CAF-Training-Info-pack-2015... - Halton Safeguarding Children Board

CAF Training 2015
The Early Intervention Locality Teams can provide personal CAF Support in
order to support you with completion of the CAF and adopting the Lead
Professional role. Professionals can request this support and become involved
with the CAF process without any classroom training.
There is an introductory classroom based training available for professionals to
back-up the practical advice and support available, however not having
attended this course does not preclude a professional from initiating a CAF or
becoming Lead Professional, with appropriate support.
Professionals should only attend this training if they intend undertaking a CAF
in the near future and should discuss this with their agency line manager before
applying for a place.
You will find the following information in this pack:
 A training schedule
 Further details of the training
 A booking form which must be either signed or emailed in by your line
CAF Training 2015
12th May
09.30 – 25
Karalius Suite, Select
Stadium, Widnes
25th November
09.30 – 25
Karalius Suite, Select
Stadium, Widnes
Training is available for free; however you will be sent course
materials after the training electronically and will need to print these
yourself, should you require paper copies.
HBC cancellation policy applies.
Lunch is not available throughout the training.
CAF Training
Who should attend?
 Staff across the children’s workforce who need to identify and
support children and families at level 2 on Halton Levels of Need,
including practitioners, managers and information officers.
 Staff working with children and families who will offer support via the
CAF and will act as Lead Professional.
 Professionals who would like to gain additional underpinning
knowledge once they have been supported via a CAF Support
Worker to complete a CAF / become Lead Professional.
 Context
 Structure in Halton
 Halton Levels of Need
 Lead Professional Role
 Future support
This training aims to provide a brief outline of the reasons for
employing preventative strategies when working with children and
families. The local framework in Halton for early intervention is
explained. The Halton Levels of Need are highlighted, however it is
expected that attendees will already have an awareness in this area
before attending the session. An introduction to the CAF process and
documentation is provided alongside an overview of the Lead
Professional role.
CAF Training Booking Form
Date of course (delete as
12th May / 19th November
Job Title:
Phone Number:
Access requirements:
Approved by – name:
Approved by – position:
Please submit applications electronically to: