tender specification for equipment, tender ref:ciit/epc/02 (2015-16)

TENDER REF:CIIT/EPC/02 (2015-16) 02 /PHM
Item Name
Description of Itmes
Analytical HPLC
1. Pump: Quaternary Pump
 Flow Range : 0.001 to 10.0 ml/min in 0.001
ml/min increment
 Flow Accuracy : ± 1% or ≤± 10 µl/min
 Flow Precision : ≤ ± 0.07% RSD
 Pressure Rang : 0-40 MPa up to 5 ml/min 0 - 20
MPa up to 10 ml/min
 Gradient Delay volume : 600-900 µl (includes
2. Vacuum Degasser for solvent degassing
3. Sampler Injector:
a. Manual Sampler: Up to 100 µL sample
b. Auto sampler
 Injection range upto 100 μL in 0.1 μL increments
 Replicate injections 1 – 99 from one vial
 Precision Typically < 0.25 % RSD of peak areas
from < 5 μL to 100 μL Typically < 1 % RSD of
peak areas from 1 μL to 5 μL
 Minimum sample volume 1 μL from 5 μL sample
in 100 μL microvial,
 Carryover Typically < 0.1 %, < 0.05 % with
external needle cleaning
 Sample capacity 90 × 2 mL vials in 1 tray or
 Injection cycle time 50 s for draw speed 200
μL/min, ejection speed 200 μL/min, injection
volume 5 μL
 Safety features Leak detection and safe leak
handling, low voltages in maintenance areas, error
detection and display
 GLP features Early maintenance feedback (EMF),
electronic records of maintenance and errors
 Pressure Operating range 0 - 40 MPa (0 - 400 bar)
4. Column Compartment/Oven
 Temperature Range 10o C below ambient to 65o C
or better
 Temperature Accuracy ± 0.1- 0.8 oC (preferred ±
0.1 o C)
 Column Capacity : Three ≥ 25 Cm columns
5. Detector (Should have the option to add on/use other
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A. Photo Diode Array Detector
 Wavelength range : 190-800 nm or more will be
 Wavelength accuracy : ± 1 nm, self calibration
 Slit width : fixed or Programmable 1,2,4,8 and 16
nm slit width will be preferred
 Short term Noise: +/- 0.7x 10-5 AU at 254 nm
 Drift :< 0.9x 10-3 Au/h at 254 nm or Better
 Detector Types: 512 element Diode Array or more
diodes will be preferred
 Data Rate: up to 20HZ or Better
 Light Source : Deuterium lamp, tungsten lamp and
Hg Lamp
 Diode Width: ‹ 1 nm
 Standard flow cell of 10 mm
 Time programmable: Wavelength, polarity, peak
width, lamp bandwidth, autobalance, wavelength
range, threshold, spectra storage mode
 GLP features: RFID for electronics records of flow
cell and UV lamp conditions & early maintenance
feedback (EMF) for continuous tracking of
instrument usage in terms of lamp burn time with
user settable limits and feedback messages, and
data recovery card.
 Range: Can be set between 0.0001 and 2.56 AUFS
in 0.0001 .
B. Electrochemical Detector
Detection Method: Amperometric, DC with 3 electrode potentiostat
Working Electrode: Standard single graphite. Optional dual working electrode wi
Applied Potential Range: -2,000 mV ~ +2,000 mV in increments of 1mV
Auto Zero Function: -1,000 nA ~ +1,000 nA, resets in less than 0.7 sec. Each dete
Reference Electrode: Ag / AgCl
Counter Electrode: Stainless Steel 316
Cell Volume: Active area = 1 μL. Outlet has 100 μL reservoir
Inlet Tubing OD: 1/16 inch
6. System should be quoted with software to control and
monitor the HPLC system.
7. Quoted System must be able to upgrade with MS
detector (Triple Quadruple (QQQ) and QTOF).
a) Suitable Online UPS for uninterruptable running of
HPLC for 30 min in case of power failure.
b) Computer with printer (latest configuration) to run the
9. Column : 5 Nos
A. C 18 Analytical Reverse Phase Column – 2 Nos.
Dimension (mm): 250X4.6 ( 5 micron ) with Guard col.
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B. C 8 Analytical Column Reverse Phase Column – 2
Nos. Dim.(mm) : 250 X 4.6 ( 5 micron ) with Guard col.
C 18 (ODS) Analytical Reverse Phase Column – 1 Nos.
Dim.(mm): 150 X 2.0 ( 5 micron) with Guard col.
10. Warranty : Comprehensive 2 year warranty covering
all spare parts and labor.
HPLC System
er with cells
isolating enzymes
1. Solvent Delivery System : HPLC Preperative Pump.
Flow rate: 0.01 to 150 ml/min. Plunger capacity: 250uL.
