires
Jan. 2004.
Keck Proposal, $3,000,000 (DWA is one of ten investigators).
NIH for: Minority Supplement for "Macrocyclic Antibiotic Mediated Chiral Recognition and Enantioselective
Separations", $190,000, Expires Dec. 31, 2005.
NIH for : “Separating Microbes in the Manner of Molecules”, $511,000, Expires December 31, 2006
State Department: ~ $30,000, Expires January 31, 2005
BRC (Ames Lab) – collaborating with John Verkade: $125,000, Expires June 30, 2004
Glaxo-SmithKline: $100,000/year, Expires December 2005
Caldwell Fund for DWA Discovery and Research, ~$90,000/yr, no expiration.
Pfizer: $25,000/year, No expiration date.
Pfizer: $50,000/year, Expires December 2005.
Pfizer: $60,000/year, Expires January 2009.
CCAT – collaborating with Richard Larock: ~$30,000
NIH for : “Enantiomeric Separations”, $1,396,500, Expires January 2011
Supelco: $24,500/year, No expiration date.
Alcon: $55,000/year, No expiration date.
SBIR – NIH: $139,000, Expires April 2013.
SBIR – Department of Agriculture: $100,000, Expires June 2013
Robert A. Welch: $125,000/year since 2006, No expiration date.
Supelco: $25,500, No expiration date.