Manchester Education Partnership
Children’s Services
Unit YG
How are our toys different from those in the past? 1 Pupils could:
Writing Opportunities
- Write a report of a visit into school by Toy Museum
- Write captions to describe toys
What were homes like a long time ago?
What were seaside holidays like in the past?
Why do we remember Florence Nightingale?
How do we know about the Great Fire of London
1 Pupils could:
- Write a report of houses seen on a locality field work walk
- Make a list of similarities and differences comparing modern houses with old houses from the local area.
1/ 2 Pupils could:
- Produce a ‘Victorian style’ postcard
- Write a chronology of postcards from 1900 and what the picture tells about the change in holidays
- Write questions to ask a visiting speaker + Interview notes from the visitor about seaside holidays in the past
- Write captions for souvenirs of holidays form the past and the present
2 Pupils could:
- Write questions and answers to find out what Florence Nightingale did
- Produce a word bank of adjectives to describe Florence Nightingale’s qualities
- Write a short story about Florence Nightingale’s work and answeri the qustion
‘Why we remember Florence Nightingale?’
2 Pupils could:
- Write a report/ diary from the viewpoint of Samuel Pepys
- Write a diary of events as someone living at the time
- Produce an annotated timeline of the main events in the story of the fire
What are we remembering on Remembrance
Invaders: A Roman Case Study
Invaders: A Saxon Case Study
Invaders: A Viking Case Study
Manchester Education Partnership
Children’s Services
2 Pupils could:
Writing Opportunities
- Write a letter from a soldier in the trenches to his family back home
- Write a short explanation (2 – 3 sentences) – What do we remember on
Remembrance Day? Why?
3/ 4 Pupils could:
- Research how did the Romans change Britain? In groups, they research different aspects of Roman life to produce their own short report of an aspect of Roman Life OR working in groups, pupils answer the question ‘What was life like in Roman Times?’ as a report.
- Write a description of Boudd icca either as a report or as part of a ‘Wanted
Poster’ linked to her revolt against the Romans
3/ 4 Pupils could:
- Research what was life like at Sutton Hoo? In groups, they research different aspects of Saxon life to produce their own short report of an aspect of Saxon
Life OR working in groups, pupils answer the question ‘What was life like in
Saxon Times?’ as a report.
- Write a report about the discovery of the grave at Sutton Hoo as a front page headline newspaper report.
3/ 4 Pupils could:
- Research what evidence is there that the Vikings settled in Britain? In groups, pupils research different aspects of Viking life to produce their own short report of an aspect of Viking Life OR working in groups, pupils answer the question
‘What was life like in Viking Times?’ as a report.
- Write a short story about a Viking raid on a monastery
Manchester Education Partnership
Children’s Services
Why did Henry VIII marry six times?
What were the differences between the lives of rich and poor in Tudor Times?
What was it like for children in WW2?
What can we find out about Ancient Egypt from what has survived?
3/ 4 Pupils could:
Writing Opportunities
- Use portraits of Henry VIII to list describing words and then write a description of Henry VIII as a young man; as an older man.
- Write different views of Henry VIII - FOR and AGAINST him. Was he a good or bad king?
- Write a short biography of Henry VIII’s life, using headings to structure the account – description, interests, wives, the Pope, etc ….
3/ 4 Pupils could:
- Write a description of Tudor life based on 2 secondary sources of information about life in Tudor Times
- Ask the pupils to compare the lives of rich and poor in Tudor Times in a table comparing different aspects of life – homes, clothes, food, health, work, leisure
3/ 4 Pupils could:
- Write a letter home from an evacuee
- Write in 1940’s style vocabulary and language about being an evacuee
- Write a front page newspaper report announcing that Britain has gone to war
- Write a glossary of key words relating to the war
3/ 4 Pupils could:
- Write a description about an aspect of life in Ancient Egypt using the source material/ objects to help them.
- Compare the lives of rich and poor people in Ancient Egypt
- Produce a piece of extended writing: What can we learn about Ancient Egypt from what has survived?
What was it like to live here in the past? (Unit 18)
Local History Study (Unit 12)
Manchester Education Partnership
What was it like for children living in Victorian
Children’s Services
3/ 4 Pupils could:
Writing Opportunities
- Write questions that they would ask a local person about what the local area was like in the past? (+ answers)
- Write short stories/ descriptions/ reports of an aspect of life in the past in the locality – a building, a person, an event
- In groups, write a short history of the local area, focusing on key people and events
- Produce annotated timelines of key events in the history of the local area
- Produce an annotated wall display of drawings, pictures, photographs and maps of the history of the local area
- Record how aspects of life in the local area have changed over time – buildings, land-use
- Write a short report about the physical remains of the Victorian period in the local area (+ drawings)
5/ 6 Pupils could:
- Write a short story/ narrative (in role) as a child working in a factory
- Write a short biography about someone who helped to improve the lives of children in Victorian Times – Lord Shaftesbury; Dr. Barnado
- Compare their own lives with those of Victorian children related to school and leisure.
How has life changed in Britain since 1948?
Manchester Education Partnership
Who were the Ancient Greeks?
How do we use Ancient Greek ideas today?
Children’s Services
5/ 6 Pupils could:
Writing Opportunities
- Write their questions to ask relatives/ visitors about aspects of life in Britain since 1948 (+ answers)
- Produce a table comparing aspects of life in Britain since 1948 with the present day – work, home life, popular culture, population, technology
- Write a detailed report of how 1 aspect of life (from those above) has changed since 1948. Pupils write a short presentation of this aspect to make to the rest of the class.
5/ 6 Pupils could:
- Write a report/ account/ table comparing life in Athens with life in Sparta
- Write an account of the Battle of Marathon from the point of view of either an
Athenian, or a Spartan, in the battle.
- Produce a table of Greek Gods and why/ what they were worshipped for
5/ 6 Pupils could:
- Write a report/ table comparing Greek schools with schools today
- Write a report, in the form of an interview/ newspaper report, TV broadcast about the Greek Olympics
- Produce a list/ table of the main things we have learned from the Ancient
Greeks (bulleted pointed list)
How can we find out about the Indus Valley civilisation?
What were the effects of Tudor exploration?
The life of a famous person (recent history)
Manchester Education Partnership
Children’s Services
5/ 6 Pupils could:
Writing Opportunities
- Research what life was like in Mohenjo Daro? In groups, pupils research different aspects of life in the Indus Valley to produce their own short report of an aspect of life in the Indus Valley OR working in groups, pupils answer the question ‘What was life like in the Indus Valley?’ as a report.
- W rite labels, captions and background information for a ‘museum display’ about the evidence they discovered about life in the Indus Valley.
5/ 6 Pupils could:
- Retell the story of Drake’s voyage around the world as a report/ recount/ diary/ interview with him after the voyage
- Research the different Tudor explorers and produce a short report/ table of their achievements.
5/ 6 Pupils could:
- Produce a timeline (annotated) of the life of the person they are studying.
- Write a biography of the person they are studying documenting the key events and achievements in their life, and explaining why they are important – what impact they had?