Flow rate accuracy: Less than + or – 1 %. Maximum
discharge pressure: 42MPa (0.01 to 100 ml/min. ).
Gradient: high pressure upto ternary gradient operation.
Concentration adjustment: 0-100%, 0.1% steps.
2. Sampling System and Column Organizer: Manual
Injector. 20uL, 100uL, 1 mL, 2mL and 5 mL Loops to be
provided. With mixer and Preparative Column Organizer.
3. Detector: Dual Wavelength UV-VIS Detector :
Wavelength 190 nm – 900 nm. Wavelength accuracy: + or
– 1 nm and wavelength reproducibility: + or – 0.1 nm.
Drift : Less than 1 X 10 -4 AU
4. Fraction Collector : Drive system. Arm movement ( X01 No
Y) system capable of collecting upto 64 fractions.
Collection method: Solenoid. Collection modes:
Programmable mode, Time mode, Overlapping peak
collection mode, Off-scale detector signals mode, ratio
chromatogram mode.
5. Preperative HPLC Column : 2 Nos. C 18 Reverse
Phase Preparative Column. Dim: 250 X 20 mm.
6. HPLC Software : Necessary software package to
control HPLC.
7. HPLC Computer Hardware: Branded computer like
Dell or HP with laser printer.
8. Warranty: Comprehensive 2 year warranty covering all
spare parts and labor
Measurement wavelength range : 190nm to 1100nm
Spectral bandwidth
: 1nm
Wavelength accuracy
: ± 0.1nm (656.1 nm, D2), ± 0.3 nm (all regions)
Wavelength repeatability
: ± 0.1nm
Wavelength feed rates:
Wavelength slew rate
: about 6000nm/min
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Wavelength scan rate
: about 3000nm/min to 2nm/min
Light source switching
Automatic switching linked to wavelength.
Switching wavelength freely set within the
range of 295 to 364 nm (in 0.1 nm units)
Stray light
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Less than 0.02% (220nm, NaI)
Less than 0.02% (340nm, NaNO2)
Less than 1% (198nm, KCl)
Photometric system : Double-beam measurement system
Photometric range
: -4 to 4 Abs
: 0 to 400% T
- Optical System: Double beam
- Photometric Accuracy: ±0.3%T (0~100%T), ±0.002A (0~1A)
- Photometric Reproducibility: ≤0.15%T
- Working mode: T, A, C, E
- Detector: Silicon photo-diode
Power Lab
Teaching Force
: 0.00005 Abs max. (700 nm)
Baseline flatness
: ± 0.0006 Abs (200 to 1100nm)
Light source
: 20 W halogen lamp, deuterium arc
: Czerny-Turner monochromator Uses blazed
holographic grating
10mm Absorption Cell (Fused Silica ) 04
- Automatic 10mm 8-cell holder, changeable to
automatic 5mm-50mm 4-position cell holder for
more choices.
- Data output can be obtained via a printer port and
a RS-232 interface (RS485 and USB port
- Parameters and data can be saved for user’s
- PC controlled measurement can be achieved for
more accurate and flexible requirement.
Analog input channels 4, 16 bit data acquisition with
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 Force transducer with a resolution of ±2 mg
using a 360 Ohm strain-gauge
 Bridge Amp: a software-controlled, non-isolated
bridge amplifier for use with strain gauges,
pressure and force transducers and other DCpowered transducers.
 High performance isotonic displacement
transducer for use with organ bath systems and
used to measure displacement with pre-adjusted
loads in the range of ±15o
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Cutting Stroke
: 65mm
Maximum Advance Speed : 2,400 um / s
Section Thickness Range : 0.5 - 100 um
Trim Thickness Range
: 2 - 100 um
Retraction Range
: 0 - 125 um
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Complete Rotary
System with
Vacuum Pump,
Controller and
Chiller (Same
Rotary Evaporator:
 Vertical Glass Assembly (Condenser, Vapour, Stop
cock, seals)
 Water Bath
 1000 ml receiving flask & evaporating flask.
Vacuum Pump
 Capacity (DIN 28432): 1.8 m3/h
 No of Steps (heads): 2(2)
 Connection: GL 14
 Pump motor: DC, brushless
 Nom. Speed: Max. 1600 min-1
Vacuum Controller
 Measuring range:1400 - 0 (±10) mbar
 Control range: 1100 - 1 (±5) mbar
 Measuring principle: Capacitive, absolute pressure
measurement independent of gas type.
 Accuracy of measurement: +/- 2mbar (+/- 1 digit)
 Thermal response: 0.07 (±5) mbar/K
 Ambient temperature range: +10°C to +40°C
 Display: Graphic LCD
Recirculation Chiller
 Voltage: 220-240 V
 Temperature range: 10°C flx
 Working range: 10°C flx
 Pump capacity: 2.5 l min
 Tank volume: 3 liter
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