Toward Ultracold CaF
B. Hemmerling1,2, H.-I Lu2,3, E. Chae1,2, G. K. Drayna1,2,4, I. Kozyryev1,2, A. Ravi1,2
and J. M. Doyle1,2,*
of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Center for Ultracold Atoms, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
02138, USA
4Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
The prospects of novel physics employing polar cold molecules encompass
quantum computing and simulations, controlled ultra-cold chemistry and precision
measurements. However, a method liable to bring a general class of chemically
diverse molecules to the ultracold regime still needs to be developed. We report on
the progress of experiments to bring a sample of CaF molecules to the milli-Kelvin
regime. A cryogenic Helium buffer-gas cell [1,2] serves as a versatile and flexible
source for molecules (e.g. CaF, CaH, ThO, SrF, YO, … ), producing cold, slow and
bright molecular beams with typical forward velocities of ~150m/s (single-stage cell)
and ~70m/s (two-stage cell) with ~10^9 molecules/sr/ablation pulse.
In a first experiment, a cold molecular beam of CaF will be loaded into a few
Tesla deep magnetic trap using optical loading techniques. Since the scattering of a
few photons is sufficient for optical pumping, this method does not rely on cycling
transitions, which are in general absent in molecules. Simulations indicate loading
efficiencies on the order of ~0.1%. Once CaF is trapped, a second atomic species,
namely Li, will be simultaneously loaded to study collisions and the feasibility of its
use for sympathetic cooling of CaF [2].
We also discuss the implementation, in a second experiment, of a magnetooptical trap (MOT) of CaF. We plan to load the trap directly from the buffer-gas
source, which provides a portion of molecules below the capture velocity. As a
precursor, we successfully implemented the first buffer-gas loaded MOT of Yb using
only an additional slowing laser; its lifetime was measured to be ~40 ms. We further
propose a scheme for the laser cooling and confinement of CaF molecules, following
an approach similar to those used in the cooling of SrF and YO [3,4].
[1] H.-I Lu, et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 18986 (2011)
[2] N.R. Hutzler, et al., Chem. Rev. 112, 4803 (2012)
[3] T. V. Tscherbul, et al., Phys. Rev. A 84, 040701(R) (2011)
[4] E.F. Shuman, et al., Nature 467, 820 (2010).
[5] M.T. Hummon, et al., arXiv:1209.4069 [physics.atom-ph] (2012)